Congratulations on September 1 teacher GIF. By the day of knowledge, have time to prepare greeting cards for all the teachers you know

We celebrate September 1 not just as the Day of Knowledge, it is a special day in our lives - a celebration of our bright hope, strong faith and a dream come true. A holiday inextricably linked with new beginnings and opportunities, a mass of new ideas, bold experiments, constant search and faith in the future.

For the first time, more than forty-three thousand and a half first-graders cross the threshold of the school. Sixty-nine and a half thousand ninth-graders and eleventh-graders this year will be called by a new name - graduates. About thirty thousand boys and girls became students and pupils of professional educational institutions. Guys, you have taken a very big step into adulthood, laid the foundation for your future. New discoveries begin for you, every day will be filled with new impressions.
Dear teachers! The development of education today is acquiring a task of national importance. And with your daily work, you keep a high standard in the upbringing and education of young people and adolescents.
Dear friends! Happy Knowledge Day to you! Excellent mood in the new academic year, interesting and fruitful work, creative success. Very beautiful postcards with a melody for the day of knowledge with inscriptions.

Today, the door of educational institutions, once again kindly opened the doors to everyone! Happy Knowledge Day! The teachers have generously prepared a new program, and are determined to take your education seriously! Both students and teachers after the summer holidays have gained strength and are ready to immediately start mastering new material! The desire to develop has not faded away and it pleases! Knowledge Day opens up new opportunities and gives inspiration! We wish everyone a festive mood, fresh thoughts, interesting hobbies, friendly conversations and a common desire! Let the instructions of your parents help you make a decision in difficult times, and the teacher's advice will come in handy for life! Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, strive, don't give up! The Day of Knowledge! From September 1! Postcards of warmth and smiles in the academic year.

The first day of autumn gives us inspiration to study. And just on this day, a holiday -! In the summer we relax, have fun, replenish our strength and miss experienced teachers, whose wisdom is irreplaceable. Today we have every chance to fill the void of the soul and start an exciting learning process! Congratulations to everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and we wish you not to lose precious inspiration! Let the school days not turn into an everyday routine, but become exciting and informative lessons! Let calls, breaks, additional tasks, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers please you! Golden, school years! Then you will still remember with pleasure about these days! Appreciate your opportunities, acquire the necessary knowledge and implement your ideas! Your fate is in your hands! Good luck!

Today, and on the first day of the charming season, it's time to return to your favorite school! Familiar faces, favorite classrooms and dear teachers are waiting for you there! The journey of learning that leads you to a successful life continues! The school beckons with the first bell, and the classes are filled with students. The process has begun! Every day you become more mature, more experienced, wiser. And all this is done for you by teachers! They invest in you their knowledge, their life, their strength! We wish you to respect the invaluable work of teachers, listen to comments, understand each other and respond with mutual feelings! May it be of great benefit to you in the future! Let the advice of your mentors come in handy and good memories of your school years be preserved! We wish you all courageous solutions in difficult tasks! Learn and enjoy the moment! Download GIFs for free about school on September 1.

Greetings to all teachers and parents! We are glad to see you again on the school playground on Knowledge Day! Today is a holiday that invariably happens at this time, which opens the study season! Everyone rested and missed a fresh breath of knowledge! Welcome to the Temple of Science! We wish you to experience genuine interest in the new program and find a hobby for the soul! Let study time not burden you, let it bring joy and benefit! We wish you to acquire a lot of new knowledge, skills and experience in the new academic year! We wish you to make the most of this academic season, not to miss anything and bring your abilities to perfection! Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because who does not make mistakes, he does not! And who does not study, he will not achieve anything in this life! Dare, try, try, strive! Good luck in your studies, comrades! Pleykast a picture a remarkable wish with the first of September.

Today is a significant holiday! And the most interesting thing is that this holiday will drag on for a whole six months! Knowledge Day! and teachers, it's time to study, communicate, change and news! The joy of meeting after the holidays gives the celebration a friendly atmosphere! Someone has matured, someone has matured, someone has changed their principles. Everything is assembled and the most interesting process in life begins - the school year! We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and hope that the charming time of autumn will not diminish your inspiration for! We wish you to implement your plans, update your goals and achieve excellent results in your endeavors! Use every opportunity to fill yourself spiritually, develop and do not doubt your strength! Let the school give you the missing and leave a mark in your memory! Happy holiday! Solemn congratulations in pictures to students on the beginning of the school year.

