The secret reason for male infidelity. Signs of male infidelity. He wants variety

Persistently spread by someone myths (or not myths?) that all men are polygamous and change, involuntarily make you think and take a closer look at the man next to you. Maybe he also has a mistress?

It is worth saying right away that it is not at all difficult to identify male infidelity, you just need more observation. But, as a rule, it is clearly manifested only when a man has an affair with someone, a new relationship.

When the betrayal happened once - on a business trip, at a drunken party with colleagues from another city, it will be harder for you to find out everything. But even here there is one effective trick: the more honest and sincere your attitude towards him, the harder it will be for him to carry the burden of guilt. Sooner or later he will show himself.

The most striking signs of male infidelity

Mobile phone

It is simply impossible to be mobile without a mobile phone in our time, so even a carefully hidden connection will eventually manifest itself here: either Vasily Cement will speak in a female voice, then they will constantly call from work in the evening and at night, then sms from a mobile operator will become more frequent. come.

In a word, any woman will understand that a man is hiding something: he always began to carry his phone with him, does not tolerate the slightest touch to him, talks on the phone in the bathroom, etc. But don't think bad things right away. Maybe he cooks for you a pleasant surprise for twenty years of marriage.

Changes in appearance and behavior

Many women have noticed that when a man cheats or is close to it, he begins to shine like a polished penny. If calls, the smell of perfume and delays at work can still be hidden or explained, then it is simply impossible to hide the sudden state of falling in love.

Men usually begin to take better care of themselves: they douse themselves with toilet water before leaving the house, buy new clothes, shave more often, pay more attention to the cleanliness of shoes, etc.

If all the laurels of such behavior do not go to you and are not a reaction to your behavior, then this is a clear reason to think, why did a man suddenly change his behavior so dramatically and who wanted to please him.

The change in mood should also be very noticeable: the state of being in love gives him, always tired after work, wings and high spirits, a full day of work and eternal meetings no longer exhaust him. In a word, it seems that somewhere outside the house he has another “recharging station”.

Less free time at home

If treason for a man has been repeated and associated with other relationships, then, of course, he will need more time. Because of this, there will be frequent "meetings at work", "overtime", "business trips", "saunas only with friends" and so on.

Lies and excuses

Inside every woman there is a male speech sensor that accurately determines where the lie is and where the truth is. It remains only to correctly take evidence from him. Constant evening meetings at work, business trips, ridiculous excuses, inconsistencies in excuses, stuttering and slurred explanations make it very clear that a man has something to hide.

If you want to find out exactly where this confusion comes from, don't get hysterical , and calmly ask questions and point out inconsistencies in his stories. Any man will either confess, or everything will become so obvious that even his confession will not be required.

Change in attitude towards you

A strong change in attitude towards your woman (for no apparent reason) is a very clear sign of infidelity, but it can manifest itself in radically different ways.

By changing or changing, any man feels guilty (unless you have untied his hands with your behavior), so sometimes a man can be unusually attentive, give very expensive gifts, and say compliments. In your sexual life, a fountain of new emotions awaits you. This usually happens if there was only one betrayal and the man does not consider the possibility of parting or any change in the existing way of life in your relationship.

If cheating was not just a one-time event, and your man fell in love with another woman, then such attention to you and a desire to do good can just be a natural “side effect” of falling in love.

The first signs of male infidelity

Being in a relationship with another woman, a man may begin to reproach you for certain things, comparing with her. You don't look like that, you don't treat him that way. The beginning of any relationship is always the same: it seems that it never happened, that only this person understands loves and truly appreciate it. A man can succumb to this trend of new relationships.

If you don't want to take it easy, or if you don't have "iron" evidence of his betrayal right now, play with him. Is he dissatisfied with your figure? Start going to the gym. Did he buy a gym membership himself? Go with him! Does he think you don't appreciate him? Try to act differently. Do you have anything to talk about? Arrange a joint viewing of what he usually watches, or joint readings, for example.

Such a game can, firstly, distract you from sad thoughts, and secondly, it will only have a better effect on your development. And thirdly, no one knows exactly how it could end. Either way, you will win.

Changing tastes

Few men can boast of a constant desire for novelty, so if a man suddenly began to show an urge to violate the existing order, it means that somewhere he spotted how it could be different. It remains to find out where.

A man may start asking for food for him. new dishes , cut potatoes not into cubes, but into strips, start asking why you are doing something this way and not otherwise. In bed if your sex life is still present, changes may also occur - he will use some

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency Me and You, psychologist, interpersonal relationship consultant, spoke about eight typical signs of male infidelity.

Sign #1 - Becoming a Workaholic

Previously, you did not notice signs of workaholism behind your missus. My husband always worked from 8:00 to 17:00 and was at home for dinner. And now he is constantly delayed, remains at the request of his superiors to work in the third shift, or does not get out of business trips, which previously did not exist at all.

Do not rush to arrange a showdown for your spouse. Perhaps things have really changed at work. Another thing is that not only the frequent delays of her husband, but also all his behavior became strange. To bring a man to clean water, first call his management and ask why your spouse plows like an ox, without days off and passes, and does not receive extra pay for his labor exploits. It is possible that a conversation with the boss will help shed light on the situation, and then in a conversation with your husband (if he is really to blame), you will have weighty arguments.

Sign #2 - as elegant as a piano

If a man has an affair on the side, he is definitely. For example, he used to bathe once a week, but now every day, before he didn’t wear a tie, but now he does, he began to change his shorts and socks more often, changed his perfume, etc.

