Romantic stories from life. SMS Collection Best of the best

In these unseen short stories - a lifetime, they are able to tighten anyone.

Today is my 75-year-old grandfather, who is already 15 years old as a landing because of the cataracts, told me: "Your grandmother is the most beautiful woman on earth, however,"? I thought for a second and said: "Yes, that's what. Probably, you really lack this beauty now when you do not see her. " "Honey," Grandpa answered me, "I see her every day." To be honest, now I see it much more clearly than when we were young. "


Today I got married my daughter. Ten years ago, I pulled out a van from the volume of the van after a serious 14-year-old boyfriend. The verdict of doctors was unequivocal: he will no longer be able to walk. My daughter visited him several times with me in the hospital. Then she began to go there without me. And today I saw how despite all the predictions and smiling widely, he put on the ring on my daughter's finger - firmly standing on both legs.


Today, coming to the door of your store at 7 am (I Florist), I saw a soldier in shape. He went to the airport, from where he should fly to Afghanistan for a whole year. He said: "Every Friday I usually bring my wife a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and I do not want to leave this tradition due to departure." Then he ordered 52 bouquet of flowers and asked me to deliver them in the evening of every Friday to the office of his wife until he returns. I made him a 50% discount on everything - such love filled my whole day with the light.


Today I told my 18-year-old grandson that I didn't hit the school ball for all my school years because no one has ever invited me there. And imagine - this evening he, dressed in a tuxedo, called my door and invited the school ball as his partner.


When today she woke up from the 18-month coma, he kissed me and said: "Thank you for staying with me, that I told all these wonderful stories and what always believed in me ... And yes, I will marry you."


Today I, passing through the park, decided to eat on a bench. And only I unfolded my sandwich, as an elderly couple was stopped near the oak nearby. They lowered the windows and turned on jazz. The man came out of the car, opened the door and filed his hand to a woman, and after they were slowly half an hour danced at that very oak.


Today I did the operation of a little girl. She needed the blood of the first group. We did not have it, but her twin brother was also the first group. I explained to him that this is a matter of life and death. He thought a little, and then said goodbye to his parents and put his hand. I did not understand why he did it until he asked me after we took blood from him: "And when will I die?" He thought she sacrificed his life for sisters. Fortunately, now everything will be fine with them.


My father is the best, you can only dream about. He loves my mother (and always makes her happy), he comes to every football match, in which I participated in five years (now I am 17), it provides all of our family. This morning, when I was looking for a pliers in the father's drawer for the toolbox, I found a folded dirty paper on the bottom. It was a page from the old fatherly diary, with the date a month before my birth. It was written there: "I am nineteen years old, I am an alcoholic who flew out of the institute, an unsuccessful suicide, a victim of child violence and a former hijacker. And next month, the "Young Father" will also be added to all. But I swear, I will do everything to my baby everything is fine. I will become such a father for her as I never had. " And ... I do not know how, but he succeeded.


Today my 8-year-old son hugged me and said: "You are the best mom worldwide." I smiled and asked him: "How do you know that? You have not seen all the moms of the whole world. " My son in response to it hugged me even stronger and said: "And you are my world."


Today I examined the elderly patient with Alzheimer's disease. He barely remembers his own name and often forgets where he, and what he spoke just a few minutes ago. But some miracle (and I think it's a miracle with love), every time his wife comes to visit him for a few minutes, he remembers who she is, and welcomes it with the words "Hello, my beautiful Kate".


My 21-year-old Labrador can hardly get up, almost sees nothing and does not hear, and she has no strength even to gaze. But still, when I enter the room, she joyfully wags the tail.


Today I was horror saw through the kitchen window, like my 2-year-old daughter slipped and fell into our pool. But before I managed to reach it, our Retriever Rex jumped over her and pulled out a shirt at the gate where finely and she could get up.


My older brother has already passed my bone marrow for me 15 times to help me struggle with cancer. He talks about it directly with my doctor, and I don't even know when he does it. And today, the doctor told me that it seems that treatment begins to help. "We are watching resistant remission," he said.


