Dog saliva - when to use. The healing properties of dog saliva - myth or reality

Man and dog have lived side by side since ancient times. Even then, people noticed that in these animals the wounds heal in a short time and do not fester. Traditions and legends that have come down to us since those times tell about all kinds of healing using dog blood, milk, saliva, wool, teeth and other parts of the body.

For example, in order to cure a cough, it was necessary to throw the left fang of a dog into the fire, they got rid of baldness by folding their hair into bread and feeding it to the dog. Ancient Chinese healers promised that the blood of a white dog would cure insanity, and that of a black dog would relieve the pain of childbirth. And the famous ancient Greek physician Epidaurus noticed that the patient was recovering at the moment when the dog licked him with his tongue.

Such a miracle is only possible thanks to the unique properties of dog saliva! It is now known that dog saliva contains a huge amount of a concentrated enzyme - lysozyme, which has a bactericidal effect.

Scientific reference. Lysozyme (muramidase), an enzyme of the class of hydrolases that catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptidoglycan of the bacterial cell wall. Simply put, this substance has the ability to destroy the walls of bacteria, as a result of which the latter die. In vertebrate tissues, lysozyme is contained in lysosomes and is found mainly in blood leukocytes, lacrimal fluid, saliva, spleen, and kidneys. It has been proven that raising the temperature to 60°C increases the activity of lysozyme. Further heating of the medium inactivates the enzyme. It is also known that chloride ions and the acidity of the medium of 6-7 pH are capable of activating this enzyme, but the absence of salts reduces its activity.

Carefully studied the properties of dog saliva and Nobel laureate Alexander Fleming, who is known for the invention of penicillin. Later, Fleming was able to prove empirically that lysozyme is a substance capable of destroying a large number of microorganisms, and also found out that lysozyme is contained not only in the saliva of a dog, but also in the blood, colostrum and milk of a nursing bitch, in nasal secretions, the epithelium of the skin of an animal, as well as in the lacrimal fluid.

By the way, it is in the tears of a dog that lysozyme is found in the purest form than in its saliva. It may seem strange, but for quite a long time, lysozyme was actually extracted from canine tear fluid! Then, to the delight of pets shedding their tears and, of course, world science, scientists learned how to isolate lysozyme from chicken protein.

It's no secret that dogs heal very quickly. There is even a saying: "Heals like a dog!". Let's see how healing dog saliva is and whether it really is.

Even in ancient China, dog saliva was used to treat wounded soldiers. For this purpose, special "treatment" dogs were kept at hospitals, which were allowed to see patients and licked wounds with their tongues. In Russia, they also knew about the healing properties of dog saliva. As the proverb says: "A cat has a hundred diseases in its mouth, and a dog has a hundred recipes." For the treatment of wounds, dermatitis and even fungal diseases, in pre-revolutionary times, dog saliva was used. Sour cream was applied to the area affected by the fungus and the dog licked it with pleasure, giving the owner a recovery.

From a scientific point of view, treatment with dog saliva has a real basis, and all thanks to the substance "lysozyme" (muramidase) contained there. Lysozyme was studied by Alexander Fleming, known for his discoveries in the field of medicine, the most significant of which was the invention of penicillin. Lysozyme is an enzyme of the hydrolase class that catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptidoglycan of the bacterial cell wall. Simply put, this substance has the ability to destroy the walls of bacteria, as a result of which the latter die. In vertebrate tissues, lysozyme is contained in lysosomes and is found mainly in blood leukocytes, lacrimal fluid, saliva, spleen, and kidneys. It has been proven that raising the temperature to 60°C increases the activity of lysozyme. Further heating of the medium inactivates the enzyme. It is also known that chloride ions and the acidity of the medium of 6-7 pH are capable of activating this enzyme, but the absence of salts reduces its activity.

Lysozyme is found not only in the saliva of a dog, but also in the blood, colostrum and milk of a lactating bitch, in nasal secretions, in the epithelium of the animal's skin, and also in the lacrimal fluid. By the way, it is in the tears of a dog that lysozyme is found in the purest form than in its saliva. For quite a long time, lysozyme was indeed extracted from canine tear fluid, until they learned how to isolate it from chicken protein.

