DIY for New Year decorations. Decorations for the new year with their own hands. Making balls of thread

Everyone, regardless of their age, is looking forward to the New Year. Indeed, many people prepare for this holiday in advance. In this case, beautiful outfits, sweets and the main attribute of the new year - a Christmas tree are purchased. It is important to note that in addition to the Christmas tree, people decorate their home with all sorts of accessories. In this article, we will tell you how to decorate your home for the new year. Here we will take into account the main points and give you some interesting crafts for decorating your home that you can easily do with your own hands.

But before talking about the details of decorating the interior for the New Year, it is important to note that the Rooster loves hospitable residents. And if you meet him well, then this bird will bring you complete happiness throughout the year.

We decorate the house for the new year. We make crafts with our own hands

DIY Christmas garlands.

With the help of a garland, you can decorate your home very easily and quickly. Now we will give you a few workshops on making garlands.


Prepare for the New Year holidays with the whole family. Get your kids involved in making this simple snake garland.

Working process:

  1. So, a circle is cut out of colored paper. The circle must be large.
  2. Step back from the edge by 1 cm, and start cutting the tape. The tape is cut to the center. And in order to facilitate the work, draw lines in advance with a simple pencil.
  3. Hang strips of colored paper from a chandelier. See how fabulous and unusual it looks.

Garland with Santa's clothes.

A garland looks very interesting and unusual, on which the attributes of Santa Claus will be hung. Naturally, you first have to sew miniature clothes. Choose a bright material for this. Then stretch the thread in the house and hang these clothes with small clothespins to it.

Felt garlands.

This bright and simple garland is quite easy to make. Take pieces of felt of a bright color, cut circles out of them. Glue the circles to the thread.

Christmas garlands made from natural materials.

You can make beautiful and festive garlands from various natural materials. For example, if you still have the skin from a lemon or orange, then you do not need to throw it away. Simply cut out beautiful figures from it. It can be: snowflakes, faces and caps. Put the finished figures on the thread. Do the work with a needle. Such a garland will be an unusual decoration that can give your room a persistent citrus aroma.

Garlands of tangerines, cones and cinnamon sticks are also a good option. However, tangerine slices should be dried in advance. You should also use Christmas balls to decorate the arrangement.

Such garlands can be hung in any room of your house.

Christmas wreaths for home decoration.

In this article, we decorate the house for the new year with our own hands. Here we will present a master class for making interesting crafts. What kind of New Year can be imagined without decorating the house with wreaths. Now we will give some examples of creating beautiful Christmas wreaths. Wreaths can be placed on the walls of the house or on the windows.

Wreath for the New Year from clothespins.

If you do not have any skills, but really want to decorate your house for the new year, then we offer you a simple idea for creating a New Year's wreath from clothespins.

  1. So, for this craft, you will need an aluminum hanger for the frame. Also pick up large beads for decoration.
  2. To create a wreath, the hanger is untwisted. And they string beads and clothespins on it. What do they do it in sequence.
  3. For this New Year's wreath, clothespins are recommended to be painted with acrylic paint.
  4. You can also freely decorate clothespins with decoupage, complementing the composition with a beautiful ribbon.

Wreaths of buttons.

You can make elegant and bright wreaths from ordinary buttons. Just prepare: cardboard, glue and buttons.

Cut out the base from the cardboard and glue the buttons to it. Don't forget to decorate your wreath with some bright detail.

Wreath of wine corks.

Making a wine cork wreath is easy. Here it is necessary to adhere to the technique of creating a wreath of clothespins. But for better strength, you should use 2 circles of wire. Moreover, the plugs on both circles must be strung in parallel. Do not forget to add beads to the composition. Decorate the wreath with ribbon or branches.

Branch wreaths.

A wreath of coniferous branches is an excellent home decoration for the New Year. This wreath is able to fill your home with an unusual aroma. We suggest you create such beauty yourself.

How to decorate windows for the New Year

Windows in the house also need decoration. And here you can use some interesting ways. For example, in the first case, prepare:

  • toothpaste,
  • snowflake Pattern,
  • toothbrush.

Working process:

  1. Dilute some toothpaste in water. As a result, you get a concentrated solution.
  2. Apply the snowflake template to the glass.
  3. Now we dip the toothbrush into the solution and use our fingers to spray water from the brush onto the glass.
  4. Then we leave the solution to dry on the glass, and then remove the snowflake.

