Ways of energy protection. Energy protection

We all live in society, which means we are constantly among people. And in order to exist harmoniously in it, we have to follow the rules invented by this very society.

Agree that sometimes it is simply impossible. Or very hard to do. Because there will always be people (the so-called) who seek to unbalance us and upset our energy balance. And it can be very, very difficult to control yourself. Sometimes you want to take and express everything to the offender in the face or just run away to hell.

But this is far from the best solution. There are remedies for this kind of "psychic attacks" on our biofield, which I will discuss in this article. Some I use myself, others I picked up in specialized literature and on the Global Web.

Energy protection "Cross-cross"

Perhaps this is the simplest and most well-known method of energy defense available to any person. If you pay attention to those around you, you will notice that many people protect themselves from each other in this way, sometimes without even consciously.

When talking with a person from whom you expect trouble, arms and legs are crossed, and it is advisable to cross your arms in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe solar plexus (the most vulnerable spot). This simple action is quite effective, since at the same time the energy circuits of a person are closed.

Energy protection "Mirror wall"

Try not only to imagine, but also to feel (this is very important) that you are surrounded on all sides (on the sides, top and bottom) by a powerful brick wall several bricks thick. This wall from the outside is covered with mirrors facing outwards. Now any energy attack directed at you will be reflected and directed in the opposite direction. And several times stronger.

Important! Performing this type of energy protection, do not forget to remove it immediately after use! The point here is that the mirror technique reflects all the effects of our body - both bad and good, and a long "wearing" it on oneself can harm.

Energy protection "Crystal ball"

Imagine and feel that you are inside a pure crystal ball. It is transparent but very hard. Touch its walls inside, feel their coolness and strength.

That's it, the defense is set, you can go out "to the people." This method is good because it can be used constantly, even every day.

Energy protection "Goat"

I found this interesting technique on the Internet.

From the fingers of the right hand, make a “goat” or “rocker sign”. To do this, the entire brush is clenched into a fist, except for the little finger and index finger. Then this “figure” goes down, while the following words are pronounced: “Evil spirits to the ground, and good ones to the ground!”

This method is most often used after contact with a person, in order to reset oneself from a probable energy defeat and thus “ground” him.

Energy protection "Golden Egg"

Imagine 4 warm golden pulsating balls. They are located around you (back, front and sides) at the level of the solar plexus. Feel the warmth emanating from them. The balls begin to slowly rotate around you in a clockwise direction, gradually increasing in speed. The rotation is accelerating and now you are already surrounded by a hot energy hoop, which stretches and turns into an "egg" that surrounds your entire body. Like a glass golden ball, you are wrapped in it and protected from any negative influences.

Energy protection "Shield of Shambhala"

This protection came to us from the east. The Roerichs wrote about the legendary Shambhala - an invisible country of high spirituality, human virtue and well-being. Here is the essence of this technique.

The thumb of the left hand is pressed against the hand (the hand itself remains open). Clench your right hand into a fist. Then rest your fist on the palm of your left hand so that your hands form a ring.

This technique is best used before leaving the house.

Friends, energy protection a person from any kind of encroachment is an important component of his HEALTH. Both physical and mental. As they say, do not pass by and choose your protection for every taste!

Alena Golovina

This is interesting:

Cleaning a room means cleansing the energy of an apartment, office, if you do not do this periodically, then a lot of negative energy can accumulate in your room, this occurs due to the fact that every person visiting your home, office brings some kind of energy that accumulates in this space. And if a large amount of negative energy accumulates, problems can arise in any area of ​​human life. Health will deteriorate, problems in the material sphere may arise, conflict situations will become more frequent, etc. Those. energy dirt is invisible, but it affects the condition of people living in an apartment, working in a given room, their well-being, business, creating problems and interfering in life.

The easy way to clean any room

Here is the easiest but most effective way to clean any room:

Do a general cleaning. This must be done on a waning moon. Look through all things, dishes, if there are broken cups, plates, it is better to throw them away, because. they attract negative energy. Add some salt and holy water to the water, wipe the dust, wash the floors. Then light a candle, and go around the apartment, cleaning the corners, walls, read prayers:

“Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let them perish, demons from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended and corrected into hell the power of the devil, and who gave you His Honorable Cross to us to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen".

Where the candle smokes or crackles are heard, treat these areas longer.

In the kitchen, you can hang a bunch of onions and garlic, wormwood, this protects the room from negative energy and unwanted guests.

When the room is cleaned, you light one of the listed rose, orange, lemon, or bergamot incense.

Then stand in the center of the room and ring the bell, attracting prosperity and good luck to your home. Then you will put down the bell, stand in the middle of the room, facing East, join your palms at chest level, as a prayer gesture, and say:

“To you, O God, belong the Kingdoms and the Power and the Glory forever and ever. Amen. May the mighty Archangel Raphael protect me from all evil coming from the East.”

Then, you stand facing the South and say:

“To you, O God, belong the Kingdoms and the Power and the Glory forever and ever. Amen. May the mighty Archangel Gabriel protect me from the evil coming from the South.”

Then you stand facing the West and say:

“To you, O God, belong the Kingdoms and the Power and the Glory forever and ever. Amen. May the mighty Archangel Michael protect me from the evil coming from the West.”

Then you stand facing North and say:

“To you, O God, belong the Kingdoms and the Power and the Glory forever and ever. Amen. May the mighty Archangel Uriel protect me from all evil coming from the North.

Then you again stand facing the East and say:

“To you, O God, belong the Kingdoms and the Power and the Glory forever and ever. Amen. May the mighty Archangels of Light protect me from all evil!”

And now put your feet shoulder-width apart, close your eyes, feel how warm waves of relaxation pass through your body. Throw away extraneous thoughts and focus only on the fact that you want to be a happy and successful person. Imagine that you are standing on the seashore. The forest rustles behind your back, two bowls filled with magical life energy stand at your feet. In the right bowl, the energy is golden in color. In the left bowl, the energy is silvery in color. You greet the Forces of the Earth and Cosmos, take both bowls in your hands, trying not to spill the contents of the bowls. You hold the bowls at the level of the solar plexus, and you feel how you are filled with energy. Then, slowly, you spread your arms to the sides and up, hold the bowls above your head and connect them, combining energies, and connecting the bowls into one. And then you overturn the bowl, pouring magical, miraculous energy on yourself, saying:

“I am imbued with the powerful energy of the Universe! I am filled with powerful life energy! I am imbued with the powerful energy of well-being and prosperity! I absorb the harmony and beneficial energies of Heaven.”

You feel good, it seems that you dissolve in space, and reappear already renewed and prosperous. You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I have Strength and Power, thanks to which I become happy and make all my desires and dreams come true!

