Decorate the room in a marine style. The decor of a romantic wedding in a marine style. Bride in nautical style

Recently, many brides prefer themed or stylized weddings. For example, a marine-style wedding is the most common option for a hot wedding period. But in order for everything to go as it should, it is necessary to think over in advance such moments as: the design of invitation cards, the decoration of the hall and the cortege, and much more. See also an interesting idea.

Homemade nautical style invitation cards:

A wedding invitation may look like a secret message hidden in a bottle. Paper can be artificially aged by putting a leaf in strong tea for a couple of hours. The message, which says where and when the wedding will take place, as well as the subtleties of the dress code, put in a bottle and bandage it, for a larger entourage, you can pour sand and seashells inside. The bottle must be tightly closed. Believe me, your guests will be pleasantly surprised to receive such an invitation and look forward to the wedding day.

Original pillow for rings:

You can not only make a pillow for rings with your own hands, but also design it in an original way in accordance with the theme of the wedding. Rings can be put in a small chest with coins - this will also look very creative.

Marine wedding table:

Traditional marine colors are white and blue, you can use silver, so the table should be decorated in accordance with this range. A decorative mesh can be stretched over the tablecloth, to which shells, starfish, and other props can be attached.The net can also be stretched on the ceiling and various sea gizmos or children's and adult photographs of the newlyweds can be hung on it.

We make bonbonnieres:

Bonbonnieres filled with sweets, nuts or other sweets are perfect as gifts for guests. According to tradition, you need to put five sweets, the first symbolizes health, the second - happiness, the third - children, the fourth - wealth and the fifth - long life.Candies are placed in a beautiful bag. And all the bags can be put in a chest made by yourself. In addition, the bonbonniere can be supplemented with a cheerful and good wish.

Wedding accessories:

Wedding accessories include glasses, boutonniere, bridal bouquet and other necessary attributes. Each of them should be as close as possible to the theme of the wedding, otherwise the very highlight that was conceived at the beginning will be lost.

Glasses can be skillfully decorated with acrylic paints. If you are not endowed with the talent of an artist, turn to professionals. You can also make a boutonniere with your own hands if you wish. It can be both from natural flowers and from artificial ones. And best of all, if it also embodies the marine theme. For example, it can be ribbons imitating seaweed, shell or starfish. Similar attributes should decorate the bride's bouquet, so that the boutonniere is combined with it.

Idea for a wedding:

A nautical-style wedding is best celebrated on the beach, where you can not make extra efforts to create the proper entourage. But if you have planned an indoor wedding, try to arrange it so that the guests feel like they are at a real sea party. For example, a banquet hall can be arranged in the form of a pirate ship.

When planning a wedding in a marine style, take a look at our album with. They are perfect for this theme.

You should not take on all the hassle of making attributes of a marine theme; for this responsible and very painstaking work, you can attract girlfriends and friends. The more realistic the design is, the more fun and original your wedding will be! You are great for choosing an unconventional option, so do your best to make your dream come true!

Themed weddings have gained a lot of popularity among young couples, because they allow the newly-married spouses to realize their fantasies. When choosing decor for a wedding celebration, inventing a style, the bride and groom can devote themselves to the process, giving guests the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their preferences. A marine-style wedding is an event that will suit freedom-loving, romantic natures who love travel, the mysterious depths of the sea and the intoxicating fresh wind. This celebration will leave many bright memories in the hearts of those present.

Decoration of a wedding in a marine style

Before you start thinking through the details of the design, you should take seriously the issue of choosing a place for a themed wedding. This will play an important role in creating an atmosphere, helping guests to immerse themselves in the underwater world or on a pirate ship. Below are a few places that are perfect for a nautical-style wedding:

  • Motor ship or boat with a restaurant. The style of the celebration involves the presence of water, so it would be ideal for newlyweds with guests to go on board a real ship to celebrate the union of two hearts. It’s good if you manage to go on a sea voyage, but even a boat trip along the river will leave an unforgettable impression on all guests of the holiday. There are options for renting water transport for every taste, number of guests and budget.

  • Sea shore. The sandy shore will create a romantic atmosphere, to the sound of waves, future spouses can conduct an exit marriage registration, and then go with guests, celebrate a wedding under a tent spread out on the beach or on the territory of the hotel next to which the event takes place. If a trip to the sea requires a considerable investment that young people do not have, a river bank is quite suitable.

  • Outdoors. Even if there is no sea, river or even a small stream nearby, there is always an option to go with guests to nature. Fresh air, thematic marine style of decoration will definitely create the atmosphere that the heroes of the occasion were craving for when planning a wedding.

  • A restaurant. A lavish banquet in a restaurant is a classic wedding option, but it can also go great. To do this, the newlyweds will need to decorate the hall in the appropriate style, and first find rooms that are suitable for the theme of the wedding. For example, many fish restaurants already contain marine decor elements: anchors, lifebuoys, wooden helms, you just need to look.

