Test who you will have. Calculator for determining the sex of the child. Japanese method of planning a child's gender

Simple fortune telling

You can find out the sex of a child not only by folk signs. There is a simple fortune-telling that will help you get the answer to your question. Take a gypsy needle and thread a black thread (about 30-40 centimeters) into it. Raise the needle in front of you at arm's length.

If the needle begins to circle clockwise or counterclockwise, then you will have a boy. If the needle begins to swing back and forth or left and right, then there is a high probability of the birth of a girl.

How to protect a child from the evil eye

Children are very susceptible to negative energy impact this primarily applies to newborn babies. Therefore, there used to be a tradition during the first year of life not to show the baby to anyone, with the exception of close relatives. However, in our time, such a "seclusion" is not always possible.

To protect the baby from the evil eye, you can hang an ash toy or just a twig of this tree over the cradle. Ash is a powerful protector that protects the baby from envy and bad wishes. They have similar properties.

The melodic ringing helps to clear the aura of the room from negativity. Bells or wind chimes can be hung over the baby's cradle. Periodically, lightly touch protective objects so that they emit a ringing sound. Make sure that the home amulet is perfectly clean, dust should not accumulate on it.

Waiting for a baby always counts happy event, new sensations and emotions appear in a woman's life. The news of an imminent replenishment causes a mass different feelings, one of the main concerns of many parents is associated with the sex of the unborn child. Nature is so laid down that it is impossible to immediately find out this information. For this reason, there are many methods, technologies, tables and signs designed to calculate the sex of a child. After all, one of the first questions that friends and acquaintances ask a pregnant woman: “Who are you waiting for - a boy or a girl?”.

Online calculator for calculating the sex of the child

Today, there is a popular way of determining - this is an ultrasound scan. But this method shows reliable data only from the second trimester and only on quality equipment... The old apparatus sometimes reflects inaccurate information, in addition, the doctor's experience must be taken into account.

You can use folk signs for example, using a ring over the belly. Sometimes a woman relies only on her feelings, knowing for sure that she will have a daughter or a son. But the signs and your own intuition are not always reliable. It is impossible to rely on them in determining the sex of the baby.

What does our site offer? We can have a baby using a universal calculator for calculating the sex of a child. Why is he so unique? With it, you can calculate the sex of the child and identify the likelihood of having a boy or girl.

The calculator has collected several popular methods, the calculation of gender is based on technologies that are the most famous and have already proven themselves among women.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

O (I) Rh− O (I) Rh + A (II) Rh− A (II) Rh + B (III) Rh− B (III) Rh + AB (IV) Rh− AB (IV) Rh +

How to work with a child's gender calculator

For an accurate forecast, you need to enter the month in which conception occurred, enter the dates of birth of the father and mother. And, importantly, the blood group of the parents is entered into the columns of the online calculator.

The result of the forecast is then displayed on the screen. If all methods showed the same information, then the probability of having a boy or girl is 100%. If the results of the methods differ, then the percentage probability of gender is reported. For example, 75% - a boy will be born, or 50% - a little princess may appear in the family.

Important: on our website you can check information about the future field for each specific method individually.

Calculator efficiency

Calculating the sex with the help of a calculator is trusted by people who have matched the calculations, and got one hundred percent hit. Some women got a vague result, but it is worth considering a small statistical error in the calculations.

Whether or not to trust the method, everyone decides for himself. The influence of the genetic factor on the formation of sex cannot be ruled out. So, deviations in the health and the set of genetic information of one of the parents can affect the gender. little man... There are families in which only boys are born, or, conversely, only girls are born to a couple. Surely everyone is familiar with such examples.

It is understandable that the parents want to know the sex of the baby faster, sometimes women are interested in this issue already at the first ultrasound scan at 12 weeks. But sometimes you should not rush to the discovery, in some cases it is better to focus on pregnancy in order to give birth healthy baby... Treat the unborn child with love, will happen soon an important event in it and parental life- birth. The calculator of our site predicts the result, treat the calculations as a game and fun during pregnancy.

It is possible to find out the sex of the unborn child using an ultrasound scan not earlier than 20 weeks. But I can't wait to find out who will be born, early ...

