Tattoo on the ankle and their meaning. High intelligence and thin ankles

Do you want a tattoo on the ankle, but have not yet decided on the drawing? We will try to tell very detail about his views, as well as describe how the tattoos are applied to the skin.

Features tattoo on ankle

Tattoo on this part of the body seems to be not too noticeable. But the one who at least once threw him a glance can no longer be able to tear the eye. Especially if the drawing is selected with the mind. After all, it is quite an intimate place on the female body always attracts attention. No wonder, many of the celebrities apply tattoos for ankle.

Plus, a neat drawing on the leg can always be hidden under pants or boots. Therefore, you can even apply it if you are planning to make a career in the future in a serious institution with a strict dress code.

Tip! Even when applying a small tattoo, the master must be concentrated. Want to get a quality drawing - forget about the noisy company and the "Support Group", going to the salon. Yes, and noisy kids in the cabin there is nothing to do.

Types of tattoo on ankle

The drawings of tattoos exists such a quantity that they are simply unrealistic to list them. We will tell you only the main ideas. For example, you can somehow:

  • anchor as a symbol of stability and reliability;
  • dolphin, one or more flying swallows or gulls in the event that you most in the world value freedom;
  • ankolotka Bird, sitting on a branch, meaning that you are still able to "settle" (if, of course, the guy can tame you);
  • bird wing: This tattoo means lightness, speed;
  • feather-bird feather - symbol of spirituality and inspiration, aspirations to the unexplored;
  • an image of a small animal, birds or fish, if you personify yourself with someone of them;
  • a screaming bud, a small bouquet of flowers or a bunch of berries, associated with femininity and purity;
  • vitious or brief neat inscription: it is most often done in Latin, Arabic, French or English;
  • hieroglyphs are also welcome;
  • the initials of the beloved;
  • hearts of all sorts of form;
  • snake, wrecking;
  • stars of stars;
  • light and weightless butterfly;
  • key: Perhaps with the help of it someone once wants to discover your heart and soul;
  • bracelet or chain fully covered by anklet;
  • by the way, the inscription can also be made in the form of a bracelet;
  • bow;
  • any pattern or geometric ornament or ornament of colors; A small or more voluminous, starting at the steps itself and pumping on the back of the tibia.

Tip! Before you go to the salon, look at the dictionary of tattooes (it can be found in the network without difficulty) and be sure to find out the value of the selected tattoo. So that in the future do not hover in an awkward situation, be sure to learn and the accurate translation of the phrase liked.

And what "wear" on the legs of the stars?

Most girls seek to be similar to their idols. That is why they choose tattoos that cause well-known actresses or singers, including on legs. We offer you a small guidebook "on star bodies":

Kelly Ripa holder small tattoo rosets on the ankle

Pashe de la Werta is proud of a drawing in the form of a cobra passing from the feet of almost the knee

One of the ankles of Alissa Milano decorates the chain of scarlet roses

  • Kelly Ripa: the owner of a small tattoo rose on the ankle; By the way, she believes that she did in stupidity, although about the rest of the patters on the body (and she has a lot of them) it is absolutely not regret;
  • extravagant Pip de la Werta, by contrast, is only proud of a drawing in the form of a cobra passing from the feet of almost the knee; But the place is very painful here;
  • Alissa Milano made a lot of drawings on the body, including on both ankles: on one there is a cross and an angel plus the initials of the former boyfriend, to another - a chain of scarlet roses;
  • Katy Perry: the owner of the famous strawberry, located on the ankle; Naturally, this drawing on her body is not the only one;
  • Nicole Ricci have them too: she very often chooses open dresses in order to demonstrate small wings on the back; on the ankle she chose a drawing with rosary and cross;

Katy Perry owner famous strawberry located on the ankle

Nicole Ricci chose a drawing with rosary and cross

Jennifer Love Hewitt prefers to do temporary tattoo - because over time they can be replaced, the only permanent is the word "I" at the bottom of the right leg

Zoe Saldan recently made a tattoo on ankle on Arabic: "I want to ask her", you see, the inscription is quite exotic.

Pros and cons

So, summarize.

We have already found out that the minuses have a bit at the ankle. But there are plenty of advantages:

  • a small drawing always looks more elegant;
  • with it, we will be able to attract the attention of men to our beautiful legs;
  • it will allow us to express your inner "I";
  • with him we will look more liberated;
  • if desired, it can be easily hidden from prying eyes;
  • when applying a small image, pain will have to tolerate not long;
  • a small drawing and cost will be inexpensive, so you can afford to order it even in a prestigious salon;
  • since the skin at this place is not so fast, the picture will look carefully for a long time.

