Short declarations of love to a guy in prose. I miss prose

I'm afraid to get lost without you ... Without you, everything is somehow wrong, everything is somehow empty and cold. Even coffee doesn’t taste the same, in the morning … if you knew how much I don’t want to open my eyes in the morning, but what will happen after I open my eyes? Yes, nothing will happen, another ordinary colorless day, it even seems to me that it has been raining outside the window for three days now, although the sun is absolutely shining there, there is not a single cloud ... But it seems to me. It’s stuffy at home and there’s nothing to breathe, and I wrap myself in two sweaters, cover myself with a blanket and sleep all day, because it’s cold without you .. it’s cold inside, without your voice, without your fingers in my hands ... Everything somehow lost its meaning, you understand ? I walk around the house like a zombie, doing my usual things, doing everything diligently and diligently, maybe even better than usual, but ... At these very moments I don’t think about anything, absolute prostration and futile attempts to identify with time and space ... Where you and where I am ... I don’t understand, I stopped feeling the distance between us, because after I watched you slowly and reluctantly walk to the stairs to the subway, I stopped understanding what is a dream and what is reality. If only you knew how much effort it took for me to stand there on the platform and not move, not run after you, not scream ... Inside everything was cold and hopelessly compressed, my fingers were about ready to unclench and let go of the bouquet, all the reserves of strength just ran out at once and energy, I realized that life without your breath does not make sense ... With every step with which you moved away from me, it became more and more hopeless inside, and when I stopped seeing you in the crowd ... I suddenly realized that I didn’t want anything else at all, can you imagine? That's how it happens! I don’t want anything without you, write, draw, compose, you are my meaning, my world ... And if you are not there, then the world is lost, I am blind from pain and longing, which literally eats me from the inside. I still read the news on the Internet, write messages to my friends, eat my favorite chocolate, drink tea in the morning, as before, watch TV, go to bed and wake up in the morning ... But all this is just a habit, I don’t want anything without you! Who said I still enjoy chocolate? Yes, his taste is gone, I have no appetite ... well, or the food has become somehow ... without taste and color ... Do you think I want to sleep when I go to bed at night? No, I look at the secret corners of my soul for a long time before going to bed, and only in the morning with a heavy and swollen head I seem to fall asleep ... as before, but only automatically I do everything that I did before ... Nights are also unwanted and scary, because thoughts about you concentrate in them and become so sad ... Nights pass behind a laptop, I write ... constantly trying to write something sometimes comes out absolutely terribly vulgar and cheap and insincere, sometimes honestly simple and insanely sad, that's how it is now ...
Life without you is just a habit .... I don’t even know when we will be there again, when I can again throw myself on your neck and cry, so that only your fingers gently touch my face, so that only my lips finally find peace and delight ... I don’t know, and this makes it very, very difficult to see the meaning in what I do and in what I did ...
When you are next to me again, the world will come to life for me in a new way and life will become life in the fullest and most beautiful sense of the word, and now I'm just living this time that will end so that I can start living again!...
15.07.2011 1:47:11

It is a pity that in our language there are so few words to express all my love for you. I'll tell you just one thing. Not on earth, not on another planet, not in another galaxy, there is no creature that would love you more than me. I really need you, you have become a part of me. You managed to divide my life into two parts, and now the second part has come beyond the line of our meeting, the part in which I am absolutely happy.

It becomes so easy and calm in my soul when I gently and affectionately hug you, when I feel your breath, heartbeat, feel your warmth and your smell. There are no moments more exciting and happier. When I kiss you, my heart stops, I stop breathing, my body trembles, and the words throb in my head: you are mine, you are only mine, how I love you.

I never suspected before that it is possible to love as much as I love you, my dear. I have never experienced so much passion, so much tenderness for a person. I never felt the need for anyone's presence. But now everything has changed. Because I have you, my beloved, my strong, my courageous, my smart, my best in the world!

I didn't think that the whole world could be contained in just one person. But, it’s with you that everything is more interesting to me, it’s better for me to live next to you a million times better. I love falling asleep and waking up next to you, feeling your hugs, feeling your gentle loving look. I love walking the streets with you so much, and it doesn’t matter if it snows, it rains or the sun bakes, I am always happy next to you. Because I love.

Nature for each of us has created a couple, the second half, a soul mate. How happy I am that I found you, my most beloved, closest and dearest person. Now it’s not enough for me to just live the days, just look at the world, just dream. All this I want to do with you, I want to share with you every joy and every little discovery of mine. Because I love it very much.

