Seminar-workshop of a psychologist for preschool teachers: “Protection of the rights of a preschooler. Active forms of work with teachers on the development of the federal state educational institution before a workshop for teachers of the educational institution "pedagogy of communication and cooperation

Target: improving the psychological literacy of teachers when working with aggressive, hyperactive and anxious children.


  1. Introduce the concepts of "aggression", "hyperactivity", "anxiety", the causes and signs of manifestation
  2. To teach methodological techniques for working with "difficult" children.
  3. Analyze the methodological information received and the results of the work.

Form of work: group, subgroup.

Working methods: workshop.

Dates: 3 seminars, 35-40 minutes each.

Participants: teachers of age groups 5-7 years old.

Recently, more and more often a kindergarten psychologist has to answer questions from parents and teachers: what to do if the child is constantly fighting? Doesn't make contact with peers? Hears neither peers nor adults? Can't sit still? The number of such questions is growing steadily. Probably because in our difficult times, parents do not always have the opportunity and time to deal with a child, bad ecology, an increase in the number of common and chronic diseases in children. Thus, the question arises before parents and teachers: how to learn to interact with such children so that they fully live the period of preschool childhood. This cycle of lectures is primarily intended for preschool educational institutions, as they are the first in the educational system to meet with "difficult" children. And on their shoulders lies the main task of socializing children into society. At our meetings, “difficult” children will be understood as aggressive, hyperactive and anxious children, since in practice teachers most often meet with such children. To consolidate the information received, it is necessary to demonstrate or play the proposed games together with the teachers.

Workshop 1. "Methods of interaction with aggressive children"

Aggression is motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms and rules of behavior in society, harming the targets of the attack, causing physical harm to people (Psychological Dictionary, 1997). In turn, aggressiveness is a personality trait expressed in readiness for aggression.

There are 5 types of aggression (A. Bass, A. Darky):

  1. Physical - physical actions against someone
  2. Indirect - it can be directed (gossip, evil jokes) and undirected (shouting in a crowd, stomping)
  3. Irritation - irascibility, rudeness
  4. Negativism - oppositional demeanor
  5. Verbal - threats, shouts, swearing.

Signs of aggressiveness:

  • an aggressive child by temperament: quick-tempered, rebellious, unpredictable
  • an aggressive child by nature: self-confident, not attentive enough to the feelings of others, impudent, shows negativism.

Causes of aggression:

  1. Violations of the emotional-volitional sphere - are manifested in the child's inability to control his behavior, as well as in his insufficient assimilation of social norms of behavior and communication.
  2. Unfavorable family environment - in the family there are no uniform requirements for raising a child, asocial behavior of parents, physical and cruel punishment, poor living and material conditions of life.
  3. Learning difficulties
  4. Unfavorable psychological climate in a preschool institution.

The table below shows the directions and methods of work of teachers with aggressive children, and also indicates the components of the subject-developing environment that will help in building interaction with these children.

Interaction with aggressive children.

direction methods subject-developing environment

1. Expressing anger in an acceptable way

  • Express your feelings
  • Express anger indirectly: on a non-hazardous subject
  • Streamline the system of requirements for the child

Rubber toys, rubber balls, pillows, foam balls, a target with magnetic darts, a screaming cup.

Games: Good-evil cats, Karate player, Boxer, Stubborn pillow, Clowns swear.

2. Teaching self-regulation techniques

  • Relaxation exercises

Card index of relaxation games: "Sunbathe in the Sun", "Sea", "Tropical Island", "Waterfall", "Magic Dream", "Vacuum Cleaner and Dust", etc.

3. Practice communication skills

  • Involve children in role play
  • Emphasize the importance of the child in the work performed
  • Don't be labeled: angry, bully, brawler

Table theater, a variety of game paraphernalia.

4. Formation of positive personality traits (empathy, trust in people, kindness)

  • Teach a child to feel sorry for others
  • Reading fiction
  • Composing fairy tales, stories with children
  • Creation of the "Emotional Dictionary"

Didactic games "Emotional states", "ABC of emotions", "Faces are different", "Good or bad".

The games and exercises suggested in the table can be found in Annex 1 .

Workshop 2. "Methods of interaction with anxious children"

It is imperative to talk about working with anxious children, although these children do not cause trouble for adults. That is why they are rarely paid attention to, and they can remain in the shadows, even with remarkable abilities. In modern literature, the concepts of "anxiety" and "anxiety" are often confused. However, these are not at all identical terms, and should not be substituted for each other. Anxiety refers to the episodic manifestation of anxiety and excitement. And it is not always negative: sometimes anxiety becomes the reason for the mobilization of a person's potential. But the term "anxiety" is interpreted as an individual psychological feature of a person, manifested in a tendency to frequent intense experiences of anxiety. Often this feature is an obstacle to the harmonious development of the child's personality, his socialization and adaptation in a peer group.

Research by Zakharov A.I. (1997), that at preschool age, boys are more anxious, and Ranschburg J. (1983), that the higher the child's intelligence, the more he experiences fears and anxieties.

The reasons for anxiety are as follows:

  1. Negative demands placed on the child, which can humiliate and put a dependent position
  2. Inadequate, most often, overestimated requirements for the child
  3. Conflicting requirements for a child from parents or preschool.
  4. High anxiety in parents.

Criteria for identifying an anxious child

  1. Has constant anxiety
  2. has difficulty (sometimes impossibility) concentrating on anything
  3. Experiencing muscle tension (eg, in the face, neck)
  4. Irritable
  5. Has sleep disturbance

In order for there to be a reason to assume that the child you are watching is anxious, it is necessary that at least two of the listed criteria are constantly manifested in his behavior.

The main areas of work are presented in the table.

Interacting with anxious children

Direction Methods subject-developing environment

1.increase self-esteem

  • Call your child by name more often
  • Fulfillment of prestigious assignments in this team
  • Praise him in front of other children and adults
  • Reward with tokens
  • Tactile contact
  • Compare the results of this child with his own results, which he achieved yesterday, a week or a month ago
  • Avoid timed assignments
  • It is advisable to ask in the middle of the lesson, ask one question and give time to think it over (the child perceives each repetition of the question as an annoying stimulus again)
  • Eye-to-eye communication

Self-esteem games card file: "Praise", "Why Mom Loves Me"

2.Teaching the child to relieve muscle and emotional tension

  • Perform relaxation exercises
  • Skin-to-skin contact with a child
  • Using massage elements
  • Masquerade (disguise, masks)

Card index of relaxation games: "Draw with your lips", "Sculpture", "Affectionate crayon", "Roll the doll", "Kind - evil, cheerful - sad", psycho-gymnastics by M.I. Chistyakova.

3.working of confident behavior in specific situations

  • Role-playing game
  • Doll games

Playing scenes using puppet theater or masks

Workshop 3."Methods of interaction with hyperactive children"

If a child is restless, then the reason for this is most likely a disorder called "hyperactivity due to attention deficit." Peaks of manifestation: 1-2 years, 3 years, 6-7 years.

Hyperactive children cause the greatest protest in adults, because these children bring a lot of inconvenience.

Until now, it has not been precisely identified why these disorders occur. Some scientists believe that this is a dysfunction of the brain in the frontal part. Together with other parts of the brain, this area is responsible for controlling movement and attention. The long-term prognosis for hyperactive children with attention disorders is favorable if they receive comprehensive assistance: psychological and pedagogical support and drug treatment.

The main causes of hyperactivity:

  1. Prenatal pathology (toxicosis, exacerbation of a chronic disease, Rh-conflict)
  2. Complications of childbirth (preterm labor, stimulated labor, asphyxia, internal hemorrhage)
  3. Psychosocial factors (permissive parenting style)

Signs of hyperactive children:

  • bad dream
  • sensitivity to stimuli
  • increased muscle tone
  • the child has no attempts to penetrate the essence of the phenomenon
  • actions are spontaneous, erratic
  • do not think about the consequences of their actions
  • selfish, demonstrative, demanding, conflicting
  • overly chatty

If you do not work with a hyperactive child in preschool childhood, then in adolescence he will experience asocial, destructive behavior.

It should also be noted that in children with hyperactivity, the threshold of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low, so they are immune to reprimands and punishment. But they easily respond to the slightest praise.

The main directions of work with these children are shown in the table.

Interaction with a hyperactive child

Direction of work Recommendations Subject-developing environment

Development of attention, behavior control, motor control

  • Teach your child at the start of the day
  • Instructions are clear and concise (no more than 6 words)
  • Communicate softly, calmly, evenly (refrain from emotionally elevated tone)
  • A few minutes before the start of a new activity, warn the child about this
  • Compliance with a clear regime
  • Restrict from watching TV
  • Asking the child at the beginning and end of the class
  • Find differences
  • Do it in this way!
  • Homeless hare
  • Glomerulus
  • What's new
  • Pay attention
  • Listen to the silence
  • Finger games
  • Psycho-gymnastics

Practicing interaction skills with adults and peers

  • Before starting classes, stipulate the rules of behavior for the implementation of which the child will receive a reward
  • Rewards - Go in the first pair, watch during lunch, extra time to play
  • Encourage more often
  • Try to avoid the "NOT" particle in speech
  • Monitor short assignments
  • Homeless hare
  • Bell
  • Speak!
  • My triangular cap
  • Yes and no, don't say
  • Chants, whispers, silent
  • Please
  • Let's say hello

The games and exercises suggested in the table can be found in Appendix 1.