It is believed that a wedding in a marine style is a summer version of the holiday, but you should not abandon this idea just because the sea is associated mainly with heat and sun. Just in winter, it is so necessary to escape from the cold, frost, snow, and the warm mood of the sea celebration will surely help everyone to do this.

When the venue for the celebration is chosen, the moment comes to create a unique decor for the room. Marine style includes a large number of design options, for this you need to decide which bride and groom want to see the wedding. Several interesting ways to decorate the room will help future spouses choose a theme that is closer to them in spirit:

  • Romantic dream. If the heroes of the occasion hope to create a light, carefree atmosphere, you need to turn to the following options for decorating the venue: a wedding arch decorated with flowers and airy fabrics will look great, sea shells, stars can be placed everywhere, textured thick candles stand. Petals of exotic plants can decorate the table and floors. It is better to give preference to natural fabrics, wooden jewelry. Colors should be gentle, although contrasts are also acceptable.
  • Exquisite fairy tale. Perhaps the future spouses associate the sea with wealth, a beautiful view from the bedroom of a luxurious mansion, morning swimming in clear azure water and delicious cocktails. In this case, when decorating a sea wedding, you should give preference to a classic, traditional design: a lot of white, contrasting blue or blue, polished wood, polished dishes, island flowers neatly arranged on tables, splashing waves ... See how a sea celebration looks on video:


  • A sailor's party or a pirate wedding. If the newlyweds are real lovers of adventure, then it would be ideal to organize a fun party at a wedding in a marine style, where striped motifs, Jolly Roger flags, active instrumental music, rum and champagne flow by the river. Such a design can be made both simple and sophisticated - it all depends on the taste of the heroes of the occasion.

Accessories for a wedding in a marine style

Accessories play a big role in creating the atmosphere, so future spouses are advised to pay increased attention to the details of a marine-style wedding. Depending on the chosen motif, you can include ribbons, colored fabrics, starfish, tight ropes, pearls, various plants, creepers, sand in the decor. See options for marine accessories with photos:

  • Pillows for rings. Few people undertake to decorate such a simple thing, but if you are determined to follow the style of the wedding in everything, then try to come up with an original way to decorate them. The pillows can be decorated with striped fabric, shells, artificial fish, and a real pearl shell can also act as a stand for rings.

  • Glasses and bottles of champagne. Glasses for the wedding of the heroes of the occasion, as a rule, differ from those from which the guests drink - they are decorated in different styles. To support the theme of the holiday, decorators or the newlyweds themselves can decorate them in a marine style. It will be easier to decorate alcohol bottles - it will be interesting to sheathe them with the appropriate fabric.

  • Candlesticks. Candles are a romantic accessory that creates a warm, almost intimate atmosphere. Newlyweds can use glasses with colored sand, jars containing a scattering of shells as interesting candlesticks. The candles themselves are easy to decorate with colored blue sparkles, beads, ribbons.

  • Seating cards. So that each guest understands where to sit during the wedding, seating cards are needed, they can be made interesting and original if you use scrolls, origami boats, sea animals.

  • Aquariums. An unusual way to make a wedding more “marine” style is to decorate the tables with aquariums with real fish. Such neighbors will surely delight guests.
  • Details of the wedding procession. It will turn out to decorate the car with multi-colored ribbons, fabrics, shells, fresh flowers and even a large life buoy.
  • Tablecloths, napkins, other textile materials. These decor details can contrast with the white or light background of the banquet hall, contain cute prints of anchors, dolphins, whales.


The role of invitation cards is extremely important, because this is the first thing that tells guests about the style of the wedding. There are a lot of options for decorating invitations, the final design should depend on the printing materials of the holiday. Only the colors of the cards, as well as small painted details, can speak about the marine motive of the wedding. If you want to create an original decoration, the bride can decorate the paper with pieces of shells, halves of white beads. A beautiful and interesting way to invite a guest to a seaside wedding is to send a scroll message in a bottle.

The bride's bouquet

The bouquet of the hero of the occasion is an element of the outfit that attracts increased attention during the ceremony, and in the evening, when the bridesmaids line up behind the bride, for a second it becomes the main character of the holiday. To maintain the style of the event, it would be good to decorate the bouquet with low pearls, marine symbols, figurines of the inhabitants of the deep sea, and a floral white grid. An accessory completely made using a variety of ocean decorations will look unusual - small corals, dried starfish, pretty shells.

Marine themed cake

Sea wedding cake is the main position of the banquet menu. Modern confectionery products look like works of art, so it will be easy for future spouses to embody their wildest fantasies through the style of the cake. It can be a multi-tiered dessert decorated with dolphins, starfish, whales, bright exotic fish, flowers, ropes, nets, a paradise island for young people or a pirate ship. A convenient option for treating a sea wedding looks great - a cake with portioned cupcakes.

