Project on labor education of preschool children. Project on the topic "Labor education" in the preparatory group. Work is a powerful educator

“Working is always useful!”

“Give children the joy of work. This joy is brought to him by success, awareness of his skill and the significance of the work performed, the opportunity to bring joy to others.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

“Everyone who deals with the upbringing of preschoolers knows the famous saying of the child “I myself!”. This amazing statement speaks of a qualitative leap in the development of the baby, because by this he declares his growing need to free himself from the guardianship of an adult, tries his hand at fulfilling his desires.

In the developing position of the child “I myself”, “I can”, “I will learn”, “I can” the rudiments of the future most important qualities are laid: independence, responsibility, activity in the knowledge of the world, in activity. And therefore it is very important not to slow down these tendencies in the behavior and aspirations of the child, but to support and develop them in every possible way.

R. S. Bure.




Information and creative;

Project implementation period- 1.11.2016−30.11. 2016 academic year.

Project participants:

Group teacher: Shtokalova I.V.

Middle group children

Parents of pupils;

DOU employees.

Problem: Most children do not have enough knowledge and ideas about the importance of work in human life. The fundamental question is how to arouse the desire of the child to work.

Problematic issues: What is labor? What types of labor are there? Where do our parents work? What job assignments can we carry out? How do we work in a group, on the street and at home?

Objective of the project:

Show the project participants the importance of work in human life;

To form in pupils the desire to work, and in parents - the desire to involve children in feasible work;

Formation of a positive attitude to work in children of 4-5 years of age

Project objectives:

Cultivate the desire to work;

To teach to carry out individual and collective assignments, to form the ability to negotiate with the help of an educator on the distribution of work, to take care of the timely completion of a joint task;

To educate children in independence, accuracy, mutual assistance, caring for each other, responsibility for a common cause;

Explain to children the importance of their work;

Encourage initiative in helping comrades and adults;

Learn to finish what you start.

In this project, all types of work of a preschooler will be considered.

Types of preschool work in:

· Self-service.

· Household work.

labor in nature.

· Manual labor.

For work, the following forms of labor organization were used.

Forms of labor organization:

· Assignments.

· Duty roster.

Collective work (general, joint).

Project relevance:

Recently, one often hears from the parents of pupils and from teachers that children do not want to work, they have difficulty mastering self-care skills, and prefer to use the help of an adult. There are difficulties in involving children in cleaning toys, maintaining cleanliness and order in the kindergarten group and in the children's room at home. We often see children who do not hesitate to throw garbage (sweet wrappers, juice boxes, etc.) not only on the street, but also in other public places. To the remarks of an adult, you can hear such explanations: “The wipers will be removed”, “I don’t know where to throw it away”, “It’s not me!”. Sometimes, even parents do not pay attention to such behavior of children, not considering it necessary, to make comments. Thus, there is a need for pedagogical education of parents on the labor education of preschoolers, as well as targeted work with children to form a stable habit of working.

Resource support of the project:


Magazines, pictures on a given topic;

Album "Professions of our parents";

Photos for the wall newspaper;

Necessary equipment for practical assignments

Forms of project implementation.

Directly educational activities with children in all areas of development and educational areas:

Forms and methods of project implementation:

Educational area

Types of children's activities.


1. Cognitive activities:

"From the history of professions"

"All professions are important - all professions are needed"

2. Conversations about the work of adults in kindergarten.

3.Creative stories:

"What do my parents do?"

"I'm proud of my mom." "I'm proud of my dad."

4. Reading Fiction:

stories aboutlabor:

V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" ,

M. Poznanskaya "Let's go to work" ,

D. Rodari "What do crafts smell like" ,

S. Marshak "Where did the table come from" , "We are military" ,

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?" , "Uncle Stepa" , "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" .

To Lifshitz "And we we will work» .

B. Zhitkov "Railway" ,

M. Ilyin "Cars on our street"

N. Naydenova "Olga Pavlovna" .

S. Baruzdin "Who built a new house" ,

L. Voronkova "We build, we build, we build" ,

S. Mikhalkov "Grandma's Hands",

« Labor and laziness» , S. Mikhalkov "My street", S. Baruzdin "The country where we live", S.Ya. Marshak "Mail", E. Permyak "The missing threads", B. Zhitkov "Forward looking".