  1. Zakharov A.I. The origin of childhood neuroses and psychotherapy. - M., 2000.
  2. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children - M., 2000.
  3. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Part 1.M., 1998.
  4. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Part 2.M., 1998.
  5. Chirkova T.V. Psychological service in kindergarten: A textbook for psychologists and preschool education specialists. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998.
  6. Shirokova G.A. A preschool psychologist's guide. (3rd ed.) / Series "Reference books". - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005.
  7. Shitova E.V. Working with children is a source of pleasure: guidelines for the work of educators with children and parents. - Volgograd: "Panorama", 2006.

Municipal preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation of the physical and ecological direction of development of pupils
№43 "Trickle"

Workshop for teachers
"Let's play!"

Prepared by:
senior educator
Kozlova Larisa Alexandrovna

G. Vologda, 2014

Presenter: And one more creative task.
Try to make one with two objects, a plate and a fork, a stool and tongs, a hammer and tongs. Try to draw and come up with a name.
Presenter: Game "Finding Consequences". You need to answer the questions starting with the words "What will happen"
"What happens if the rain keeps pouring down?"
"What happens if all animals start speaking in a human voice?"
"What happens if all the mountains suddenly turn into sugar?"
"What happens if you grow wings?" and. etc.
Reflection "Everything is in my hands."
Presenter: Now let's summarize the results of our meeting today.
Now draw your hand on a piece of paper and write your answers to the questions inside the outline.
- Most of all I liked…
- In the future, I will use ...
- Here I learned a new one today ...
- I knew before what I heard about ...
- It was unexpected for me today ...
I would like to end our meeting with a poem by Diana Pleskacheva.
In my Imagination
In my Imagination
Dolphins are flying there
Flutter in the sky.
There are butterflies of flowers
Chasing rhinos
And tiny gnomes
They stand on their heads.
In my Imagination
In my Imagination
There is no cold
There is summer all year round.
There you can instead of porridge
Eat ice cream all day
And no soup -
The cat is looking for it.
Yes, there is a lot of funny there,
Wonderful, groovy,
Merry, beautiful
Lives in my country!
Presenter: Thank you for your attention. All the best!

1. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood.
2. Kravtsova E. Wake up a magician in a child. M .: Education, 1996.


"Secrets of Successful Work with Parents"


Deputy head for VMR MBDOU Platoshinsky kindergarten "Sun"

Konovalova Galina Vitalievna


increasing the level of professional skill of preschool educational institutions in matters of interaction with the families of pupils.


    Clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents.

    Introduce the rules of constructive communication with parents, find out communication problems and ways to overcome them.

    To acquaint teachers with the causes of emotional burnout and ways to prevent and correct it.

Preliminary work:

1. Study of the Federal State Educational Standard, methodological literature, drawing up a presentation, visual material.

Materials, equipment: memo,laptop, media projector, pens, sheets of paper,


Leading activities

Activities of teachers


Good afternoon, dear teachers.

I propose to start our meeting with the exercise "Brainstorm" (or "turn on the brains").

Target - help group members get involved in work, promote interaction with each other, a positive attitude.

Teachers in a circle count from 1 to 60 (100) at a fast pace. You cannot say the number 6 and numbers that are divisible by 6. Instead of a number, clap your hands. Whoever makes a mistake gets up and continues to stand until the end of the count.

2.Main stage


Speech by G.V. Konovalova

Let's paraphrase Mayakovsky: “EIf a person works as a teacher in a kindergarten, then he needs it for some reason! "
The work is not easy and requires a lot of emotional investment. Of course, I want this work to be appreciated. I want your work to be noted, I want to be in good standing in the team, and, moreover, in the eyes of your parents. To do this, we must find out for ourselves: "Why do I work, what motivates me?" It's no secret that everyone has their own motivation.

Motivation is always internal, and it can change. Today, for example, I am motivated by monetary incentives, tomorrow - professional growth.

Now let's figure out what can motivate our parents to interact with the preschool educational institution, to participate in various competitions, holidays, events.

So: to successfully interact with parents, you need to know:

Training exercise "One minute to talk".

So: what did you experience when communicating, whether you easily make contact with another person. Which was easier, asking questions or talking about yourself?

Use this exercise in parenting meetings to create an emotional atmosphere of comfort, in order to learn more about the parents, and the parents can get to know each other better.

1.Speech by the teacher Goban I.A.

Exercise "Choose a Phrase"

The educator is responsible for the consequences of what he says. In order for speech to have a positive effect on parents, you need to choose phrases that exclude the triggering of psychological protection in parents.

Educators are invited to find in the proposed list:

1 ) five "bad" phrases that should not be used ;

2) "unwanted" phrases and semantic ("desirable") pairs to them.


Highlight, in your opinion, "unsuccessful" phrases in red. Indicate with an arrow the "unwanted" phrases paired with the "desirable" ones so that the arrow goes from the "unwanted" phrase to the "desirable" one.

Sorry if I was in the way.

I would like to.

You probably haven't heard of this yet.

It will be interesting for you to know.

I would like to hear again.

It seems to me interesting that.

I came to the conclusion that.

Do you want to.

I think your problem is that.

Let's have a quick discussion with you.

As you know.

Although you do not know this.

Please, if you have time to listen to me.

You, of course, do not know about this yet.

And I have a different opinion on this matter.

Of course you already know.

You've probably heard about this.

After completing the exercise, there is a discussion and correlation with the correct answers:

Bad "phrases: "Sorry if I interfered ...", "I would like to hear again ...", "Let's have a quick discussion with you ...", "Please, if you have time to listen to me ...", "And I have a different opinion on this matter ... ".

"Undesirable" phrases paired with "desirable":

"I would like to ..." - "Do you want to ...";

"You probably haven't heard about this yet ..." - "You've probably already heard about this ...";

"It seems to me interesting that ..." - "It will be interesting for you to know ...";

"I came to the conclusion that ..." - "I think your problem is that ...";

"Although you do not know this ..." - "Of course, you already know ...";

"You, of course, do not know about this yet." - "As you know ...".

Educators are offered reminders "Communication Rules"

2.Speech of educators Timofeeva I.V. with a presentation

"The reasons for misunderstanding between parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions and ways to overcome them"

3. Speech by O. Guselnikova "Causes of emotional burnout of teachers and ways to overcome"


2. Professional growth / self-realization;

3. Recognition / success;

4. Striving to benefit society;

5. Ability to share your experience;

6. Feeling of stability;

7. Power;

8. External circumstances, any life situations.

9. Support from colleagues, family, management.

Teachers answer the question posed:

1. Striving to bring joy to your child;

2. Striving to benefit society;

3. The desire for a special relationship to the child on the part of educators.

4. Desire to improve their pedagogical competence.

5. Self-realization / demonstration of their skills, talents.

6. Ability to share your experience.

7. The desire to study your child in society.

The teachers choose their interlocutor and for 3-5 minutes conduct a conversation on the topic “My hobbies” (it is possible on the topic “Sports”, “Family”, “News”, etc.), then each couple introduces each other to those present.

The teachers carry out the task.

Educators get acquainted and discuss the reminders offered to them

Educators watch a presentation given to them

The teachers get acquainted and discuss the memos.


Dear teacher!

Please give feedback on our meeting by filling out the table.

Evaluation criteria Number of points

1 2 3 4 5

Physical comfort

Psychological comfort

Practical benefits

Your activity

Leading activities

Your wishes / comments

Teachers fill out the table.

Instructions for the teacher.

Do not criticize others - why do you need other people's shortcomings? Satisfy that they are not yours.

To find a common language, you should bite your own a little.

With problem people, so as not to have problems, never create a one-on-one situation. In the presence of others, the "problem ones" are no longer so problematic!

The more you take into account the needs of your interlocutor, the more he will (automatically) satisfy your own.

Confidence in your knowledge gives strength.

If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself.

If the interlocutor behaves incorrectly in communication with you, never repeat his behavior in response. Be tactful and calm, let him see his impartial behavior himself.

Kindergarten and family are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child a social experience in its own way. The influence on the child of family education is so strong that it can negate any pedagogical efforts of the preschool educational institution. Teachers understand that without agreement with the family, pedagogical influences lose all power. Only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a small person to enter the big world.



Topic: Seminar - workshop for preschool educational institutions with training elements

"Improving communication between teachers and parents"

Target: To increase the level of professional skill of preschool educational institutions in matters of interaction with the families of pupils.


1. To generalize the knowledge of educators about the regulatory and legal support of the interaction of the preschool educational institution with parents

2 .. Clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents.