And read these conspiracies:

To the great Creator I give praise
For your life, for kindness and affection
I sing a hymn to my immortal soul
I will walk the path outlined for me without fear.
My guardians, all holy angels
Without you, my life is a dense dark forest.
Simple words sound in my soul
The words of the Creator of the Creator of Heaven.
I turn to the Creator
to the Universe, Angels and Spirits to all saints
I will ask them for the fulfillment of desires,
Love and happiness to all loved ones and relatives.
I ask myself good luck, happiness, strength
To live life without problems.
To always be nice to people
To always be young and not grow old at all.
I want well-being and prosperity
Success, happiness, joy, victories
I want the love of the Universe, the wisdom of the Universe
Good health and long life.

of the entire Universe of Energy, the Wisdom of the entire Universe
Help of the Lord God and the Power of the Earth
I was given to do things, for good, creation
So that these things lead me to happiness!
Through the Greatness of Space and Timelessness of Time
I turn to you, I beg you
Help me do everything I can think of
At the right time for me, and as I want!
I luck, wealth, love, prosperity
Happiness, joy, success, Wisdom of the ancient families
Attract to my fate the fulfillment of my wishes
May the Power of the Gods always help me
I call you to me All the Great Forces
I undertake to direct everything for the good,
What is given to me by the Creator and the One Universe
And fight evil - here, now and then
And let this Conspiracy not be able to change my
And no one for anything and nowhere ever
He is under the Power of the Forces of the Wise and he will help me
Our entire Universe has given me strength.

After the work is completed, it is recommended to take a bath, in which add a decoction of wormwood, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the energy-information field of a person, cleansing it of dirty, negative energy and strengthening it, relieves fatigue.

While taking a bath, you can light the incense of sandalwood, roses. And while lying in the bathroom, imagine how everything unnecessary, old, is gone from you forever. Imagine how the energy of negative events disappears, and you are saturated with the energy of joy and good luck. Solar energy saturates every cell of your being with the energy of love and greatness. Everything dirty, negative has left you, you are saturated with the energy of success and prosperity. The energy of youth and health. And you can apply this practice regularly, combining a bath with a relaxation session.

Energy-informational protection of oneself

Communicating with people, we exchange energy, sometimes this energy is negative, our energy field absorbs the negative emotions of the people around us, their words, thoughts, as well as our words, thoughts and mood, also settle on our energy field. And our thoughts and moods are not always joyful. If the energy dirt that “sticks” to the human energy body is not removed, then over time it begins to destroy our energy shell, and this leads to a malfunction in the body, weakened immunity, health problems, and over time, failures begin in business. . This leads to premature aging of the body, a person loses interest in life.

So that there is no malfunction in the work of the body, so that the energy field is strong, and health is excellent and well-being is excellent, for this, such practices are carried out.

And so you turned on quiet, calm music, lit the incense of bergamot, rose, or sandalwood and take a shower, bath, imagine how a golden stream cleanses you of dirt, stress, anxiety, removing all worries, troubles and obstacles, disagreements and disputes , illnesses and ailments. All problems disappear, you throw off the energy of old age and withering, the dirty energy of problems. Imagine yourself young, happy, self-confident, surround yourself with the energy of youth and splendor. Visualization is the use of one's own imagination to achieve personal goals.

After taking a bath, pat your body gently and lovingly, sending health energy to your loved ones, get dressed and you can do the exercise, nourishing yourself with pure energy of joy and cheerfulness. During this exercise, imagine that you are nourishing yourself with the energy of joy, health. You nourish yourself with the energy of youth. You inhale (lips with a tube, as if you inhale air through a straw), with your right hand, starting from the top of your head, draw along the contour of the body (shoulder, left arm extended to the side, side, thigh, leg from the outside and from the inside). Then join both hands in the lower abdomen, and as you exhale, pronounce the sound HA-A-A-A.

Then, with your left hand, you draw along the contour of the body (on the right side) and also, connecting the lower abdomen, both hands on the exhale pronounce the sound HA-A-A-A. You have nourished yourself with pure energy of joy and health.

If you are not lazy and treat yourself with care, then in a short time you will notice that your health is always excellent, your mood is always wonderful, and everything is going great. You have time to redo a lot of things and feel cheerful, confident and not tired.

Take a crystal vase, fill it with water, the water in the crystal container acquires miraculous properties. Turn on the music, quiet charming, which bewitches, opens the soul to goodness, love, which purifies and elevates. Say for 2-3 minutes over the water the words:

My body is in perfect harmony with the earth and with the universe.
My body quickly heals, rejuvenates and restores integrity.
I create a healthy and young body with the power of my thinking.
I create happiness and success with the power of my mind.

After you have spoken the water with a verbal formula, you look into the water for several minutes, imagining yourself young, slender, beautiful, majestic, i.e. saturate the water with the energy of youth, creating your beautiful, new image. Water will absorb the energy of your thoughts and wishes, the energy of your words, and save it. And then, when you drink this water, it will saturate every cell of your body with the energy of youth, health, make you charming, rejuvenate your body. She will introduce into your mind a program of rejuvenation, health promotion, a program of charm and charm.

Room cleaning completed. But you have not only cleaned your home, you have cleaned your office, you have created a program for favorable situations and events in your life. Periodically applying this practice in your life, you will remove all unpleasant events from your life. You will become more comfortable in this world, there will be harmony in your life, you will become more confident in yourself and your abilities, your self-esteem will increase, you will be lucky in everything, success will become the norm of your life. Troubles and those people who were not very complacent towards you will leave your life. There will be no hypocrites and liars around you. You will become a truly happy person. Because you have learned to program favorable events in your life. You have learned to create your life the way you want it to be. And no one can stop you from doing this, because you yourself are the master of your life, write the script of your life yourself, choose and create favorable events for yourself. You have created your own world for yourself, filled with joy, love and harmony. You have chosen for yourself the role of the Winner, the role of a happy person, and you are one. I wish you success and good luck! Be happy and prosperous!

How to clean a new apartment

Place a jar of salt and a candle in each room. For each candle, say the prayer "Our Father"

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and do not cast us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Light candles in all rooms, in the kitchen and in the bathroom, too, while reading a prayer, fumigate the apartment with incense, sprinkle with holy water. Candles burn out completely. Then, when all the candles have burned out, you collect the jars of salt in a bag and in the trash.

I develop new patterns of behavior for myself.
I respect my inner world.
I listen closely to my inner voice.

ritual for good luck

And so that beneficial changes in your life begin to occur as quickly as possible, you can perform a ritual.

It is better to spend it on Thursday on the growing moon.

For the ritual you need:

A sheet of drawing paper on which you have what you want to have: you can draw pictures, stick clippings from magazines, and also write in your own words what you plan to do and attract into your life. Arrange all this according to the zones of the ba-gua trigram map (ba-gua magic square).

