Pass a medical examination of a child 1 year. Inspections by specialists in one month. One-year-old baby: neurologist

Upon reaching the child of the first year of life, he must undergo a survey of a number of specialists. The medical examination allows you to identify possible pathology at the kid. Therefore, it is not worth ignored.

Why pass the commission in 1 year

In young children, there may be diseases that are asymptomatic and manifesting themselves only after a while. When passing a medical commission, doctors may detect the symptoms of pathologies and start their treatment in time. If you tighten with the inspection of the baby per year, the risk of problems with entering the kindergarten is greatly increasing.

In addition, a group of health is assigned on regular medical examinations to the child. The first includes children who do not have deviations and violations in health and development, the rest are classified or third.

Also, in the case of the detection of any child health violations, the doctor puts it on accounting from a profile specialist, which allows you to keep the disease under the supervision.

Mandatory specialists

Before passing the commission, the mother and the child should visit the Pediatrician Cabinet. He will give the directions to laboratory tests and will tell about what doctors need to be held in 1 year.

After bypassing all specialists, you will need to put the map of the pediatrician for the withdrawal of the overall health of the baby.


The task of the neuropathologist is the assessment of the motor functions of the kid, his physical, mental and mental state.

As a rule, at the reception, the specialist communicates more with her mother, making up the overall picture of the life of the baby and the pregnancy period. Toys can be offered to the child at this time. But when talking with mom, the doctor will carefully follow the patient. These observations are sufficient to identify possible deviations.

In case of detection, the baby will be put on dispensary accounting and will have to pass additional surveys. Also, massages, physiotherapy or medicines can be assigned as a child's treatment.

Before taking, you need to pay attention to the sleep of the child, jacket jaws, habits and support of the limbs.


A specialist examines a child to identify possible problems with the musculoskeletal system. For the prevention of their development, the doctor will give the mother to several recommendations for the selection of shoes, mattresses and pillows.

When discoveries in the structure of the skeleton, special procedures are assigned to the baby.


For some reason, many moms are afraid of taking this specialist, but these experiences are completely in vain. This specialist is not in vain refers to the list of those doctors that children take 1 year. Its main tasks are:

  • identifying possible violations in the work of the internal organs;
  • determining the seriousness of injuries;
  • inspection of the navel and the umbilical ring for hernia;
  • direction in case of detection of deviations to profile specialists.

The boys surgeon examines the testicles on the subject of water and omit. Therefore, it is simply necessary to go through this age.


The eye doctor, he is an ophthalmologist and oculist, examines the bodies of the baby and treats their diseases. At this age, a specialist can identify in the child myopia, squint, astigmatism and other pathologies.

At first, the doctor corps a special solution into the eyes, and then examines the fundamental bottom, veins and will appreciate the skill to fix the view on the object. If there are violations of their functions, the oculist will give the necessary recommendations for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.


As a rule, an ECG is made at this reception, which is capable of identifying the disease of the cardiovascular system as accurately as possible. When they are detected, the doctor may ask for additional research.


This specialist is more famous for parents as Lor. At the reception, the doctor examines the ears, the throat and the nose of a small patient, checks the breath of the baby, inspects the state of adenoids. In the case of frequent colds in the child, the otolaryngologist gives recommendations on hardening and treating crumbs.


The dentist in 1 year must be passed independently of the amount of teeth. At the reception doctor:

  • rates a bite of a child;
  • examine the teeth for caries;
  • watches the condition of the bridle and jaw;
  • give recommendations on the hygiene of the oral cavity.

It is a short bridle often the reason that the child speaks poorly. To solve this problem, it is cut. And in the case of a short jaw, you need to do exercises for its increase.


Not all pediatricians are prescribed this specialist, but it is necessary to pass it. Many parents are unreasonably afraid of this doctor. In fact, at the reception, it only conducts an external inspection on the subject of the instigation of the sexual lips, the presence of fungal infection and sufficient hygiene.


This specialist recently included in the list of mandatory per 1 year. Inspection passes very formally, but it is often easy to need.

