Mysterious kirigami - tips for beginners. Kirigami schemes for beginners: tips and diagrams for the execution of the technique Kirigami technique simple animal figurines for children

What is kirigami

Kirigami is a Japanese word that consists of two words: "to iru" - cut + " kami"- paper. This is one of the paperwork techniques for creating three-dimensional images of objects, which consists in cutting and folding paper in a certain way to create a three-dimensional form. Kirigami is similar to origami in that it is a form of paper art. The main difference between them is this: in origami you only fold the paper, while in kirigami you not only fold but also cut the paper.

One of the directions of kirigami is pop-up postcards, or folding postcards. When it is opened, the form folded between its pages straightens and becomes voluminous. Often this technique is used in children's books, where houses, castles, entire landscapes and characters of the book seem to appear out of nowhere as soon as you turn the page. Impressive effect!

To design kirigami, you need to understand the basic principles for creating such three-dimensional forms. We will talk about this in a separate article on this topic.

Kirigami is a hobby that does not require many expensive materials, but the effect that can be achieved with minimal materials - paper and a knife - is amazing. Below you will find a number of free templates and patterns for creating kirigami castles in the style of a pop-up card.

Kirigami castle templates

Kirigami postcards can be created on a single sheet of paper. But you can also use two sheets of contrasting colors: one for creating the kirigami project itself, and the second as the basis for the postcard, as in the picture below.

Also, the castle can be tinted with pencils or a pen.

Below are 11 kirigami castle designs that you can print out. Below we will discuss the principles of folding and cutting paper to create these castles.

Kirigami Castle No. 1.

Pattern of this lock:

Kirigami Castle No. 2.

Pattern of this lock:

Kirigami Castle No. 3.

Lock pattern:

Kirigami Castle No. 4.

Kirigami Castle No. 5.

Kirigami Castle No. 6.

Kirigami Castle No. 7.

Kirigami Castle No. 8.

Several kirigami castle templates without end result images:

How to create a kirigami postcard with locks?

It is better to use thicker paper for printing templates. Slots are easier to make by helping yourself with a ruler. The incisions can be made with a utility knife or scalpel. Use the stylus as an auxiliary tool to fold paper.

There are two types of kirigami schemes in our templates: multi-colored with lines of different colors and black and white. Let's start with the first type of schemes - multi-colored. In these diagrams, different line colors represent different types of paper folds and cuts, namely fold in, fold out, and the size line. Since the schemes belong to different authors, the colors responsible for different types of work with lines are different. But looking at ready-made projects with a lock next to the templates, it is easy to figure out what kind of line a certain color is responsible for. For example, in project #7, the red line is the inward fold line, the gray line is the cut line, and the blue line is the outward fold. In project No. 8, the red dotted line is the cut line, the pink dotted line is the inward fold, and the blue dotted line is the outward fold.

In the second type of schemes - black and white - the following lines and their designations are used:

  • solid line - size line;
  • dotted line - inward bend;
  • dotted line - outward bend.

After printing the template with a lock, lay the sheet on a board or cardboard, and use a clerical knife to cut along the lines on the template that are intended for cutting. A more difficult stage is folds. First, gently fold the card along the center line without hitting the lock itself. Then, for each line in the lock pattern, fold inward or outward, depending on the type of line. In this case, place a finger or a stylus under the bent element for support.

Many will appreciate the kirigami style pop-up card with the image of a delicious cake! This product is perfect as a birthday card.

Let's take a closer look at the manufacturing process:

1. save the templates below on your computer:

2. now we print the templates, it is better to use thicker paper. The base itself is on white A4 paper, and patterned additional details, which are blue in the image of the finished cake, are on blue colored paper.

White paper can also be used to print patterned details.

3. we put cardboard under a sheet of paper so as not to damage the surface of the table;

4. Using an X-Acto knife, or another sharp knife, cut out the cake along the contour, blue patterned details.

If before that you printed patterned details on a white sheet of paper, then you need to put colored paper under the bottom of the sheet with a contour, fasten it with paper clips on all sides and cut it out immediately through a double layer of paper.

