Overhead scars treatment. The disease, which is absolute contraindication for massage. Scars do not disappear, but they become poor

Massage for diseases of the musculoskeletal system Svetlana Ustelimova

Massage in burns and frostbite

Massage exposure is subject to a damaged area after complete epithelialization and in the scarring period.

Massage activates lymph and blood flow, contributes to the dissolution of scars, improves mobility, reduces pain, stimulates rehabilitation processes in damaged tissues, increases immunity.

Stop massage from stroking and rubbing the area around the place of damage. Then proceed to stroking and rub the area of \u200b\u200bdamage (scar) directly. It is recommended to use the following techniques: sawmills, nipper stroking, rubbing, kneading, shift and stretching, pressure, labile continuous vibration (Fig. 14). After a while, it is possible to introduce intermittent vibration: puncturing, finger-powered, as well as shaking the entire limb or concussion.

14. Labylon continuous vibration The duration of the procedure depends on the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, its location and the degree of violation of the functions. Course treatment - 10-15 procedures. After a break in 1 month or a few days, a re-course is shown - 7 - 10 sessions. Massage is performed daily or every other day.

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12.3.4. Remedy for burning drugs to assist in burns 5.1.1.,, 5.2.? include funds with protective, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anesthetic, wound-healing effect. Urgent assistance aidfts

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Massage with thermal burns

Indications: burns of II-III and degree during the reconvaluation period (fourth period of burn disease) from the moment of the full or almost complete closure of granulating surfaces of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the scarring stage; Massage is prescribed before and after the skin-plastic operations carried out to eliminate scar deformations and severe contractures using the transplant operation of the Filatovsky stem. Segmental-reflex massage with thermal burns is used in the acute period of injury to eliminate pain, removal of inflammatory edema, reducing the tissue acidosis and preventing the transition of non-breaking (reflex) contractures to a persistent organic (cutting) contracture. In the restorative period, massage has a stimulating effect on the regenerative abilities and the function of the body. Normalizing the functional state of nervous and sympathetic-adrenal systems, massage increases the performance of protective mechanisms, helping the body in the fight against burn disease. The local massage prevents the development of scar-fibrous battles and reasons, increases the elasticity of the tissues involved in the pathological process, contributes to the prevention of the contractures of the joints and the full restoration of motor functions. The massage is processed to eliminate shock and after surgical treatment with a general satisfactory condition, at normal temperature and ESO.

Massage Plan. Impact on the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments and the reflexogenic zones of healthy areas of the skin bound by meta-chart relationships with foci of burn lesions, respiratory movements, exercises in the sending of pulses, movement in isometric mode. In the restorative period and the residual stage, the combination of segmental and reflex effects with a local massage.

Methodik . Massage begin to apply from the moment of purification of the wound from necrotic tissues and the formation of a distinct granulation barrier and the beginning of the epithelization of the burn surface. When the burning of the burn on the upper limbs massage the paravertebral innervation zones of the uppergrudny and cervical spinal segments (stroking, rubbing fingertips, stroke, sawing, longitudinal kneading, pressure, shift, stable vibration, gentle patting), back muscles, big chest, deltoid and front gear Muscles. Rubbing intercostal gaps, sterns, rib arcs and ridges of iliac bones. Compression, stretching and concreteness of the chest. When localizing the burn on the lower extremities, there are paravertebral innervation zones of lumbar and lower gerultic spinal segments, butorous muscles. Rubing the ridges of the iliac bones, the region of the sacrum and the hip joints. Shaking pelvis. Exercises in isometric mode, respiratory movements. When localizing the burn on the torso, massage is carried out on the limbs, affecting unaffected skin sections. When localizing the burn in the places of bending surfaces of the joints, with the front of the front surface of the chest, spreading to the armpum, massage and movement are combined with the treatment of the position. Along with the massage of centrally located body segments, to activate the lymph and blood flow in the lesion focus, stimulation of regeneration processes carefully massage muscles on the opposite localization of the burn side (antagonists). These muscles are usually susceptible to stretching and weakening the tone, which contributes to the coming bunching and fibrous tissue tissue, including the formation of tightness of the joints. Massage consists of impacts aimed at stimulating the contractile function of stretched and weakened muscles: deep stroking, rubbing tendons, sawing, crosses, planing, transverse kneading, muscle stimulation (consisting of rhythmic shifts), stable vibration, patting. On the side of the burn Muscle massage is carried out with gentle techniques, bypassing the wound surface, robust stroking at a slow pace, shallow with a small amplitude and at a slow pace rubbing fingers, nipper crossing, stroking at a slow pace with short forward movements; Vibration stroking, point vibration, shake. Shifting in different directions of granulating sections with tissue with capture or pressing on healthy skin; Rubbing fingertips and stroke healthy tissues around wound massage of joints covered by contracture. Active and passive movements. The burning surface massage is proceeded in the scarring stage. After exposure to heat paraffin-oil applications, apply: stroking, rubbing fingertips, stroke, crosses and mistress, sawing, plugging, twitching, longitudinal and transverse kneading, stretching, shift, stable labile vibration, stroke, shocking, acting, stretching exercises . With persistent contractures - redressing movements. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 20 minutes, daily or every other day. With burns are effective underwater soul massage.

Fir-switched cocked skin changes are most significant after burning 3 degree. They are the reaction of the body in the form of substitution of the connective (scar) cloth of normal skin structures in response to deep damage and destruction of its structure. When solving the question of how to remove the scar from the burn, you have to take into account their huge variety. It is due to:

  • type of scarmets - Norotroflicic, hypertrophic,;
  • severity - painting, as well as the height or depth of the location relative to the level of the surface of the healthy skin;
  • area and shape;
  • localization and influence on functional disorders;
  • terms of existence.