You can also decorate the cornices to complete the composition. To do this, use pieces of beige felt, from which we cut out snowflakes. Glue a sequin to the center of each snowflake with glue. After that, the stars themselves are glued to the thread. We place such decoration on cornices or on skirting boards.

Making the walls in the house

Do-it-yourself interior decoration for the New Year requires a careful approach. However, if you make an effort, the result will surely please you. Huge snowflakes that were created from non-traditional material will look original in your interior. To make them take:

  • wood ice cream sticks,
  • glue gun,
  • oil paint or gouache.

Working process:

  1. For work, ice cream sticks are used, which have the same size. They should be laid symmetrically on the surface until the snowflake structure is formed.
  2. Fasten the intersections of the sticks with glue.
  3. After that, we transfer the design to the newspaper and paint it in the desired color.
  4. We hang ready-made snowflakes with ribbons.

So the magical time of the New Year holidays is approaching, which both children and adults are looking forward to. Since childhood, we all associate winter with real miracles and long-awaited gifts. One has only to believe in magic, and the most cherished desire will surely come true! And so that the festive atmosphere will completely envelop you even before the New Year and Christmas, do some magic on the New Year's decor at home.

How to decorate a house for the New Year?

Already on the eve of this wonderful time, you can come up with and make DIY Christmas decorations. If you do not have enough imagination to create your own ideas, the Internet and various glossy publications offer a lot of options. It is enough to stock up on the necessary materials, and most importantly - patience and perseverance, and you will succeed.

Remember, we already decorated the house with our own hands last year? Now consider the trends of New Year's decor in 2017.

Decor ideas for the New Year can appear in the interior with the help of additional elements. It can be Christmas wreaths, garlands, New Year's toys, candles, fruits, balls, light bulbs and much more. And of course, do not forget about the transformation of the main attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree

Popular 2017 ideas for do-it-yourself New Year's decor are wreaths, candles, champagne. In general, everything that we all associate with this wonderful holiday.

Do-it-yourself home decoration for the New Year

Some people think that New Year's Eve decorations take too much time and money. But you can come up with something quite simple, and at the same time stylish and charming, and your house will shine with new colors.

There are many stores where you can buy everything for decor, you just need to be inspired by some ideas. But this does not mean that you need to run and buy everything in the world to decorate your apartment for the New Year. It is enough to add a few details to the interior that will add coziness and a festive atmosphere to your home.

Christmas wreaths

Wreaths as decor ideas for the New Year with their own hands are very popular, so the methods and options for their manufacture are very diverse. You can use almost any materials, the main thing is to follow the recommendations, and you will see how you can decorate your home easily and without any hassle. Detailed master classes on how to make Christmas wreaths for the home are here and here.

First, imagine how your wreath will look like, what colors will prevail in the elements of its decor, and where you would like to place it. As a rule, this Christmas decoration is hung on the door, but you can arrange it anywhere. Once the wreath design is mentally complex, choose the right materials and elements that will be needed to make it. The basis for it can be:

  • clothespins;
  • socks;
  • wine corks;
  • newsprint;
  • cardboard;
  • fruits;
  • Christmas tree toys;
  • candies;
  • cones;
  • balloons;
  • small items of clothing;
  • beads, fabric, and more.

Candles and champagne

Candles are an essential attribute of the New Year's Eve, which will make your home even cozier and more romantic. It remains only to wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the upcoming holidays in a warm family circle. In addition, this is a very simple DIY decor idea for the New Year.

You can knit candle cases, or use an old knitted sweater, cutting off the necessary piece from it. Such decor will warm and delight you at home on cold winter days.

For the next idea, you will need glass containers and long candles. Place a New Year's candle in their neck, and decorate the free space that forms at their junction with a cloth or pine needles.

With the help of beautiful candles, you can create a spectacular New Year's decor with your own hands, the photo of which is presented below. It can be whole compositions of cones, twigs, artificial snow, tinsel and other small details.

You can take a non-standard approach to decorating candles and dress them up with Christmas balls, only miniature, bright and neat. It will turn out just a wonderful decor for the New Year!

As for champagne and glasses for it, they also need to be transformed for the holiday. They will be spectacular additions to the decoration of the house for the New Year. Wine glasses can be decorated with interesting beads or paint something New Year's on them.