5. At the moment, our postcard in a collapsible state looks like this:

6. bend the sheet along the lines marked with dots in the opposite direction from ourselves.

7. We apply the patterned details to the white base of the cake and carefully thread the candles into the slots on the blue paper of the top part. We glue the patterned blue details to the base cake, after which the cake will look like this:

8. now it remains to glue the colored paper on the back of the sheet. You can use blue paper, as in our example. Pink paper is also well suited for this purpose.

9. The cake card is now ready.

Perhaps this will be of interest to you too.

Kirigami or pop-up (pop-up) - the art of cutting paper postcards, "clamshells". You open one - like a devil from a snuffbox, an image pops up. Postcards are unusual, but in their manufacture, in fact, there is nothing complicated. To help you, we have collected the simplest schemes and kirigami patterns for beginners.

We analyze kirigami schemes

Kirigami schemes for beginners are extremely simple: paper will need to be cut along solid lines, and bent along dotted lines. Where color markings are used, red lines usually indicate the fold-"trough", green - the fold-bulge, black - cuts.

Tools for the job

Unlike origami, the art of folding, kirigami allows the use of a knife and glue. To make a simple kirigami for beginners, you will only need:

  • craft knife or cutter
  • ruler,
  • a self-healing rug or any dense backing that will protect your table from scratches,
  • paper clips or masking tape to attach the template to paper,
  • thick paper or thin cardboard.

How to make a kirigami postcard

If this is your first time getting started, print out a simpler diagram and practice on it. Place a rug under the diagram and use a ruler (preferably a metal one) to make neat cuts. If you are afraid to make a mistake and cut something superfluous, color the cut lines and fold lines with different felt-tip pens.

Happened? Then print out a new diagram, attach it to a sheet of colored paper with paper clips or masking tape and cut it out. Even beginners can handle the pictures from our selection of kirigami.

Experiment, and you will always have an original postcard for any holiday!

The simplest kirigami postcards

herringbone kirigami

These are the simplest kirigami postcards - it will be convenient for beginners to train on them. For these postcards, you don’t even need a printer - you can redraw the diagram on a piece of paper in a cage.

When you get your first Christmas tree, try to draw your own and cut it out: you can make kirigami postcards according to your own patterns.

birthday kirigami cards

Such a card can be made for any holiday: birthday, wedding day ... yes, even Cosmonaut's Day! To simple "stands" you can stick any image suitable for the occasion.

This postcard is not much more difficult. You will need double-sided paper for this.

Postcards with letters

Mastered the simplest postcards? Then learn how to cut the letters pop-up.

Kirigami Valentines

You don't have to wait for a special occasion to surprise your loved one. A kirigami postcard can be hidden in a diary or a book that a loved one reads - it will turn out to be a real surprise.

"Seasonal" postcards

In this collection, we have collected simple kirigami postcard schemes dedicated to the new year or the onset of autumn. Having adapted, you can cut out several of these postcards at once, just take care that the sheets of paper do not move relative to each other.

For such postcards, you can use double-sided paper.

New Year's kirigami - master class

How to make a snowflake out of paper? How to cut a beautiful snowflake?

Beautiful paper snowflakes will be a good home decoration for the New Year. They will create an atmosphere of a snow-white, winter fairy tale in the apartment. And just cutting paper snowflakes of various shapes can be fun, because this is an exciting activity and they should also captivate their children. If you don’t know how to cut snowflakes out of paper, or if you forgot how to do it, then this is not a problem. Next, you will see that everything is very simple. Even a child can handle it. For the New Year holiday, we suggest you make a lot of snowflakes and, moreover, of different shapes.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper?

It is surprisingly easy to create a beautiful snowflake from a regular sheet of paper. To do this, you just need to use - scissors, paper, pencil, beautiful schemes, your inspiration and some free time.