There are a number of techniques, tables and folk signs for determining the future sex of the baby.

1. In this table, the sex of the unborn child can be determined by looking at the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother.

Example: Pregnancy began in May. The woman is 25 years old. WITH very likely a girl will be born.

2. It is possible to determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient China.

in Table No. 1 we find the figure located at the intersection of the month of birth of a man and a woman.

in Table No. 2 we select the row under the number obtained from table No. 1. In this row we find the month of the baby's conception. The “boy” “girl” scale indicates the probability of birth of one or the other sex. The more divisions, the more likely.

Example: The man was born in March, the woman in June. At the intersection in table number 1 -digit 6. Month of conception April. In table No. 2 in the 6th row opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of the birth of a girl and a boy is equal. That is 50% to 50%.

3. Tables for determining the sex of the child by the "age" of blood.

This technique is based on the assumption that the blood of women and men is regularly updated. In women, this happens 1 time in 4 years. In men, the blood is renewed once every 3 years. Having found out the "blood age" of the parents, they compare it with each other. Add the number of months that have passed since last day the birth of the parent before the month of conception. The gender of the parent whose blood is younger and passed on to the baby.

In the first table we find the coefficients of renewal of the blood of the father and mother, opposite to the age.

In the second table you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Now for each parent we add the resulting 2 numbers (from tables 1 and 2). Whoever has a lower number ("blood is younger"), of that sex is more likely to have a child.

Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom = 1, dad = 0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. According to the results of both tables, mom (1 + 10 = 11), dad (0 + 1 = 1). "Dad's blood is younger" - a boy will be born.

4. Folk omens for determining the sex of the unborn child.

You also can .

In most cases, expectant mothers do not care about the gender of the baby, but sometimes parents want just a boy or a girl. Is it possible to choose a gender in advance?

5. Ovulation. Calculate who will be born a boy or girl.

If the family already has two sons, then a woman, having decided to give birth to another child, most often hopes for the birth of a baby daughter. And if young parents have a girl's first-born, then dads, of course, also dream of the birth of an heir. Is it possible to manage the process of conception in order to know in advance who will be born: a boy or a girl, and how to do it?

Boy or girl: can conception be controlled?

The process of conceiving a boy or girl is a great sacrament, but scientists already know a lot about how new life, and even know a thing or two about the possibilities of managing the birth of a child.

For the birth of a new human life it is necessary for the egg and sperm to meet. The eggs mature in the ovaries, and each month one of the eggs leaves the ovary and embarks on a journey to meet the sperm. The release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

After ovulation, the egg cell lives only a day, and if conception has not occurred, it dies after 24 hours. Sperm cells are more tenacious and can wait for an egg inside a woman's body for up to five days. Thus, conception can occur if a woman has had intimacy with her husband, either on the day of ovulation, or a few days before her.

And what determines who will be born: a boy or a girl? It depends on which sperm will fertilize the egg - if a sperm with a Y chromosome wins the race, a boy will be born, and if with an X chromosome, a girl will be born.

Sperm with a male chromosome move faster, but they are less tenacious. But the sperm with female X chromosome able to live in fallopian tube waiting for the appearance of the egg up to five days. What follows from this? Given the vitality of sperm with female chromosomes, the chances of conceiving a girl becomes much greater if intercourse took place 2-4 days before ovulation. But if the intimacy took place directly on the day of ovulation, then the chances of conceiving a boy are significantly increased, since there are more spermatozoa with a Y chromosome and they are faster. The only thing left is to calculate the day of ovulation.

How to calculate the day of ovulation

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle, but, depending on a number of circumstances, this is not always the case. It is impossible to feel the moment of ovulation, as it is asymptomatic. And yet it is possible to calculate this moment quite accurately using three methods:

  • daily for 3-4 months and draw up a schedule;
  • use an ovulation test purchased at a pharmacy (the most accurate is the jet test);
  • do an ultrasound.

If you need to determine the moment of ovulation as accurately as possible, start drawing up a cycle schedule in a few months, and in the selected month, when the expected ovulation approaches, use the test, or go through an ultrasound scan.