Treatment of scars after burn

From the open parts of the body often the face is damaged. The aesthetic and functional consequences after the face burn are of great importance, since the process can be involved in the process, and / or lower lip, cheeks, ear sinks, chin, submandibular zone. In this regard, the choice as adequate as possible and, if possible, the most effective way of correction in order to improve the appearance is particularly important.

How to treat post-commens, and what methods can you get rid of them?

There are surgical methods, means for outdoor use (gels, creams, ointments), injecting and hardware techniques.

With extensive burns 3 degrees, the main task is to restore lost functions with simultaneous elimination (as far as possible) negative aesthetic consequences of burns. Often to achieve the necessary results with conservative methods, especially with coarse scars, leading to functional disorders, is rather difficult or impossible. In these cases, the help of dermatoshururgov, plastic surgeons and cosmetologists needed.

Plastic Operations and Invasive Cosmetology Procedures

The main task of surgical treatment is the removal of scars from burns that are unabled or knowingly not subject to correctional conservative methods, as well as violating the functions of certain organs (eyeliner, the narrowing of the entrance to the oral cavity, limiting the volume of the limbs, etc.).).

In such cases, the types of correction depends on the severity of the defeat. It may be a simple excision of the scar, its excision with mobilization of surrounding healthy fabric, transplanting skin flaps, as well as the use of various methods of modern plastic microsurgery.

After eliminating coarse defects, aesthetic correction is carried out by dermatosorghi and cosmetologists, which own surgical methods of skin correction:

  • microcrystalline (by means of special cutters) and;
  • cryodestruction;

Wide use of plastic surgery methods is impossible, since they are limited to strict indications, contraindications and possible complications. In addition, many of them are quite expensive.

Laser ablation of burn scars

Laser grinding scar from burn

Local drugs

Popular forms are very popular for outdoor use, such as ointment, cream, gel with scars from burns and other types of damage. They are easily accessible and sold in pharmacies without recipes. The active ingredient can be introduced into the necessary region also through procedures and ultrafoforesis carried out in physiotherapy offices. To this end, you can also purchase relatively inexpensive compact devices for use at home.

In terms of its composition, drugs for external use are different and may contain enzymes and surface active substances, hormonal components, vitamins and minerals, vegetable essential oils, etc.

They are applied to wounds, already covered with a epithelial layer, and are used, mainly as preventive tools from the formation of scars after burns, as well as during the formation of the latter, sometimes with the existing hypertrophic scars limited and size and in addition to surgical treatment. . These drugs contribute to improved blood circulation, the synthesis of normal collagen, the elimination of itching, the prevention of redness and infection, the softening of still gentle scar tissue and eliminating the feeling of the "stripping" of the skin on the affected area.

"Hepariny ointment" or ointment "Countebex"

It is used to dissolve scars after burns that are mainly in the early stages of formation. The components of the latter are heparin, allantoin and onion extract sera.

Heparin, in addition to anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, has a property to moderately suppress the briefing of the connective tissue and contributes to its saturation of water molecules, making softening the scar changes.

Allantoin has a keratolytic effect, as a result of which the horny layer is extended faster, blood circulation improves, the tissue permeability increases for the active components of ointments and for water, the ability of tissues to hold water is improved. Luke extract, possessing anti-inflammatory and fibrinolytic effect, suppresses the growth of fibroblasts, connective tissue cells involved in the formation of a rigid scar.

"Kelofibrase" and "Medherma"

A similar effect is the Kelofibraz cream, the active substances of which are urea, heparin and D-camphor, as well as Mederma gel, which includes the same components as "counterfex", with the exception of heparin. The gel is designed primarily for the prevention and correction of "fresh" atrophic scars.

Gels and sprays based on liquid silicone

Gels and sprays are also available, the main components of which are silicone dioxide and polysiloxane (silicone compound). After applying on the scarsing surface, they are polymerized, forming a peculiar "breathing", pressing and movable when shifting the skin.

It contributes to the preservation of the water balance, normalization of collagen synthesis, preventing the growth of connective tissue in the application area, smoothing the scar and penetration of drugs into it. In addition, these tools reduce the irritation of fabrics, the sensation of itching and "struts".

These drugs include:

  • gel and spray "Kelo-cat";
  • skarguard liquid cream - further comprises a hydrocortisone glycorticosteroid, which has anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative properties and a decrease in the swelling of tissues and the sensation of itching, as well as vitamin "E", which is a powerful antioxidant and component that promotes nutrition, mitigating and lightening tissues; Cream is recommended to reduce the severity of the old and prevention of the formation of new scars;
  • gel "Dermatics", consisting of polysiloxanes and silicon dioxide; Recommended by the developer as an effective means of prevention and decrease in the severity of scars of various prescription and complexity.

These funds in practice are quite effective, but mainly for the prevention and treatment of "fresh" and "delicate" scar tissue.

Massage with burns It is done to eliminate scars, contractures, pain, swelling, normalizing sensitivity in the affected areas and improve the overall condition of the patient.

Massage begin after the affected area will be cleaned of necrotic tissues. Perform gently, gently, gradually the intensity of massage is increased. Use receptions: Stroking finger tips, rubbing, stroking, sawmills, longitudinal kneading, shift, gentle patting all sections around the burn border. Massage is widely used before and after the skin-plastic operations carried out in order to eliminate scar deformations. Segmental and reflex massage with thermal burns are used in the acute period to eliminate pain, removal of inflammatory edema. As it improves, exercise is involved first passive, then active.

