Salt in urine causes. Urinalysis for oxalate and phosphate salts

Urine is a natural product of the vital activity of the human body, excreted by the kidneys, one of the varieties of excrement. This is a physiological liquid substance in the form of a weak solution of various substances (including salt), the process of precipitation of which into a crystalline precipitate determines changes in urine reactions (pH) to the acidic or alkaline side.

It is for this reason that in cases where salts are found in the sediment once, these analyzes are not considered indicative and indicate the presence of any pathological phenomena in the patient's body. But, in the case of an impressive salt sediment, which appears in the urine with some regularity, we can talk about the first symptoms of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or a violation of the kidneys. In addition, an excessive concentration of salts in the urine can provoke the occurrence and development of urolithiasis.

Causes of salt formations in the urine

Very often, a crystalline salt precipitate is found in the urine of children at preschool age. This is due to the peculiarities of their diet, insufficient kidney ability to break down a large number of chemical elements and fluctuating pH levels. The level of concentration of salts that are found in the urine during analyzes are indicated in the form with a “+” sign in an amount from one to four. The presence in such a medical format of one or two pluses is allowed and is considered the norm.

Usually, sediment in the urine is found with the content of urates in the acid reaction, oxalates in the alkaline and acid reactions, phosphates - in most cases in the alkaline reaction.

Urats are precipitates of uric acid and its salts. The reasons for the formation of salts of this type in the urine in children include:

  1. The use of products containing purine compounds. These include: meat, meat broths, sprats, sardines, mushrooms. From drinks - strong tea, cocoa.
  2. Excessive physical loads.
  3. The state of the body, accompanied by fever.
  4. Loss of body fluid in large quantities - with diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating.
  5. Uric acid diathesis.
  6. Leukemias.
  7. Gout.
Oxalates- salts, which are most often found in the urine. The reasons for their formation:
  1. Eating foods and dishes high in vitamin C and oxalic acid. These are: parsley, spinach, sorrel, beets, celery, citrus fruits, radishes, currants.
  2. Congenital failure in the process of oxalic acid metabolism, manifested by urolithiasis or inflammatory kidney damage.
  3. Pyelonephritis.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Ulcerative colitis.
  6. Inflammatory bowel disease.
  7. Ethylene glycol poisoning caused by inhalation of antifreeze or brake fluid vapors.
Phosphates- salts found in the urine in some cases even in a completely healthy child. Often, this occurs in the urine due to overeating, low acidity. Causes of phosphate in the urine:
  1. The use of foods and dishes rich in phosphorus. These products include: fish, caviar, oatmeal, milk, buckwheat, dairy and sour-milk products.
  2. Alkaline reaction of urine.
  3. Gastric lavage.
  4. Cystitis.
  5. Vomit.
  6. Fanconi syndrome.
  7. Fever
  8. Hyperparathyroidism.
In addition to the above salts, other types of it can be found in children's urine:

Calcium sulfate in case of diabetes mellitus, frequent use of lingonberries, when taking salicylic or benzoic acid;
salts of hippuric acid in case of liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, excessive consumption of food of plant origin and antipyretic drugs, in the presence of kidney stones;
salts of ammonium uric acid in case of uric acid infarction.


If during laboratory studies any type of salt is detected in the sediment of children's urine, first of all, foods that favor the formation of salts should be completely excluded from the child's diet and allowed to drink at least one liter of non-carbonated filtered water daily. After normalizing the level of salts in the urine, it is necessary to accustom the child to a healthy, balanced diet.


  • one - one and a half liters of water;
  • foods that do not contain purines (dairy dishes, eggs, fruits);
  • mineral alkaline waters "Essentuki" and "Borjomi";
  • products containing magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin B and A.
If a significant amount is detected in the urine of a child oxlatov, then you should include in his daily menu:
  • at least one liter of water;
  • food containing magnesium - squid, millet, herring, seaweed, oats;
  • vitamin B6.
When detected in children's urine phosphates, you need to exclude from his menu products containing vitamin D and calcium - dairy products with a high percentage of fat content, fatty fish, fish caviar and liver, eggs.

