Congratulations on the presentation of the certificate of honor. Congratulations on receiving an award in verse - on receiving an award - important events - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animashki

The President of the Republic of Ingushetia Murat Zyazikov continues to receive congratulatory telegrams in connection with the presentation of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland IV degree by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin

Dear Murat Magometovich! On behalf of the Spiritual Center of Muslims of the Republic of Ingushetia and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the high state award - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree.

With all my heart I wish you and your loved ones all the best, good health, happiness in family life, success in all your endeavors.

Let be New Year will become for you a year of well-being and prosperity.

Peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

Mufti of the Republic of Ingushetia I.B. Khamkhoev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the deputies of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on significant event-Rewarding you by the Decree of the President Russian Federation Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree.

Despite the flurry of problems, human grief, natural disasters, the worries that you inherited, many significant events and changes have taken place in the republic, which have really improved the situation, which make it possible to comprehend the presidential program and judge the loyalty of the course you have chosen.

Your sequential action contributed to the establishment of friendly relations, the irreversibility of the peacekeeping policy and the signing of 11.10.2002. Agreements on the development of cooperation and good-neighborliness between the republics of North Ossetia - Alania and Ingushetia.

Your role is great in solving the problems of internally displaced persons from North Ossetia-Alania and Chechen Republic highly appreciated by the country's leadership and the world community.

People feel your sincerity, honesty and justice. It is no coincidence that you are among the popular leaders of the country. By your activities, serving the Law and the people, you justify the high confidence placed in you. Your deeds are confirmation that a person is able to write a new page in the history of the people.

Recognition by the head of state of your personal contribution in strengthening the Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work testify to the recognition of your undoubted services to the Fatherland.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, the embodiment of your creative plans and creative ideas for the good of the people of the Republic of Ingushetia and the Russian Federation.

Respectfully yours, Chairman of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia M.S. Sakalov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

With a feeling of immeasurable gratitude, the President of the Russian Federation received the news of his decree on awarding you with the high award of Russia - the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree. I am infinitely happy for you and fully support your course towards the creation and management of our native Ingushetia. which lies on you today is enormous, and the path along which you lead your people to a happy tomorrow is thorny, and therefore the leadership of Russia and the Ingush people appreciate your historical significance in overcoming them.

I congratulate you on this high award. I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, the embodiment of all your creative plans and creative ideas for the good of our great Fatherland.

Respectfully yours, Federal Judge of the Malgobek City Court of the Republic of Ingushetia Yakub Kartoev.

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Rewarding you with a high state award - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree, is a significant event for multinational Ingushetia and an assessment of your contribution to strengthening the Russian statehood.

I wish you peace, health, success in all your endeavors and undertakings.

Best regards, Deputy Chairman of the Political Council of the PP " United Russia"R.Sh. Albagachiev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Accept my sincere congratulations in connection with rewarding you with a high award - the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree.

I am sure that your knowledge, rich political and organizational experience, competence, professionalism and creative energy will continue to contribute to successful activities in such a high position, and will create solid foundation for solutions urgent problems republics.

I wish you good health, longevity and good luck in everything.

Respectfully yours, Deputy of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia M. Zh.Aliyev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

The Council and all members of the GrozIng Regional Public Movement for the Protection of the Rights of Compelled Ingush Migrants from the Chechen Republic accepted with great joy the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on rewarding you with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

On behalf of the public of our organization and on my own behalf, we sincerely congratulate you on this high award, for your great contribution to strengthening Russian statehood, as well as a Happy New Year!

We wish you good health, wisdom and good luck in all endeavors for the benefit of our people.

We deeply hope that you will show high business and human qualities in strengthening state building, establishing peace and tranquility among the peoples of the North Caucasus!

Chairman of the Council of the public movement "Grozing" A. Evloev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

The team of teachers and students of the vocational school No. 1 in the city of Nazran was happy to receive the news that you were awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The assessment of your work in the difficult post of the President of the Republic of Ingushetia is the assessment of the entire Ingush people.

We wish you good health, success in your activities for the prosperity and happiness of the Ingush people.

On behalf of the thousandth team, Yusup Arapiev is an excellent student and an honorary worker of vocational education of the Russian Federation

Dear Murat Magometovich!