Today I was driving home with my grandfather, when he suddenly turned around and said: "I forgot to buy flowers for your grandmother. Now I'll go to the store on the corner and I will buy her a bouquet. I quickly". "And today what, some special day?" I asked him. "No, it seems to be no," answered my grandfather. "Every day in something special. And your grandmother loves flowers. They make her happier. "


Today I reread a suicide note, which I wrote on September 2, 1996 two minutes before my girl knocked into my door and said "I am pregnant". Suddenly, I felt that I want to live again. Today she is my favorite wife. And at my daughter, which is already 15 years old, there are two younger brothers. From time to time I reread my suicide note to remind myself as far as I am grateful for the fact that I had a second chance to live and love.


Today 10 years have passed since the death of my father. When I was small, he flew to me a short melody when I went to bed. When I was 18 and he had cancer, I already sank to him that the melody, visiting him in the hospital. Since then, I have never heard her, while today my bridegroom did not heal her under his breath. It turned out that his mother also sang her in childhood.


My 11-year-old son knows the deafness language, because his friend Josh, with whom they grew along with the childhood, deaf. It is so nice to see their friendship blooms every year.


Today my father died, he was 92. I found it sitting in a chair in his room. On his knees, he lay three photos within - these were photos of my mom, who died 10 years ago. She was love of his whole life, and most likely he, feeling an approaching death, wanted to see her once again.


I am a 17-year-old blind boy. Although my son was born with blind, it did not prevent him from becoming an excellent guitarist (his first album of his band had already exceeded 25,000 downloads on the net) and a great guy for his Valeri girl. Today, his younger sister asked him that he was attracted to Valerie, and he replied: "Everything. It is beautiful. "


Today, for the first time in a few months, my 12-year-old Son Shane came home to home in the nursing home. Usually I go there alone to spend my mother suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When we went to the hall, the nurse said: "Hello, Sean" and missed us inside. I asked the Son: "How does she know your name?" "Ah, yes, I often run after school, to spend my grandmother," he replied. And I did not have the idea about it.


My grandfather has always kept an old woman on his bedside table, a faded photo, made in the 60s, on which he and grandmother are fun laugh at some party. My grandmother died from cancer when I was 7 years old. Today I looked into his house, and my grandfather saw, as I look at this photo. He came up to me, hugged and said: "Remember - nothing lasts forever, but it does not mean that it is not worth it."


I am a mother of 2 children and grandmother 4 grandchildren. At 17, I got pregnant twins. When my boyfriend and friends found out that I was not going to do an abortion, they all turned away from me. But I did not surrender, not throwing school, got a job, graduated from the institute and in it I met a guy, who for 50 years he loves my children as his own.


Today I was sitting on the hotel's balcony and saw on the beach there is a love couple. By how they move, it was seen that they are crazy about each other. When they approached closer, I was surprised to see that these are my parents. Who would have thought that 8 years ago, they almost did not divorce.


Today, 15 years after the death of my grandfather, my 72-year-old grandmother again marries. I am 17 years old, and in my entire life I have never seen her so happy. How nice it was to see two people, so lovers in each other, despite their age. And now I know - never happens too late.


Today, after we lived separately for 2 years, my ex-wife and my ex-wife finally sat down our disagreements and decided to meet at dinner. We chatted and laughed 4 hours long. And before leaving, she gave me a big, chubby envelope. It lay 20 love messages that she wrote for these two years. The envelope was signed by "Letters I did not send because of my stubbornness."


Today an accident happened to me, and I had an abundance on my forehead. The doctor wrapped my head with a bandage and said not to shoot it for a whole week - I did not like it. Two minutes ago, the younger brother came to my room - his head was also wrapped by a bandage! Mom said he did not want me to feel unhappy.


Today, when my 91-year-old grandfather (military doctor, the executioner and a successful businessman) rested on the hospital bed, I asked him that he would consider his greatest achievement. He turned to my grandmother, took her hand and said: "The fact that I raised with her."


Today, in the 50th anniversary of our wedding, she smiled at me and said: "It is a pity that I did not meet you before."