The formation of salt in the urine occurs due to errors in nutrition or in the presence of diseases of the urinary system. Men are more prone to this pathology, as they often consume junk food and alcohol. There are several types of salts that are formed in response to changes in the pH of urine in the acid or alkaline direction.

An increase in the level of salt in the urine is a pathological signal or the result of the influence of temporary negative factors on the body.

Types of crystals

Salt in the urine can be detected using. Visually, the laboratory assistant evaluates the shape and location of the stones. This makes it possible to judge the basic properties and presumed composition of microelements. When there are few crystals in the field of view and they are single, they say that the urinary salts are amorphous. This is due to the fact that, due to their small amount dissolved in water, they are not capable of forming stones. To determine the concentration of all trace elements excreted in the urine, urine collected per day is needed. Thanks to this analysis, it will be possible to avoid errors in the fluctuations of substances released during the day.

Normally, the sediment in the urine does not contain salt crystals. Their appearance speaks about the peculiarities of the human diet.

In urine, you can find such inorganic salt crystals:

  • ammonium urate;
  • hippuric acid;
  • phosphates combined with calcium.

Urate salts

Urate salts in the urine are observed with an imbalance in the synthesis of amino acids.

They are sodium and potassium salts. Their increased number occurs due to a violation of protein metabolism or nutritional errors. A large amount of urates is a reflection of frequent stress and excessive fatigue of the body due to physical exertion. The presence of urate salts is an indirect sign of infection, dehydration, or antibiotics. They belong to uric acid salts and are able to accumulate in the renal pelvis with the formation of stones. In addition, when present in excess, urates are deposited in soft tissues, which causes the development of gout. The disease mainly affects the big toe.

Oxalates in urine

These crystals in the urine are found when the patient consumes excess fluid and removes it from the body, which happens with diabetes insipidus. Their concentration in daily urine ranges from 20 to 40 milligrams. Oxalates in the urine are found in large quantities if bacteria are present in the urine or the body is exposed to a dangerous toxin. Like urates, they are able to form stones in the pelvis of the kidneys, the release of which is accompanied by bouts of renal colic. Calculi with their sharp edges can damage the mucosa of the pyelocaliceal system. As a result, erythrocytes appear in the general analysis of urine. Oxalate salt corrodes the mucous membrane of the renal pelvis and causes the development of inflammatory processes. Excretion from the urethra of urine, with a lot of sand, accompanied by a strong burning sensation.

Phosphates in urinary sediment

Salts in the urine, which are formed from phosphate acid, occur in large quantities due to a lack of animal protein in the diet. Their high content is caused by dehydration or the presence of foci of chronic infections. The presence of salts indicates a hormonal imbalance in the body, because the absorption of phosphate acid by bone tissue controls several hormones. Phosphates in the urine are formed in an acidic environment. Therefore, the simultaneous formation of phosphate and urate stones is impossible.

An unhealthy diet is a direct path to excess salt in the urine.

Crystals in the urine settle when its pH changes. Urates and oxalates are formed by salts of acids, and phosphates are formed by alkalis. The most common cause of pH disturbances are inaccuracies in the diet. An increased content of protein products in which purine is present in food causes the formation of urate stones. The appearance of salts in the urine is associated with hormonal imbalance, strong physical exertion or fever. Low or excessive fluid intake also leads to the formation of kidney and bladder stones. The appearance of oxalates is associated with the use of foods rich in vitamin C. Thus, the causes of the appearance of salts in the urine are varied and indicate metabolic disorders, which are most often reversible. In addition, men are more susceptible to the disease, since their white blood cell count is slightly lower.


