How many grams of milk does a newborn eat. Norms by age: daily and one-time breastfeeding. How much should a mixed-fed baby eat?

Given the weight of the child and his exact age, you can determine how much a newborn should eat per feeding by referring to the tables below. The data will be especially accurate for a newborn in the first 10 days of his life, since the volumes of the stomachs of babies in the first days are the same.

However, it should be borne in mind that the metabolism of all children is different - with the same amount of milk consumption, one child will have enough until the next feeding, the other will be hungry after a shorter amount of time. And if you do not feed on demand, but leave the baby hungry following the regimen, this can lead to a shortage of his body weight.

Dosage table for milk and formula

The volume of consumption of breast milk and the prepared mixture, in one feeding, is approximately the same, but since the nutritional value is different, the time it takes to digest is also different, respectively, only the number of feedings and the volume of milk, and the mixture consumed per day will differ.

It is easier with the mixture, since all the norms are indicated on the manufacturer's packaging - the recommended amount of dry mixture per amount of water. However, you can refer to the table specifically for the volume of the finished mixture in one feeding, so as not to stretch the baby's intestines if the question arises of supplementing the child.

Child's ageAmount of breast milk or formula per feeding in mlThe amount of breast milk per day in mlThe amount of the finished mixture per day
in ml
3–4 days20-60 200-300 1/5 body weight
1 Week50-80 400 1/5 body weight
2 weeks60-90 20% of body weight1/5 body weight
1 month100-110 600 1/5 body weight
2 months120-150 800 1/6 body weight
3 months150-180 1/6 body weight1/6 body weight
4 months180-210 1/6 body weight1/6 body weight
5-6 months210-240 1/7 body weight (800-1000)1/7 body weight
7-12 months210-240 1/8-1/9 body weight1/8-1/9 body weight

Dosage table of milk and formula in the first 10 days of a newborn's life consumed in one feeding

The table shows a simple formula for calculating a single amount of milk for breastfeeding and formula for artificial feeding: the number of days of a baby's life is multiplied by 10. For example, a child is 4 days old: 4 x 10 = 40 we get a single amount of milk and formula in milliliters.

On the first day, the child eats 7-10 ml of milk in one feeding. Due to the fact that the volume of his stomach is equal to this value.

But gradually the stomach will increase, the dosage of milk consumed will increase accordingly. Keep in mind that colostrum is too fatty. A few drops are enough for a baby to saturate, having eaten, he himself will stop eating.

Formulas for calculating the required amount of nutrition in the first 10 days after birth, depending on the body weight of the newborn

  • Body weight below 3200 grams: the number of days of a child's life is multiplied by seventy.
    For example, a baby is 6 days old and weighs 3 kilograms: 6 x 70 = 420
    Next, we get the number of ml per feeding.
    When breastfeeding per day, you need to apply the baby 10-12 times: 420 ÷ 12 = 35 ml
    With artificial feeding, a bottle is offered 8 times a day: 420 ÷ 8 = 52.50 (can be rounded up to 53)
  • Body weight above 3200 grams: the number of days of life is multiplied by eighty.
    For example, a baby is 5 days old and its weight is 3600 grams: 5 x 80 = 400
    According to the above formula, we calculate the amount of milk / mixture for one feeding. With a chest, we divide by 10-12 times, with an artificial one by 8 times.
  • Formula to calculate the daily dose of milk/formula depending on the exact body weight: Divide the baby's weight in grams by the indicated value in the milk/formula dosage table.
    For example, a baby is 3 months old and weighs 6000 grams: 6000 ÷ 6 = 1000
    We divide by 6, because in the table of dosage of milk / mixture per day, the required amount of food is 1/6 of the baby's body weight.

As the table shows, already on the third day, a newborn drinks about 30 grams of breast milk per feeding. And on the fourth day, it may well overpower 50 ml. In addition to the fact that the volume of the stomach increases, the newborn develops the skill of sucking. This process takes a lot of energy and requires activity. And in the first days of life, the child only adapts to new living conditions. And gradually getting stronger, the baby is already in the first month able to master 110 ml of breast milk in one feeding. When the age exceeds the sixth month, he will drink 1000 ml per day. Do not offer more than 1200 ml of the mixture to avoid stretching the walls of the stomach.

