Labor force - what is it? Attempts during childbirth - what is it

The first childbirth causes a lot of emotions in the woman in labor, among which fear often prevails. A woman is afraid of the unknown, because she does not know what lies ahead, and fears severe pain that invariably accompanies the birth of a new life. To eradicate these fears, we will detail the process of childbirth and explain what to expect from them.

Harbingers of childbirth

The first signs of approaching labor appear in primiparous women 1-2 weeks before the baby is born. At this time, the pregnant woman:

  • the stomach falls. The child, preparing to leave the womb, changes his position, lowering his head into the small pelvis. Thus, the fetus shifts downward, and the abdomen, which previously supported the stomach and lungs, shifts downward;
  • shortness of breath decreases. The woman begins to breathe more freely, because as a result of lowering the abdomen, the compression of the lungs decreases;
  • low back pain appears or intensifies. The baby, who has changed his position, exerts stronger pressure in the pelvic region, thereby causing painful sensations;
  • the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. The bladder is under increased pressure from the head of the fetus, and therefore cannot be filled to 100%, which causes frequent visits to the toilet;
  • reduced fetal mobility. The baby simply becomes cramped in his mother’s tummy, and he prefers to behave himself;

  • the cervix softens. This is facilitated by a decrease in progesterone and an increase in estrogen levels - thus the body gives a command to all organs to end the pregnancy.

During this period, false contractions may appear. They differ from true ones in that they are painless and have an irregular character. 1-2 days before the onset of labor, a mucous plug exfoliates and leaves - a thick viscous substance that was in the cervix and protected the woman and the fetus from infections. From this point on, we should expect the onset of prenatal contractions.

How long is the first birth?

The duration of labor in primiparous women is 15-20 hours; for those who have already given birth, the birth of a baby takes 1.5-2 times less time. What is the reason for this? Experiencing first birth, the body adjusts the work of the organs involved in the process of childbirth. During all subsequent childbirth, only the reproduction of the program, compiled and laid down in memory earlier, takes place.

The first birth is divided into three stages:

  1. Contractions. In primiparous women, they last about 18 hours, in all others - 11. Contractions are contractions of the muscles of the uterus, resulting in the opening of the birth canal.
  2. Attempts and release of the fetus. If you are giving birth for the first time, this period will take you 1 to 2 hours. Women who are going through the process of childbirth again will need half the time.
  3. Getting rid of the placenta and membranes. This stage takes the same amount of time for those who are in the delivery room for the first time, and for those for whom this is not the first time, and lasts about half an hour.

All figures given by us are averaged. There are times when the first childbirth proceeds much faster, but there are also women in whom this process lasted a whole day. The main thing is to be in time under the supervision of doctors who will make sure that your first birth is proceeding normally.

Now let's take a closer look, how is the birth going.

First birth: contractions

Almost everyone knows how labor begins: the first thing that signals the baby's readiness to leave the mother's womb is the appearance of regularly recurring painful contractions. Sometimes they are preceded by lower back pain and pulling painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

The first contractions last only a few seconds and are interspersed with 20-30 minute periods of painless relaxation. Childbirth will not come soon, you have time to pack, take hygiene procedures and go to the maternity hospital.

Gradually, the process is increasing: the intervals between contractions of the uterus decrease, and the spasms themselves become longer and more painful. At the end of the first stage of labor, the duration of the contraction reaches 1 minute, and the respite time between them is 3 minutes. As soon as you notice a similar frequency of uterine contractions, feel free to call the midwife and say that you are giving birth.

You cannot influence the frequency of contractions, but you can reduce the degree of pain - this is taught in school for expectant mothers when they teach the skills of correct breathing during childbirth.

Attempts at the first birth

During the opening of the cervix, the amniotic fluid pushes the amniotic sac, breaking through it, after which the water leaves the woman in labor. This is the beginning of labor. Although this order is also not a dogma. Sometimes the water leaves during labor, and there are times when the bladder does not burst, and then the doctor opens it with instruments.

With the opening of the cervix, the fetus begins to move along the birth canal. Periodic spasms of the muscles of the uterus and abdominal wall actually push the baby to "exit", accelerating his movement. The doctor who monitors the course of labor must measure the degree of dilatation of the cervix. If it has expanded by less than 12 cm, the fetal head will not squeeze through it, and then the woman can have a cesarean section.