Oxalate or urate crystals in the urine appear when taking such medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory;
  • analgesics;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

Pharmaceutical means change the acid-base balance of urine, and also increase the content of trace elements in the body. Antibacterial drugs inhibit the function of the kidneys and as a result, the organs cannot remove excess salts and reduce the concentration of salts. An increase in their amount in urine leads to the formation of stones.

Patient nutrition

An increase in the salt index in the general urine test indicates errors in the diet. This is facilitated by salty foods, an increased concentration in the menu of food of animal origin or its lack. If in urine indicators of urates or oxalates are found in large quantities, then the food consumed shifts the pH of the urine to the acid side. It is caused by eating chocolate, cheese, spirits and mushrooms. Elevated levels of phosphates mean an advantage in the diet of vegetables and fruits.

The human diet must be balanced in terms of the main components, which will normalize the pH.

Circulatory problems

A lot of salt in the urine appears in people with infectious and other diseases of the kidneys, which cause a violation of normal blood flow in them. As a result, the process of urine filtration in the glomeruli is disrupted. This contributes to the violation of the pH of urine to the acidic or alkaline side, which means an increased risk of calculus formation. Also, a violation of local blood flow may be associated with injury to the kidneys, atherosclerosis of the main vessels or prolapse of organs due to weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, it is possible to treat salts that appear in urine only after the elimination of the underlying disease.

The urine of adults and children contains many different trace elements, salts, toxins and other substances. Exceeding the norm of each of them is a signal of the development of a pathological process in the body. That is why urinalysis is the most informative diagnostic method in establishing many diseases.

Urine should not contain more than 2-5% salts. But with the development of certain diseases, the salt balance is disturbed, the risk of salt precipitation increases significantly. In order to determine the level of their content, a laboratory study of urine is carried out.

The procedure does not require special preparatory measures. The patient should stop taking the drugs one week before the collection of the material.

Immediately before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash the genitals without using soap. Urine is collected immediately after waking up. In this case, the first few drops should not be collected. Then the container is carefully closed and taken to the laboratory.

Urine contains several types of salts. When conducting research, experts divide them into several groups:

  • . Exceeding their normal content is most often noted during the oxidation of urine. Similar changes occur with physical overwork, past respiratory diseases and the presence of pathological processes that provoke leukemia or gout. The reasons can also be a protein diet and regular consumption of strong tea in large quantities.
  • Oxalates. Often, the excess of normal indicators is associated with malnutrition and metabolic disorders. Also, an increase in the norm indicates the presence of a pathological process developing in the bladder. With endocrine disorders in many cases, an increase in oxalates in urine is established.
  • . An increase in their number in the urine occurs when they change to an alkaline environment. The reasons may be the constant use of foods high in phosphates, intestinal disorders, hormonal disorders.

Deviation from the norm often occurs as a result of a lack of a balanced diet. Many foods contain purine in significant amounts. The substance has the ability to activate the production of urea. As a result, the acid reacts with salts, which crystallize and precipitate. If the process is not stopped and the symptoms are ignored, they begin to form into stones. In the future, long-term treatment will be required, and in severe cases, surgical intervention is prescribed to remove the formed stones.

Reasons for the increase

There are many reasons for the increase in salt levels in the urine. They are divided into several categories. Some of them are associated with certain diseases, others are the result of a wrong lifestyle.

Provoke changes in the composition of urine can:

  1. Circulatory disorders. An increase in the rate of salts in the urine in children or adults can be triggered by circulatory disorders. At the same time, a sufficient amount of nutrients, trace elements and oxygen ceases to flow into the kidneys. As a result, diseases such as nephrosis, varicose veins develop.
  2. Wrong nutrition. When a person consumes disposable food for a long time, an increase in the salt content in the body is observed. Experts do not recommend dieting or fasting for a long time in order to lose weight. There are many other ways to do this.
  3. Dehydration of the body. Violation of the water balance also affects the composition of urine. At the same time, there is an increase in salts in the urine. Dehydration can occur with prolonged exposure to sunlight, heavy physical exertion, high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or.
  4. Taking medications. An increase in the content of salts in the urine is observed during the treatment of infectious diseases, when the patient takes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory or antipyretic.

