Statuses about ex-girlfriends. Statuses about the former - the best quotes about former love

Everything important starts with trifles

  1. Beloved people are known not in joy, and not even in sorrow. They get to know each other in quarrels on a variety of occasions.
  2. When the next Valentine's Day is on the nose, I understand that I could meet him with someone. But for some reason I live alone in the memory of you.
  3. If I agree with you, this does not mean at all that the next moment I simply will not leave, burning with resentment.
  4. Let the unworthy go. I finally have a place in my heart for reliable and loyal guys.
  5. Yes, now everything is on fire inside me, but someday only the old song at that time, which accidentally ended up in the playlist, will remind you of you.
  6. Is it bad to be alone? Yes, calmness and self-confidence are worse than eternal showdowns ...
  7. I don't care what you say about me behind your eyes. I will still achieve my goals, and I will never need you again!

Be happy at the most inopportune moments

Failures in personal life at some point haunted absolutely everyone. Therefore, statuses to hurt the former must be in stock!

  1. No, I'm not jealous at all. I just saw you together, and my heart began to beat differently.
  2. Now I'm empty inside. I don't want to look for someone just to get back at you. I don't need it at all.
  3. I'm scared that after what you did to me, I'll just turn into a completely soulless ice floe.
  4. When it all starts with compliments and vows, and it never crosses your mind that everything will end like this.
  5. Our relationship can be compared to intoxication: first - euphoria, then - a hangover and bitter disappointment.
  6. You can ask for forgiveness, and maybe I will forgive you. But I've already come to some conclusions...
  7. I will seek support and understanding after spending so much time in indifference from a loved one.
  8. Did you think what would happen to me? What if I can't stop loving?

Never lose your temper!

Status, in order to hurt an ex-boyfriend, does not have to be compassionate, or vice versa - too cheerful. The main thing is that this phrase matches your state of mind.

  1. I would ask you to just disappear from my life, I just do not want to rummage through this dirt.
  2. If it makes it easier for you to think that I still love you, please. I'm not sorry, but now somehow it doesn't matter.
  3. It's likely that you just wanted to compare me to someone else. But now I realized that I was better, and then your problems.
  4. We were just random scenes from our own lives. It's a pity, of course, but let's not burden ourselves with unnecessary arguments.
  5. Everyone has the right to be with whoever they want. But the right to respect while no one canceled.
  6. I remember all the feelings that I experienced with you. And the words ... only those when he said that he no longer wants to be with me.
  7. How interesting everything is in this life. You packed your things and said that you were going to her, and I made myself a cup of tea again.

No need to lie at all

What to write in the status to hurt the guy? Describe only sincere emotions. Perhaps you will be too frank, but it will definitely become easier for you.

  1. My reputation is now ruined. It remains only to give up everything and start a new beautiful life!
  2. Do you want to be proud? Please! I will start looking for someone who is looking for happiness, not pride ...
  3. You put yourself so much higher than me that when you left, I did not know whether to be happy or sad.
  4. I am ready to finally fulfill any of your requests, but only if you promise me never to imitate happiness.
  5. After what happened, the only thing that calms me is my own presence of pride. It will definitely never let me down!
  6. I just decided that life isn't so bad. And even your last act will not be able to dissuade me from this!
  7. Now I have to sleep alone. Well, at least I can finally sleep like a human being!
  8. And, you know, it's better that we never see each other again. I can't bear to see you again.

Break up just once

We offer you statuses for girls to hurt the feelings of a guy. Do it beautifully!

  1. You may feel like a male, but I consider you a loser who will never achieve anything other than finding a new victim.
  2. Life after infidelity is not so bad. Let you no longer have wings, but there are plenty of dangerous horns!
  3. If you can so easily destroy everything that was between us - I don’t understand why all this was at all ...
  4. Did you miss me alone? Let's see if you can get enough of them all...
  5. Impeccable hair, perfect makeup, elegant clothes - and, you know, I will challenge your new young lady.
  6. Finally I found someone who will help at the right time, and will not feed with useless promises.
  7. I would run after you, in just a bathrobe, and with flying hair. But it's so terribly boring that I changed my mind.

