Dogs that can be kept in the apartment. Overview of the best dog breeds for an apartment

The definition of a balanced character is very subjective. Different people put their criteria into it.

For some, calm dog breeds are an opportunity to leave children with a pet at home, for some it is sociability and benevolence towards people, and for some it is controllability by barking or a quiet ride in a car.

There are the calmest breeds of dogs that maximally combine the criteria of a calm disposition, which in the end often plays a decisive role in choosing a pet.

dwarf poodle

These are the three most calm dog breeds of small size, but there are others, no less worthy, able to delicately protect the peace and quiet of urban housing. Among them: , .

Calm dog breeds of medium size

1 Golden Retriever

England is the country of origin. These are very friendly, cheerful, calm and loyal creatures.

Golden retrievers have good trainability and intelligence, which makes them accessible to beginner dog breeders. They cannot bear a long separation. Easily find a common language with members of the whole family, children and animals. They love to swim in the water.

The growth of golden retrievers reaches from 50 to 60 cm, and weight from 25 to 36 kg. They require careful grooming.

Important! The Golden Retriever is very active and needs regular daily exercise.

Golden retriever

2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Released in England.

Spaniels are very friendly and calm. Friendly to all family members, they become attached to one owner. They do not need great physical exertion, which allows them to be a companion for the elderly.

Spaniels are relatively easy to care for, but require timely grooming.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

3. English Bulldog

They reach 40 cm in height and 25 kg in weight.

They are loyal, intelligent and serious animals. The breed was specially bred to perform the function of companions. They have a calm and balanced character.

In care, English Bulldogs are quite unpretentious. Short coat allows combing several times a week.

English Bulldogs are active and require a lot of exercise.

English bulldog

4. Sharpei

China is the country of origin. Shar-Pei's height is from 46 to 51 cm, weight is from 18 to 25 kg.

By nature, they are very intelligent, balanced and independent creatures. They prefer to be in charge of the house.

Sharpeis require early socialization. Suitable for experienced owners.

5. Standard Schnauzer

It grows at the withers up to 51 cm, and weighs from 14 to 20 kg.

Representatives of the breed have a high level of intelligence, very well trained. By nature, they are energetic, active and playful, they are very stubborn.

They have high endurance, tolerate temperature extremes well. Calmly endure loneliness. In the care standard schnauzers are quite demanding. Needs constant grooming.

Attention! The standard schnauzer needs mental and physical activity. Experience with dogs preferred.

Standard schnauzer

6 Basset Hound

Comes from France. Height from 33 to 38 cm. Weight within 29 kg. Has hunting roots.

Bassets are distinguished by friendliness and complaisance of character. They love being in the company of people. They are inquisitive and passionate.

Important! Basset Hounds are very difficult to train because of their unwillingness to obey.

basset hound

Calm large dogs

1. Bernese Mountain Dog

The origin of the breed is Switzerland. Their height reaches 71 cm, and their weight is up to 50 kg.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by special devotion to their owners. They have the instincts of a shepherd dog. In the family, they play the role of a nanny and controller of children.

By nature they are very friendly and calm. The level of learning is not very high, which requires special patience from the owner.

Bernese Mountain Dogs they shed heavily, which requires careful grooming.

Bernese Mountain Dog

2. Saint Bernard

Height varies from 65 to 90 cm. Weight reaches 90 kg.

The purpose of the withdrawal of this breed was a rescue dog. They have a very patient nature. St. Bernards are very sociable, easily become a member of the family. Loneliness is very hard to bear. In care, they are quite unpretentious.

st bernard

3. Great Dane

The height at the withers of this giant reaches 86 cm, and the weight is up to 90 kg. require moderate grooming. These aristocrats have a gentle and patient character.

Important! The Great Dane is distinguished by attentiveness and devotion to its owner. But due to his natural stubbornness and willfulness, it is recommended to start a Great Dane for already experienced breeders.

German dog

4. Newfoundland

Originally from Canada. These large animals reach a height of 74 cm and a weight of 68 kg. Despite their impressive size, they have an easy, patient and obedient character. Newfics are easy to train, but can't stand harsh training methods.

These dogs are very fond of water procedures. Needs constant grooming.

King Charles Spaniel true devotion and love. Becoming a full-fledged member of the family, they teach people to behave like human beings. With proper care, attitude and respect for your pet, you will get a lot of positive emotions and optimism.