  • 1 - Career zone
  • 2 - Zone of love relationships, marriage
  • 3 - Family Zone
  • 4 - Zone of wealth, finance
  • 5 - Zone of luck, health
  • 6 - Zone of teachers and assistants
  • 7 - Zone of creativity, children
  • 8 - Zone of knowledge, learning
  • 9 - Zone of fame, reputation, position in society

9 candles - 3 yellow, 3 red and 3 green. 3 cloves. You place candles on the floor, in a circle, incense of sandalwood, patchouli, lotus, in a circle there is a table, on the table is your magic square, with your drawings, plans and carnations in a vase. Rub yellow candles with patchouli oil, red candles with lotus oil, and green candles with sandalwood oil. When you rub the candles and when you light the candles and incense, say the words:

There is the Law of the Universe - our thought is material,
Everything that we think will be embodied in deeds.
You want everything, even if it is unrealistic,
Everything is subject to the Creator, everything that is in our dreams.

You light candles, incense, turn on the music and start the ritual. You are working with your magic square. Work slowly, without being distracted by extraneous matters. When you finish working with the magic square, you turn on the cassette with the session that you previously spoke on the cassette and, having settled comfortably in an armchair or on a chair, do not leave the circle; closing your eyes, conduct a session of forgiveness. A session of forgiveness makes it possible to get rid of the burden of resentment, remove negative emotions, improve well-being, mood, improve health, fill your energy body with pure energies and attract good luck and success. When you remove the burden of past grievances and worries, when you open up to the energies of love, your life will be filled with joy. Never hold a grudge against other people, because by doing so you close the opportunity for yourself to become happy. Focusing on past mistakes and grievances, you give up the joy of life, the opportunity to be prosperous. Love yourself and realize that you are worthy of all the blessings that you desire. As soon as you change your attitude towards yourself, as soon as you sincerely wish yourself happiness and start working, thinking, wishing in this direction, changes will begin to occur in your life. Sincerely love yourself and sincerely wish yourself happiness and well-being. Without any reservations and conditions, just for what you are, love yourself. And the way you are. Radiate the energy of joy and grace into the world around you, and you will be able to attract favorable circumstances and events that will change your life and make it successful and happy.

Tools for protecting against energy information programs

Let's start by denoting that the main technique in magic is the impact. Impact on the Will, consciousness and Soul of a person. Those who believe that magic can be used somehow for good, this is their subjective opinion, telling us that people have not yet really understood the world order. Next, let's talk about what are the energy-information effects. This is necessary so that you understand how you can neutralize such an impact on a person and how exactly this can be done. Without knowing what is part of this or that magical effect, this effect can never be removed.

The most common damage to the human energy field isEvil eye (small energy information load). The evil eye is usually called the psychoenergetic effect on a person. Moreover, such a defeat of the energy structure of the body can be both from external influence, and from internal influence from the psyche of the person himself. Strong grief and great joy lead to a sharp loss of energy.The evil eye can be caused simply by any negative thought (not necessarily envy) towards another person or towards yourself that you are stuck on. Reiki, by the way, removes the evil eye wonderfully.

The simplest and most effectiveways to protect against this kind of energy impact (for those who do not know Reiki techniques):

  • Remain calm in any situation and do not show very strong emotions, especially negative ones, whatever the irritant.
  • If you understand that the situation is dragging you down and you are starting to pay more and more attention, effort, time and energy to it, then redirect your efforts to something else, for example, to communicate with nature. It is necessary to pay as little attention as possible to the issue on which you are stuck, and then everything will happen as if by itself. Step away from the situation. Look at yourself from the side. Play around with the solution, and then everything will fall into place and work out for the best.
  • Always keep an eye on your well-being in any situation. Remember that nothing happens by chance, instantly leave the situation when you feel that you are losing energy, no matter how impolite it may seem from the outside.
  • Try to communicate only with those people who are pleasant to you and with whom you are both physically and emotionally comfortable. It makes no sense to give life energy to those who do not deserve it and will never appreciate it. Take care of yourself, literally and figuratively. If you can’t physically run away from your boss, who has been scolding you in full for thirty minutes now, then at least mentally transport yourself to a hidden corner of nature, to a place where no one can ever reach you. And in order to do this, it is necessary to create this very corner and preferably in advance, so that it would not be excruciatingly painful for the wasted effort and energy during trials that are unnecessary for you personally.

Corruption -embedded, directed energy-informational impact with the help of a certain psychomatrix through a material-physical carrier.

Damage is always done through a specific item. If the evil eye can be both conscious and unconscious, then damage is always done with a specific purpose, and therefore, with the help of consciousness. The role of the carrier can be played by any food, a donated thing, paper and metal money (a charmed penny), salt, water, sweets, chocolate or other sweets that you are treated to.Often damage occurs from an old love spell.

Love spell -a kind of program to suppress the will of another person for their own, selfish purposes. It is also carried out through some kind of carrier, more often food or water, which the “victim” is obliged to take or drink.

Once we received a curious letter on this subject under the heading Your Questions. We post it as an educational and visual for everyone. I think the picture is clear. The Masters of our site answer.

Hello! I would like to consult with you. I have a problem. For a long time I have been talking (and perhaps attached) to one man, however, he has a wife and a child. He attracts me more than others. The more I communicate with him and see him more often, the more I want to be with him, including the desire for intimacy. No, I didn't have that with him. He is humble, treats me generally well and knows a lot about me. When a man knows a lot about a woman, on the one hand, this is good, but on the other, not very good. The bottom line is that I'm already tired and desperate ... I'm ready for almost anything. Even if he is my karmic couple, knowing this doesn't change much. I have to admit, I was thinking about magic. I want to bewitch him, and first quarrel with his wife, so that it is more effective. I understand, you will now say that I am the last person and all that. And I know that no one will support me in this, and the Gods are punishing. More precisely, they will punish me if I make a love spell and if it works. But I have nothing to lose, except for my own life or the lives of close people, who are few. I take death calmly, so if there is a death penalty for this love spell, it doesn’t scare me at all. Maybe I'm wrong, but there's nothing to do! And I don't want to part with him. And I think he can be happy with me too. I do not argue, he is probably happy with his wife too, with his friends, relatives ... I understand all this. But first of all, I think about what it can give me. It seems to me that I would rather spend the best years of my life on a lover than live alone or with a boring husband (because finding a good one is not so easy, and I don’t want to deliberately look for it). You ask why I am writing this if everything has already been decided. But I didn't decide everything. I'm just going to do this. All people probably think that love spells are bad. And since everyone thinks so, maybe I should think the same? Maybe I shouldn't do it either? I just want to see how it is from your point of view. Understand how you feel about it, what can come of it. Maybe you don't even want to answer my letter, thinking that I'm a very bad person...and of course I understand that. But still I hope you will answer me.