What to wear to guests at a sea wedding

The style of the wedding suggests the possibility of specifying an interesting dress code. Guests will be pleased to dress up in a special way for an unusual themed celebration, but it is better to indicate the need to wear dresses and suits of a certain type in advance in invitation cards. Several colors can be chosen as a dress code: for example, blue with blue and their shades. An ornament or print can become an element of style: striped motifs, drawings with attributes of sea voyages, and if you wish, you can let guests think over their image completely on their own.

A variant of the script for a themed wedding in a nautical style

An interesting version of the marine-style wedding scenario is a pirate party. There are many ideas for implementing such a holiday program: for example, the bride and groom can be the most merciless and fearless pirates in the entire history of maritime robberies. Their union was to begin the prosperity of the family business. The hero of the occasion can be a faithful commander of the royal fleet, and the spouse is a pirate, but, no matter what, they were able to be together. The toastmaster will support the script.

If the future spouses are fans of sea diving, the whole wedding can be decorated like a submarine or the depths of the sea. The scenario can be based on serene swimming under water, observing the life of sea creatures. Contests and entertaining quizzes of such a wedding in a marine style should be associated with obstacles that arise in the path of a brave scuba diver.

Surely every girl dreams of becoming a princess since childhood. So why not become the princess of the sea kingdom? The bride can play the role of a touching, gentle mermaid who conquered a person with her beauty. The story of their love with romance, a little sad, but still they managed to be together. But the beautiful little mermaid got her legs or the man got a fish tail - it's up to the heroes of the occasion to decide.

Salty wind in the face, a strong steering wheel, a compass that accurately indicates the direction - real sailors are always confident in themselves and boldly look ahead. The ship style of a real sea voyage will appeal to active, cheerful people who know how to have fun, but always know when to stop. Playful images of the bride and groom, cheerful music, decoration of the hall with ropes, life buoys, anchors, ship's rudder - this is an integral part of the right atmosphere for a marine-style wedding.

Do-it-yourself wedding in a marine style photo

It is extremely difficult to completely create an event decor from scratch, but it is possible. If there are not enough financial resources for the purchase of ready-made products, this does not mean that a marine-style wedding cannot take place. Below is a small photo report of the event, which the future wife organized on her own, making almost all the decor elements with her own hands. See how interesting the image of the bride and groom looks, the decoration of the bouquet, seating cards. A lot of work was done, which eventually gave the hero of the occasion and the guests an unforgettable wedding.

A maritime-themed wedding is a fairy tale that can be brought to life. We will try to do this by joint efforts, having examined in detail some important points and ideas when organizing a magical sea celebration.

Dear my readers!

The site provides only introductory information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I don't sell anything ;)

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The sea is always associated with romance, evoking thoughts of fabulous mermaids and the underwater kingdom. The choice of a nautical wedding style obliges the organizers of the celebration to take care of all the elements, down to the smallest details, that must correspond to the chosen theme. The main characters of the celebration, their outfits and accessories, the decoration of the premises where the event will take place, the festive menu - everything should be subject to the theme of the sea.

Wedding preparations.

Preparation for a wedding event in a marine style consists of several successive stages.

01. Location.
First of all, you need to take care of the venue of the celebration. The whole further plan of action depends on where the festive event will take place. Ideally, it would be just wonderful to hold a sea wedding on board a ship swaying on the waves of the sea.

Or organize a wedding ceremony on the beach.

The sea itself will serve as a backdrop for your unforgettable wedding. The sound of the waves, the salty taste on the lips, the light breeze and the cries of seagulls - all these are excellent decorations for a sea celebration.

If it is not possible to have a wedding near the sea or on the sea, you can have a sea wedding in a restaurant or in any other room using marine paraphernalia to recreate the right atmosphere.

02. Decoration of the banquet venue.
If you can’t hold a wedding ceremony by the sea, use your imagination and turn the room into a sea kingdom or a pirate ship. First you need to decide what the combination of "marine wedding" is for you. For some, the imagination helpfully presents frames from films about pirates, someone sees himself in the form of a little mermaid living in the underwater kingdom, someone wants to become a gentle Assol, waiting for her Gray, and so on. There are as many options as there are people. From how you see the image of the sea and everything connected with it, the nature of the solemn action called "Marine-style wedding" will directly depend.

Having decided on the image, feel free to start creating and purchasing jewelry for the upcoming celebration. All decorations related to the sea will be used: shells, sea pebbles, artificial starfish, anchors, steering wheels, an aquarium with fish, and much more that is directly related to our theme. When creating a marine background, you can use a flowing fabric in white and blue.

The blue material can have different shades, imitating the color of the sea wave, and the white will be an excellent contrast, against which the blue will play much brighter. The tables, covered with a snow-white tablecloth, are in perfect harmony with the chairs, which are decorated with beautiful white fabric and turquoise bows. Decorate the entire room with light material, using it as flowing curtains, decorating them with all kinds of ribbons, bows and flowers. The predominance of blue and blue accessories in combination with white elements will add solemnity to the banquet hall and set the guests in a marine mood.

Tablecloths can be striped, reminiscent of a vest with napkin boats.