On September 1 of each year, all schools and educational institutions come to life after a summer holiday! Student life begins to seethe with renewed vigor, and this force is gaining momentum! Season is open! Welcome to the fascinating world of science and knowledge! Meeting with classmates, teachers, new experiences, joy, admiration - all this gives energy and strength for learning! There are many new and interesting things ahead, the unknown beckons, and the roads that have not been traveled open up a sea of ​​​​opportunities for us! it's never boring, it's a kind of little world with its own rules! Inside it boils an exciting life of youth and mentors, and both parties are interested in their own and common success! Both individual victories and collective victories are welcome! The school teaches not only the school curriculum, it prepares children for an independent life! The best musical congratulations the academic year has come.

The first bell rang this season, and the school opened its doors to hundreds of students! In a couple of minutes, the learning process will boil and life will find its usual rhythm! Happy Knowledge Day guys! Congratulations on the start of an exciting journey into the world of science! Fill your spiritual vessels to the brim and do not spill the contents in vain! Appreciate the investments and efforts of teachers and justify the hopes of parents! You have a unique opportunity to make your life successful! Thanks to the diligence of teachers, each of you will find something important and interesting for yourself! is the foundation of your future, so invest in it all that you have learned and make the foundation of your life strong! Appreciate the experience gained and believe me, you will thank your teachers more than once! Their efforts are never in vain!

Knowledge Day persistently urges us to take the path of success! And just start today! The first one inspires us to exploits and great deeds! The beginning of new knowledge, the beginning of a fascinating path to the unknown, the beginning of the beginning! History will tell us an interesting journey into the past, geography will be lucky around the world, biology will tell us about the animal world! Sports, literary discussions, talks about great creators! Hundreds of opportunities to plunge into the past and experience the magic of yesteryear! How much beauty awaits us ahead! Desire knows no bounds, and we absorb knowledge with great pleasure! May the school years never end! May the source of knowledge never run dry! We wish everyone a great desire and inspiration for learning and development! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and wish you success! Shining cards with sparkles to congratulate on September 1 for free.

Today we are at the start of our path to knowledge! ! We wish all students to expect maximum results from the new academic year and, of course, to try for this! We wish you successful study and memorization of what you have learned! Take from each lesson something important for yourself, put aside the baggage of knowledge in reserve, it will definitely come in handy for you! Everything you learn in school will be useful to you in life! We wish you great patience, mutual understanding, friendly class, reliable girlfriends and friends! Let it leave a pleasant impression, a wonderful memory, and at the end of the training will bring an excellent result of your efforts! We wish your soul to yearn for knowledge throughout your life! Do not stop there, because a person at any age always has something to strive for!

Learn, learn and learn again! There is no such thing as too much knowledge! Congratulations on the first day of the school year! Happy Knowledge Day, dear ones! A whole academic year is ahead of you and you have a great opportunity to get a new dose of new experiences! In order for the year to bring an excellent result, we wish you attention, patience, perseverance and interest! Direct your determination towards knowledge and do not miss the opportunity to learn something new! We wish you informative events and interesting hobbies! Actively show your abilities, share your knowledge, make your school life diverse! Do not hide your talents, reveal your potential and strive to conquer the peaks! Congratulations on the holiday to all who want to study! Dare!

The first bell of this academic year rang, and the school again took on the usual pace of life! Knowledge Day! Congratulations to all students and teachers from the season! We wish you to start this year in a good mood and desire to become successful! Let your goal motivate you, let your dream lead you! We wish you not to be upset if the first time you do not succeed in achieving what you want! This is how you become tempered, this is how you learn to overcome obstacles and act ahead! Do not spare your strength for your education, grab the opportunity to show yourself, take risks, tear, dare! Be sure of a good result long before you get it! The main thing is attitude! Let nothing break you on the way to success! be the first in everything and always! Do not give up without a fight, do not hang your nose and do not lose heart! You will succeed! Postcards with inscriptions congratulations to parents on the school year.