We first fold the snowflake blank from a square sheet of paper, as shown in the picture below. Using various beautiful schemes, it is possible to cut hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of snowflakes of various, beautiful and unpredictable shapes from the created triangular base.

Using a simple pencil, we transfer the drawings that are shown in the diagrams to the base, and then cut out the snowflakes.

At the end of the article you can find other patterns for cutting paper snowflakes.

How to make a volumetric snowflake out of paper?

A three-dimensional snowflake looks much more spectacular than a regular snowflake, and it is also easy to create (a little more difficult). Similar fabulous 3D snowflakes can be hung around the rooms, as well as on the Christmas tree itself to create an atmosphere of the New Year holiday. You will need: 6 square sheets of paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, some inspiration and free time (15 minutes is enough). A voluminous snowflake, if desired, can be made multi-colored using colored paper to create its individual elements. But before you learn how to create volumetric snowflakes without instructions, it is better to use plain white paper (first practice on it). And the snow-white voluminous snowflake will always be in fashion.

1. First we make 6 such square blanks for the future snowflake. You can download these blanks for small or large snowfields, and then print them out on a printer. If you are creating a large snowflake, then it is better to use high-density paper - this is necessary so that the snowflake can hold its shape. Fold each square in half diagonally and make cuts with scissors, heading from the fold to the center line.

2. We open the square with cuts, which was folded diagonally, and place it in front of us as shown in the picture. We twist the first row of strips with a tube and fasten them with glue.

3. We turn the snowflake over to the other side and start working with the next two strips: we also connect them and fasten them with glue. We continue to work in the same spirit: we turn the snowflake over and fasten the remaining strips. As a result of the actions taken, we should have such a twisted bizarre element.

4. We have created one of the rays for our three-dimensional snowflake, and we need to make six of these! Therefore, we do the same with the other 5 blanks. We connect in the middle three rays of snowflakes with a stapler. Similarly, we connect the remaining three rays of the snowflake. Next, we connect these two large parts together.

5. Our beautiful volumetric snowflake is almost ready! It is only necessary with the help of glue to connect the snowflake in those places where the rays touch each other. This is necessary in order for the snowflake to keep its shape properly.

So we made a voluminous snowflake out of paper! What good fellows we are! Now you can color it too!

How to make a three-dimensional origami snowflake?

It will not be so easy here, and it is possible that you will spend at least one hour creating your first origami snowflake. Well, in the future, when you understand the algorithm for creating such snowflakes, things will go much faster. One caveat - the thinner the paper, the more elegant the snowflakes will turn out. Translucent translucent snowflakes will look great on the window. Well, at first you can train on office plain paper.

Before creating an origami snowflake, you need to turn a rectangular or square sheet of paper into a hexagon. This is one of the most important points, which will then affect whether our venture will be successful.

1. We fold the paper twice in half so that clear fold lines are visible.

2. Fold one corner with the top towards the center. We bend the top flap to the edge. Now we have 2 more fold lines.

3. We bend the paper in half again as shown in the picture on the left. To make the figure from the right picture come out, use two X marks as a reference point and bend flap A along the dotted line.

4. Combining the blue and red lines, bend the valve. As a result of these actions, you should get a shape that looks like a heart.

5. Focusing on the X points, cut off a part of the workpiece along the blue line with scissors. In the future, we only need a hexagon - part A.

If you have any difficulties with the hexagon, then you can find tips and answers in the video:

6. We bend one of the sides of the hexagon to the center to form a fold line. We do the same with all 6 sides. Now we have many lines within our hexagon that form small triangles.

7. Again, bend the edge of the hexagon to the center. Using the fold lines made in the previous step, we bend flap A to B, as shown in the left picture. We fold the other two sides of the hexagon in the same way until we create a figure that resembles a pinwheel in shape. The last valve can easily cause difficulty, since it will be hidden under the fold. It needs to be pulled out so that we have six valves sticking out, as shown in the picture on the right.