A specialist will look, which is able to make a baby at its age, distinguishes his relatives from strangers, is well asleep, as he plays, and will inquire if there were mental disorders and diseases in the family.

Dispensary account

They are afraid that the doctor appointed a child to the dispensary accounting, not worth it. A similar closer look often allows you to get rid of the disease for 1-2 years.

Additional research

The pediatrician issues its small patient directions for blood tests, urine and feces on the eggs. The first is necessary to identify anemia due to improper nutrition. The pediatrician then removes growth rates, weight, head, chest and child abdomen to determine the level of its physical development. The doctor listens to the lungs and inspects the skin for rash.

Also at the reception, the doctor finds out how the child's business is with vaccinations. After all, today there are cases of complete abandonment of vaccination. The clinic does not put the vaccinations in case of illness or allergies. In such situations, vaccination is usually postponed for a while.

Normally, the child should be a trial of manta and vaccinations from a pig, rubella and measles. These diseases present a serious danger to the health of the child. After the pigs, the boys should be infertility, and girls have the likelihood of the birth of children with deviations as a result of rubella during pregnancy.

There is a calendar of vaccinations, which with a possible displacement of several months should adhere to parents. Vaccination is not prescribed only painful children, inclined to allergic reactions.

Preparation for medical examination

Before passing profile specialists, parents must learn the following rules:

  1. Do not write to several specialists immediately. At this age, children are still tired too quickly. And a large number of people in the clinic can be scared or transporting crumb. The nervous condition of the child can lead to incorrect diagnosis and an erroneous opinion about his mental state. Therefore, considering the list of which doctors take place in 1 year, it is better to choose a recording to several specialists to visit one.
  2. The child's clothing should be as comfortable as possible so that you can quickly remove and dress it back during inspection.
  3. You should take with you everything you need: a diaper, a shift diaper, drink, food, distracting toys or a nipple. If the child has already started walking, it will not be superfluous to move it into replacement shoes.

Before visiting a certain specialist, a mother can get acquainted with the Internet with a characteristic terminology characteristic. So it will be easier to deal with what is written in the map and that the doctor says.

Why you need to go

Having learned what doctors to pass in 1 year a child, many parents refuse this kind of visits. They believe that it is too long and not worth their attention. In fact, the medical commission for the most part helps to identify deviations and disorders of the child's body. Therefore, it is first of all a crumb, and what doctors go in 1 year, it is not his mother, but a pediatrician.

Many parents are interested in which doctors are held a year. Today in Russia, medicine is quite often skeptical. Especially if small children are involved in medical examinations. Some refer to the fact that in the clinics there are huge queues, someone is not pleased with the work of specialists. But even these shortcomings do not exempt from closerization in the first year of the baby. What do doctors will have to meet? Where to go through the relevant commission?

Does visit doctors?

Below we will provide a list of which doctors go per year. First, let's try to figure it out, whether parents are really obliged to pass with children to dispensarization.

In Russia, all medical interventions and surveys are carried out voluntarily. Nevertheless, some parents are frightened by the negative consequences of the child's dispensarization. Therefore, part of citizens believe that a child will have to be held a commission per year. In fact, it is not. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation only gives recommendations on clisserization. Parents may not pass it or "stretch" to visit specialists for one time or another.

The importance of the process

Nevertheless, it is recommended not to leave the question under study. Dispensarization is a comprehensive inspection of the body. For kids, it is extremely important. After inspection, experts will be able to identify certain diseases, and also to prescribe treatment in a timely manner. In the passage of the child commission per year there is nothing terrible or dangerous. She needs more parents than doctors.

Where to go

The child per year will absolutely not prevent the passage of medical examination from certain specialists. The first question facing parents is where to undergo dispensarization.

Definitely answer it is not possible. After all, it all depends on the desire of the child's parents and their financial opportunities. Ideally, the dispensarization per year is carried out in local children's clinics. But today in Russia many give preference to private clinics. They, too, you can pass the Commission to the child in 12 months. This option of developing events saves time and strength, but significantly facilitates the wallet.


The planned visit to the children's clinic in the first year of life the baby is carried out monthly. Further, as we have said, there is a clinical examination.