There is nothing worse in the world than being apart from you, my dear. Without you, nothing makes me happy, I can’t find a place for myself, and some kind of longing is gathering inside. But, even then, your image does not allow me to be very sad, because as soon as I remember you, a smile immediately appears on my face. I love you very much, come back soon and hug me, my sweet boy.

My dear, my most beloved man in the world, I drown in your eyes without looking back, I always want to fall asleep and wake up in your strong and courageous embrace. After all, there is nothing sweeter, more alluring than your strong, hot hands that draw me to you tightly, tightly. I want to understand you without words, to know all your thoughts, all your dreams, I want to make you happy.

You are not just the best man on earth, you are a very special person who gave me his unearthly love. You taught me to be strong and courageous, to believe in myself and not be upset over trifles. You taught me to forgive and understand. And today I want to tell you that I am ready to reap you for all eternity, ready to be patient and caring for you, I want to be the most gentle for you. Love you.

You are mine, and I am yours, we are together, like a single organism pulsing with love. And I don't need anything more from life. When you are next to me, I feel like in paradise. Everything is completely different next to you, the world, people, sensations. I love you very much, know that you are my only, my best. I will always be by your side, no matter what happens, I will always support you in everything.

I love you so, my baby, as no one has ever loved. You have become the main meaning of my life. It’s so easy, pleasant, comfortable and good for me next to you that everything else, the whole world, fades into the background. Problems, troubles and problems become unimportant. You are my gentle and brave guardian angel, who, like a wing, closes me from the hardships of this world. Thank you for everything.

I love you very much, and I can’t imagine what could be more important than this?!? I have no one dearer than you, closer and dearer. You have become the most important person for me, covering the whole world with your wide, courageous back. I love you more and more every day, how is that possible? Every day you become more and more dear to me, and I am very afraid of losing you.

Nobody understands me when I say that you are a special person for me. But it's true, you're completely different from everyone else. All your words, deeds, and even your appearance sharply distinguishes you from the gray mass of men. You are the only one and you are mine. And that makes me the happiest. I love you very, very much, my dear, my gentle, my glorious. I love you all, without exception and without a trace.

I love your infinitely attractive eyes so much, they contain the whole cosmos, all galaxies and all planets for me. They contain my whole world and myself. I love your smile so much, it illuminates me like the light of the morning sun. In any bad weather, in any mood, your smile can make me the happiest. I love you, my dear, my dearest and best man!

I really want you to read these words and believe in their sincerity. These words are not empty, there is no idleness in them, all my feelings, all my experiences, and maybe even fate are invested in them. I love you and I want to shout to the whole world from this great joy. Not everyone gets to experience such feelings, but I was lucky. All I dream about now is reciprocity. Now everything is only in your hands.

I love love love you. And I don't know what to do with this raging element inside me, how to curb it, how to keep it? I adore you, and it seems to me that I will never be able to live without you now. After all, I have grown to you with all my soul, I have united with you into a single whole. You filled all my thoughts, all my dreams and all my plans for the future. I love you very much, I am happy next to you.

I wake up and fall asleep solely with thoughts of you, my beloved person. I breathe you like air and dream of our joint happiness. My main and most cherished dream is to live with you all my life, side by side, loving, and feeling your love in return. I always want to hear from you: you are mine! After all, I am yours, I belong entirely to you, body, heart, soul and thoughts.

My dear, these words are meant to remind you of my intense love, and that even though we are physically far apart, I am always there for you. I never leave you, and always protect your soul. I send you our dreams and our tenderness, let them be a warm and cozy blanket for you. I want the light and light music of our love to sound in your head.

I love you very much, and there is no deceit in my words. I am faithful to you both in body and soul. And so it will be until the end! I don't want to hide my feelings from you, I want to be open to you, sincere. And I believe in miracles! And I won’t fool you, so I’ll say it straight - every moment spent with you means a lot to me. There is nothing more important to me than our love.

