Saliva therapy. hungry saliva. When we kiss, we exchange DNA

It's no secret that kissing is very important in a relationship. It turns out that 59 percent of men and 66 percent of women say they lose interest in a partner if the first kiss with him was not very pleasant. In addition, researchers claim that most people can remember up to 90 percent of the details of their first kiss.

Do you know everything about this kind of manifestation of feelings for a loved one?

Kissing can boost your immune system

During a 10-second kiss, lovers exchange 80 million bacteria. If this idea makes you run to the bathroom to brush your teeth, hold on for a moment. As it turns out, exposure to these bacteria can provide a healthy boost to your immune system, as it is nature's natural form of vaccination. When your body is exposed to "foreign" microbes, it causes it to produce antibodies against them, which in turn leads to the development of immunity and helps prevent disease.

Guinness World Record

Think back to the beginning of a relationship when you feel like kissing your loved one for hours without taking a break. But even the longest kisses you exchange at the beginning of a relationship cannot compare to the one that was registered by the Guinness Book of Records in 2013 in Thailand. It lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.

Kissing can improve your dental health

During kissing, both partners increase saliva production, which is good news for oral health. Kissing stimulates the salivary glands, and saliva helps cushion the acidic environment of the mouth. Tooth decay is caused by acidic by-products that form when bacteria in the mouth break down carbohydrates. The increase in saliva helps our teeth resist this acid attack and remineralize.

The first kiss in the history of cinema

It happened between actors May Irwin and John Rice during the Broadway comedy Widow Jones. The comedy was released in 1896, at a time when kissing in public was "very frowned upon". This 23-second scene was banned from public viewing in many regions, and the head of the Catholic Church even called for censorship and so-called "moral reform".

Needless to say, it sounds strange these days, when kissing is one of the most chaste acts of love depicted on the silver screen (think Fifty Shades of Grey, for example).

Kissing releases chemicals that make you feel good

The main benefit of kissing for your physical health and wellness is the release of oxytocin and dopamine. Oxytocin helps you feel closer to your partner, while dopamine is the “feel good hormone” that will help you experience pleasure. Dopamine is responsible for regulating mood, behavior, sleep, and cognition, and helps with decision making and creativity.

Kissing can prolong life

A group of German doctors and psychologists led by Dr. Arthur Szabo found that men who kiss their girlfriends or wives every morning live an average of five years longer than those who don't. Unfortunately, the study says nothing about women's life expectancy. In addition, people who receive a daily morning kiss miss fewer days from work due to illness, have a lower chance of having a car accident on their way to work, and earn 20 to 30 percent more.

Kissing can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels

Passionate kisses set your pulse in order, which helps lower blood pressure. They also reduce levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with weight gain, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. While diet and exercise is the best way to deal with such issues, there's nothing stopping you from adding some kissing to your healthy routine.

Your Kissing Style Has Developed Before You Were Born

When you kiss, do you tilt your head to the left or right? It turned out that a person does not make this decision consciously. During the last weeks of pregnancy and the first six months after birth, babies develop one of the earliest examples of "behavioral asymmetry" - turning the head to the left or right.

Kissing can help you find your soul mate

It turns out that with the help of a kiss you can understand whether a person is right for you for a long-term partnership. The scientists concluded that people are drawn to those who have a particular biological profile, and kissing may be one way to appreciate it, thanks to the exchange of saliva that occurs during the act. The hormones found in saliva can subconsciously tell if a person is a good partner for you.

Kissing involves a lot of muscles.

Kissing not only burns 26 calories per minute, but also uses about 30 facial and 112 postural muscles. Kissing can also help you smooth out fine lines and tighten the muscles in your neck and jaw.

Kissing can relieve stress

It turns out that partners who kiss frequently have lower levels of stress and are more satisfied with their relationship. The secret is that exchanging caresses with your partner creates a sense of calm, and touching and physical affection can help reduce reactions to stressful situations in general. So the next time you're feeling stressed, try kissing your partner. This can help improve not only your health but also relationships.

In some US states, you can be arrested for kissing in public

While it is highly doubtful that kissing can lead to jail time, there are still some old laws in the United States regarding this act of love. For example, in Iowa, men with mustaches cannot kiss a woman in public; in Hartford, Connecticut, men are not supposed to kiss their wives on Sundays; and in Colorado it is illegal to kiss sleeping women. To be honest, Colorado law makes sense - no one should kiss another person without their permission.