The table shows us the approximate nutritional norms of a newborn. There may be some deviations, the needs of each newborn are individual.

And each child sets his own indicators of the required amount of food. Watch his behavior carefully. And then it will be clear whether the dosage is enough for him, or he does not have time to eat.

How to determine the amount of breast milk eaten

With artificial feeding, you yourself calculate the amount of formula and liquid, but this is not possible with breastfeeding. Unless, of course, you are feeding your baby from a bottle with already expressed milk, which can also be in some cases.

To determine how much breast milk a baby eats in one feeding, you can use the scales.

Weigh without changing clothes before and after feeding. The difference in indicators will indicate the number of servings consumed. Reliable results will be during the control check within two to three days.

How to tell if a newborn is full

  • Determined by how it sticks to the breast or bottle with the mixture. If it greedily pounces, it means that the last time the portion was not enough. Or there has been too much time between feedings.
  • The indicator is weight gain, in the first month approximately 800 grams. The child should gain 150-200 grams weekly.
  • Diaper test. One day instead of diapers, use diapers. At least 12 pieces in 24 hours indicates the norm. In case of deviation, it is necessary to revise the table, how much the newborn should eat, perhaps he does not have enough milk or formula.
  • Often wakes up and behaves restlessly, especially in the first month of life.

Differences between breastfeeding and artificial feeding

As already mentioned, the difference between breastfeeding and artificial feeding differs only in the number of approaches. Since the volumes of milk and formula in one feeding are selected with the calculation of the volume of the baby's stomach, so that it does not stretch and at the same time the newborn is full. However, milk and formula take a different amount of time to digest due to the varying composition of the substances, despite the fact that formula manufacturers are trying to bring its composition closer to breast milk, this is still not possible.

Feeding frequency table


  • The most indicative is the amount of milk that the newborn ate per day. It is not necessary to control the dosage with each application and force the baby to eat up the prescribed norm.
  • A child sometimes asks for a breast to calm down, especially in the first month of life. Do not refuse, he will burp an extra portion, but he will feel safe.
  • It is necessary to take into account not only the moment how much a newborn should eat. But also that during feeding the child receives an additional portion of milk. It contains the maximum amount of nutrients and nutrients. Comes after 15 minutes of continuous breast sucking by the baby.
  • The feeding frequency table indicates the norm, if the child asks for breasts much less often, observe his condition. Breast milk is digested very quickly, so the baby needs to be fed frequently. Especially in the first month of life.
  • Milk is produced at night, in connection with this, it is important for the baby to breastfeed during this period.
  • Feed on demand, then the baby will have time to eat the prescribed dosage of milk, which is indicated by the nutrition dosage table for each month of life. The problem of malnutrition will disappear by itself.

Artificial feeding

  • When the baby eats less frequently than indicated in the table, increase the amount of formula for each feeding.
  • It is much easier to suck on the pacifier than the breast, so the baby, satisfying the reflex, will drink the mixture very quickly. Do not pour the mixture, exceeding the daily rate indicated by the dosage table.
  • Digestion of the mixture is slow, so do not often offer a bottle. Waking up or crying after a feed does not indicate hunger. Most likely, gaziki, colic or other reasons.
  • If he did not drink all the prescribed amount of the mixture for one feeding, he should not be forced to finish eating. Suggest a little later.

Focusing on a table that indicates how much a newborn should eat, following and adjusting to the behavior of the baby during feeding, you can adjust the process of feeding him. In 95% of cases, parents, without the advice of pediatricians, fix it on their own. And already in the second month of a child's life, they do not feel the need to control the amount of food eaten. And in the first month, only the behavior of the baby and his weight gain will tell you whether the child is full of the indicated norm or lacks nutrition.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Article last updated: 01/23/2017

The period of infancy, especially newborns, is a test for both mother and her baby. Any mother worries if her baby is full, if something bothers him, and if it bothers what? How to determine if a newborn is hungry after feeding or not? How many grams should a child eat at a time and per day? Is he getting enough milk or not?