Of course, even if you calculate the day of ovulation as accurately as possible, desired result conception is not guaranteed, too much additional factors can affect who is still conceived: a boy or a girl. But with this method, the chances of desired result rise significantly. Similarly, getting a child of the gender you want, a boy or a girl, is possible so far only if pregnancy occurs as a result of IVF.

6. Divination. A boy or girl will be born.

Ultrasound does not always show the sex of the child. It happens that a boy or a girl is born to her, the woman does not know practically until the very birth. If the baby does not allow doctors to see her gender, and you really want to find out who is growing in the tummy, you can use folk signs and fortune-telling.

A boy or girl will be born: signs and fortune-telling

Not all fortune-telling that was popular with our ancestors will work modern women because not every future mom ready to go to fortune-telling alone in the bathhouse or in the threshing floor. Here are the simplest folk ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby:

  • To find out whether a boy or a girl will be born, you need to ask the expectant mother to raise and stretch her arms forward. If she does this so that her palms are facing up, a daughter will appear, and if her palms are turned down, a son will be born.
  • For this fortune-telling you will need a large key with a long "beard". They put the key on the table and ask the expectant mother to take it and give it to someone present. If a pregnant woman takes the key by the top, then you should wait for the birth of a boy, and if by the beard, a daughter will be born.
  • You can find out whether a boy or a girl will be born using fortune telling with a ring. The expectant mother should be asked to take the "reclining" position and swing the ring hanging on a thick thread over her tummy. If the ring begins to swing like a pendulum, it is worth waiting for a son, and if it starts to describe circles over the stomach, there will be a daughter.
  • If a woman already has children, then you need to see how the baby's hair grows from a previous pregnancy: if the so-called "pigtail" grows not in the middle of the neck, but on the side, then a child of the opposite sex will be born next.

There are 5 ways to plan your baby's gender.

1 . Diet... This is the most common way. For the conception of a boy, it is recommended to eat foods rich in potassium and sodium, and for the appearance of a girl - calcium and magnesium. Therefore, in the first case, eat fish, meat, mushrooms and potatoes, legumes, chicken protein, apricots and peaches, prunes, rice and semolina... In the second case, give preference to eggs, eggplant and beets, carrots and cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers, honey, peanuts and hazelnuts.

You need to follow a diet from the beginning. menstrual cycle until the moment of the alleged conception. And both women and men. After conception, you can and need whatever you want. Strictly scientific justification this method was not obtained, and the success rate of its use is about 30%.

2 . Calculation by the timing of ovulation... It is believed that if intercourse happened less than a day before ovulation (preferably 10 hours before it), then most likely a boy will be born. If intercourse happened much earlier or a few days after ovulation, then the girl is more likely. This is because the Y chromosomes can only reach the egg for a short period of time before ovulation. Otherwise, they die and only the X chromosomes remain. Flaw this method is that it is not always possible to calculate exact dates ovulation. In the best way to identify the time of ovulation is scheduling basal temperature within a few months or purchasing a special ovulation test at the pharmacy.

3. Frequency of intercourse... This method is based on the fact that X chromosomes are more mobile than Y, but the former have a shorter life span. It follows that with frequent sexual intercourse, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy, and with rare intercourse, a girl. The effectiveness of the method is 70-80%.

4 . Choosing a position during intercourse... There is an opinion that for the conception of a boy the pose “man behind” or “woman on top” is good, and for the appearance of a girl - “man on top”. This method is based on giving more chances of Y or X to the sperm. As you know, for the conception of a boy, it is necessary that the Y-sperm combine with the egg, and for the conception of a girl, the X-sperm.

5 . Even - odd years of a woman... An unconventional doctor Elena Shavrina revealed the dependence of the sex of the child on the age of the expectant mother. In even years of a woman's life, the conception of a girl is more likely in February, April, June and August, October, December; in odd years, respectively, in January, March and May, July, September and November. The appearance of the boy is the opposite.

These are the main ways to plan the sex of your baby. After a good search, you can find others. But it's worth remembering only one way can ensure you have a guaranteed birth of a child of the correct gender- This is an artificial insemination procedure, when an embryo of the desired sex, boy or girl, is left in the uterus.