3. To help educators in organizing cooperation with the family; teach to establish contacts with parents

4. To teach to show pedagogical tact in different conditions educational work in preschool institutions.

5. Teach practical techniques and exercises to overcome barriers to dealing with difficult parents.

6. To form the ability to adequately assess yourself in communication with parents.

7. To acquaint teachers with theoretical and practical psychological principles in the field of communicative competence.

8. Promote the improvement of the level of development of communication skills among teachers through practical exercises.

9. To intensify the activities of teachers to generalize, disseminate and introduce into practical work the experience of colleagues from other preschool educational institutions

Forms of work with teachers during the project: Mini - lectures, practical assignments, business games, case studies, discussions, creative assignments, independent work with cards, work in small groups, psychological exercises, presentation,

Exercise "Dividing a group into subgroups according to a certain criterion"We suggest each seminar participant to take one card of a different color. When everyone is gathered, invite everyone to find partners-teachers with the same colors that correspond to the color of the rainbow. (The rainbow lies on the tables)

Part 1 - Introductory - introductory

Welcome ritual

Purpose: Introducing those present with each other, forming a "single group space", identifying requests and expectations from the meeting, working on establishing a positive emotional microclimate

Educator-psychologist: Hello, dear teachers! In order for our communication to be pleasant and complete, we, first of all, need to get to know each other better

Game "Greetings"

I would like to start our meeting with an acquaintance.

Acquaintance (name IO - place of work (kindergarten, group)

Today the topic of our meeting is "Improving communication between teachers and parents. Development of communication skills. Techniques for establishing positive relationships"

We propose to devote today's workshop-workshop to the question: "Communication of the teacher with the parents of pupils, the development of openness, trust, the ability to perceive parents as they are."

The work of a teacher sometimes encounters some difficulties. Currently, the demands and requirements of parents for kindergarten and in particular for a teacher are very high, which can lead to a conflict situation.

In order to help the teacher in solving conflict situations, we invite you to participate in a workshop. We remind you that this is not an activity, not a lecture. There is an opportunity to speak out, there are no wrong answers, everything that you say is accepted and not condemned.

At our seminar - workshop, we would like to show the techniques, skills, communication techniques through exercises of a training nature... Their choice was due to the fact that training is viewed as one of the methods of socially active teaching of preparing a teacher for communication. Communication during their implementation helps the participants to learn their own tendencies of behavior, teaches them to analyze the situation of communication, to understand another person (in this case parent), predict and project his actions.

Training result:

1. Acquisition of communication experience

2. Ability to navigate information, select from it what is necessary for their own work with parents

3. Design a program of activities with parents

4. Simulate the course and nature of the upcoming communication with parents

5. Overcoming psychological barriers to communication with parents

6. Carry out an individual approach to parents

7. Be aware of their own difficulties in communication and the ability to overcome them

Part 2 Content of the seminar - workshop


Mini - lecture

The changes taking place in the state, society and education place new demands on the nature and quality of educational institutions and families.

At the present time, it is becoming more and more obvious that improving the effectiveness and quality of the preschool educational institution is impossible without effective cooperation between parents and teachers. Throughout the entire period of a preschooler's stay in kindergarten, it is important for teachers and parents to be partners, allies in education and upbringing, to understand each other, speak the same language, and go in the same direction.

"Preschool childhood" is a unique period in a person's life, when health is formed, personality development is carried out.

At the same time, this is the period during which the child is completely dependent on the surrounding adults - parents, teachers

Kindergarten and family are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child a social experience in its own way. The influence on the child of family education is so strong that it can negate any pedagogical efforts of the preschool educational institution. Teachers understand that without agreement with the family, pedagogical influences lose all power. Only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a small person to enter the big world.

(To clap your hands, you need two palms. What the clap will be depends on both palms. Eastern proverb)

Parents should be active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates in them, and not just outside observers.

Today, recognizing the priority of family education over society, placing the responsibility for raising children on parents, we understand that this also requires new relations between the family and the preschool institution.

The novelty of these relations is determined by the concepts"Cooperation", "interaction".

Cooperation - This is communication "on an equal footing", where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate.

Cooperation is a dialogue that constantly enriches all partners, all participants. Both parties need to master the art of dialogue: both parents and teachers, who should look for positive ways and forms of communication.

The interaction of educators with parents is:

At first , this is a positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together on raising children.

And the biggest winners are the children, for the sake of whom this interaction is carried out..

Secondly , it is taking into account the individuality of the child. Keeping in touch with the family, the educator learns the characteristics, habits of his pupil and takes them into account when working.

third , this is strengthening within family ties, which is also a problematic issue in pedagogy today.

fourthly , this is an opportunity to implement a unified program for the upbringing and development of a child in a preschool institution and in a family.

A teacher in a modern kindergarten must be a well-educated and erudite person, professionally competent, able to find a "key" for each child, parent, have his own "zest", be interesting to others.

It is important that the educator not only possesses the technologies being introduced and is oriented in the new organization of the educational process, but also be open to communication.

The organization of full-fledged interaction between teachers and parents is today one of the most important tasks facing the teams of preschool institutions. The study of the state of this problem shows that in many kindergartens there is an active search and implementation of such forms of interaction with the families of pupils, which would make it possible to achieve real cooperation.

Modern preschool institutions do a lot to make communication with parents rich and interesting. On the one hand, teachers keep all the best and time-tested, and on the other, they seek and strive to introduce new, effective forms of interaction with the families of pupils, whose main task is to achieve real cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.

Traditional forms (types) of interaction with parents

Innovative forms (types)

interaction with parents


Consultation with the use of a multimedia installation

Parents' meetings

Kindergarten presentation

Open views

Joint holidays

Holidays for parents

Round table. They are organized in the form of free or regulated communication between teachers and parents, during which the latter have the opportunity to get answers to their questions, to express their opinion on a stated or exciting problem. For example: "Children's whims", "Preparing a child for school."


Trainings. It involves organized active social and psychological training of parents in psychological skills. For example:

"Training for communication with children", "How to resolve conflicts"


Thematic classes with parents, seminars - workshops. They include an active discussion of psychological and pedagogical problems, which involves the preparation of reports, messages, an active exchange of views, the development of specific recommendations. For example: "The psychological well-being of a child in the family and kindergarten", "Is it easy to be parents."

Parent's corner

Business and role-playing games. Business and role-playing games. They include discussion and reproduction (playing) by parents of various problem pedagogical situations in family education in a conditional environment in order to acquire skills and emotional experience of action in such situations. For example: "When the child is stubborn", "When the baby takes someone else's", "Children's tantrum in a public place" -

Thematic exhibitions

Joint activities of teachers, parents and children. Includes vigorous activities of various kinds in a group room, on a site. This can be their cleaning, decoration; preparation and planting of plants, joint preparation of manuals, gifts,

jewelry, etc.

Video filming. It means filming various moments in the life of children in kindergarten, followed by joint viewing by parents, children, other family members, educators. For example: “One Day in the Garden”, “Our Holidays”, “Building, Drawing, Lepim”, “Musical Lessons”.

Creation of personal sites

The list of proposed forms of cooperation is not complete and comprehensive, since daily work with parents constantly gives rise to new ones and modifies old ones.

2. Section

Practical part (1)

Self-diagnosis exercise "I am in the rays of the sun."

Target: determine the degree of attitude towards oneself (positively-negatively), search and assert one's positive qualities. (In a circle, sitting on chairs).

Each participant draws a circle on a piece of paper. He writes his name in the circle. Next, you need to draw the rays coming from this circle. It turns out the sun. Above each ray, a quality is recorded that characterizes this person. The analysis takes into account the number of rays (a clear idea of ​​oneself) and the predominance of positive qualities (a positive perception of oneself).

1. Discussion “Me and the parents of my group”.

Exercise. "Questions - answers"

1. What forms of interaction with parents do you use?

2. What does not work, what knowledge is lacking, what problems do you care about?

3. How often do you communicate with the parents of the pupils? What topics?

4. What emotions do you experience when communicating with your parents?

5. What professional / personal qualities do you show when communicating with him?

6. Because of what, as a rule, there are disagreements, misunderstandings with parents?» "Do your parents make any claims against you?"

2. Assignment. Pedagogical workshop

The task of teachers: to determine what forms of work should be used when solving basic tasks in blocks. Write them down.