8. Lightly press the fold of each pocket with your finger to form something similar to the picture in the center. It does not matter which of the valves will be on top.

9. We bend on each unfolded pocket two blue corners to the central part of the dotted line. This must be done to prepare the fold line for the next step. The resulting figure should be externally similar to the image on the right.

10. Carefully unfold the folds made in step 8 to open the fold lines. In each pocket we combine the blue and red dots X. The fold lines obtained in step 9 will help us with this. When we do this operation with all 6 pockets, our figure will look like the image on the right.

11. We turn the workpiece over and bend each corner of the hexagon to the center. A small flap should form each adjacent fold. Do not hide the small valve under the fold. Let him stay on top. You did everything right if you got a blank that looks like the picture on the right.

12. For all small flaps, press the fold line to get new fold lines that will be needed in the next step.

13. We turn out the folds made in the previous step, hiding the valves from below.

14. We turn the figure over, turn each corner from the center as far as possible and bend it. We should have 12 valves - 6 large and 6 small.

15. We turn the workpiece over. Between the two large valves you see small valves. We push each small valve forward. Now we have six diamonds.

16. For each half of the rhombus, we pull the blue edge to the center of the rhombus and press the fold to the edge. As a result, we have a figure, as in the image on the right. It remains to repeat this action 12 times and the origami snowflake will be ready!

How to fold an origami snowflake (video tutorial):

How to make a paper kirigami snowflake?

Kirigami is a type of origami in which it is allowed to use scissors in the process of making a figure and cut paper with them. The method of cutting out kirigami snowflakes does not differ very much from making simple paper snowflakes, but the result is much more interesting and creative.

First, you create such a template, using which anyone, even a child, can make a six-ray kirigami snowflake. On a sheet of paper for this we build an angle of 60 degrees. In building a corner, a protractor will come to our aid.

We fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, put the blank on the template as follows:

We bend the corners of the triangle as shown in the picture:

You can apply lines of future cuts on the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then erase these lines with an eraser, or attach a pre-printed and prepared template to the workpiece and cut it out. If at this stage the workpiece is folded in half again, then it will be possible to use not a clerical knife, but simple nail scissors to cut the snowflake. In this case, even a child can entrust the work of cutting a snowflake.

Schemes for creating kirigami snowflakes:

To make the snowflakes created using the origami technique even more wonderful, colorful and original, you can decorate them with sparkles, cute pom-poms, rhinestones, woolen balls, paint them with felt-tip pens, pencils.

Here are our paper snowflakes ready! Unlike ordinary snowflakes, they will not melt, but will decorate our houses and Christmas trees for a long time!

Schemes for paper snowflakes

In nature, identical snowflakes do not exist. In order for our New Year's snowflakes not to be all twins, you need to use different schemes (templates) when creating them. Try to apply as many schemes as possible. Experiment! Maybe even come up with your own scheme. You can use the following options for cutting paper snowflakes:

You can find a lot of videos on how to make a paper snowflake on YouTube here. Well, or you can go to YouTube yourself and type in the search: “How to make a snowflake” or “How to cut a snowflake”.

Successful paper snowflake crafts!

Kirigami scheme

kirigami- a separate type of origami, which allows the use of scissors and cutting paper in the process of folding the model. This is the main difference between kirigami and other paper folding techniques, which is emphasized in the name: (kiru) - cut, (kami) - paper.

Dog astronomer.

This circuit is also very easy to implement. The card will be a great gift for people who are fascinated by the starry expanses. It will also delight young astronomers.

Postcard kirigami Elephant. A simple 3D kirigami model. Such a postcard gives lightness and ease, plunging us into the world of childhood and joy. A great gift for children and adults who dream of being them.

The scheme is simple to implement, just a few minutes and such beauty is in your hands! Two swans have always been a symbol of good luck in love, hearts beating in unison. This postcard can also act as a talisman to attract your couple.

A beautiful kirigami card with dolphins swimming inside. The card is very easy to make and will definitely give a sea mood.