The meaning of the indicators of most medical tests for people unfamiliar with medical science is a "dark forest". Not an exception and the general analysis of urine. In particular, indicators of the level of salts, because, in fact, it should be present in this biological fluid.

What, then, is bad if in the analysis there are three or four pluses opposite the corresponding parameter, at a rate of 1-2? In principle, there is nothing wrong if the pluses appeared once. If, during repeated analyzes, the salts in the urine are in the same amount or their concentration increases, it is worth thinking about health problems.

Among the salt that urine contains, urates, oxalates and phosphates can be distinguished.

Causes of salt in the urine in an adult

Why is increased salt found in the urine, what does this mean? In an adult, the main causes of salts in the urine:

  1. Improper nutrition. In this case, it is recommended to exclude from the diet products containing oxalic acid (tomatoes, berries, sorrel, and chocolate) and be sure to eat fruits, watermelons, prunes, cauliflower.
  2. Infection of the urinary tract or genitals.
  3. An insufficient amount body fluids.

Possible and common causes of salt in the urine are diseases such as nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, poisoning, digestive dysfunction, and various pathological changes.

Salts in the urine of a child

The body of a child, just like an adult, is subject to the negative effects of pathogenic factors, but sometimes it may not respond adequately to seemingly normal things. So, normally, salts in the urine of a child occur at preschool age, which is associated with:

  • features of the diet;
  • immaturity of the renal parenchyma and inferior filtration function;
  • the inability to quickly carry out the metabolism of the main chemical compounds entering the kidney;
  • diurnal fluctuations in the acid-base state.

If your child's urine test results show an excess of salts, the first thing you should do is change your diet. Make sure that the child drinks at least one liter of purified non-carbonated water daily. Food should be complete and varied. The doctor will tell you which foods should be temporarily excluded from the child's diet.

Possible diseases and symptoms

Often, an increase in the amount of salts in the urine is a sign of the development of any pathology. When making a diagnosis, they are guided by the symptoms characteristic of a particular disease.

  1. Urolithiasis disease. This urological disease is characterized by acute paroxysmal pain in the lower back, frequent false urge to urinate, as well as the presence of a large amount of urates in the urine.
  2. kidney disease. In inflammatory diseases of the kidneys - nephritis or pyelonephritis - there is an increased body temperature, pain in the lumbar region, nausea, difficulty urinating, clouding of the urine. The amount of urates and oxalates is increased.
  3. Joint diseases. and are manifested by attacks of constricting pain, inflammation and swelling of the joints. The disease is caused by the deposition of urates in the tissues of the joints, an increased amount of which is also found in the urine of the patient.
  4. Diabetes . Symptoms (subjective sensations) in diabetes are a constant feeling of thirst and frequent urination, signs (objective evidence) - elevated blood sugar and oxalates in the urine.


You can determine the presence of salt crystals by conducting a general urine test. But in order to find out what kind they belong to, it is necessary to do an additional analysis for the stone-forming function.

in the urine salts can be found:

  1. Phosphates;
  2. Oxalates;
  3. Urates;
  4. Precipitation of ammonium urate;
  5. Salts of hippuric acid;
  6. calcium sulfate.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Urate in the urine

Urate is a precipitate of uric acid salts. If urates are detected in the general analysis of urine for salt, then one of the diagnoses is most likely: fever, uric acid diathesis, gout or leukemia.

The presence of urates may also indicate poor nutrition, in which protein foods and strong tea are consumed in excess. In addition, a similar result is typical for people experiencing excessive physical exertion, as well as dehydration or fever.

If urates were found in the urine, it is necessary:

  1. Increase the consumption of purine-free foods (fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, cottage cheese, flour products, eggs), as well as foods containing B vitamins, A, calcium, magnesium and zinc (nuts, cereals, poultry meat);
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

When urates were found in large quantities, it is necessary to additionally give drugs that affect salt metabolism.