Under frostbitethe technique is the same as for burns, and depends on the place, area and degree of lesion. Massage reduces pain and improves the overall and local blood and lymphorage, normalizes the metabolism. It warns contractures and stagnation in the joints, contributes to the increase in the tone of the whole organism.

With rapid scars On the abdominal wall, massage is performed using ointment (talc, white boric vaseline) so as not to damage the gentle scar tissue. Takes are performed smoothly, rhythmically, slowly, with a small pressure force and painlessly. First, plane stroking and alternate rubbing around the scar on healthy fabrics are used, and then go to the massage of the scar itself. Here we use stroking by pads of one or more fingers, zigzag rubbing, stroking, shifting, and further plugging, twitching, squeezing and stretching and stretching. With old, increasing scars, do not use ointment, as the masseur fingers will slip from the scar and will reduce the efficiency of the massage. Massage is performed on the same technique, but with greater power of the hands of the massage therapist. The duration of massage on each site is 5-10 minutes daily. Course 15 procedures.

In case of adhesive process In the abdominal cavity, massages are used to eliminate pain, preventing the development of coarse scar tissue and to improve or preserve mobility of soft tissues. Spikes in the abdominal cavity massage quite deeply, vigorously, but carefully. Pre-massage the abdominal press using all massage techniques. After a deep spiral-like rubbing with four fingers at the site of the projection of adhesions on the front abdominal wall. The massage therapist is obliged to ensure that during the massage the patient has no strong pain, monitor the state of A / D. With too much and energetic massage, blood pressure can decrease and faint.

Burning and frostbite There are often in peacetime as domestic and professional damage or as a result of terrorist acts. They are combined by damage to the skin, loss of skin functions (barrier, protective, sweating, respiratory, excretory, bactericidal, formation of biologically active substances). Local changes are always combined with the overall response of the body, since all organs and systems participate in the pathological process. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about burn disease Which develops with extensive or deep burns. The development of the disease is influenced by the state of the victim to the burn (illness, starvation, cooling, overwork, stress, etc.). Heavier flows in children and the elderly. The lesion area is important (more than 10% of the burn leads to a burn disease, more than 50% is often fatalized), localization (neck, crotch and other pain surfaces are more dangerous), the depth of the lesion, etc. Around the depth of burns four degrees:

I degree - Pain, redness, light skin swelling. It passes without consequences, as there is no color of the fabrics.

II degree - Epidermis necrosis, which is peeled, transparent bubbles are formed, when supposedly - scars. It passes after 1.5-2 weeks with proper treatment.

III degree - Easy: The epidermis, papillary and partially sprout layers are dying. Heals the scars. Heavy: Necrosis of all layers of skin. Rough scars are formed, the function of the skin and internal organs is dramatically disturbed.

IV degree - The death of all skin and underlying fabrics. Healing does not occur, plastic leather transplant operations are performed (auto or homoplasty).

Causes of burns:flame, hot liquid, steam, molten metal, chemicals, electric current, light and radiation energy. The most severely believed burns from napalma Since this substance sticks to the skin, deep lesions are formed. Tissue temperature reaches 1500-2000 ° C. Light Burn arises in a nuclear explosion. Fireball, its light, creates light, infrared and ultraviolet rays. Such burns are more likely to have II and III degrees and addressed to the localization ball on the body. Radial burns are developing from the skin of radioactive substances; Skin protein degenerates. With III degree are affected by all the fabrics, as with thermal burn IV degree. Healing occurs with rude scars. These burns appear not immediately, but after 15-20 days. Complications of radiation burns are ulcerative lesions and malignant skin tumors.

The severity of the burn depends on: square, depth, its localization. Burn area is determined method "Palm" (Palm area of \u200b\u200bthe victim is an average of 1%) and method "Nine": (Hands conditionally make up each 9%, legs - 18%, head, neck - 9%, torso from behind and in front - by 18%, crotch - 1%, brush - 1%). With a large burn area, plasma is lost through a wound surface, blood is thickened, hypoxia is possible. The selection of urine decreases or stops, urgent renal failure is possible. The functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems are disturbed, congestive pneumonia, constipation is possible. Motor mode strict bedding to reduce tissue tension.

Burning disease proceeds in four stages.

Stage I - burn shock. Lasts 2-7 days. Conditionally divided into two substands: excitation and braking.

Stage II - Attachment of purulent infection, high temperature, blood infection (sepsis). The loss of protein is growing through the wound, blood loss, blood flow is disturbed. It is characterized by severe pain. The nervous system is depleted, psyche disorders are possible, hallucinations. Burning torso reduce the mobility of the chest, possibly shortness of breath, pleurisy, hepatitis, ulcerative processes.

III stage. After 1.5-2 months, burning exhaustion develops: weight loss up to 70%, breakdown, swelling, secondary atmosphere, diarrhea. Distrophy of all body tissues is developing, including myocardium. Dead tissue rejection is complicated by bleeding.

IV stage. If the exhaustion is insignificant, then recovery comes, if severe, as a rule, comes a fatal outcome. It is also possible in I, II and in the III stages. Prevention requires surgical treatment with skin transplantation.

With burn disease form anti -ols reflex contracts. Muscles are atrophy, their tone falls, even in healthy fabrics. Burns in the joints of the joints give external articular spikes and spikes of fabrics around the joints, movements are limited, there may be dislocations, bone resolution (osteoporosis), sublits, pathological fractures, neuritis, paresa. May occur complications: Burning scars, spikes, deformation of the affected area, long continuing changes in the functional state of internal organs and systems, disability of the victims.