Wedding carriage in kirigami style. When making this model, use thick paper, otherwise the carriage may turn out to be flimsy and unstable.

Wedding angels always look very cute and beautiful. Having made them from paper in the style of kirigami, you are sure to add zest to a romantic evening.

3D origami - Reichstag

Another very complex architectural 3D origami model is the Reichstag. To complete this model, you need to be patient and have at least basic knowledge of the kirigami technique.

Pagoda - A tiered tower used as a temple. Quite a complex kirigami model, but very original. The pagoda on a pole contains small details and will have to work hard to replicate it on paper.

Deer in kirigami style

Gorgeous 3D postcard with a pair of swans. The card is made in the style of kirigami and does not have complex steps. It will be a great gift for your loved ones and loved ones.

The great paper art of the architect Ramin Razani will be understood by everyone. The book presents many models of kirigami. Artful objects are transformed into extraordinary 3D postcards, from enigmatic geometric designs to impressive sculptures and images from art and architecture. The book contains exact reaming patterns.

fire kirigami

Wonderful kirigami model - Fire. This is a classic example of the implementation of volumetric and origami principles. This model cannot be folded in the form of a postcard, but this does not in any way reduce its sophistication.

Quetzalcoatl kirigami

Quetzalcoatl is a model of the deity of ancient America, one of the main gods of the Aztec pantheon. Made in the form of a postcard, it can be mistaken simply for a beautiful dragon face.

stone on the water

This kirigami model can also be folded like a postcard. This composition imitates ripples on the water when a stone falls.

Geometric Waltz

A wonderful play of geometric shapes and lines give this kirigami postcard rigor and sophistication. Use medium weight glossy paper for best results.

starry sky

Great origami postcard. If you choose the right colors for the paper, the card will look very impressive.

Wave and Sail - Kirigami

The scheme of this kirigami model consists of two images that must be transferred to one sheet of paper, and then the necessary folds must be made.

Stairway to Heaven

Postcard kirigami - Stairway to heaven. Print the diagram and make the necessary folds.

Pueblo Residence - Kirigami 3D Model

This is a paper model imitation of the living quarters of the ancient Pueblo people. A distinctive feature of their houses was that they were located in ledges of 5-6 floors. The roof of the lower floor is the courtyard for the upper one.

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Finished products in the kirigami technique amaze with their beauty and airiness, with many carved windows and patterns. An interesting kind of creativity, related to origami, can be mastered by everyone - it is enough to have scissors and a sheet of paper at hand.

What is kirigami? The intricate word comes from two Japanese meanings: "kiru" - "to cut", "kami" - "paper". Thanks to the sound, you can see that this technique is similar to origami. Indeed, kirigami masters also create paper products, but, unlike origami, they can use scissors, and in some cases, glue.

Kirigami cutting - types of products

flat images

Volumetric crafts

3D shapes

If you want to make something like this, use kirigami-cutting templates - without them, even professional paper craftsmen can not cope with this kind of Japanese creativity.

Each work in the kirigami technique is performed according to a specific template, previously transferred to the working paper. And if professional craftsmen are able to develop drawing schemes themselves, based on the principles of adding figures, then it is better for beginners to use ready-made sketches.

If you are just starting to master the art kirigami, give preference to the creation of flat crafts. Don't worry, in terms of beauty they are in no way inferior to three-dimensional ones, and some even surpass them.

Origami is the art of folding all kinds of crafts using paper. In most cases, the lesson does not involve the use of glue and scissors. This direction arose in 610, when the secret of making paper came to Japan from China. The monks learned how to fold figurines that decorated temples and were used in rituals. In the Middle Ages, this arts and crafts became an element of the culture of Japanese aristocrats. If you want to master this hobby, the article contains interesting origami paper patterns.