Don't know what status to put in order to notice a guy? The best of them are already in this collection!

There are no ex girls... they are always a little bit future!

When my young man asked his ex: "What do I not have that she has?" he said: "She has me !!!", I then burst into tears ...

The hardest thing is to refuse and forget not the person himself, but the dream that she gave, and you believed in her ...

I dream about you at night, I still see you before my eyes, I go to our places in my dreams, everything that was connected with us ...

Send her and fall in love again... And let love bloom everywhere... and she will understand through time later... That she adores you with all her heart...

You can part and love, the pain will gradually disappear, but only by deceiving ourselves - we will not be able to deceive God !!!

Taking this opportunity, I want to say hello to my ex: Suck it, dear, I'm happy!

It is necessary to delete people from your life with a black marker, and not with a simple pencil, hoping that at any moment you can find an eraser.

Who are we to each other now?
- shitty friend, shitty girlfriend.

Sometimes one phone call can change the whole situation ... however, a phone call that does not ring out also changes everything.

The past will call and say that you miss it ... hang up the phone and go kiss the present ...

Here sits a grandmother. It doesn't seem to do anything. But in fact, he is furious, wants a cake and hates the former and former present.

According to the law of meanness, the former is never lucky. Usually you meet them, and she: without makeup at all, in old jeans and a dirty T-shirt, go to the store,)) “Fuck, and this is my ex ....! (although in your heart you know that you just got lucky today)))”

The typical girl doesn't like her ex's ex, her future's present, and her present's future. In short, he hates heifers.

My ex's ex is jealous of me because I was his ex before she was. Welcome to the baby universe.

My ex gave me a teddy bear on March 8, and even after I broke up with him, I still lie down with the bear and kiss him ... dreaming of a new love !!!

If a girl looks great, everything shines, flutters and smells, she is kind, friendly and smiling with everyone ... then her ex-boyfriend is somewhere nearby.

If your ex is an idiot, rejoice: for you this is already a distant past, but for someone a terrible future !!!

Have you noticed that guys even say about ex-girlfriends: "ME!!" ... and girls about ex-boyfriends: - "EX" !!!

You know, I still keep your pictures... I put coffee on them.

Oh, girls, I pierced my navel in five places. - Class, you can insert rings and hang a curtain.

A smart girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she's left.

I believe that “be be be” is a weighty argument in any dispute.

Next time you visit my page, don't forget to remind yourself that you don't care.

Today, the ex who left me on my birthday congratulated me on March 8) well, I also congratulate girls as it should be, congratulated him on March 8)

Do you know why we can't be friends? My friends are not worth it to me.

A drunk girl is easier to bring to orgasm than home.

A lot of mixed feelings left in your soul after breaking up with an ex-girlfriend. You could not stop loving her, but the feeling of love was mixed with resentment, annoyance, jealousy, irritation and anger. You probably tried to talk to her, express your offense to her, but the situation only worsened. Some reticence, the inability to tell the girl how much you miss her, how much you want her back, results in emotions going wild, and they must certainly find a way out. You wanted to put the status on social networks, where your ex will definitely see it. Many guys act in a similar way, some write in statuses how bad they feel, others, on the contrary, deliberately try to write that they are fine without an ex-girlfriend, and still others write statuses in which they insult an ex-girlfriend. Both that, and another, and the third look it is a pity.

If you write that you feel bad without an ex-girlfriend, you will only amuse her pride. Writing statuses about how wonderful you are right after the breakup means once again proving that you are very sick. To insult your ex in statuses is simply unmanly and reflects the position of a weak guy. Many write such statuses in order to somehow take revenge, but the best revenge is ignoring and indifferent attitude, a successful personal life, personal achievements can hurt your girlfriend much more than nasty statuses addressed to her. Think about whether it is worth dedicating statuses to an ex-girlfriend at all, is it not too much honor for her. Why give her food for conversation with her girlfriends, so that she giggles with them and discusses how bad you feel without her. You might think she's the one and only. Just live your life and enjoy every minute.

