Is a tattoo harmful to the human body. Consequences of a tattoo. Why are tattoos dangerous? Consequences of improper tattoo care

In our time, probably, there is not a single person who would not think about getting a tattoo. According to recent studies, about a quarter of young people around the world under the age of 30 have at least one tattoo on their body.

Now it is considered fashionable to decorate yourself with various inscriptions and drawings. But do not rush to chase the fast-changing fashion trends. Before you run to the nearest tattoo parlor and succumb to a fleeting desire to become fashionable, you should think carefully and weigh the pros and cons of getting a tattoo. Your decision must be conscious and well thought out, as this drawing will remain with you for life.

As it turned out, the “pluses” of a tattoo are very few. You will not get anything positive, except for a beautiful pattern on your body, and then if you get to a good master. But the "cons" - more than enough.

The terrible consequences of tattoos for a person can manifest themselves both immediately after ink is applied, and after a large number of years. Doctors of all countries are increasingly saying that tattoos can cause irreparable harm to our health and even cause death. Why are tattoos dangerous for a person?

Everyone should know this

Let's, for starters, imagine the whole process of applying a tattoo. During it, ink is pricked into our skin to a depth of about 3 mm, and the whole drawing is an open wound that will heal from two weeks to several months. If it is not properly handled, then an infection can get into it. As soon as you have a high temperature, and the wound begins to fester, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there may be blood poisoning, and this is very serious!

In addition, the ink itself can be dangerous for your body. They can cause severe allergic reactions, which you will know about after you get a tattoo, and it will be very difficult to get rid of this allergy. This is not surprising because not a single tattoo artist can tell you what is included in this ink.

There is not a single state body in the world that would control the production of tattoo ink. This provides unlimited opportunities for manufacturers who include harmful substances such as arsenic, mercury, lead, aluminum and cobalt in their composition.

People who have tattoos are not even allowed to do some medical tests, such as MRI, as the tattoo can become inflamed or catch fire. Dyes that are used to make ink are also used to make car paint and refill printers. Imagine that all this is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters all organs and over time can cause serious diseases and even skin cancer.

But the biggest danger to human life is incurable diseases that are transmitted through the blood, such as AIDS, HIV and hepatitis C. If you get to an unscrupulous master who does not use disposable needles, you are not immune from the fact that the previous client could be a carrier these terrible diseases and he can infect you.

People who have had tattoos are even banned for 12 months after getting the tattoo. It is worth thinking about this - it means that the risk of infection with these viruses is very high. But even if you get to a master who uses only new needles in his work, you can get infected through ink, since each client must have an individual jar of this dye.

If they have already been used before you, then this jar can also become a source of infection. Before you get a tattoo, think about it, is it worth putting your life at such risk?

In addition, the process of applying a tattoo is very painful. Not everyone can endure such pain for several hours in a row. Also, this process can cause severe inflammation in the drawing area. The skin in this place requires additional care and the use of special products. This will give you a lot of inconvenience.

An unsuccessful tattoo can not only harm your health, but also ruin your life. Even if you have not become infected with anything and everything is in order with your health, there is always a chance that in 10-20 years you will not like your tattoo. Can you imagine yourself in old age with a tattoo? But it was done forever. it will be very difficult and it will cost you much more than applying the drawing itself.

There are several methods of tattoo removal, ranging from surgical intervention and layer-by-layer removal of the skin, and ending with laser treatment. In any case, scars will inevitably remain in the place where the tattoo was. In addition, under the action of the laser, the ink will begin to evaporate, and toxic substances will be absorbed into the bloodstream, harming your health.

More than half of people who get tattoos eventually begin to regret their act. There are a lot of problems in the selection of clothes - not always the tattoo looks appropriate with this or that outfit. In addition, employers are increasingly giving their preference to workers without drawings on the body. Because of your reckless act, you can lose the lucky chance of your life.

But if you, nevertheless, decided on such a desperate step, think over all the details well. Never give in to anyone's persuasion. You must make your own decision. Choose only a specialized tattoo parlor with a good reputation.

Gather as much information as possible. Check all the reviews about him, especially the negative ones. Choose your tattoo artist carefully. Check out all of his work, because if the drawing does not work out, it cannot be corrected. When applying a tattoo, make sure that the artist works in new rubber gloves and a mask, uses a new needle and ink.

Your health is in your hands. If suddenly you become infected with something, you yourself will be responsible for your act.