This skill resembles a trick - a beautiful figure is born from a simple leaf in a few minutes. The lesson does not require large material costs, it is absolutely safe even for small children. Origami allows you to create a whole world without special abilities. This hobby develops in beginners spatial imagination, fine motor skills, motor and spatial memory, concentration, communication and gaming abilities, horizons, and creative skills. The paper patterns below will help you make original, unusual toys, gifts, figurines.

What materials will be required

Before you start doing origami, you should stock up on the necessary set of tools. First, you should choose paper, preferably office paper, because it is not too smooth and its density is enough for folding according to patterns. To attach small parts, gluing, you will need an adhesive stick or PVA glue, and an aerosol glue is needed if you need to glue two multi-colored sheets of paper. The last technique allows you to create interesting crafts by combining textures and colors.

You can use a more convenient adhesive mass, with which any part is easily attached inside or outside the craft, and then removed if necessary, without leaving marks. If the craft is made of white paper, then after it is covered with spray paint. Sometimes several pairs of sharp scissors with blades of different shapes and lengths are required. In some cases, it is possible to replace them with a cutter. This tool is necessary when trimming, cutting straight lines. The blade must be sharpened for a smooth, clean cut.

Triangles, rulers, and protractors are needed for marking according to the scheme when folding the figures, cutting out the base, observing a certain assembly angle, and symmetrically placing the composition based on the panel. You will need a mechanical pencil with a replaceable thin lead. In addition, needlewomen use ready-made eyes for toys, leftover yarn, ribbons, fabric, beads, beads, sequins for decoration, thread with a needle to connect individual parts.

Paper selection

The result of the work depends on the correct choice of paper, since the whole process of creating origami according to the schemes consists in folding, bending. The list below will help you decide which material is better and which is worse for this type of needlework:

  • Office white paper is thick, not too smooth, so the modules hold well when connected. It is better to start doing origami with such material, since it is a pity to throw away a damaged model. Its disadvantage lies in the fact that moss appears at the place of the fold.
  • Colored office paper - does not turn white on the folds, differs in density, is used in modular origami.
  • Stickers, note paper - can be dyed in different colors, used to create kusudama, in modular origami.
  • School colored paper is thin, loose, easily torn, not suitable for this hobby. On the folds it is erased, white stripes appear.
  • Foil paper - durable, does not tear, is used when creating complex patterns, twisted models, modules. When straightened, the folds remain dense stripes.
  • The pages of glossy magazines are dense, fold well, and hold their shape.
  • Banknotes are durable, do not wear out on the folds, suitable for small modules, making gifts.
  • Special paper for origami - sold in sets, with a variety of patterns, can be double-sided, monotonous.
  • Rice, papyrus, craft, parchment, cigarette, mulberry, silk and other expensive types of paper - each type has its advantages and disadvantages, allowing you to create interesting crafts according to patterns.
  • Drawing graph paper, tracing paper - suitable for the first attempts at creating complex works.

Types of origami in pictures

Origami is a great opportunity to occupy yourself with something interesting, useful, have fun, developing new skills and abilities. In addition to the classical direction, there are many other alternative techniques:

How to learn to make animals - schemes for children

Children's pranks, the inability to sit in one place is often due to the fact that the baby has nothing to do, and the energy needs to be directed in some direction. Invite boys and girls to do origami, which will calm them down, captivate them, make them feel like little wizards who work wonders. This is a useful hobby that develops attention, patience, artistic taste, and thinking. Learning how to make origami animals is simple: take a piece of paper, fold it according to the diagram below and get a funny little animal.

How to make a box with a lid

An origami box is an irreplaceable thing that is useful for a gift. You can roll it up in minutes. No glue or scissors are required to create, just a couple of pieces of paper. For the box, it is better to choose colored beautiful paper. When working, remember that the lid must be larger than the base. From above, you can decorate the box for the occasion: ribbons with New Year's prints, buttons, and other decor items. Step-by-step instruction:

  • We draw a sheet from one corner to the opposite diagonally.
  • We bend one corner to the center.

  • Let's do the same with the rest of the corners.
  • We bend back two corners, fold the remaining ones flush with the center line in half, as in the photo.