5. Evening of riddles about professions.

6. Memorizing poems about work.

7. The study of proverbs sayings about professions and work.


Registration of a game library of didactic games:

"Who needs what?"

"What is this item for?"

"Who to be?"

"Who's doing what?"

"Who knows more professions"


"Pronounce it right"

"Give me a word"

"Smart Machines"

"Good bad"


"Whom I want to become?"

"From word to word"

"Going to work"

"Let's go to work"


"I know all professions"

"What's First, What's Later"


Problem situation "Let's take the doll for a walk."

Game situation "My appearance".

Watching the cartoon "Smeshariki".

Production of a photo album "Professions of our parents"

Conversations about the work of adults in kindergarten.

"Artistic Creativity"




Manual labor.


1. Plot - role-playing games


"Dining room"


"On the farm"










2. Conversation about the purpose of various items

“What do you need a shovel, rake, glanders for?”

“Who uses a needle, thread, cuts fabric and sews clothes?”

“What does a janitor use in his work?”

"Physical Culture"


Outdoor games





Interaction with parents.

Counseling about work in a corner for parents.

Participation in the presentation of their profession.

Joint design of the album "Work is always useful!"

Conducting a parent meeting on the topic "Labor education in the family and garden"

Stages of work on the project.

1. Preparatory stage.

* drawing up a plan of joint activities with children, teachers and parents.

* selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children (illustrative, artistic and didactic)

*creation of a developing environment, introduction of games on the topic, didactic, plot-role-playing, desktop-printed.

* cooperation with parents.

Making folders-movers for parents on the topic of the project, a selection of photos, literature.

Conversations with parents about the need to participate in the project, about a serious attitude to the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

2. The main stage.

Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching cartoons and multimedia presentations, conversations, excursions, observations, drawing, applications, didactic games.

Activities for parents:

Production of an album on the theme "Professions", participation in the design of the wall newspaper "Work is always useful!"

Design of mini-workshops for the production of mnemonic tables and didactic games about professions;

Organization of an exhibition of children's works: drawings, applications;

Conducting individual conversations in order to create interest and attract parents to the manufacture of crafts, dolls, children's costumes, decorations, baby books;

3. Final stage.

Production of a digital photo album "Professions of our parents";

Summing up the results of the competition among families of baby books "Professions";

Presentation of commemorative diplomas, prizes;

Registration of a photo exhibition;

Conducting the final lesson "Planting onions in a corner of nature";

Design of an exhibition of collective works,

Presentation of the project and holding a parent meeting on the topic "Labor education in the family and at home."


1. Bure P.zh C. Myself! // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2001. - No. 4.

2. Bure R. S. Organization of labor of children // Education of a preschool child in labor / Ed. V. G. Nechaeva. - M., 1974.

Z. Bure R. S. Labor education of preschool children in kindergarten // Education and education of preschoolers in activities / Ed. R. S. Bure. - M., 1994.

4. Kulakova L. V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten. - M., 1990.

5. Kutsakova L.V. Preschoolers work. A set of teaching aids. - M., 1996.

Everyone who deals with the upbringing of preschoolers knows the famous saying of the child "I myself!". This amazing statement speaks of a qualitative leap in the development of the baby, because by this he declares his growing need to free himself from the guardianship of an adult, tries his hand at fulfilling his desires.

In the developing position of the child "I myself", "I can", "I will learn", "I can" lay the rudiments of the future most important qualities: independence, responsibility, activity in the knowledge of the world, in activity. And therefore it is very important not to slow down these tendencies in the behavior and aspirations of the child, but to support and develop them in every possible way.

So, already a two-year-old child in the first labor activities can show independence - for example, master the processes of self-service. His "I myself" at the end of the third year of life is the result of previously formed skills. Therefore, the labor education of a preschooler begins precisely at this age.

Despite the fact that the results of child labor do not play a big role in the life of society, its role in the upbringing of the child is extremely great. Labor education of children is a powerful means of educating moral and volitional qualities, mental activity, forming cognitive interests, respect for workers and the results of their work, and establishing friendly relationships between peers.