The table of the newlyweds, decorated like a ship with a helm and fluttering sails, as well as ropes hanging from the ceiling, will amaze the guests.

As an option, you can consider decorating the room with balls. Now it will not be difficult for experienced specialists to build anything from balls. It can be a ship, figurines of dolphins, mermaids, fish and so on. Paintings with seascapes, fishing nets, and ropes will be appropriate - it all depends on your ideas and wishes.

03. Table service.
Tables must be in harmony with the decoration of the entire hall. If possible, set up several aquariums with marine life and fish, or one aquarium that will stand in the center of the young table.

Aquariums or large glasses can also be filled with sea sand by placing candles there. Against the background of golden sand, sea pebbles and shells will look great. And the soft glow of candles will give an unusual glow to the sand, allowing it to sparkle with all shades of gold.
Napkins can be either plain - white or any other color from the category of blue shades - or with a pattern on a marine theme.

Decorate bottles and carafes with drinks with starfish, pearls and shells. Decorate the glasses in the same way. It is not necessary to decorate all the glasses on the tables; only young glasses can be distinguished.

Glasses of young people and bottles of champagne, painted in white and blue stripes, on which lifebuoys are attached, will also look spectacular.

04. Wedding menu.
What should be the menu for a nautical-style wedding? Despite the fact that the wedding is of a marine nature, it is not at all necessary that the entire festive table be full of seafood dishes. Even if the bride and groom are crazy about oysters, mussels and other things, you need to worry about the guests of the celebration. Two or three seafood dishes will be enough, and all other treats can be varied according to the taste and preference of young people. And in order for any of the dishes to be in harmony with the general marine mood, present it in dishes that are made in the shape of shells.

The main attribute of any wedding table is a cake. The current culinary masters are able to create an unforgettable masterpiece. You need to decorate the cake, based on the main mood of the celebration.

05. Wedding invitation in nautical style.
An invitation to a sea wedding can look like a standard invitation card with an image of a sea landscape, or covered with a scattering of pearls and small starfish.

Another option is to create a personalized message in the form of a neat roll of white, gold or emerald paper tied with a ribbon.

You can also be original and create an invitation sealed in a bottle with a little sea sand.

06. Wedding dress of the bride and groom.
If the wedding decoration is designed in white and blue tones, then the same combination can be applied to the bride's outfit. In this case, the option with a white dress is the most relevant. Bright blue or turquoise elements of the dress will help to emphasize whiteness.

Brave girls can choose a striped "sailor-look" short dress, a bright sea-green dress, and so on.

There are a lot of options, this is a matter of the bride's taste.

A non-trivial idea is to arrange a wedding in a marine style. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the sea, the celebration can be held on the shore of a lake, river or even by the pool. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of adventurism and adventure inherent in this style.

The marine style in the design of the wedding is manifested through various elements symbolizing the ocean. The design uses all shades of blue, blue and white, airy fabrics and decorations in the form of anchors, dolphins, lifebuoys and sails.

The most suitable time of the year for a wedding in a marine style is summer. The ceremony can be organized:

  • on the sea or river bank;
  • in a country hotel or cottage with a swimming pool;
  • in a coastal cafe;
  • in a restaurant with interiors in a marine style;
  • aboard a yacht or ship.

Such a wedding is suitable for a romantic couple who love travel, a soothing palette of shades and nautical motifs.

The image of the bride

When creating a marine theme, they try to use it in the smallest details.


The traditional white dress is sewn from light fabric: organza, chiffon or silk. A beautiful belt in blue or turquoise is added to it. Select or .

Instead of a veil, you can wear a veil, collect your hair in or leave curls to flow freely over your shoulders. In use pale blue shadows.


The bride looks original in a wedding dress of blue, turquoise or light blue. Complement the image of a handbag made of fabric, decorated with pearls or corals, and a laconic style of shoes with a flat sole.

It is better to do without high heels, especially if you plan to walk along the coast, on sand or stones. By the way, brave couples can come barefoot to the ceremony organized on the sandy shore.

For hairstyles, wreaths of flowers or shells, combs in the form of starfish, hair bands in the Greek style are used.

Idea! complement with a long airy veil to match or play in contrast, for example, a turquoise veil is chosen for a white dress.

The bride's garter is decorated with small shells or crab to match the chosen theme.


Floral design in a marine style will help emphasize the delicate image of the bride. It is recommended to choose flowers of white and blue hue for the composition:

  • roses;
  • hydrangeas;
  • chamomile;
  • peonies;
  • mimosa;
  • violets.

The base of the bouquet is decorated with shells, blue, light blue, white or turquoise ribbons and beads.

A bouquet of shells, corals or starfish looks original. Additionally, it is decorated with a white floral mesh.

groom's outfit

The main color of the groom's suit is white or blue. Accessories - a bow tie to match the suit, suspenders, cufflinks with marine symbols and a boutonniere.