It consists of two stages.

1. Rent analyzes.

2. The passage of certain specialists.

Let's start with the first component.

Most often among mandatory analyzes:

  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • cala's tests on worms' eggs.

This is why it is impossible to do without anything. In any polyclinic, these studies are considered mandatory. They help to judge the state of the child's health.

Additional research

Depending on the state of the child and medical readings, the test list may differ. What studies face parents?

For example, with a variety of ultrasound. Some experts suggest checking the kidneys, heart and other internal organs. Orthopedist before taking can offer to make ultrasound knee joints.

A more accurate list of studies will appoint a Pediatrician Pediatrician in the Children's Polyclinic, as well as narrow specialists necessary for clinical examination.

Mandatory list of doctors

Now proceed to the most important thing - to the list of doctors with which modern parents will face after reaching the child for 12 months. As it is not difficult to guess, their list for each particular baby can also be different.

The list of doctors per year is mandatory included:

  • pediatrician;
  • neurologist;
  • orthopedic;
  • surgeon;
  • okulist;
  • laura;
  • dentist.

This is a minimum that allows you to carry out the most accurate diagnosis of the body of the kid. But, as a rule, the Commission is not charged per year on the experts listed.

Additional doctors

What do doctors take place a year? In addition to those mentioned specialists, even healthy children have to visit other health workers. As we said, their list may vary.

Most often, the list of doctors per year includes additionally:

  • gynecologist (for girls);
  • cardiologist;
  • psychiatrist.

From inspection, the last specialist can always be refused. Make it preferable during a visit to the therapist. This specialist, as a rule, parents write failures from certain inspections.


Now we will consider in more detail what a particular doctor will do during dispensarization in the year of the kid. Let's start with neurologists.

These specialists help to evaluate the physical and psychological development of the child. Mental skills are also checked for this doctor.

As a rule, at the reception, a specialist offers several toys, and then asks parents questions regarding the child's life. At this time, the neurologist watches how the little patient behaves. Often this is enough to identify psycho-emotional diseases.


The doctor orthopedist traumatologist in the children's clinic (and in a private clinic including) assesses the degree of development of the musculoskeletal system. By 12 months, kids are already well running or a little mastered this skill. Usually, if the child is healthy, the orthopedist gives recommendations for the selection of shoes to prevent flatfoot, and also indicates how to prevent scoliosis.

If the baby has violations, the specialist appoints a comprehensive treatment. For example, massage, electrophoresis, mandatory wearing orthopedic shoes and so on.


Some parents are afraid to conduct a child to inspect the surgeon. But in fact there are no causes for panic.

In the children's clinic, the reception of the surgeon comes down to the study of the internal organs of the child, collecting anamnesis on injuries, as well as to inspect the genital organs in boys for cryptorchism.


The next important specialist is an ophthalmologist. He is engaged in the study of eye diseases.

Today, more and more often, the kids still have different diseases before the year - from the squint to the damage to the retina. Therefore, it is extremely important in time to take the baby to the ophthalmologist.

The inspection is carried out by instilcing the baby into the eyes of special drops. After that, the ophthalmologist studies the eye bottom. For some parents and doctors, such an inspection is a whole test, but it is very important.


As a rule, a visit to the Laura is formal. Especially if the child is not inclined to diseases and has good immunity.

Usually, the otolaryngologist looks at the ears of the child, the nose, throat. He studies glands and adenoids. The bulk of such manipulations is unlikely to like the baby, but this does not mean that it is necessary to postpone the visit.


Child in a year can assign inspection at the cardiologist. It is not necessary to scare this. This doctor studies the cardiovascular system of the kid.

Parents need to prepare for the fact that the child will need to make ECG. This is the most faithful diagnostic method.


What do doctors take place a year? The main list of specialists was represented by your attention. Among them are a dentist.

As a rule, by the year, the kids already appear the first milk teeth. And even if a child has only 2 tools, you will have to visit the dentist.