With the onset of pregnancy, future parents become interested in who will be born - a son or a daughter. Even if it doesn't matter who will be, curiosity will still remain.

There are many points of view on how to determine the sex of the unborn child. Some of them are used both before conception to plan the desired sex, and at the most early dates pregnancy. Others - inform parents about who will be born at a later date.

How is conception based on gender?

Male sperm contains sperm X and Y. They are responsible for the sex of the future person. At the moment of conception, the female cell merges with one of these spermatozoa. If fertilization occurs with the X chromosome, then there will be a girl, if Y is a boy. The female cell is of only one type - X. It follows that the birth of a boy is completely dependent on the man. If, in the process of fertilization, two or more female cells participated, then there will be several fruits.

X-sperm are tenacious, powerful, but slow. Y-sperm, on the contrary, are weaker, live less, but move faster.

Conception takes place on the day of ovulation. Conception of a girl is more likely if intercourse was a few days before ovulation. This is explained by the fact that Y sperm will die by the time of ovulation. If intercourse was on the day of ovulation, the sperm with the Y-chromosome will reach the target faster than their slow “friends”.

Tables and calculators for determining the sex of the child

Now, it is popular to determine the sex of the expected baby using special tables and calculators. They show what gender the baby is most likely to be born. These include the following:

Forecast by date of conception - with calculator

This method will need dates last menstruation and conception. The data is entered into the calculator and the result is ready. The difficulty lies in the fact that not every expectant mother knows when conception occurred. Because this date is not considered the day of intercourse, but the day of ovulation. On the basis of the day of ovulation, as mentioned above, and it is possible with an overwhelming degree of probability (but certainly not 100%), to determine the sex of the desired child.

Prediction by blood group of parents

This method is much simpler. In the table, at the intersection of the data of the mother and father, you can see who will be born - a boy or a girl. In the same way, the prediction of the Rh factor of the parents is carried out. By blood group, the result, as a rule, is obtained more accurately than by the Rh factor.

Table for determining the sex of the child by the blood group of the parents

Blood renewal prognosis

In all people, the blood is regularly "cleansed". In women, this happens every three years, in men, every four years. Whoever has more "fresh" blood will have a baby of that gender. If one of the parents had blood loss (surgery, transfusion), then the countdown should start from this date. Otherwise, the result may be false. You can make the calculation yourself. Mom's age is divisible by three, dad is divisible by four. Whoever has a larger remainder will have a child of that gender.

Forecast by Japanese table - with calculator

In Japan, tables have been developed to fill in which you need to know the month of conception and the month of birth of the father and mother. In one table, at the intersection of the months of birth of the father and mother, a figure is determined. Find it in the top line of another table. Under this number, vertically, the month of conception of the child is selected. Opposite this month, there are crosses in the columns "boy" and "girl". The child will be of the gender where their number is greater. This method is also called date of birth forecast.
[Calculator under construction]

Ancient Chinese table forecast

This simple method was developed back in the 14th century AD. All that is required is to know the age of the mother and the month of conception. At the intersection of these data in a special table, you can see who will be born. The peculiarity is that the Chinese consider their age from the moment of conception. That is, 9 months are added to the date of birth. Therefore, when using this table, it will be correct to do the same - add nine months to the mother's age.

All these methods are not medical, and therefore, they may not give a 100% correct answer. They can also be used before conception if there is a need to increase the likelihood of having a baby of a particular gender.

Determining the sex of a child with the help of medicine

Parents who do not want to rely on tables are interested in how long it is possible to determine the sex of the child more accurately. It depends on the diagnostic method that will be chosen.

Read also: How to calculate the day of ovulation correctly - online calculator

There are several medical methods. The most common is ultrasound procedure... Modern ultrasound machines can determine gender from 12 weeks. However, the most correct result will be after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The difficulty arises if the baby does not show his genitals, turning his back to the sensor or covering them with handles.

There are also a number of tests to determine the gender of a baby without an ultrasound scan.

V modern conditions conduct a gender test. The reagent in it is combined with the mother's urine. If the control strip becomes orange, then a girl will be born, if green - a boy. This test is carried out from the eighth week. The probability of a correct result is 90%.