The main criteria for malnutrition of the baby

  • if after eating the baby cries and looks for breasts, he is hungry;
  • if the child is older than 1 week, but still does not come off the breast for a long time, he does not gorge;
  • if the baby urinates little and rarely empties the bowels, he is undernourished.

With a normal amount of food received, the baby urinates about 6-15 times a day (respectively, if you had to change at least 6 diapers, then everything is fine), and empties the intestines from 1 to 3 times a day. Another, subjective, but still criterion can be considered the feeling of the mother. Mom's milk begins to stay 4-5 days after birth, and if the mother feels how the mammary glands are pouring, and then the child sucks everything out and calmly falls asleep. This means that everything is in order. There is no need to express and check how many grams the newborn has eaten.

When breastfeeding, if the weight gain is within the normal range, the baby is growing well, it is not necessary to control the amount he drank. The baby eats as much as he needs.

This information is more relevant if the child is on a mixed diet or formula-fed. Then you need to control the dose of the mixture per day, and at one time, so as not to overfeed the baby.

The required amount of milk: what does it depend on?

How much should a newborn eat at one time, and per day? For the first three days, he eats very little, as he receives such a product as colostrum. This is a very nutritious substance, it contains everything a baby needs, and only a little is required.

During this period, the baby often eats 10-12 times a day, but not much, because he still does not know how to suck properly, and because of the small amount of colostrum. It doesn't mean he's hungry. The capacity of his stomach is not large, and ranges from 7 ml to 9 ml. Many pediatricians believe that during this period he should simply “hang” on his mother’s chest, practically without coming off. And this is a natural process.

  • height and weight indicators with which the child was born;
  • the age of the baby;
  • quality characteristics (primarily fat content) of milk.

The larger the newborn, the more nutrition he needs. The daily requirement is determined as follows:

  • age in days * 70 (newborn weighed less than 3200 grams at birth);
  • age in days * 80 (baby weight at birth more than 3200 grams).

There is a very simple calculation formula for determining the one-time need for milk, it looks like this: his age in days * 10.

If the baby is exclusively breastfed, then up to the 1st month he should receive up to 300 ml of milk / day, starting from the age of 2 months up to 800 ml. With each subsequent month, the daily requirement increases by 50 ml. At 6 months, this amount reaches 1000 ml, by 9 months - 1100 ml, by the year - 1200 ml.

There are different views on the quantitative indicators of milk, which is the norm for an infant, as well as on the number of feedings. Table 1 presents the average variant.

Table 1

Age / day One-time requirement for breast milk, ml Number of feedings
3-4 days 20-60 200-300 8-12 After 3 hours
Age/month One-time requirement for breast milk, ml Daily requirement for milk, ml Feeding frequency/night break
up to 1 80-100 600-700 8-7
1 to 2 110-140 700-900 6-7 After 3-3.5 hours / night break 6-6.5 hours
2 to 4 140-160 800-1000 6 After 3-3.5 hours / night break 6-6.5 hours
4 to 6 160-180 900-1000 6-5 After 3.5-4 hours / night break 6.5-8 hours
6 to 9 180-200 1000-1100 5 After 4 hours / night break 8 hours
9 to 12 200-240 1100-1200 5-4 After 4-4.5 hours / night break 8-9 hours

In some sources, there is an indication of a smaller amount of a nutrient (for example, a mixture, with artificial feeding) that a baby should eat.

How to find out the amount of breast milk drunk by the baby?

If the child is not capricious, sleeps well, is healthy, cheerful, gains weight normally and does not “pounce” on the chest too much, sucks normally, this is not necessary. But, if a mother wants to control how much her child eats, this is not difficult to do with the help of electronic children's scales.

The baby is weighed before and after feeding. The difference is the volume eaten. Weighing is carried out without changing diapers, clothes and diapers.

Rules to follow when breastfeeding

For a normal lactation process, you first need to organize proper feeding, in addition, take care to correctly attach the baby to the breast.

It must be remembered that it is important not the amount sucked out by the baby at a time, but how much he will eat per day. How much he drinks will depend on the need for food in a given period, on the mood of the baby and many other factors.