“Every woman knows the rhythm of her husband in caring for her appearance, so she will notice any changes. And frankly, this should alert the lady, because if the spouse has become more careful about his appearance, this is a serious call. People don’t change just like that,” emphasizes Elena Kuznetsova.

Sign number 3 - craving for sports

There is nothing wrong with your spouse deciding to go to the gym to lose weight and pump up. But the whole question is under what sauce he served his desire to you. A decent family man who has been married for a long time will never put his wife before the fact: "I go to the gym." He will discuss the issue with her in advance and offer to walk together. It usually looks like this: “Something you and I are completely swearing. Maybe we’ll sign up for the gym or the pool?”

One sign is not proof

Of course, it is not worth judging by only one sign about the betrayal of her husband. But still, be on the lookout. Elena Kuznetsova notes that often women find out too late about their husband's infidelity simply because he ceases to "encrypt" and goes to the left too frankly. When a man loses his caution, he, as a rule, is already completely immersed in other relationships, and it turns out to be very difficult to return him back.

Meanwhile, all of the above signs of infidelity appear at the very beginning of the spouse's novel. Often, women even notice changes in their husband's behavior, but do not attach any importance to them, but in vain - the sooner you "catch" betrayal, the more likely you are to defeat your rival.

If you turned out to be an attentive wife and quickly declassified your husband, do not rush to arrange a showdown with him. To start, counterpunch your opponent. For your man, you need to sincerely share his interests. Plus - you need: makeup, a new dress, sexy lingerie. Third - lead an active life - in defiance of her husband. Leave the house dressed up, return happy, tell that you were at the cinema with your friends, while the husband should have the feeling that you are not telling him something. You need to become a femme fatale, a mystery woman. Provoke. If he is "led", then you have every chance to destroy his romance on the side.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and You", family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35. Call on weekdays from 11:00 to 19:00.

“Pulling out for jealousy is the most effective method of testing. If the husband reacts to a provocation, then he can still be returned, because, but only with his wife. And how do they reason? Mine is stationary, will not go anywhere, and how good it is for me, she takes care of me, and my princess on the side pleases me. with a mini-harem, and suddenly someone is trying to take his wife away. How come? A man does not want to give up the comfort and well-established life, which he is more than satisfied with, ”explains Elena Kuznetsova.

According to her, the older people get, the more important comfort is for them, so if a man has not had time to immerse himself in a new relationship, he can be returned.

If you want to suggest your topics related to interpersonal relationships, write to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected] .

Subconsciously, every woman understands that her loved one can cheat on her. However, it seems to us that betrayal is possible only between a couple, in whose relationship problems have been brewing for a long time, and betrayal is impossible between loving people. But, according to the statistics of various psychological and sociological studies, men can change regardless of the presence of feelings for their soulmate. Since every action has its own root cause, having learned about the betrayal of a loved one, we all want to understand why this happened. Trying to answer such a difficult question, specialists from various psychological centers conducted a global survey and identified 25 reasons why men cheat. Of course, in reality, there can be much more motives pushing a man to cheat, but it is the factors listed below that most often become the main “triggers” before cheating.

Top 25 reasons pushing a man to cheat

1. Inability to say "No"

Not always a man is the initiator of treason. But, if he attracted the attention of a woman who is interesting to him, and this woman unambiguously hints to him about the desire to continue acquaintance, most likely, he will agree. On the one hand, subconsciously, a man will not want to refuse a girl, and on the other hand, his pride, of course, will be flattered by attention from the outside.

2. Desire to assert yourself

Some men perceive mistresses as a kind of trophy that increases their own significance. This is especially true for middle-aged men, because the presence of new connections is proof of male attractiveness.

3. Influence of friends

Very often, men, having close friends whom they value and trust, unwittingly copy each other's behavior. First, it is important for a man to earn no less than his best friend, then to marry an equally attractive and loving girl, and then to find a lover no less young than his friend. This behavior is explained by the natural male desire for rivalry.

4. Boredom

Cheating is perceived by a man as a kind of adventure and experiment, which dispels boredom and spiritual sadness very well. At the same time, a man can be satisfied with everything in his family life, but a little intrigue or a hasty romance gives him the opportunity to feel free from routine and obligations.

5. He sees cheating as a status symbol.

Sometimes men perceive betrayal as a symbol of their prosperous life, in which there is a family, position in society, prosperity and other signs of happiness. As a rule, in this case, men choose mistresses much younger than their years.

6. He wants to feel young

Even living in a happy marriage and tenderly loving his wife, a man sadly recalls the time of a carefree bachelor youth, in which he could afford to change his mistresses without thinking about responsibility. Very often, the desire to feel young and free again pushes a man to change.

7. He wants variety

Men who had limited sexual experience before marriage will subconsciously seek to satisfy their curiosity and look for opportunities to make love with another woman.

8. He is sure that you will not find out about the betrayal.

If a man at least once managed to hide the fact of his betrayal, most likely he will cheat again.

9. Inflated self-esteem.

Some men, often suffering from inflated self-esteem, believe that their attractiveness and dignity give them the right to cheat with impunity. At the same time, they are unlikely to experience remorse, perceiving treason as commonplace.

10. To prove your courage

Some men are sure that the concept of masculinity and male solvency is directly proportional to the number of sexual relationships. For this type of men, cheating is a kind of sport.

11. He is an adventurer

In a way, cheating is a gamble that raises the level of adrenaline in the blood. Some men are so fond of experiencing danger and thinking through moves in order to hide their actions that this entourage becomes the main reason for infidelity.