If the ceremony takes place on the shore of a reservoir or on board a ship, the groom may wear an outfit consisting of white loose trousers and a light blue or blue shirt. In this case, you can do without a jacket and tie.

The boutonniere is made in white and blue tones and consists of the same flowers as the bride's bouquet. To emphasize the theme of the wedding, it is decorated with decorative elements related to the sea.

Dress code

Several primary colors are chosen as a dress code for a nautical-style wedding: for example, blue and white, blue or other shades. The costumes use a striped print and themed accessories in the form of starfish, shells or corals.

At the entrance to the banquet hall, guests are given striped handkerchiefs, ribbons, caps with marine symbols, pirate hats. In the future, they will come in handy for the original photo shoot.

Particular attention is paid to the choice of bridesmaid dresses and suits for groomsmen:

  • For a nautical-style wedding, girls can choose Greek-style dresses from light, flowing blue or blue fabrics. Shell or pearl necklaces complete the look;
  • The groom's friends support the theme of the ceremony with jackets, shirts and ties in the main color of the wedding. As prints choose drawings on the marine theme. Men will look very original if they try on sailor costumes. In a more modest version, you can limit yourself to vests.


By observing the principles of design and adhering to the chosen color scheme, you can organize a wedding in a marine style not only, but also at other times of the year.

Idea! In the absence of a reservoir, the mood is created with the help of scenery and sound background: the noise of the wind, the cries of seagulls, the whisper of the sea surf.

Walls, ceilings and doorways are draped with light fabric in the form of waves or sails. The walls are decorated with steering wheels, anchors, ropes, compositions of shells and starfish. For the decor of the wedding arch, compositions of fresh flowers in blue and white are used.

Tables are covered with tablecloths in blue, white or blue. A striped or plaid print is also appropriate. Chair covers are complemented with satin ribbons, coral sprigs or fresh flowers.


The first step in organizing a wedding in a marine style is choosing a venue for the celebration. There are several options, each with its pros and cons:

  1. Boat or yacht. Ideal for weddings in a marine style, suitable for weddings of up to 20-25 people. For a larger number of guests, a ship is ordered. One minus - not all newlyweds can afford to rent a yacht or a ship;
  2. Seaside. The ceremony on the seashore will create a unique romantic atmosphere. If the weather suddenly deteriorates, the holiday can be moved to a tent or hotel. However, this is a rather costly option. As a budget alternative, the shore of a river or lake is suitable;
  3. You can organize a wedding in a marine style, even if there is no reservoir nearby. Thematic design and a festive table with seafood will help create the right atmosphere;
  4. A restaurant. A classic option is a celebration in a restaurant. Choosing this option, you do not have to worry about table setting, cooking or service. This option is best for .


There are several scenarios for a wedding in a marine style. All of them are united by one theme, but they use different techniques for design.

Scarlet Sails

In this scenario, the plot of Alexander Grin's story "Scarlet Sails" is played out. The bride puts on a dress in red or white, and the groom tries on the image of a handsome prince. The groom sails for his betrothed on a limousine ship with scarlet sails.

You can depict a ship with fluttering sails on and. A tavern is chosen for a banquet. For decorations, natural materials and calm colors are used, in which scarlet becomes a bright accent. For example, in a rich red color, you can make a wedding arch, additionally decorating it with wildflowers.

sailors party

A sea party is suitable for newlyweds with a good sense of humor. The design is dominated by bright colors and striped print.

At the entrance to the festive hall, you can build a ladder, hang sails and ropes on the walls. The table of the newlyweds is decorated with a helm, and all guests are dressed in vests or peakless caps. The groom can become the captain of the ship, and the bride - the boatswain.

Underwater world

At a sea wedding in the spirit of a fairy tale dream, the bride will be able to feel like a nymph or a mermaid, and the groom will try on the image of the sea god Poseidon.

The hall is stylized under the seabed with the help of pebbles, corals, starfish, exotic fish, algae. Seafood is on the table.

Guests should definitely join in by transforming into marine life with colorful wigs, beads and shell jewelry.

Color spectrum

The main palette of a wedding in a marine style is blue, white and light blue. You can use any shades of blue: aquamarine, azure, indigo, greenish, light blue.

The selected colors are used both in the outfits of the newlyweds, and in decor elements, accessories, floristry. In the main shade, an arch for registration, walls, a path to the altar are decorated. Contrasting colors are selected for small details.

To soften the marine range will help:

  • light gray;
  • cream;
  • Red;
  • green.

For a marine style, use no more than 3-4 colors. Their combination should be harmonious and fit well with the theme of the wedding.


To create a festive atmosphere in a marine style, various accessories are used, decorated with special care:

  • Drink glasses decorate with blue and white ribbons and shells;
  • original solution for table decorations there will be aquariums with live fish;
  • seating cards decorate with starfish and corals;
  • Cushion for rings sewn from striped fabric and decorated with pearls. As a stand for the rings, a real sea shell is fixed;
  • Candlesticks to create a warm and romantic atmosphere, they decorate with colored sand.