Treatment:limited motor mode, processing of wounds open or closed methods, physiotherapy, antibiotics, blood transfusion or bloodstream fluids, diet, transplant operation of own or donor skin.

With a local burn (for example, limbs), massage is recommended. Massion healthy fabric from the first days of burn occurrence. If after burning there are scars, then include stretching exercises. Massage problem - improved blood and lymphotok, tissue metabolism; Mitigation of the scar (scars), giving them elasticity, mobility, restoration of the limb function.

Massage Methods Next:a massage of healthy tissues is carried out, in the presence of scars, their rubbing, stretching, shifting is provided. If there is no damage to the tissues on the back, then apply segmental massage techniques. The duration of the massage is 5-10 minutes. Course - 15-20 procedures.

Frostbite - the pathological condition of the long-term decrease in the temperature of the fabric under the influence of the cold. According to statistics, mortality in winter reaches 16%. Damage is possible on any part of the body, but more often develops at end portions of the body (limbs, nose, ears, feet). When frostbiz, blood flow is disturbed and hypoxia tissue occurs due to spasms of vessels, metabolic processes are reduced.

Distinguish four degrees of frostbies:

I degree - slight decrease in fabric temperature, sinusia (cyanosis) of leather, marble, swelling.

II degree - Characterist the appearance of bubbles with transparent content. The sprouting layer of the skin is not damaged, the scars are not developing.

III degree - Donation of the whole skin. Bubbles with bleeding content. The skin dies, coarse scars are formed.

IV degree - The death of the skin and tissues to the bones. With this degree treatment, as a rule, operational (skin transplantation).

Distinguish two frostbite periods: hidden (There are no signs of lesion) and jet period (Local and general changes are manifested in warm conditions). If the body temperature drops to 30-26 ° C, this is a common freezing: all functions are reduced, loss of consciousness. When the tissue temperature decreases to 24-25 °, a fatal exodus is possible. Emergency care is gradual warming of tissues.

Complications: The defeat of the joints, nervous trunks and internal organs.

LFK shown To all patients, regardless of the severity and place of defeat. Contraindications Temporary: shock, deep damage near large joints, nervous and vascular trunks, severe complications from the internal organs. After leaving these states, only special exercises are performed, and overseas exercises are performed in a minimum dosage.

LFK is often rehabilitated by the mechanism toning organism. Mandatory is the combination of local and general impact. After the burn shock, the engine is recommended with minimal load, breathing exercises. Active movements in the burn region are very carefully performed, as they stimulate the work of the heart due to the motor-cardial reflex, which is undesirable for the burn disease. The breathing exercises in combination with the movement of the abdominal wall reduce the risk of constipation and prevent the development of pneumonia. In addition, physical exercises stimulate the tone of the cortex of the brain, the shock braking and the risk of developing contractures due to the low-clear movements in the burn area. For heavy shock Only breathing exercises are allowed.

In II period Diseases are permissible special breathing exercises in order to prevent pneumonia.

In the acute development of complications (lesion of the liver, kidney), the FFC is canceled. Special burning exercises are aimed at preserving mobility in the joint area and to accelerate the healing of burn wounds (with a general threatening state, they are canceled).

IN III period The LFC is carried out for the prevention of hypodynine in unaffected areas. The load depends on the degree of overall exhaustion of the body, but the exercise is always carried out, only the load value changes.

IN IV period The exercise is aimed at creating compensation, adaptation to household and professional load. The load increases gradually.

Burning I degrees Requires exercises.

With burns II degree Exercises are performed on an increase in skin elasticity, to increase mobility in the joints after the etipalization of tissues; III and IV degree - Ope, special exercises for increasing the elasticity and mobility of tissues and joints.

If surgical treatment is shown, the LFC is carried out before and after the operation. Before surgery: Opera and preparation of the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bfabrics to the operation. After operation: Active movements on the muscular areas located above and below the operational field. Active movements in the region of the burn (especially during plastic) should be started not earlier than the 8-10th day. After the operation, immobilization of tissues is performed, but the leaf is obligatory. Deep damage, contractures require long-term development. After the procedure of therapeutic gymnastics, treatment is recommended (on rollers, tires, pillows, loops) to save the achieved effect. In the process of physical rehabilitation, ideasotor exercises are widely used, for stretching, relaxation; In the last period - on posture, applied, sports.

Peculiarity of the exercise are exercises with local and dosage muscular voltage that reduce the percentage of complications at the scene of the burn, form a scar, reduce the spikes. The active exercises in the burn zone are performed to light pain (these are exercises for stretching, with resistance, with projectiles (sponge, expander). Before active exercises, passive and exercises are performed in sending pulses to the patients themselves to light pain. Applied exercises include: dressing, undressing , combing, sewing, letter, drawing, crawling. Performance time ranges from 3-5 to 40 minutes. The technique of LFC depends also from localization burns.

Breeding: The scar lowers the mobility of the chest, the hypoxia of tissues is developing. From the first days breathing exercises are needed. Compensation is due to a diaphragmal respiration (in the position of bending the legs in the knee joints), the exercises are performed with an elongated exhalation.

On the hand: Contrast flexion in the elbow, bringing in the shoulder joint. Early active movements with a large amplitude and stretch exercise are recommended. The restoration of sensitivity uses exercises with objects different in shape, material, hardness, as well as for the development of household skills.