Champagne can be decorated in the following ways:

  • with the help of colored ribbons that can be tied around the bottle and neck;
  • replace the usual sticker on the bottle with a festive New Year's greeting;
  • draw a winter landscape or any other thematic picture on champagne using paints;
  • for a bottle, just like for a candle, you can make a knitted cover, or use some interesting fabric.

As you can see, you already know several ways to decorate your home with your own hands.

DIY Christmas garlands

Garlands are a proven way to create the right atmosphere in your home. With their help, you can decorate all the rooms and make them more festive. If you are wondering how to decorate a room for the new year, then garlands will be the most suitable option.

You can hang them on the windows, above the door and at the head of the bed. To make the Christmas tree sparkle with bright lights and look even more elegant, decorate it with a garland.

This New Year's decor of the apartment will delight all family members. And if you want not only the interior of the rooms to flicker, you can use garlands to decorate the house outside, and then not only you, but also the neighbors will be able to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the holiday.

See also: Beautiful Christmas decorations for the street

Christmas tree decorations

It is impossible to imagine New Year's Eve without this green beauty. A live Christmas tree creates a magical holiday atmosphere, and the process of decorating it for the New Year entices everyone. This is a great opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

Christmas decoration trends change every year, but the main thing is to dress her up the way you like it. It can be anything: balls, pendants, sweets, paper snowflakes, garlands with multi-colored light bulbs, stars, fruits and much more. It all depends on your imagination.

DIY Christmas balls: step-by-step master classes

You can also make your own Christmas decorations. For this you need:

  • Take a balloon and inflate it, but not too much.
  • Coat it with ordinary glue on top.
  • Until the glue dries, you need to wrap the ball with threads and yarn of different colors and leave it all to dry.
  • Take a needle, deflate the balloon and you're done!

In this way, you can make one of the many original Christmas decorations for New Year's decor, which will be remembered by all your guests.

DIY Christmas toys - photo

We decorate windows

If the snow has not yet pleased you this winter, but you want to see frosty drawings outside the window, then you can decorate the windows with homemade white paper snowflakes. These Christmas ideas will make your home stand out from the rest, and you will feel the winter like no other.

For those who are fond of knitting, you can make multi-colored snowflakes from threads decorated with beads and hang them around the apartment. This DIY Christmas decor, ideas for which you can take from the Internet, is easy to implement in any place convenient for you. For this, only schemes and improvised materials are needed. There are many more ways to make snowflakes:

You can also build such decorations:

  • make a composition of candles, cones and spruce, and put it on the windowsill;
  • take homemade or purchased balls, and hang them around the perimeter of the window;
  • you can also hang Christmas socks, garlands and other New Year decorations for the house.

Do not limit your imagination and create whole New Year's compositions, because it's so fun and interesting to create something with your own hands. Include children in this process and help them make something magical.

Wall and door decor for the New Year

Just like windows, walls should be decorated with snowflakes and handmade garlands. Decorating the walls for the New Year will take you a little time, because you just need to attach decorations with adhesive tape or carnations.

If there was no place in the house for a living Christmas tree, then you can make it from improvised materials and place it directly on the wall. Such a decoration of the house for the New Year will look very original and beautiful, and such an integral attribute of the holiday as a Christmas tree can delight you all winter.

Doors in New Year's houses like to decorate with natural or self-made wreaths. They identify some special festive spirit, and seem to remind you that the New Year will soon be knocking on the door.

You can hang rain or tinsel on it and make a horseshoe that will bring good luck and success to the whole family. Thus, decorating a house for the New Year with your own hands can be not only beautiful, but also useful.

Ideas for serving the New Year's table

When the interior design is completed, and the question of how to decorate the house for the New Year is closed, you can proceed to the final stage - laying the festive table.

Beautiful New Year's table setting

This is the place where all close people and friends will gather on New Year's Eve, so you need to put your whole soul into its design, and then all the guests will appreciate your preparation.

Arrange candles and compositions that you have prepared for decorating your home with your own hands on the table. Think about how you can “dress up” the table with holiday napkins. Dishes also need to be in the holiday spirit, so see how you can arrange salads and other cooked goodies.