If the baby is breastfed, he can be fed on demand and he will adjust the amount he drinks. Care must be taken to ensure that he receives not only “front”, but also “back”, more high-calorie milk. This is achieved by the fact that in one feeding the baby sucks out one breast completely. And only in case of lack of nutrition, he can be offered a second one. In no case is it worth denying the crumbs food. Frequent breast changes are harmful, since the "rear" milk begins to flow to the baby 15 minutes after he began to suck intensively.

More intensive milk production occurs at night. This means that it is also impossible to deny a baby food at night.

Calorie content and fat content in mother's milk changes more than once a day, this is natural. The lactation process during the first three months is regulated by a hormonal method, therefore all the shortcomings are leveled. But if feeding is not organized correctly, problems will arise over time.

After a 3-month period, mother's milk is produced in a volume comparable to that sucked out by the baby. The mammary glands are not poured so intensively. This does not mean that there is not enough milk. And the baby must be supplemented artificially. The less a mother feeds her child, the less lactation. Milk can arrive even in the process of feeding. This can be determined by subjective sensations (tingling) in the gland. In addition, there are periods when lactation is somewhat less than required. During this period, the baby changes the diet. This is expressed in a more frequent demand for food or in the rejection of the breast, this is not a sign of illness and disorder. And it does not mean that the food is insufficient.

You don't have to express it to determine how much you're pumping, as you may be able to pump a little and your baby will be able to suck enough for himself. If the baby often asks for breasts, at this age it may be a developed sucking reflex, a physiological need to communicate with mom, and not hunger. Deciding that nutrition is not enough, and starting to supplement the baby, the mother, thereby, will cause a decrease in lactation.

With normal lactation, the possibility of feeding on demand, if the baby is gaining weight normally, you should not be nervous about how much milk the newborn or baby sucked. The process of nutrition is regulated by him. This is what most pediatricians think.

The first time a baby is breastfed in the hospital, he will receive very little - just a few precious drops of colostrum. This is due to the fact that the child does not yet know how to breastfeed, he quickly gets tired, in addition, colostrum is very concentrated. It is enough to meet the nutritional needs. The volume of his stomach is only 7 ml.
Further, the child begins to apply to the breast more often and longer. The increase in the amount of milk eaten (from colostrum to transitional milk, then to mature milk) is quite fast.

For the first day, the baby will drink only 10 ml of colostrum per application. On the second day, the volume of daily colostrum will increase to 90 ml (10-30 ml at a time). Milk comes on the third day, now the child can eat up to 190 ml of milk per day (30 ml per feeding). On the fourth day, the total amount of milk eaten will increase to 300 ml (40 ml per feeding). On the fifth day, the newborn will eat 350 ml of milk (50 ml at a time).

On the sixth day, the baby will cope with 400 ml of mother's milk or mixture (60 ml at a time). On the seventh day, the volume of each application will be 70 ml, and on the eighth - 80 ml. On the ninth and tenth days at a time, the child will suck out 80-90 ml of breast milk or formula from a bottle.

By one month, the volume of the baby's stomach will increase to 100 ml.

How to calculate the feeding norms for a child up to 10 days

All calculations for determining the volume of the required amount of baby food can be divided into two: the calculation for the first ten days of life (), and the second calculation for the baby from ten days of life to one year.

The formula for determining the volume of nutrition of a child in the first 10 days of his life:
N (number of days of life) x 10 \u003d one-time amount of food for the child.

Daily amount of food in the first 10 days of life:
If a child was born weighing up to 3200 grams, then the formula is: age in days (N) x 70.
Example: a child of 5 days old with a weight of 2800 grams should receive per day: 5 x 70 = 350 ml of milk.

If a child was born with a weight of 3200 grams, then the formula is: age in days (N) x 80.
Example: a child of 5 days old with a weight of 3800 grams should receive per day: 5 x 80 = 400 ml of milk.

How to calculate feeding rates for a child from 10 days to 1 year

The formula for determining the daily amount of food for a child from the first 10 days of his life to 1 year:
From 10 days to 6 weeks - 1/5 of body weight;
From 6 weeks to 4 months - 1/6 of body weight;
From 4 months to 6 months - 1/7 of body weight;
From 6 months to 8 months - 1/8 of body weight;
From 8 months to 12 months - 1/9 of body weight.