The fear of kissing is known as philemophobia.

Don't laugh: fear of kissing is a real thing. Officially, this condition is known as philemophobia. Most often it is common among young and inexperienced people who are afraid of doing something wrong, although it can occur at any age.

This phobia can be caused by a variety of factors, including fear of germs, body odors, touch, or fear of intimacy. Because severe philemophobia can affect overall well-being and the ability to have romantic relationships, a person may need treatment.

The origins of kissing

Behavior analyst Jacqueline Moreno describes French kissing as "a passionate, deep, loving kiss that involves touching each other's lips with your tongue." The phrase itself appeared between British and American soldiers who returned home from Europe after the First World War. They said they kissed their wives and girlfriends the way the French did.

Proper kisses

Despite the abundance of studies and experts who study the art of kissing, none of them still can say how to determine if you are really a good kisser. In fact, there are only two surefire ways to make sure you're doing it right: ask your partner what they like and practice to achieve perfection.

The exchange of partners with saliva, among other things, stimulates the production of substances that heal the oral cavity, including calcium and phosphorus. In addition, during the exchange, saliva loses its acidic properties, characteristic of stagnation, leading to the growth of bacteria and dental diseases. The acid-base balance is normalized, in which the saliva environment becomes neutral. And in a neutral environment, as you know, all harmful bacteria die in a matter of seconds. The more often you kiss, the less room there is for the vital activity of microbes that cause caries and pulpitis! Also, with a kiss, an active massage of the gums is carried out, which is an ideal prevention of periodontal disease.
Kiss instead of anesthesia
Thanks to the already mentioned serotonin and endorphins produced in the body during a kiss, the pain threshold rises sharply, that is, the kiss acts as an anesthetic, comparable in power to narcotic analgesics - for example, morphine. However, these same substances also have a strong anti-anxiety effect, which allows us to consider a kiss as a remedy for anxiety and insomnia!

All the same serotonin, endorphins and dopamine largely increase the background of mood, structure and streamline brain activity, stimulate interest in life. Therefore, the kiss acts as an active tool for the treatment of depression.
With neurosis, panic attacks and stress, the effectiveness of a kiss is associated with a sharp decrease in the hormones of anxiety and stress in the blood -

There is a widespread myth that the pleasant does not go well with the useful - either one or the other. As for kissing, it's not! There is no such field of medicine in which the powerful healing effect of a kiss would not manifest itself, which should be noted by everyone for whom February 14 is not an ordinary day, but a holiday of all lovers!

A kiss is a rather complex psychophysiological phenomenon bestowed only on a person. In this process, in addition to purely mechanical movements, deep hormonal and biochemical processes are involved, during which a number of biologically active substances are produced, which, in fact, are internal medicines.
In particular, these are:
SEROTONIN, which improves metabolic processes;
DOPAMINE, activating the work of the kidneys, lungs, stimulating blood circulation;
ENDORPHINS, also called hormones of joy, which improve brain function, increase mood, increase the production of insulin and sex hormones.
A passionate kiss speeds up the pulse - on average up to 100-120 beats per minute, which leads to stimulation of blood circulation, improved blood supply to all internal organs. Which, in turn, leads to an improvement in the functioning of the heart and brain, increasing vitality, charging with vital energy for the whole day! In addition, this mechanism allows you to successfully deal with myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, increased thrombosis and high cholesterol levels, and normalize blood pressure. It has been proven that a person who kisses at least twice a day is 10 times less at risk of hypertension and heart attack than a person who ignores kissing.

With a kiss, accompanied by an exchange of saliva, the production of gastric juice, bile and digestive enzymes reflexively increases; the effect of one kiss is comparable to the effect of half a package of pancreatin! At the same time, note that the food eaten does not threaten to be deposited in excess fat, because the kiss itself burns from 12 to 15 kilocalories!
And 3 kisses a day, lasting an average of 10 minutes, allow you to lose a whole kilogram in 3 months - and this is without following a strict diet!

Transmission of hepatitis through saliva is possible only in the case of hepatitis B and hepatitis A. In order for a person to become infected with hepatitis C, an exchange of blood must occur. Hepatitis B is most commonly spread through saliva through kissing or oral sex. Hepatitis A can be transmitted through saliva through oral contact with a contaminated source. The symptoms of these three forms of the disease are very similar, and they can all cause liver damage in an infected person.