Sometimes, the appearance of a child of a certain gender is undesirable due to genetic diseases in a male or female family. In this case, a chorionic biopsy is performed at 7-10 weeks, during which a special needle is inserted into the uterus through the mother's abdomen. The probability of a correct result is 100%. Just out of curiosity, it is not worth doing it, since sometimes it leads to an abortion.

Another popular but expensive method is a blood test. It determines the level of fetal DNA. You can take it from the 7th week. But it is better to spend it on more later dates- the result will be more accurate. Blood is drawn from a vein. It is not necessary to take it on an empty stomach. If the result of the analysis shows the presence of the Y chromosome, then a boy will be born, if not, a girl.

The influence of parental nutrition on the gender of the unborn baby

The gender of the child is influenced by the nutrition of the parents before conception. Everything foodstuffs divided into two groups - for the conception of a son and for the conception of a daughter. If the pregnancy has already begun, then remembering what the expectant mother ate before conception, one can assume who will be born. If there is no pregnancy, then a few months before conception, you can change your diet for the birth of a child of the desired gender.

To attract female sperm by the egg, calcium and magnesium should be included in the diet. The main products, however, are:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • a large number of sweets;
  • bread and pastries, with a small amount salt and preferably yeast-free;
  • raw and boiled vegetables (preferably green);
  • nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame;
  • fruits and berries.

Salt in the diet must be present in minimum quantity, since it does not allow calcium to be completely absorbed. In addition, it contains sodium, which repels the X chromosomes and attracts the Y chromosomes.

To attract male sperm, the diet must be high in sodium and potassium. Preference should be given to products such as:

  1. meat (in large quantities);
  2. fish, including salted;
  3. smoked meats;
  4. dates, dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  5. potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, mushrooms;
  6. bananas, peaches, melons.

A parent's diet is not a panacea. Therefore, misfires can occur in this case as well.

As soon as a woman finds out about long-awaited pregnancy, she immediately has many questions, one of which -how to find out the gender of the unborn child? Today, many new ways to study expectant mothers have appeared, but the question of how to determine the sex of the child in the first weeks (or even in the first days) of pregnancy remains open.

Which of them are considered the most effective and what are they based on?

How is a child of a certain gender formed?

To answer this question, you have to remember school course biology. The woman's egg cell carries the X chromosome, and the male sperm - X or Y. If the egg is fertilized with the Y chromosome, then after the allotted time, the couple will have a boy, and if X, a girl can be expected.

Predict this natural process in advance, it is difficult to calculate the sex of the child or somehow influence it, therefore, in the first weeks after conception, determining the sex of the child remains a mystery for both future parents and doctors.

What affects the gender of the baby?

There are many theories about the influence of different factors on the formation of a child's sex, but so far none of them has been 100% confirmed. For example, there is a statement that the future sex of a child depends on the weight of the mother and her diet.

According to some studies, women who weigh less than 54 kilograms are more likely to give birth to girls, and more full ladies mostly boys appear. Indeed, for development male body it takes a little more nutrients than for the female, but the weight of the expectant mother still cannot be a guarantee of the birth of a child of a certain gender - there are a lot of cases when small, fragile girls successfully give birth to boys.

The same applies to theories regarding the age of future parents: hormonal changes, which occur over the years in the human body, can affect the sex of the embryo, but are not a determining factor.

Other studies say thatcalculate the sex of the childit is possible with the help of a certain diet. So, in order to give birth to a girl, expectant mothers need magnesium and calcium, that is, eggs, onions, dairy products, nuts, etc. But you can "order" a boy with the help of such products as fish, meat, legumes and fruits - that is, those that contain sodium and potassium.

It is also quite effective remedy when planning the sex of the unborn baby, acidic foods and drinks (in particular, natural fruit juices without sugar): nutritionists advise women who want to conceive a girl to regularly consume them immediately before conception. This fact has a completely scientific justification - thanks to acidic products, the environment in the vagina also becomes acidic, due to which the sperm with the Y chromosome quickly die.

But in any case, the fundamental role inplanning the sex of the unborn childonly Mother Nature plays, and future parents are unable to influence her decision. The only thing they can do is try to determine the gender of the baby before birth, using existing ways and techniques.