Sometimes contractions do not intensify over time, but weaken or do not start at all, although the amniotic fluid has already departed. This situation should alert, as it poses a threat to the baby. In this case, doctors stimulate labor using special medications.

When the baby is born, mucus is sucked out of the respiratory tract and the umbilical cord is cut off.

First birth: exit of the placenta

After the birth of the child, the body gets a little respite, because the contractions return, however, not as strong as before. Now the body gets rid of the placenta. In cases where this does not happen, the "baby seat" is removed by the doctor. The woman in labor remains in the delivery room for another 2 hours, during which time the obstetrician must make sure that the woman is not bleeding. Having safely given birth, proceed to the duties of a mother - feed the baby and take care of his health.

First birth do not always go smoothly, sometimes they are accompanied by complications, which we will discuss below.

Complications during the first childbirth

For objective reasons, the first birth can be complicated. Here are some of them:

  • breaks. A large fetus, rapid labor, when the cervix does not have time to open normally, and the lack of professionalism of obstetricians can lead to rupture and bleeding. To avoid this, first consult with your gynecologist about the size of the fetus for your birth canal and take care of the choice of a doctor who will take over your childbirth in advance;
  • weak labor activity. There is nothing wrong with that, if it is detected in time and the contractions are stimulated;
  • bleeding. Its appearance depends on many factors: the attachment of the placenta, the degree of blood coagulation, the presence of injuries sustained during pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, etc. Do all the tests and examinations that the doctor supervising your pregnancy prescribes for you, then the doctors will have a complete picture of your conditions and they will be able to foresee the possible risks of blood loss.

All other complications are characteristic, as a rule, of multiparous women, and therefore you should not be afraid of them during the first birth.

For more information about the first stage of labor, see the video:

The birth of a new life is the greatest miracle in the world. However, the process of giving birth to a baby is quite complicated and requires special concentration and efforts not only from the obstetrician, but also from the expectant mother. In order for the delivery process to pass without complications, it is recommended that each pregnant woman familiarize herself with the features in advance. Particular attention should be paid to contractions and attempts. Often, the life and health of the newborn depends on the correct actions of the woman in labor during the onset of labor attempts.

Labor pains

  1. First of all, you need to contact your doctor. He will conduct an examination of the position of the fetus and give permission to conduct attempts on his own.
  2. You can start pushing only after the baby has completely passed through the birth canal. If the child is in the pelvic region, you can push. If not, it might be worth the wait. The location of the fetus is determined by the doctor.
  3. In order for the attempts during childbirth to be as painless as possible for both the mother and the baby, the basic rules of breathing should also be observed.
  4. Don't be too zealous. Of course, pushing promotes rapid childbirth. But with excessive application of efforts, a woman may experience premature weakness, loss of strength, exhaustion. This threatens with consequences such as impaired blood circulation and restriction of oxygen supply to the child.

Methods of behavior during labor attempts

At the moment, in the modern world, it is customary to use 2 main types of behavior in the event of attempts:

  1. Natural.
  2. Controlled.

The natural type of behavior implies complete trust in natural forces of nature. The course of labor attempts is not controlled by anything from the outside. The woman does not hold back the pulling impulses. It is generally accepted that the feminine nature itself will help the child to be born.

The controlled type implies complete obedience to the words of the obstetrician. A woman only pushes during a period of time strictly regulated by a doctor. This method allows you to completely control the process of childbirth. The doctor constantly monitors the location and movement of the embryo.

Which of the existing types of forced actions to choose, the woman in labor must decide on her own, having previously consulted with her attending obstetrician.

Having learned what attempts are, every expectant mother wants to alleviate her condition as much as possible without harm to the baby. To do this, you must observe the following simple rules:

  • To alleviate your condition, it is better to take a squatting position during labor.
  • In a horizontal position, pull your legs as close to the chin as possible and spread them to the sides.
  • When pushing, you cannot direct the main efforts to the head. It is necessary to push in the pelvic area. The eyes and back of the head should be as relaxed as possible. When the eyes are strained, there will be a drop in intraocular pressure, which will have a bad effect on visual acuity. If you strain the back of your head during pushing, headaches and periodic drops in intracranial pressure may subsequently occur.
  • You should try to restrain the cry as much as possible. When screaming, adrenaline is released, which blocks the access of oxygen to the child's body. This can lead to hypoxia.