You can also put a homemade Christmas tree in the center, and let everyone write wishes to each other on it. You can also make DIY gifts for the New Year, videos of which can be viewed on the Internet. This is a good idea, because such a gesture of attention will be doubly pleasant.

New Year's decor trends 2017: photos

New Year is an amazing holiday, when even adults behave like children, firmly believing in miracles and delighted with shiny trinkets, sparkling lanterns and bright gift paper. Of course, you can not be original and, as usual, decorate the Christmas tree with traditional glass and plastic balls, but it is much more pleasant and interesting to create New Year's decorations with your own hands, having received a lot of pleasure and positive from this process. Christmas creativity is limitless! The best part is that you can make all this beauty from available improvised materials, and for this it is not at all necessary to be a handmade guru.

Designer toys from regular balloons

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Original DIY Christmas decorations

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Vintage ball "Lace"

We have already talked about the decoupage technique in, but it is better to take out the manufacture of this ball in a separate chapter. The ball is not just beautiful, it is exclusive. Everyone can add personal touches to its performance, and the uniqueness of the vintage Christmas ball will amaze any guest. And to the question: “How much does such a beauty cost,” you will smile pretty. To make it you will need:

  • foam ball;
  • lace, preferably made of cotton and with a large pattern;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paints of your choice;
  • brushes for glue and paint;
  • sponge.

As you can see, nothing supernatural is required. The course of work is also not intricate.

  • First, coat the ball with PVA glue.
  • We glue the cut out fragments of lace on it. Of course, the design must be thought out in advance.

  • The next step is to prime our pattern with white acrylic. Layers are superimposed evenly. Try to paint through the lace. Despite the sufficient thickness and heterogeneity of the surface, try to avoid streaks.

  • Now it's time to tint our ball. After the primer is completely dry, start painting the ball with a darker paint. Bronze, silver or old gold will look especially good.

  • Take a piece of soft cloth, or rather a sponge, and quickly blot the entire ball. Now we need coverage inhomogeneity.
  • We overwrite until traces of a dark tone remain only in the recesses of the lace.
  • We attach a thread and a bow.

We admire the delicate pattern of old lace on the surface of the ball, as if bought several centuries ago. In this technique, you can tint the balls as you like. For example, take bronze as the main tone, and use dark brown as the second

Want to break the rules? You are welcome! Cover the lace with gold paint before gluing, and paint the ball with oxidized copper. Then randomly apply gold in a highly diluted concentration. Walk with a sponge and stick lace. An extraordinary combination!

And you can leave the balls white. Then their snow-whiteness will resemble pure snow.

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Graceful gossamer balls

Openwork-ephemeral balls-cobwebs of threads look very attractive not only in the New Year's decor. When you see such beauty, you don’t even think that you can create something similar with your own hands, without serious financial costs and special skills in handmade. And they will bring much more joy and moral satisfaction than those purchased for money in a gift shop. They can be used simply as a stylish element of decor, and as an original lampshade that casts fancy shadows, and as unusual New Year's toys, as opposed to traditional glass balls. From several balls-cobwebs of different diameters, you can make all kinds of toys: snowmen, fish, birds. In general, everything is limited only by your imagination.

To make Christmas balls from threads, we need:

  • any yarn
  • air balloons
  • vaseline or any greasy cream
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  • a bowl
  • ribbons, ribbons, beads, beads, rhinestones for decorating balls

How to make Christmas balls-spider webs from yarn

  1. We dilute PVA glue with water in a ratio of approximately 3 to 1.
  2. We inflate balloons to the size of the future product. Each ball needs to be given a round shape and tied with a thread. Be sure to leave a loop so that it is convenient to hang the balls for drying.
  3. We unwind the required amount of yarn, put it in a bowl with an adhesive solution and leave it for five minutes.
  4. To make the balls easier to separate from the frozen thread, lubricate them with any fat cream, petroleum jelly or sunflower oil.
  5. We wrap the balls with yarn soaked in glue, leaving at first a large distance between the threads, and then gradually reducing it until the entire ball is wrapped in yarn and looks like a cocoon. You can try to create a simple ornament, or you can wrap the ball completely randomly. In any case, the result will be excellent!
  6. Cut the thread and glue it to the ball. The next step is drying. We hang the balls in a secluded warm place and leave for at least a day.
  7. Now we need to separate the balloons from the thread. To unstick the thread frame from the ball, carefully press each rubber ball with your fingers. Then we pierce the balloons and lower them. Now the balloon can be easily reached through any suitable size hole in the thread cocoon. We carefully take out the balls so as not to damage our marvelous creations. From above we tie an elegant rope for fastening to the ball. wow! The ball is ready!