Also think, if this man is not free, then probably this is not your man? And yours is standing nearby and cannot come to you, because you are completely absorbed in your passions and do not let him in.

Why don't you want to be happy? You want to possess only this man as a thing, i.e. just beat your opponent. And then what? Make an effort, realize that this is not your man. He, of course, assures that this is not so, that you are his destiny, that he feels so good only with you, etc. But it's all lies. Rather, he believes in it only in the circumstances in which he is now. I know all this not from theory. I was able to get out of such a destructive relationship and find my happiness. I am ready to help you when you are ready for a happy life. Awareness and wisdom, Svyatoslava

For any neutralization of damage, it is necessaryidentify the carrier of this negative thought form. This is what becomes the most difficult task, since without work on the subtle plane it is almost never possible to reveal it. You can do this with visualization.

One of the types of verbal (verbal) magic is curse.

Curse (I don’t write the letter “r” on purpose, so as not to give energy to the magical egregor)- the simplest form of verbal influence. Moreover, unlike other energy actions, for a curse there is no need to repeat the thought form three times, it is enough just to invest well once in a wish with all your strong hatred, and it will begin to be realized. There is a key phrase in the curse that triggers the mechanism of human destruction. Often this is done even by close people in a fit of anger. For example, a mother says to her daughter: “Who needs you!”, “Yes, so that your hands withered!”, “I suffered, I was sick, and something will happen to you!”, “You are crazy, you are crazy!” Unfortunately, I did not come up with a phrase, such phrases are pronounced by mothers, wishing their daughter "good". As a rule, these programs are superimposed on the female line 7 knees ahead and bring destruction, deprivation, up to the death of girls in infancy.

And how many women impose programs for loneliness on themselves, for example, with such mental imagery phrases: “all men are goats!”, “real men have disappeared”, “all worthy ones are busy”, “we are not bad without them”, “women’s lot is hard "," no one loves me, "" I'm waiting for the prince "... These phrases (programs), if they are not neutralized, are in the etheric body of a person until a positive or negative result is achieved.

Phrase (information, thought form) + emotion (energy) = action (concrete result).For all energy healing methods, it is necessary to go to the root cause of the curse and to the specific phrase that triggers it. Without this, it is almost impossible to do anything, since we are dealing with a stronger impact on a person (however, as well as on himself) than the usual evil eye or even damage.

If you use the energy of REIKI, then there is no need to go so far into the past of a person. It will either emerge on its own in the form of thoughts, deeds, and perhaps concrete actions, or it will not manifest itself at all on the astral plane. It's just that at some point in the session it will be clear that everything has already been done, and with minimal involvement of you in this process. This is what Reiki attracts as a method, since a lot of things happen at the superconscious level. If you are interested, then you will participate, if not, then you will not, little will change from this. Although here it is necessary to consider each case separately, since there are no universal formulas for all.

The best action not to get unflattering words addressed to you in the back is not to make the prerequisites for you to be treated that way. Remember that everything is not accidental, and if you hit it, it means that there is something for it, because nothing can happen by accident. Do not aggravate your situation by hating the person who treated you this way. Thank him sincerely for bringing to light in you that side of nature that you yourself were afraid of. Wish him from the Soul health, happiness, love (you can kindly say to him about yourself: "take yours - return mine") and everything will go as it should. In this case, by the way, there may be a neutralization of the curse itself without outside help. The most important thing is to do all this sincerely, with a pure heart and not very seriously.

Concerning family vows , then here you need to know the following: the tasks of relatives are often similar. And even, moreover, they are close in vibration, which creates a predisposition to automatically accept the energy message. Such messages can be both beneficial (blessings) and destructive (curses). And if the negative message has taken root in subtle bodies (astral, mental), then the curse eventually reaches the etheric body, which is the subtle carrier of the physical body. As a result, "inexplicable" diseases of the physical body appear.

Visually imposed curses are presented as follows: a negative energy message - the seed falls on the favorable soil of the astral body (the body of emotions). After all, all curses are made with a large negative emotional charge, and it is in the astral body, the receptacle of our feelings and emotions, that it finds fertile ground for its growth and development. This message, like a seed, begins to swell, and subsequently germinate, feeding on negative emotions: hatred, anger, envy, jealousy and similar things. The roots of such a sprout go into the etheric body, the trunk, growing through the mental, spreads its crown in the causal body, the field of causality. Such sprouts as creepers, entwining the aura of a person, completely disrupt his energy exchange and cut him off from the sources of natural happiness.

As you understand, it is quite clear that a negative energy-informational message will not germinate if a person, in relation to the one who curses him, maintains complete emotional non-involvement. And the fullness of spiritually charged emotions is able to completely neutralize the negative message.

Aerobatics in verbal magic is considered such a form of influence as spell.

This is a special form of energy work. Here, in addition to the sound, words or text uttered in a certain rhythm and to a certain accompaniment, a special figure is drawn in the air, fixing in space the program of action that is being laid. The key point here is no longer a word, but a thought-form - a sign. The spell was very often used for security purposes. Due to the fact that the information field of the Earth is present everywhere, with the help of such a complex action (spell), a program for the protection of some object or part of wildlife was thrown into it. As soon as in some corner of the globe someone, even mentally, encroached on a protected object, the program was put into action, and depending on how mercifully it was created in relation to the encroacher, it began its work. This is how the graves were protected. Scientists still cannot understand why all those people who were involved in the excavations of these very pyramids or were simply somehow connected with it, started to get sick and died for unknown reasons. It's all about the protective spells that used to be set with skill and, as they say, for centuries. By the way, for the same reasons it is not recommended to visit dolmens. There are no places of power from them, but it is very possible to run into a spell in them. Better visit a waterfall or a mountain lake.

Crown of celibacy - this is an imposed program that the sorcerer imposed on a person, instead taking away youth, beauty, health ... On a subtle plane, it looks like a wreath of white pieces of paper (like on a dead person). It can be on both women and men. And even on children.

Sometimes, it happens, they imposed on the mother, but the program did not turn on for a number of reasons, and this program falls on the daughter. Such programs are usually imposed by sorcerers who are under the direct or partial control of a demon.

Methodology for removing energy-informational influences. See the program on a subtle plane, go into the past and LEARN THE REASON for pointing the program (you don’t need to smear anyone on the wall for being “pointed” at you! This is a gross mistake. The reason is in the person himself, that is, in you. This is the key) , REALIZE what happened there, neutralize it (the tools are given below) and launch another program in place of the negative program (Reiki techniques will help with this). That's all.