12. He is a player

What distinguishes a player from an adventurer is only a purposeful desire to deceive and deftly cheat not only his wife, but also many other women. A man of this type of character perceives himself as a real Don Juan and a macho, masterfully breaking the hearts of young ladies in love.

13. Confidence in your love

Perhaps the man deceived you before, and you generously forgave him. Perhaps for some time his conscience tormented him and he honestly tried to be an exemplary spouse. But at one point the situation developed in such a way that he changed again, believing that since you forgave him once, forgive all subsequent ones.

14. He fell in love

The most banal and at the same time the most serious reason forcing a man to change. No one is immune from new hobbies and, perhaps, even from new love, plunged into which, it is impossible to remain faithful.

15. He accepts cheating as the norm.

Some men perceive cheating as the norm. Most often, this perception is programmed in men whose fathers did not keep family fidelity.

16. To fulfill your sexual fantasies

17. He takes revenge on you

Cheating for revenge is more inherent in female behavior. However, it is not uncommon for men to change, guided precisely by this motive. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that a man takes revenge on his wife for her novels on the side. It is possible that in this way he takes revenge on you for resentment, indifference and any other family conflicts.

18. He wants attention

Unfortunately, after living together for several years or even decades, people get used to each other and become less romantic and attentive. In this case, cheating is an attempt to feel loved and needed again.

19. He has a midlife crisis

When a man reaches a certain age and realizes that he has already achieved all his goals, it may seem to him that there will be nothing new and interesting in his life anymore. A midlife crisis is often accompanied by depression, in which infidelity is a kind of painkiller and an opportunity to bring newness into your life.

20. You don't share his interests

If the spouses, apart from the general family budget and the upbringing of children, have nothing more to do, they will inevitably become bored with each other. The lack of spiritual unity with his wife will sooner or later push a man to change.

21. He is a womanizer

Womanizer men have a special scale of values, in which there are no such concepts as love and fidelity. He does not see anything reprehensible in treason, so he easily makes new acquaintances.

22. He doesn't love you anymore

If love ends, but habit or life circumstances do not allow terminating the relationship, the man will cheat on his wife, trying to find the former feeling.

23. You don't love him

Feeling the lack of love on your part, a man will surely look for this feeling in someone else.

24. He wants to end the relationship

So many men begin to cheat at the moment when they realize that their marriage is doomed. They do this consciously, not particularly hiding their deceit, hoping that after learning about the betrayal, you will initiate a divorce.

25. He overdosed on alcohol

Nearly half of all men surveyed admitted that they had cheated on their wives at least once under the influence of alcohol. At the same time, many traitors, after sobering up, repented of their deeds.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from change. However, in order to prevent sad consequences, it is very important not to turn a blind eye to existing problems, try to build your family life on trust and always pay attention to the behavior of your spouse..


Why do men cheat? I know that this question interests many women. He is mainly interested in those women who need a serious and long-term relationship with their beloved man, those who adhere to family values ​​​​and consider betrayal an unforgivable act. And this is understandable, because for a normal relationship, the devotion and trust of partners to each other are of great importance. And betrayal is always pain, suffering and humiliation, and it is sometimes very difficult to survive. Therefore, women do not just care about the issue of male infidelity - they want to know how it can be solved. In this article, I will explain why men cheat on their women, wives, and what a woman can do to prevent cheating. Understanding the causes of male infidelity and the ability to competently influence them will help many of you, dear women, build a reliable relationship with your beloved man or improve existing ones.

First of all, I want to draw your attention, dear readers, to the fact that not all men cheat on their women, despite the polygamy of their nature. And not only because they cannot do this, as some representatives of the weaker sex believe, who see potential traitors in all men, but also because of their beliefs. Unfortunately, there are not very many such men, but they exist, and you should know about it. After all, male infidelity can have a lot of reasons by which it is possible, in some cases, to justify, and in others to explain this act. But if the man himself does not consider betrayal an acceptable act for himself, he will not cheat on the woman he loves and respects. But what kind of man is next to a woman depends on her.

True, in life there are more often such men who can cheat on their woman if they have a reason or a reason for cheating. Below I will talk about the main reasons why men cheat, and you, dear women, be sure to think about exactly how your behavior can contribute to male cheating. First of all, you really need to exclude your own mistakes, because of which a man can change you, and only then look for opportunities to influence him, if at all possible. Keep in mind that there are men who you will never change - they have cheated, are cheating and will cheat on all the women with whom they begin to live. And if your man is just like that, then you just have to put up with his betrayals, or leave him. And there are men who cheat on their woman to a greater extent through her own fault. In this case, a woman should pay attention to herself and her actions, her behavior with a man, her attitude towards him. And then, correct all those shortcomings that push her man to cheat. Unless, of course, the man is dear to her, and she wants him to be faithful to her. So carefully study the reasons for male infidelity described below and then compare them with what was or what is in your life.