You can use yarn of any color to make gossamer balls. Alternatively, you can paint the finished product with any spray paint or glitter spray. Christmas balls of thread will look great with decorative bows, tinsel, rain, stars, beads, sparkles, rhinestones. We hang small balls on the Christmas tree, and decorate the room with large ones. Let your imagination run wild!

If you can’t wrap a thread soaked with glue on a ball, wind a dry thread, and then carefully soak it with glue with a sponge or brush.

Clue: glue can be replaced with starch paste or sugar syrup. To prepare a paste, you need to take three teaspoons of starch into a glass of cold water, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil. If instead of yarn we wind copper wire around the balls, the result will also be very interesting and extraordinary.

If you want to make a very large snowman, then get large round balloons and a lot of thread.

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Christmas cone wreaths

Christmas, as a bright and kind holiday, entered our lives with all the wonderful traditions. One such tradition is decorating doors with Christmas wreaths.

They say they bring happiness to both hosts and guests, so why not learn how to make this wonderful decoration. One of the most beautiful Christmas wreaths is a wreath of spruce or pine cones. To make it you will need:

  • Styrofoam circle - factory-made or made from strong wicker rods;
  • artificial moss or dark green velvet;
  • glue gun;
  • cones in large quantities;
  • gold acrylic spray paint or artificial snow and PVA glue.

The process itself can be seen in the photographs, as it is quite simple. Patience and accuracy is the only skill you need. These Christmas wreaths are quite expensive, and you can make them yourself. Merry Christmas!

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Quilling Paper Twisted Toys

Now on sale you can often find transparent Christmas toys. Before creative natures, they open up simply endless possibilities for creativity. The upper part can be removed from them, allowing you to put any nice little thing inside: rhinestones, beads, dried flowers and foliage, funny drawings or photographs, lace, satin ribbons, gold or silver ribbons ... Spirals, twisted will be an excellent filling for a romantic transparent toy in the shape of a heart. from multi-colored paper for quilling. Instead of paper for quilling, you can use old postcards (if you don’t mind) or glossy magazines that have accumulated over the year: we cut the paper into thin strips, twist it into spirals and fill the toy with them.

To make beautiful tight spirals, you can use a toothpick. To do this, carefully cut off the sharp tips of the toothpick with scissors. Then, with a paper cutter on one side of the toothpick, we make a shallow incision in the middle, about 1 cm. Insert the edge of the prepared strip of paper into the forked tip of the toothpick and twist it into a tight spiral. You need to twist not paper, but only a toothpick! Having removed the finished spiral from the toothpick, put it on a flat surface and let it unwind a little. Then, on the tip of the strip twisted into a spiral, we drip a little glue and press the edge to the spiral. Now our cute baby will not lose its shape.

To make our romantic toy with fancy multi-colored curls inside look even more beautiful and elegant, we tie a satin or silk ribbon bow on top. Such a toy can also be used in a festive decor for Valentine's Day.

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spice Christmas decorations

What can you make unusual, fragrant and very beautiful New Year's toys from? From spices! Incredible beauty! And you can hang it on a Christmas tree, and decorate the kitchen in an original way for the New Year, and a great addition to a gift.

We will need:

  • cardboard
  • stencil knife
  • PVA glue
  • golden thread
  • scissors
  • spices - cinnamon sticks, vanilla, star anise, etc.
  • sesame seeds
  • dried citrus fruits
  • golden acrylic paint

How to make spice Christmas toys

According to the template, cut out figures from cardboard.

We make a hole from above and thread a golden thread into it, from which we make a loop. We cover the figures with gold paint, let them dry, paste over with spices and dried fruits, carefully trimming the edges in the shape of a cardboard.

Lubricate the part of the figure where the seeds will be, grease with glue and sprinkle with seeds. When the glue dries, we gild the seeds with a sponge dipped in paint. Wow! Blimey!

Delicious decorations can be made from other materials and even bake real Christmas tree cookies! Try it! And your loved ones will be very happy.

