School for expectant mothers, courses for expectant mothers and fathers. Centers "Coming Soon"

Expectant mothers often live in their own world, for the most part they are only worried about new unusual experiences associated with expecting a baby. For those who are preparing for childbirth for the first time, it is especially difficult, because it is so difficult to foresee all the nuances associated with the upcoming cardinal changes in life. That is why it is important to identify and find answers to the most important questions: how to push correctly during labor, how to feed a baby and take care of him for the first time. Where can a young mother get such useful and, most importantly, verified information?

Why attend courses

Prospective mothers often rely on the advice of medical personnel or close relatives. Unfortunately, mothers and girlfriends often give not the most sensible recommendations, and the instructions of midwives on that very “X-day” are difficult to accept because of the pain and abrupt change of events. At present, it is very fashionable for expectant mothers to attend preparatory courses for childbirth. Such a solution allows you to get verified information much in advance, adapt and assimilate it, and then be fully armed and help your own baby to be born as painlessly as possible.

What activities are there

There are paid and free courses for pregnant women. The first ones are organized in private medical or leisure centers, the second ones are most often based on the base and antenatal clinics. What educational events to attend, choose, of course, for a young mother, each, of course, has its own pros and cons. For example, you can come to paid classes with your spouse, but free courses for pregnant women at the maternity hospital can acquaint you with the procedures in a particular medical institution, which is very important if you plan to visit it.

Standard curriculum

In any case, almost all courses are focused on the standard program. It involves the study of such sections:

  • the waiting period for the baby for all 9 months;
  • directly giving birth, how to breathe and push during them, as well as consideration of other popular issues;
  • primary skills of caring for a child, establishing lactation.

These categories are closely interrelated and for the most part should be studied in a complex manner. However, if desired, expectant mothers can highlight the most interesting segment for themselves and attend classes related only to it.

Preparatory stage

The courses related to the first stage (pregnancy) will help you enjoy your baby's expectation to the fullest. The calmness of the mother at this stage is a good guarantee of the correct development of the baby in the womb. As a rule, in the classroom, future women in labor are told about the following factors:

  • physiological and psychological characteristics and changes occurring during pregnancy;
  • the optimal daily routine, which means walking, proper nutrition, hardening and much more;
  • development of the fetus in the womb, as well as external factors affecting its health;
  • the necessary medical measures for the expectant mother, the frequency and timing of their implementation (analyzes, procedures);
  • useful gymnastic exercises.

Of course, such a list of issues to be considered may differ depending on the course program.

Pushing positions

The second stage of the lesson is one of the most important, it determines the behavior of the woman in labor in the process of contractions and attempts. At this stage, it is necessary to dwell in a little more detail. Perhaps the most frequently asked question is: how to push correctly? Answering it, it is necessary to note the importance of the correct posture. Unfortunately, the positions for delivery recommended in medical institutions are primarily convenient for doctors, and not for mothers themselves. If possible, try to push in the following most physiological positions:

  • rising to the delivery chair, raise your head and shoulders as high as possible, thereby you will help the baby to put pressure on the pelvic floor, which, in turn, will lead to the activation of the natural process of pushing;
  • with free behavior in childbirth (and this is also practiced now), try to squat, sagging a little. In this position, natural forces will help you cope with pain and provide correct, physiological attempts without mistakes.

Do's and Don'ts

Most women in our country give birth in a horizontal position, and this makes you think not only about how to push correctly, but also about how to breathe. So, what does the ideal algorithm look like? Breathe in as much air as possible through your mouth (you need to do this as deeply and quickly as possible), so that it seems to go into the stomach, hold it, and only then slowly and slowly exhale.

  • It is not recommended to breathe convulsively. This can be determined by the redness of the skin. Remember, this breathing contributes to the contraction of the muscles, including the perineum, which means that the baby will also suffer from this.
  • Avoid harsh breathing as it can cause the baby to move backward in the birth canal instead of forward.
  • Do not shout at all. During strong exclamations, attempts become completely ineffective, you waste energy, and the baby seems to get stuck.