Participation in work is always ensured by the action of motives that encourage activity: mastering new skills, caring for peers, showing attention to adults, caring for one's appearance, etc. - these are very valuable motives.

The first labor activities of the child are associated with self-service. How difficult it is for a baby to cope with the process of dressing! And how stubbornly at the same time he tries to show independence! But, unfortunately, under the pressure of an adult who has no time to wait, and it is easier to dress the child himself, the baby can put up with the position of a passive being, guarded by adults (mother, grandmother, teacher). And a gross mistake is made in education: the child begins to feel his helplessness more and more, and at the same time his insecurity grows, the incentive for independence disappears. In the future, he develops the habit of using the services of adults, there is a conviction that the satisfaction of his needs is the responsibility of adults.

Gradually mastering the labor processes associated with self-service, the child begins to feel more and more that he already knows something, thanks to which he achieves success. He refuses the help of adults who are in a hurry to dress him, and more and more often asks: "I myself ..."

Suppose a child has mastered dressing skills. Moreover, he has developed an understanding of neatness, and he cares about his appearance. What next? Gradually, all the actions associated with dressing become everyday activities: put shoes in place, carefully hang clothes in a locker, etc. The childish “I myself” is filled with new content: “I can do it myself and therefore I will do it myself!”, “I will always clean toys after the game, because I know how to do it, I'm already big!" The child develops a desire for order, a desire to maintain cleanliness.

Children grow up, and they have more opportunities to perform various labor assignments. In kindergarten, they can already set the table, wash toys, wipe shelves with a damp cloth, etc.

The teacher needs to assess the importance of child labor for the group and emphasize that children can already do all this on their own, without the help of adults. So gradually there is a need to do something useful for others. Orders are becoming more systematic and varied.

A special specificity in the labor education of children appears when they move into the middle group. Here for the first time they meet with the concept of "together", in connection with which the teacher needs to correctly distribute one task between all participants in the labor process, taking into account the interests of each. And it was during this period that the children's statement "I myself" gradually develops into "I myself, along with friends." If in the course of such activities business communication is developed "in connection with" and "about" emerging situations, then you need to explain to the partner the mistake he made and advise how to correct it, offer your own version of the distribution of work or support the partner's proposal aimed at improving the quality of the future result etc.

So, against the background of business communication, the sphere of personal relationships unfolds: children's sympathy for each other, goodwill, the ability to yield, etc. And in the child's statement "I myself" new motives appear, the concepts "I can explain to a peer what he is wrong about," "I can teach another."

In the process of collective activity, conflict situations may arise if the teacher does not explain to the children the moral norms of relationships. The position of the child, the leading motive of which will be awareness of his capabilities, will encourage him to actively assimilate these norms, as they become a means of establishing friendly relationships with peers. A new position of the child appears - "I can be responsible for the result of the common cause." The preschooler begins to realize his place in the society of his peers: "I am with my friends", and later - not "I", but "we are together." The child begins to reach out to the society of peers, and feeling the support from their side and experiencing satisfaction from what he has done, he becomes a member of this society.

Organization of work is a troublesome business for a teacher. But in work, even the most disobedient, unbalanced children become purposeful, active, organized, they are disobedient because they do not know how to realize their need for vigorous activity, and work helps them in this. Work captivates preschoolers, allows them to realize their capabilities, experience the joy of the results achieved, and unites them with common emotional experiences. And if the teacher constantly supports the labor activity of each child, his self-confidence, then diligence becomes a personality trait of a preschooler.

In my project, I tried to cover all types of labor, because I believe that all types of labor are very significant in the kindergarten life of a child, and it is impossible to remove any type of labor or not pay attention to it. Here's what I got.

labor in nature

Manual labor

labor in nature

We are on duty

Self-service skills and household work

Our work

We planted onions and oats in a corner of nature

We planted a mellisa in a corner of nature

Here we are harvesting

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Seyakhinsk boarding school"