The wedding procession is made out in two versions:

  • classical: cars are decorated with satin ribbons, fresh flowers, balloons, bows - all accessories are kept in a blue and white combination;
  • original: shells, corals, fishing nets or steering wheels are suitable for decoration.

Part of the way to a wedding in a marine style can be overcome not by car, but by boat or yacht.


Original marine-style invitations are created using unusual paper. It can be plain or patterned.

Idea! Beautiful thematic invitations can be written on original paper with the image of marine life: fish, dolphins, starfish.

For a pirate party, they order or make their own invitations in the form of old scrolls or geographical maps, playing on the theme of a treasure hunt. Paper can be aged with strong coffee or tea. For greater effect, invitations are sealed in a bottle and decorated with sea sand and shells.

The text is composed in the spirit of the style of the celebration. For example, this: "The captain of the ship and the first officer invite guests to visit their ship _______ (date) ____ (month, year)".


One of the most important aspects of a wedding in a marine style is a well-written script. It is he who sets the thematic direction and helps to feel the given spirit of celebration.

For example, a wedding in the style of a pirate party is very popular among newlyweds. The script can be developed independently based on ideas from the Internet.

The groom can play a brave captain who kidnapped a young beauty from her parents' house and is going to marry her. Or future spouses can go on an exciting journey with the guests for hidden treasures.

Cheerful instrumental music is selected for musical accompaniment. The hall is decorated with pirate flags. Among the drinks on the festive table, rum, cola and champagne should prevail.


The basis of the menu is seafood: shrimps, lobsters, lobsters, squids, oysters, crabs and mussels. It is also appropriate to serve sushi, rolls, fish aspic and caviar sandwiches.

Seafood is usually offered with red and white wine, alcoholic cocktails and champagne.

Take care of guests who don't like seafood. For them, include canapés, light snacks, vegetable and meat dishes in the menu, and to keep the theme of the celebration, serve dishes in dishes decorated in a marine style.

For dessert, fruits are served - coconuts, mangoes, pineapples or bananas. For sweets, they come up with original thematic names, write them on special cards, decorate with ribbons, pebbles or shells.

Do not forget that the serving should be designed in a blue and white palette.


It occupies a central place on the wedding table. It should also be decorated in white, blue and light blue, while bright details in red will add originality to the delicacy.

You can order several options:

  1. Portion cakes for each guest. Nautical-style jewelry is made from mastic, marzipan or chocolate. You can put one small cake on the table for the young, and treat guests with delicious cupcakes;
  2. Tiered dessert decorated with sugar starfish, marzipan fish or flowers. The ocean theme is supported by edible pearls. The shape of the cake can be different: from a pirate ship to a paradise island.


To make the original celebration evoke pleasant memories for many years to come, decorate the photo zone for memorable shots in a special way.

Idea! If the ceremony takes place in the open air, then memorable photographs are taken on the shore of the reservoir. Wedding photos on the bow of the ship look very romantic.

Hammocks are hung between the trees for guests to relax and create good shots. During the photo session, they use signs with playful inscriptions, pirate hats, beards and pipes to transform into sea robbers.

If the buffet takes place indoors during the warm season, then the photo zone is located outdoors. For registration, you will need sunbeds, binoculars, a dummy steering wheel, lifebuoys and umbrellas to protect from the sun.

A sail or a piece of dense white fabric is fixed as the main background. Next to it, a dummy boat is installed, life buoys and a steering wheel are fixed, on which the names of the newlyweds are written. The composition is complemented by starfish, shells and nets. The contours of the lighthouse and clouds are cut out of thick cardboard. They are fixed in the background with the help of racks.

Organizing a wedding in a marine style is much easier if you follow the advice of experts:

  • Guests usually write down their wishes for the newlyweds in the wedding book. For a sea wedding, you can use a real logbook for this purpose. It contains unusual graphs, such as "weather", "time", "wind direction". They will help guests compose original congratulations;
  • Drink bottles are decorated with unusual stickers. Having made the inscriptions “water from the glacier” or “fresh water”, you can not only surprise the guests, but also emphasize the chosen theme;
  • For each table, a special name is invented and indicated on a decorative plate. Options may vary. Most often, the names of islands, seas, oceans or beaches are used.


The main advantage that sea weddings provide for any professional photographer is the variety of ideas and excellent scenery for shots:

Useful video

A wedding in a marine style is a clear sky and sea azure, warm sand and shell decor. But the main thing is the happy faces of the newlyweds and guests.


You can easily arrange a wedding in a marine style on your own. To do this, they use sea and river sand, shells, starfish, corals and other attributes, but most importantly - their own imagination. Such a holiday will be a worthy alternative to the classical ceremony.

Do you want an unforgettable wedding in a marine style? We will tell you how to arrange it from A to Z, so that in the end you don’t have to blush in front of the guests! You will find out what kind of theme it is, what are its features, where it is better to organize a celebration and in what color. The article describes in detail the various design options for the motorcade, the registration area and the banquet.