Be sure to listen to your body, it will tell you how to push correctly and in which direction to move.Try not to panic and remember that for thousands of years women have successfully coped with the birth of children on their own. In this case, you should not give up the benefits of civilization, be sure to take into account the tips and recommendations of a midwife or doctor.

Final lessons

The final stage of the course tells how to care for a newly born baby. After listening to such classes, you can probably learn about such interesting facts:

  • what dowry should be purchased for the child;
  • rules for organizing bathing, walking, daily hygiene procedures;
  • how a woman's body is restored after the birth of a baby;
  • how to establish breastfeeding, when and on the basis of what products to introduce complementary foods and other issues related to infant nutrition.

In order to feel comfortable during childbirth, the postpartum period, as well as during pregnancy itself, it is recommended to remain calm and listen to the advice of specialists as much as possible.

The Moscow service for psychological assistance to the population conducts free and awesome courses for pregnant women. I went to a bunch of different free events from commercial courses, shops, etc., but these courses are the most complete, high quality and useful ones.

You need to sign up about a month before the start, you need to start taking courses between 20 and 30 weeks of pregnancy. It so happened to me that I either take a vacation before maternity leave, or on the eve of the birth the next group starts. So I took a vacation and had a great time. Keep these temporary features in mind to avoid flying over.

The service has branches in different districts of Moscow, which is great. I'm not sure if this is possible, but in general, I went to 2 courses from this service in different areas and to different teachers, which is insanely happy)).

Therefore, I will write essentially 2 reviews in one.

1. Courses at metro Tekstilshchiki

Delightful courses, a concentrate of useful information. Very clear instructions, trained breathing, learned to swaddle, watched thematic films. Very useful topics, practical skills. There were so many medical aspects, it helped just unrealistic in terms of understanding all these things.

It is convenient that it takes about 15 minutes to walk from the metro, no more, you do not depend on ground transport. I highly recommend these courses, you will be much calmer and easier in childbirth after completing them.

And yes, here the emphasis is on childbirth, your preparation, the passage of lactation crises, etc.

In Tekstilshchiki groups start quite often, but if suddenly your deadline is running out, they conduct express groups for a fee.

Have with you: passport, notebook, pen, food, tea. There is a boiler with hot water, you can have a drink during the break, take tea bags from home. There is also a cooler.

2. Courses at metro Vykhino (Vykhino-Zhulebino branch), Volgogradsky prospect, 197

She took a course in the group of Vera Viktorovna. I liked it very much! Deep analysis, analyzed in great detail the stages of a child's development. I understood a lot about myself and where these or those problems and traits come from (it is clear that from childhood, but it becomes clear where there was a failure). A complete psychoanalytic course.

Here the emphasis is on upbringing, on building relationships with the child, mainly on what will happen after childbirth and how to properly build relationships with the child, so that later he does not roll on the floor in stores and so as not to be hysterical in different cases.

Directions (from the metro by bus for about 15 minutes + 5 minutes on foot): Metro station Vykhino, cross to the other side of the road (stop is the leftmost one) and take bus 209 to the final destination "138 kv.Vykhina". Cross the zebra crossing to the other side and go a little to the left past the sports box. Then you need to go around the house and you came. Dark blue grating at the entrance and a bunch of landmark steps.

I think both of these courses are extremely important, they are completely different. Some are more about physiology, the other about upbringing. And nowhere on the Internet have I found such complete information.

Courses last about a month, classes 1-2 times a week for 3 hours. They have both a website and a group in contact. In addition to courses for pregnant women, all departments conduct trainings on various topics. And in this service you can get up to 10 individual consultations of a psychologist per year, which is also very cool.

3. Not only for pregnant women: Also in Moscow there is a free telephone number of this service 051, you can call in emergency situations and get advice from a psychologist.

PS: There must be a residence permit in Moscow, keep in mind.