  • Do the same with the other two corners. The result is a blank, as in the photo.
  • We make cuts.

  • We bend two corners to the center.

  • Next, fold, as in the photo.

  • This is the bottom of the box. In the same sequence, we make the cap 5 mm larger on each side.

Beautiful flowers - paper rose

An origami rose is a popular craft in this technique. It is made quickly and easily from one square sheet of paper, painted red on both sides. Step by step instructions:

  • Fold the sheet in half.
  • Fold in half again.

  • We open, flatten the top layer.
  • We turn the workpiece over, turn over the square.
  • We repeat the third step.

  • Bend two corners to the top.
  • We bend the triangles in half, outlining the lines.

  • We open, flatten the triangles by pulling down the corners.
  • We bend the upper parts of the resulting pockets down.

  • With the second side, repeat steps 6-9.
  • We make a fold by bending the top corner.

  • We open the lower part of the blank like a book.
  • We take the places indicated in the picture, pull, flatten to get two triangles on the side.

  • We turn over the workpiece.

  • Raise the triangle.

  • Bend the lower right square from top to bottom diagonally.

  • We turn the product 180 degrees. We repeat the previous step.

  • I put the blank on the left palm. With the fingers of the right hand, we take the walls of the craft, twist clockwise until we get a rose. We twist the petals beautifully with a pencil or a thin stick.

Modular 3D white paper origami - swan

Modular origami allows you to create very beautiful, voluminous crafts. This master class shows you step by step how to assemble a beautiful swan. Such a product can become a decoration of your home. Instruction step by step:

  • According to the scheme, we make 458 white triangular modules. One orange or red for the beak.
  • We take three modules, insert the corners of two into the pockets of the third.

  • Let's add two more.
  • In the same way, we add two modules.

  • We arrange the structure as shown in the photo.
  • We insert the corners into the pockets.

  • We assemble three rows in this way, each of which consists of 30 modules. We close in a circle.
  • Similarly, we put on the modules of the fourth and fifth row.

  • We take the workpiece, gently press the center with our thumbs, turning the product inside out.

  • The edges are folded up.

  • We put on the sixth row, placing the modules in a checkerboard pattern.
  • In the seventh layer we make wings: we put on 12 modules, skip two corners, attach 12 more. There will be a neck on the missed narrow section, and a tail on the remaining wide one.

  • In the next row, we reduce the wing by one module.
  • Similarly, we reduce each row until one triangle remains.

  • We make the tail according to the principle of decreasing by one module in each new layer.
  • We make the neck and head 10 white and 1 red module, on which you need to glue the corners so that the beak is not forked. The neck is assembled like this: we insert the corners of one into the pockets of another module.

  • So we collect the rest, arching the neck.
  • We put the neck in the right place.

What else can be made from paper: assembly diagrams

All kinds of origami techniques make it possible to make many interesting crafts. This is an ideal pastime for a child in the form of a game. Such arts and crafts does not stand still: it gradually gained experience, transformed, as a result of which many schemes for assembling various figures of snowflakes, cars, airplanes, furniture, animals, etc. arose.

Fighter aircraft

Many in childhood folded airplanes from leaves torn from a school notebook and launched them at a break, watching the flight. In the origami technique, there are a lot of options and forms of this craft, from the simplest to the most complex models. The diagrams below demonstrate the assembly of fighters, which will require a little patience and paper.


The next popular paper craft is considered a typewriter. Every boy loved to play with them in childhood. If you do not know how to make it, the following easy diagrams of racing and ordinary cars, trucks, police cars below will help you. If you follow the instructions, the assembly of the model will not take much time, and the result will be excellent.


Minecraft is a sandbox construction game. It allows players to create, destroy various blocks, use objects in the surrounding three-dimensional environment. If you are familiar with the Minecraft game, you will be interested in creating its blocks and heroes using the origami schemes below. You can use white paper and draw the desired image on it, or print templates.