Attempts. We breathe correctly

In order for the process of labor attempts to pass not only quickly, but also effectively for both the mother and the baby, the basic rules of behavior should be observed. These include active breathing during attempts:

  1. When the woman in labor has felt the beginning of a push, she should take a deep breath and hold her breath.
  2. Relax your face, hips and buttocks completely.
  3. The abdominal muscles, on the contrary, should be strained as much as possible.
  4. While contracting the abdominal muscles, gradually reduce the area of ​​pressure down towards the perineum.
  5. Don't be too zealous. Relax completely after 5 seconds.

When pushing, it helps the child to go through the birth canal. It is worth remembering that its advancement is carried out on the exhalation of a woman. It should be smooth and by no means harsh.

After the push has passed, you should restore calm breathing and try to relax as much as possible. So the woman will gain strength to continue labor.

Risk of complications

Labor activity does not always follow the classical scenario. Unfortunately, some women have poor labor. It includes:

  • a weak state of attempts;
  • weakness of labor pains;
  • complete cessation of contractions.

A weak state of attempts is characterized by the participation in the process of only the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Often this occurs in overweight women, in women in labor who have already been mothers many times, in women in labor with diseases of the abdominal organs.

If during childbirth there is a suspicion of a weak state of attempts, you should immediately contact the attending obstetrician for an examination. According to the condition and ability of a woman to push, drug treatment is prescribed.

Labor pains are an integral part of the baby's birth process. If the basic rules of breathing and behavior of a woman are observed, the meeting between the mother and the newborn child can be significantly accelerated.

Perhaps the greatest miracle on Earth is the emergence of new life. The process is quite difficult for both the obstetrician and the expectant mother. In order for everything to go well, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of childbirth even during pregnancy.

What is pushing during pregnancy

Labor pains are the main assistant of the woman in labor, leading to the culmination of this wonderful period of 9 months. This is the process by which the abdominal muscles and diaphragm contract. The contraction occurs reflexively, forcing the woman to push.

Attempts are considered the second stage of labor (the first is labor, when the cervix opens) and is called the expulsion period. At this time, the baby is directly pushed into the light. In primiparas, it can last up to 2 hours, and in multiparous from 5 minutes (typical for) to 1 hour.

Correct behavior during pushing

Perhaps the most important period of childbirth will be pushing, since this is the hard work of a woman in labor. If it is impossible to control the contractions, then the attempts should ideally be under the full control of the woman. She can skip them or amplify them. In order not to harm the long-awaited miracle, you need to hear and follow the doctor's instructions. Moreover, the more accurately they are executed, the better.

It so happens that the baby's head has already entered the birth canal, and the mother does not have the strength to push it out. Then rest is required and with renewed vigor for the cause.

But it happens on the contrary, the head is already outside, and the neck is inside. In this situation, in no case should you rest. It is necessary to intensify the push, otherwise there may be different consequences: from diseases associated with a lack of oxygen () to the death of a baby.

That is why during this period of childbirth, a woman in labor should be as attentive as possible to the teams of medical personnel.

Important! The duration of labor directly depends on the quality of the attempts. If a woman does not listen to the obstetrician-gynecologist taking delivery, they can drag on for a long time.

Some women, trying to speed up labor, push even when they do not want to, wasting energy in a useless way. As a rule, this is the mistake of primiparous women.

How to identify attempts

This question is very often interested in expectant mothers, they are afraid that they will not recognize the beginning of this crucial moment.

Basically, attempts are felt as a strong desire to go to the toilet "in a big way." This is directly related to the pressure of the baby's head on the rectum. During movement along the birth canal, the fetus squeezes the nearby internal organs. Naturally, both the bladder and the rectum are emptied at the same time.

In no case should you be embarrassed and delay this natural process, as this can damage childbirth.

You need to be psychologically ready for this and remember:

    No one is to blame for this, this is a natural reaction of the body.

    Almost every woman in labor experiences this.

    No one from the medical staff will be surprised or condemned.

    All surprises will be removed and the baby will not have contact with them.

Correct breathing during pushing

Proper breathing while pushing is the mother-to-be's best friend. The well-being of her baby depends on this in a difficult period for him. Because the fetus is under a lot of stress. In the uterus, the vessels are compressed, and if the mother is still breathing incorrectly (randomly), then oxygen starvation is not excluded. And the baby, with proper breathing, is more likely to be outside.