Our dear! So this wonderful day has come for all schoolchildren, the day of knowledge. For all children, this day is a special holiday, but for you, dear teacher, even more so. After all, for the next school year, you will have to sleep less, be more nervous and solve the problems of your class. But it is not all that bad. You will be able to laugh heartily, because the class you got is very funny and cheerful! Well, it remains to wish you strength, because for every teacher, the new school year is like a battlefield. We also wish you joy and happiness. And you will also need patience, because actually teaching children is not so easy. And we really hope that until next year you will live safe and sound. Try your best, be an example for children, and maybe then you won't have to regret anything. Good luck in the new academic year!

Dear teacher! So this day has come when the sun is no longer shining so brightly, when the children collect their portfolios, and, taking flowers in one hand, and in the other parental hand, go to school. Not for all children this day becomes joyful. And not all teachers are happy about the day of knowledge. But, it's time to learn. And whether you want it or not, you are not asked. Well, on this day we wish you to be more patient, because all children are different, and each child is special. And if you do not find a separate approach to the child, you will not be able to make friends with him. And we also wish you to experience more joyful moments, because only at school is it so much fun. If you still fail to interest children in your subject, do not be discouraged, over time they will understand how wrong they were. The main thing is not to despair, but to believe only in the best. Good luck in school! Show musical mobile postcards with the beginning of the school year with phrases.

Dear children! That day has come - September 1st. For some, this academic year will be the last, and for others, the first. And as sad as it is to realize, it is. After all, the children who came to the first grade said goodbye to childhood forever, and now they will have hard school years ahead of them. And those who are standing on the line dedicated to the day of knowledge for the last time will cross the threshold from childhood to adulthood in a year. That is why, dear children, you need to gain more strength and energy. You have a tough school year ahead of you. Again there will be endless deuces, noisy changes, and tedious homework. But, if you can endure this year with dignity, then it will mean that you have matured and wised up in a year. Good luck to you, and try to love the school, because then you will miss it. Good luck and success!

Parents, teachers and schoolchildren need to do a lot for Knowledge Day: prepare the necessary school supplies, find postcards, pictures from September 1, 2018. Preschoolers in kindergartens are also preparing: they draw beautiful wall newspapers for the holiday. Very soon they will become first graders, so they need to get to know the school in advance. Many teachers send funny greetings to their colleagues, because September 1 is the main school holiday.

There comes a time in every parent's life when their children go to school. Someone with relief expects more independence from the child, and someone understands that difficulties are yet to come. The day when a former preschooler becomes a student of the school is remembered for a long time. You can send congratulations to the first grader and his parents using pictures by September 1.

A rare student admits that he is looking forward to the start of the school year. All good things come to an end quickly, and fun summer holidays are replaced by school time. To congratulate children on September 1, it is enough to send cool pictures for Knowledge Day.

On the Day of Knowledge in all schools, teachers must be congratulated. This tradition was introduced in the 30s of the last century. In rural areas, they began to study later, so that studies would not interfere with the harvest. Today, rulers are being organized, and familiar teachers can be congratulated with the help of pictures with poems from September 1.

For graduates, the beginning of the school year is associated with great responsibility: they have to take classes and prepare for exams harder than usual. You can support future students on September 1 with the help of beautiful animated pictures with inscriptions for graduates of grades 9 and 11.

For a teacher, colleagues often become family people. The school has a special atmosphere, all problems are solved together. People who are involved in the education and upbringing of children are used to discussing their difficulties and sharing experiences. To congratulate colleagues on September 1, you can send beautiful postcards with wishes for further success in your work.

An ordinary school teacher simply conveys knowledge about his subject to children. But sometimes teachers help to cope with life's difficulties, and become the people to whom you can turn for advice and support. If you know for sure that the teacher has a good sense of humor, you can send the coolest and funniest postcards as congratulations on September 1.

The day when children go to school, parents are waiting with no less trepidation. After all, the learning process is associated with additional troubles, costs and monitoring of progress. Therefore, the first day of autumn becomes very important and long-awaited. You can send congratulations to parents on the Day of Knowledge using pictures from September 1 "Children go to school."

Entering school is a new and important stage in the education of any child. His life is changing very much, so it is very important that the child spends his first day of school in a good mood. Postcards for September 1 with congratulations for elementary school will help in this first-grader.

A wonderful tradition to congratulate preschoolers on the Day of Knowledge is observed in all kindergartens. Future students already know what a school is, and therefore they are happy to go to grade 1. You can congratulate them on September 1 by sending the most beautiful pictures for kindergarten.