Causes of male infidelity

1. Tendency to change. A man's propensity to cheat depends on his upbringing. As I said above, there are men - who cannot but change, since cheating is part of their life for them. They change not only because they can change, but also because they want to. Communicating with such men, I realized that they cannot even imagine life without relationships with different women. Therefore, trying to instill in them other values ​​is a matter, if not absolutely senseless, then at least very difficult. You can, of course, talk about masculine nature, about male polygamy, which pushes him to treason, and we will talk about this below, but still, education in this case plays a very important role. By nature, we are prone to different actions, but this does not mean that they all need to be performed, and then justify these actions with our natural essence. Therefore, it is appropriate to say that there are such men who love to constantly start love affairs with women, and such men appeared not due to nature, but due to education. For them, love victories are a way of life. Women call such men womanizers, and they are easy to recognize - such men pay too much attention to other women, they cannot help but do it. If a woman gets along with such a man, then she should not count on his loyalty. If she needs her. It is important to understand here that if a person has formed just such an attitude towards relationships with the opposite sex and to life in general, then it will practically not work to change this person, at least without his own desire, or without urgent need. After all, people usually live the way they want,
and not as supposedly necessary, especially to someone else. Therefore, many womanizers do not have the desire to give up pleasure and live the life they want. Therefore, either do not get along with such men if they do not suit you, or do not demand from them what they cannot give you. But they can't because they don't want to. Remember that a scorpion stings because it is a scorpion, that is its nature. And masculine nature forces him to show attention to other women, as a male to females. And upbringing corresponding to this nature can fix in him an unshakable tendency to treason. This is when a man is taught from childhood that having many women is an achievement and a feat, that real men conquer different women, and are not content with just one. Therefore, the more a man had and has women, the better, the higher his value. And this is not only a male point of view, but women themselves can think so. Therefore, for some of them, male polygamy is the norm, since it is an integral biological quality of the stronger sex. A man with such beliefs will not want to limit himself in his desires.

2. Pursuit of pleasure . You know, I pay special attention to this moment, because I believe that pacifying one’s desires and appetites for the sake of both one’s own and others’ good is characteristic of exceptionally prudent people. All people in this life strive for pleasure, avoiding pain, this is a natural desire for us. But you can strive for pleasure in different ways - you can do it while respecting the interests and needs of other people, especially close, dear, beloved people, or you can be a terrible egoist and think only about yourself. So, when a man does not put the interests, feelings, needs and desires of his woman, wife, into anything, thinking only about himself, about his interests, desires and needs, he is a real egoist, the desire for pleasure which pushes him not only to treason, but also to many other actions unacceptable for a woman. For example, disorderly spending of money, excessive drinking, gambling, and so on. Many women who live with such men and with whom I have worked have said that their husband has become an egoist. That is, you see, from their point of view, he was not him when they met, but became an egoist, after a while. This really happens, for a number of reasons, I will not deny it. Too good a life relaxes a man, and he begins to allow himself a lot. But very often an overly selfish man can be recognized at the initial stage of acquaintance with him. You just need to pay attention to all sorts of little things in his behavior. And then it will be possible to see whether he is an egoist or not. Or rather, what an egoist he is - creepy or moderate. If you see that he is everything for himself, everything for himself, everything for himself, that he often forgets about your interests and you constantly have to ask him for something, but he himself cannot guess about your needs - draw conclusions. Even by such seemingly distant things as a frequent change of car, when a man is constantly striving to buy himself a new, modern car, one can understand what his nature is. And it's not about money, it's about striving for a new, better, which can be too reckless, which indicates a person's inability to appreciate what he already has. In itself, striving for something new and better is the right striving, but the form of this striving can be different. If, say, having a good, working car, a man unnecessarily changes it for a new one, striving for pleasure, like a child, then why can't he do the same with his woman, cheating on her for the same pleasure? You see, dear women, the maturity of the mind is determined, among other things, by the ability of a person to control his desires. Selfishness, in its unattractive form, is inherent in children, that is, in an immature mind. Children are also drawn to pleasure, without realizing what such a desire can lead them to, and if they are not limited, then they can, first of all, harm themselves. Only an adult, a man, should be able and willing to limit himself, for the sake of a normal, stable life, for the sake of happiness with his woman. If he does not do this, you should not be surprised at his betrayal, betrayal. There is little demand from children.

3. Desire to diversify your sex life. This desire is inherent in very many people of both sexes. The only question is how strongly it manifests itself and in what form. Over time, everything becomes boring, this is understandable, but to maintain interest in life, in sex, in the opposite sex, in your woman or in your man, you need some kind of variety. A man especially needs this, because his masculine nature cannot put up with the monotony in sexual relations. The Coolidge effect just describes the theory of male polygamy, read about it to understand what needs are inherent in male nature. Therefore, a woman either herself needs to introduce some kind of variety into her sexual life, or it is likely that a man will look for this variety on the side. In principle, if you approach this issue with imagination and enthusiasm, then you can diversify sexual relations very well, and in such a way that it will be interesting and give great pleasure not only to a man, but also to a woman. There are many ways to diversify your sexual life. So you can study them and use them.

4. Dissatisfaction. In part, this paragraph is a continuation of the previous one, only in this case, the sexual dissatisfaction of a man can be associated not only with the lack of diversity in sex, but also with its insufficient quantity and poor quality. Also, the simplicity of sexual relations, without, so to speak, sexual fantasies, which have long become the norm for our depraved society, can affect the sexual dissatisfaction of a man. These fantasies, in fact, there is nothing wrong with them, this is a kind of highlight in sex, which affects its quality. She must be present in the relationship between a man and a woman, so that they are interested in each other and that they are drawn to each other. Therefore, if there is little sex in a man’s life or it is of insufficient quality, he may well be pulled to the left. But this is fixable, if only for the woman herself it is not a problem.