Oxalates in urine

Oxalates in urine are salts of oxalic acid excreted by the kidneys. They enter the human body with some products of plant origin, and are also formed in the process of various biochemical reactions.

The main reasons when there are a lot of oxalate salts in the urine:

  1. , especially in case of inadequate treatment.
  2. Eating foods high in oxalic acid (asparagus, rhubarb, spinach, gooseberries, beets, mangoes, tea, coffee) and vitamin C (rose hips, juniper, kiwi, currants, sweet peppers).
  3. , urolithiasis and other kidney diseases, accompanied by impaired excretory function.
  4. Ethylene glycol poisoning, which is found in antifreeze and brake fluid.
  5. Increased intake of ascorbic acid and vitamin D.
  6. Oxalosis is a hereditary disease associated with metabolic disorders.
  7. Removal of a segment of the ileum for benign and malignant diseases.

Treatment is based on the use of therapeutic nutrition. When building a diet for patients with oxaluria, it should be remembered that the introduction of foods rich in oxalic acid with food increases the excretion of oxalates in the urine.

Therefore, foods with an excess content of oxalic acid and its salt are excluded from the diet: sorrel, spinach, beets, beans, rhubarb, figs, parsley, plums, strawberries, gooseberries, tea, cocoa, chocolate.

Recommended: potatoes, cauliflower and white cabbage and other vegetables (lentils, peas, green peas, turnips, asparagus, cucumbers), milk, white bread, lard, vegetable and butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs, dairy products, cheese, dishes from cereals and dough, cabbage, apples, vegetarian soups (from allowed vegetables and fruits), boiled meat, fish and poultry in unlimited quantities, pears, apricots, peaches, grapes, dogwood, quince.

Phosphate in urine

The presence of phosphate salts indicates a reduced acidity of the urine pH reaction. They can be found in the urine of healthy people after a heavy meal as a result of a decrease in the acidity of the urine. The content of phosphates increases with the use of foods rich in phosphorus (fish, caviar, milk, dairy products, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, alkaline mineral waters).

  • cottage cheese;
  • fish liver;
  • eggs;
  • oily fish;
  • sour cream;
  • fatty yogurt;
  • caviar.

The reason for the increase in phosphates can be an alkaline reaction of urine, cystitis, gastric lavage, vomiting, fever, Fanconi syndrome, hyperparathyroidism.

In medical practice, a situation is often encountered when salts are found in a patient's urine test. If their content is insignificant and there are no other symptoms of pathological disorders, then, as a rule, the result is recognized as the norm. This applies especially to infants, as the body is not yet fully mature and a slight deviation is possible. The constant detection of salt crystals in impressive quantities is a cause for concern and requires an urgent examination of the body.

The uncharacteristic composition of salts in the urine causes the physician to suspect progressive diseases of the genitourinary system, as a result of which an imbalance in the concentration of substances occurs. To confirm the violation, they are prescribed to take the analysis again. If the indicators are similar, then a daily study is carried out, which allows you to get a complete picture of the process of removing salts from the body.

In the analysis of urine, the following types of salts can be detected:

  • oxalates - appear as a result of pathologies of the genitourinary system, inflammatory processes of various etiologies, stomach ulcers, intoxications, an excess of vitamin C and a lack of vitamins of groups E, A, B;
  • urates - precipitate in the form of a precipitate of dark red color. Appear as a result of unbalanced nutrition and dehydration of the body, it may appear due to blood pathologies;
  • amorphous phosphates - can be detected without pathological disorders, for example, if you collect material for research immediately after overeating. This is characterized by a decrease in the acidity of urine. An increase in the content of amorphous phosphates in infants is most often caused by rickets;
  • salts of hippuric acid - detection indicates a violation of the functioning of the liver, kidney stones, diabetes mellitus. Also, salts can be found in the urine after therapy with antipyretics and diets with a predominance of plant foods;
  • calcium sulfate - is released after prolonged therapy with salicylic or benzoic acids, as well as in diabetes mellitus. The appearance of calcium sulfate is possible after consuming lingonberries in large quantities;
  • precipitates of ammonium uric acid - appear with uric acid infarction.