This doctor will examine the teeth and gums of the baby, will give recommendations for the care of the oral cavity. In addition, the length of the bridle and the state of the jaw as a whole is estimated. Some children already in 12 months may require caries treatment. Therefore, the dentist a year is an important doctor.


Usually, parents find out if there are people with mental illness among relatives, and then poll about the behavior of the baby. In parallel, the doctor watches the child's behavior. This will be enough. Many parents simply refuse to pass a psychiatrist per year.


Gynecologists usually conduct only an external examination of the genitals. For example, on the fire of the germ lip, which appears due to improper hygiene. In addition, there are a number of gynecological diseases inherent in even children. For their timely treatment, you will have to take the baby to the gynecologist.


An inspection of a child in 1 year includes, as it is not difficult to guess, a planned visit to the pediatrician. In practice, such a reception is no different from all the previous things - the child will be measured, weighed, they will examine the throat and language, body.

Also, the district pediatrician surrounds the parents - it will collect anamnesis of behavior and complaints. It is this specialist that gives ways to dispensarization and analyzes. It is recommended to solve issues related to vaccination, as well as with a visit to the psychiatrist. Each parent has the right to refuse any medical intervention, including by vaccinations.

Check on tuberculosis

We found out which doctors take a year. And with the main list of analyzes, too, became acquainted. According to the established rules, it is accepted once a year to test on tuberculosis. And on children, such a recommendation also spreads.

Today, for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, children are reacted by Mantu or Diskintest. Similar interventions in modern parents often do not cause confidence. Therefore, they can contact any private clinic and pass the blood test on tuberculosis - PCR or TB-Spot.

In the first month of life, the newborn needs regular observation of doctors: It is during this period that possible disorders can be identified and eliminated.

The next day after discharge from the maternity hospital, the precinct pediatrician and the patronage sister visit the child for the first inspection. In the future, it is planned to approximately three such visits during the first month. During the medical examination, the weight and growth of the baby is measured, the head circumference, the weight gain is analyzed.

The doctor also checks the hearing, eyesight and explore blood tests and urine into congenital deviations. They are made in the maternity hospital and are transmitted to the district doctor.

First dispensarization

The young mother must have time to visit the following doctors in the children's clinic:

  1. Neuropathologist who will test congenital reflexes and determine whether there is no increased or low tone. In case of detection of this state, the neuropathologist appoints therapeutic massage.
  2. Otolaryngologist. The baby will have to have an aircoust test, which indicates a state of hearing. The doctor also checks the nasal breathing.
  3. Ophthalmologist. This doctor first examines the vision and condition of the eye of the child in the hospital. In the first month, the child is checked for a tendency to squint.
  4. Surgeon-orthopedic. This is necessary to identify the pathology of the hip joint - dysplasia. The sooner it is detected using a visual inspection and an ultrasound, the faster it is cured by massage, a special strut and special swellery.
  5. Orthoped also checks the presence of a frequent disorder - krivoshei, which is also cured fairly easy.

Plot pediatrician will definitely direct the baby to the cardiologist, and the one - on ECG. Many kids detect noise in the heart, but not all of them are dangerous. Most passes with time, but sometimes and otherwise. Early diagnosis of deviations in the work of the heart and vessels is vital. Will not be superfluous and neurosonography - NSG. This is an ultrasound brain. Both procedures are completely painless, and most of the kids simply do not notice them.

Hardware examinations are especially important for premature babies, as well as in cases of complicated childbirth, low child assessment on the apgar scale, tone disorders. While the child did not close the spring, the possible deviations are detected and simply is sufficient.

Breasts are also directed to the ultrasound of the hip joints to exclude or confirm the dysplasia.

Medical examination of the child at the age of one month is a planned diagnostic event that allows you to spend a thorough assessment of health and make a forecast for further life. It is well known that many diseases for a long time can proceed asymptomatic and first manifest itself only at the stage of complications. However, this can be avoided if you diagnose pathology on time and corrected.

Medical examination conduct doctors of different specialties. In addition to objective examination (inspection, feeling and auscultation) also shows additional methods of diagnosis - ultrasound, electrocardiography. But that the parents are not confused in this diagnostic manifold, the regional pediatrician is engaged in the organization of a planning medical examination. The doctor tells which doctors in one month newborn and what surveys are necessary, and also gives the relevant directions.