Foot burns: Because of the pain, tensions of the tissue decreases, it is difficult to walk, there may be sublits, edema legs when walking, tingling (exercises with crutches, mahu at the wall, climbing around the wall, crossing over items).

When frostbite, the main tasks for the restoration of the body are as follows: Increasing the total tone, prevention of local complications and from the internal organs, improving the nutrition of tissues, motor functions, accelerate the separation of live tissues from damaged, reducing edema.

As part of the first aid, it is necessary to conduct urgent gradual warming of tissues (hot drink, bath, heating). Massage is made with great care due to possible injury to damaged tissues.

The technique of LFC is similar to burns. Perhaps prosthetics after amputation. Preparation for it is carried out with the help of exercise: exercises with plastic objects, wood, metal; Smooth surfaces and roughness better restore sensitivity. The exercise is used in combination with physiotherapy, massage, hardening. Changes in deep tissues last for a long time, the LFC is performed until complete cure.

Massage when frostbite.With local frostbite, there is a massage of healthy fabrics. After the regeneration of the skin massage frostite surface, scars. With the frostbite of the fingers, a segmental and reflex massage is carried out. With the frostbiz of the fingers of the hands massage the cervical spine, then the shoulder and forearm, the toes of the legs are the lumbar spine, the berical muscles, thighs, shin and belly. Receptions are excluded: ration, harnessing. The duration of massage is 5-15 minutes depending on the localization and area of \u200b\u200bfrostbite. Course - 15-20 procedures. With a minor area of \u200b\u200bfrostbite (especially if they are localized on the periphery), the massage is shown with brushes in the bath (pool) or manual massage in the bath (water temperature 32-36 ° C).

Innovative LFC complex with body burns (first period)

I. p. - Lying on the back.

1. Slow bending and extension (alternate and simultaneous) fingers 3-4 times for each movement. Breathing free.

2. Alternate and simultaneous bending and extension in the ankle joints. Repeat 6-8 times. Breathing free.

3. Diaphragm breathing 30 s.

4. Divide the arms bent in the elbows and legs bent in the knee joints, to the sides, perform 2-4 slow deep breaths and exhalation, return to and. P. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. Make a deep breath, on breathing delay (2-3 s) lift their heads; return to and. P. , free breathing - 4-6 p. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. Turns of the head to the right and left 4-6 times. Breathing free.

7. Hands lie on the bed, are reserved to the sides. Deep breast breathing with elongated exhalation. 8-12 times.

8. Alternate and consistently simultaneous bending and extension of legs in the ankle, knee and hip joints. Repeat 6-8 times. Breathing free.

9. Alternate and simultaneous alternation of lifting and lowering straight hands up. Breathing arbitrary. Repeat 6-8 times.

10. Diaphragm breathing. 30 s.

11. Hands bent in the elbow joints. Active alternate bending and extension of fingers of hand 6-8 times. Next - simultaneous active sequential bending-extension of fingers and forearms. Repeat 4-6 times. Breathing free.

12. Free (thoracic and diaphragmal) breathing with an elongated exhalation of 30 s.

13. Raise the right shoulder from bed, right hand touch the left shoulder, turn left - exhale, and. P. - inhale. The same on the left side. Repeat 8-10 times.

14. Circular (unidirectional and multidirectional) movements in the ankle joints inside and the duck is 8-12 times. Breathing free.

15. Diaphragm breathing. 30 s.

Innovative complex of LFC in the burns of the upper extremities (second period)

I. p. - Lying on the back. Breathing free.

1. Easy bending, extension and rotation with healthy limbs in various joints. 10-15 p.

2. Simultaneous consecutive flexion and extension of fingers and forearm of both hands. Repeat 5-6 times.

3. Flexing, extension of the sore hand in the elbow joint with a healthy. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. Alternately (3-4 times for each leg) and simultaneous (3-4 times) leads and bringing straight feet. Breathing free.

5. Breast breathing, flexing in inhalation. 5-6 times.

6. Alternately (5-6 times for each hand) and simultaneous (6-8 times) flexion and extension of hands in the elbow joints. 5-6 times.

7. Alternate lifting and lowering of straight feet. 5-7 times.

8. "Walking" lying (with bending at the time of ending the legs forward) and extension (when returning to and. P.) Stop. Run 6-8 times.

9. Having a direct hand to the side with bending, extension and rotation of the brushes. 4-7 times each hand.

10. Contact (consistent, starting with thumbs) and simultaneous fingers. 6-10 times.

11. Flexing and extension of fingers. 10-12 times.

12. Raising the pelvis with a support on the foot, head and healthy hand. 4-6 times.

13. Hands bent in the elbows. Alternate and simultaneous circular movements in the rays-up joints in both directions. 4-6 times in each direction.

14. Meditative diaphragmal breathing. 20-25 s.

15. Hands bent in the elbow joints, supination and prostration of forearm and direct hands. 5-6 times each hand.

16. Lying on a healthy side, hand call - inhale; and. P - Exhale. 5-7 times. Next, the same with the connection of the movement of the same foot. 5-6 times.

17. Dosage (simultaneous 4-6 times) and consistent (6-8 times) lifting and lowering the adapter. Breathing free.

18. Mixed type meditative breathing with elongated exhalation. 40 s. It is possible to use the exercises listed in the complex, with the burns of the lower extremities.

Innovative occupation of therapeutic physical education with children of preschool age in bed with deep burns of lower extremities (in the postoperative period)

1. I. p. - Lying on the back. Bend hands in elbows, squeezing fingers; Take a hand, to break your fingers. 5-6 times. Breathing free.