Deep night. Somewhere runs by a quiet breeze, accelerating the last dust on the asphalt cheese. Small night rain added freshness to this stuffy, tortured world. Added freshness in the hearts of lovers. They stood hugging in the light of a street lamp. She, so feminine and gentle, who said that at 16 years old girl could not be feminine enough?! Here, age does not matter at all, only one who is near, the closest, native and warm man on Earth is important. And he is most pleased that she is finally in his arms. After all, and the truth says that the arms, as nothing else transmit all the love of a person, no kisses, only a gentle touch of his hands. Each of them at this moment, a minute of hugs, is experiencing unearthly feelings. The girl feels safe, knowing that there will always be protected. The guy shows care, feels responsibility - an unforgettable feeling towards his beloved and only.
Everything was like in the final of the most beautiful film about happy love. But let's start with the beginning.

Daily, hourly and every minute in the world there is so much interesting that it is even difficult to tell about everything. But we prepared for you romantic stories (real and invented), in which the whole essence of modern immortal love is displayed. Here you will find what you have been dreaming about or what you want so much ... There is only romance, love and everything connected with her ...

He loved the rain. The sound of falling droplets. Their loud or quiet sobs on Earth or asphalt. He loved sounds at all. Any. Even the beeps of cars or bicycles. Perhaps the fact that it was on the sounds that he could understand what was happening in the world. Since he was blind from birth. Parents not immediately [...]

Do you think fairy tales is only for children and children? And here is not. They happen in adulthood. Yes, right here, next to you. In life, where black seems white, and white on the contrary, black. Where a resistant tin soldier can celebrate his ballerina in a regular crowded trolleybus. So, action [...]

They met by chance. She just walked around the market in search of the cheapest vegetables, and he stood on the site of the seller. She ran his eyes on neighboring counterparts, among whom had price tags were written by hand, and slowly moved on. And he seemed to overcome for a while, but I was looking forward to it while [...]

Lisa, like many graduates of schools, dreamed of going to the best university of their city and the country, travel around the world, to meet their love and, of course, live long and happily. Dreams came true: After graduating from one of the most prestigious universities, she decided to stay to obtain a Master of Historical Sciences diploma with an in-depth study of Spanish and [...]

As soon as I got out of the store, it rains immediately. I didn't want to return back, the saleswoman was rude enough there and looked at me with such a convicted look, as if I had something stole something. Umbrella, I certainly did not take with myself, why should I have an umbrella when I go to the store? Okay, […]

My militias come out when both have already been on the child. His wife died from cancer, I divorced. Our boys - weather, his you are six years old, my coland is seven. Well, that is, it was when we agreed, now more. The boys began friends, together go to school, together lessons teach.

I am 24 years old. Now I understand that there are no brains. It was all sad enough, when two years ago I fell in love. At work I got acquainted with a man four years older than me. The first time in life fell in love. They met for a short time - a couple of months. They seemed magical to me. I really liked a man. Two months after the start of the relationship, he was about to make a proposal - conversations only weddown. I was entirely for. I really wanted to marry a loved one. And almost reached, if not my mom.

I recently found out that my boyfriend has another. He found out by chance, he just confused the rooms and sent to my sms-ku number with her name. "Lenok, Sunny, like Deliche?" "And everything here is clear, because my name is not Lenok." I don't know if they had (denied! And there is no evidence), but I got angry great. I am not an amateur to arrange scandals, but it never hurt me in life.

Everything happens in life! And love has not only everything, but everything in the world!

"Zhenya Plus Zhenya"

He lived - there was a girl in Zhenya .... Doesn't this start remind of anything? Yes Yes! Almost the well-known and wonderful fairy tale "Tsvetik-Semicetics" begins.

In fact, everything begins otherwise ... The girl named Zhenya was eighteen. Literally a few days remained to school graduation. She did not expect anything special from the holiday, but I was going to participate in it. The dress was already cooked. Shoes - too.

When the day of the graduation came, Zhenka changed his mind even to go where she planned. But Katya's girlfriend "set up" her for previous plans. Zhenya surprised that she for the first time (in all her life) was not late for the event. She came to him a second in a second and did not believe her clock!

An award for such a "feat" it was acquainted with the guy of her dreams, which, by the way, was also a Zhenkina Tiska.

Zhenya and Zhenya met nine years. And the tenth decided to get married. Decided and did it! Then we went to the wedding trip, to Turkey. In such a romantic period, they also did not leave themselves without "humorism" ...