Despite the ease of implementation, deciphering a urine test is a responsible process that requires medical knowledge and experience. In some cases, salt crystals appear in urine as a result of physiological changes, but at the same time they can be a sign of serious illness. If the cause is pathological disorders, then an appropriate examination and treatment is required, so you do not need to neglect a visit to the doctor.

Causes of Salt

Human urine contains a large number of chemicals that are normally in a certain balance. When the concentration of one or more of them changes, the overall balance is disturbed, which leads to the formation of salts. If crystals of a substance are found in the urine once and in small quantities, then in most cases the cause was natural physiological changes. Normally, a healthy person does not have salt in the urine. The main reasons why the substance crystallizes and enters the urine:

  • infections of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis);
  • kidney failure;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • severe intoxication of the body;
  • nephrolithiasis (kidney stone disease);
  • gout;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • a small amount of liquid consumed;
  • dehydration;
  • disturbed metabolism in the body

The main factor affecting the crystallization of salts and their appearance in the urine are pathological disorders of the kidneys. If a person has been in the cold for a long time, then it can be noted that the urine has acquired a cloudy color and a specific smell. The presence of salt in the urine of a child, including in infancy, is most often caused by the immaturity of the body.

Salt in the urine during pregnancy may appear as a result of a violation of the habitual diet. For example, doctors treat the release of amorphous phosphates as normal. Most often, their presence is caused by a change in diet due to toxicosis. To exclude pathological disorders, a woman is prescribed an additional urine test, which is collected during the day, as well as an ultrasound scan. In any case, if outwardly the urine has become cloudy, and this has become a pattern, then you need to consult a doctor and report the symptoms. Some diseases in the early stages do not cause pain or discomfort.

Treatment and diet

If, according to the results of a urine test, a significant deviation of the salt content from the norm is found, then they resort to drug treatment in combination with a diet. It is important to remember that a doctor should make any appointments, since independent attempts can aggravate the condition. Before prescribing medications, the doctor interprets the data of all examinations, complaints, diagnoses in history, and symptoms. If the patient is an infant, then the mother should inform the pediatrician about all the observed violations.

The selection of drugs primarily depends on the type of salts found. If a lot of oxalates are found in urine, then vitamin complexes, vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium oxide are prescribed.

The treatment is also suitable for infants. If there are problems with the absorption of drugs through the intestines, then vitamin B6 is prescribed in injections. The diet consists in the use of potatoes, cabbage, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and fish products and the exclusion of foods with a high content of oxalic acid.

If the content of amorphous phosphates is higher than normal, then medications are prescribed that promote the secretion of gastric juice. A high concentration of phosphates can lead to kidney stones. Surgical intervention for these types of stones, as a rule, is not required, it is enough to follow a diet. From the diet it is necessary to exclude foods high in phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D (dairy products and fish products, eggs). If a deviation from the norm is found in the baby, then the mother needs to adjust the nutrition.

With an increase in urates, it is necessary to determine the cause of the deviation. Crystals of these salts can be a symptom of fever, uric acid diathesis, gout, leukemia. As a drug treatment, the drug Blemaren can be prescribed, which reduces the acidity of urine. Nutritional adjustment consists in increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as foods with a high content of vitamins A, B, calcium, magnesium and zinc. The amount of water you drink must be at least 2 liters.

As a rule, following a diet helps to balance the content of chemicals without the use of drug therapy. This is especially important if salts are found in the urine during pregnancy and in children, since drug treatment is not always possible. Normalization of the concentration does not mean that further prophylaxis is not required. It is important to observe the diet even after the stabilization of the process of excretion of salts. You also need to remember about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which helps to maintain the correct metabolic process and the functioning of organs.