Additionally, check out the video about the most calm and apartment-friendly dog ​​breeds:

Children often ask their parents to get a dog - and rightly so. The dog is an excellent companion for play, able to teach responsibility, care and friendship. However, do not forget that a child will be able to walk and care for a dog on his own no earlier than seven years. Until this age, children want to play outdoor games with a dog more than seriously engage in its upbringing.

If you decide to adopt a large, dominant dog, such as a Rottweiler, you will need to pay close attention to its training. An adult dog of a fighting breed may perceive a child as a rival if the dog is not taught in advance how to properly handle children. Of course, the best option is a puppy that will grow with the child. In this case, a dog of any breed (provided that it has a healthy psyche and is properly educated) will take good care of the child.

Walking a dog, whose weight significantly exceeds the weight of a child, is possible only after high-quality training of the animal. Do not trust children to walk if the dog can jerk the leash sharply, run away, provoke fights with other animals, run after cars and motorcycles, is not trained to cross the road correctly with the owner.

You should also not start a hunting or sled dog with the expectation that playing in an apartment with a small child will replace this burden for her. Such a dog still needs long walks, intellectual load and communication with an adult owner - only then will it be happy to mess around with your baby.

It is not recommended to get dogs of miniature breeds, which the child can injure, crush during games or when falling. Very young children do not feel how to handle fragile dogs like Chihuahua or Yorkshire Terrier. It is better to start such dogs when the child already understands the difference between a toy and a live dog. Otherwise, you will have to look after both of them during their games.

A puppy that is a month old needs about the same amount of attention as a small child of this age, so assess your options right away. It is also better not to get an elderly dog ​​for a very young child, most likely, he will require from her that mobility that the animal is no longer capable of.

Of course, it’s a completely different story if you already have such a dog and any other in general: fighting, hunting - if you wish, dogs of any breed can be taught to communicate comfortably with a child. If you cannot cope with this task on your own, you should seek help from a cynologist.

What kind of dog to have in an apartment with a child?

1) Labrador- in most Hollywood films about the friendship of a dog and a child, you will see it. Labradors are calm about children's pranks, they do not snap back if they are pulled by their ears or tail.

2) Retriever- despite the fact that these are hunting dogs, they get along well with children, become attached to the family and respect all its members, even very small ones.

3) st bernard- a large dog that was bred to save people. These animals tend to protect children and even look after them.

4) Husky- These large sled dogs are used to living in a pack and the child is perceived as part of it. There are many videos on the Internet in which huskies and malamutes "sing a lullaby" to the baby when he starts to scream. However, it is worth considering that dogs of these breeds are overly active, require long walks and feel more comfortable not in a city apartment, but in a country house with a large territory.

5) Border Collie- shepherd dogs that take care of children are not prone to either aggression or dominance, love family walks, jogs and joint trips.

6) Dalmatian- an ideal dog for an active older child who loves to move, run, rollerblade, bike, ski.

7) Beagle- a restless dog of small size, which is suitable for keeping in an apartment. In terms of temperament, these dogs can be second only to the clockwork Jack Russell, and even then not always.

8) Poodle- lends itself well to training, so the child will be able to teach him simple tricks. Playful, cheerful dogs get along well with an inquisitive child.

9) Bichon Frize- a small curly dog ​​that will be a great companion. Due to its size and calm disposition, you can take it with you on trips, trips, and visits.

10) Corgi- cheerful and obedient shepherd dog that feels good in a small apartment and easily learns commands.

To the question “what breed of dog to choose for a child?” there is no single correct answer. For an older child, it is better to choose a dog according to your character: a pug is suitable for a calm introvert, a Jack Russell for a restless extrovert, a border collie for tricks, and some children even dream of picking up a stray dog ​​instead of a purebred one.

Very young children should not be left unattended with dogs of fighting breeds, with lactating bitches and their puppies, with miniature breeds, elderly or dogs with a difficult character.

It is also important to explain to the children that the dog should not be teased, beaten, try to take food away, touch its bowl during meals, and not let it sleep. With proper upbringing and trust in an adult owner, almost any dog ​​will get along with a child.

As children, we all wanted to have a puppy, without really thinking about the conditions necessary for a pet. With age, the understanding came that choosing a four-legged friend is a responsible step, and everything needs to be carefully weighed.