We list and minuses:

  • pain when applied, albeit a small one, still will have to pull out;
  • big image, let's say a picture, it will not be possible to apply in this place;
  • unsuccessful tattoo will be changed problematic, so immediately choose only a proven interior;
  • you can only apply such a drawing in the summer so that the closed shoes do not rub the wreck;
  • when contacting the pants or shoes with seams, it can overcome (although, in principle, if you wish, the image can be updated at any time).

Tip! So that tattoo is not blood too long, do not take although in a couple of days before visiting the salon alcohol. After all, it can expand capillaries.

How to behave in the cabin?

If you go to this place for the first time, we advise you to very carefully re-read the following tips:

  • if you do not know how to stay still with a small pain, do not go to the salon at all;
  • if during the procedure twitched the leg several times, do not blame the tattoo in the fact that the drawing came out uneven;
  • tattoo - Work is very painstaking, in no case do not torfer the master;
  • do not make it squeeze it into a small space on the leg too large, otherwise you will regret it yourself;
  • do not listen to drawing tips - Choose the drawing yourself; after all, it is not for your friends to walk with him all your life;
  • and do not complain later that the master was unable to offer you a more original drawing;
  • the master's responsibility includes the fulfillment of any, even the most strange wishes of the client;
  • note that 99% of people once regretted that someone's name was chosen as a tattoo;
  • no, we do not convince, but only we advise you to take note.

Tip! Figure 3D in the form of a tattoo looks so natural that it is possible to distinguish it from a real bracelet or a bow with a closer look.

How do we apply a tattoo?

  • Even the cleanest skin contains a sufficient number of bacteria. That is why the skin in the place of application is necessarily disinfected.
  • The skin pattern is transferred using special screen paper. To do this, it is treated with gel (best option) or soap. Throughout the work, it is on the body.
  • Next, the skin is applied petroleum to mitigate and better healing. This stage is also required.
  • Tattoo is applied manually or special thin, soldered with the needles. Depending on the selected pattern, they can enter the skin by 1-5 mm. That is, the circuit will be brought brighter and, accordingly, with more power, and the shadows are drawn slightly noticeable.
  • An experienced master necessarily pulls the skin at the place of application so that the paint falls uniformly.
  • The first is the contour, but only then shade. Shadows are usually applied by divorced pigments in distilled water.
  • At the end of the work, the tattoo is washed, inspect, if necessary, corrected slightly, and then re-coated with a layer of vaseline and make a dressing.

Tip! You can see the final result only in a few days when the wounds are completely fell.

Hurt or not?

Indeed, this place due to the lack of a large amount of subcutaneous fat is more painful than the other parts of the body. However, we all have a different pain threshold. Moreover, the drawing in this place is most often small, therefore the procedure for applying will be less long.

Tip! If you are afraid of pain, choose the smallest tattoo. Believe me, who needs it, he will definitely see it.

How many tattoo will heal?

If the tattoo is properly applied, and in the process of healing on the body there are no injections and uluses, it will heal very quickly - somewhere after 1-2 weeks. On the ankle, due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, the tattoo can heal a little slower.

The first 2-3 days disappears red and a crust appears (remove it, as well as combing the wreck, is strictly prohibited). When healing, much depends on the individual characteristics of your body and the rate of skin regeneration. Young, as a rule, are tightened very quickly.

Tip! Even if you think that the drawing does not require correction, after healing, be sure to visit the salon again. Or at least send the photo of the tattoo by e-mail. After all, the master always wants to see the end result of his work. It is possible that he will drive a picture on your foot in your portfolio.

Tattoo care

The healing rate of the wound after the tattoo depends largely and on the correctness of the care of it:

  • Never remove the bandage ahead of time. The master is better familiar with the peculiarities of the skin regeneration, so there is strictly follow its advice. On average, with a small drawing of the size of the matchbox, the bandage can be removed after 4 hours. It is removed from the volumetric tattoo after 12 hours.
  • In no case do not rinse the wound with alcohol. Quite warm boiled water without soap. Terret the healing tattoo is also prohibited.
  • Use only those healing ointments and gels that the master advised. Retinol ointment or d-panthenol is most often appointed.
  • After applying it is not too tight to recalculate the leg. Keep a bandage 1-4 hours. Too long to leave her on the leg is not worth - the wound should be filled in the air.
  • After the specified time, remove the bandage and rinse the tattoo with running water. Warm water will help reveal the pores and wash the excess pigment from the wound. Then open the cold water and rinse the wound to it. This will help calm the irritated skin. Do it quickly enough so that the wound is not too twice.
  • Repeat the procedure 4 times a day at least 3 days in a row.
  • When leaving the street, you must interbate the leg.
  • If you feel pain in the wound area, accept ibuprofen.