Example: child (4 weeks), weight 4000 gr. The calculation of the daily volume of milk for him is as follows: 4000/5 = 800 ml.
Remember that up to one year old child, the daily food intake should not exceed 1200 ml per day.

How to tell if a baby is getting enough milk

On breastfeeding, a weekly weight gain of 150 - 200 grams is considered normal, if less than 100 grams, then you should worry and take action. Babies eat up to 12 times a day, in order to control the amount of milk eaten by a child at one time, use baby scales: weigh in the same clothes with a diaper before and after one feeding. Write down the difference, show the pediatrician at the reception.

There is also a way to monitor urination: after the first three days of life, there should be at least 5-6 wet diapers per day. Watch the behavior of the baby, if he is restless, sleeps poorly, and looks for breasts with his mouth - conclude that the child is malnourished. A well-fed and satisfied child will be cheerful, cheerful, sleep well and for a long time, not show anxiety for no apparent reason.

With the birth of a baby, a happy mother begins to worry about his nutrition. How much should a newborn eat at one feeding, does she have enough milk and is it too much for the baby's stomach? All these questions, no doubt, worry parents.

This topic does not lose its relevance today. Every woman who has children, at least once in her life, but thought about how much a newborn child should eat. Most often, the anxiety of a young mother is caused by the conclusion of a pediatrician. After examining the baby, doctors conclude that the baby is full or malnourished based on weight gain (or underweight).

It should be borne in mind that the main criterion for a pediatrician will indeed be a monthly increase of 600-800 g. However, this point of view is disputed by modern experts, since the issue of weight gain or underweight in a child should not be limited to only one indicator. Also today, the very essence of understanding and attitude towards breastfeeding has changed radically.

It is difficult for a young mother to independently and comprehensively assess whether a newborn eats its norm or not. As a rule, it seems that the baby is malnourished, but it is still not worth rushing to supplement it. Properly organized breastfeeding provides the baby with a complete diet that he needs. Mothers of artificial children, of course, need to calculate the indicator of how much mixture a child should eat per feeding and per day.

Breastfeeding: first time

Physiologically, it is designed so that immediately after childbirth, a woman does not yet have milk. The child can only eat colostrum. On average, milk comes in 3-4 days. Of course, it seems to every mother that her baby is malnourished and remains hungry. This is a common misconception about the insufficient amount of breast milk produced by the female body. It should be remembered that:

  1. The suckling reflex is still poorly developed in a newborn, he must learn this. That is why the baby eats, as a rule, very little, sucks weakly at the breast.
  2. The first 3 days of feeding the baby eats colostrum, and it is certainly quite fatty and nutritious. It is produced by the female body in such a way as to ensure the supply of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for the full life of the crumbs.
  3. The volume of the stomach of the newborn is still very small, so the child cannot eat much for. On average, this figure is no more than 10-12 ml, so about 8-10 ml of colostrum should also come in.
  4. In the first 2-3 days, the baby should eat 10-12 times a day, so in total he will eat about 100-110 ml of colostrum.

The most important thing that a nursing mother should always remember is that anxiety and excitement adversely affect lactation. It is necessary to ensure maximum calmness so that a woman has enough milk.

Rules for breastfeeding in the first 10 days

How much milk a newborn needs in the first days after birth directly depends on two factors: its weight and age. Every day the stomach of the crumbs grows, increases in size. The baby sucks more and more, a certain feeding schedule is developed.

Already literally on the second day, the child should drink 2 times more nutritious breast milk. Now he needs about 200-240 ml per day, that is, about 20 ml per feeding.

On the third day, about 30 ml of milk should be eaten by the child in order to eat. Thus, the daily rate will be about 300-340 ml.

The formula will look like this:

N (number of days from birth) * 10 = required amount of breast milk per feeding.