I can not live without you. I tried to control myself - to no avail. I can’t tell you about love anymore - I’ve worn out these words too much, probably ... If this is possible ...
I just want to take your hand - and go for a walk, not noticing time, space ...
Steal you from the world - for a day, for an hour ... Let it wait ...
I want you madly - I want to caress you, kiss your lips, eyes, roam your body with my lips, studying it for taste, smell ... I stopped wanting other women - I don’t need them when I have YOU. Even if you're not with me yet...
Thank you for never laughing at me, apparently you understand this situation too well... You have a similar situation - but you love and you are loved... And space is nonsense... It's easier to survive...
I understand that it’s probably fun for you to read my outpourings, since you are with letters on you ... :-) I very rarely find the strength to pour out my thoughts on paper ...
I am very grateful to heaven that I can see you so often that we live in the same city. And you find time with all your endless affairs and worries to come to me ...
I really want to give you everything you need, everything that I have, so don’t be embarrassed if I give you small gifts - it’s a joy to me ... And it doesn’t oblige you to anything ... It’s impossible to buy your look, your smiles... So don't worry...
I count the days with pain until your departure - I know that you are going to your loved one, and at the same time I am terribly jealous that he will hug you, be with you ...
Maybe I'm overly romantic? Could life really be easier? Maybe I'm overreflexing and I need to be simpler myself?
I'm just afraid to offend you. I'm used to being able to talk about everything without lying. I do not like hiding and subterfuge... Maybe I am sometimes too straightforward, maybe I am sometimes not understanding enough - forgive me for that...
I often feel that our hearts are beating in unison, I feel that our lives sometimes go in parallel ... Like the time when you came to me and started cleaning my kitchen ... I felt such happiness at that moment, such a feeling completeness of this scene, as if looking from the side. Such sweet family happiness… :-)))) Several times, touching you, I felt practically tantric energy flows that formed a complete contour and filled my whole being…
I really need you - that's why I understand if you also need another person. It is not easy to experience but easy to understand. But I will be very demanding of him - I will follow him - and let him just try to "get used" to you, stop loving you passionately, burning down. Let him only try to offend you... Then I don't know what I'll do with him...
On this, let me take my leave, great things await me, and I must, damn it, do them ...

I miss you and all this time I remember your smile, your look. I so miss your warm hugs and tender words, my heart so needs the beating of your heart next to me. There are no such words and emotions in the world to describe how much I miss you. But, distance cannot defeat my love. Hugs and kisses.

It seems that quite a bit of time has passed without you, but I'm already tired of counting the minutes spent apart. All my thoughts are exclusively with you. So I want to touch, hug and enjoy your company as soon as possible. You know, it seems to me that the universe has stopped and time has stopped. How else can I explain such a long wait? I miss you. It is almost impossible to describe in words the feelings that now overwhelm me, because without you there is only a part of my soul, and one half is not entirely comfortable without the other.

I miss you very much: I miss your tender words and warm smile, kind eyes and faithful support, strong hugs and sincere conversations. I look forward to our meeting, which, I hope, will come very, very soon.

I miss you Like Crazy. My heart is crying, my soul is silent. When you are not around, I just want to close my eyes, and then, suddenly, open them - and we are together again. I look forward to when this time will fly by and we will see each other, but for now I miss you, mentally hug and give you my smile.

I miss you endlessly. I miss your smile, conversations, eyes, phrases, voice. If there were a unit of melancholy, it would be inconceivably large. Thoughts are always with you!

I haven't been so lonely and empty for a long time. It is unthinkable for me without you. And although not so much time has passed since our last meeting, but I already miss you. For the entire period of your absence, the city has literally lost all its colors. And this is not surprising, because you are my love, which inspires and gives me strength even in the most hated moments for me. I miss your stunning voice and amazing smile. Without hesitation, I will give up all existing benefits, just to feel your touch now. I languish in anticipation of our meeting, to hug you and not let go of my arms anymore.

I miss you so much, I can't do without you. I miss your kind smile, your bright look, your sincere hugs, your gentle touch. Without you, everything is in a fog, I really look forward to our soon meeting and the happy continuation of our story.

I miss you madly, I miss you and your kind smile, your warmth and tenderness of your hands, your affection and encouraging words, crazy ideas and sincere moments, sweet awakenings and romantic evenings. I look forward to our meeting and I hope that it will come very soon, otherwise I will go crazy without you.

I miss you, because you are the person that I simply need, like air, like water, like a fresh breath of inspiration. Without you, everyday life has become gray and boring, and there are no holidays at all. I hope the hour of our meeting is near. I miss. Kiss.

I miss you and I hear every movement of the clock, because with every second the hour of our meeting is approaching. I can't do without you, around melancholy and dullness. I want to come to you - to wrap myself in your arms and not let go anywhere.