At the beginning of the attempt, a full exhalation is made. And then take a good breath. Next comes the forward bend, in which the breath is held.

This period is the most important, since without exhaling, you need to push what urine is, as much as breathing can allow.

Calm breaths between attempts. Taking this opportunity, you need to relax as much as possible.

It is very important to exhale slowly, since the diaphragm is fully involved in childbirth: it goes down and pushes the baby out. With a sharp, rapid inhalation, the diaphragm rises up, the pressure due to which the baby was pushed into the light stops, and the fetus can, hitting the pelvic bone with its head, get injured. Also, a sharp exhalation can push the baby back along the birth canal.

Screaming during childbirth can also harm the baby's passage through the birth canal. When screaming, the woman directs all the pushing effort not down, but up, as a result, the child cannot budge.

Then it’s all over again: a deep breath, holding the breath and pushing.

The final stage of bearing a child has come - childbirth. Attempts are added to the contractions. Our article will help to understand what attempts are made during pregnancy, what is their nature and role in delivery, how a woman in labor is involved in correcting attempts.

Attempts during childbirth

The generic process is divided into two periods. At the first stage (cervical dilatation), contractions are the only "actor"; at the second stage (fetal expulsion), attempts are added to them. This term refers to the process of contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. It provokes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Together with the increase in pressure inside the uterus, thanks to contractions, attempts help the baby to move through the birth canal.

How to breathe correctly when pushing?

One of the most important aspects of childbirth is to provide your baby with sufficient oxygen. Otherwise, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) may occur, which is fraught with serious consequences. A very important role in preventing this phenomenon is played by the correct breathing of a woman in labor during attempts, therefore, it is necessary to familiarize oneself with his technique even before the onset of childbirth.

The first thing that every lady in a position should learn is to relax, get rid of the tightness.

The next stage is mastering the correct breathing technique during the period of contractions and attempts. Here are some guidelines for struggling breathing:

  1. Before moving on to pushing, it is necessary to inhale the maximum amount of air. You need to push in the crotch, not in the head or face. Otherwise, you will not provide any help to the child, but it is quite possible to get a rupture of small blood vessels.
  2. One breath should be enough for three attempts.

When the baby's head has already appeared, the attempts should be temporarily suspended until the midwife's command. During this period, you should breathe frequently and shallowly, with your mouth ajar. That is, doing something similar to breathing a dog in the heat. Don't be afraid to look funny. When pushing, you need to breathe and behave in a way that is best for the child and yourself.

What is the difference between attempts and contractions?

Contractions are usually called the periodic contraction of the uterine muscles. If these periods become frequent and regular, then the first period of delivery has come. Their main task during childbirth is to open the cervix to a certain size so that the baby's body can pass through it. With delivery without pathologies in the firstborn, contractions can last up to twelve hours. This period is reduced to 7-8 hours in subsequent births.

Attempts are the contractions of the muscles of the diaphragm and the press, which occur involuntarily, reflexively. The function of attempts is to push the baby out of the mother's womb. An important difference between contractions and attempts is that contractions are an absolutely uncontrollable process. Neither their intensity, nor the duration of the woman in labor can influence in any way.

In case of attempts, the participation of the expectant mother is very important: they can be skipped, or they can be strengthened. Only this must be done correctly, carefully listening to the instructions of the doctor. Otherwise, you will not only not help the baby to be born quickly and without problems, but also harm. And the answer to the question of what is more painful, attempts or contractions, each woman in labor gives herself. The pain caused by contractions comes and goes on its own. But the intensity of pain in the attempts of a woman in labor can be controlled and corrected.

It all depends on her priorities, on what is more important for her during childbirth - her own (albeit relative) comfort or the life and health of her unborn baby.

How to understand that attempts have begun?

In theory, you are now savvy: you know what attempts are, what they are for, and how to direct them in the right direction. Now it remains to find out what sensations a woman in labor experiences when attempts are made. All this is quite prosaic: when the contractions reach their climax, you simply have an irresistible desire to immediately empty the intestines. Don't worry if you don't have this feeling: the obstetrician will tell you when to start pushing.

So pregnancy has come to an end, and childbirth, no matter how much future mothers want, is inevitable. But what scares women the most about the birth process? Contractions during childbirth, of course. The fears are aggravated by all sorts of stories of friends, mothers, grandmothers and others, how they had a hard time during the period of labor.