With a sense of pride for our Motherland and our people we have received the news of the awarding of you with the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" IV. Our Fatherland is going through difficult time... The Ingush statehood is being formed, and you have inherited both this honor and this responsibility to revive our Republic and put it on a par with powerful states. We are observing economic growth, we see how the well-being of the people is increasing. We, teachers, knowing you as our colleague, are pleased to note that caring for the younger generation is one of the priority directions in your activity.

We know and believe that the purpose of your life is serving the people.

Let me congratulate you on your well-deserved reward and wish you and your family health and well-being on the New Year's Eve.

Dear Murat Magometovich!

The staff of the Intellect school sincerely congratulates you on the high government award and a well-deserved assessment of your work.

Your burden is not easy. But we believe in you! Like all the people of Ingushetia, we pin our hopes for a better tomorrow in the republic with your name.

May in the coming year

New successes will come

Good luck is in everything

And all tasks will be solved

And so that this year is coming

Was better than the previous one

May you be lucky for a whole year!

Let happiness come to your house!

May Allah grant that you have the strength and energy to solve difficult tasks for the development of our Republic.

Every person has a hard job, which sometimes simply does not provide any opportunity to simply rest. But, even in such conditions, we sometimes have enlightenments. And they consist in giving us a prize. After all, you must agree that for many people this is a very important circumstance. And therefore, the one who will receive the award must be congratulated on such an event. And then this person will be pleased, and you will also be very good. And since not every person is able to come up with good congratulations, then you can simply use what will be posted on our website. And may you be able to choose good wish... Try to do good to other people, and then you will never be disappointed in anything. And then you will only be happy, because you have managed to please someone.

It's nice and even wonderful.
When you waste time and effort
Reward with worthy sweetness.
Keep it up, well done, success in everything,
Let the soul always blaze with fire.
Let there be enough strength for various things,
I wish that fate bit the bit hard.

I congratulate you with all my heart,
On receiving the award, I hug you tightly.
Let the bosses continue to stimulate you,
May good luck and success migrate to you.
I wish you more joy and strength
To always live in beauty
And if the boss is not nice today,
Know that there is such a thing as "did not grow together."

I congratulate you and hug you tight
We do not receive an award every day.
Yes, and just like that now there is no cheese in the mousetraps,
I wish you will be awarded a ticket next time.
Take care of yourself, because the horses are extinguished from work,
And the world around is so wondrous and beautiful.
There is something to think about, something to figure out,
I wish you least of all to worry and swear.

I sincerely congratulate you
The award is like a sign of respect, first of all for yourself.
For efforts and for success,
Let laughter not leave you with success.
May you have enough health in the future,
So that every day a new one pleases no less.
Well, the end of the month bore fruit,
And again the reward for the labors fell.

Congratulations on winning the award
You spent a lot of time on this.
A lot of efforts were made,
For this is the reward for the glorious toilers.
Always try, success will be near
Do not be afraid with your serious look.
Make it clear about your intentions,
I wish you successful work and measured life.

Congratulations on the award
I wish you success, loving hugs.
May there be no less rewards in your life
And the career path will be like the Milky one.
I wish you health and strength
So that work is always perfect, beautiful.
Bosses to be soft
Decent, adequate and pleasant.

Dear Colleague! Accept ours today solemn congratulations! We wish Have a good mood not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Keep your thoughts in good shape, and your figure in excellent shape... We wish you material well-being and stable income. And remember, sometimes you need to be able to relax and unwind. Do not deny yourself this pleasure!

Colleague, accept my sincere congratulations! I would like to wish that your work brings you both material and moral satisfaction. Let the incomes grow all the time, and the expenses do not burden, but bring pleasure. Spoil yourself with gifts more often and good rest... Bring it to life cherished dream As soon as possible!

Colleague! You and I are united by a common cause and service interests. And today yours brought us together wonderful holiday... I want to congratulate you on this important date in your life and wish you a prosperous and joyful life! Let the work you love energize, bring income and satisfaction. Do not forget to take a break from problems and troubles. Let the world around you be filled with positive and bright colors!