Spilled salt, spilled water, scattered earth, a whole egg that is placed on the gate, pins, coins, hairpins - this is the so-called lining. In no case do not touch anything with your hands and do not taste, do not step over. Take it with papers, take it aside with a newspaper, while reading a prayer. Do not bring anything into the house, a broom with which they swept and a rag with which they washed, it is advisable to burn or throw it away. Don't think it's all a coincidence. As a rule, this specially for those who got thrown.

If suddenly there are needles, pins, coins of unknown etymology in the house - the same thing - this can be a lining, through teleportation: all of the above items can appear in a completely closed room. Remember. Never grab with your bare hands what you find. Tweezers, pliers, rubber gloves, paper on paper, but do not pick up and do not wait a week when it all resolves. Nothing will dissolve on its own. It is best to burn these objects on fire and it is advisable to say the words three times while doing this: “ where it came from, where it went". You don't have to bring them home either. Better to dig.


As soon as you feel energetically or physically bad, uncomfortable, cold, anxious, you feel a large outflow of energy or you get up in the morning, and everything around is gray, gloomy and joyless, this is a clear sign that you are not okay and you urgently need to cleanse yourself. and restore.

To begin with, we carry out self-diagnosis: we ask a question - what is happening, and watch or listen to the answer. After a certain image or color has appeared, we check the information for truth:who works on Reiki - symbols.And so, in general, very good emerald color works to verify the truth of the information. Here the image either disappears or shows its true face. Depending on what we saw or who we are dealing with, we begin to act. So:

Prayer - universal vibration range. Here it is necessary, of course, to know what kind of prayer and from what. For example, those who are used to reading Christian prayers (Christians), there are very strong prayers such as: “Living Help”, “To the Archangel Michael” and “Life-Giving Cross”. Those who profess Islam read their traditional texts. But there are also very strong protective ancient Russian prayers - Protective Prayer to the Family.

Silververy effective against the impure Force. How to define it? Very simple. When they appear, it usually immediately begins to smell like urine, gray, burnt rubber. Any silver is fatal for them. You can have with you (or work out this tool in your imagination in advance) a silver dagger disguised as a cross, and when attacking, mentally grab it and stick it into the demon. The impact will be real.

Holy water .Holy - not because prayers were read over it, but because it contains silver ions. In addition, it is structured in such a way as to destroy negative forms of being. Epiphany water is especially good in this regard. If there is no baptismal one, then it is better to make it yourself, in churches, as a rule, this is just the appearance of holy water. Alas, they checked. To do this, it is enough to put silver (a silver spoon, a silver glass) into it for 2-3 hours, and the water, as a tool, is ready. Silver is a very active metal. Keep this water for such cases and for cleaning the room. Constantly drinking such water is undesirable, which many do. Rinse with sore throat, periodontal disease, cutaneous staphylococcus - please, a week and a half. But it is not recommended to drink such water all the time, because, having killed the bacteria, it then begins to kill all living things. And this, alas, is unacceptable for us.

Ruby color. The ruby ​​color generally blocks any form of intelligence directed to our detriment. Restricts the mobility and action of small entities.

If you feel unwell, in any case, for prevention, you can take a bucket of water (ideally, do it in nature, standing on the ground or on a stone), say a mantra, prayer or words into the water: Mother - Voditsa, help me cleanse myself from slander, from slander, from a death sentence, from damage, from the evil eye ( the word is something with which we catch vibrations). After you have spoken, pour water on yourself, on the top of your head. You can, while pouring, sentence:

Like water from a goose, so from me, the Son (Daughter) of God (her) evil eye, damage, twigs.

Where it came from, where it went.

Mantra: OM TAT SAT. "You are the truth." Mystical mantra, indicating the connection between the individual and the cosmic. The Bhagavad Gita says: "From the beginning of creation, three words - OM TAT SAT - have been used to denote the Supreme Absolute Truth." Mantras for all occasions.

For example, from a child, every mother in Rus' used to be able to evil eye take off. She took clean dishes, read mantras, prayers over it, then took a clean shirt and removed pure energy from the plate with the reverse side and washed the face of the child with this energy.

Plants used against spoilage, fright, evil eye, sorcerers, evil spirits

Red gerbil - children are bathed in a decoction of this herb from fear.

Goldenflower round-leaved - good against sorcery. Flowers worn on the body protect from spoilage.

Svidina blood red - with the rod of this plant, you can drive every devil out of the house.

Datura smelly - worn on the body, neutralizes damage.

When it goes magic attack , hang nettles, St. John's wort, clover at home.You can press the garlic on the garlic press and put it in a mug or bowl, pourwater to just cover the surface of the garlic.Phytoncides work great against external negativity, as well as flu and other hazards.

You can also drink nettle when attacked: 1 tbsp. boiling water for 1 tbsp. nettles. Boilin a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. 3R. a day for half an hour before meals in a warm form.
For women, if menstruation is +/- 2 days or during them, it is not necessary to drink nettle. Because she ishemostatic is strong, and during the usual, everything should go superfluous.

Also pay attention to the Vedic Workshop section. where you can get acquainted with amulets-beltsprotecting from magical influences.

The text of this article is taken partly from Zareslav's book and from seminars on bioenergy.

The issue of energy protection against various dangers will never lose its relevance. Still, security is one of the basic needs of a human being and you want to protect yourself immediately and from everything. As a result of this interest, there is a mass of topics, articles and materials devoted to various ways of building energy protection. Let's figure out which protection is better and how it works in general.

You should probably start with what protections are in general. Firstly, protection can be built at the expense of personal energy and the intention of the person himself. This is the usual bioenergetic protection available to absolutely anyone. Secondly, protection can be created with . Most practices and techniques for working with external energies, such as Reiki, KEN, runes, etc., suggest the possibility and special, characteristic technique for creating energy protection. Well, Thirdly, protection can be any . This method is used by magicians, both for their own protection and for the protection of their clients.

Most often, when it comes to energy protection, they talk and talk about protection. first type: bioenergy. An example of such protection is the simplest construction of a brick wall, the visualization of a waterfall, or the construction of a complex protective "suit". Also, bioenergetic protections include wearing various protective talismans bought in a store or made with your own hands and protection with the help of complex “magic rituals” read in a smart book. Despite the variety of forms, the effectiveness of such protection is approximately the same and, frankly, not too high. In fact, any such protection is just some thickening and thickening of the outer shell of the cocoon (energy body) of a person. A person with such protection is perceived a little more separated, "closed" from other people and the external energy environment. Not bad, but no more.

A big plus of such protection is that its construction does not cause any difficulties. Here you don’t even need to go to a super-duper webinar)). This is the situation when an article on the Internet and a few hours of practice (well, maybe a few days) will be enough to master the technique. Just a couple of days - and you will have your own protection that can protect you from some small energy "dirt" that periodically arrives from outside, small energy strikes from ordinary people and other unpleasant little things.