All my reviews on pregnancy:

1. Courses for pregnant women / preparation for childbirth - Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population - I highly recommend. Chic!

2. Meeting for expectant mothers to Babadu "Two in one", Moscow - you can go for gifts

3. Pillow for pregnant women Mom's Choice - very useful at 9 months

4. Free master classes in Olant, Moscow - I recommend walking

5.B Free master classes: Academy of Reasonable Motherhood, Moscow - I didn’t like it

Which is what I did when I went on maternity leave. I am sharing with you free leisure options for a pregnant woman who wants to know everything. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of information!

Meetings with midwives at CTA

CTA is the Center for Traditional Obstetrics. It has existed for a long time and has a reputation as a place where they practice respect for mother and baby, namely, they in every possible way advocate soft childbirth. Here you can observe pregnancy and conclude a contract on obstetric support for childbirth (when the chosen midwife goes with you to the hospital and is present throughout the birth, helps to endure contractions). Every week (for exact information on the website) there are meetings with midwives, who tell what a soft birth is, why a midwife is needed in the process, what she does and how she helps.

Impression: One dad was with us at the meeting. He stubbornly did not understand why pay 50-60 thousand to a midwife, if you can agree with a doctor. These free meetings explain why you need a midwife.

Meetings for pregnant women "Two in one" from the online store BABADU

It's just a carnival of some kind of pregnant women! At one time and in one place - about 200 tummies, thirsty for new knowledge, winning the lottery and consolation gifts by number. The largest online store of goods for children has created a giant community of pregnant women, giving them the opportunity not only to buy, but also to educate themselves. Such social responsibility of business, and very useful.

The meetings are held once a month in St. Petersburg and Moscow with broadcast to the regions. You can get there by pre-registering on the site and receiving confirmation. If the letter did not come to you, do not hope to get to this celebration of life. Everything is very strict. Each guest is given a number, then she will be given a large beautiful package with gifts from partners.

The meeting consists of 5-6 lectures on topical "pregnant" topics with a couple of breaks for a light snack. Throughout the meeting, prizes are raffled off - from a set of diapers for newborns to an electric breast pump. And someone is lucky!

Impression the meeting was good, however, by the third hour it became a little tiring. But no one left, everyone was waiting for the bags. And they contain nipple caps, nursing pads in a bra, a jar of baby food, wet wipes for sensitive baby skin, discount flyers and many other little things.

Trial classes in schools of preparation for childbirth "New Life"

This school has a huge network of branches - they are in almost every district of Moscow and the Moscow region. To get to the first trial lesson, you need to sign up by phone or mail. The lesson consists of three blocks of one hour: gymnastics, answers to questions and breathing exercises.

Impression: There were 12 people in my group, and all on venerable terms (34 weeks deep). And when during gymnastics most of the women intensively lifted their legs, waved their arms and moved their pelvis, repeating after the energetic teacher, the impression was created that they would now begin to give birth. Everything is serious here.

The second block - conversation - consists of questions and answers and, to a greater extent, coverage of those topics that will be discussed in the classroom. “But we will talk about this in the eighth lesson of the course,” the teacher said.

The climax, the third hour, is breathing exercises. From the outside it looked like this: 12 large women on fitballs puff, grumble, inhale deeply, exhale quickly. It was funny at times, but do not forget about the benefits of such practices. Three hours may be a little tiring for a pregnant suspicious organism, but certainly not without benefit.

Detailed information - on

For every woman, pregnancy is one of the most anticipated, pleasant and exciting times in her life. At this time, expectant mothers experience a variety of feelings, and the heart and mind are occupied with warm dreams and joyful expectations. However, along with positive emotions, women can experience fears, anxieties and doubts. And this is understandable. Since the entire body of a woman is undergoing serious changes. These changes are natural, so don't be too scared. It is noticed that most of the worries and negative emotions can be minimized if you carry out high-quality informative preparation in advance and learn as much as possible about this amazing period. Especially for expectant mothers, the club "I will be soon" was created. Its goal is to provide comprehensive assistance to pregnant women. Many women are grateful to the club for helping them in the fight against various fears, providing the necessary psychological support in time, and also “armed” them with invaluable knowledge about the development of the child and about future childbirth. Our maternity courses consist of 3 main parts: physical, medical and psychological preparation for childbirth.