Methods for determining the sex of the baby

Most in an accessible way to determine the sex of the child today is considered an ultrasound examination, but the problem is that this can be done only on specific date(after about 16-17 weeks of pregnancy). But what to do if, for some reason, you need to know it earlier? To do this in advance with a probability of 100% is practically impossible today, so scientists are not abandoning their attempts to find a method that will allow not only to calculate the sex of a child immediately after conception, but also to plan it in advance.

The most popular and effective are severaltests to determine the sex of the childwhich are based on different factors: parental blood, date of conception and special tables (Japanese and Chinese). You can test each of them in practice and make sure of their reliability below.

Determining the sex of the child by blood renewal

Methods for determining the sex of a child by the blood of parents have been known to scientists for a long time, and one of them is based on the date of blood renewal. There is an opinion that the complete renewal of blood, mucous membranes and tissues regularly occurs in the body of every person, and in men the frequency of this process is four years, and in women of the opposite sex - three. That is, if at the time of conception the woman's blood is "younger" than the man's, the couple will have a girl, and if on the contrary, then a boy.

It is rather difficult to say anything about the reliability of this method, since according to some data it "works" in 80% of cases, and according to others - in 50%. But experts say that if the calculations are done correctly, the couple has every chance of getting an answer to their question with a fairly high probability.

To calculatebaby gender by blood renewalyou need to know the date of conception of the baby, as well as the dates of birth of the future father and mother. True, it is important to remember that there are many factors that can speed up the process of blood renewal: these include transfusions, operations, major blood loss or donation. In this case, the countdown should not start from the date of birth, but from the day when the last major blood loss occurred.

Determining the sex of the child by the blood group of the parents

The method is based on the theory that the blood groups of the future father and mother have a great influence on the formation of the baby's sex. In other words, a woman and a man with certain blood groups are more likely to have a child of a certain gender. Of course, this method has the right to exist, but its reliability is subject to great criticism.

The problem is that the table for determining the sex of a child by blood implies one result for one pair of parents, but after all, each of us knows cases when children of different sexes grow up in the same family.

Determining the sex of the child by the Rh factor of the parents

To determine the sex of the baby in this way, it is enough to compare the Rh factors of his parents. To do this is as easy as shelling pears: if the rhesus match, then the couple will have a girl, and if the indicators are different, a boy.

True, as in the case of calculating sex by blood group, one can strongly doubt the reliability of the result obtained, because he claims that either one boy or one girl can be born in a particular couple.

Determining the sex of the child according to the Chinese table

This technique does not have any scientific justification, and it is based on observations and practical experience several generations of Chinese at once. He says that the woman in a certain age can conceive or give birth to a boy or girl only during certain months of the year.

According to researchers, the first mention of the method refers to XII century, adetermining the sex of the child according to the tablehelped many monarchs from the Middle Kingdom to plan the gender of their heirs. Howfind out the gender of the child according to the table?

It's very simple - you need to know the month of birth of the expectant mother, as well as the month of conception or the expected birth of the baby. By the way, modern parents also talk about her high efficiency Chinese table - couples who used this method estimated the likelihood of getting correct result is about 90%.

To determine the gender of the expected baby by chinese table just find the corresponding cell in the table - the intersection of the line of your age and the column - the month of conception.

Interestingly, using this table, you can also plan the sex of the child. In the row for your age, select the months in which a boy or girl is most likely to arrive. Subtract 9 months from the selected month, and you will get the estimated month of conception.

mother at the time of conception, years
Month of conception
I Jan II Feb III
Apr IV V May VI June Vii
IX sep X oct XI nov XII
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Determining the sex of the child according to the Japanese table

Determining the sex of the child by Japanese calendar who came to us from the Country The rising sun very similar to the definition according to the Chinese table, and is also based solely on practical observations. The difference between them is that the first takes into account not only information about the mother and the month of conception (or the expected month of the child's birth), but also the date of birth of the father. Thus, the Chinese methodology can be called more flexible and, accordingly, more reliable.