Perhaps soon people will be able to treat various skin diseases with these medicinal preparations.

The Internet is filled with recipes from the field of "traditional medicine", including dog saliva as an important component. It is suggested to be used to heal wounds, get rid of acne and warts, and even treat psoriasis. Is dog saliva really healthy and has healing properties?

It is known that in ancient China, the healing properties of dogs were not neglected: they treated soldiers by licking their wounds. And it was believed that dog saliva is suitable for these purposes no worse than the ointments of healers of those times.

Dog saliva does contain the enzyme lysozyme, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria, which means it can disinfect wounds when licked. And Nobel Prize winner Alexander Fleming, the inventor of penicillin, once carefully studied the beneficial properties of dog saliva. Moreover, he experimentally proved that lysozyme is contained not only in dog saliva, but also in milk, blood, and even in lacrimal fluid.

However, is dog saliva a panacea and generally a useful "medicine"?

No, and here's why:

Immunocompromised people are more at risk when coming into contact with dog saliva.

However, there is no need to panic either. If a dog licks a person, especially a healthy person, it is unlikely that he will immediately get sick, because the skin does not absorb saliva well. And cases of infection through the saliva of a dog are extremely rare.

But still, it is quite possible to become infected through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes or scratches. Therefore, do not neglect the requirements of personal hygiene, for example, wash your hands after contact with the dog.

Of course, whether to believe in the healing properties of dog saliva is up to you. But it is still much safer and more effective instead of saliva therapy to be treated with more proven and approved by doctors means.

Is it true that dog saliva is healing?

Truth. However, human saliva is also healing. Any abrasion or scratch can be moistened with your saliva if you do not trust the dog. In addition, if there is dirt in the wound, then licking it, thereby removing all foreign elements. Plus the antiseptic properties of saliva, and, as a result, we get the saying: "Heals like a dog."

Well, what about harmful microbes ... There are no less of them in human saliva than in dog saliva. Personally, I would rather trust a healthy, non-drinking, non-smoking dog with no cavities, sore throats, stomatitis, etc. to lick the wound than most people.

Is it true that dog saliva is healing?

The roots of this statement go back to the past. Fleming, the scientist who discovered penicillin for mankind, investigated the bactericidal properties of dog saliva. And found that the dog's saliva contains large amounts of lysozyme. This is a substance that can kill most of the microorganisms. But not every dog's lysozyme production was perfect. This production depended on the quality and quantity of the food received. That is, in another way, the dog must be fed well and balanced, so that lysozyme is produced in sufficiently large quantities. Most of this lysozyme is found in the lacrimal fluid. For a long time, lysozyme was extracted from dog tears. Much later, scientists learned how to isolate lysozyme from chicken protein. This substance is added to special preparations for the rapid healing of wounds.

Today, in modern medicine, no one uses canine saliva for the purpose of healing wounds. All the same, it is not hygienic. We must not forget that with the help of our four-legged friends, this substance was discovered, which is used in medicine.


Yes true. Dog saliva is healing.

The fact is that there is such an antibacterial enzyme Lysozyme. It is found in places of contact with the environment - in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, lacrimal fluid, breast milk, saliva, nasopharyngeal mucus, etc. Large amounts of lysozymes are found in saliva, which explains its antibacterial properties.

In dog saliva, the percentage of lysozyme is much higher than in human saliva.

However, it's still not worth letting your dog lick scratches. Saliva, healing for a dog, may be completely unhealthy for a person. After all, in addition to Lysozyme, it also contains various bacteria that are normal for a dog and alien to the human body.

It seems that dogs know about the healing properties of their saliva. My dachshund always tried to lick our scratches...


Dog saliva is healing or not.

Dog saliva can be beneficial, but can cause irreparable harm to humans. The beneficial properties of dog saliva are described in detail in the previous answers of the authors. In turn, I want to tell you about one significant minus of this miracle remedy. Probably everyone is aware that the rabies virus transmitted from animals is fatal to humans. This deadly virus is just found in the saliva of a dog (and other animals) and is transmitted through a bite or saliva on a damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

The rabies virus penetrates the nervous system and, multiplying, leads to severe disorders of the brain and spinal cord.
The main symptoms of rabies in humans are: painful convulsions, photophobia and fear of sound, increased salivation, paralysis. Ultimately, a lethal outcome occurs due to respiratory arrest and heartbeat.