Not the last role is played by the size of the living space. Is it possible to get a dog with a small apartment? It turns out you can! Editorial "So simple!" is best dog breeds for kids, for allergy sufferers and for owners of small apartments.

The Best Dogs for an Apartment

Some people think that small breed dogs are best suited for apartment living. This is not entirely, or rather, not always true. The fact is that many small breeds of dogs are prone to constant barking.


And many representatives of large breeds of dogs feel great in the apartment and do not experience any discomfort or inconvenience, however, if they are given due attention.

Yorkshire Terrier

children: great, especially for girls
allergy: hypoallergenic breed (rarely causes allergies)
apartment: suitable for small apartment

Today, Yorkies are one of the most popular dogs among urban dwellers due to their sociability, quick wit, small size and beautiful appearance.


A feature of these dogs is a long unusual coat without undercoat. It requires special care, but practically does not shed, like other dogs, which means it rarely causes allergies.

Despite popular belief about the stupidity of small dogs, Yorkshire terriers are highly trainable and very attached to the owner, often follow him on the heels and can be real protectors if necessary, despite their small size.


children: very fond of children
allergy: not suitable for allergy sufferers
apartment: the best dog breed for an apartment

This is an insanely cute teddy dog ​​that looks like a teddy bear. It is unpretentious, easily adapts to changes and does not need constant training (the dog is able to learn the basic commands as early as 5 months). Very obedient and one of the smartest dog breeds.


Pomeranian has a lively character. He will be devoted to his master until the end of his days. Share both joy and sorrow with you.

Labrador retriever

children: nobody loves kids like labradoodles
apartment: a large breed, but Labradors feel comfortable in a small apartment

The best friend is not found. Mobile, affectionate, without a shadow of aggression and malice, the Labrador becomes a wonderful friend, family member, favorite of children.


Labradors are optimists, they rejoice every minute, infecting everyone around with positive emotions. They are able to cheer up and support in difficult days.


children: very fond of children
allergy: not suitable for people with allergies
apartment: feel good in a small apartment

Pug is one of the most ancient decorative breeds, these dogs are simply created for keeping in an apartment. They get along well with all family members, including children and other pets. Pugs have a balanced character, they are well trained, in their lifestyle they adapt to the owner.


The pug's coat is very dense and needs to be brushed frequently. Lack of physical activity, along with a love of tasty treats, makes pugs at risk for obesity, so it is important to monitor their diet and remember that this dog requires regular walks of sufficient duration. Pugs hardly ever bark.

French Bulldog

children: good with children
allergy: not suitable for people with allergies
apartment: do well in small apartments

Despite the fact that the French Bulldog was originally bred for bull-baiting and is more of a fighting breed, now it is bred as a cheerful companion dog that feels great in a city apartment.


The breed is famous for its stable psyche, it can stand up for itself and its family in case of danger, it lends itself well to training. The temperament of the French matches their funny appearance: they are playful, lively and cheerful. Suitable for families with children. The dog is very sociable and requires increased attention of the owners.


children: very fond of children
allergy: there is no allergy to wool
apartment: the smallest dogs in the world, great for small apartments

It's hard to imagine a better pet than a friendly chihuahua. He is very devoted to his master and is so attached that he is even able to feel and convey the mood.

Chihuahuas gained worldwide fame due to the fact that one of them got into the Guinness Book of Records. Long-haired Chihuahua named Boo-Boo was recognized as the smallest. Her weight was only 675 grams, and her height was 10 cm.

Adults love peace and quiet, they can watch for hours how the owner reads a book or works at a computer. Therefore, they easily endure moving and will sit quietly in a purse or in the hands of the owner during the trip.


The breed is energetic, independent and naturally intelligent. A close emotional bond quickly forms between dog and owner, and often the owner and dog become fast friends. But basenjis are suspicious and unfriendly to strangers, they also do not tolerate other pets.


One of the features of the breed is that Basenjis do not know how to bark at all, but only make a gurgling sound if they don’t like something. Small size, lack of smell, falling hair and barking are advantages over other breeds.

Bichon Frize

children: great with children
allergy: almost no shedding and no smell
apartment: suitable for small apartment

Bichon Frize are very sociable, they love to be in the company of a person, they love to play with children. Such dogs will bring joy and fun to any company in which they are.