In this case, we can offer only one thing: not to listen to anyone, each person's body is arranged in its own way, which means that everything happens in different ways. Someone easily tolerates pain, and someone becomes ill from the prick of a rose thorn. Knowledge about the labor process, how to reduce pain during labor, and how to breathe correctly at this time will help to get rid of fears of upcoming pain in childbirth.

Childbirth and their periods

Childbirth is a complex physiological process that ends a pregnancy. Depending on the gestational age, childbirth is subdivided into premature (up to 36 weeks), urgent, that is, at 38 - 41 weeks, and late, which occur at the 42nd week. The generic process itself is divided into 3 periods:

  • 1 period is called the period of opening of the uterine pharynx or the period of contractions;
  • 2nd period is the period of expulsion (i.e. birth) of the fetus;
  • Period 3 - successive (in this phase, the afterbirth is born).

The longest period of childbirth is. It is characterized by contractions and pain that accompanies them. The period of exile is mistakenly misconceived by many women as childbirth. Although it normally lasts 5-10 minutes and is accompanied by attempts that occur against the background of contractions and push the fetus out of the uterus. The third period is the expulsion (birth) of the placenta, which is normally also short and is 5 - 15, maximum 30 minutes. It becomes clear that childbirth is not only the process of giving birth to a baby, but also contractions, at the end of which the amniotic fluid leaves and the birth of the placenta ("baby's place" or placenta).

Contractions: what is it and what is it for

Contractions are called involuntary uterine contractions (carried out by the muscle layer), which occur regularly and are necessary for the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. Contractions are classified into false and true.

Contractions before childbirth or false expectant mothers begin to feel a few weeks before the onset of labor. For the first time, such uterine contractions occur after 24 weeks. They are characterized by a short duration, only a few seconds (less often a minute), irregularity, the intervals between contractions range from 10-15 minutes to half an hour and last no more than two hours. Arising at the end of the gestation period means the approach of labor. Such uterine contractions are also called training contractions, since they prepare the woman's body, in particular the uterus, for the upcoming work during childbirth.

True contractions mark the beginning of the birth act. It is impossible not to notice and miss them, as most women are afraid, especially those giving birth for the first time. First, the onset of labor is preceded by their numerous precursors, of particular importance is the discharge of the mucous plug (3 to 7 days before delivery). Secondly, the discharge of amniotic fluid is possible. And thirdly, contractions have their own parameters, knowing about which, even a primiparous woman will not doubt the beginning of the labor act.

Contractions are necessary in order for the uterine pharynx to open, first the baby's head will pass through it, and then the entire baby as a whole. The uterine pharynx is the external and internal pharynx of the cervical canal. Normally, before the onset of labor, the uterine pharynx is closed (closed) or misses the tip of the finger. To facilitate the fetus's expulsion from the uterine cavity, the uterine pharynx opens up to 10 - 12 cm. Such a dilation is called complete. In addition, in the process of the first stage of labor, due to contractions, not only the opening of the neck occurs, but also the movement of the presenting part of the fetus along the planes of the small pelvis. When the cervix opens completely, and the baby's head passes the bony ring of the pelvis and ends up on the pelvic floor (that is, in the vagina), attempts occur, which indicates that the second stage of labor has begun. Attempts and contractions refer to the fruiting forces, it becomes clear that childbirth without contractions is impossible.

Contractions: how to recognize them

As already mentioned, it is impossible to miss a contraction, even if a woman is preparing to become a mother for the first time. But one should not believe the films, which very often show such a situation: a woman in the last stages of pregnancy, amid full health, suddenly and violently begins labor activity, and after a couple of hours she becomes a happy mother. Yes, such situations are not excluded, but this applies to rapid childbirth, which lasts no more than 4 hours in primiparas, and in the second birth, 2 or less hours pass from the start of uterine contractions to the birth of the child.

True contractions (normally) begin gradually, gradually increasing, and the gap between them decreases. How to understand that contractions have begun if childbirth is the first? You need to listen to yourself. Feelings can be different. Someone compares uterine contractions with menstrual pains, and someone has pulling pains or stretching in the lumbar region, gradually spreading to the lower abdomen, encircling the woman. True contractions, as they write on many sites on the Internet, do not refer to the harbingers of childbirth, but to the beginning of childbirth. To recognize labor pains, you should know their characteristics:

  • contractions are always regular and renewed at regular intervals;
  • the duration of uterine contractions increases, and the gap between them is shortened;
  • pain sensations (if any) gradually increase.