Here you will find ideas for decorating invitations, seating cards and other important little things. We will also talk about what you need to create a wedding image of the bride, groom and guests, what a festive menu can be and how to organize an original thematic photo zone.

The marine theme of the wedding was popularized by residents of the United States and various island states, such as the Philippines, Fiji, Seychelles. It implies, but does not oblige, holding a celebration near the water. Distinctive features - airiness, abundance of decor, calm shades.

The features of this style include marine motifs, which are based on dolphins, anchors, boats, sails and much more.

Location selection

If possible, it would be ideal to have a wedding on the coast of the ocean or the sea. An alternative could be a lake shore, rivers and an artificial pond. Do not discard the idea of ​​renting a country cottage or hotel, on the territory of which there is a swimming pool or a large fountain.

Another great option is to book a yacht or ship. The first is suitable if there are no more than 20-25 guests, and the second is designed for a more magnificent celebration. In this scenario, you will have to pay from 800 to 3000 rubles per hour.

Color spectrum

The main color should be blue, in which a path can be made to design the registration area, drapery fabrics, an arch. As additional colors, you can use white, yellow, black and green. The main thing is that they get no more than 3, a maximum of 4. It will be beautiful if you choose a small decor of these shades - napkins, candles, vases, etc.

Do-it-yourself wedding decoration

For decoration, you can use the following:

  • drapery textiles;
  • covers and bows for chairs;
  • life buoys;
  • anchors;
  • sailboats;
  • ropes;
  • ryndu (ship's bell);
  • steering wheel;
  • boats;
  • sun loungers;
  • hammocks;
  • flowers;
  • balls.

Wedding procession

It is best to choose a convertible, phaeton or roadster. The approximate cost of renting such a car per hour is 1500 rubles. You can decorate it like this: fix two hearts decorated with any artificial flowers on the roof. The left side of the hood will be beautifully covered with chiffon fabric, and in the back in the middle lay out a heart of roses. You can tie blue ribbons to the door handles, which will develop beautifully in the wind.

Registration area decoration

If an outdoor ceremony is planned, it is necessary to arrange the required number of chairs at the chosen place, preferably folding ones. It is best to arrange them 5-6 in a row and on two sides. Between them there should be a passage of 2 meters for the exit of the bride and groom. It can be covered with a path or covered with rose petals. On the sides it will be nice to put vases on high legs with any fresh flowers. White covers should be put on the chairs, which should be decorated with blue bows.

Floristry in table decoration

The arch deserves special attention, which can be decorated with flowers or snow-white fabric with blue ribbons. On the left should be a registrar's table, which can be draped with a red cloth.

That's how diverse decor in a marine style can be! Watch this video, which shows the options for decorating a banquet hall:

Banquet area

Here are some interesting options:

  • Walls. They should be decorated with fishing nets, twine, compasses, ropes. At the entrance to the hall, you can put a model of waves, a helm and an anchor. Be sure to have blue balls suspended from the ceiling. The wall at the table of the newlyweds can be decorated with a white cloth, against which round vertical garlands of blue paper will look incomparable.
  • Tables. To decorate those for which the newlyweds will sit, large shells, mini-lamps, a white linen tablecloth, an LED garland, letters of the names of the bride and groom are appropriate. You can decorate tables for guests with small ships or boats, anchors and sails. Flowers are also required, for which it is better to choose lilacs, water lilies, lilies, hydrangeas.
  • Chairs. The decor of the chairs, as in the case of the reception area, can be represented by white covers and blue bows. You can also limit yourself to dragging them with a blue chiffon fabric decorated with stars and twine. Lifebuoys with the names of the guests will look interesting on the back. They can replace standard seating cards.

Important little things

You can't do a sea wedding without invitations, which can be made in the form of scrolls. Another option is dark blue envelopes tied with twine. From above it is necessary to make a white insert with the image of an anchor and the names of the invited people.

seating cards can be ordered in the form of shells on sticks and inserted into wooden mini-boats.

Glasses can be decorated with shells and pebbles.

Instead of a pillow for a ring it is logical to use a small chest. The coral finish will give it a highlight.

From gifts guests should choose bright bonbonnieres, boats, small anchors, shell-shaped jars of sea salt for the bath. An interesting option would be the presentation of glasses with the image of the newlyweds to loved ones.

If you are going to organize the celebration yourself, find out. Here you can find all the details of the process.

Don't want to be left with nothing on your wedding day? Then you should think ahead. Here you will find a complete list of what, when and in what order you need to do.

You will also need to make a list of what. Another article talks about the features of menu selection, entertainment planning, bride price, etc.