Previously, this breed could often be seen in the circus, but today the dog often entertains people at home than in the arena. Bichon Frize practically do not bark, which in a city apartment can be considered an important advantage.


children: great with children
apartment: one of the best breeds for keeping in an apartment

The Poodle is one of the best dog breeds to keep in an apartment. The poodle is rightfully considered one of the smartest dogs: in the ranking of the smartest breeds, it takes second place.


Dogs of this breed understand people very well, are inquisitive and easily trained. They are friendly to all family members and are happy to demonstrate their acquired skills.

The poodle's coat is unusual: dead hairs linger in curls without polluting the apartment, but because of this, careful combing is required at least 2-3 times a week, as well as regular washing and cutting.


children: very fond of children
allergy: practically do not cause allergies
apartment: like to bark

Dachshunds are especially good for small apartments, they are very smart, get along well with children and are always ready to play with them or run for a walk. In order to somewhat moderate the hunting ardor of the dog, he definitely needs to buy toys that he can tear and torment, leaving the owner's shoes alone.


When choosing which dog to have in an apartment, one should take into account the self-will and some stubbornness of the dachshund. Therefore, its content in the apartment should be accompanied by mandatory training and accustoming to order and submission.

Remember that best dog breeds for apartments those are the ones you like the most. Of course, small and medium-sized dogs will feel better in an apartment, but only in love and care.

No matter what breed the dog is, it will still be devoted to its owner. But the intellectual abilities of all dogs are different. Editorial "So simple!" will tell you.

Man's best friend will create a favorable atmosphere in the house for raising a happy and self-confident baby.

Nikolai Laduba loves to spend time actively, he is engaged in hiking. He is a big fan of fantasy. Son Nikolai is only 7 years old, but he shares his father's hobbies: what could be better than getting cozy and watching the Star Trek series with the whole family? Our author approaches all issues in detail, this is evidenced by the quality of his articles. Nikolai's favorite book is The Black Prince by Iris Murdoch.

All the same, a person has a craving for nature at the genetic level. Her apartment dwellers are trying to compensate with the help of pets.

The easiest way is to get a cat. It is enough to accustom her to the tray, you will not have any worries. Another thing is the dog. She needs to be taken care of and walked. This will take a lot of free time. But it will pay off with the devotion and affection of the pet to you. After all, no one knows how to love as faithfully as a dog.

In general, to keep a dog, you need to walk it two to three times a day. Walks should last an hour or more. It is very difficult to combine caring for a dog with family and work. After all, instead of preparing breakfast for loved ones, you will have to walk with your pet at 5-6 in the morning, in any weather.

Dog health is a very important aspect. Pets need to be regularly taken to the veterinarian and vaccinated.

A puppy needs to be trained from childhood, otherwise it will turn your existence into hell.

Proper nutrition is essential to maintaining health. The menu should have all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Premium foods are well balanced and can be eaten at any time, but they are expensive.

In an apartment, you need to take into account laws and prohibitions that are aimed at maximizing the peace of mind of your neighbors. If you walk daily with a fighting breed close to children, then their parents will obviously not be delighted. And no matter how well trained the dog is, they will still be afraid that the dog will bite their child. And in general, the maintenance of a large breed in an apartment is quite problematic. Firstly, walks should be longer, because large dogs need more movement, and the apartment will be too crowded for them. Secondly, bathing and combing will also take longer, and wool will be scattered around the apartment much more than in small dogs. Be prepared to clean your apartment much more often than usual. Thirdly, you will have to spend even more money on quality food for a big friend. After all, he eats a lot.

So, which dog is better to have in an apartment? The best option for an apartment is dogs of small breeds. They do not need long walks, they do not shed so much, and it will be easier to feed the baby. We offer you a table from which you can clearly see which breeds are suitable for keeping in an apartment, and which are not.