Lectures, seminars, workshops, open classes, work of creative interest groups, parent meetings, consultations, visual campaigning

Competitions, circles, newspaper issue, contests, quizzes, joint events

Conducting sociological surveys, slices, "Mailbox", joint leisure activities, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions, workshops, a pedagogical living room, holding meetings, consultations in an unconventional form, oral pedagogical journals, games with pedagogical content, a pedagogical library for parents,

information brochures for parents, organization of days (weeks) of open doors, open views of classes and other activities of children, publication of wall newspapers, organization of mini - libraries

Conducting sociological snapshots, surveys, "Mailbox"


Workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical lounge, meetings, non-traditional consultations, oral pedagogical journals, games with pedagogical content, pedagogical library for parents

Information brochures for parents, organization of days (weeks) of open doors, open views of classes and other activities of children. Publishing newspapers, organizing mini-libraries

Assignment to teachers




Pedagogical education of parents

Improving the pedagogical literacy of parents

Inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution

Creation of conditions for the inclusion of parents in the planning, organization and control over the activities of childcare

Innovative, non-traditional forms of interaction with parents

Enhancing parental involvement in raising children

Information and analytical

Identification of interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy


Familiarization of parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills of parenting in parents

Visual and informational: informational and informational; outreach

Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution, the peculiarities of raising children. Formation of knowledge among parents about the upbringing and development of children

Task 3. The image of "We Seven" (according to Zair-Bek)

  • We are concerned ... (a fact, a contradiction, something that attracts attention is formulated).
  • We understand ... (a deliberate problem for solution and benchmarks-values ​​are presented).
  • We expect ... (a description of the intended goals - results is given).
  • We suppose ... (ideas, hypotheses are presented).
  • We intend ... (context of actions planned in stages).
  • We are ready ... (a description of the available resources of a different nature is given).
  • We are looking for support... (justification of the necessary external support for the implementation of the project is presented).

3. Section. The theoretical part "Communication"

Communication is the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them. In teaching practice, communication is the most important factor in professional success.

In the process of human-human interaction, everything is important: what we say, how we speak, how we perceive the information of the communication partner. Therefore, the first necessary condition for the successful interaction of a teacher with parents is knowledge of the structure of communication.

There are three components of communication:

1. Perceptual (So, the perceptual side includes the perception of a person by a person in the process of communication)

2. Interactive ... (The interactive side implies the organization of joint activities, interaction in a conversation (how we speak, what goals we pursue), which can be expressed in pressure, evasion, passivity of one of the partners or both participants in the interaction.)

3. Communicative(The communicative component is the process of transferring information: the exchange of opinions, experiences, information, desires, is what we say.)

All means of communication are divided into verbal, non-verbal and paralinguistic. Verbal means include the words that we utter in the process of communication; non-verbal - gestures, facial expressions, distances, communication positions, postures, etc.; and paralinguistic - timbre, tempo of voice, intonation, pauses.

4. Section. Practical work (2)

1 . The game "Training intonation". (Intonation is most acceptable when communicating with parents.).

Target: awareness of the importance of intonation for achieving the goal of the educator's influence in communicating with parents. (5 min) (Participants are divided into two circles)

Say phrases:

1. I care about your child's progress

2. I would like more frankness in our conversation

Pronounce these phrases with shades of irony, reproach, indifference, exactingness, benevolence, challenge (intonations are indicated on the cards). At the end of the utterance, the participants report whether, in their opinion, it was possible to achieve the goal of the impact.

1) with a tinge of reproach.

2) With irony

3) With a touch of challenge

4) With a touch of indifference

5) With a touch of exactingness

6) With a touch of benevolence.

At the end of the utterance, the participants report whether, in their opinion, it was possible to achieve the goal of the impact; what intonation is most acceptable in communicating with parents.

When communicating with parents, it is necessary to master the technique of asking questions.

2. Psychological workshop "Learning to communicate with parents" - Exercise "Choose a phrase"

Target : find in the proposed list "undesirable" phrases for starting a conversation with parents and select a semantic pair for it - the "desirable" phrase.

The leader's word: "The teacher is responsible for the consequences of what he says. In order for speech to have a positive effect on parents, you need to choose phrases that exclude the triggering of psychological protection from parents. There are several rules that should be taken into account when choosing a phrase: the interlocutor's awareness of the problem under discussion is affirmed. ; the initiator of the conversation is confident in himself; disrespect and disregard for the interlocutor are excluded, forcing him to defend himself and look for counterarguments; an appeal directly to the interlocutor is formulated in the form of "you-approach" ".

Instruction. Educators are invited to find in the proposed list:

1) five "unfortunate" phrases that should not be used;

2) "unwanted" phrases and semantic ("desirable") pairs to them.

Handout 4

Exercise "Choose a Phrase"

Highlight, in your opinion, the "unsuccessful" phrases in red, and the "undesirable" ones paired with the "desirable" ones - with the blue arrow so that the arrow goes from the "undesirable" phrase to the "desirable" one.

Sorry if I got in the way ...

I would like to...

You probably haven't heard of this yet ...

You will be interested to know ...

I would like to hear again ...

I find it interesting that ...

I came to the conclusion that ...

Do you want to...

I think your problem is that ...

Let's have a quick discussion with you ...

As you know...

Although you do not know ...

Please, if you have time to listen to me ...

You, of course, do not know about this yet ...

And I have a different opinion on this matter ...

Of course, you already know ...

You've probably heard about this ...

After completing the exercise, there is a discussion and correlation with the correct answers:

"Bad" phrases: "Sorry if I interfered ...", "I would like to hear again ...", "Let's have a quick discussion with you ...", "Please, if you have time to listen to me ...", "And I have something else on this score opinion…".

"Undesirable" phrases paired with "desirable":

"I would like to ..." - "Do you want to ...";

"You probably haven't heard about this yet ..." - "You've probably already heard about this ...";

"It seems to me interesting that ..." - "It will be interesting for you to know ...";

"I came to the conclusion that ..." - "I think your problem is that ...";

"Although you do not know this ..." - "Of course, you already know ...";

"You, of course, do not know about this yet ..." - "As you know ...".

5. Section - Game - warm-up

1). Game "Two hemispheres"

Instruction. Participants are divided into threes. Two people personify the parent's cerebral hemispheres, and the third is the educator who makes a claim to the “parent” (it should be formulated clearly and specifically and addressed to the real parent). The task of the "hemispheres" is to answer the complaint together (each speaks one word) in order to solve the problem. For example, the teacher asks: "Why is your child late for morning exercises?" "Right hemisphere": "We ...". "Left hemisphere": "... overslept." Then the participants change places.

2) Exercise "Hand"

Instruction. All participants silently, with their eyes, must find a mate. Leading in 30 sec. says: "Hand". All participants should silently come up and take the hand of the person who will pair with him. The host sums up the game: “I hope everyone found support from each other. This is who we can rely on in difficult times ”.

6. Section. Theoretical part

"Principles of Interaction with Parents"

The principles of interaction with parents are:

1. A friendly style of communication between teachers and parents.

A positive attitude towards communication is the very solid foundation on which all the work of the group teachers with their parents is built. In the communication of the teacher with the parents, categoricalness and a demanding tone are inappropriate. After all, any model of interaction with the family, perfectly built by the administration of the kindergarten, will remain a “model on paper” if the teacher does not develop for himself specific forms of correct treatment of parents. The teacher communicates with parents on a daily basis, and it depends on him what will be the attitude of the family to the kindergarten as a whole. The daily, friendly interaction of teachers with parents means much more than a separate well-run event.

2. Individual approach.

It is necessary not only in working with children, but also in working with parents. The teacher, communicating with parents, must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. This is where the educator's human and pedagogical skills will come in handy to reassure the parent, sympathize and think together how to help the child in a given situation.

3. Collaboration, not mentoring.

Most modern moms and dads are literate people, knowledgeable and, of course, well aware of how they need to raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is unlikely to bring positive results today. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual help and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, demonstrating the interest of the kindergarten team to understand family problems and a sincere desire to help.

4. Prepare seriously.

Any, even the smallest, event for working with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is the quality, not the number of individual, unrelated events. A weak, poorly prepared parent meeting or seminar can negatively affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.

5. Dynamism.

A kindergarten today should be in a developmental mode, not a functioning one, be a mobile system, quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational needs. Depending on this, the forms and directions of work of the kindergarten with the family should change.


The basic principles on the basis of which the communication of teachers with parents is built include:

–– communication based on dialogue;

–– openness, truthfulness in communication;

–– refusal to criticize and evaluate the communication partner.

Conventionally, communication models can be distinguished:

–– "Expert model"- this model is used by educators when they take on the role of the main experts in interaction with parents. A feature of such relations is that educators exercise total control over everything and make all decisions themselves. This model does not involve active parenting.

–– "Transplant model"- educators use this model when they consider themselves to be the main experts in relationships with parents, but at the same time recognize the usefulness of parental involvement, considering them as a means, a resource to achieve their goals.

–– "Demand model»- this model is used by teachers when the main goal of their activities is to meet the needs of the family. They view parents as the main customers and consumers of their services.

7. Section. Practical part (4)

1) Task "Point of view"The participants are asked the topic of communication, but some of them defend one point of view ("for"), others - the opposite ("against").

The task is to persuade the opponent to his point of view on a particular problem. Possible topics:

1) "Mom teaches to give change, the teacher teaches constructive ways of interaction";

3) "You are prejudiced against my child", the teacher gives recommendations for correcting the child's behavior;

4) You answered me "dryly" - "that you, it seemed to you, I am an introvert by nature."

5) "You answered me rudely" - it seemed to you that the circumstances were so and you, without listening to the end, did not understand everything so well.

6) "Teachers are opposed to our family and our child, you constantly send us to a speech therapist, then to a psychologist, is our child the worst?" - the teacher gives recommendations on how to correct gaps in the development of behavior and cognitive processes;

7) "You never give my child a role in matinees and holidays, is he the most incapable?" - the child really can't cope.