2. I. p. - also. Lift the chest, leaning on the elbows and head - inhale; Lower the chest - exhale. 3-4 times. The pace is slow.

3. I. p. - also. Fingering Stop, extension of the fingers stop. 5-6 times. The tempo is medium. Breathing free.

4. I. p. - also. Circular movements footsteps outside - 5-7 s, the same inward - 5-7 s; Relaxation 8-10 s. Perform slowly, with a large amplitude. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. I. p. - also. Meditative diaphragmal breathing, putting his left hand on the chest, right on the stomach. 20-25 s. The tempo is medium.

6. I. p. - also. Bend the right leg by pressing it to the chest - exhalation; straighten - inhale; The same left; return to and. P. Perform an average pace, gliding the heel in bed. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I. p. - also. Meditative simultaneous bending and extension of legs. The pace is slow. Repeat 10-12 times.

8. I. p. - also. Go to the sitting position, legs straight, hands on the knees - exhale. Deep breath, return to and. P. , relaxation, free breathing 4-5 s. Repeat 3-5 times. Perform, drawing on the hands.

9. I. p. - Lying. Diaphragm breathing 10-15 p.

10. I. p. - also. Feet apart - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. 6-7 times. Perform slowly.

11. I. p. - The same with a support about the forearm. Exercise "Bike" 4 cycles, relaxation 3-4 s. Perform a large amplitude 3-4 times. Relaxation 10-12 p.

12. I. p. - also. Exercise "Bike" in the opposite direction. At the same time, the right foot works for straightening in the knee joint and extension in ankle, and left - on the contrary. As the flexible and infrossal functions of the feet are changing. 4-6 movements in each direction.

13. I. p. - Lying on the right side. Ahead of the left hand and legs - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. Repeat 4-5 times. Do not bend your hand and leg.

14. I. p. - Lying on the left side. Similar to the previous exercise. Repeat 4-5 times. Do not bend your hand and leg.

15. I. p. - Lying on the stomach, brushes, compressed in fists, at the level of shoulders. Rimming (slightly helping your hands) head and adapter - inhale. Return B. and. P. - Exhale. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is slow.

16. I. p. - also. Alternate lifting (inhalation) and lower legs, not bend. 3-4 times per leg. The tempo is medium.

17. I. p. - also. Based on the hands, bend the legs in the knee joint, bend - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. Repeat 4-5 times. Perform for greater amplitude.

18. I. p. - also. Simultaneous lifting head, shoulders and feet - inhale. Return B. and. P. - Exhale. 2-4 times. Fixation by 1-2 C in the Running position.

19. I. p. - Lying on the back. Movement of the legs "Brasss" 4-5 times. Legs raise at 20-30 cm.

20. I. p. - Lying on the back. Bend legs in the knees, meditative walking, with a small raising stop from bed, with alternate flexion and extension. 1 min.

21. I. p. - also. Meditative diaphragmal breathing. 20-25 s. Hands put on the belly.

22. I. p. - Sitting, tearing legs from bed. Lifting and lowering the heels, without taking off the floor socks; Lifting and lowering leg socks, without taking heels. Repeat 8-12 times.

23. I. p. - also. Using hands, bend legs in the knees, connect the foot soles - inhale; return to and. P. - Exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

24. I. p. - The same, hands on the knees. Spreading the knees with a lightly inferior resistance to legs to put the feet on the outer edge, bend with the stress fingers - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

25. I. p. - also. Straighten your feet - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. 4-5 times.

26. I. p. - also. Meditative walking. 1 min.

27. I. p. - Lying on the back. Hands to the side - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. Perform at a slow pace. 10-14 times.

28. I. p. - also. Bend at the same time right leg and left hand - inhale; fix this position with breathing delay; and. P. - Exhale. The same left foot and right hand. Repeat 3-4 times.

29. I. p. - also. In a state of meditation, bend legs, relax them, return to and. P. Perform - 10-15 p.

30. I. p. - also. Meditative diaphragm breathing 1 min.

Innovative LFC complex for burning lower limbs (recovery period)

I. p. - about. from. Breathing free.

1. Meditative walking with simultaneous rising hands to a horizontal level. 2-3 min.

2. Climb on socks, hands through the side up - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. 6-9 times.

3. Rotate right, right hand to the side - inhale, and. P. - Exhale. The same else. 6-8 times.

4. Tilt forward (forced breathing), and. P. - Exhale. 5-7 times.

5. Tilt with rotation to the right, left hand over head - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. The same else. 4-6 times in each direction.

6. Foot back, hands on the parties, bend - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. 5-8 times.

7. At the gymnastic wall, grip for the rail at the head level. Sit down - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. 3-5 times.

8. Counter-on (multi-legged legs and hands) Mahi in the frontal plane with flexing back. Only 6-8 times.

9. Lazagne on the gymnastic wall with a sequential name of the same name (for example, left hand and left foot) and a variepete movement of hands and legs: 3-4 lifting and descent on 3-4 steps.

10. Lazagne on the gymnastic wall with a sequential (for example, the left hand and right leg) movement with fixation (1-2 c) position "Step" on each step: 2-4 lifting and descent on 3-4 steps.

11. I. p. - Standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, throwing the ball. With hands on hand with squatting 3-4 times. Breathing free.

12. I. p. - The same, throwing the ball (0.5 kg) up and catching 8-10 times. Who will throw above and will catch more times.

13. Walking on socks, on the heels, on the outer and inside of the foot. 1 min.

14. Meditative walking. 30 s.

15. Step over items, rope at different heights and width. 1 min.

16. Light swelling on socks. 10-15 times.

17. Easy running. 1-1.5 min.

18. Meditative walking. 3-4 min.

Innovative complex of the FFC with face burns, neck and torso (recovery period)

Selection of exercises is carried out at the patient's condition.