By cons, I would include the "limited" protection of this type. This kind of design is designed specifically for "small things" and is simply not able to stop a more or less serious impact. Even the most primitive corruption, created by a knowledgeable person, passes through such a barrier “at once”. Trying to use bioenergetic protection to stop a serious impact is like protecting yourself from flying stones with a panama hat. Panama is, of course, good protection, but it is designed for the sun's rays, and not for stones at all, at least a helmet is needed from stones.

Moreover, it will not be possible to significantly improve and in any way "increase" the power of bioenergetic protection. There is no growth potential there. Such protection is built, maintained and fueled solely by the energy of the owner, and this energy, as you know, is not endless. Any attempts to “strengthen” bioenergy protection will only lead to the fact that more and more energy will be spent on it, which is necessary for life and the implementation of various goals. In the end, a person can get serious problems not as a result of some kind of influence or “strike” from the outside, but simply because there is no energy left to maintain life and achieve goals - all was spent on building and nourishing protection. The effectiveness of the protection itself against such actions will improve very, very slightly. Well, you had a two-layer panama hat, it will become a three-layer one - it’s good, but it still won’t save you from stone strikes.

But with a real threat, protection can quite cope second type, created by a person practicing work with various external energies. External, cosmic energy is virtually limitless like the ocean. This means that protection based on it is not limited by the energy potential of a person. What happens in this case? A person is enveloped in cosmic energy, which has a high density and immunity to human influence - and it becomes much more difficult to harm him. Can do it only a specialist who has appropriate initiations in the energy of the Cosmos. To put up a defense of the second type, imagination alone is not enough. It would seem that here it is - happiness and security. But even here there are nuances.

The reliability and effectiveness of the protection built with the help of various techniques and practices of working with external energy largely depends on the personal strength, power and strength of the energy of the psychic who created this very protection. This, of course, is not bioenergetic protection and is not fed exclusively by human energy directly, but still the amount of energy that a practitioner is able to invest in protection directly depends on him - the amount of energy that he is able to control. It is theoretically that every initiate has a whole ocean of external energies at hand, but in practice everyone manages to manage only some part of this ocean, in proportion to their personal strength and level of energy. Therefore, the quality of protection of this kind varies. From the creation of a “green” novice cosmoenergy, comparable in efficiency to the bioenergetic one, to a very, very powerful and effective protection that can withstand more than a serious impact, behind which stands an experienced Master. Protection from the energies of the Universe is potentially many times stronger and better than the protection of the first type and, with proper skill, provides almost one hundred percent energy security from medium-level threats. Continuing the panama analogy, the second type of protection is something like a strong armored helmet.

With regard to protection third type, which is provided by the magician with the help of an ally, then here the effectiveness depends not so much on the technique / tradition / practice within which this or that protection was performed, but on the level of energy and skill of the one who performed this very protection. The stronger the magician - the more powerful ally he has, the better protection he can provide. Usually such protection with the help of an amulet or a conspiracy is much stronger and more effective than the protection created through various practices of working with external energies. A protective amulet or a spell created by a strong magician is like a very reliable bulletproof vest, with which not only stones are not scary, but it is also not scary to stick out under bullets. A person is followed by a strong Spirit - a rational being that reacts flexibly to everything that happens and can seriously influence the situation in real time. Solely for the safety of the client, of course. Such protection is the most effective, but at the same time the most difficult to implement and, of course, the most expensive.

What can you advise to those who would like to protect themselves from any outside influences? Ideally, of course, go learn and master some extrasensory techniques and practices in order to have at your disposal at least a “helmet” that can protect you from more or less serious impact. But if there is no desire to learn, well, then bioenergetic protection is better than none at all. For those who want to use bioenergetic protection, for example, the violet flame method is suitable.

To build the first type of defense, stand up straight, relax, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths in and out. Imagine that an abyss is unfolding below you, filled with a raging violet flame, a powerful energy that no one and nothing can overcome. "Pull up" from the abyss three, five or seven flames, and let them envelop you with infinitely powerful energy. Visualize the violet flames beginning to swirl clockwise around you at a distance of about twenty centimeters from your body. Intertwined with each other, they form an infinitely strong and reliable cocoon, a protective cocoon. When the violet flames rise to a level just above your head, imagine how they are intertwined, form a strong dome above your head and go into endless space in a single beam. It is necessary to install such protection 5 days in a row, 5-10 minutes a day, and adjust it no more than once a week. In the event of a collision with a large amount of energy "dirt" emanating, for example, from an unpleasant person, it will be enough just to "remember" the protection put in place, "seeing" it in its finished form. This simple and effective technique will help you quickly condense energy and increase your security.

And, of course, regardless of whether you use protection of the first or second type, it can and should be supplemented with outside help - in the form of an amulet from a good magician, for example. Your own protection and confidence in your own invincibility is, of course, good, but with an amulet it is an order of magnitude more reliable, and a careful one, as they say ...

Anticipating questions: yes, I know a good magician. Yes, I wear her amulet myself. Contact me in a personal in social networks or in any other way - I will prompt.

Energy protection is a very important element of a person's energy and psychological invulnerability, as well as a comfortable state and well-being. How to learn to put energy protection?

Types of energy protection

Energy protection is divided into several types:

  • Protection, which is part of the structure of human energy.
  • Energy protection, which a person creates himself, with his will and thoughts, setting a certain program of work for it.
  • Energy protection, which is given by the Higher Forces, namely the Patrons of man.

Here we will consider the second type of energy protection that a person can create on his own.

For example, sonic cleaning with a Tibetan bowl is extremely effective, going through the whole house. Another type of cleaning that dissolves small concentrations of ethereal energy is to dissolve a little camphor in a little vinegar and place it where the weight floats.

It just dissolves little etheric pockets, which is more than enough for most people in the world who aren't involved in any weird stuff and are just influenced by the energies of the environment they live in and the collective unconscious around us. The aura of a cat is so great that it includes not only a person, but also his family, home and territory, on which the cat is committed.

What is energy protection based on?

Any energy protection is built on the basis of energy management.

To successfully install energy protection, you need to master a simple visualization method¹.

Visualization is based on the fact that a person creates and represents the desired image and puts energy into it. When creating an image, it is necessary to feel the event and the presence of protection, after which the thought materializes.

Therefore, we must understand that when a cat rubs against its legs, it is not only that it is trying to get some food from you, but it also means that the cat is sharing its magic with you, its astral power. If you hit the cat at this point by saying "leave me alone, get out of there", just block out that positive energy that the cat is trying to give you.

Cats not only protect the house from the evil spirits that bring it in, but they also protect the house from the negative energies that have been living there since before the cat arrived. This is especially helpful if you're moving into a house that used to belong to other people, or a house where bad things happened.