Medical training

The key to the health of the mother and her baby, as well as a successful birth, will be competent management of pregnancy under the supervision of specialists and regular medical examinations. Such a serious approach to business will help to avoid complications during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in the postpartum period.

Physical training

If a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle before giving birth, this can negatively affect many areas of her health. This is fraught with the appearance of excess weight, metabolic disorders, weakening of the immune system, as well as the development of depression, stress and neuroses. For the health of the expectant mother and her baby, it is extremely important to strengthen the muscles and prepare the woman's body with the help of special exercises, which can be learned about in the preparation courses for childbirth. Also, experts recommend doing yoga, swimming, fitness and gymnastics for pregnant women.

Psychological preparation

It has been scientifically proven that the nature and strength of pain during childbirth is in direct proportion to the psychological mood of a woman. In order to alleviate the emotional state of the expectant mother and get rid of nervous tension, it is necessary to attend specialized courses for pregnant women.
In addition, every woman should also be able to help herself. In this happy and unique time of waiting for the birth of her baby, a woman should pamper herself, not being embarrassed by her emotions and giving them a way out. Adequate sleep, pleasant rest and interesting and exciting entertainment is an opportunity to program yourself for a successful childbirth.
Courses for pregnant women "I will be Soon" were developed by the director of the school, Maria Krivich. The effectiveness and benefits of the technique have been proven by the Department of Maternal and Child Health Protection of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Also, the courses were positively assessed by experts from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Attending our classes will help you comprehensively prepare for pregnancy, childbirth, and raising your baby!

Rules for attending classes

Dear course participants, our center has strict rules for attending classes. If, for any reason, you cannot attend one or several classes within the course, but still want to gain knowledge, you have the right, one day before the start of the lesson, to warn the administrator about your absence, and we will offer you to go through the topic you missed at the branch you visit with the next group (subject to its set) or any other branch. Otherwise, your occupation burns out. And you can already purchase it for the price of a single visit. Exception: skipping class, due to hospitalization or if you feel unwell, with a doctor's note.

We are surrounded by a huge amount of information, and the more choice, the more difficult it is to determine what deserves our attention and what does not. This is especially important for expectant mothers: everyone is trying to give advice, teach, scare, warn. Whom to listen to and who to trust?

A huge number of schools for expectant mothers, but which one to choose?

Before choosing a paid school, you should study what information can be obtained for free in order to determine what knowledge and skills are really lacking. The easiest option number 1: the Internet. Be sure to pay attention to who you are listening to and whether the source is worthy of your trust. And also - which company is the sponsor of the record.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. - a remote interactive school for pregnant women, organized by the leading specialists of the Mother and Child group of companies with the support of the Moscow City Health Department. There is an archive where you can choose a topic of interest and watch it at any convenient time. All lectures are conducted by professional doctors.
  2. - Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich is the most popular and famous children's doctor, doctor of the highest category, TV presenter and author of numerous books. His books and programs are useful not only for expectant mothers, but also for those who already have children. It is very easy, accessible, useful and humorous, but the main thing is that it is NOT cut off from real life, when there is a husband who needs to be fed, when there are grandparents who are eager to take part in raising their grandchildren, friends, and most importantly - a mother who also we must sleep, eat and rest.
  3. - online courses for pregnant women: video lectures, interviews, articles on the website of the Center for Immunology and Reproduction, obstetricians-gynecologists tell.
  4. The video "All about childbirth", prepared by the "Center for Family Planning and Reproduction", is conducted by Elena Yaroslavna Karaganova - obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category, curator of the maternity ward. The duration of the film is about 1.5 hours, everything is clear enough and at the same time does not cause unpleasant emotions.