"Based on the results of a medical examination, a pediatrician determines whether the child does not have contraindications to the vaccinations in order for the planned vaccination to go smoothly and without complications."

What do doctors attend a newborn?

The list of doctors, what kind of child should be held a month, determined by the relevant order of the Ministry of Health. The consultation of the neurologist, the otolaryngologist, the oculist, surgeon and orthopedes is obligatory.These specialists will evaluate the state of all organs and determine the correctness of development. Sometimes the baby can be directed to other doctors that are not included in this list to spend more targeted and highly specialized diagnostics.


In the first year of the life of the head and spinal cord, the child is very actively developing by controlling the work of all organs and systems, as well as determining the proper formation of life skills, such as sitting, walking, speech and others. However, modern life with its adverse factors that may adversely affect the baby still in the womb can lead to various deviations. Therefore, neurologist assesses the peculiarities of the neurogenic and physical development of the newborn at one age. For this, the doctor defines:

  • muscle tone on the upper and lower limbs of the right and left half of the body;
  • tendons;
  • reaction to examination.

It used to be believed that the consultation of the neurologist must be complemented by neurosonography - an ultrasound examination of the brain through unclosed spring. However, this approach is now incorrect, as it leads to a false diagnosis of non-existent pathologies. Therefore, neurosonography, like any additional method, is assigned only after an objective inspection if any deviations from the norm are revealed.

"Modern medicine has proven that neurosonography cannot be screening, that is, as prescribed to everyone, without exception, children, allowing to assess the state of the nervous system. The survey is shown only if the doctor suspected violations on the basis of an objective neurological inspection. "


The list of what doctors needs to go a month newborn, necessarily an oculist. This is a truly reasonable consultation, since the organ of vision immediately after birth is in a state of dynamic development. All kids are born with farewell, that is, they see well seeing items located at a high distance, and blurred those that are close. In addition, some ophthalmological diseases can develop more intrauterine. This primarily concerns congenital and glaucoma. And, as you know, the earlier treatment has begun, the better the forecast.

Examination of the eyepiece includes:

  • survey of the eye dna to eliminate increased intraocular pressure and inflammatory processes;
  • visual assessment of teasel ducts. Kids often meet their blockage, leading to tear. For the treatment of a fairly special massage, which the doctor will teach parents.

"You should not be afraid if you noticed that the baby has one eyes kosit. Such a squint is the physiological standard of up to 3 months of age and is associated with the unequal development of eye antagon muscle muscles. Usually after three months it passes. If the squint is preserved, the oculist will prescribe a special eye gymnastics. "


The task of the otolaryngological survey at a month old is a hearing assessment.With the help of a special device, the doctor makes the sound alternately on the side of the right and left ear. If the child hears well, then Kroch turns into the side where the sound sounded.

The survey of the nose, the incomplete sinuses and throat in one month is not carried out, since the data obtained is not informative. This assessment is shown at an older age - with a planned inspection in one year.


The surgeon conducts a visual inspection of a child and palpation. Surgical objective examination allows you to identify the following pathologies:

  • gemangioma - a benign vascular tumor on the skin;
  • packing or umbilical hernia, which are due to abnormalities of the development of peritoneum;
  • cryptorchism is the uncomplication of one or two testicles in the scrotum;
  • fimosis is a narrowed extreme flesh that can break the act of urination.

"The children's body develops intensively, so not every diagnosed pathology immediately needs surgical treatment. Usually in a few months a repeated inspection is carried out. If normal anatomy has not recovered, then only then the question of the operation, including by minimally invasive methods, is solved.


Orthopeda will appreciate the correctness of the development of the musculoskeletal system. First of all, the doctor draws attention to the state of the hip joint, since the baby often meets its dysplasia. To diagnose this state, orthopedes bends legs in the knees, and then spreads them to the sides. If the folds in the inguinal bends are arranged symmetrically, the diagnosis of dysplasia is excluded. If these folds are at different distances, then to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor recommends an ultrasound scanning of the hip joint. This study will make it possible to evaluate how violated the ratio between the head of the hip and the godded depression is.