I. p. - lying on the back. Breathing free.

1. Flexing hands in the elbow joints and compressing the fingers 6-8 times.

2. Turns head to the right and left, tilting forward, to the right and left shoulder. 8-12 times.

3. Rimming the chest with a support on the elbows and legs - exhalation; and. P. - inhale. 4-6 times.

4. An incomplete turn on the side with palm touching each other - exhalation; Fixation of the situation (1-2 s) - inhale; and. P. - Exhaust breathing. 3-4 times in each direction.

5. Rimming, lowering heads 4-8 times. Free breathing. 10-15 p.

6. Rimming the pelvis with a support for the forearm. 4-6 times.

7. Linking (knee-ups) alternately to the stomach (chest) with the fixation of the hip and the rotation in different sides of the stop (up to 6 times each foot).

8. Bringing alternately feet to the stomach (chest) with rotation (with the help of hands) in hip joints (up to 6 times each foot).

9. Turns on the side. 3-4 times in each direction.

10. I. p. - lying on the side. Ahead of the arms bent in the elbow to the side - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. 4-6 times.

11. I. p. - Sitting with a gymnastic stick. Hands up - inhale; and. P. - Exhale. 4-6 times.

12. I. p. - also. Turning the body to the side - inhale (breathing delay by 1-2 s); and. P.

13. I. p.about. from. , hands on the belt. Tilt to the side, hands up - forced inhale; and. P. - Exhale. 4-6 times in each direction.

14. I. p. - also. Circular movements head with maximum amplitude. 4-6 times in each direction.

15. I. p. - also. Hands on the side-up, tilt the head back - inhale; breathing delay (2-3 s); and. P. - Exhale. 4-5 times.

16. I. p. - Standing at the chair left sideways. Walking in place with a high knee lifting. 30 s.

17. Squate - exhale; and. P. - inhale. 3-4 times.

18. Meditative walking in place. 2-3 min.

19. I. p. - Sitting in front of the mirror. Open and close the mouth 10-12 times; smooth minimal movements of the lower jaw in both directions (5-6 times); Farming of the forehead, mixing eyebrows (10-12 times); Cheek inflating (8-10 times), pulling forward (10-12 times), lip compression (10 times).

20. Accented pronunciation of different letters, syllables, words (2-3 minutes).

21. Meditative breathing 30 s.

The scheme of the treatment of physical education in the burns of the body during the recovery period (for independent work of students) Introductory part (4-5 min)

Tasks: Create a positive emotional background, activate attention to prepare for the exercises of the main part. Building, walking, exercises for attention, breathing exercises, game exercises. Gaming exercises should not be tired, but only to create a positive emotional background in children.

Main part (20-25 min)

Tasks: Remiss a general consensus effect. Strengthen the child's body. Restore adaptation to loads. Restore the motor function, especially in the zone of the affected burn. Restore respiratory function. Contribute to the formation of compensation for irreversible functions.

Outlooking exercises for various muscle groups in various initial positions. Relaxing exercises, especially in the area of \u200b\u200btransplanted lecturers of the skin and healing burn wounds. Exercises contributing to the increase in the amplitude of movements in the joints, various slopes and turns of the body. Exercises for strengthening respiratory muscles. Various items and shells are widely used, as well as toys (kegli, balls, hoops), apply moving games and elements of sports games. Exercises for the restoration of household skills. All exercises should be combined with breathing. The pace of execution - to quick, but careful control over the condition of the child is necessary. When tenting, give out active rest, follow posture.

Final part (5-6 min)

Tasks: Reduced load, gradual transition to normal activities.

Slow walking, exercises in relaxation, attention, calm breathing. Ensure in solving the tasks of the final part, if necessary, extend it.

Section 15.

Meditative techniques

Meditation translated from Latin - thinking. The meditation is based on a deep concentration, which implies the active work of consciousness, subconscious and requires some effort. Consciousness occurs with logical on intuitive, creative. It is created as a merger of the object of meditation, its subject and the process itself. It is usually accompanied by corporal relaxation, the lack of emotional manifestations, abundance from external objects. Using meditation methods can be found in any ancient culture.

For meditation, a person is involved in the process entirely and completely, with all its creature, resulting in real changes in the body, which can be temporary or permanent in all levels of consciousness, subconscious and unconscious. Meditation can be static, dynamic and situational. The process of meditation can be divided into five steps.

1. Concentration of attention on the move, subject, sound, idea, organ. There is a goal to force yourself to concentrate on something one.

2. Deep focus - implies the active work of consciousness, subconscious and requires some efforts.

3. Contemplation - The concentration goes into autonomous mode and efforts here are unnecessary. Consciousness occurs from logical thinking to intuitive, creative, i.e., the transition of thinking from the left-hand type to the proud-lush, and even, moreover, they are united, due to the fact that the shape-syncretic type of mental activity has a higher adaptation ability.

4. Union - The fusion of the object, the subject of meditation and the process itself occurs. There comes an amazing feeling of unity, the destruction of his own "I", mergers with the Absolute. The world external becomes equal to the world internal.

5. Enlightenment it is possible to characterize with the words: "Knowledge that is above understanding." A person understands and gets completely new knowledge (sometimes it can be called revelation).

The scheme, in the first approximation, is very simple: emotions - muscles - action. If at least one link falls out, the violations begin. A man who lives under the oppression of the unrelent inner anxiety, within the framework of society is forced to constantly restrain himself or be able to truly own himself. The tension tires emotionally, mentally, physically.