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Christmas balls made of lace and beads

To create such beauty with our own hands, we need the most ordinary plastic bags, beautiful threads, lace, beads and sequins. Ready for a fabulous makeover? Then, get to work!

We take a food bag in our hands and crumple it well, giving it the shape of a ball. Then we wind the selected threads on the resulting lump. We should get a beautiful even ball. For greater durability of the structure, the thread in several places can be fixed with glue.

We wrap the ball with lace and sew on beads with sequins, while decorating the ball and fixing the lace. As a final touch, we sew an elegant loop to the ball and send our handsome man to the Christmas tree!

The holiday is just around the corner! What it will be - it's up to you! Creative New Year to you!

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Let's create toys and New Year's mood with our own hands

Christmas composition in a transparent Christmas ball

This New Year's luxury can be made from an ordinary plastic cup, silver-coated cardboard, white batting or cotton wool, miniature figures of animals and trees

Handmade Christmas toys

Using stencils and gouache, you can place such wonderful guys on your windows! It is unlikely that you will want to part with them after the New Year.

Preparing for the New Year holidays of 2020, you want your house, cottage, office, or store to look beautiful and bright.

To do this, it is not necessary to buy a huge amount, but it is enough just to know a few tricks and turn on the imagination.

Here are some interesting and original ideas on how you can decorate any room for the New Year with your own hands without spending a lot of money:

Christmas window decoration: snowy night town

You will need:

  • cardboard sheets
  • scissors
  • simple pencil and ruler
  • utility knife (if needed)
  • garland
  • scotch
  • various decorations (artificial snow, artificial greenery).

1. On the cardboard, draw (as shown in the image) the silhouettes of hills, houses, trees, animals, and whatever you want. You can use several sheets of cardboard, which can then be joined with tape or glue into one long sheet.

* If you use a clerical knife, you can cut out windows in houses, make visible the legs of animals and other details of the city.

2. You can bend this sheet into a rectangle or you can leave it as it is. Attach cardboard "legs" to the bottom of the sheet so your paper city can stand. You can also use plasticine.

3. If you want to hide unnecessary design details (legs, for example), then you can make a paper "fence" around your craft.

4. Insert a garland inside the fence. You can simply lay it down or attach it neatly and evenly with tape. In any case, it will look beautiful.

5. Place the craft on a flat surface (table or window sill) and turn on the garland in the evening.

Beautiful Christmas decoration of the porch of a house or cottage

You will need:

  • bucket of any size
  • spruce branches
  • tree branches of various sizes
  • christmas balls
  • garland
  • other decorations (tinsel, ribbon).

Just put all the above ingredients in a bucket so that it looks pretty.

Lights can be placed on the bottom.

Turn on the garland in the evening, and the composition is ready.

Glowing panel

You will need:

  • canvas on a stretcher (in this example, its size is 40 x 50 cm)
  • background paint and snowflakes
  • brushes (large for the background and small for snowflakes and inscriptions)
  • stationery knife
  • garland.

1. Paint the canvas with any color. In this example, dark blue was chosen as the color of the night sky.

2. When the paint is dry, start painting snowflakes in different sizes with white paint. You don't have to do everything perfectly, in the end everything will turn out beautifully. You can also make an inscription with a thin brush.

3. Using a utility knife, make small cuts in the center of some of the snowflakes. Don't make too many cuts, and you don't have to use all the bulbs.

4. Now hang the panel on the wall or just place it on a flat surface and turn on the garland.

Christmas frame for photos and postcards

You will need:

  • picture frame
  • garland (best with LED lights - they almost do not heat up)
  • hot glue or tape
  • clothespins (can be decorative)
  • photographs and/or postcards.

1. Prepare an old picture frame or buy the simplest frame for this decoration.

* If necessary, sand the frame and paint. You can use spray paint or regular wood paint.

* If you chose spray paint, it is better to paint outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, wearing a respiratory mask and goggles beforehand (the spray contains substances harmful to humans).

2. Using hot glue, a stapler, or tape, attach the garland to the frame, both around the perimeter and across the width so that photos and postcards can be attached to the wires.