Energy protection "Rotation of the aura"

Aura Rotation² is a very effective way to deal with people who like to absorb other people's energy.

Feeling an extraneous influence, you need to imagine that your biofield is an invisible mesh, dense to the touch. After that, you need to unwind it clockwise, that is, from left to right. Mentally rotate the aura until the danger of a psychological attack passes.

Evil spirits and ghosts

When a cat senses a spirit in a house, the first thing it does is follow it to discover its intentions. So that this astral entity does not threaten its territory, the cat does everything possible to force it out through the displacement of its energy field. If that doesn't work, the cat will trap the entity in its energy field and bring it out of the house.

So pay close attention to your cat and see if she returns to a certain point in the house, maintaining a tense posture and obviously looking at something. This behavior can be a sign of an evil presence. To help your animal get rid of an evil spirit, you can say a prayer on the spot or do a cleansing ritual. If you don't know prayers or rituals, you can simply burn white sage - this is a powerful way to get information about negative or tainted energy.

Your spinning aura will throw away anyone's energy tentacles, they will have nothing to cling to, and thus you will conserve your energy.

Energy protection "Whiplash"

The "Whiplash" defense option is a very fast, burning look into the eyes of an energy vampire, coupled with the release of a compressed clot of energy through their eyes.

The astral field of a cat is so strong that it can easily persecute any negative entity. For this reason, people who communicate with spirits do not allow cats in the room where the seance takes place. It can frighten astral beings. However, in some cases, the presence of cats during magical rituals is very reassuring.

The presence of cats will also protect you from any evil eyes and curses. But to protect you from the evil eye or while talking to a person who is suspected of impure thoughts, you need to keep your hands on the cat, using your left hand to caress the neck and your right to caress its tail. In this case, you will be in full contact with the animal. Your energy fields will be combined into one force field that will keep you safe even from powerful attacks.

After such a protection option, the energy vampire has a feeling of "sand in the eyes", and he is simply forced to stop the "sucking" of energy in order to bring himself back to normal. He may even have a temporary partial visual impairment.

Energy protection "Crystal Dome"

This is a powerful and effective short-term energy protection. If you need to quickly and effectively protect yourself for a short time, you can safely use it.

Since cats are conductors of cosmic energy, they can bring positive energy into the house, which will contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the whole family. Cats prefer to be in places where the energy is strong, like in geopathic zones. They often choose these places because there is a strong flow of negative energy or groundwater.

The Russians had a very interesting ritual: when they moved to a new place of residence, they first left the cat in the house. If the house were old, the cat would find and clear all unwanted negative energy - the remnants of the previous owners. If the house is new, the cat will provide a powerful boost of energy in it.

In the region of the solar plexus, a blue ball is formed, which, with a sharp exhalation, increases and “squeezes out” all the negative, forming a protective shell around the body, consisting of a transparent “crystal material”. Simultaneously with the expansion of the ball, the arms must be sharply spread apart.

This method not only creates energy protection, but also performs a cleansing function. The crystal dome can be quickly placed, but it does not last long.

Healing through cats

A huge use of cats' magical abilities is in healing. Cats of any race and color have the ability to perform healing and may inadvertently relate to their owners lying in their diseased areas. One of the simplest cat treatments is simple petting, which relieves people of mental and emotional stress. Healing with cats is also used to improve eyesight. For this, some healers advise having cats with a white tail.

The color of the cat solves your need

Those people who are going to use the magical properties of the animal should know how to choose a cat. In some cases you want a black cat and in others you want a red cat. When choosing a cat for a magical procedure, it is very important to consider your color. Despite all the superstitions, cats of this color accept negative energy, bringing it out of the house, providing wisdom and insight. Ginger cats: the classic moon of the witches, full of masculine power, the energy of the sun, the energy of Yang. Regardless of the gender of the cat, representatives of this color are the magic of wealth, money, attention. Blue: Cats of this color bring love, happiness, good luck, as well as emotional stability and sensory peace. White: They have powerful healing properties. Give people a sense of beauty and admiration, relieve stress, provide healing and energize. In America, they are considered a good omen. Siamese: Cats of this color bring fame and success, longevity, help in solar magic, Yang energy. This color is associated with the triple goddess. Bicolor: According to legend, cats of two colors are very friendly. They allow you to transfer the energy of wisdom, understanding and common sense. Carey: This color pattern is only inherited by females. It has to do with clairvoyance, healing. Gilded or Golden Brown: Revered as a temple cat, they are playful, wise, provide grace, help dominate secular wisdom, solar magic. Tabby: Provide good luck, enlightenment, a happy attitude to any situation, even the most important. They provide great energy, humor and fun. Black: sorcery, occult powers, protection, deep magic. . Mirrors tend to hold negative energy.

Energy protection "Egg"

To successfully use this technique of energy protection, it is necessary to develop the ability to feel any objects at a considerable distance.

First you need to master the "touch with your eyes", i.e. mentally touch objects and capture the feeling from them. Having mastered the “touch with a glance” and without looking at the object, “touch” it, while you should not close your eyes. It must be warned that training for "probing" objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

If some energy enters your house and finds a mirror, it gets stuck at the object and does not enter your house. For this reason, it is indicated that they are placed on the door, from the outside. It can be a small mirror or a ba-gua that contains a mirrored surface. A mirror or Ba Gua has the same result if it is placed on your table, indicating those who come to you.

This is what Feng Shui experts say, a technique that combines decoration with the harmonization of the environment to bring prosperity. They must be posted outside the home upon arrival. It protects your home from negative energies. To find Ba Gua, look for an esoteric shop. Many stones are known for their ability to capture negative energy and suck it out of the environment, protecting the place. Among the crystals and stones that absorb negative energy and allow the environment to be clean are black tourmaline, onyx, hematite and white quartz.

After mastering this exercise, we build an “egg”. You need to feel, and not imagine, that at the level of the ribs in front, behind and from the sides, at arm's length, there are four warm golden peas, i.e. it turns out a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along the midline of the body.

When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which is easy to turn into an egg that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside. The walls of the egg are very dense, the layers of the biofield are wound on top of each other for about a minute. Shells can be one-color, two-color (imaginary).

It is important that you keep the stones clean so that they continue to trap negative energies. You can have stones at home or in your work environment. Messenger of the Winds is considered a lucky charm. This is a decoration with some stones that, when swayed in the wind, create a pleasant and relaxing noise that has the property of purifying the environment. It can be placed at the entrance to the house, outside to avoid bad looks and envy. There are several variants of the object, with stones, which also contribute to the protection of the residences.

It is desirable to use colors golden, blue, orange. It is very important to clearly spatially feel all your actions. It must be warned that training for "probing" objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

Information-biofield energy protection

First, the protective shell is visualized, but not in the shape of an egg, but in the shape of a ball.
Then the ball is densely filled with silver-purple bioenergy. Along the outer surface of the ball, ribbons pass in the form of parallels and meridians, on which it is written "You don't need me (you don't need me)".