Another sensation that the expectant mother experiences during uterine contractions, especially if she is not worried about pain, is that the uterus is “stony”. It is easy to determine by hand. From the beginning of the contraction, the uterus contracts and becomes firm to the touch, and by the end it gradually relaxes.

How long does the contraction last? When labor has just begun, each uterine contraction lasts 10-15 seconds, over time the contractions lengthen and by the end of the first period reach 1-1.5 minutes (60-90 seconds). The breaks between contractions are at first 10 - 15 minutes, then they become shorter and shorter, and in the strenuous period, the contractions occur on average after 1.5 - 2 minutes, but possibly in a minute.

Phases of the period of contractions

In view of the fact that the neck opens unevenly, and the fetus moves along the bone ring at different speeds, the period of contractions is divided into three phases:

First (latent phase)

Its beginning coincides with the establishment of regular contractions, and it ends with smoothing of the cervix and its opening up to 3-4 cm. Contractions continue from 20 to 45 seconds, occur every 15 minutes, the phase itself lasts up to 6 hours. This phase is called "latent" due to painlessness or mild pain and does not require drug pain relief.

Second (active phase)

As soon as the uterine pharynx has opened 4 cm, the active phase starts. This phase is characterized by intense labor and a fairly rapid dilatation of the cervix. The active phase lasts 3 - 4 hours, the duration of uterine contractions reaches 60 seconds, and the intervals between them last 2 - 4 minutes. When the opening of the neck of 8 cm and the whole fetal bladder is reached, it should be opened (timely amniotomy).

Third or phase deceleration

It starts with a cervical opening up to 8 cm and ends with a full disclosure. If there are contractions during the first birth, then the third phase lasts 40 minutes - 2 hours. In the case of a second birth, there may be no slowdown phase. Uterine contractions last 1 to 1.5 minutes and are repeated every minute.

Based on the foregoing, it is easy to calculate how long the contractions and childbirth last in general. So, the duration of 1 period and childbirth in general in primiparous is approximately 10 - 12 hours. With repeated births, this distance is reduced to 6 - 8 hours. If the duration of labor exceeds the specified norms, they speak of prolonged labor.

When is it time to go to the hospital

If contractions began before childbirth, when to go to the hospital? As is often the case, especially in primiparous women, they come to the hospital either too early (which makes the woman in labor very nervous), or late. To avoid this or that situation, we will decide when it is time to call an ambulance.

To understand that contractions have begun, especially in the case of the first birth, is quite simple. Uterine contractions are regular, that is, they are repeated every 10 minutes, and then the interval between contractions slowly but surely begins to decrease to 7, then to 5 minutes, and so on. Since the birth is the first, then when the woman herself establishes regular contractions with an interval of 5 - 7 minutes, it is time to call the ambulance station. If labor is repeated, then the regularity of contractions is usually established almost immediately, and the periods of rest between them decrease rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to call the doctors immediately in order to avoid haste when entering the hospital, when the disclosure is complete, and it is time to go to the delivery table. There is also an increased risk of so-called road births (especially in large cities, where travel is often difficult due to traffic jams).

In addition, it is necessary to call, and immediately, an ambulance brigade in the following cases:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid (often this happens in a dream, a woman wakes up in a wet bed and thinks with horror that she has wet herself);
  • suspicion of an outpouring of water (a light, odorless liquid leaks or suspicious liquid discharge has appeared);
  • appeared bloody, with clots or without discharge of a dark or scarlet color (placental abruption is not excluded).

The onset of childbirth, the appearance of regular contractions makes the woman and her family fuss and nervous. Therefore, the bag in the maternity hospital must be collected in advance, according to the previously compiled list, so that in a hurry and in a rush not to forget something important. Before the arrival of an ambulance, the expectant mother, as well as her relatives, should calm down and tune in to a favorable outcome of an important event (sometimes the ambulance team does not know who to help the first one: to accompany the woman in labor to the car or her excited relatives).