But what if you really want your ex back? You think that in the status you can convey your love, your longing, the desire to return her, to be together, perhaps in the status you want to ask for forgiveness or appeal to the girl in a call for her to return. In this case, all the more, you should not write anything in the statuses. To return the girl, you need to disappear from her life and not remind yourself of yourself in any way, and even more so do not whine about how bad you feel without her. Try to distract yourself in every possible way, have fun, enjoy life, but do not forget about personal achievements. You have to change, tomorrow you will be completely different from what you were yesterday. Take care of a career, study, sports, it will benefit you in any case. Even if you do not return the girl, you will become different, grow professionally, many girls will start to like you. Many guys try to make contacts with the former through mutual friends or her relatives, shower the girl with gifts, humiliate themselves and run after her, this cannot be done. You can watch a girl to keep abreast of her life and keep your finger on the pulse, but in no case should she know about it. Your success will make the girl pay attention to you, she will return herself. Usually, when a guy disappears, the girl starts calling him herself, but you shouldn’t immediately agree to a meeting and enjoy her calls, let her try hard to get you back. If she does not take any steps, and time will inexorably flow away, you can set up a meeting or congratulate the girl on the phone on some holiday. The meeting or conversation should be short, don't drag it out. When meeting, you must be irresistible in appearance and behave with dignity. In conversation, be friendly, show that you have changed. You can get your ex back! But, since you came here for the sake of statuses, here are examples of some of them.

You can forgive a person everything if you understand that you are losing him forever.

There are no ex girls. They are always a little bit future!

If you love it, let it go, if it is yours, it will return.

The hardest thing is to refuse and forget not the person himself, but the dream that he gave, and you believed in it.

You know, I still keep your photos ... I put a cup of coffee on them.

It is a pity that there is no Delete button in the heart

If we broke up with you, then this does not mean that we will not get married.

Only the one who gave him the greatest happiness can cause the most terrible pain to a person.

Once we leave those who love us, so that later we can mentally return to them all our lives ...

Happy exes do not write.

If you are determined to get your girlfriend back, I recommend reading the book by Sergey Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal on how to get your ex girlfriend back. There are a lot of positive reviews. You can download it from the link below:

  • His ex hid the page from me, and I deleted her from my friends! He says that he is calling her……..When will this creature leave us alone….
  • Looks like I've found my soul mate. And everything was fine with us. And then his ex unexpectedly recalls that oh how she loves him and 4 years of relationship means something to her. Why so? Still return nothing
  • Today I walked with him and with his new girlfriend... And he was in the T-shirt in which I slept next to him on our first night... And his girlfriend really liked this T-shirt... And she does not even suspect that I am his ex.
  • Today, the one whom I love and who loves me was added as a friend, but between us is his ex with a child ..... I still can’t leave the baby without a father .... and despite the fact that I’ve been sitting together for 2 years and roar :(
  • I'm the only one surprised by statuses with content like "what's the difference that I'm his ex, he calls me to hear my voice, or my girl wishes good night .. and so on and so on ..." SO WHY ARE YOU HIS EX THEN ??? (false words what are obtained)
  • [There are 3 things I need to know about my boyfriend: who are his parents, who are his friends, and who is his ex!]
  • As often happens, you hear from your present: “Here you are, a beauty, and my ex is ugly,” and you happily agree, and shout the same after her, but how sad that when you become an ex you will hear that
  • You can scream that he is yours, and I'm just an ex. But at night he writes to me: "sweet dreams my girl", and to you: "I want you pussy" feel the difference.
  • The smell of "happy summer" on the skin. Wet hair... so quiet, calm, unruffled. Now, incomprehensible, strange, too kind. Someone's former, someone's future ... washed off the mascara from the eyelashes and listened to the silence. Remembering and appreciating today.
  • If you are an ex, then be worthy of her !!!
  • I love it when you call your girlfriend by my name. Too bad I can't see her eyes at this gorgeous moment. P.S. your ex
  • On the Garden Ring, the 600th Mercedes of the FSB general and the Lexus-470 of the Interior Ministry general collided. Nine traffic police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident were found guilty
  • I am the happiest !!!))) my ex was added to my VKontakte friends !!!)))
  • Everything started so well for us ... and now I find out that your ex is pregnant from you ... how can you believe in love after that? ...
  • The final blow is dealt by unfulfilled hope.
  • ... but, bitch, now when you talk about me, the pronoun MY will only be with the word "ex".
  • - oh, how beautiful your ex is! and why you broke up, I don’t understand ... - hmm ... snakes can also be beautiful ...
  • I'm the girl your ex hates but your mom loves and wants to be with you forever!
  • ... Lord, how scary it is to become one of the former for him, about which he will also tell his wife - "Oh, fuck .. delete from contacts, this is the former, I once muddied with her, it's not like you are my own ..."
  • Is your ex pissed off? Yes, even though the hair on the ass tears! You are mine now)
  • Freakish, tired, waiting for someone, someone who was once, someone who is future today, loving to eerily tender, and tomorrow flattering and indifferent, for a moment I regained my sight, then blinded, not in a hurry to live, I ..... REAL ..... ...............