Analysis: in fact, work is underway with objections.

Who is happy to accept a change in their point of view? No one.

What techniques can make this process "smoother"?

2) Exercise "Strengths".

Participants are divided into pairs. The first member of the pair, within two minutes, tells the partner about his difficulty in teaching practice. The second, after listening, should analyze the current situation in such a way as to find strengths in the partner's behavior and tell him in detail about them. Then the partners change places.
As a result of this exercise, there is a discussion of what caused the difficulty on the part of the training participants.
In the course of the general analysis of the lesson, the leader draws attention to the awareness of the needs, life goals and professional motives of the training participants.

8. Section

Dynamic pause

1). Rallying game "Shanghai".

Purpose: rallying the group, building trust. (In the free space of the hall.)

Instruction: “Stand in a line and join hands. The first in the line carefully twists around its axis and pulls the others along until it turns into a "spiral". " In this position, the participants must walk a certain distance. You can invite the group at the end of their movement to gently squat down.

2) Exercise "Stand still"

The players form a circle. The presenter walks inside the circle and, stopping in front of someone, says loudly: "Hands!" The one to whom he turned should stand still, and his neighbors should raise their hands: the neighbor on the left - the right, the neighbor on the right - the left. Whoever makes a mistake gets out of the circle.

9. Section

Theoretical part

Modern parents

Modern parents are quite different: some read pedagogical literature, others use it haphazardly, sometimes they bring up children intuitively / “how they brought me up” /

Some parents do not want to raise a child. Others don't. Still others do not understand why this is necessary

Parents are not satisfied with how they educate, bring up in kindergarten, and after visiting kindergarten, children are taken to prestigious gymnasiums, elite lyceums, and they attend kindergarten from time to time.

Kindergartens continue to be closed institutions, parents have little or no idea of ​​the content of upbringing, teaching children in kindergarten, so often parents are deaf to the advice, requests of educators, do not make contact. Parents act as outside observers, i.e. indifferent.

Parents and teachers often feel themselves not like-minded people, employees, but rather opponents who do not always understand each other.

The above problems require building a dialogue between the preschool educational institution and the family, a dialogue based on cooperation, commonwealth, mutual assistance, which will ultimately lead to the creation of a single space for the development of each child.

The quality of the educational process in a preschool institution can be ensured by unified approaches to the upbringing of children on the part of parents and teachers. Therefore, the question of the pedagogical competence of parents is today the key

Recently, the school began to impose new, unreasonably high requirements for the level of development of children, and parents began to demand that educators ensure the preparation of children for school, understanding this as the ability to write, read, and count. At the same time, the words of the parents are heard: "Do not engage in all sorts of trifles with your child - games, prepare him for school." They are not at all interested, they are not worried about how the child communicates with peers, why he is sad, rejoices at what is dear to him, what he is proud of, etc., that is, parenting issues are considered unnecessary by the parents.

In all cases, qualified help of specialists, preschool teachers is required.

At the same time, parents are often not ready to accept help due to various subjective reasons. All this provokes a difficult relationship. Conflicts between parents and teachers are a serious problem for the education system and society as a whole

10. Section

Practical part (5)

1) Game exercise "Modern parents - what are they?" (groups take turns to name the characteristics of modern parents)

The message of the teacher - psychologist "Ways of effective interaction with parents"

11. Section

Theoretical part

"Rules for building effective communication"

When communicating with parents, you need to remember that communication has its own patterns. The basis of a person's relationship to us is laid in the first 15 seconds! In order to safely pass through the “minefield” of these first seconds, it is necessary to apply the “Rule of three pluses” (in order to win over the interlocutor, you need to give him at least three psychological pluses.)

The most versatile are:

  1. Smile,
  2. Interlocutor's name
  3. Compliment.

In order for people to want to communicate with us, we ourselves must demonstrate our willingness to communicate with them. And the interlocutor must see this. A sincere, benevolent smile is needed!

A person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language. It is important to use a first name and patronymic when greeting. Do not just nod or say: "Hello, those!", But "Hello, Anna Ivanovna!"

In communication, an indirect compliment is most applicable: we praise not the person himself, but what is dear to him: the hunter - the gun, the parent of his child. Busy, tired after work parents are especially vulnerable to good and bad behavior of the child. Therefore, you should not focus on the bad. First you need to talk about your successes and only at the end you can tactfully tell about the problematic sides of the child.

12. Section

Practical exercises (7)

Exercise "Compliment"

Purpose: the ability to communicate with parents in a friendly manner. Sitting in a circle, compliment the participant sitting next to him as one of the parents of his group. To win over the interlocutor.

Apply the "Rule of Three Pluses"

The most versatile are:


interlocutor's name


Assignment: Compliment your communication partner. Each participant passes the ball in a circle and says kind, good words to his neighbor

Instruction: Pay attention to the dignity of your neighbor, see how he looks today, try to notice his attractiveness and charm. Compliment him

There are two tips to follow during the exercise: Keep the compliment genuine; any compliment must be returned immediately.

In addition to these techniques, there are other techniques for establishing good contact with the interlocutor:

Methods for establishing contact with parents.

Contact depends on what we say, how we hold ourselves. Every movement is a word in sign language. The elements of non-verbal communication, in particular, are:

  • timbre of voice and intonation,
  • the space that separates the speakers,
  • breathing rate,
  • gestures,
  • posture,
  • clothes,
  • facial expression,
  • status symbols,
  • eye contact.

When communicating, it is very important that your body, eyes, facial expressions are as open as possible, and have confidence.

If you are impatient, speak in a raised voice, get annoyed, then you may get the impression that you:

  • Don't respect others
  • Afraid
  • Unfriendly
  • Poorly educated, etc.

1. Simultaneously with a smile, a benevolent, attentive look (eye contact) is required. But you should not "drill" the interlocutor with a glance. Sight... If you want to establish contact - start by looking into the eyes, but here it is important not to go too far, since a person with too stable visual contact can interpret it in his own way: maybe something is wrong with me, too intrusive interlocutor, etc.

2. Short distance. Organization of space... Around each of us there is some space that we strive to keep intact. Delicacy and the ability to keep your distance is an indispensable condition for fruitful communication. The resulting tension in the process of communication can be an indicator of a violation of personal space. In this case, it is necessary to step aside or move away, take a comfortable position.

Short distance and convenient location (50 cm to 1.5 m). Such a distance is typical for a conversation between close acquaintances and friends, therefore the interlocutor subconsciously tunes in to listen to us and help - thanks to this distance we are perceived by them "closer". But do not overstep the "boundaries" of the interlocutor's personal space! Allocate 4 zones in which people communicate. We choose one or another zone as needed. An incorrectly chosen distance between interlocutors during communication can be perceived, for example, as aggression or complete indifference to the interlocutor.

Zone one - this is an intimate zone, it extends to a distance of 15-45 cm. Of all the zones, this is the most important, it is this zone that a person considers as his property. Those people who are close to a person are allowed to enter this zone. This includes loved ones, parents, spouses, children, close friends and relatives.

Second zone - a personal zone, it extends from 46 cm to 1 m 22 cm. At this distance we stick to each other during business meetings and conversations.

Third zone - social communication zone. It extends from 1 m 22 cm to 3 m 60 cm.At this distance we keep away from strangers, for example, from a locksmith and plumber, when they do any work in our house, from the postman, from the seller, from a new colleague at work and from people we don't know very well.

Fourth zone - this is the so-called public area, which begins at a distance of more than 3 m 60 cm from the human body. It is determined by the distance from which we are pleased to communicate or address a large audience of people.


  • 0-0.5 m - an intimate distance at which close people communicate;
  • 0.5-1.2 m - interpersonal distance for talking friends;
  • 1.2-3.7 m - business relations zone (manager, subordinate).
  1. Remove barriers , "Increasing" the distance in our perception in communication (table, book, sheet of paper in our hands).
  2. Gestures. Use open gestures during the conversation, do not cross your arms and legs in front of you. (Well-known gestures: "locks" (arms crossed on the chest, fingers, legs), the "lion" pose - signs perceived by the subconscious of any person unequivocally: you are closed for communication.)
  3. Maintain a state of safety and comfort with all your appearance (absence of tension in the posture, sharp movements, clenched fists, a look from under the brow, evoking intonation in the voice).
  4. Another technique for making contact is joining. It means the ability to speak the same language with parents, simply, without overloading with information. Use the join technique, i.e. find a common "I": "I myself am the same, I have the same!" Use the pronoun "You ..." as little as possible (You do this! "," You must do this ...! ") Speak more often; "We": "We are all interested in our children being healthy, able to ..., know ...!", "We are all worried that children ...", "Our children ..." children! "

Output. Contacting techniques: eye contact, smile, greeting, address by name, open posture, short distance, open gestures, emphasizing importance.

13. Section. - Practical tasks (8)

Dynamic pause

1) The game "Confusion".

Target: relieving stress, reducing the distance in communication.