It is very exciting to make origami furniture according to paper patterns. You can create a window, a sofa, a table, a bed, a desk, an armchair. Such crafts are suitable for future children's games, creating a dollhouse, applications. You can choose any paper of different shades. By creating several figurines, you will get a whole set of miniature furniture. All schemes are easy, so even a child can do crafts.


Origami and kirigami paper snowflakes are a great way to decorate your own home for the New Year holidays. You can hang such crafts near windows, on a Christmas tree, a chandelier, make a garland out of them and hang them along the walls, a children's mobile. Each scheme allows you to create a unique, inimitable snowflake. You can paint the finished products with silver, blue glitter paint from a spray can, or apply glue with glitter around the edges to make the decoration even more interesting.

A kind of offshoot of the origami technique was the art of folding paper figures and postcards using scissors and glue. A handicraft style accidentally invented by a Japanese architect is called kirigami. This name comes in very handy, because in Japanese, “kiri” means “cut”, and “kami” means “paper”. Kirigami schemes for beginners are so simple that it will not be difficult even for a child to deal with them.

Partially, every person at least once in his life was engaged in kirigami, because snowflakes cut out of paper for the New Year to decorate a room, or hearts for Valentine's Day are also referred to as kirigami works. Using this technique, you can create a wide variety of forms: from the usual flowers, living creatures, snowflakes and other contour objects, to complex and bizarre forms of original architectural structures, cars and ships.

To work in the kirigami style, it is enough to remember the simple rules for reading diagrams:

  • solid lines are located in places where it is necessary to make incisions;
  • folds must be made along the dotted lines.

There are also color schemes that read as follows:

  • along the red lines it is necessary to make a fold inside the sheet;
  • on green - fold outward of the sheet;
  • the sheet is incised along the black lines.

As the saying goes: "All ingenious is simple."

Tools for the job

The kit for kirigami is very simple: paper (both white and colored), a knife, glue. The rest depends only on the perseverance and patience of the master. The latter is important in any business, but especially in kirigami. As for stationery, beginners will need:

  • breadboard knife for thin and neat lines;
  • ruler - for straight lines;
  • a thick underlay on the desktop to protect the surface from mechanical damage, such as scratches and scuffs;
  • paper clips or masking tape, with which the template will be attached to the paper;
  • cardboard or high density paper.

Training for beginner masters can be the simplest schemes. It is better to make cuts along the lines on the substrate using a ruler, preferably a metal one.

If you are afraid to make a mistake, then the lines of cuts and folds can be painted in different colors using felt-tip pens.

After the preparation is completed, you can go online and download the scheme you like. Then it should be attached to a sheet of paper and cut out according to the appropriate marks. Schemes of postcards from our selection will be feasible even for beginners.

Try, try, experiment and you will succeed! In addition, you can always make an original and unique postcard in honor of any holiday.

Let's start simple

By the New Year

Postcards with Christmas trees are perhaps one of the easiest to make, but always in demand on the eve of the New Year. Due to the ease of manufacture, such a postcard does not require much effort and time, but it will look no less impressive.

For birthday

Don't know how to stand out from the crowd of people giving money in purchase envelopes? Make a kirigami postcard. It will not only surprise and delight the hero of the occasion, but will also be remembered for a long time, because people always appreciate when they put their soul into a gift.

Valentine's Day

A surprise for your loved ones in the form of a purchased valentine? Trite. But a hand-made postcard for this wonderful holiday will convey your sincere feelings, as well as attention and care.

Video on the topic of the article

The videos presented in this article will help not only to understand the principle of this art, but also to highlight for yourself a couple of tips and tricks, which in turn will contribute to the development of mastery in the field of kirigami. A video compilation of master classes for beginners will help beginners understand as accurately as possible, allowing you to visually appreciate the simplicity of working with elementary templates. Explanations in a completely understandable language will contribute to an even better result. No one promises that you will exceed your own expectations on the first try, but any effort pays off. And remember, practice makes the master.