The noise generated by the object when the wind blows relaxes and stimulates the creation of a harmonious environment. Angels and saints also protect people. And his images have exactly this purpose. You can place an angel figure near the front door. Images of saints can be scattered in all environments. They may also be present at work and in the car. The images will keep people away from bad intentions and bad energies from you and your home.

Green plants and natural flowers also have the ability to absorb negative energy and prevent it from spreading into the environment. Some species restore these energies, while others absorb them to protect the place they are in. Red and yellow flowers should be placed near the entrance because they trap negative energy. In addition to protecting the place, plants and flowers beautify the environment.

Energy protection "Mirror wall"

Very good power protection! You need to imagine yourself on all sides and from above surrounded by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. From the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world.

And from whatever side they try to attack you, the aggressors will always receive retaliatory strikes reflected and reinforced by the mirror. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once.

Always change the water in the pots. Thick salt is a strong, traditional and very cheap shield. To cleanse the environment and protect yourself from negative energies, place a glass of coarse salt in place. And change it weekly because salt traps negative energies and fills you up. You can make an ornament to use protection. Place the salt in the halves in a clear glass vase. Then insert the dry branches of the tree into the pot. The decoration looks charming and protects your home.

Greek eye or Turkish eye is an object with protection. It can be used in environments that point to a door to protect the home from outside negative energies. It can also be hanging outside the home. The object can also be used on the desktop and hung in the rearview mirror of the car. If it breaks or cracks, it means that it has fulfilled its purpose, it has captured all the negative energy and it is time to exchange it for a new one.

When using the “mirror wall”, never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are being defensive. Your calmness and friendliness will make him deliver more and more powerful blows, which will return to him with more and more force.

This technique is the easiest to perform and does not require special physical and energy costs, because you do not feel the barrier as part of yourself or your biofield. It seems to exist separately, and this is its advantage. However, the main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to imagine this barrier when you are moving.

Everyone knows, even intuitively, that natural plants and flowers, in addition to decoration, transmit good energies and great vibrations to the environment and people. This is because plants radiate and exchange energy with the environment and people, affecting everyone.

Each plant or herb has its own special and special vibrational power, but when combined with each other, it can increase its strengths and vibrations even more. A very practical example is the seven herbs. They have the super ability to resist negative energies, whether at home or at work. They are formed by the following plants: brook, guinea pig, rosemary, with me - no one can, St. George's Sword, majger and pepper.

Energy protection "Shield of Perseus"

One of the most powerful energy protection techniques. It allows you to repel a narrowly targeted attack, returning it to the enemy, without covering the entire body. A round mirror shield is visualized on the left (right) hand, which reflects energy attacks, placing it on the ejection path.

This is a very fast energy protection method and does not require special expenses, but it has low durability. A correct calculation of the angle of attack is required for effective reflection.

Energy protection "Cross"

You need to surround yourself on all sides with crosses, placing them close to the body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, move the crosses away from you up to a distance of 1 meter. Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses aside, feel how they are strengthened and form a single whole.

Combined energy protection:

First, perform protection with a “cross”, moving the crosses to a distance of 1-1.2 meters. After that, make protection with the help of a “shell” or “biofield rotation”.

How to work with energy protection?

Remember that each person has his own version of protection. Not all of the above methods are suitable for everyone. Try to determine which method is more suitable for you.

Try to use the barrier everywhere, this will protect you from troubles, negative energy and ensure your safety. In order to keep it always, it is enough just to know about it, to feel it. Just say to yourself: “I'm in a protective barrier! Try to get to me."

This statement should cut off all attempts to mentally influence you, since you will be 100% sure of your protection.

I wish you good luck with the protection. And at the same time I wish you never to be energetically attacked!

Stas Romashenkov

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Aura in esotericism and parapsychology is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

We have learned to protect ourselves from any threats, to resist any dangers. Including the non-physical plane. The energy protection of a person from negative influences is built on the principle. To concentrate and direct energy, you need to master the visualization method. This method of protection against energy vampires allows you to see the invisible, and then work, performing certain actions. Visualization is built on mental images in which energy is invested.

Methods of energy protection of a person from negativity - what you need to know first

When creating an image, it is necessary to feel the presence of protection and mentally experience the event, after which the thought form created and fixed in the field is activated at the right moment. This is how the method of energy protection against ill-wishers of any order works, and, I note, mental-energy shields are very effective.

If you, creating an energy barrier against alien penetrations into your field, simply imagined an image without feeling it, without fixing it in the mental world, such an image. The level of the formed image is determined by your imagination, and nothing more. Accordingly, the energy shield itself will not appear on the subtle plane. There are independent methods of energy protection from the impact of enemies, many of which can be used by ordinary people - not magicians, not psychics, not people who have other superreal abilities.

I will list some techniques: "Energy Wall", "Mirror Wall", "Energy Cocoon", "Energy Pyramid", "Energy Spiral", "Energy Shield". Let's take a closer look at the construction of energy protection against the attack of ill-wishers called "Energy Shield".

Ways of human energy protection - a powerful Energy Shield

The protective reaction of the human body, which mobilizes the entire energy system, occurs instantly after the threat from ill-wishers has appeared. The world is not safe, and we know it, and therefore we attract our own resources for protection. "Energy Shield" can be created before, and activate it at the right time. The formation of shields in the human biofield is not an experience of today. Since time immemorial, we have been told that the stranger is dangerous, and we need to be ready for his attack. Therefore, magical, or otherwise strong energy protection from ill-wishers and haters of all stripes has been used for many millennia.

What is an Energy Shield? This is a special densified structure in the biofield, which does not allow fatal energy impulses to pass through. The shield is generated by the corresponding thought form, and if you understand the principle of working with this protection, and master the art of visualization, then you can create it yourself. This method of energy protection of a person from the negative effects of enemies - Shield, can be reflective or scattering. They differ in the way they act. Scatter shields are used more often because they are easier to use. Reflective shields are more difficult, however, the most effective, because. capable of sending negativity back. As a result, the ill-wisher will get his back, and according to the magical law, what comes back comes many times stronger.

A strong way to install magical protection against energy vampires:

Imagine a knight's shield taller than you. It is heavy, beautiful, durable and reliable. Visualize the shield in great detail. Its material, its appearance, its properties are the product of your imagination, your creative act. The shield can be made of metal, wood, or even sand, which, like a tornado, will spin around you. Fix the energy protection from the aura from the negative in the mind.

This can be done with the help of a psychological technique. Visualize negative energy as a slashing sword. This sword that terrifies everyone strikes your shield, but the shield that shines