Age of the baby The amount of breast milk consumed per 1 feeding, ml The total amount of breast milk consumed per day, ml
3-4 days from 20 to 60 250-300
1 week from 50 to 80 400
2 weeks from 60 to 90 20% of the total weight of the child
1 month from 100 to 110 550-600
2 months from 120 to 150 800
3 months from 150 to 180 1/6 of the child's weight
4 months from 180 to 210 1/6 of the child's weight
5-6 months from 210 to 240 1/7 of the child's weight (about 800-1000)
7-12 months from 210 to 240 1/8-1/9 of the child's weight

A young mother should also calculate the amount of fluid consumed by the baby. The easiest way to do this is to use a medical scale. First you need to find out the weight of the child immediately before feeding and immediately after it. The difference between them will be the amount of milk drunk by the newborn at a time. However, it is imperative to repeat the weighing several times to get the correct result about the approximate dose of milk that the baby consumes. Only after that it is already possible to draw a conclusion about whether the child completely sucks out his portion or not.

Breastfeeding: when and how?

The arrival of milk ends approximately on the tenth day of a child's life. In this period of time, the approximate amount of liquid consumed per day will be 1/5 of the total weight of the baby.

The issue of newborn nutrition and weight gain is still controversial. However, most pediatricians agreed that the main thing is to feed the baby not by force and at the strictly allotted time for this (as they say, “by the clock”). Today, feeding “at will” is mainly recommended: when the newborn asks, then they apply it to the breast. Babies will require to eat an average of 10 to 12 times a day, the interval between meals can be from 1.5 to 2 hours.

A nursing mother should be prepared for the fact that the feeding process itself will take at least, and sometimes it can reach up to 40. It is not uncommon that the baby has literally drunk all the milk, but at the same time continues to suckle the breast. Maybe, of course, he is trying to get the last drops of his goodies, but, most likely, he just likes the process itself, it calms him down. Mom should not allow a newborn to suckle the breast for more than 1 hour.

Artificial feeding: what you need to know?

What is the norm of milk for a newborn was discussed above, however, the same amount of the mixture will be needed for artificial nutrition. The principles of organizing IW are fundamentally different from GW. What to do if the child is not accustomed to the breast, and feeding is carried out with the help of special mixtures?

The basic principles of correct IV:

  1. Diet. It is necessary to monitor how many times a day the baby eats. Its norm per day should be at least 8 times. This is just as important as how much food the baby consumes per 1 feeding and per day.
  2. Calculation of the norm of the mixture or milk. This criterion may vary depending on how often the baby eats. The volume of the mixture for 1 feeding can be increased if necessary, if the newborn child's diet includes the number of feedings less than the established norm.
  3. The basic rule, as with breastfeeding, is based on not overfeeding the baby. It should be noted how much the baby eats for 1 feeding and per day. It is much easier for him to suck milk or formula from the nipple than from the breast. Moreover, a few days after the birth, the baby is perfectly able to do this: the sucking reflex is developed quite strongly.
  4. How much mixture a newborn should eat can be seen on the package. As a rule, all manufacturers indicate in detail information on this issue, taking into account the age of the child and the required dose for 1 feeding.

Artificial feeding: we calculate the rate

In order not to overfeed the baby and not leave him hungry, you should correctly calculate the rate and know how many grams of the mixture you need. The following is a table with the calculation of the amount of food that a child should eat per day, taking into account his age.

Table of the daily norm of the mixture with IV by months

Based on these data, you can easily calculate how much a newborn should eat not only per day, but also per 1 meal. In this case, the total amount of the mixture should be divided by the number
feedings per day.

In order to properly organize nutrition during artificial feeding and calculate how much a newborn should eat for 1 feeding and per day, the following must be considered:

  1. If the baby's lunch (or any meal) is less than the recommended amount, he can be fed a little more next time. In general, the amount of mixture or milk is calculated per day. Therefore, it is easy to compensate for the "half-eaten" volume of the mixture in the next feeding.
  2. The stomachs of newborns who are on the IV digest food much more slowly. It does not depend on whether they eat milk or formula. Based on this fact, it is necessary to increase the intervals of night meals up to 5-6 hours, during the day the interval is 2.5-3 hours.
  3. When a baby wakes up literally immediately after feeding and cries, you should not try to supplement him. Many mothers mistakenly believe that the baby is hungry. However, he most likely has a stomach ache. This is due to the fact that the child did not burp air. Mom can help him by simply supporting him vertically in her arms. When the extra air comes out (the baby burps), you can put him to bed again.
  4. If the mother knows how much the newborn eats normally, but he did not drink the entire amount, it is better to just give food a little later. When the baby is hungry, he will gladly finish what he left earlier.