5. Lack of intimacy. Sex is sex, but we are still people, not animals, therefore, in addition to animal instinctive needs, we also have human spiritual needs, including spiritual intimacy with a loved one. Based on my work experience, I can say that there are not many men who are dissatisfied with their relationship with a woman due to the lack of spiritual intimacy with her, and therefore cheat on her. But they are, so this male need for a woman must be taken into account. In general, a woman who loves her man usually does not have problems with intimacy with him. Nevertheless, this point should be given more attention. Rare men who appreciate in a woman, including her spiritual qualities, are valuable in their own way, but they also have unique needs. Do not forget to satisfy them, and then such a man will simply have no reason to cheat on you.

6. Desire to assert itself. It is also a very common reason why men cheat. Such a desire occurs mainly in notorious and insecure men. Representing nothing of themselves, they want to fill the inner void with insignificant external achievements, seeing in this the only opportunity for themselves to become more significant, primarily in their own eyes as people. But there are also men who do it out of conviction and even with a certain degree of aggressiveness, since they are sure that self-affirmation through numerous sexual victories is a manifestation of the strong qualities of a man. You can deal with a man’s self-doubt and his complexes, a woman can do it herself, with the help of the right attitude towards her man, or by contacting a specialist who will tell her what and how to do. But with the beliefs that a man holds about sexual victories, with the help of which he asserts himself, things are more complicated. Here it is already necessary to change the worldview of a man, instill in him new values, show him life from the other side. Not every specialist can do it. However, if a man himself recognizes the need to change his behavior, for the sake of his woman, for the sake of his family, for the sake of happiness, he can be helped.

7. Dissatisfaction with your life. Some men may decide to cheat because of dissatisfaction with their lives. In this case, a woman may have nothing to do with the behavior of a man, who, according to a number of other criteria, may rate the quality of his life very low. Hence, he needs to improve it with the help of new sensations, new acquaintances, new relationships, new adventures. The case is not frequent, but rather interesting, primarily because such a man can treat his woman very well, but still cheat on her. Such a man, in order to stop cheating on his woman, wife, and generally stop being dissatisfied with his life, needs to rethink a lot. A woman in this case should advise her man to change, for example, a job if he does not like it, or a place of residence if it is terrible, in order to improve the quality of his and at the same time her life. Then betrayal, as a means of consolation, a man will not need. However, if the situation is difficult, if a man’s dissatisfaction with his life is explained by his dissatisfaction with his relationship with his woman, thus shifting responsibility for his own, primarily internal problems, to her, then it is necessary to understand this issue more thoroughly. After all, the same midlife crisis can affect a man’s vision of his life in exceptionally gloomy colors, which will not correspond to reality, but nevertheless will have a very strong impact on his behavior. And if a man is not able to clearly articulate his thoughts, explaining his dissatisfaction with his relationship with a woman - he cannot explain what exactly he does not like, what does not suit him, what he lacks in this relationship - it is better to drag him to a psychologist, by any means. Otherwise, such dissatisfaction may begin to manifest itself in him not only in treason, but also in other wrong and thoughtless actions.

8. Revenge. If in a woman's life there were actions that caused a strong offense to her man, if she herself was unfaithful to him, then the likelihood that he will cheat on her because of revenge is quite high. But this can be avoided, or you can make sure that a man’s betrayal does not happen again because of this reason again, and for this you need to start treating him very well, showing him your love and respect, and showing that you appreciate him very much, like a man. It is important that a man feel like a man, and not a rag that you can wipe your feet on. Show him that you cheated on him by mistake, and not because the other man was better than him. Thus, it is possible to dissolve the resentment that has settled in him, and then the desire to change in order to take revenge will disappear from him. In general, dear women, try not to make such mistakes that can negatively affect your life, and in particular, your relationship with your man. I understand that this sounds somewhat banal, but you know, when a person often thinks about this - about the consequences of his actions, he begins to take them into account. Therefore, I believe that every woman needs to think more often about what this or that act of hers will lead to before committing it. You just need to get used to it. Then you will not do anything for which your man wants to take revenge on you, including with the help of treason.

9. Boredom. Sometimes a man becomes simply bored and uninterested with his woman, as a result of which he begins to be drawn to adventures on the side. This is one of the most common causes of male infidelity, but I nevertheless believe that it takes its origin from upbringing. Yes, living with one woman who, for example, is not interested in what a man is interested in, and also takes care of children all day long, without paying enough attention to him, can become boring over time. But I can say with full confidence that any life becomes boring over time, and making it interesting by causing pain to another person, I think, is unacceptable for a serious, cultured, well-mannered person. In my understanding, boredom is not a reason to cheat, it's a reason to cheat. And if a man uses this occasion to improve his life, but at the same time worsen it for his woman, this speaks of his low moral and spiritual qualities. If a woman is ready to put up with this, she can turn a blind eye to this, if not, she should think about a more worthy life partner.