S. Seyaha 2016
Project Information Card
The name of the project is "Work and patience turn into skills"
Authors and project leader Group educators, senior educator Aleksandra Anikhasovna Yaptik
The purpose of the project Formation of a positive attitude towards work, a conscious need to work.
The objectives of the project are to form a positive attitude towards work among pupils, high social motives for labor activity;
- development of cognitive interest in knowledge, the need for creative work, the desire to apply knowledge in practice;
- education of diligence, duty and responsibility, efficiency and honesty;
- equipping pupils with a variety of labor skills and abilities, the formation of the foundations of a culture of mental and physical labor.
Dates January - March 2016
Venue Seyakhinsk boarding school
Total number of participants
(including children) 45 children
Terms of participation in the project Volunteering, mutual understanding.
The relevance of the project.
Labor is a conscious, expedient, creative activity of a person, aimed at satisfying his material and spiritual needs, developing his physical and spiritual essential forces, as well as moral qualities.
Every work activity has its own motive. Different motives of labor determine a different attitude towards it. A person who understands the social significance of work, rejoices at a job well done, experiences happiness in work, and actively brings creativity into work. With such motivating motives, work becomes a means of the comprehensive development of the individual. And vice versa, labor only for the sake of accumulating material wealth impoverishes a person, forms the negative qualities of a person.
Therefore it is necessary:
- the formation of public motives for labor activity among pupils as the most valuable and significant, stable convictions in the need to work for the benefit of society; - the formation of a culture of work, skills and abilities of individual and collective work in the younger generation. Each person can work for the benefit of society only when he has mastered the culture of work: he knows how to determine the goal of work, plan the most rational way to achieve it in order to get a result;
- formation of respect for work, respect for its results of public and personal property, education of respect for people who create material and spiritual values;
- development among the younger generation of interest in different types of labor in order to identify the abilities and inclinations of each for a conscious choice of profession. Modern types of labor require a wide range of knowledge, technical preparedness, and special abilities. Labor education of children in a boarding school is an integral part of a holistic pedagogical process, which includes the transfer of labor skills and abilities to pupils, the development of creative practical thinking, labor consciousness and activity in them, which would help them in their later adult life after leaving the boarding school.
To teach students some labor techniques does not mean that we have achieved some results, it is necessary to develop and consolidate the implementation of the acquired skills and abilities systematically. And for this, in my opinion, it is necessary to use a variety of forms and methods of teaching based on specific material taken from the surrounding life and nature, on the direct experience and observation of pupils.
We propose the project "Work and Patience Turn into Skills" as one of the forms of introducing pupils to work, the desire to create and reveal their labor potential. This project provides for a close relationship between labor education and spiritual and moral education. The project pays great attention to labor education, environmental education, and leisure activities. Labor is a toolkit for the general development of the individual, the main source of the material and spiritual wealth of society, the main criterion for the prestige of a person and his duty.
Within the framework of this project, it is envisaged:
- preparatory stage: collection of information about the need to plant greenery in the group, to improve the territory of the boarding school. Coordination with boarding school management.
Questioning of children;
- the action "Clean village" - pupils collect garbage around the boarding school and school;
- the action "We keep our books and notebooks in order" - pupils repair books, textbooks, make book covers.
-search activity, within the framework of which students are given an independent opportunity to search for information about indoor plants, about caring for plants;
- the action "Help the birds in winter": within the framework of this action, pupils, under the guidance of a teacher, make bird feeders from improvised means;
- competition "Gift with your own hands" - within the framework of this competition, crafts as a gift to teachers and educators by March 8 will be considered.
Period and stages of implementation:
Stage I - collecting information, preparing conversations with pupils (January);
Stage II - conducting conversations and presentations (February);
Stage III - the action "We keep our books and notebooks in order" - (February).
Stage IV - search activity, within which pupils are given an independent opportunity to search for information about indoor plants, about caring for them (March)
Labor objects
List of works Objects Content of activities Terms
Landscaping Territories adjacent to the boarding school. Garbage collection around the boarding school Once a week - Sunday
Campaign “We keep our books and notebooks in order” Group game room, educational room Production of covers for books, textbooks January
Landscaping of the group 3 building of the boarding school Planting flowers and seedlings
weeding plants
Watering plants. March
Creative workshop Game room of the group Making crafts from paper, fabric, beads for March 8 March
Action "Help the birds in winter" Game room 3 buildings Production of feeders from improvised materials March
Project Implementation Mechanisms.
The presented project work is implemented in the following forms:
- collection and analysis of information;
- presentations, meetings, conversations;
- a competition for the best craft for a gift;
- stock.
The project uses the following tools:
- use of Internet resources; - digital means (projector, PC);
- material for repairing books and making covers;
- material for planting indoor plants (pots, earth);
- material for the manufacture of crafts.
Expected results:
A positive attitude towards work for the benefit of their boarding school.
Positive attitude towards the environment, responsibility for the ecological situation of their "small homeland".
Development in children of leadership qualities, communication skills and teamwork skills, the desire for creative growth and self-management.
Material and technical resources:
Interactive and sound-reproducing equipment.
Garden tools (buckets, watering cans, shovels, garbage bags, gloves, etc.)
Creative materials (paper, paints, pencils, etc.)
Normative and legal support of the project.
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
2. Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation"
3. Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" (as amended on December 17, 2009 No. 326-FZ) 4. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
5. Charter of the boarding school.
1. Voronov V.V. Education technology. M., 2000
2. Humanistic educational systems yesterday and today. Ed. N.L. Selivanova. M., 1998.
3. Dzhurinsky A.N. The development of education in the modern world. M., 1999
4. Krivshenko L.P. Pedagogy. M., 2004
5. Polyakov S.D. Education technologies. M., 2002
6. Pidkasy P.I. Pedagogy. M., 2002
7. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. General pedagogy. At 2 pm M., 2002
8. Sociology of youth / Responsible. Ed. Lisovsky V.T. St. Petersburg. 1996
9. Smirnov M.I. The problem of labor communication of schoolchildren. M., 2004
Questionnaire for schoolchildren
1. Do you enjoy doing your homework?
2. Do you have a permanent duty in the family? Which?
3. Are you willing to do it?
4. What do you dislike doing around the house?
5. Do your parents punish you if you don't do the assigned work?
6. Do you often do any work with your parents?
7. Do you like working with your parents? Why?
8. Do you help your grandparents?
9. Do you think household chores are hard work?
10. What was the most recent homework assignment that was new and unusual for you?
11. Which profession of your parents would you like to master in the future?