Schools for mothers at housing estates and clinics

Ask a question in your LCD about free courses for expectant mothers. Despite the situation in free medicine, some residential complexes conduct small courses of 2-3 lessons.

Paid clinics conduct free courses for expectant mothers, not only leading their pregnancies, but also for everyone.

  1. School of motherhood and women's health in the clinic "Be healthy" on Suschevsky Val, free for everyone. Classes are held once a month by pediatricians, the schedule is on the clinic's website:
  2. In the same clinic, a "School for Parents" is organized, also 1 lesson per month, conducted by doctors of different specializations, depending on the topics under consideration. Schedule on the clinic's website:

If there is a paid medical center near your home or work, do not be lazy, call and ask if they have free courses for expectant mothers, which not only clients of this center can attend. Many medical institutions are interested in you as potential clients of their children's departments.

Schools for expectant mothers, organized at children's stores

  1. Regular master classes in Olant stores - The Olant chain of stores conducts lectures for mothers in two of its stores: in the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka on Tuesdays at 12.00, and in the store on Avtozavodskaya on Thursdays at 12.00. These are promotional lectures, consisting of two topics, 40-50 minutes each and a 15-minute break. Each lecture is dedicated to a product that can be purchased in the store. The presented brands are well-known and popular, no one obliges to buy them in this store.

    The atmosphere is very positive. Master classes are taught either by product managers of advertised brands (product manager or product manager is an employee of the company who is fully responsible for this group of products and has maximum information about it), or pediatricians, or network employees. After each lecture, mummies are given gifts, most often they are samples. It is important to understand that these are advertising lectures of a brand or product.

    Pre-registration is not required, you can come to any lecture you are interested in. The store has a cooler with water, next to the store there is a toilet. Expectant mothers who come to the Olant store on Lubyanka, located in the Central House of Children, have the opportunity to go to other children's stores located in the shopping center.

  2. Lectures in the Mothercare store - This is a different format: 4 sessions with a discussion of important topics for pregnant women:
    Lesson number 1. Pregnancy. We are going to the hospital. Childbirth and the postpartum period.
    Lesson number 2. Breastfeeding your baby.
    Lesson number 3. We bathe, swaddle, sleep.
    Lesson number 4. The child is at home, on the street and in the car. Dowry for the baby. Classes are in the form of lectures, but in lesson number 1 there is an opportunity to do a small set of exercises, useful for expectant mothers. The school is run by pediatricians and, as a rule, a Mothercare employee acts as an assistant in matters of the store's assortment on this topic. In Moscow, lectures are held in a store located in Afimall City (metro Vystavochnaya), lectures are also organized in other cities: Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Tyumen. Moscow lectures are on schedule, starting at 4 pm and lasting from 1.5 to 2 hours without a break.

    There is a toilet and rows with cafes and restaurants near the store, but there is no water cooler in the store itself, and at the time of a lecture you cannot run to a nearby cafe for tea. At the same time, it can be very difficult to sit for 2 hours without a break. The classes are very useful, while the store has an intention not to advertise specific brands, since there are a lot of them in the store. Various devices show, give to touch - twist, explain how to use it and what for. After completing all four lessons, a certificate for a 15% discount is issued.

    According to the rules of the store, you must make an appointment in advance and wait for a call from an employee with a confirmation. I didn't do this and just came to lectures, sat down, listened and put my name on the list. There were enough places for everyone. The order of the lectures does not really matter, in Moscow the lectures are conducted by 2 different pediatricians, I attended some of the lectures twice, it was interesting to listen to different specialists. The store is located on the 4th floor, as in the case of Olant in the CDM, it can be combined with visiting other stores in the shopping center.

