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The drug from the antiseptic group, peroxide (or peroxide) of hydrogen has a disinfecting and deodorizing effect. In medicine, hydrogen peroxide is used in the form of a 3% solution. They make washing and rinsing, stomatitis, gynecological diseases. As a disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide is used to wash fresh wounds.

The liquid is poured around and inside the wound, after which the reaction with a characteristic hissing and separation of a gray foam occurs.
You can use peroxide for processing wounds in children. True, its impact causes a child not very pleasant, painful plug. There is a good antiseptic that will not pinch, it is chlorhexidine Bigluconat. It is used to process wounds in completely small children. The older guys are calmly relate to both the hydrogen peroxide, and to the greenstone, so you can process the wounds, and others.

How to handle baby wound

The first thing to do is to rinse the wreck. Moreover, it is not recommended to do it with ordinary water, so you can apply an infection, and just this is necessary to avoid. If there are pollution around the wound, try to remove them with boiled water with a household soap. It is important not to touch the rings itself. Immediately the wound is treated with antiseptic - chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. It can also be used to wash the wound a weak solution of manganese or furaticiline. After washing the hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to carefully remove the resulting gray foam, and then procested the wound with an antiseptic. For a child, this is the most unpleasant moment, because antiseptics can strongly "twice", so make sure the baby will not break out and try to calm it.

As an antiseptic, you can use alcohol or alcoholic solutions of green and fuccin. Iodine is not recommended to handle the wreck, it can burn damaged tissue, so it is applied only to the edges of the wound, following it so that he does not get inside.
A good disinfecting effect gives such drugs as "Eplan", tea tree oil and a rescuer balm. In hiking conditions, it may happen that the child was hurt, and there are no antiseptics at hand. In this case, you can make a strong solution of the cooking salt (the tablespoon per glass of water), moisten the clean cloth in it and attach to the wound.

The daily toilet of the newborn is a simple matter if you have the appropriate experience. However, the newly minted parents are so afraid of the lacquer to harm the baby that even the treatment of umbilical wounds seems to be a challenging task. But a small training - and everything turns out.

You will need

  • cotton swabs,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • green or chlorophilipte,
  • pipette,
  • sterile napkins.


What to handle a navel of a newborn?

While the baby is in the hospital, the handling of the navel is engaged in medical staff. They use antiseptic preparations - this is a hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or a solution of mangartee. Most often, the tip of the umbilical cord is falling on 5 days. But the wreck is treated until it healed.

After extracting processing, a kid mother should do. Doctors recommend carrying out procedures after bathing. To prevent infection of the wound, the crumb should be bathed in boiled water with the addition of various grasses.

How to handle navel

After the bath, gently flush the crumb to dry, a soft towel. On with the help of a pipette, a slight drop of hydrogen peroxide. When the solution ceases to foam, you need to carefully push the skin in the navel area and remove the crust with a cotton stick or gauze. You do not need to rip off the pieces of a crust, over time they will disappear. Then the wreck must be dried with a napkin and lubricate with green. It is often possible to hear from a pediatrician that it is impossible to use green, as you can view the beginning inflammation.

After the hydrogen peroxide ceases to foam after the procedure, this means that the navel healed.

Hydrogen peroxide is described by the chemical formula H 2 O 2 and in everyday life is most often called hydrogen peroxide.

How does hydrogen peroxide act?

When carrying out chemical reactions of oxidation and recovery with its participation, atomic oxygen is formed. The external manifestation of such reactions is to discolor the pigments and any painted substances. Atomic oxygen destroys microbes. But it is very rarely found in nature. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes very quickly when contacting live matter, especially when exposed to microorganisms, which are also dying. Concentrated peroxide solutions are dangerous to humans and can create a burn of skin tissues and mucous membranes.

What is the peroxide in medicine?

Medicine uses a 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide solution. For therapeutic practice, pills are also produced hydroperite, as part of which the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is reduced to 35% in a complex combination with urea. They were assigned the international name "Peroxide of urea hydroperite". One such tablet is equivalent to 15 milliliters of a 3% prepared hydrogen peroxide solution.

The hydrogen peroxide solution, medical workers are painlessly removed from the wounds of Sleeping bandages. They use it for the conduct of umbilical wounds in all newborns, as well as handle the wounds before using a solution of diamond greenery. But hydrogen peroxide has a short exposure time on microbes and this is taken into account in antibacterial treatment. Conduct the processing of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Absadin qualitatively.