10. Weakness. The weak character of a man, because of which he follows everyone's lead, can cause another woman to seduce him and he decides to cheat. And if his woman, his wife, constantly pushes him around, having complete power over him, then he will cheat on her without any regret. Such weak men, of course, are disgusting, but often women themselves make their men so, driving them under the heel. Those women who want to dominate their men go against the laws of nature. They kill the man in their men. On the one hand, this allows a woman to gain power over her man and obtain obedience from him, but on the other hand, she gets either an extremely unprepossessing man, who is practically incapable of anything, or complete squalor, power over which can be intercepted by any more or less active woman. Therefore, I believe, I am simply convinced of this, that for a normal relationship, a man must remain a man, and a woman a woman. I understand that life today dictates its own rules when a woman needs to take on men's responsibilities - to support herself, her children and even her family, solve problems, do other things for which a man is more suitable. It is difficult for such women to give leadership in the family to a man, especially a man who does not even remotely resemble a leader. But there is no need to suppress such men. You can try to help them become normal men, there are such opportunities, but you don’t need to make a rag out of them and then wipe your feet on it. Today you wipe your feet on this rag, tomorrow it will be done by another woman who will take away this toy from you not without her, or rather his, consent. A weak man is greedy for everything, and so that he does not cheat, he needs to instill self-esteem, so that he respects himself and his woman, and does not allow anyone to interfere in his personal life, let alone ruin it. And a depressed, humiliated, zatyukany man - has no self-esteem - it is killed in him. He does not control external factors, they control him. Such a peasant can change, and sleep, and do a lot of all sorts of stupid things. And in general, there is not much benefit from such males. So, dear women, think carefully before suppressing a man in a man, with the expectation that he will become a toy for you, which you can twist and turn as you wish. Such, let's say, a man, can not only change you, but also deliver a lot of other troubles.

Here, in fact, are all the main causes of male infidelity, which I most often had to deal with in my practice. We will talk about other reasons, less significant and less common, another time. So far, I think, these reasons are more than enough for every woman to be able to draw the right conclusions for herself about how she should and how she should not behave with her man so that he does not have a desire to cheat on her. Also, a woman should think very well, and even better, consult with knowledgeable people about what kind of man she is best to connect her fate with, given her desires and plans for life. For not every man is able to be what a woman wants to see in him.

In conclusion, I would like to say a little about what I see as the main problem of male infidelity and why it needs to be solved so that both the man and the woman feel good together, so that they are happy with each other. Everything, I think, depends on people's attitude to life and what they want to get from it.

If a person professes family values, then this is one thing, but if a person professes free love and a lifestyle free from any obligations, then this is another. Each person has their own desires and goals in life. And, I think, everyone needs to act on the basis of these very desires and goals, without deceiving themselves and other people. If a man cannot or does not want to live a family life that implies taking on certain responsibilities and obligations, then he does not need to get married, have children, and then run to the left, thus creating certain problems for his family. After all, not every woman will accept this. No need to spoil the lives of other people, because you can live the way you want, with those who share your views on life. And a woman should also understand this, that there is no need to get along with such a man who is not capable of not only being faithful to his beloved person, beloved woman, but also living a family life in general. Well, some men are not suitable for this, whatever one may say.

And in general, we all need to remember that we are driven not only by our instincts, but also by reason. Therefore, we need to learn to subdue our selfishness and not be led by some of our desires, so as not to hurt other people, especially those we love and appreciate, who trust us. So, if a man can change, this does not mean that he needs to do it. If next to him is a good, loving, respectful woman, then cheating on her - he, I think, is cheating on himself. He betrays not only her, but also himself and his happiness!

In this article, I want to tell you woman why men cheat or can cheat on you.

This article is very closely related to this one: Be sure to read it too! Study. Realize. Take on board and put the advice into practice.

REASON #1. Lack of quality regular sex

The very first, most basic, because of which there may be a betrayal on the part of a man - the lack of quality regular sex. Woman, understand, realize yo-mae, the harmonious development of relations is possible subject to the presence of constant high-quality sex. No sex - 100% no.

Sex for us men is a basic need. We are men, that's how we are. We are so created. We are animals. Wild animals. It is in us. Lust, debauchery, mate, etc. It's within us. In short, I'm telling you like a man - sex is important. Sex is needed all the time. And sex should be awesome (cool), so that the roof is blown straight away, so that the man gets high, gets maximum pleasure.

You must satisfy your beast, your man - 100%. Not 50% or even 99%, 100% - this is what you must learn once and for all. You understand, if you don’t give something to your man, your beast, then what he really wants, he will find it on the side. Another woman will give it to him. Give what you didn't give. Do you need it? No, so satisfy 100%.

A man must always want you! Constantly. Want. Fuck! You have to turn him on. Excite. He's got to blow the roof off of you. If this does not happen, and there is no regular quality sex, there will be no relationship with this man. Dot. Therefore, either you solve this problem, or wait - parting / betrayal / quarrels, etc. and so on. 100% guarantee to you.

IMPORTANT: at the very beginning of a relationship, everything is new - sex, kissing, touching, spoken words, etc. and so on. but, over time, all this loses its charm and its colors, and you will get bored with each other (even in terms of sex). So, it is very important not to allow this boredom. It is important not to be idle.

It is important to urgently get rid of it (boredom, monotony, etc.). Relationships are a constant work, both from the side - men, and from the side - women. Understand? If there is no this constant work, it will not be possible to maintain harmonious full-fledged relations.

In case the sex is not of high quality…

Woman, I have a question for you. Do you consider yourself sexy? That's straight, real sexy girl?! Look, here's your task, go to the mirror, strip completely naked and look at yourself.

What do you see there? Do you consider yourself f*cking? Sexy? Are you enjoying yourself? From your body? Just let's adequately assess the situation, honestly, because this is important for you in the first place.

In case you are shy about something, you are ashamed of your body, you think that you have some shortcomings, etc. and so on. - we, men, will immediately feel it during sex.

Do you know why we feel it? Because you convey it. If you don’t like yourself, you are not completely satisfied with yourself, if you are embarrassed about something, etc. you will not be fully liberated during sex, you will not be able to completely relax and get the maximum pleasure from sex.