Co-worker, dear! Energy, enthusiasm and strength to build your career. Change daily in better side yourself without betraying yourself. To work, like on a holiday, and home - like to a sanatorium. Congratulations!

I am proud to work side by side with a professional like you. With pleasure I congratulate and hope to continue to cooperate as productively. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations, colleague! Well-being to your family, health to you and your loved ones, success in business, implementation of the most ambitious plans. And also uncontrolled growth of wages.

Exercise, overcome, develop, keep pace, achieve and succeed. Be a valued employee, a reliable companion, interesting companion and just a good man... You will definitely succeed. Congratulations, fellow in the office!

Congratulations, colleague. Objectives - understandable, deeds - loved ones, qualifications - rising, team - respecting, income - growing. And the chief always has a good mood. Happy Holidays!

Dear colleague, congratulations! Every morning with pleasure you will go to work, and in the evening with the same pleasure you will return home. Find time for yourself, for your family. Spending leisure time is interesting and rich. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations and I am sincerely happy for you. Unchanging well-being, both in business and in the family. You, so purposeful and energetic, will succeed in everything and even a little more. Keep it up, colleague!

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On the Presentation of State Awards of the Russian Federation”. For his great contribution to the development of oil and gas industry, the achievements in labor and many years of conscientious work, the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation" was awarded to Sergei Nesterenko, General Director of LLC RN - Severnaya Neft.

Dear Sergey Mikhailovich!

On behalf of the Government of the Komi Republic and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on being awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation!"
It is gratifying that your contribution to the development of the industry of the Komi Republic and Russia is appreciated high level.
It is thanks to you that RN - Severnaya Neft LLC has become one of the most efficiently operating enterprises in the Russian North. We are grateful to you for your high production rates, for constructive work in the area of social policy, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of ordinary people.
I am sure that in the future you will not stop there. I wish you and your team new achievements, industrial success, as well as personal well-being and health!

V. A. Torlopov,
Head of the Komi Republic

Dear Sergey Mikhailovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your being awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation."
This is a high and fair assessment of your services to the Fatherland.
Your hard and noble work is entirely aimed at the development of the oil industry of the fuel and energy complex of our country, ensuring the social stability of society, the well-being of the residents of our city and the Republic of Komi.
May all subsequent years become even more successful for you.
With all my heart I wish you good health, family well-being and happiness!

V. S. Abmaev,
head of the municipality
urban district "Usinsk"

Dear Sergey Mikhailovich!

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on receiving the title "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation."
This award - worthy recognition Your conscientious work, your personal contribution that you have made to the development of the oil industry in the Komi Republic and throughout Russia. This is a high assessment of your work, you as a professional oil worker, the head of a large labor collective, which today continues to contribute to the prosperity of our city, the Komi Republic, Russia.
We wish you, Sergey Mikhailovich, further professional success, health and wellness.

G.T. Torgashova,
branch Manager
JSC "RRDB" in Usinsk

Dear Sergey Mikhailovich!

The staff of LLC RN - Severnaya Neft congratulates you on being awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation". This award is a sign of recognition of your significant merits in the development of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province.
For two decades now you have been working in the oil industry of the Komi Republic, you have passed your labor way on the Usinsk land from an oil and gas production operator to general director LLC RN - Severnaya Neft, the backbone enterprise of OJSC NK Rosneft in a strategically important project for the development of Timan-Pechora. Largely thanks to your professional and personal qualities, the company's team works smoothly, successfully fulfilling the tasks set by Rosneft at a high level.
You became the head of Severnaya Neft at the same time that Rosneft came to Timan-Pechora. During this period, our company has achieved noticeable success. V last years the dynamics of oil production growth was one of the highest in the industry. Under your leadership, the company confirms the title of a dynamically developing company and for two years in a row has been ranked first among the oil-producing companies of OJSC NK Rosneft.
Your work was highly appreciated. For many years of conscientious work, you were awarded certificates of honor of the Komi Republic, the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, you were awarded honorary titles"Honorary Oilman" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and "Honored Worker of the Komi Republic". For your great contribution to the development of the oil industry, you were awarded the Honorary Badge of the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia, and last year you were presented with the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. And now - a new reward. Honor is according to work!
We sincerely wish you good health, family happiness, pep and success in the implementation of new large-scale plans in industrial activities and social life.