The group stands in a circle. At the signal from the leader, everyone closes their eyes and, stretching their arms forward, meet in the center of the circle. With the right hand, everyone takes the hand of any member of the group, the left hand is left for someone to take hold of it. After that, everyone opens their eyes. The facilitator helps the participants in such a way that one person holds each hand. The task of the group is to unravel, without letting go of the hands, so that the circle is formed again. Someone in this case will be turned face in a circle, and someone - a face from the circle.

2) A friend to a friend activator game (everyone likes a fun game).

Now you will play one very interesting game, during which everything needs to be done very, very quickly.

Pick your partner and quickly shake his hand.

And now I will tell you what parts of your body you will need to very quickly “greet” each other. And when I say: “Friend to friend!”, You will have to change your partner.

Right hand to right hand!
- Nose to nose!
- Back to back!
- Friend to friend!
- Thigh to thigh!
- Ear to ear!
- Heel to heel!
- Friend to friend!
- Sock to sock!
- Belly to belly!
- Forehead to forehead!
- Friend to friend!
- Side to side!
- Knee to knee!
- Little finger to little finger!
- Friend to friend!
- Back of the head to the back of the head!
- Elbow to elbow!
- Fist to fist!

Everything. Thanks. Sit down!

14. Section.- Theoretical part

"The basics of building a conversation with a" difficult "parent."

Any preschool education specialist knows how difficult it is to talk with the so-called "difficult" parents.

- Which Parents Are “Difficult”? (Participants speak out).

"Difficult" parents:

· Aggressive, conflicting, demonstrating an approaching position, they seek to justify their own non-interference, parental powerlessness in raising their child: “We are busy at work, we do not have time to take care of the child!”; "You are educators, teachers, it is your duty to teach and educate children!"

· Parents in a position of confusion and helplessness, who constantly complain to the teacher, ask for help: "The child does not listen to us, we do not know what to do, help us!"

It is difficult for a beginner, inexperienced specialist to maintain their independence and avoid "playing along" with such a parent who suppresses and manipulates, playing on sympathy and insecurity, and constructive conversation becomes impossible.

The main goal of the teacher's communication with parents- joining joint efforts to solve a specific problem of the child (bad behavior).

In the first phase communication with such parents, it is necessary to maintain emotional detachment and maintain a calm and chilled neutrality, i.e. do not allow yourself to be charged with negative emotions of this parent. Experience shows that it is necessary to "hold out" for about 10-15 minutes while the parent, in the form of a monologue, expresses his claims or complains about his helplessness.

In the case of "aggressive»As a parent, you should try to listen in silence, remain calm, self-confident, without losing your polite benevolence.

And in the case of the "complaining"A parent, calmly nodding his head to the interlocutor, insert neutral phrases:" I am listening to you "," I understand you ... "," Calm down. "

Feeling our neutral position and emotional detachment, the parent will begin to "cool down", his emotions will begin to excise and fade away. In the end, he will calm down, a psychological readiness for a constructive conversation with us will be formed in him.

Second phase conversations with a parent - constructive dialogue, discussion of options for solving problems.

To avoid confrontation with parents:

It is necessary to show restrained benevolence and openness;

emphasize the importance of parents in raising their own child;

show the parent his positive attitude towards his child. When a parent sees and feels that the teacher cares about the well-being of his child, he will stop resorting to "psychological" protection and will show a willingness to cooperate.

There is no need to strive, at all costs to defend your position, to impose your opinion on parents (pressure leads to protest).

Discuss the problem, not the personality of the child and his parents.

It is necessary to express confidence that if the joint efforts of the family and kindergarten teachers are organized, the existing educational problem will be successfully solved. "We are together against the problem, not against each other."

15. Section

Practical exercises (9)

Exercise "Before a Difficult Conversation"

Staying in a state of concentration and concentrating your will, repeat the text several times (up to 7): “I am calm and confident. I have the correct position. I am ready for dialogue and mutual understanding. " The text can be changed, the main thing is to have unshakable faith in the spoken words.

1) Exercise 1. "Hardest Parent, Most Pleasant Parent"

Assignment for subgroups "Make a portrait of parents" Describe

Target : awareness of the emotional perception of the pupils' parents.

Procedure ... Teachers are encouraged to split into groups. You need to create a generalized portrait of the parent with whom they feel negative feelings. The portrait can be done with different techniques.

Then create a portrait of that parent, communication with whom always evokes positive emotions.


1. What emotions did you experience when creating a portrait of a parent with whom you are unpleasant to come into contact? What qualities did you reflect in this portrait? Have you ever had such parents in your practice?

2. How did you feel when creating this portrait? Do you have such parents in your group?

3. What do you think, is it necessary to look for ways of contacts with those parents who are unpleasant to you?

The basic principle is not to fight (the struggle of positions leads to a dead end).

As an example, complete the following exercise:

Here are the most basic rules for establishing good personal contact and building effective communication and interaction with parents.

Conclusion of the presenter: "Do you think it is necessary to look for an approach to those parents who are unpleasant to you? When communicating with parents, it is impossible to constantly pay attention to their shortcomings - people have the right to have them. Therefore, allow the parents of your pupils to be what they are, and do not rank them immediately to the “difficult” ones, expressing constant claims against them. "

2) Practical tasksPsychotechnical exercise "Pressure".

Purpose: awareness of different models in communication and interaction with a partner, setting for equal communication.

Instructions: stand opposite each other, raise your arms at chest level and slightly

touch each other with your palms. Agree on who will be the presenter. The facilitator's task is to lightly press on the palms of his partner. Then, switch roles and repeat the pressure movement in the palm of your playmate's palm.

Share your impressions with each other. In which situation did you feel more emotionally comfortable: when you pressed or when your partner pressed on your palms?

Perhaps you did not experience pleasant minutes either in the first or in the second case (it was unpleasant for you to press on your partner, and very unpleasant when they pressed on you).

Then, try not to put pressure on each other, perform joint movements with the palms of your hands facing each other so that a mutual feeling of warmth arises between you (psychoenergetic contact).

Did you feel how much more enjoyable it is to interact on an equal footing, and not to achieve superiority? Do not forget that striving for psychological pressure on a communication partner (there will be a parent, colleague, child), we run the risk of causing him to react not to submission, but to indignation. And instead of helping, he will simply refuse to contact us.

Exercise for teachers "Hands" or "Two palms".

The presenter asks to connect the palms of the hands at chest level, and then press with the right palm on the left, do this several times, increasing the intensity. What do you feel?

Most likely, you want to return your palms to their original position, as the second palm is under pressure. Likewise, in communication, with excessive influence on the one hand, resistance arises on the other. Agree, it is much calmer and more pleasant to feel less intense impact, but to allow interaction. This is what you want when you hear the words "family and school".

From experience with this exercise, it is known that the left hand unconsciously begins to resist, although there is no such instruction or demonstration of such actions by the leader.

Ideas for discussion: In response to pressure, we subconsciously begin to resist, that is, any directive creates a rebuff.

If the teacher is unfriendly, this is perceptible and the parents unknowingly take protective measures.

Practical part

I suggest you practice your behavior skills in some conflict situations in a playful way. To do this, you again need to split into two subgroups.

3.) Exercise "Enter the circle"

Purpose: Demonstration to educators of the need for a flexible attitude towards communication with parents.

Procedure. Teachers are invited to pull a sheet out of the box, at the signal of the presenter, they open everything, unfold it and read what is written, but do not show it to anyone. Participants who draw out the word "circle" need to stand in a circle and hold hands tightly. Teachers who drew out a piece of paper with the words "to simulate the communication of a teacher with a parent in accordance with a given type of communication", or teachers who drew out a sheet with the words "to simulate communication between a parent and a teacher in accordance with a given type of communication", stand behind a circle, but in different places apart

They have to convince the players to let them into the circle, that is, to choose the necessary words in accordance with the specified task, so that the "parents" want to do it.

parent - teacher

Parent Situation 1... Mom picks up the child from kindergarten. His pants are dirty. She makes a complaint to the teacher (Simulate the communication of the teacher with the parent in accordance with a democratic style)

Parent Situation 1... Mom picks up the child from kindergarten. His pants are dirty. She makes a complaint to the teacher (Simulate the communication of the teacher with the parent in accordance with the authoritarian style)

Parent Situation 1.Mom picks up the child from kindergarten. His pants are dirty. She makes a complaint to the teacher (Simulate the communication of the teacher with the parent in accordance with the liberal style)

Educator. Situation 1

Educator. Situation 2The teacher decided to talk to the mother of the five-year-old child about the boy's pugnacity. How do you start a conversation?

Educator. Situation 3The teacher decided to talk to the mother of the five-year-old child about the boy's pugnacity. How do you start a conversation?


1. What did you experience while doing the exercise?

2. Was it easy for you to enter the vicious circle? Was it successful the first time? Why?

3.What do you think, when communicating with the parents of your group, are you in a circle or behind a circle?