3. Attach with clothespins (regular or decorative) New Year's photos and / or postcards to the lights.

Christmas tree on a wooden pallet

You will need:

  • wooden pallet or any old board or plywood
  • sandpaper
  • wood paint or spray paint (optional)
  • garland
  • hot glue or nails (to attach some pieces to the wood base)
  • strong thread (if necessary)
  • Christmas toys and decorations (including a star).

1. Prepare the pallet and process it with sandpaper. You can color it if you wish.

2. When the paint is dry, start nailing in a zigzag pattern (see image).

3. To keep the garland and toys stronger, first you need to wrap the nails nailed to the pallet with a strong zigzag thread.

4. Now wrap the nails with a garland, clinging it to the thread as well.

5. Start attaching Christmas toys to the thread and garland. Do it the same way you would decorate a regular Christmas tree.

* If you wish, you can find a wide branch or stump, cut it in half and nail or glue it to the pallet.

  • See also .

Christmas decoration of the garden

Here you will need a support for climbing plants. It is desirable that this support be in the form of a cone, so it will look more like a Christmas tree.

* This support can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands using wire and wire cutters.

* You can also make a support out of branches by folding them into a cone shape and tying them with string.

* Prepare a support and wrap it with a garland. You can use tape or electrical tape in some places to better secure the garland to the support.

* It is best to start wrapping the support with a garland from the top of your head.

* You can use one long garland to wrap two supports at once, or you can wrap each support separately with your own garland.

This decoration is suitable for a garden or cottage. Just place it on your porch or garden and plug it into a power source.

In order for the decorations to stand straight and not fall, they can be attached with wire or nails to the board / plywood.

Christmas decorations cupcakes

You will need:

  • small glass or plastic ball (or several balls)
  • appropriately sized paper muffin cups (to fit the glass ball)
  • artificial snow or salt and PVA glue
  • sequins
  • plastic berries (optional)
  • additional decorations (ribbons, beads, buttons).

1. Lay a paper muffin tin on a flat surface and add a drop of hot glue to it, then put a plastic or glass ball on the glue.

2. Cover the top of the ball with PVA glue and then sprinkle artificial snow or salt on the glue. You can also sprinkle glitter on top.

3. The final touch can be called an artificial berry, which can also be glued with hot glue.

4. Tie a ribbon or strong thread so that the decoration can be hung on the tree.

How to make a Christmas tree cupcake?

You will need:

  • glass or plastic ball
  • ribbon
  • sequins
  • PVA glue
  • molds for muffins
  • glue gun with hot glue
  • twine or other strong thread.

1. Remove the top of the ball (to which the thread is tied) and set it aside.

2. Take the ribbon and start wrapping it around the balloon, using hot glue to secure the ribbon. You can cover half or 2/3 of the ball with tape.

3. Apply PVA glue to the untouched part of the ball and sprinkle sparkles on it.

4. Apply a little PVA glue to the crown that you detached from the balloon, and also sprinkle glitter on top of it (preferably a different color).

5. Apply hot glue to the bottom of the muffin tin and glue the ball to it.

6. Insert the top of the head into the ball, tie a twine or other strong thread to it, and you can decorate the Christmas tree or the interior.

Christmas ball "first baby steps"

You will need:

  • glass ball (preferably frosted)
  • sequins
  • marker
  • PVA glue and a thin brush.

1. Draw the baby's feet on the ball.

2. Gently apply PVA glue to the entire surface of the pattern with a thin brush.

3. Sprinkle glitter on the glue.

White sock snowman

You will need:

  • White socks
  • fibrous filler (can be replaced with cotton wool)
  • dry beans
  • strong thread
  • various decorations (buttons, pompoms)
  • ribbon
  • black marker or black rhinestones (to make eyes)
  • glue gun with hot glue or superglue.

1. Pour beans into the bottom of the sock by about 3 cm.

2. Now fill the sock with fibrous filler to the end (over the legumes).

3. With a strong thread, tie off the end of the sock, leaving a few centimeters to make a hat.

4. Bend the top of the sock so that it looks like a hat. You can use hot glue to secure the hat and the sock won't curl up anymore. You can glue the pom-pom onto the hat with hot glue.

5. Cut a piece of brightly colored ribbon or string and tie it below the hat to form a head and a scarf around the snowman's neck.

6. Using hot glue, attach buttons, a pom-pom nose, rhinestone eyes (you can also draw them with a marker) and other decorations to the snowman as desired.