Tip! The first days of the tattoo may look inactively. But after the exit of an excessive carcass from under the skin, it will acquire a normal look. The final result can be seen no earlier than in 10-12 days (in the case of a large tattoo not earlier than the month).

How to delete an incomprehensible tattoo?

If you doubt the correctness of choosing a picture for a tattoo, apply a better temporary image. If it fully arranges you, you can make a permanent constant tattoo.

We give this advice in vain. After all, the removal of the tattoo is an even more painful procedure (most often it is removed by a laser). Plus the cost of removal will be considerable. In addition, the tattoo after removal will remain small, but still the scar.

Tip! In some forums, you can read the "delometry" ideas for the removal of the tattoo. That only does not go through: Zelenka, iodine and even acids. Note that when you delete it at home you will receive only huge scars. Best case scenario. Or, if you are lucky less, suppuration and terrible inflammation.

Do you have a tattoo?We look forward to your comments!

High intelligence and thin ankles

Medicas of the human physiology laboratory from the University of Columbia (USA) in the Commonwealth with paleontologists found out that the positive reaction of men on thin female caviars, smoothly rising from elegant ankle, refers to unconditional reflexes.

Comparing several dozen skeletons of prehistoric women (skulls and ankles), scientists concluded that women with thin eggs have a cranial box. The aesthetic image of an attractive female in the subconscious of men was not only from a narrow waist and a high breast. Thin ankles passed the evolutionary selection for those women who could not walk for a long time, but preferred to "do household" - to support fire, extract the skins, cook food.

In such women, the intelligence developed better, and therefore it was easier to find a common sexual language with them - what we now call love. The modern men inherited the reaction to the slender female caviar as an unconditional reflex.

Elegant ankles and small feet (especially at a high woman) in France in all centuries were a sign of noble origin. Yes, yes, it is the legs. Not a hand even: the aristocrats in the XVIII century could have large hands, if in childhood they played a lot (ordinary sport for women). But legs - they always issued an origin. Therefore, the aristocrats tried to emphasize the subtlety of the ankle and a smooth line of ICR by coquetty shoes.

To the ankles were in a tone

Make a daily simple exercise. Stand in front of the staircase, the legs are straight, the hands are omitted along the body, the back is straight. Lift the chin, look forward. During the exercise, the buttocks must be tense, the stomach is drawn.

Put the left foot on the step and tilt the upper part of the case forward until the straight line is formed with the right foot. Right leg stretched, the heel is pressed to the floor. Distribute body weight evenly on both legs (repeating 20 times per leg, making 3 approaches).

I risky to go to the territory of the British scientists, but it seems like Friday, so I will come, perhaps.

Suppose you like a woman and need her express assessment. You can try to know the intellect by asking questions. You can look into the eyes hoping to see the inner world there. But all this takes time. There is a way easier and faster - look at its ankles and after a second you will have an accurate and fast as a pregnancy test diagnosis of the patient. Personally, I do three years, and everything works.

The theory brought my wife a few years ago. Moreover, the theory has developed and has several important consequences.

So, the theory in its most primitive presentation states that "can be considered beautiful only legs with thin ankles." Three years ago, the diagnosis of "thick ankles", the wife put a resident of the city-hero Minsk. "Who is nothing? Are they anything? Yes, they have ankle that they are born to stand firmly in the furrow, when they dig potatoes, "the wife said, who, by the way, knows everything about digging potatoes, despite the thin ankles. Take Abstract Stacy Keibler (Stacy Keibler):

and Hilary Duff (H Ilarry Duff):

You ask who they are? And they know them, it does not matter :) Just look at the feet of both and draw conclusions.

Many who are interested in an exceptionally exterior of the ladies, this part of the theory is quite enough. Indeed, legs with thin ankles look aesthetically. But ankolotok, as it turned out, there is a relationship with a "rich inner world".

Corollary number 1 - thin ankles indicate the liveliness of the mind, developed intelligence and intelligence. This is absolute truth. With such ladies it is easier to find a common language, talking on any topic. They possess a moving mind. Such a woman can safely strike any Purga. Woman with thick ankles will cause sanitation. A woman with subtle ankles, most likely, will turn on and thumps you that you beat the sanitation.