Music and meditation

About music, its influence on psychosomatics, mood, a lot of it is known. This is a set of vibrations located in a certain order, and therefore, if it harmonizes you, then she "own", if not, then you can or try to adjust or not listen to it. In addition, a certain score can be useful for various diseases.

Music includes athletes in training, especially if certain monotonne exercises are monotoned. In addition, the rhythm of music affects the frequency of the pulse, which means that the entire cardiovascular system as a whole. It is desirable that music be without text accompaniment, as the text further loads the semantic load. It is well known psycho-emotional and psychophysical meaning of music for muscular activity, but the selection should be sufficiently individual.

Separate elements of music cause adequate to the nature of the stimulus mental states and physiological reactions. Conditionally use of music can be divided into several directions.

1. Methods aimed at the "response" on the melody, including emotionally activating.

2. Training methods.

3. Relaxing methods.

4. Communicative methods that include joint listening to music.

5. The so-called creative approach, including self-expression mechanisms (dance, improvisation, vocals, etc.).

6. Methods to increase the possibility of perception and expanding its boundaries.

7. Psychophysical method, which enhancing the level of ethics and aesthetic perception of the world.

Music with severe rhythm, melody, quiet, on the verge of audible, corresponds to the removal of foci of tension from the cortex of the brain and performing techniques in the right rhythm.

Meditation while walking

This type of meditation is primarily an overview. With it, you can also develop significant calm. It is particularly suitable for people of energetic and active nature, but may be a good tool and for those who are inclined to drowsiness, depression.

When walking in a state of meditation is performed in the forest or countryside, no problems arise with a solitude. It is necessary to find a quiet place and adapt it to practice. Typically, the walking path sprinkled with small sand, then you can practice in walking barefoot. In other cases, any smooth material is suitable. The track must be not only smooth, but also direct. Useful addition to many sites for meditative walking is the seat of bricks or stones (at one end of the site), where the meditator can sit with crossed legs in the recovery period. In fact, walking at a normal speed is preferable to some other methods that are taught ultramedy movement.

Errors and disadvantages that are most common in the practice of meditation:

Kossiness of thinking (intolerance to someone else's opinion, judgment or experience, including mystical);

Waiting for immediate enlightenment, changes or paranormal abilities;

Inconsistency in the application of techniques, "grabbing" from various systems, often not joined among themselves;

Separation from society, from the obligation to family, relatives, the team;

Excessive effort to get the result;

The personality of the instructor, the teacher who announces the extraordinary own abilities involved; Looks badly with people, connects the enlightenment of students only with its concept and methodology;

Cheating of senses, departure to the illusory world, which may be accompanied by thinning, and even the tip of the curtain.

Method of meditative walking.The duration of walking depends on the time that is accessible, as well as on the amount of load performed in the lesson. It is performed with the presentation of itself in the conditions of the most contributing psychophysical relaxation. In fact, walking at a normal speed is preferable to other options. Fast walking may be effective when the task of a higher level of energy supply of the body is solved. Before starting classes, it is necessary to focus on meditation tasks. While walking, the look should be on the ground or to the floor, not allowing it to "wandering" on the parties. At the end of the walk, it is necessary to lower your hands, fold them in front of yourself, continuing the movement until a complete stop.

Method of meditative run.It is advisable to perform small groups, no more than 15-20 people and under the guidance of an instructor who constantly gives instructions on the correctness of the technique. All exercises performed in combination with running are carried out at a high energy level, which enhances their action and efficiency. At the same time, the effect of group monotone contributes to a high meditative concentration. In this regard, the group should be homogeneous in composition. In cases where the meditative race is carried out at the beginning of the LFC complex or separately from it, it must be preceded by a warm-up to activate the cardio respiratory system, tissue of the musculoskeletal system. The warm-up is better carried out in the warm room. The most rational to start with the introductory (setting) meditation, which synchronizes the participants, adjusting them to each other. Next, unhurried running with breathing meditation. Gradually, the rate of running may increase to the pulse values, equal to 110-116 ° C. / min.

In the process of training sessions it is possible to increase the duration and intensity of the meditative run to 30 minutes in the pulse mode within 120 + 10 ° C. / min.

Method of meditative breathing.He assumes a calm deep breath with eyes closed with a presentation of himself in various comfortable conditions, natural landscapes or periods of the most favorable moments of life.

Section 16.

Independent work of students on the discipline "LFK and Massage"

Therapeutic physical culture and massage are firmly included in the number of fixed assets of comprehensive medical and social rehabilitation of all groups of the population. Exercise are used in almost all types of diseases as a powerful preventive and therapeutic agent aimed at restoring human health and human performance. The discipline of the subject training "LFK and Massage" is closely related to the medical and biological, theoretical and psychological and pedagogical cycles of physical education. Independent work of students in the course "LFK and Massage" increases the general theoretical horizon of students of the faculties of physical culture, their pedagogical skills, prepares the use of knowledge gained in the system of sports, physical education and rehabilitation activities.

The use of physical fluids is particularly relevant for students of modern general education institutions of a different profile, which, according to official statistics, have various deviations in health levels with a tendency to increase in dynamics. The availability of exercises of the FFC and massage, the ability to dosing the load in accordance with the individual capabilities of the body make it possible to widely use them to correct the health of schoolchildren, assigned to the preparatory or special medical group, for weakened, often and long-friendly children, teachers, parents and other interested parties in the process Classes in physical education and outside it.

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