Attached files

A project for children of the senior group of the preschool educational institution on the theme "Cause - time, fun - an hour." Labor education

educator MBDOU "Kindergarten of care and rehabilitation No. 190", Saratov, Isaeva Olga Viktorovna
Project theme:"Cause time - fun hour."
Project type: group, information and practical.
Project participants: children, parents, teachers.
Project relevance:
Labor is the basis of human life, a source of inspiration and practical knowledge, a sure way to realize oneself in life. Interest in work, the necessary skills are laid in childhood. In the process of labor, interacting with adults and peers, the child learns the world around him, shows independence, initiative. It is important for teachers and parents not to miss this important and unique moment - preschool childhood.
Target: Development of a positive attitude towards work.
1. Expand knowledge about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person.
2. Ensure the development of independence and initiative in work.
3. Education of a value attitude to work and its results.
Project duration: short-term from 04/02/2018 to 04/30/2018
Interaction with parents:
Information for parents "Work is a natural form of activity of the child."
Consultation "Education of independence in children of senior preschool age."
Expected result:
Consolidation of the necessary skills and abilities in various types of work.
Participation in joint labor activity.
Development of cognitive interest and creative activity.
Increasing interest in work.
Acquisition of knowledge about professions.
Project support:
Preparation of the necessary material for the implementation of the project.
The study of pedagogical literature.
Selection of works of art, didactic games, illustrations on the topic.
Project stages:
- Preparatory:
problem identification
definition of goals and objectives
organization of work on the project
- Basic:
practical activities for the implementation of the project
- Final:
photo exhibition "Cause time - fun hour"
Lapbook "Planting plants".

Project content:
I stage.
Identification of the problem. Definition of goals and objectives. Organization of work on the project.
II stage.
Reading works:
S. Marshak "Mail"
Y. Tuvim "Everything for everyone"
D. Rodarri "What do crafts smell like"
Learning proverbs and sayings about work.
Didactic games:
"What of what"
What are these items for?
"Who needs what to work"
"What did I see?" (story about professions)
"Who can name more different professions"
"Tools for labor"
"Who heals us?"
"Who to be?"
"Who is more important?"
“We came to the post office to buy postcards”
"Profession of my parents"
"How do we grow flowers?"
"Everything has its place"
What to present to guests?
"Why did the flowers wither?"
“What do torn books dream about?”
"Toy Repair"
Collective work:
How do we clean toys?
"Sowing carrots, dill, parsley"
"Help the teacher in gluing books"
Labor in the corner of nature:
houseplant care
Labor in nature:
creation of an ecological trail
Showing video material about the work of adults.