LLC RN - Severnaya Neft

Congratulations on Receiving a Verse Award

It's just wonderful to be near
There are such people on the planet!
And congratulations on receiving the award
Sounds in your honor today!
Will not be left unattended from now on
Your honest work, worthy deeds!
For everything, now, accept the retribution!
Respect, honor and praise to you!

Bringing culture to the masses is great!
Keeping faithful to the culture is courage.
I did not work so much in vain:
Talents conquer dullness!
"Honored" title - for diligence!
Just don’t get bronze - do it!
Don't rest on your laurels of confession
Have time to surprise us more than once!

We don't need proof
That your success is real -
The reward will say for you
You are a hero in the eyes of people.
You strove for recognition
I was looking for respect.
Congratulations, you have achieved
What I've been waiting for so long!

We don't need proof
That your success is real -
The reward will say for you
You are a hero in the eyes of people.
You strove for recognition
I was looking for respect.
Congratulations, you have achieved
What I've been waiting for so long!

Your friends gathered for a gorgeous dinner
To congratulate you on receiving the title "Honored".
You put a lot of strength and effort,
And you rightfully deserve such a title.
We decided to come to you on this day,
Wish you big creative success.
May your art bring us joy,
And talent and skill flourish brighter.

Today we are glad to congratulate you
We are receiving our awards!
The world was justly arranged -
She is well deserved!
Talent and Labor are the components,
To deserve a round of applause
Awards, full recognition!
Today you have one attention!

Congratulations on your high award
You need to work very well
You have to be very different in work,
To achieve state awards
You apply experience and knowledge
You fulfill all standards in work
You set an example for the young
You pass on your experience to them
Good health, you still have to work
And you still have to achieve more awards.

Let someone envy you;
Let not for the conquest of Mars,
And for great job
You have been awarded by the state -
Let it go! Such a value contribution
Let no one belittle it!
No wonder with a well-deserved reward
All because you congratulate!

Congratulations on receiving the award
We want you together today.
They were able to leave an unusual trace,
It is weighty, dear, perceptible.
All over he is an unusual person,
True, he is sometimes too modest.
A feat is a habitual act in his life.
This is a sign of such natures.

You were appreciated with dignity
You have spent a lot of energy!
You were solemnly handed
What you rightfully deserve!
So God grant you success!
In work, in everyday life, in business, in the family!
The award will be a new milestone
In your career and destiny!

For the holiday, the turn has come again:
The people are honoring the laureate!
Look into those clever eyes
A tear of gratitude glistens in them,
After all, he worked with his last strength
AND finest hour certainly deserved.
So louder, louder, music, play!
Laureate, raise your glass
For not catching the fanfare
You are the stardom of the deceiving bacilli
And remained what you are ...
After all, we need you even without diplomas!

We honor you a hero -
You got your reward
For your impulse, your deed,
We are proud that you are with us.
All laurels and honor to you,
And colleagues respect,
For a clear, restrained calculation,
for courage, intelligence, your aspiration.
We carry congratulations
We wish you good luck in the future,
Be brave, you are sure of everything
And it will be so and not otherwise.

For diligence and skill
You received encouragement
To be ready again
Repeat your triumph again.
We know about your victory
And, of course, congratulations!
They are insanely happy for you
Congratulations on receiving your award!

We congratulate you on the award -
You deserve it undeniably
We are immensely happy for a friend
You've worked so hard.
Your work could not be unnoticed
After all, there is justice in the world,
Now straighten wider shoulders
Let the wife and children be proud!

Neither money tempts you, nor fame,
But still the hero finds a reward.
Honor and praise for your selfless work!
Accept such words with a reward.
Your whole life is hard work,
Your talent is like an emerald.
Be proud of the high award presented,
Let it be a stimulus and a joy to you.

We will not hide you, our colleague,
There is an example for the team,
And any of us with you,
Whether for reconnaissance, even for beer,
You are an assistant and mentor
And for many, a good friend
And I would like it to be
There are more of these in the world,
In general, dear colleague,
We are glad to work with you
And we hasten to congratulate you
Congratulations on receiving your award!