Because of this, the man will also not be able to enjoy. A man will see this in you, he will feel that something is wrong, in general, this atmosphere is transmitted to him. Understand? As a result, there will be no quality sex. And if there is no sex and quality sex, there is no relationship.

Lack of sex or poor quality sex is one of the first reasons for cheating. A man will go to someone who will give him cool, awesome sex. Such sex where he will demolish the tower. And cool sex will be given by the one who gets high from herself, who is liberated, revealed to the fullest. Who is feminine and sexy.

Here is what I want to convey to you:

  • If you don't love yourself, how should a man love you?
  • If you do not respect yourself, how will someone (man) respect you?
  • If you don't value yourself, how will someone (man) appreciate you?

Do you understand what I want to convey to you? If you don't like something about yourself, then how should a man like you? Fix it. Instantly. The man must want you! Constantly. Want. Fuck! You have to turn him on. The man is a beast. Animal. He needs a woman! Female.

You should not be ashamed of something there, yourself, positions, process, sex itself, etc. and so on. Otherwise, don't expect anything good. 100% guarantee to you. In many ways, a woman should feel her man, what he likes, how he wants, what is best for him, etc. and so on. and take the initiative.

There must be variety. Necessarily. In different places. In different poses. At different times. Clothing, stockings, underwear, etc. also plays a role. In short, there should be no monotony. Something new in a different way with new colors. Surprises, romance. On everything and everything again.

Remember, relationships are ongoing work. At both sides. There will be no work - the end.

REASON #2. You act like a MAN 🙁

Now it is very fashionable and popular, all these strong independent women, careerists, work, I’m all on my own, I don’t need anything, I don’t need help, I decide everything myself, I control everything, well, in general, in many ways, dominant behavior, behavior man. But you're not a man, you're a woman. And as a result, it turns out that you are a hybrid, a woman-man. Do you think it's ok? Not at all.

Strong independent women = not happy. What is the use of the fact that she (or you) has achieved everything herself or will achieve it when she (you) will be unhappy in the end?

What's the point of everything when you're not happy? A? Woman. Answer my question. What's the point? You were born a girl. You are not a man. Understand. Your strength is in your femininity. Understand and be aware of this.

When you behave like a man, you lose yourself as a woman, your femininity. Understand? You're only making it worse. Be yourself. Be a woman. Let yourself be happy. It is most important.

We men don't like hybrids (women-men). It's horrible. A man needs a woman. Understand? A man doesn't need a man (fu, byaka), a man needs you as a woman. A woman is inspiration, strength, energy for a man. And you need to pump the femininity in yourself!

You women are a huge motivation for us. For your sake, I want to move mountains, achieve success in life, give gifts, make surprises, etc. and so on. everything is largely for you. For everything to be fine with you, you must be a woman for your man. Source of energy. His inspiration. Rear. By force. Understand that. Understand. A high-ranking man will achieve everything in life (and with the help of your help, your femininity), if he has not already achieved it. Understand? The main result is that you are happy and he is happy. Why do you need to be a man if there is no happiness? Think...

When you are on man, you don't let your man feel like a man. In addition, you lose your femininity. Quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings, problems in sex, etc. begin. you only make it worse. Understand? Only worse! You are a woman and your strength is in femininity. Understand and you will be happy. Embrace your femininity! Bring out the woman in you. Upgrade!

Reason 3. Monotony, routine, routine, boredom ...

That is one of the main reasons. Uniformity in everything. Got used. Bored. Tired of each other. Boredom. Yearning. Nothing new and such in the new colors does not happen. It puts up a cross. Relationships are a constant work on the part of both. And men. And women. Forgetting about it is impossible. Dot. Even if the man is already yours, or vice versa, the man is your woman, you need to work. In a relationship, everything should not be boring, everything is banal and everything is predictable, otherwise failure, parting, quarrels. treason, etc. end.

(not related to you)

Woman, understand. The man is an animal. Wild animal. Beast. You can be the best for him, in everything, but he just hasn’t worked up yet and wants other women, wants a quantity, i.e. wants to get fucked enough, fuck as many females as possible. Understand? It has nothing to do with you.

I’m telling you, you can be just perfect in everything, but if a man doesn’t work up, nothing will come of it. You just chose the wrong partner for yourself, there's nothing you can do about it. That's why it's very important (for you women) to choose the right partner for you. Not to be next on the list...

For a relationship, you need to take a man. Ideally, the finished product. Wealthy, with a bubble, etc. to keep the risk to a minimum. A man without money is not a man. Dot. The main function of a man is to get money. That's all. If a man cannot get money, what kind of a man is he?

A lot more needs to be punched about a man in order to understand what it is. A man (high-ranking) has the following qualities: courage, responsibility, powerful / strong inner state, courage, leadership, and much more.

Remember: a high-ranking man needs the same high-ranking woman. You must match him. For example, if a man strives for success, develops in everything, works, etc. and you are not a woman, no matter how you develop, this is the end. One hundred percent. You understand, a man and a woman must correspond to each other. Therefore, when choosing a partner, common interests, outlook on life, level of intelligence, etc. are important, in general, each person is looking for a similar person in many ways.

You go in for sports, you have a healthy diet, and in general you are healthy = but your man doesn’t, he has beer, cigarettes, etc. (or vice versa) = no relations here are possible in principle. You can't get along when there are different values, everything is different. It is forbidden.

Well, I'll tell you this, you will feel a real worthy man (high-ranking man).

In the vast majority of cases, women choose women with eggs between their legs. Boys, guys, boys, etc. but not like a man. This is one of the most common mistakes. For a decent man is hard to find. Very difficult. Well, seriously.