III stage.
Photo exhibition "Cause time - fun hour."
Lapbook "Planting plants"

At the beginning and end of the project, teachers conduct discussions on issues in order to clarify the knowledge of children.

1. R.S. Bure "Preschooler and Labor".
2. T.S. Komarova, L.V. Kutsakov "Labor education in kindergarten".

As a result of the implementation of the project “Time for business – an hour for fun”, children have increased their interest and positive attitude towards work. They acquired the skills of self-realization, work culture, careful attitude to tools, economical use of materials.
In the process of collective labor activity, children began to coordinate their actions, desires, interests, distribute responsibilities and help each other. They acquired knowledge about various professions and expanded their understanding of the social orientation and benefits of work.

Every mother and father brings up their child in their own way and instills in him the right principles. Labor education, as a component of any program in kindergarten, helps the baby develop initiative and self-discipline. Small workers are not yet able to do the job with high quality, but in the process of work, they will acquire useful skills and important knowledge. In kindergarten, labor education contains game elements, they help to attract the interest of children and fill the task with special meaning.

Important! Sometimes it is worth presenting tasks as work, without a game plot. This will help the children get used to the need for work and develop a desire to complete tasks.

A properly formed system of labor education classes can improve the physical shape of children and improve their health.

Labor education in kindergarten has a positive effect on the development and formation of speech, mental activity, and the quality of thinking. Children learn to analyze, take initiative and develop patience. It is worth showing the baby the effectiveness of his work. Associate watering plants with their growth and flowering. In the process of observation, the child will learn to plan work activities.

During the classes, the teacher will tell the children the benefits, method of use and the need for each item in the inventory.

Along with this, they search and read:

Moral education is inseparably linked with labor education and makes it possible to develop useful qualities in a comprehensive manner. The children perform the tasks of the educator and try to distinguish their work from others. Develops independence, self-control and significance. Toddlers find common ground in work, learn to interact and find compromises. The educator will initially be able to highlight the leadership abilities of individual members of the group in the process of work.

Filling tasks for labor education, they are divided into the following types:
Domestic work: self-care, cleaning rooms and things, cooking.
Caring for plants and animals: watering flowers and bushes on the territory, planting trees, caring for our smaller brothers.
Creative work with hands: creating crafts, toys and bird houses with your own hands from natural ingredients.

In older groups, children should be offered more complex and varied tasks that require a non-standard approach. Little children must first learn to take care of themselves and take care of nature.

Project based on labor education

Any project will be successful if it is supported not only by educators, but also by parents. There will be many benefits from comprehensive labor education, and regularity will bear fruit.

Parents should be interested in how the project in kindergarten is filled and make efforts at home. Kids will be happy to help their parents in any task when it is done together. Your own example is the best. The presentation of the project should take place in front of the educators and parents who will take part.

The project on labor education in kindergarten is aimed at instilling a love of work in kids. Children learn independence, responsibility, patience. The project contains tasks that will help achieve the main goal. Taking into account individual nuances, the content is adjusted during the implementation process.

The project allows children to get acquainted with new professions, learn about the peculiarities of their parents' work. Kids begin to appreciate their own work and someone else's, learn to take care of things.

In the process of developing a project, it is worth considering the placement of the necessary sectors. It is necessary to allocate a place in advance for planting trees and flowers, place cages with animals. Preparation for the main work contains diverse conversations and discussions with children on prepared topics. At the next stage, the guys observe the activities of different people and delve into the intricacies of the work.
Tasks are formed clearly and accessible so that the kids can easily get to work. Explanation and demonstration will help the children visually remember the whole process of work. The project should combine simplicity and efficiency, it must take into account the age characteristics of the kids. The gender component is also important, because by distributing work by gender, the results will improve.