The solution of medical hydrogen peroxide during the processing of the Russian Academy of Sciences does not pinch the skin. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of children more often than a solution of iodine or diamond greenery. In addition, the absence of color at the peroxide eliminates the possibility of something to stain, and its properties discolor stains after contamination from the potassium permanganate solution are successfully used. In addition, the peroxide has a unique hemostatic effect, which is distinguished from other antiseptics. The preparations will be applied to stop capillary bleeding during surface damage to tissues, during nasal bleeding, for treatments for mucous membranes during pararadontitis, stomatitis, gynecological diseases, angina, and even with burns and burns and purulent wounds.

How to handle the wound of hydrogen peroxide yourself?

In order to disinfect wounds, the damaged area on the skin is treated with hydrogen peroxide without dilution. Under appliques, processing of wound surfaces and stops of capillary bleeding, all affected areas are carefully treated with a tampon with a hydrogen peroxide solution.

Quite often, hydrogen peroxide is used in medicine for free removal of dressings from the Russian Academy of Sciences, when the wool or bandage is added to the surface of the wound. In this case, the peroxide with a syringe is injected under the bandage and when it boils, remove the bandage from the wounds. When rinsing 1 tablespoon of peroxide is dissolved in a conventional glass of water.

Are there any restrictions on application?

There are no contraindications for the use of hydrogen peroxide. It enjoyed to treat people of any age, both elderly and children, even pregnant women and mothers, nursing babies breasts. The only restriction is the prohibition of any droplets of the peroxide on the mucous membranes of the eye and occlusive dressings. The use of the drug does not create painful sensations. Only individual patients may have local allergic reactions or a feeling of burning in the processing of wounds.

Hydrogen peroxide is the most famous antiseptic that allows you to process wounds of any nature: cuts, deep scratches, abrasions, postoperative seams, furuncula, acne, suppuration. Using peroxide, you can instantly disinfect injury, due to the regeneration processes will occur faster. The drug is used to avoid hitting the pathogenic microflora into the body and the development of extensive inflammatory processes.

When used, you need to take into account some features of this antibacterial agent. In order not to apply more harm - it is recommended to carefully execute instructions.

Hydrogen peroxide is a rare chemical compound, almost not found in nature, acts as the strongest antiseptic. Thanks to the properties, the peroxide is used in traditional and folk medicine. H2O2 has such qualities:

  1. Bactericidal - destroys pathogenic microorganisms on the skin. When processing RAS prevents the development of infections, because Stops the reproduction of bacteria.
  2. Hemostatic - stops superficial bleeding. With direct contact with damaged skin, a foam is formed, which clogs bleeding fine vessels.
  3. Antibacterial - prevents the penetration of malicious microflora into the bloodstream, because it disinfects and disinfects the fusion wounds, suppressing the reproduction of bacteria.

The antiseptic drug H2O2 enters the group of the best oxidants. When contacting damaged skin - peroxide breaks, forming molecular oxygen, it is this component that gives a disinfecting effect. Thus, instantaneous purification occurs, as well as inactivation (oxidation) of organic cell components (blood, pus, proteins). Atomic oxygen destroys malicious microorganisms, which fell into its influence zone.

The foaming mechanically cleans the wound. For the body, such interaction is harmlessly, therefore 3% hydrogen peroxide is used to rinse the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and throat. With proper use, the means is suitable for adults and children.

Despite the efficiency of the drug - there are negative factors that cannot be ignored. The antiseptic effect of hydrogen peroxide is not the basis of therapy for deep wounds - only in a complex with drugs: bactericidal ointment and sterile bandage.

Why the peroxide hits on the wound

The peroxide hits and foams on the wound due to the reaction of the decomposition of the peroxide for oxygen and water. The foaming and disintegration of the drug causes a special catalase enzyme contained in the tissues of the human body and blood cells.

Peroxide preparations are a form of reactive oxygen. Due to the property of fragile communication with molecules, peroxide oxidizes (decomposes) organic tissues. Because of the instantaneous reaction, foam and hissing appears. Catalase is a biologically active substance contained in human and animal cells. Its function is the decomposition of peroxide for safe elements for humans (H2O and O2).

In fact, it removes toxic compounds from tissues. Depending on the "pollution" of the wound, the intensity of this process may be light or too stormy. The solution washes off the microbes from the surface of the damaged skin, softening the scabs, removes the dirt and pus, eliminates the blood or serous traffic.

Helpful advice

During the oxidative reaction, the pathoral flora dies, the wound is disinfected. The foaming forces the transition of fibrinogen to fibrin, during bleeding it causes blood flowing, which helps to slow down or stop capillary blood flow.