Almost all people have statuses about the former. After all, it is difficult to find someone who has never experienced (or not so much) a person. How differently guys and girls look at parting and former lovers, is described in the article.

Statuses about ex-girlfriends

  • "No girl has ever said goodbye in less than a hundred words."
  • "When you update my page again, don't forget to remind yourself that you don't care about me."
  • "Just because you left me doesn't mean we won't get married."
  • "We decided to part as friends. Friends who don't remind each other of themselves."
  • "The girl went to another. Now I think: to be happy for him or to regret?".
  • "You and I could be the perfect couple. If there was another in your place."
  • "Do not lower yourself and do not humiliate yourself in front of me. Men like to rise with a woman, and not to lift her."
  • "You said that your love had passed. Now go through yourself, don't stand in my way."
  • "To remember the one who managed to forget me is below my dignity."
  • "I hated her until I began to feel sorry for her."
  • "She was a smart girl. She knew how to joke, behave in society and leave before she got bored."

Statuses about ex-boyfriends

  • "I wish my ex only good luck. After all, they have already missed their happiness."
  • "Each of us learned from the breakup. You realized that you were a fool. I realized it too."
  • "When you realize that you cannot live without me, I will already be with the one who realized it faster."
  • "Girls have an effective sign: if life is getting better and everything is fine, the former will soon appear on the horizon."
  • "Today's ex-boyfriend girlfriends are always scary, stupid and old."
  • "Dating an ex-boyfriend is like watching a movie you know by heart."
  • “Yesterday I broke the system: after gatherings with friends, I didn’t call my ex.”
  • “I realized that I was on the right track after breaking up, when the ex blushed three times before talking to me.”
  • "Over time, every girl thinks:" Where did my eyes look?
  • "Every girl knows that if you leave the house without makeup and in sweatpants, you will definitely meet your ex."

Statuses about the former are always very emotionally colored. During such periods, people are always more sensitive. The statement will be sad or joyful, the main thing is that it should affect the personality of another person as little as possible. In order not to regret in the future about an impulsive act.

Statuses about the end of a relationship

Statuses about former men and women have one thing in common - everyone is worried about the breakup. Each in his own way, in his own characteristic manner, but still worries. Parting is not joyful and devoid of any feelings. Statuses about the former and the breakup in general are convincing of this.

  • "Each of us is someone's ex."
  • "If a person left, then he was looking for someone better. This is the only and most compelling reason why you should not renew a relationship."
  • "Even if we no longer have a beautiful present, there are always fond memories of the past."
  • "You need to leave when you are completely sure that you will not return in your thoughts all your life."
  • "We've said goodbye so many times forever."
  • "The point can only be in a relationship. In love, not everything is so simple."