Orthopeda also estimates the state of the spine, closure and other deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Additional examinations

In addition to the examinations of the doctor's doctors, you must pass the tests. As a rule, this is a common blood test and urine. Additional surveys and procedures are also appointed.


At the age of one month, the newborn is made only the second revaccination from hepatitis B. The latter vaccination from this infection is carried out in three months.

Before the introduction of the baby vaccine necessarily inspects the pediatrician to identify potential contraindications to which include:

  • increased temperature;
  • colds;
  • allergic reaction;
  • intestinal infection.

"For a few days after vaccination, it is important that the nursing mother does not introduce new products to its diet, which can enhance the load on the immune system of the child."


Electrocardiography determines the nature of the heart rhythm, which may vary in certain diseases of myocardium and heart defects. If according to ECG data, any deviations will be revealed, the child is sent to an ultrasound examination with Dopplerometry. Such children recommended Cardiologist consultation.

Ultrasound procedure

Usually in the first month of life, the baby recommends ultrasonic scanning of the abdominal organs.This survey is safe and allows you to look inside the organism with the help of ultrasound. Uzi estimates the state of the kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder.

What doctors need to go through the child in the first month, tells the attending doctor. For this, it is sufficient at the same time to come to a specialist on the reception. Children's doctor oriented you, in which polyclinic and when planned medical examinations are held. It will save your time and make diagnostics more comfortable for the baby.

What doctor to start a medical examination in the first month of the child's life?

To understand which doctors need to go through newborns, as well as what tests are recommended, it is necessary to make an appointment for a pediatrician. The doctor will give directions to those skilled in the art, will appoint a survey, and according to the results of a medical examination will make a conclusion.

On our portal "literally" you can.

The first year of life is the most important and difficult period for crumbs. At this time there is intensive physiological and neuropsychic development. In the first month of the newborn, you must show the pediatrician 3 times. Then, in order to understand that the crumb is developing normally, consultation and other specialists will need.

What doctors take place in 1 month to a child

If the baby has not yet reached monthly age, he should inspect the pediatrician at home. When he is 1 month old, it is necessary to visit the children's clinic. The first doctor who examines the crumb must be a pediatrician.

What doctors take 1 month, you will tell you a pediatrician

At this visit, the doctor measures the weight, the growth of the baby, the circle of the head and chest. Depending on the data obtained, you can judge the development of a baby. If there are no problems, it is not necessary to be surveyed from other specialists.

To identify possible innate diseases of the monthly infants should inspect such doctors:

  • Neurologist or neuropathologist. The doctor checks congenital reflexes and evaluates muscle tone, it can be elevated or low. It is in 1 month that you can reveal the defeats of the central nervous system that have arisen in the fetus still in the womb.
  • ENT. The doctor evaluates hearing and nasal breathing.
  • Ophthalmologist. Specialist checks vision.
  • Surgeon. The doctor defines hernia, hemangioma, phozamos in boys.
  • Orthopedist. The specialist checks whether there is no krivoches or congenital dysplasia, assesses the symmetry of the berium folds.

Treatment of perinatal disorders that have occurred during pregnancy, most effectively in the first months of the baby's life, since in this period the ripening of many organism systems continues.

Does the hardware examination need for newborns

If health problems are found, the pediatrician can assign an additional survey of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and other organs. If the crumbs have noises in the heart, then do not do without ECG.

In the first month of life, the ultrasound of the hip joints should be made to eliminate the probability of dysplasia.

With severe childbirth, hypoxia of the fetus, the hypertonus in the infant, as well as for premature babies, it is advisable to make neurosonography. This is an ultrasound brain. So far, the infants have not yet closed the spring, such a method of examination is possible. With the help of ultrasound, you can easily define deviations and cure them at an early stage until there have been serious violations.

A list of doctors who need to show a child differs depending on the age of crumbs and the presence of congenital health problems. Do not neglect surveys in the first year of life.