Corollary number 2 - thin ankles ensure that a woman has thin wrists. But subtle wrists do not guarantee that a woman has thin ankles. It's just observation. Many, especially in the winter mistaken, thinking that the thin wrists of the hands talk about thin ankles hidden from the explorer with winter shoes. It's not obligatory. Wait warm. Or lead to where you can remove shoes. Surprises are possible. My conscience is clean - I warned.

Corollary number 3 - women with thin ankles are more often devoid of prejudice. They have a rich fantasy, which can be used for mercenary purposes. Such can you call at night and hint about something sinful. Next she will think of everything. Yes, so that you will be terrible. For some reason, all from the field of caring entertainment such ladies grab from the summer.

Corollary number 4 - with whom you shared this theory, who accepted it and agreed with conclusions, it is easier to find a common language and on other issues. Everything is simple: you both are observed, notice the items, draw conclusions. So, in other matters, notice something, with which, most likely, agree. This consequence works with both friends and spouses. You can test. Mount the husband, whose wife disagrees - the strength of such a marriage under threat, because you have little in common.

Corollary Number 5 - "Theory Anger" does not tolerate compromises - it is impossible to take it and forget it.Now you will always look at the ankles. This will be part of your world perception. So casual, between business - Zyrk down! "OK". Or "not ok". In short, welcome to our club.

Corollary number 6 - Surely history with ankles works with men. I assume that it is universal. Check yourself.

There is also the seventh conclusion, but it is indecent even on Friday.

Women's legs everywhere and at all times fascinated the male half of the population. And for a long time, only ankle already caused a special thrill. Why?

Legs in European History

For centuries, all European countries have been taboo on bare and image of the legs. Neither a man nor a woman had the right to expose even ankle. If you look at the ancient bas-reliefs of Eldlands, on which people are represented, then you can see that Chitons hide the legs of the ancient Greeks to the most heels. And it is regardless of gender and age. Exceptions constitute only images of gods and heroes. They, on the contrary, were often represented with naked ankles, the slightness and muscularness of which was emphasized by the straps of ipodimates - leather sandals. And this is one of the important signs, because the gods and heroes were allowed to admire in every sense.

Fashion and decency

From the Middle Ages and up to the 20th century in Europe, women's legs were sure to cover long dresses, leaving only socks of shoes visible. And even to the lacquer, with a strong wind or a riding horse on a horse, a woman could not demonstrate the nude ankles surrounding, a long time in fashion was high lacing shoes. This strictly required the norms of morality and decency. It was simply impossible to see the leg of the lady. Moreover, in Victorian England, for example, a strict ban was imposed on it. There, even the legs of the piano and the suitis furniture were made to close the covers so that men were not born dubious fantasies. And only in France some high-ranking and fighting beauties, wanting to conquer the cavalier, furtively, in a private atmosphere and only for a moment showed him his ankle. It was done precisely that the fantasy cheval was played by: he could imagine the whole lady in nude, to be disturbed and turned out to be completely in her power.

Kankan and Ankle

Freedom-loving France first of all European countries began to organize commercial enterprises on the appearance of female ankles. And the speech here is not about public houses that were everywhere and everywhere. In the 1820s, Kankan was born in the poor quarters of Paris - a female incendiary dance, which is based on the bright demonstration of ankle. At first, this dance was considered obscene to see him, it was necessary to go on the most bottom of the French capital, but at the same time he is still expensive to pay for the entrance to the tavern. And already in 1889, not only bohemians and aristocrats, but also members of royal families, for example, prince of Welly and his retinue adopted in the famous cabaret "Moulin Rouge" in Montmartre Kankan and ankles.
Further, the popularity of Kankana scattered over all countries, women's ankles gradually became more and more accessible to the people of people. At first it was theatrical layouts, then a movie that was considered a spectacle for a simple people for a long time. Already in the first decade of the XX century, there were shorteries in European beauties, exposing the ankles while still hidden in socks. But the case was done. Now men dreamed to see the legs entirely.

Ankles in modern culture

Today, in the XXI century, the American magazine "Ask Men", spending a survey among the male population that it is primarily attracted by their girls who revealed all the same trend: Americans are most interested in the legs of their compatriots. A fairly large percentage of men stated that initially they consider the ankle stranger; Then, if you can see, knees; After that, they look at the chest, and the last turn peep your face. But it is possible that it is a male "genetic" memory, because fashion and decency has long changed. In addition, each man has their own preferences, so predicted that it is in a woman who will drive everyone crazy, almost impossible - although it can influence it with its choice of clothes and shoes and the degree of openness that she herself can afford.