How to relieve labor pain

This is not to say that birth pain is so unbearable that it is easier to die than to survive it. I repeat, if you believe the stories of friends and relatives, it was so hard and bad for all of them at the moments of labor, such was the unbearable pain that they decided to go through it again, giving birth to their second or third child. Smiled? This means that the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Everything in this life can be experienced, and childbirth is a natural process and is laid down by nature. As a reassurance for expectant mothers, I would like to cite another well-known fact: men could not bear the pain that a woman experiences during labor. What does this mean? This only confirms that women are much stronger and more enduring than men, therefore, nature provided women, not men, with the opportunity to bear and give birth to a child.

Undoubtedly, pain sensations to one degree or another will accompany contractions, but there is not always a need for drug pain relief, and does your future baby need it? There are a number of recommendations, observing which pain during contractions, if not disappear, then at least decrease.

How to relieve pain during childbirth:

Psychoprophylactic training

Such preparation begins in the second half of pregnancy. In the classroom at the "school of mothers", doctors and midwives cover in detail the entire process of childbirth, from A to Z, answer questions and tell you how to behave in each stage of labor, how to breathe correctly and how you can help yourself during labor in order to relieve them. ... The main female fears originate in ignorance of the process of what to expect and how to behave in a given situation. Good psychoprophylactic training will not only eliminate the gap in knowledge of the birth process, but also set up the expectant mother for a successful outcome of childbirth, for a happy expectation of meeting her child.

"We cast out demons"

Demons mean fears of the coming birth. You should not relive the upcoming process in your soul again and again, wind yourself up and think about pain, how to survive it or about possible complications. Otherwise, a vicious circle is formed: the more you are afraid, the more likely it is that complications and severe pain during contractions are likely to occur. Remember that all thoughts are material, in scientific terms, negative emotions "set" the brain, and he will try to implement this setting. Childbirth should be expected not with fear, but with joy, because for so many long months a woman has been carrying a baby under her heart, how she wants to meet and get to know him as soon as possible.

Warm water

If contractions have begun at home and time permits, it is recommended to take a warm but hot bath (provided that the amniotic fluid does not leave). Warm water will help to relax as much as possible and relieve tension of the uterine muscle, contractions will become softer, and cervical opening will accelerate. If the waters have departed, a warm shower is allowed. In the maternity hospital, upon admission, the woman in labor is also sent to the shower, where she can stand under warm streams for her own pleasure.

Maximum relaxation

If contractions start at home and there are long breaks in between, you need to be comfortable and relaxed. You can listen to pleasant music, watch your favorite movie, calmly drink tea (if you don't have to) and even take a nap. The first period, especially in primiparous, is quite long, so a woman needs to gain strength and energy for childbirth.

Active behavior

Active behavior during contractions means walking and adopting comfortable postures at the time of uterine contraction. Not so long ago, a woman in labor was prescribed to be in a horizontal position in the first period. To date, it has been proven that movement in an upright position forces the cervix to open (the presenting part presses on the cervix), and facilitates contractions. You can wiggle your pelvis, dance, or make circular movements with your hips.


The first stage of labor for the Sami is the time for a massage. You can do the massage yourself, but it is better to entrust this matter to your husband (if he is present at childbirth). You can stroke the stomach with light movements during the contraction (but only in a clockwise direction). It is also allowed to massage the lumbar and sacrum, pressure with fists on points on the sides of the spine in the lumbar spine and pressure with thumbs in the places of the anterior upper spines of the pelvis (they are easy to identify - the parts of the pelvis that protrude from the front the most).

Correct posture

At the moment of the contraction, the woman in labor takes the most comfortable position for her. This can be a forward tilt of the body with an emphasis on the wall or the headboard (as an option - the husband), while the legs are spread shoulder-width apart. You can get on all fours or squat down, it is also convenient to raise one leg by placing it on a chair, leaning against the wall (bed, windowsill). In many maternity hospitals today there are special large balls on which you can jump during the uterine contraction or lie down. When choosing and adopting a comfortable position, it is important not to forget about correct breathing.

We breathe correctly

Proper breathing will not only reduce pain during contractions, but will also maximize the flow of oxygen to the fetus. Shouting during contractions is not recommended. First, when screaming, breathing is held, which means that oxygen does not flow to the child. Secondly, a lot of energy is expended on screaming, which will still be needed during the period of exertion. And, thirdly, by screaming you just scare the child (yes, yes, he thinks that since mom is screaming, then everything is not all right).