Baby satiety: how to determine?

How much milk a newborn should eat has been discussed above, but the question remains how to determine his satiety. For an attentive and loving mother who cares about the full development of her crumbs, this is very easy to do. It is enough to observe the behavior of the child. Here are the main signs that the baby is full:

  • the newborn is calm;
  • sleep sound and deep;
  • monthly there is a good weight gain, which corresponds to the norm;
  • the baby regularly empties the bladder and intestines (pees and poops).

A caring mother should remember that a milk baby can cry not only from hunger. Most often, a newborn is tormented by gases or colic. And this situation will only be exacerbated by overfeeding the baby. How much a newborn eats is an important criterion for his diet, but other factors should be taken into account.

If it is noticed that the child is excessively restless, sleeps very badly and the weight gain is very insignificant (compared to the established norm), then the problem is nutrition. Maybe lactation has not been established correctly, little breast milk is being produced, or it is too “empty”, low-fat. The reason may be different, it is better to discuss this problem with the pediatrician. How full the baby is and whether he receives good nutrition can only be determined by a doctor.

A few last words

How much a child should eat at 1 year or at 6 months of breast milk, which a six-month-old baby or a newborn will need, has been studied in detail. There may be many opinions and recommendations on this subject, but you should not blindly follow all the advice. For babies, there cannot be the same criteria and rules. All children are individual, each has its own character and needs. The main thing is that every mother should remain attentive and patient towards her baby, love and take care of him.

In addition, the calculated volume of breast milk and the amount of formula do not apply to other fluids consumed. Regardless of whether the baby is on IV or GV, it must be supplemented with boiled water. This is especially true when summer comes and it gets very hot. If a one-year-old baby can already ask for a drink on his own, then the newborn still does not know how to express his desires.

In general, the mother ceases to carefully monitor the nutrition of her child even when a certain regimen is developed. When feeding is included in noma, as a rule, the baby will eat exactly as much as he needs.

It is not easy for a young mother to care for and take care of a newborn baby, because there are so many questions! Is everything in order with the child, is he growing and developing normally? An important indicator that all pediatricians pay attention to is weight gain and height. To meet these age norms, an infant needs a certain amount of breast milk or formula. The required amount of food intake, in turn, changes with the age of the baby.

In the first days after the birth of the baby, it seems to many mothers that there is practically no milk, and the newborn remains hungry. However, in most cases there is no cause for concern, the following facts must be taken into account:

  • In the early days, the mother's body produces colostrum, the amount of which is small, but it contains a sufficient amount of fats and nutrients.
  • In a newborn, the sucking reflex develops over time, in connection with which he eats little in the early days.
  • The volume of the ventricle of the newborn is not large, so he can drink no more than 7-10 ml of colostrum at a time.
  • If you are very anxious, then the long-awaited milk may not arrive at all or appear in smaller quantities, so try to remain calm.

Infant nutrition in the first month

After the first 10 days of a newborn's life, it is recommended to use the formula for calculating the rate of milk consumption: the child's age in days is multiplied by 10. The resulting value means the amount of food that will be required for one feeding. Thus, with each passing day, the crumbs need an increasing amount of breast milk.

An additional parameter that can be relied upon when calculating the amount of food is the weight of the baby. The volume of milk (in ml) that the baby consumes per day is approximately equal to one fifth of its weight. However, it is important to understand that this value may fluctuate depending on various factors and conditions, including well-being, appetite and personal characteristics of the child.

How to determine how much your baby drinks? If there is a need to know the exact amount, you should weigh the crumbs using special medical scales before and after feeding, and then calculate the difference. It is recommended not to focus on a single value, it is better to repeat this procedure several times and only then draw conclusions.