The only problem some couples may face is the difficulty in determining the month of conception. For example, if a woman ovulates on the 31st, then conception can most likely occur on the 1st and 2nd of the next month, because the life span of sperm is from 3 to 5 days. The accuracy of the method according to various data is from 70 to 90%.

To determine the sex of the unborn child according to the Japanese table, you need to find the number corresponding to your pair in table 1. Then we find this number in the top row of Table 2. In the column of the corresponding date we find the month in which conception took place. Moving along this line to the middle of the table, we determine the probability of having a boy or girl by the number of crosses - the more there are, the greater the probability.

Table 1.

Month of birth
future mother

Month of birth of the future father











but I


table 2

jan feb

x x x x x x

jan feb mar
jan feb mar Apr
jan feb mar Apr May
jan feb mar Apr May june
feb mar Apr May june jul
mar Apr May june jul Aug jan
Apr May june jul Aug sep jan feb
May june jul Aug sep oct

x x x x x x x x x x

jan feb mar
june jul Aug sep oct but I jan feb mar Apr
jul Aug sep oct but I Dec jan feb mar Apr May
Aug sep oct but I Dec jan feb mar Apr May june
sep oct but I Dec

x x x x x

feb mar Apr May june jul
oct but I Dec

x x x x x x x x x

mar Apr May june jul Aug
but I Dec Apr May june jul Aug sep
Dec May june jul Aug sep oct
june jul Aug sep oct but I
jul Aug sep oct but I Dec
Aug sep oct but I Dec
sep oct but I Dec

x x x x x x x x

oct but I Dec

x x x x x

but I Dec

Determining the sex of the child by the date of ovulation or the date of conception

Every woman knows that conception can only happen in certain days months: on average, it is two days before ovulation, ovulation itself and two days after it. A technique that allowscalculate the sex of the child by the date of conception(more precisely, the date of ovulation), is based on "behavior" and the characteristics of the X and Y chromosomes.

According to studies, "girl's" sperm (that is, carriers of the X chromosome) are slow enough, but more tenacious, so they can stay in the uterus from 2 to 4 days and calmly "wait" for ovulation. But spermatozoa with the Y sign, on the contrary, are very mobile, but their lifespan is very short.

That is, if intercourse occurred 2-4 days before ovulation, then there is a high probability that the couple will have a girl, and if exactly on the day of ovulation (or immediately after it), you can expect a boy to appear.

Method for determining the sex of the child Freiman-Dobrotin

Quite a complicated calculation. But it is considered one of the most accurate. It's good that we have a calculator)

Tables: O - father and M - mother

First, in table O1 we find the intersection of the year of birth of the father and the year of conception of the child, remember or write the number into the intersection.

And so on all tables from the first to the fifth number.

Then we put together the obtained numbers and, according to table O6, we find the final coefficient.

Similarly, we do all the actions for the mother according to tables M1-M6

In the end, we look at who has a higher final coefficient, if mom has a girl, if dad has a boy. If both are zero, there will be a girl

Father's tables

Table O1

Father's year of birth Year of conception
1944, 1960, 1976, 1992 0 1 2
1945, 1961, 1977, 1993 3 0 1
1946, 1962, 1978, 1994 2 3 0
1947, 1963, 1979, 1995 1 2 3
1948, 1964, 1980, 1996 3 0 1
1949, 1965, 1981, 1997 2 3 0
1950, 1966, 1982, 1998 1 2 3
1951, 1967, 1983, 1999 0 1 2
1952, 1968, 1984, 2000 2 3 0
1953, 1969, 1985, 2001 1 2 3
1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 0 1 3
1955, 1971, 1987, 2003 3 0 1
1956, 1972, 1988, 2004 1 2 3
1957, 1973, 1989, 2005 0 1 2
1958, 1974, 1990, 2006 3 0 1
1959, 1975, 1991, 2007 2 3 0

Table O2

Father's Year / Month of Birth
jan feb mar Apr May june jul Aug sep oct but I Dec
normal 2 2 3 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 3 0
leap 3 2 3 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 3 0

Table O3

Father's birth month 31 days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 2
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 1
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 0
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 3
Father's birth month 30 days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 1
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 0
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 3
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 2
Father's birth month is 29 days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 0
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 3
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 2
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 1
Father's birth month 28 days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 3
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 2
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 1
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0