Helps relieve pain or at least forget about distractions. You can read poetry or sing songs, repeat the multiplication table aloud, or perform simple arithmetic operations.

Confidence in the doctor

Another important point that affects the intensity of pain in the first period is trust in the doctor. If you do not like the doctor or you instinctively do not believe him, ask to replace the obstetrician. But the best option is a preliminary agreement with the doctor who will deliver the baby.

Practical example

I was seeing a young, first-pregnant woman. Somehow I won her trust, and she decided that I should take part in the delivery. And then one day, on a weekend, early in the morning, the doorbell rang. I open it and see this woman who says that she has contractions, and she came for me to take me to the hospital. She did not come alone, of course, with her husband. I asked if it started long ago and is it tolerable yet? She replied that it was tolerable, the contractions had been going on for about 4 hours, the water did not leave. Well, since such a thing, there is no hurry, we drank tea, talked and laughed, and slowly went to the hospital (the hospital can be seen from the window of my house). When the woman in labor was formalized, the dimensions of the abdomen and pelvis were measured (the pelvis, by the way, turned out to be normal), I determined the position of the fetus and its presentation, listened to the heartbeat and invited the woman to the gynecological chair. During the examination, it turned out that the opening of the uterine pharynx is complete, the head is already on its way to the exit from the small pelvis. About an hour later, we gave birth to a healthy full-term boy.

Summing up, I want to note why the woman did not experience pain, but only minor discomfort during labor:

  1. sufficient size of the pelvis and a medium-sized fetus;
  2. a positive attitude towards childbirth and their successful completion;
  3. husband support;
  4. unlimited trust in the doctor.

Correct breathing

Correct breathing during childbirth and labor not only relieves pain, but also helps the woman in labor to relax as much as possible, provides the body with oxygen for both the mother and the fetus, and favors the opening of the uterine pharynx. Unfortunately, many women treat the need to learn correct breathing with a fair amount of skepticism, not believing in its "miraculous" capabilities, but in vain. How to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth is taught in the "school of mothers", in terms of 30 - 32 weeks. It is necessary to master the breathing technique in such a way that all movements are performed automatically, this will facilitate the course of childbirth in the future.

Breathing technique

How to breathe correctly depends on the strength of the contraction and their phase. It is important to follow the rule: the longer and more intense the contractions, the more often the breathing. Correct breathing techniques:

We breathe deeply and slowly

This method of breathing is recommended in the latent phase of contractions, when they do not yet cause pain, but only bring discomfort. We inhale shortly and quickly, and exhale slowly and for a long time. You need to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, stretching out the lips with a "tube". It is recommended to count while breathing: while inhaling, count to 3, while exhaling, to 5.

Candle technique

As soon as the contractions have gained strength and become longer, we breathe frequently and shallowly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth with extended lips. We breathe so often and not deeply, as if blowing out a candle. By the end of the contraction, you can return to deep, slow breathing. Light dizziness that appears after this breathing technique is due to hyperventilation of the lungs. Frequent shallow breathing also promotes the release of endorphins ("hormones of joy"), which reduce pain.

The Big Candle Technique

By the end of the first stage of labor, we switch to the "big candle" technique. We breathe with effort, inhaling as if with a stuffy nose, and exhaling through almost closed lips.

Breathing in the event of early attempts

When the neck is not fully open, and the head begins to descend, early attempts occur, which are contraindicated and can provoke neck ruptures. In this case, it is recommended to change the position of the body (stand up or squat down), at the beginning of the bout breathe with a "candle" (superficially and often), then inhale briefly and repeat the "candle". Thus, breathe until the end of the contraction. In the intervals between uterine contractions, we breathe freely.

Method "doggy"

We breathe frequently and shallowly, but the mouth is open (inhale and exhale through the mouth).

Pushing breathing

At the beginning of the attempt, we inhale as deeply as possible and push into the perineum, trying to push the child out. Avoid pushing on the face (otherwise there will be retinal blood vessel ruptures and headache). For the fight, you need to push three times. As soon as the head is born, we stop pushing and breathe like a dog. After the command, the pushing is resumed, during which the child is born.

By contractions after childbirth, women mean contractions of the subsequent period. After the birth of the child, it is necessary to give birth to the afterbirth. When the placenta has separated from the uterine walls, pains resume, but not as intense as in the first period. In this case, no special effort is required, it is enough to slightly push and the "baby's place" comes out of the uterus.