How to handle the wound peroxide

At first glance, it is not difficult to treat the wound with 3% peroxide. To wash the damaged area does not need specialized skills. But not everything is so simple - trying to help, you can easily harm.

Actions during the processing of the wound peroxide:

  1. The wound is processed by a bandage or gauze tampon, which is abundant wetting in H2O2.
  2. The tampon is applied to the wound and is held on a damaged area - preferably tweezers or hand in the rubber glove, minimizing direct contact with an open wound. At the beginning it can pinch, but it will quickly pass.
  3. Washing movements are processed from the center to the sides to the edges.
  4. Foam is cleaned with a dry binding tampon.
  5. The procedure alternates several times, then bactericidal cream, ointment or sterile bandage is applied to the damaged surface.

In order to prevent burns, aggravating healing, when using hydrogen peroxide, it is forbidden to increase the percentage of the solution concentration.

Wounds in humans

Processing wounds with fitting with hydrogen peroxide are carried out as follows:

  1. On the old "sticky" bindings of a thin ridge pour peroxide, then wait 2-3 minutes.
  2. Carefully remove the bandage. If the bandage strongly stuck and the removal causes pain, then the amount of peroxide increase while dried pus will not be rascis.
  3. Tampon made of sterile bandage from the surface of the wound gently remove the stamp with the pus.
  4. Pure tampon is abundantly moistened in 3% peroxide and get wound several times. It can burn a little - this is a normal reaction of the drug.

Wounds in animals

Cleansions behind ears or on the tail, bites, scratches or cuts on the paws, abrasions - for these injuries, animals can also use an antiseptic hydrogen peroxide. Damage to the integrity of the skin may result in the bleeding of different intensity and reproduction of infection. Therefore, injury requires interference and disinfection.

To handle the wound from a cat or dog at home, it is necessary to carefully cut the wool around it or moisten with water and dilute on the sides. Further, the wound is washed with peroxide. After processing the wound, the pet is recommended to show the veterinarian to eliminate serious pathologies.

Helpful advice

It is worth considering that antiseptics of both people and animals are appointed not to heal wounds, but first of all, for disinfection, i.e. The destruction of infections and prevent inflammation.

Is it possible to handle the seams of hydrogen peroxide?

Is it possible to handle the seams of hydrogen peroxide at home? Yes, you can and need! After all, the pledge of healing is uninfected seams, i.e. Exception of surgical infection. Therefore, it is extremely important other than compliance with asepsis, to observe the antiseptics. This includes a set of procedures for postoperative processing of seams by antiseptics that need to immediately start after surgery and continue to full healing.

Helpful advice

After cesarean section, the processing of a seam of the house is the most important phase of the postoperative period, requiring a competent approach. After cesarev, the probability of a bacterial infection is always present. A frequent reason for this becomes ignoring the rules of personal hygiene and disregard the instructions for the care of the wound.

Finding into the wound, bacteria instantly begin to multiply, from which inflammation occurs. Therefore, disinfection and disinfection of 3% hydrogen peroxide is one of the main stages. Use the drug must necessarily, because The result of inflammation can turn into deplorable.

For the antibacterial procedure, it is necessary 2-3 times a day with a sterile gauze tampon, moistened in 3% peroxide, wipe postoperative seams.

The advantage of peroxide is hemostatic properties. When bleeding or suppuration of the wound, after discharge home from the hospital - 3% hydrogen peroxide is the first means of drug help.

What to treat wound if there is no hydrogen peroxide?

Instead of peroxide, you can choose another antiseptic. But here it is necessary to take into account the nature of the injury and rules for applying a disinfectant. For example, an antiseptic should not be absorbed into the blood. So, if there is no peroxide at hand, substitutes are used:

  • Chlorhexidine. The drug is preferably produced in the form of liquid solutions (water-based) and spray (on an alcohol basis). The current component is part of creams, ointments, gels. In the treatment of skin damage, an aqueous solution is recommended, since Penetrating into the wound, it has a therapeutic effect, without damaging the top layer of the skin. The active substance of the means, entering into contact with pathogenic microorganisms, damages the cell walls, destroying them. As an outdoor antiseptic "Chlorhexidine" is the best analogue of 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is used to process burn, purulent and wound injuries.
  • Miramistin. Antiseptic drug for outdoor consumption, manifesting high activity in the fight against bacteria, burns, viruses, fungi and other microbes. Excellent alternative to peroxide for treating cuts, abrasion and other wounds. This popular antiseptic and antimicrobial means enhances the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues and increases protective reactions with inflammation.
  • Iodine. Alcohol solution, which is probably present in the first-aid kit of each house. The drug effectively disinfects surface wounds and promotes the resorption of infiltrates. With iodine processed bruises, abrasions, unmarried inflammation and stretching. However, for washing the wound, iodine is not suitable - it cannot be directly applied in deep and bleeding wounds, because This can cause a burn already injured tissues. Therefore, the tool is applied only at the edges of the skin damage.
  • Green (or diamond green). Also an antiseptic. But compared with iodine, this solution is softer exposure. Green getting into the wound does not cause tissue burns. The solution is suitable for the processing of soft tissues. With purulent formations, it also copes well, while stimulating healing, without overpowing the skin. Therefore, the use of greenery is appropriate if the wound open or skin is too sensitive. The treatment of wounds with a green hammer prevents the influx of lymphs and other moisture, due to the stagnation of which the suppuration begins.

Oil and alcohol antiseptics are categorically not recommended for processing injuries in the eye, mouth and nose. For disinfection, low concentration hydrogen peroxide is suitable. Even diluted peroxide 0.5% retains antiseptic qualities, not irritating and not burning sensitive areas. This drug is recommended for children and pregnant women.

Cautions and contraindications

Antiseptics are used to handle the upper skin and open wounds. But at the same time some important aspects are taken into account so as not to harm themselves even more.


  1. The process of disinfection of 3% hydrogen peroxide is carried out with clean hands.
  2. After washing the antiseptic, the wound surface is immediately covered with a sterile gauze bandage, a bandage or an antibacterial ointment to prevent microbes from entering.


  • It is forbidden to use H2O2 with abundant venous and arterial bleeding.
  • If there is an allergy to the components of the drug, it is better to refuse it.
  • It is forbidden to introduce peroxide into a deep wound into a deep wound - it can damage the tissue, to apply a strong burn and even cause necrosis.
  • It is prohibited to use an antiseptic for processing RAS or postoperative seams more often than 3 times a day.

If you do not process damaged tissue with an antiseptic, such as hydrogen peroxide - the likelihood of infection in the infection is large, which may cause sepsis, tetanus, signing and other troubles.

What to do with the wound when cutting, so as not to harm the lead program "On the most important thing".

It was believed that hydrogen peroxide is an effective means of cleansing wounds, since it is an antiseptic that, when inserting an open wound, does not cause pain. However, some studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide may not be useful in processing wounds, since it is capable of damping the newly generated tissues, which can slow down the healing process. Many experts believe that hydrogen peroxide is good to use to eliminate foreign particles and dirt on the surface of minor wounds in case soap and water are not available, but long-term use of peroxide hydrogen treatments are not recommended due to its abrasive nature.

The application of hydrogen peroxide on the wound causes the appearance of effervescent bubbles, which creates the impression of careful cleansing of the wound.

Researchers who do not recommend using peroxide as a means for processing wounds, do not deny that it really destroys dirt and bacteria. However, the main disadvantage of the peroxide is that this liquid is so abrasive (even if it is diluted with water) that the natural healing process occurring in skin cells is significantly slowed down after its use. Damage to the skin peroxide can manifest itself dry, itching and changing the color of the fabrics around and inside the wound.

Wounds that were treated with hydrogen peroxide, usually heal longer than wounds, washed with soap and water, and the longer the wound remains open, the higher the risk of infection.

And although hydrogen peroxide is not recommended as the main method of processing RAS, it can be useful in the content of wound clean in emergency conditions. If soap and water are not available, hydrogen peroxide will clean the wound, dissolving dirt and foreign particles, or pushing them out with the help of the bubbles formed.

Hydrogen peroxide- inexpensive and not occupying a lot of space, and it is often used to treat minor wounds, obtained as a result of incidents in an open area when there is no other methods to use other methods. Hydrogen peroxide can be very useful when dried blood on the wound surface, as it will allow you to dissolve the blood and clean the wound from it for the subsequent application of other medicines.

Antibiotic ointments can be applied to prevent infection or treatment of an infection or treatment. If the wound condition is severe or infection is maintained for several days, it should be treated for professional medical help. Application on the wound antibiotic ointments is preferable than the use of hydrogen peroxide, since antibiotic ointments act gently and have moisturizing properties, speeding up the healing process, and not slowing it. While the wound will not heal, it should be washed with water and soap at least twice a day, and when using antibiotic ointments - follow all instructions on their packaging.