To model the communication of the teacher with the parent in accordance with the democratic style: (The parent is considered as an equal partner in communication. The teacher involves parents in decision-making, takes into account their opinion, takes into account the personal qualities of parents and children. The methods of influence are motivation to action, advice, request)

To model the communication of the teacher with the parent in accordance with the authoritarian style: (The parent is seen as an object of pedagogical influence, and not an equal partner. actions in front of the parents.The main methods of influence of such a teacher are the order, the lesson)

To model the communication of a teacher with a parent in accordance with a liberal style: (The teacher avoids decision-making, transferring the initiative to parents, colleagues. Shows indecision and hesitation when interacting with parents)































Output: Well, now we have clearly seen how difficult it is to communicate with our parents.

Very often in our work we have to turn to our parents with all sorts of requests. What are we doing? Most often it is a dry handwritten ad that we send parents to. I suggest that you compose an ad, after reading which no parent would dare to refuse you.

5.) Exercise "Announcement"

Purpose: exercise educators in the preparation of an extraordinary announcement for parents.

Instructions: Create a Notice for Parents

1. Create a notice for parents to help seal the windows in the group.

2. Make up an invitation for parents to the action "My blooming kindergarten"

3. Remind parents of timely payment for attending kindergarten, as they have arrears.

4. Invite all parents to the cleanup

5. Ask your parents to move the sand in the evening

6. Ask your parents to participate in the parade

Section 15

Theoretical part

"Communication difficulties"

There are many difficulties in organizing communication with parents: this is the lack of understanding by the parents of the importance of the kindergarten regime, and its constant violation, the lack of unity of requirements in the family and kindergarten. It is difficult to communicate with young parents, as well as with parents from dysfunctional families or having personal problems. They often treat teachers condescendingly and dismissively, it is difficult to establish contact with them, establish cooperation, become partners in the common cause of raising a child. But many of them would like to communicate with teachers "on an equal footing", as with colleagues, to come to confidential, "sincere" communication

A teacher who is competent in communicating with parents understands why communication is needed and what it should be, knows what is necessary for communication to be interesting and meaningful, and, most importantly, is active.

Many teachers find it difficult to communicate with the parents of the pupils. Someone thinks that parents are to blame for everything, who do not care about children and their development, who do not want their child to grow up good. It is difficult to agree with this. Parents do not always have enough time for communication, there are also categories of difficult parents, but something else is important. Teachers need to see the causes of difficulties - not only in their parents, but also in themselves. Hence, the conclusion follows: it is necessary to constantly work on the professional competence of teachers in communicating with parents.

Observations, conversations, business games made it possible to single out somereasons for difficultiesin organizing cooperation between teachers and parents.


The first reason lies in the peculiarities of communicative interaction.

(Teachers and parents do not know how or do not want to listen and accept the position of the other side, they try to impose their own point of view, force the other to change attitudes in exchange for organizing a constructive dialogue)

The second reason is the personal characteristics of teachers... An unformed professional position, a lack of understanding of one's own significance, value as a professional, inadequate self-esteem, reduced or, on the contrary, overestimated self-criticism leads to an inability to establish contact with parents. Often, teachers are not ready for business partnership with the families of pupils

Mistakes of teachers

  1. Teachers are not ready for active forms of work (trainings, business games, etc.)... This is due to the fact that, as a rule, the form, presentation and assimilation of material by teachers is carried out in standard forms of lectures, consultations and seminars and does not imply the active participation of parents..
  1. An excess of theoretical knowledge among teachers and a lack of experience in applying it in practice, when knowledge is obtained, and the mechanism for using it in kindergarten has not been worked out.(The teacher knows what to say to the parents, but does not know how, so there are difficulties in communicative interaction).

A theory that has not been worked out in practice is very quickly forgotten. We offer to work out all stages of the conversation in pairs. For work, suggest several "work" situations

16. Section. Practical part (10)

1.) Exercise "The Art of Communication"

Assignment: Prepare a short commentary on the abstract.

Instruction: Before each teacher there is a sheet with theses. It is necessary to read them and prepare a short commentary on them (for each thesis, the opinion of several educators is listened to and discussed). Now you are drawing out a strip with a thesis and you need to prepare a short commentary on it. Express your opinion, whether you agree with this statement or not, and why.


In the process of communication, the educator must accept the principles of upbringing, styles of family relationships that are proposed by the parents.

The teacher should be more restrained in expressing a positive opinion about parents as communication partners than parents about teachers.

If you see your interlocutor's face without a smile, smile at him yourself.

Confidential communication between the teacher and the parents of the pupils cannot be imposed, it must arise as a natural desire of the other side.

The predominance of an evaluative communication style becomes a serious source of conflict between educator and parents.

When the self-esteem of one of the interlocutors is hurt, the communication itself certainly suffers.

Parents need to hear what the caregiver has told them.

You cannot immediately begin the subject of the conversation if it is unpleasant for the parents.

At the end of the discussion of each thesis, a general conclusion is made.

  1. Teachers do not know the basic rules of interaction: they do not know how to listen to each other, focus on the interlocutor, etc.

One of the main means of resolving contradictions and conflicts between the teacher and the parents is the pedagogical tact, i.e. the optimal form of behavior and pedagogically expedient influence on parents, the ability to establish contact with them.

The development of pedagogical tact in interaction with parents is facilitated by teachers playing adequate ways of behavior in various situations of communication with parents.

2. Task Psychological workshop:

Test your attitudes towards communicating with your parents: from each pair of statements given above, select one that is applicable in your understanding of the word.

A) I have to leave as much as possible to my parents, to make decisions for themselves.
B) I need to insist on my position or opinion.

A) I must be respected.
B) I must earn respect.

A) I must be the center of attention.
B) It is necessary to keep in the shadows, but to know that the work is going on.

A) I believe that the credit of trust should accumulate.
B) I always advance trust in my parents.

Correct answers: 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B.

If not all of your answers are correct, there is a danger of becoming an authoritarian, omniscient expert.

3. Task Exercise "Problem solving".

The group is divided into three subgroups, each is given a card.

Assignment: to solve the situation so that everyone is satisfied.

Next task: solving pedagogical situations. I offer you a conflict situation, and you must find a way out of it.

1. Situation ... Before the New Year's party, Masha got the role of the Snowflake, not the Snow Maiden. Mom is very indignant about this.

2. Situation ... The mother, having come for the child in the evening, cannot find his mittens, begins to grumble, get angry with the child.

3. Situation ... Parents, having come to the parent meeting, refused your request to take off their outerwear.

4. Situation ... The father, taking his child, reacted violently to your offer to help with the repair.

5. Situation ... Mother of the most active pupil: “You wanted to talk to me about the behavior of your son. Now I have time. In general, I think that you are unfair to him. "

6. Situation ... Mom complains to the teacher that her child comes bitten from kindergarten, comes from a walk in dirty clothes.

17. Section

Theoretical part

« Who has the leading role in communication "

Who has the leading role in organizing communication? Of course the teacher. To build it, it is important to have communication skills, to navigate the problems of upbringing and the needs of the family, to be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher must make the parents feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show the parents that he sees them as partners, like-minded people.

The parent meeting remains the main form of work with parents.

Section 18 - Practical part (11)

1. Task "Build in a logical sequence"

We work in teams (2 teams)

Each person in the team receives a card that describes any of the organizational fragments of preparing or conducting a meeting with parents.

After conferring, the players should build up as they see the sequence of actions when organizing and holding a meeting. Then you must comment on your choice.

Time to work: 3 minutes.

The order of organizational issues.

1. The topic is drawn up, and the forms of meetings with parents are selected on the basis of their applications and requests, as well as taking into account data on the families of the pupils.

2. Responsible for the preparation and conduct of each of the meetings are determined.

3. The days of the meetings, convenient for them, are agreed with the parents.

4. The structure and content of each regular meeting are thought over: a plan or a detailed scenario of the meeting is drawn up using methods of activating parents.

5. Provide advance notification of parents about the topic of the meeting and their preparation for participation in it.

6. Parents' opinion on the benefits of the meeting is ascertained (oral questioning, questionnaires, etc.)

And the last advice to educators. After meeting with the parents, be sure to analyze its progress and results, which will be helped by the following questions.

2. Game exercise "Conducting a parenting meeting."

One of the main forms of work on pedagogical education of the family is the parent meeting. Traditional parenting meetings in the form of lectures, reports no longer find feedback in the soul of parents and do not give the desired result

Educational task: to determine the optimal sequence of actions of the teacher when preparing and holding a meeting with a group of parents.

Exercise progress.

Each group receives a card with the theme of the parent meeting in different age groups. After consulting within a regulated time, the players represent the sequence of actions when organizing and holding a parent-teacher meeting, commenting on their choice.

Educators should talk about some of the techniques they use to work with parents.

Make a plan for the parent meeting.


Middle group "Play as a means of child development"

Senior group "On stubbornness and whims"

Preparatory group "Getting ready for school together"

3. Part The final part. Summing up (feedback)

Psychologist: We would very much like to hear your opinion about what we heard today.

Reflection of the participants' impressions.

1. "Complete the sentence"

Today I found out….

Today I clarified ...

Today I opened ...

Today I remembered ... ..