Spread of hepatitis through saliva is commonly seen in hepatitisb. This form is considered a sexually transmitted disease that can be contracted through various bodily fluids, including saliva. French kissing and oral sex are the most common ways it is spread through saliva. Hepatitis B is usually not transmitted during regular kissing, in which saliva is not exchanged.

Since hepatitisB is often transmitted through sexual contact, ways to avoid spreading this form of hepatitis through saliva include limiting the number of sexual partners.

The use of condoms or another type of barrier contraception during sex is also encouraged. It can also help to obtain information about the status of this disease from a potential sexual partner before entering into sexual contact.

HepatitisA is the second form of hepatitis that can be spread through saliva. In order for this form of the disease to be transmitted, contaminated blood or fecal matter must somehow enter the human body through oral contact. Although the disease itself cannot spread or infect a person through the exchange of saliva, it often passes through this fluid into the blood. Determining whether a person has been infected with hepatitis A can be difficult until a blood test is done.

Some forms of sexual contact can lead to transmission of hepatitis A through saliva. The likelihood of contracting this disease in this way is higher in people who practice oral-anal intercourse. Limiting or avoiding sexual contact of this kind can prevent the spread of this form of hepatitis through saliva.

Hepatitis C is not transmitted through saliva. This form is only spread through the exchange of infected blood between people. Although screening studies are being conducted in some countries to prevent infections with this form of hepatitis, they do not always provide reliable results. Exchange of saliva when kissing a person with hepatitisC does not result in virus transmission.


Two lovers, merging in a passionate kiss, exchange not only bacteria, body fluids, but also parts of their genetic code.

And no matter how short the kiss is, Your partner's DNA will stay in your mouth for at least another hour.

Isn't it romantic? However, experts say that having someone else's DNA in your mouth can help solve crimes. For example, victims of rape and assault will be able to present incriminating evidence left in their saliva. DNA in saliva can also tell if partners are faithful to each other.

Natalia Kamodeva and other researchers from Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia conducted a study on 12 couples. The researchers asked participants in pairs to kiss passionately for 2 minutes. Before the experiment and 5, 10, 30 and 60 minutes after the kiss, saliva samples were taken from everyone.

Since the method is based on the detection of the Y chromosome, it can only be used to identify male DNA in a woman's saliva. The results showed that The man's DNA was present in the woman's saliva even an hour after the kiss, and possibly longer. Thus, saliva can be a reliable source for evidence of adultery, sexual abuse, and other forms of coercion.

Can you get infected through kissing?

As you know, in our oral cavity lives more than 600 types of bacteria. When we kiss, we exchange bacteria and viruses, which benefits our immune system.

But is it possible to catch some kind of disease through a kiss? If you and your partner are healthy, then the body's natural defenses will prevent illness.

But there are several diseases that can be transmitted through kissing:

Infectious mononucleosis

Infectious mononucleosis, also called kissing disease, is a viral disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. The virus is transmitted through saliva, and the symptoms of the disease resemble those present in other acute viral respiratory infections.


The herpes simplex virus is transmitted through direct contact with the virus. It is most contagious to others during the formation of vesicles and ulceration.

Hepatitis B

Kissing can also transmit the hepatitis B virus, although levels are much higher in the blood than in saliva. Infection occurs when contaminated blood and saliva come into direct contact with the blood and mucous membranes (mouth, nose) of another person. A person becomes infected more easily through a kiss if there are open sores in the mouth.


Oral warts also exist, and they can be passed on by kissing, especially in areas of injury.

Meningococcal infection

Meningitis is a dangerous disease in which the membranes of the brain and spinal cord become inflamed. The bacterium can be transmitted by direct contact or airborne droplets. Studies have shown that the risk only increases with very deep kissing.


Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum (treponema pallidum). The most common route of transmission is sexual, during direct contact with an infected sore during sexual activity. The bacterium enters the body through small wounds and cuts in the skin and mucous membranes. Syphilis can, although rarely, be transmitted by kissing. This mainly occurs through unprotected contact with the lesion.

HIV through a kiss: is it possible to get infected?

There have been no cases of HIV being transmitted through kissing, as the concentration of virus in saliva is too low to pose a risk of infection. HIV is transmitted through infected blood, sexual contact, injection, from an infected mother to her child during pregnancy and childbirth and breastfeeding.

All this does not mean that you need to stop kissing. While some disease-causing germs are passed on through kissing, most are harmless or very low risk.