Every year on September 1, children go to school and kindergarten, and teachers go to work. For each of them, Knowledge Day is not just the beginning of the school year, but also a fun holiday. And as for any holiday on this day, they deserve congratulations and wishes, for example, in the form of postcards or animated gifs. Moreover, it can be both beautiful postcards and pictures from September 1, 2018 with poems for children and their parents, as well as cool options with funny inscriptions for students and fellow teachers. There are also universal pictures that are perfect for both a first grader in elementary school and graduates of grades 9-11. Next, you will find a selection with photos of the best postcards and twinkling pictures in gif format for September 1.

Beautiful pictures and postcards from September 1, 2018 for children, graduates, teachers

The easiest way to congratulate children, graduates and teachers on September 1, 2018 is beautiful pictures and postcards with cute inscriptions. Usually such postcards have a thematic design with different school attributes. And as congratulations, simple phrases and universal inscriptions are used.

Options for beautiful pictures and postcards for September 1 for children, graduates, teachers

Cool pictures for September 1 Knowledge Day 2018 for kindergarten - postcard options

You can also congratulate preschoolers on the start of the new school year with cool postcards and pictures for September 1, 2018 Knowledge Day for kindergarten. Unlike schoolchildren, kids do not yet understand the importance of this holiday and perceive congratulations in the form of bright pictures much better. For example, postcards with cartoon characters and simple wishes are great.

A selection of cool options for postcards and pictures from September 1, Knowledge Day for kindergarten

The best pictures for September 1, 2018 with congratulations for preschoolers on Knowledge Day - a selection of photos

For preschoolers on Knowledge Day on September 1, cool pictures and postcards with congratulations from the following collection are also suitable. It presents interesting pictures with simple inscriptions in verse and prose. Also, the best pictures with congratulations on September 1, Knowledge Day 2018 will also be relevant for parents of preschoolers.

The best selection of pictures with congratulations for preschoolers on Knowledge Day on September 1

Flickering pictures from September 1 to the first grader-2018 with cool inscriptions

In a special category of congratulations from September 1, flickering pictures with cool inscriptions for a first grader can be attributed. These are very bright and brilliant drawings that fully correspond to the festive mood of the first-grader. You will find examples of such original pictures for Knowledge Day in the following selection.

Variants of flickering pictures with cool inscriptions for first graders on September 1, 2018

Funny postcards for September 1, 2018 to the first-grader and his parents in the format of gifs

Another great option for congratulations on September 1 in 2018 for a first-grader and his parents is funny postcards in gif format. Unlike the previous selection, such postcards necessarily contain funny inscriptions or funny poems. Also, the design of the postcards is very bright and funny.

A selection of funny postcards to the first-grader and his parents in the format of gifs for September 1

Beautiful pictures from September 1, 2018 with congratulations to parents - the best options

To congratulate parents on September 1, 2018, beautiful pictures with touching inscriptions fit perfectly. Moreover, they can be used for parents of first graders, and for moms and dads of high school students.

The best selection of beautiful pictures with congratulations to parents on September 1, 2018

Cool postcards from September 1, 2018 with funny inscriptions to teachers

Congratulations on September 1 in cool postcards with funny inscriptions are also relevant for teachers. Usually this format for teachers is chosen by their relatives and friends. You will find examples of such cool postcards for Knowledge Day below.

Options for the coolest postcards with funny inscriptions for teachers on September 1, 2018

Beautiful postcards from September 1 with the Day of Knowledge to fellow teachers with congratulations

To congratulate fellow teachers on the start of the new academic year, it is better to choose beautiful pictures. For example, the following collection presents the most beautiful postcards for September 1, Knowledge Day with congratulations to teachers from colleagues.

A selection of beautiful postcards with congratulations for fellow teachers on Knowledge Day September 1, 2018

Cool animated pictures from September 1 to Knowledge Day in gif format - the best selection of gifs

The following collection contains universal postcards that will suit everyone. These are cool animated pictures from September 1, the Day of Knowledge in the format of gifs (gif). Such congratulatory pictures will be relevant for children, parents and teachers.

The best selection of funny animated pictures (gifs) for Knowledge Day on September 1 in gif format