The tattoo on the ankle for girls always look sophisticated and elegant, emphasize the beauty of slender legs. This intimate zone always attracts the attention of the opposite sex, so the ladies often catch admiring views of men. The tattoo masters admit that modern girls have become much limped, so they are happy to be solved on bold experiments.

Advantages and disadvantages of ankle tattoo

The conservative society still refers to contempt and misunderstanding to those who decorate the body with tattoos. For girls who are not accustomed to pinching the public, but they want to follow fashionable trends, the tattoos on the ankle will become a real salvation. Such a drawing is very easy to hide from prying eyes, putting closed shoes with high-top, jeans or pants. At work, in a hard dress code, the lady will feel calm and confidently, and colleagues and bosses will not even suspect the existence of a spicy tattoo.

But in the summer, the girl has the opportunity to surprise others and proudly demonstrate an exquisite jewelry. Little tattoo on the ankle in combination with open high-heeled shoes is very impressive. This part of the body is considered one of the sexiest, so the attention of the opposite sex will be ensured.


Of the advantages you can also highlight the low cost of the tattoo, since the sketches do not differ in large sizes. In addition, the application procedure does not take too much time, so even the strongest pain will be short-term. As they say, beauty requires victims. Becoming the topic of the diseases of the procedure, it can be noted that it all depends on individual physiological features. Girls have a pain threshold much lower than that of men. Perhaps this is due to the fact that among the most tattooed people in the world, representatives of strong sex are more. To minimize unpleasant sensations, it is desirable not to plan a trip to the Tattoo Salon per week or during menstruation, because during this period the body is very sensitive and vulnerable.


Of the negative moments, only 2 factors can be distinguished: the restriction in the choice of sketch and the pain of the application procedure. On a small and uneven skin of the skin, it is not always possible to place a spectacular tattoo: you have to adapt to the shape and take into account the anatomical features so that the image is not overwhelmed. Previously, the images were flat, but today with the occurrence of 3D technology, it became possible to make a volumetric tattoo.

The drawing of the picture on the ankle is accompanied by a strong pain, since the absence of a fat layer does not allow absorbing the blows of the tattoo machine. The needle mercilessly hits the bone, so the girl is worth the patience and excerpt or increase the dose of anesthetics.

Popular sketches

Options tattoo can be the most diverse: and color, and black and white, represented by complex compositions or primitive, barely noticeable and very bright. When choosing a sketch, a girl should listen to the tips of the wizard so that the image is harmoniously looked at the ankle, and, of course, to focus on his own opinion.

Since any native figure carries a certain promise and hidden meaning, it is advisable to first become familiar with the value of one or another image. Consider the most popular sketches from girls.

  • Anchor (for a photo, see the gallery) personifies stability and reliability.
  • Birds symbolize freedom. If the bird sits on the branch, it means that the owner is not averse to go to a measured (settled) lifestyle.
  • Women's sketches in the form of an ankle on an ankle are interpreted depending on the context. Actually, everything is written clearly and specifically, only in different languages: English, French, Spanish, Latin, etc. Often there are hieroglyphs and sayings in ancient languages.
  • Flowers or blooming bud on ankle - symbol of femininity, youth, purity.
  • The butterfly at the tattoo personifies the tenderness and fragility of their owner. The drawing looks very effectively and volume in the 3D technique when the shadow is discarded from the wings.
  • For women considering the tattoo only as decoration, it is recommended to choose neutral versions in the form of a tattoo bracelet that covers the foot circle. So you can emphasize the slender legs and narrow ankles. As a basis, you can take a sketch, imitating jewelry, or simply anaisted baroque patterns.

Examples for imitation

Tattoo on the ankle is found in many celebrities. Smiling strawberry has long become a business card Katy Perry. In the American actress, Jennifer Love Hewitt on an ankle can see the word "I". Her colleague Nicole Ricci, a big fan of Tattoo, chose a more neutral version and chose a decoration in the form of a chain with a cross. Alisa Milano, who played one of the main roles in the series "Enchanted", also did not limit himself with one drawing and decorated two legs at once. On one anklet, she has a tattoo bracelet in the form of roses, on the other - the initials of the beloved and the cross.

Interesting video about painful places for tattoo

Photo and sketches tattoo on ankle