Video: Planting peanuts

Tips for labor education from L.V. Kutsakova

Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova is a well-known teacher who has achieved great results in the field of education. Her works contain a lot of useful information about the peculiarities of the upbringing of preschoolers. This article proposes Kutsakova's vision of the labor education of children in kindergarten.

The main responsibility of the educator is to involve children in work in such a way that everyone can feel pride in the work done. Toddlers learn endurance and develop physically during useful work.

Important! A good mood during work will help to leave a good impression of work. In the future, this will manifest itself in initiative and self-discipline.

Kutsakova points to the great benefit of collective work, because each child wants to add something of himself. Children develop an understanding of the synergy effect and all want to contribute. Children learn to work as a team and help each other overcome difficult moments.

Respect for work is formed from the information offered by the teacher about different professions and their contribution. In the form of a game, children tell their dreams about their future profession. The teacher analyzes the data and selects interesting facts about the work of famous people. The presentation on the theme of labor is also relevant, because the kids will clearly get acquainted with the results of labor.

In domestic work, timeliness is important. Young children must perform elementary tasks and work hard. The older guys learn new things and help the younger ones master skills.

L.V. Kutsakova described labor in the natural environment by age. To develop fine motor skills, little smarties learn to water and plant flowers. Monitor the development and growth of plants. The older guys help take care of the animals, take care of the inventory.

At preschool age, praise is of great importance for kids. Therefore, for the work done, even if it is insignificant, everyone deserves attention and a positive assessment.

Natalia Govorukhina
Project on the topic "Labor education" in the preparatory group

GBOU secondary school with. rich

JV Kindergarten "Sun"

Project on« Labor education»

Govorukhina Natalya Vasilievna

1. Introduction…3p.

2. Theoretical aspects ... 4-5pp.

3. Practical aspects…. 5p.

4. Information card project.... 6p.

5. Project on"Let's teach Carlson work» …. 7-8str

6. Used literature…. 9p.


Work is a powerful educator, in the pedagogical system education

A. S. Makarenko. The basis is precisely work. But what is labor is not than the hands of a child, a teenager are busy. Labor is that that develops a little person, supports him, helps him to assert himself.

Diligence and ability to work not given by nature, but brought up from early childhood. Work must be creative, because it is the creative work makes a person spiritually rich.

Work flutters a person physically. And finally work should bring joy to deliver happiness, well-being. It can also be said that work it is a manifestation of people about each other.

Labor the activity of a preschooler differs from the productive and domestic adult labor. It does not lead to obtaining an objectively significant product, but it is of great importance for the mental development of the child himself. Specificity labor preschooler is that work closely related to the game. It should be emphasized that the game and labor types of activity a common source - the need to take an active part in the lives of adults, as well as the desire for independence. AT labor and play, the child masters the sphere of social relations and actions related to the everyday and professional functions of adults. In the game, the baby acts in an imaginary plan, but does not have a specific result. AT labor actions and the situation of their implementation are real and lead to a tangible product. AT labor activity, the child establishes a more direct, immediate connection with the life of adults than in the game.

Theoretical aspects labor education.

Labor education is a joint activity educator and pupils, aimed at the development of the latter common labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for labor, the formation of a responsible attitude to labor and its products, on a conscious choice of profession.

Work children in kindergarten is diverse. This allows them to maintain their interest in activities, to carry out their comprehensive upbringing. There are four main types of children labor: self-service, household work, labor in nature and manual labor.

Self-care is focused on self-care (washing, undressing, dressing, making bed, workplace preparation, etc.. P.). Educational the meaning of this kind labor activity lies primarily in its vital necessity. Due to the daily repetition of actions, self-service skills are firmly acquired by children; self-service is beginning to be perceived as a duty.

Household - household work preschoolers is necessary in the daily life of the kindergarten, although its results compared to other types of their labor activities and are not so noticeable. This work is aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and on the site, helping adults in organizing regime processes. Children learn to notice any disturbance in the order in group room or on the site and eliminate it on their own initiative. Household - household work aimed at serving the team and therefore contains great opportunities for education caring attitude towards peers.