Table O4

Year / month of conception I II III IV V VI Vii VIII IX X XI XII
normal 0 3 3 2 0 3 1 0 3 1 0 2
leap 0 3 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 3

Table O5

Day of conception
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 1
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 2
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 3
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 4

Table O6 - total coefficient for father

Sum O1-O5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Coefficient 0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9

Mother tables

Table M1

Mother's birth year Year of conception
1944, 1960, 1976, 1992 0 2 1 1
1945, 1961, 1977, 1993 1 0 2 2
1946, 1962, 1978, 1994 2 1 0 0
1947, 1963, 1979, 1995 2 1 0 0
1948, 1964, 1980, 1996 0 2 1 1
1949, 1965, 1981, 1997 1 0 2 2
1950, 1966, 1982, 1998 2 1 0 0
1951, 1967, 1983, 1999 2 1 0 0
1952, 1968, 1984, 2000 0 2 1 1
1953, 1969, 1985, 2001 1 0 2 2
1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 2 1 0 0
1955, 1971, 1987, 2003 2 1 0 0
1956, 1972, 1988, 2004 0 2 1 1
1957, 1973, 1989, 2005 1 0 2 2
1958, 1974, 1990, 2006 2 1 0 0
1959, 1975, 1991, 2007 2 1 0 0

Table M2

Table M3

Mother's month of birth is 31 days
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 0
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 1
Mother's birth month is 30 days
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 1
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 0
Mother's birth month is 29 days
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 1
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 0
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 2
Mom's birth month is 28 days
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 0
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 1

Table M4

Year / month of conception I II III IV V VI Vii VIII IX X XI XII
normal 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1
leap 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 2 2

Table М5

Day of conception
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 1
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 0

Table M6 - final ratio for mother

Sum M1-M5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coefficient 0 4 8 0 4 8 0 4 8 0 4

Determination of the sex of the child by the Budyanskikh method

Calculation method:

1. If you use the mother's date of birth in the calculations, then you need to determine her approximate date of conception. To do this, subtract 9 months from the mother's date of birth (approximately 226 days).
Next, you need to determine the even or odd year of the mother's conception.
Further on the table, find the type of the mother's cycle: in the first column, look for suitable month conception of the mother, and are looking for an intersection with the type of year (even or odd) - in the intersection there will be the type of the mother's cycle.

2. By the preliminary date of the conception of the child, do the same actions as the mother. Determine the parity of the year of conception of the child, look in the first column for a suitable interval of dates in which conception is planned and for the intersection of the type of year of conception and the date of conception - the type of the child's cycle will be indicated.

If the type of cycle of the mother and the type of cycle of the child are the same, then there will be a girl, if they differ, then there will be a boy.

Budyanskikh method table

Menstrual months Odd year of conception Even year of conception
type of type of
January 1 - January 28 odd honest
January 29 - February 25 honest odd
February 26 - March 25 odd honest
March 26 - April 22 honest odd
April 23 - May 20 odd honest
May 21 - June 17 honest odd
June 18 - July 15 odd honest
July 16 - August 12 honest odd
August 13 - September 9 odd honest
September 10 - October 7 honest odd
October 8 - November 4 odd honest
November 5 - December 2 honest odd
December 3 - December 31 honest honest

Is it possible to predict the sex of a child with 100% probability?

Unfortunately, none of the methods listed above can give 100% accurate result... Even specialists in ultrasound diagnostics sometimes they make mistakes: for example, the fetus may turn so that it will be very problematic to determine the sex of the child.

In addition, until the 18th week of pregnancy, the male and female genitals are very similar, so even an experienced doctor can confuse them.

There are only two ways to find out the exact sex of a child:

  • ECO. When performing in vitro fertilization (IVF), doctors usually determine the sex of the embryo before transplanting it into the uterus. But doing such a study only at the request of parents in most countries is considered unethical, therefore it is carried out only in order to exclude genetic pathologies characteristic of men and women.
  • Intrauterine tests... These most commonly involve amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling and are performed between 15-18 weeks and 11-14 weeks of gestation, respectively. But since these tests carry some risk, they are also performed only in