  3. School for expectant mothers in the store "Children's number 1" - A cycle of 6 lectures, each lecture consists of two parts, lasting approximately one hour with a short break. The format is lectures, exercises, even breathing exercises, are not provided, although they do not need free space at all, which, unfortunately, is very limited. Lectures in Moscow are conducted by a pediatrician of the highest category, Ph.D. Tatiana Gutorova, and store employees.
    Lesson number 1. Skin care during pregnancy and after childbirth. Preparing for childbirth.
    Lesson number 2. Everything for comfortable breastfeeding for mom and baby. Breastfeeding: secrets of success, nursing mother's menu. Breast care.
    Lesson number 3. What should be a crib. Safety requirements for underwear and sleep accessories. Early child development. Prevention and treatment: colic, allergies, regurgitation.
    Lesson number 4. What should be a baby stroller. Vaccinations pros and cons. If the baby is sick.
    Lesson number 5. Safety criteria for children's cosmetics. What are natural and organic cosmetics. Features of newborn skin care.
    Lesson number 6. Child safety while traveling and at home. Approximate daily regimen and rules for introducing complementary foods for a child of the first year of life. Classes are organized in a store in Moscow (Alabyana str., 12, bldg. 2) and in St. Petersburg (Bolshoy Prospekt PS, 53). Unfortunately, the not very convenient location in Moscow between the Oktyabrskoe Pole and Sokol metro stations is a little exacerbated by the fact that this is a separate store on the first floor of a residential building, not a shopping center, and visiting it cannot be combined with a trip to other stores. In addition, since November 2015, the store has introduced the mandatory purchase of a gift card with a face value of 1,000 rubles. after the first lesson if you want to attend everyone else. You can use the card and buy something for it in the store immediately after purchasing it.

    It is necessary to register in advance for the school and wait for a confirmation call from the staff, this can be a problem, sometimes they forget to call, sometimes they confirm, and then cancel, it is not always possible to clarify any organizational issues by e-mail or phone, and the "conspiracy" of employees who do not can tell the schedule for the near future, very annoying. In the store itself, the staff is very responsive, they tell their parts of the lectures in great detail and in detail, comparing and explaining the nuances of various brands, brands, differences in products from different countries.

    So far, only this store gives out a brochure for the school, which has a schedule of classes, a place to record lectures, a short description of the store's products that fit the topic of the class, and a small reference block on vaccinations. A small book with discount coupons is also issued, but not for any products in the store, but for specific positions, unfortunately, for the most part, not very necessary. Apparently, this is an attempt to sell off positions that are rarely acquired.

    It should be noted that in spite of the fact that the lectures are conducted by a pediatrician, throughout the entire cycle one can feel the obsessive advertising of exactly those products that are sold in "Children's No. 1". This applies to cosmetics for expectant mothers and children, bottles, breast pumps and everything else, while the brands presented in the store are not the most famous and widespread. In addition, in terms of prices and product level, the store can be classified as an expensive segment, for example, prices for cribs start at 18,000 rubles. and ends above 100,000 rubles. Therefore, intrusive advertising is sometimes very annoying.

    There is a toilet in the store, there is always water at lectures for mothers, apples and bananas are brought in during breaks.

Lectures and master classes at the Festival of Pregnant Women and Babies in Sokolniki

Twice a year the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center hosts the Festival of Pregnant Women and Babies:

In 2015, the festival was in April and November, plans for 2016 have already been indicated: the next festival will be held from 20 to 24 April. Admission to the Festival of Pregnant Women and Infants is free, subject to registration; the registration procedure can be completed in advance or directly at the entrance to Pavilion 4.

For several days, representatives of various companies and schools, as well as pediatricians, psychologists, specialists from various clinics, perform non-stop at the stands of the participants, as well as in the conference hall and the zone of master classes. Contests, lotteries and screenings are held.

All these activities will help you understand various issues related to pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent baby care, will give you the opportunity to meet and listen to specialists from various clinics, pediatricians, learn about different schools and paid courses. And, if necessary, select those areas for training that were not sufficiently covered or for which there are still questions.

I wish you health and easy pregnancy!