A few words about the benefits of dog saliva and its scope. As mentioned earlier, dog saliva and tears contain the enzyme lysozyme, which has a strong bactericidal effect. On the Internet, we managed to find user reviews about how, with the help of this miracle cure, someone managed to heal psariasis, wounds, scratches, and even cracked heels.

There is no unambiguous opinion about the healing properties of dog saliva in the medical environment. After all, if a pet has a stomach or teeth pain, then you should not count on a miracle.

In the article I will talk about why the dog drools profusely from the mouth. I will list all the possible causes of such a symptom. I will indicate under what diseases a dog can drool profusely. I will tell you about the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Dog saliva is a viscous fluid produced by three different salivary glands: parotid, sublingual, and submandibular.

It is also secreted by glands located on the sides of the tongue. Saliva contains enzymes such as maltase and ptyalin, which help break down food.

Increased salivation develops for various reasons: physiological, psychological or pathogenic.

Physiological causes

The abundant flow of saliva is a feature of some breeds of dogs:,.

Some breeds from breeding activities are awarded with such a feature - to drool

Also, the physiological causes of salivation include increased physical activity, reaction to food or medication.

Some dogs drool when fed a bitter tablet or suspension.

Psychological reasons

Increased salivation can be observed in stressful situations. Some dogs get sick when traveling in a car or other vehicle, while saliva and foam begin to flow profusely.

Pathogenic causes

Increased salivation can be a symptom of some diseases:

  • Stomatitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the dog's mouth. At the same time, the animal hardly chews food, saliva flows profusely. The mucosa is swollen, reddened, sores or sores on the gums and cheeks may be present.
  • Periodontitis. The disease is typical for older animals. A bad smell appears from the dog's mouth, in advanced cases, teeth begin to fall out.
  • Infection. Salivation is observed in infectious diseases such as rabies, leptospirosis, distemper, enteritis.
  • . Increased salivation may be a harbinger of an imminent epileptic seizure.
  • . A dog can get poisoned by any food or substance: fatty foods, household chemicals (including detergents), heavy metals, etc. In case of poisoning, the animal has saliva or foam, vomiting, and stool disorders.
  • . Salivation can be observed with a strong helminthic invasion.

Dogs are prone to tooth and gum disease, which is often accompanied by salivation.

How to recognize excessive salivation in a dog

Salivation is often accompanied by other symptoms, which can reveal the cause of this condition. If the pet has gum or tooth pain, he refuses to eat or eats food carefully and slowly, does not allow you to touch the face, or reacts to touch painfully and restlessly.

In case of poisoning, the animal has diarrhea, vomiting, accompanied by profuse salivation. With infectious diseases, the dog becomes apathetic, her body temperature rises.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a pet suddenly begins to salivate, it is necessary to diagnose and identify the cause of this condition.

Remember if the pet has been in contact with toxic substances or new food.

If increased salivation begins when traveling in a car or other transport, you can give your pet one of the following drugs before the road: graying, barbavil, aeron, etc.

The dosage is calculated according to the weight of the pet.

If an infection or disease of the teeth or gums is suspected, the doctor examines the pet, assesses the condition of the mucous membranes, and notes the presence of other symptoms. Also, the veterinarian prescribes tests: and urine, if necessary, ultrasound and x-rays, swabs from the mucous membranes.

In case of excessive salivation, you need to consult a specialist

Treatment depends on the underlying cause:

  • Stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity are treated by brushing the teeth and applying ointments and gels that contain an antibiotic to the inflamed areas.
  • In case of poisoning, the pet is given activated charcoal or. Other drugs are also prescribed to stop vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics, intravenous infusions of nutrient solutions, immunomodulators.

Prevention of increased salivation

Prevention of excessive salivation is as follows:

Increased salivation is a phenomenon that may indicate the development of a serious illness.

Preventive measures are based on the observance of sanitary standards for keeping a dog

However, this condition is not always a pathology and is the norm for some breeds of dogs. If the animal feels depressed, eats poorly, loses weight, you should consult a veterinarian.