Reflection - Assessment of the lesson

So our seminar has come to the final stage and we, the organizers of the workshop, hope that everything that we have conceived and implemented by you will not be wasted. Therefore, we ask you to reflect on your activities at the end of this event, for this we suggest you write down on the droplets that are located on the tables "Your comments, suggestions, conclusions" and attach to your rainbow.

Working with a jug

The jug is divided into sectors (I can apply the knowledge gained in my work, I was interested in this training, I did not like the seminar.) Place the butterflies in the sector that, in your opinion, is closer to you

Farewell ritual

Moderator: This concludes our workshop - workshop, I hope that it was interesting and useful for you. You've refreshed everything about working with parents. We hope that today you have learned something interesting for yourself, and this something will help you to reach mutual understanding with parents, children and colleagues. I wish you success, success and professional growth. I wish you success in your work. Thank you again.

We think that in the future we will maintain closer contact between the teachers of our kindergartens. This is not our last meeting. Thank you for the attention. All the best!


Familiarization of teachers with the rights of the child;

Prevention of violence against children;

- teaching teachers positive strategies for the upbringing of preschool children.

Workshop outline

1. Greetings

2. Familiarization of teachers with the topic and relevance of the problem

3. The game "Magic Chest"

4. Exercise: "What conditions are necessary to protect the rights of the child"

5. Informational message "Violence and its types"

6. Exercise: Consequences of Violence

7. Demonstration of the video "Children see, children do"

8. Informational message "Violence in kindergarten"

9. Exercise: "Solve the Situation"

10. The parable of the nails

11. Farewell

Material: video display equipment, ball.

Course of the workshop-workshop of a kindergarten psychologist

1. Welcome (2 min.)

Invites teachers to continue the sentence "A child is ..."

2. Familiarization of teachers with the topic and urgency of the problem. (5 minutes.)

The topic of our seminar is “ Protection of the rights of the preschool child". The urgency of the problem of the rights of the child is beyond doubt. The right to life, honor, dignity, personal inviolability, freedom of conscience and views are necessary conditions for a harmonious human existence.

3. Game "Magic Chest" (5 min)

Exercise 4: "What conditions are needed to protect the rights of the child?" (20-25 min)

5. Informational message "Types of violence" (5 min.)

Les Allarkon, a renowned Polish expert in the prevention of violence, defines violence as actions performed by one (or more) persons characterized by the following characteristics:

Are carried out deliberately;

Are aimed at achieving a specific goal;

Harm (physical, moral, material) to another person, violating human rights and freedoms;

The perpetrator usually has advantages (administrative, physical, psychological) that make it impossible to effectively protect the victim from violence.

Types of violence:

Psychological: the use of abuse, shouting, humiliation, insults, infringing upon the dignity and self-esteem of a person;

being rude towards a person's family or friends;

causing damage to pets to which a person is emotionally attached;

destruction, damage, concealment of personal belongings;

rough criticism of actions, thoughts, feelings;

attitude as a servant;

restriction of freedom of action and movement;

control and limitation of the ability to communicate with family or friends, harassment;


neglect, neglect of the child, lack of a friendly atmosphere;

insufficient satisfaction of needs for food, education, medical care;

insufficient provision of the child with the necessary attention, support, favor.

Psychological violence is carried out when they reproach for each act, criticize a person or humiliate with gross abuse.

Economic violence: deprivation or restriction of the ability to use one's own money savings, one's own or common property, damage or destruction of a person's property.

Physical violence: Any violent behavior can manifest itself in the form of slapping, bruising, biting, shaking, scratching, hitting, burning, suffocating, rough grabbing, being thrown to the side or on the floor, throwing objects at a victim, being deprived of food or drink.

Sexual assault: an attack on the victim's sexual integrity.

6. Exercise: Consequences of Violence (10 min.)

Teachers are grouped into 2 groups. The task for the first group is to write the consequences of violence against a child, tasks for group 2 are to write the reasons for manifestations of violence in the family.

The consequences of child abuse:

anxiety, anxiety, sleep and appetite disturbances;

prolonged depression;


the desire to spend as much time as possible on the street (fear of returning home);

low self-esteem;

conflict and lack of self-control skills;

the use of violence as a way to resolve conflicts in the game with friends, in the family;

feeling helpless;

poor development of social skills;

psychosomatic complaints (disruption of the heart, digestion, decreased immunity and, as a result, a tendency to various diseases);

rebellion, lies;

escape from home;

attacks of hysteria, nightmares, suicidal behavior

Why do parents commit violence?

Some parents themselves were subjected to violence in childhood or had insufficiently stable, warm relations in their families.

Often, one child is chosen as an object for violence in the family, he can be considered mentally retarded; also, a child can become a victim because of the resemblance to an unloved husband or because he was unwanted, was born by accident.

A child who is a victim in a family is psychologically “destroyed”, the child acts as a “whipping boy”.

Some parents are prone to strict discipline and consider any behavior of their children "wrong", are overly demanding of their children.

Risk factors contributing to child abuse:

single-parent and large families, families with adopted children, in which there is a stepfather or stepmother.

the presence in the family of a patient with alcoholism or drug addiction, a former prisoner.

unemployment, constant financial difficulties, constant marital conflicts.

the status of refugees, forced migrants.

low level of culture, education, negative family traditions; unwanted child.

mental or physical disabilities of the child.

The negative impact of violence against children is also that violence gives rise to new violence.

7.Playing of the video "Children see, children do" (5 min.)

8. Information message " Kindergarten violence" (5 minutes.)

It is no secret that the origins of the well-known "bullying" or bullying of other people lead to preschool childhood. Until about 5 years old, children attending preschool sometimes go through a real school of survival, which includes aggressive behavior of some children, fights, profanity, insults and nicknames, harm and violent confiscation of toys and personal belongings, provocations, threats, etc. This can lead to the fact that rather friendly relations between children are replaced by intense interest in peers, concentrated and jealous observation of them. At the same time, the successes of a peer sometimes upset, offend, and his mistakes, on the contrary, are pleasing. It is at the age of 5 that children can intensely envy their peers, hurt them, fight them, and demonstratively emphasize their advantage. The acuteness of emotions can take the form of crying, pronounced aggressiveness, resentment or shyness. It should be noted that this happens, fortunately, not massively and is typical only for some children, who sometimes can unite in groups. At first, situations of attacks can take the form of provocations, and then transform into physical or psychological violence. Physical abuse includes fighting, picking off personal belongings, psychological (moral) nicknames, ridicule, intimidation, profanity, threats, gossip, and social neglect: boycott, alienation. Girls are more prone to verbal aggression and social neglect, boys to physical violence.

Causes of child aggression may be:

1. Desire for self-affirmation (demonstration of their leadership).

2. Unacceptable behavior (the child shows aggression, which is not stopped in time, and this subsequently becomes a permitted means of solving problems in a group of children).

3. Overprotection of the child, increased demands, unfriendly family atmosphere.

4. Deviant behavior of the people around, the influence of the media that propagandize the cult of violence, overcrowding of groups in the children's institution, the child's difficult relationship with educators or peers.

The situation of violence, by its nature and its consequences, is traumatic, since it exhausts everyone: both active participants (aggressors) and passive ones (victims, observers). In a group where bullying and humiliation occurs often, almost all children are characterized by increased anxiety, self-doubt, low self-esteem, problems in communication, play and learning activities. Unfortunately, pedagogical indifference, ignorance, non-intervention of adults have become quite typical for the life of preschool educational institutions. Child abuse is often not seen as a problem at all. Many educators confine themselves to verbal remarks or simply suppress violence by the power of their authority. In this case, the intervention of adults is necessary, because the "aggressor" will begin to perceive such situations as his victory, and other children receive a negative experience of relationships in a team. Often adults punish everyone involved in a situation without thoroughly examining the situation. In this case, the child-victim does not understand why he is being punished on an equal basis with the child who offended him, feels injustice, resentment, but the children-aggressors celebrate the victory and, feeling their impunity, as if they receive a kind of permission to continue to act in this way. Sometimes the educators themselves can cause child aggression, because they mock children, verbally insulting them in the presence of other children, humiliating their dignity, rudely criticizing their behavior, feelings, thoughts, and blaming them for all problems. These are all forms of psychological and verbal abuse. It must be remembered that the values ​​of tolerance and non-violence should dominate in the collective.

It is necessary to work on the problem of violence from its very first manifestations in the children's collective. First, you need to explain to all children the rules of permissible behavior, it would also be good to discuss them with children, explain the consequences of prohibited behavior. The educator should mediate between conflicting parties, clearly giving preference to children who have chosen non-violent ways to resolve conflicts. It is necessary to pay attention to work with various parties to the conflict in hot pursuit - explanation, analysis of behavior, reflective comprehension of behavior with children, the choice of a common strategy aimed at reconciliation, coordination of actions. After that, the educator for a certain time exercise control over the participants in the conflict. All teachers, staff of the child care institution should be a model of behavior. Thus, the intervention of the pedagogical direction will be effective in the case of coordinated activities of all and at all levels: the educational institution as a whole, the children's group and at the personal level. Created: 15 February 2015