apartment dogs Can be kept in an apartment subject to high physical activity Not suitable for apartments
basset hound
Boston Terrier
brussels griffin
bulldog english
french bulldog
Italian greyhound
Yorkshire terrier
Miniature Pinscher
King Charles Spaniel
Chinese Crested
Standard schnauzer
Poodle dwarf
toy poodle
Russian toy terrier
shih tzu
Japanese Chin
Akita Inu
American Staffordshire Terrier
Bichon Frize
Dogue de Bordeaux
Bulldog american
bull terrier
Welsh Corgi Pembroke
West Highland White Terrier
Jack Russell Terrier
Golden retriever
American Cocker Spaniel
English Cocker Spaniel
Labrador retriever
Mastiff english
German dog
german shepherd
poodle royal
Giant Schnauzer
Russian greyhound
Samoyed Laika (Samoyed)
st bernard
scotch terrier
staffordshire bull terrier
Fox Terrier smooth-haired
Fox Terrier wirehaired
miniature schnauzer
chow chow
shiba inu
Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog)
Alaskan Malamute
afghan hound
Bernese Mountain Dog
Bulgarian Shepherd
Border Collie
Irish wolfhound
irish setter
Cane Corso
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Siberian Husky
shiba inu
South African Boerboel

Dogs are amazing animals that conquer with their cheerfulness and devotion. But often the decision to acquire a true friend is accompanied by a number of questions from future owners:

  • What is the best dog to have in an apartment?
  • What pet will be happy in a country house?
  • How to take care of an animal?
  • How to choose a friendly dog ​​for a small child?
  • How to win over relatives who do not want to have a pet?

All of these answers have solutions. In order for the dog not to bring trouble and disappointment with its appearance, it is important to foresee all the nuances in advance and prepare those close to the appearance of a new resident.

What to be guided by when choosing a dog?

Before you make a furry friend, it is important to assess the conditions for his maintenance. If a spacious apartment gives a wide choice of breeds and sizes of a pet, then what kind of dog to get in an apartment where there is only one room and little free space? The best option is small dachshunds, pugs, chihuahuas, lapdogs and yorkies.

A dog needs attention and walks - therefore, there must be a person in the family who will take care of the animal with all responsibility.

What should be the dog itself?

There are many beautiful and charming breeds that are impossible to resist. But the animal will live with you for many years, so character is important first of all.

Each breed of dog has its own personality traits. They should be guided by when choosing a reliable friend.

How to choose a friendly dog ​​for your child

When thinking about what kind of dog to get a child, parents first of all think about the safety of the baby.

The good nature and affectionate disposition of a pet does not depend on size. Many large breeds of dogs take care of the child no worse than a person. But they require more serious care. If the conditions of detention allow, the child is already over 12 years old or there is an adult who will take care of the pet, you can safely get a large dog.

  • Setters.

The Irish Seter is a kind and very affectionate animal. Aggressiveness towards people in this breed is considered a deviation: setters are incredibly friendly. They are smart and easy to train. They love outdoor games, they will be happy to keep a child company on a long trip.

  • Dalmatians.

Dogs of this breed get along well even with babies. They have a friendly and calm disposition, but also irrepressible energy. Outdoor games are important for Dalmatians, so the child will never get bored with his friend. Adults should pay a lot of attention to raising a Dalmatian so that he does not become withdrawn and rebellious. Otherwise, care is quite simple: Dalmatians are very clean and do not tend to climb into every puddle during a walk.

  • Retrievers.

The Golden Retriever is a sensitive and affectionate animal. It is no coincidence that representatives of this breed often accompany people with disabilities. The Retriever is very fond of communication with people, friendly even to strangers.

Despite its large size, the St. Bernard can often be seen next to small children. The dog breed has a calm disposition, but active outdoor games are not for her. The dog is slow, so it will act as a reliable guard for the child rather than a companion in the game. A four-legged friend easily finds his way home and navigates in space. St. Bernards can not stand loneliness, and also need daily long walks.

For a family living in a small apartment, it is optimal to have a medium-sized dog.

A schoolchild can easily cope with caring for a small pet, but it is important for kids to explain how to handle a dog. Children perceive the new resident as a toy, they squeeze and pick it up, they can drop the dog or hurt it.

To develop a sense of responsibility and compassion in the baby, you need to entrust him with a task that he can easily handle. For example, make sure that there is always water in the pet's bowl, or add food at the same time every day. Then you can give more complex orders.

Suitable Small Size Dog Breeds for Children:

  • Bichon Frise.

These charming creatures are simply made for joyful and fun play. Representatives of the Bichon Frize breed often perform in the circus, their cheerful disposition and sense of humor will conquer any child. The bichon's coat is very beautiful, but requires difficult care.

  • Welsh Corgi.