They went to the massage. They were spent this pleasant procedure in the same room, but different people. Since masseurs spoke poorly in Russian, the atmosphere was already special. Of course, masseurs - a specialist was interesting to know the names of their "guests". That that made a massage wife, asked her name. The second masseuse recognized the name of her husband's husband. Name coincidence, apparently, really liked the masseuses. And they made one of this solid jokes ... .. We began to namely call the wife, to turn around, reacted and he shuddered and she. It looked funny!

"Long-awaited ship of love"

Galya girl received an education in a private and prestigious higher educational institution. Years flying for her very quickly. In the third year, they "scored" run, because the check mark met her true love. The aunt bought her a two-room apartment in a good rash, and Sasha (her young man) made her repair. They lived peacefully and happily. The only thing that Galya is long got used to the long-term business trips from Sasha. He is a sailor. Galya did not see him for four months. The guy came to the week - another and leaving again. And Galya missed and waited, waited and missed ....

She was boring and sad because Sanya was against dogs and cats, and Gale was lonely waiting for his return. And here "turned up" a single-line girl who needed an apartment (a room in it). They began to live together, even Sasha was and against such residence.

Tatyana (Single group Gali) changed her life like no other. This quiet, which believed in God, led Sasha at Gali. What survived the girl - only her knows. But a little time passed, and Sasha returned to his beloved. Beglore her about forgiveness, because I realized my "tough" error. And the galuma forgave ... Forgiven, but did not forget. And hardly forget. Like the fact that he told her on that very day his return: "She was very similar to you. Your main difference is that you were not home, and Tanya was always like that. I'm somewhere leaving - I'm calm, I do not worry that she will run away somewhere from me. You are another thing! But I realized that you were the best and I do not want to lose you. "

Tanya went away from the life of lovers. All began to improve. Now Galka is waiting for not only the ship of love with the owner of her heart, but also the day of their wedding. It has already been assigned and no one is going to change the date.

This story of us teaches us that real love never dies that there is no interference in real love.

"New Year's parting - the beginning of a new love"

Vitaly and Maria fell in love so much that they were going to get married. Vitaly gave Masha Kolyvko, admitted to love any thousand times .... At first everything was so great as in the movie. But soon "the weather of the relationship" began to deteriorate. And the new year a couple noted no longer together .... Vitaly called the girl and said the following: "You are very cool! Thank you for everything. I was incredibly well with you, but we are forced to part. So it will be better not only to me, but also you believe! I'll call you yet. " The tears from the eyes of the girl flowed with streams, lips, hands and cheeks trembled. Her beloved threw the tube .... Favorite left her forever, trampled love .... It happened almost at midnight of the new year ....

Maria rushed to the pillow and continued to cry. She would be glad to stop, but she did not succeed. The body did not want to obey her. She thought: "This is the first New Year holiday, which I was destined to meet in a complete loneliness and with such a deepest injury ...". But the guy who lived in the neighboring entrance, "created" another turn of events for her. What did he make such an unearthly? He just called and invited her to celebrate a magic holiday. The girl unscrewed a long time. It was hard for her (tears interfered). But friend "won" Maria! She surrendered. She gathered, made it, took a bottle of tasty wine, a bag with delicious candies, and ran to Andrey (so called a friend - Savior).

A friend introduced her to another his friend. Which, a few hours later, became her boyfriend. So it happens! Andryukha, like the rest of the guests, got drunk and went to bed. And Maria and Sergey (friend Andrei) remained talking in the kitchen. They did not notice how dawn met. And none of the guests believed that nothing but conversations were between them.

When it was necessary to diverge home, Seryozha wrote his mobile number on the gambling of the newspaper. Masha did not answer the same. She promised that he would call. Maybe someone will not believe, but she kept his promise after a few days, when this New Year's mood was easier.

When the next date of the Mushki and earrings took place .... The first phrase, which the guy uttered, was: "If something is expensive, you will find it better, it is necessary!".

Seryozha helped forget the Masha of the man who brought her millions of suffering. The fact that they love each other understood immediately, but they were afraid to admit to themselves ...

Continued. . .