Nutrition from a month to a year

The baby is growing literally by leaps and bounds, so his nutritional needs are growing every month:

  • At the age of one month, the baby eats a little more than 100 ml at a time. Eating 6-7 times a day, the baby consumes 600-700 ml of milk.
  • When a baby is 2 months old, he can already drink 120 to 150 ml of milk at a time (approximately 800 ml per day).
  • At the age of three months, the baby consumes 150–180 ml of milk, and per day the volume of food is approximately 1/6 of its body weight.
  • By four months of life, the norm is from 180 to 200 ml (about 1/6 of body weight per day).
  • At 5–6 months, the little one is able to drink 200–240 ml of milk once (up to 1 liter per day).
  • From the seventh to the twelfth month, the volume of milk remains the same - from 200 to 240 ml at a time (about 1/8 of body weight per day). At this age, complementary foods appear on the child's menu, which replaces one or two feedings.

These are averages for nursing babies, but remember to take into account individual factors that affect your baby's nutrition.

How to properly feed so that the child eats the right amount of milk

To help your baby eat the amount of breast milk he needs, use the following tips:

  • Do not refuse to feed the baby when he asks.
  • Do not try to artificially increase the fat content of milk. The body itself regulates its qualitative composition, adjusting to the needs of the child.
  • Be sure to feed at night, because at night lactation intensifies.
  • Do not change the breast too often, because at the beginning of feeding the baby receives the so-called "front" milk, which is easier to digest, and after a while of active sucking - "hind milk", which is more nutritious.
  • Breastfeeding consultants do not recommend additional expression of milk. Your body regulates the amount of nutrition your baby needs, and regular pumping can interfere with lactation.

Feeding standards for artificial mixtures

When the baby gets food from the mother's breast, he in most cases eats as much milk as his body needs. But how to calculate the appropriate amount of formula if your child is on artificial nutrition? Take note of the following recommendations:

  1. Follow the feeding regimen by offering the baby a mixture of at least eight times a day. If the baby does not want to eat as often, increase the amount of food per meal. On average, feeding will require about the same amount of artificial formula as breast milk.
  2. Try not to overfeed your baby. It is easier to drink milk from a bottle than to get it from the breast, so it is important to control the amount.

A little hint: the packages with milk mixtures indicate the required amount of nutrition for different ages, so you can safely navigate them.

Large peanuts require more nutrition than small crumbs, so age norms depend on the weight of the child:

the daily amount of nutrition for a newborn up to 1.5 months of life (except for the first 10 days) is 1/5 of the weight of the crumbs;

  • from 1.5 to 4 months - 1/6 of the weight;
  • from 4 to 6 months - 1/7 of the weight;
  • from 6 to 8 months - 1/8 of the weight;
  • from 8 to 12 months - 1/9 of the weight.

Example: Let's calculate the amount of formula that a child at the age of 3 months weighing 5100 grams will need. The daily rate will be 1/6 of the weight, that is, 5100/6 = 850 ml. Considering that a baby at this age eats about 6 times a day, he needs about 140 ml of milk mixture per feeding.

An important point - the baby's ventricle takes more time to digest the artificial mixture than in the case of breastfeeding. Therefore, during the day it is advisable to feed the baby every 2.5-3 hours, and at night take a long break between feedings - 5-6 hours.

How to understand that the child is full

Mom needs to carefully monitor the baby to find out if the baby has enough food. When a baby is full, he:

  • behaves calmly;
  • fast asleep;
  • gaining weight well
  • pees 12 to 15 times a day and does not suffer from constipation.

When an infant frequently bursts into tears, the mother may think that the infant is hungry, but in fact, crying by itself is not a significant indicator of underfeeding. In all likelihood, the child is suffering from pain in the tummy due to colic and gas.

If, in addition to constant crying, the baby sleeps anxiously and wakes up often, gains less weight than normal, sucks too long and greedily at the breast, then you have cause for concern. In this case, it is better not to draw independent conclusions, but to go to the pediatrician for advice.

Relying on milk intake rates is essential if you want to make sure your baby is getting enough nutrition. However, do not weigh the newborn too often and worry if the values ​​\u200b\u200bare slightly different from the norm, because stress affects lactation. And remember: your baby is individual and is not required to fully comply with all sorts of standards.