Work in nature provides for the participation of children in caring for plants and animals, growing plants in a corner of nature, in a garden, in a flower garden. This species is of particular importance labor has for the development of observation, education respect for all living things, love for nature. It helps the teacher to solve the problems of the physical development of children, improve movements, increase endurance, develop the ability for physical effort.

Manual work- develops the constructive abilities of children, useful practical skills and orientation, forms interest in work, readiness for it, cope with it, the ability to assess their capabilities, the desire to do the job as best as possible (stronger, more stable, sleeker, neater).

Practical aspects labor education.

During labor going on:

Accumulation of practical experience,

Formation of skills and abilities,

Formation of ideas about labor activity(Availability labor effort, getting the result,

Formation of various knowledge (for example, about the growth and development of plants, about the benefits labor people of different professions

expanding horizons,

Vocabulary expansion,

Expansion of ideas about sensory standards,

Participation in labor allows children to demonstrate their skills,

Allows for evaluation

Feeling happy with the outcome labor,

Attention to partners labor.

Forms of acquaintance of children with labor of adults:



Reading fiction

Looking at pictures and illustrations

Didactic games

Organization of all possible assistance to adults

Organization of a joint labor older preschool children with adults

partnerships between them.

The problem is that labor activities should contribute to improving the overall development of children, expanding their interests, the emergence of the simplest forms cooperation, the formation of such moral qualities as industriousness, responsibility for the task assigned, a sense of duty.

To solve this problem, we have developed project household chores work with children of the preparatory group.

Information card project.

1 Full title project: "Let's teach Carlson work»

3 Personnel: caregivers.

4 District representing the city project: Bogatovsky district.

5 Organization address: Samara region, GBOU secondary school with. Rich JV "Sun" Kindergarten

6 Phone: 8(84666) 2-22-49

7 Kind or type project: creative, short-term.

8 Purpose and direction of action project: expand children's interest in labor activity, to form cognitive abilities, to replenish knowledge about the types labor activity develop the ability to maintain order in group, consolidate the ability to distribute team work and jointly carry it out.

9 Venue: group room, Kindergarten Plot, Winter Garden.

10 Timing: one week.

11 Number of participants project: 15 children, 15 adults, 2 teachers.

12 Age: 6-7 years old

13 Form of conduct: frontal.

14 Expected result: photo exhibition about the work done.

Problem: during a conversation about labor in preparatory children by school age, insufficient knowledge about the concept of "household work» ; who needs it and why.


Develop the ability to plan the sequence of your work.

Carry out the necessary labor activities: prepare place and equipment for work; to improve the ability to wash toys, building materials, wipe dust on furniture, put things in order in a book corner, in the center of nature.

- Cultivate accuracy, industriousness, responsibility for the task assigned, mutual assistance, a sense of satisfaction from the implementation labor intent.

To form knowledge about the safe rules for handling scissors;

- educate respect for the work of adults, careful attitude to indoor plants;

Improve the style of partnerships when creating a common work.

Presentation Form: photo exhibition.

Stage Form of work Tasks Deadline

implementation Time in day mode Venue

Stage 1 Surprise moment: the arrival of Carlson.

game situation: "Mess in group room»

Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants (name, structure, features, care)

To form the motivation for cognitive activity, get involved in cleaning group room. Monday

Stage 2 D. game "Who needs what to work"

Collective work: "Book Repair"

To form children's ideas about inventory for labor(janitor, pom. educator, gardener)

In the process of work, convey to the minds of children the value of each book; the ability to take care of books. Tuesday

An evening of proverbs and sayings about labor»

Develop skills to conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants (table setting)

To develop the ability of children to understand the meaning of each saying, to make them want to memorize their favorite saying or proverb. Wednesday

Stage 3 "Let's help Krarlson remember where our toys live"

Washing doll linen, clothes, washing dishes.

Generate interest in Carlson's acquaintance with group room, toys.

Develop skills diligently and accurately work, see the result of your labor. Thursday NOD

Stage 4 Presentation of photos about the household labor. Improve the ability to share information with an adult, draw conclusions. Friday

Used Books.

1. V. I. Yadeshenko, F. A. Sokhina Preschool Pedagogy. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978

2. Markova T. A. Education of industriousness in preschoolers. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991

3. Education of a preschooler in labor / V. G. Nechaeva, R. S. Bure. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980