High-ranking men = very few. These are in huge short supply. There are a lot of low-ranking ones, so most of them come across. If you want a high-ranking man for yourself, you yourself become a high-ranking woman. And so, each creature has a pair, and they get who they are.

In addition, I want to say that all women are still overly emotional. Especially the young ones. Oh god. For you, emotions, feelings, that's just everything. Give you emotions (feelings), feed you with promises and that's it, you are naive fucked. Beauty, feelings (emotions) are cool. I understand, but all these feelings and emotions eventually end sooner or later, a year will pass, for example, and that’s it. And you just ah * eat how you were with this ragamuffin imbicile, who no one even call him like, but fucked you for a whole year.

The man must be chosen very carefully. Not in the way that the vast majority of women choose, because the vast majority themselves are low-ranking females and receive the same males.

Reason 5. Lack of attention to a man

If you forget about your man, don't expect anything good.

That's it. A man should feel that you need him. That without it - you can’t and you can’t at all. Not a fucking day. That he is the main one among all of you. Number 1.

You can go about your business, you have friends there, hobbies, entertainment, in general, you live a full life as a person, but at the same time a man should feel that you need him. If a man feels that he is not so needed or not needed at all, I tell you - do not expect anything good.

There will be scandals, quarrels, betrayal - and there will be someone who will warm him up, who will be there, will give what you did not give, will give this affection, tenderness, attention, care, support, faith, will be there, etc. understand?

Is that what you need? Do you need change? Don't need it, so don't let that shit happen.

Nuance: here it is still important to observe the measure (edge).

There should not be your glut (excess), where you are always like a dog on its hind legs, and vice versa, there should not be a shortage (deficit) where you are not and are not. There must be a middle ground. It is important.

Reason 6. You stopped looking after yourself

You are a woman. And your strength is in your femininity. Your beauty, external, your bodily forms, etc. = are very important to us. You must be forever desirable and sexy for your man.

This item is related to item #1. (sex). If you do not excite your man = the end.

You can't stop looking after yourself. Care. Take care of your beauty. It is forbidden. You are a woman. Do not forget about it. And do not think that if the man is yours, then you can already relax and that's it, hammer in the bolt. No!

And none of your excuses will help you, watch yourself constantly, it's only in your interests. This relationship is a constant work on the part of both. Never, never forget about it.

A man, by the way, should do the same (on a regular basis), but the article is for women ...

Very often women lie to themselves. But I'm ok. I don't need to change anything, etc. woman, be honest with yourself. If it’s really ok, you plow, work, follow, etc. - you're smart, well done, if not - pasha, work hard, don't start it, never. And remember: there is no limit to perfection.

Reason 7. Frequent quarrels

Arguments kill relationships. It is a fact. To relieve stress, a man can easily go to his mistress. Do you need it? You don't need it, so less *bi brain, less drinking, more mutual understanding, trust, work on your relationships, cover each other's needs and work in general.

Reason 8. Long separation

Relationships are when you are near, with each other, figuratively speaking, “always”.

Long distance is not a relationship. There can be no long distance relationship. This is dog shit. Next to a high-ranking male = many women. For him, competition (struggle). If a woman is not around long enough, cheating is very, very likely. The man is a beast. Animal. Long with unmet needs will not last. And in general, betrayal at this point is also possible on the part of a woman, so no long separations from either side. Relationships are together.

Reason 9. You act like a mother, not a wife

Many women have - a scourge, to educate a man.

Woman, understand, you are not a mother, you are a wife! You are his woman. You don't need to educate a man. If you try to educate him, there will be quarrels, scandals, etc. And quarrels are not good because betrayal is possible. Comprendo? And in order not to educate - take a man right away, a finished product, and not sniff your mother or gouging. Take a ready, worthy man, and for this you need to think with your head and choose carefully.

Reason 10. Constant jealousy

Woman, remember: if a high-ranking male is next to you = and he is with you, rejoice.

Because he chose you! And I could choose any other. Understand? Therefore, jealousy is not needed, so you will only show your self-doubt (your low-ranking). And a high-ranking one needs an appropriate female. Do not doubt, a man will look at other women absolutely always. But he sleeps with you. He fucks you. Relationship builds with you. Lives with you. Etc.

Do not wind yourself up and do not throw tantrums and quarrels over nothing. Nothing good will come of it.

This does not mean that you can relax your rolls and that's it, he will always be with you, no! Relationships are constant work, constant. Watch yourself. Develop. Constantly. Be a woman. Feminine. Develop as a person. Close one hundred percent of the needs of a man. And so on and there will be happiness.

There are 11 more reasons: drunk, but I won’t even consider it. A high-ranking male either does not drink at all, or in very small quantities. And with low-ranking (by the way) this can be a reality.

Summing up,

  • Reason 1. Lack of quality regular sex
  • Reason 2. You act like a man (no femininity)
  • Reason 3. Monotony, routine, routine
  • Reason 4. The man did not work up (with you woman, this is not connected)
  • Reason 5. Lack of attention to a man
  • Reason 6. You have ceased to constantly monitor yourself "hammered the bolt."
  • Reason 7. Frequent quarrels
  • Reason 8. Long separation
  • Reason 9. You act like a mother, not a wife
  • Reason 10. Constant jealousy

I'm sure now you know why men cheat or can cheat. Take the information into service, and there are great chances for the prosperity of a long-lasting, harmonious and happy relationship. Good luck to you! Bye.

Best regards, administrator.