Dogs of the Welsh Corgi breed are responsive and sociable, they know how to make people laugh. They are well adapted to living in an apartment, they take care of the child. Puppies easily perceive neighborhood with other animals.

The playfulness of this little dog can be envied: a restless pet can play outdoor games with a child for hours. The Beagle belongs to the hound breeds, so it needs regular jogging on the street. He has a hard time accepting other animals in the house.

Before choosing which dog to get for a child, it is important to assess the comfort of her living in an apartment and the readiness of all family members for the appearance of a pet. But if a decision is made to buy a puppy, the child will find a true friend for many years.

The dog instills in children a sense of responsibility and self-confidence, and also provides amazing support and the attention they need.

Dog for protection of a country house

When choosing a dog for reliable protection of a private home, it is important to consider several important points:

  • To protect property from intruders, only large and medium-sized breeds are suitable.
  • In order for a dog to tolerate cold well, it must have a thick coat and undercoat.
  • Some breeds are not capable of showing aggression towards people, for example, retrievers, huskies or setters - such animals should not be taken to protect the territory and a private house.
  • Excessive aggression of some breeds is dangerous. You should not bring up a fierce protector from a pit bull and a bull terrier - these dogs are almost impossible to train and can pounce on their master.
  • The ability to train and the ability to obey the owner are the main features for a good watchman.

There are several breeds of dogs that are unpretentious to external conditions, wary of strangers, but the owner is devoted and listens well to his commands.

This breed of dog has an excellent memory, developed physical data, good learning ability. Sheepdog gets along well with children and is unpretentious in content. The pet cannot be constantly kept on a chain, active games and regular training are required.

  • Rottweiler.

The Rottweiler has a thick undercoat, so he will calmly endure living outside in the cold season. A reliable watchman will come out of the dog - the animal is very distrustful and vigilantly monitors everything that happens from the outside. Rottweilers tend to dominate everything, so it is necessary to stop any attempts at self-willed behavior.

  • Black terrier.

Temperamental, energetic, moderately aggressive pet is perfect for guarding a country house. He is affectionately attached to the owner, complacent to children and harsh to strangers. The terrier's coat is thick and reliably protects the animal from frost, but requires a haircut at least twice a year.

This dog cannot be kept on a short chain - it needs regular training. A physically strong animal is unpretentious in maintenance, shows distrust of others and is affectionate with children. But you can’t allow a child to walk a pet alone - one sharp jerk will knock him off his feet.

This watchman is picky in care, calmly tolerates cohabitation with other pets on the site. But the upbringing of Alabai will have to pay a lot of attention. He strives to be the main thing in everything, often stubborn and requires a respectful attitude from the owner.

Raising a dog is a difficult and costly process, but it is worth it. A reliable watchman will provide his owners with peace and protection, will conquer with his devotion.

How to get a dog if relatives are against it?

A four-legged friend is the cherished dream of any child. But adults are often categorically against buying a puppy. There is one secret how to persuade parents to get a dog. You need to give clear arguments why life with her will only get better!

  • Tell them that it will be fun with a pet: you can walk with the whole family in the fresh air and play outdoor games.
  • Explain that with a reliable guard you will be safe on the street.
  • Make it clear that with the advent of a dog, you will become very responsible, because he needs to be fed and walked regularly. Try to help your parents more so that they see your ability to care.

It happens that it’s not the parents who are against the new animal, but the grandmother. She can perceive the dog only as a source of problems: she is afraid of loud barking, dirt and tufts of wool throughout the apartment. In this case, show your grandmother which breed you can choose. For example, Dalmatians are very clean animals, and there is little hair from them, and not all dogs are loud and active. For example, Bichon Frize and Boxers practically do not bark.

Many women do not know how to persuade their husband to get a dog.

The reasons for not wanting to have a pet are different. They need to be dealt with first. The reason may lie in a banal allergy - then it is worth finding out which breed of dog's coat is hypoallergenic. Perhaps the husband is afraid that you will not be able to take care of the dog: walk it, feed it on time, and there will be no one to leave the animal with in case of family trips. Convince your husband that you have taken these nuances into account and thought through everything to the smallest detail.

A man may simply not like animals, in which case it is important to gradually introduce him to “our smaller brothers”: go to exhibitions, zoos and nature reserves.

The main rule is not to bring a puppy into the house if the relatives are completely unprepared for this.

In contact with