Thematic image of the bride

Here is a list of what is needed:

  • Outfit. Lush and "mermaid" should be excluded, it is better to replace them with an A-silhouette or a Greek model. Better yet, choose . Lest you be mistaken, in another article we have collected useful tips on how to do this. The bride should not have any rings, crinoline and corset. As for the color of the outfit, the ideal choice is pale blue. If it does not fit, you can give preference to white, but then you need a blue belt.
  • Shoes. Ballet shoes or wedges in blue and white stripes or with a bow in the middle are worthy of attention. At the back, they can be decorated with a small metal anchor. The most daring brides can do without shoes when registering on the beach.
  • Handbag. It must be made of cloth, not leather or its substitute. It can be a small pouch with a string strap over the shoulder.
  • Headdress. You can wear a veil in the form of a fishing net with flowers on your head, a veil will not work. If this is not interesting, it will be nice to collect the hair in a braid or bun and tie a twine just above the forehead.
  • Makeup. In a small amount, the use of blue shadows, bright red lipstick, eyebrow pencil and black mascara is allowed. But blush and powder will be inappropriate.
  • Manicure. A great option is to round the nail plate and cover it with pink varnish. You can draw stars on top.
  • The bride's bouquet. It is best to choose a composition of white roses, daisies or mimosa. Violets will also come in handy, corresponding in color to the tone of the celebration. A blue ribbon can complement the bouquet, which should be tied up at the bottom.
  • Decorations. A necklace with diamonds, amazonite and turquoise beads will suit an open-top dress. Bracelets and earrings can be made from the same stones. Gold and silver chains are best left for later.

The image of the groom (in a vest) and his friends

Groom's clothes and accessories

Here are some image options:

  1. Navy blue pants with suspenders + white long sleeve shirt and matching bow tie at the bottom. Complemented with sports shoes with laces. The hairstyle is a slight chaos on the head, the boutonniere is three white roses with a blue satin ribbon.
  2. Beige trousers + blue sneakers with white laces, brown belt, white shirt + blue striped tie. Hairstyle - bouffant up, like rockers, boutonniere - in the form of a bouquet of lilies of the valley and violets, complemented by artificial starfish.
  3. White pants + blue shirt + blue jacket and black shoes (not patent!). The boutonniere is a white rose bud.

Dress code for guests

Bridesmaids you must be asked to dress in light blue or blue sundresses knee-length or slightly higher. A good choice is straight dresses in blue and white stripes. Shoes should be with or without high heels. It is desirable that it be beige. Of the decorations, only white beads will be enough.

It is better for witnesses to loosen and twist their hair. Lilies can be woven into them.

Bridesmaids must have bouquets, which can be made up of white roses or peonies and decorated with artificial starfish.

For guys also has its own set of rules, which requires them to have long gray shorts or jeans, pale blue shirts and pink bow ties. Shoes can be represented by brown slates or red sneakers, and classic men's caps can be worn on the heads.

Menu Features

Seafood should be in abundance on the table, which include:

  • shrimps;
  • oysters;
  • lobsters;
  • brown algae;
  • crabs;
  • lobsters;
  • lobsters.

Sushi and rolls, dishes with mussels, aspic pike perch, sandwiches with red fish and black caviar will come in handy.

Newlyweds table

From drinks it will be right to choose red and white wine, champagne, ginger ale. Relevant, especially in hot weather, alcoholic cocktails - mojito, Blue Hawaii, Pina Colada and Long Island.

A separate point is fresh fruits, among which it is worth highlighting coconuts, pineapples, bananas, mangoes and avocados.

If there are desserts they should be light. The perfect choice is tiramisu, cheesecakes and cupcakes. You can insert sticks with the names of sweet treats written on starfish-shaped cardboard into them.

The most important dish is cake, which will be beautifully done in 3 tiers, covered with blue mastic and decorated with artificial shells, starfish and beads with any white stones. From above it will be beautiful to put the steering wheel, behind which the figurines of the bride and groom can be located.

Ideas for creating a marine photo zone

If the wedding will take place in a restaurant, then you can organize a photo zone in the territory adjacent to it. In the case of a ceremony on the shore, it is logical to arrange it right there. For this you will need;

  • sunbeds;
  • dummies of boats, although real ones can be;
  • steering wheel;
  • sun umbrellas;
  • binoculars;
  • straw hats;
  • sail;
  • plates with inscriptions;
  • hammocks;
  • life buoys;
  • fish aquariums;
  • anchors.

One of the photos of the bride and groom in "sea" images

All this can be used like this: pull the sail, which will serve as the main background. A boat should be placed near it. Inside you need to put pillows with blue and white pillowcases and two umbrellas. On the right side, you need to install the helm, and on the left - the anchor. In front, you need to place large artificial starfish, life buoys and arrange. Here is a detailed description of their choice and how to create your own hands.

It will be interesting to fix the clouds cut out of cardboard on the racks and put a model of a lighthouse in the background. It is necessary to arrange sun loungers and aquariums on the sand. If there are trees, you need to attach a hammock to them. The groom can swing the bride in it when the photographer takes pictures of them.

Here you can see how the registration in a marine style goes:

A maritime-style wedding organized with your own hands according to the proposed plan will be a worthy alternative to the usual celebration and will forever remain in the memory of the newlyweds and guests.