Your home is not the place to get a tattoo

It is not safe to make a tattoo at home. When drawing a picture on the body, the wound will be open for a long time, so it is very important that the room is clean and sterile, and all instruments must be disinfected. At home, you will never be able to create such conditions. There is a high probability of infection and even blood poisoning. This could end in death!

If after all of the above, you, nevertheless, decided on - be attentive to all the details, to any trifles. Think carefully about your decision so that you don’t regret what you have already done. To fix everything, you will have to spend a lot of effort, time and money, and besides, this is a very painful process. Do not forget that not only your health, but also your life can depend on the decision to get a tattoo.

Tattooing is the process of pumping ink into the subcutaneous layer with the help of very frequent and very shallow pricking with a tattoo needle. This is a painful process, and besides, it is unsafe and harmful to health. The skin may react too strongly to the needle and take a long time to heal. The body can begin to reject the paint, which will lead to the formation of a large wound and greatly spoil the applied pattern. Finally, in salons that are more like a nightclub for metalworkers, the master may forget to change the needle and transfer some virus left over from a previous client to you. No one will give a full guarantee of safety in the case of tattoos.

Medical professionals are concerned about the trend towards the spread of various infectious diseases, such as hepatitis C and HIV, not to mention the possibility of contracting bacterial infections, such as the "common" staphylococcus aureus that lives on the surface of human skin. The entry of this microbe into the wound can result in purulent inflammation.

Recently, scientists at the University of Washington conducted a study among 450 students with tattoos and found that 170 of them had complications after tattooing. In general, when tattooing, you can catch more than 22 diseases.

The desire of people for the beauty of their own body, of course, is quite understandable and reasonably explainable, but sometimes it takes on somewhat strange forms. Separate especially "advanced" personalities like to decorate their own body with various kinds of drawings, tattoos. True, in this process, the worst thing is not even the pain that you have to endure, gritting your teeth. The fact is that the ink with which a tattoo is applied to the skin is a product hazardous to health. As a result, the Supreme Court in California has ruled that tattoo ink manufacturers are required to attach a label to their products that warns of the risks their product poses to human health. The whole danger of this paint lies in the fact that it contains lead and arsenic, which, as you know, do not have a positive effect on the human body.

It is worth noting that the idea of ​​warning labels did not come out of nowhere. The fact is that in recent years the number of people who want to get a tattoo has increased significantly. Moreover, the lion's share of them are teenagers. Many people do not even one, but two or three tattoos, absolutely not thinking about the consequences, which may include blood poisoning and the occurrence of subcutaneous infections and other very unpleasant sores.

Scientists have found that tattoos are dangerous to human health. Even temporary tattoos can cause great harm. So say the Portuguese scientists, who warn the public about the complications after these procedures.

It turns out that the most dangerous of all types of tattoos is permanent, using black ink. Its composition, along with other components, includes paraphenylenediamine. This chemical is only allowed for certain cosmetic purposes and in strictly limited quantities. If you incorrectly determine the dose of this substance or violate some of the rules for its use, a person may get eczema, dermatitis, or an allergic reaction.

But allergies are not the worst consequence of a tattoo, experts warn. Sometimes it comes down to hospitalization. It happens that after a few days, or even weeks, eczema strikes the skin under the drawing or around it!

Even if tattooing is done with high-quality dyes and sterile needles, it poses a health hazard, the reaction of different people to the same dyes can be different and its entry into the body can provoke the development of a lifelong allergy to sunscreens, painkillers.

It should also be taken into account that tattoos can cause irreparable harm to health. When making a tattoo, a person injures the skin and injects a dye under it. Although the needle does not penetrate deeply, each time it runs the risk of introducing microbes or viruses under the skin.

If you make tattoos with already used, “dirty” needles, you can become infected with syphilis, hepatitis, HIV infection and other equally dangerous diseases. The paints used in this case can cause dermatitis, allergies and even skin cancer.

In addition, German scientists have repeatedly warned about the dangers of tattoos. Many "trendy" temporary tattoos, due to the substance that adds brightness to the pattern on the skin, can lead to months of pain and discomfort.

Temporary black henna tattoos can cause many skin problems.

The compound, known as "black henna" and used in popular summer temporary tattoos, contains the chemical paraphenylenediamine, which causes severe allergic skin reactions.

This chemical is commonly used to color dark hair and is added to natural henna in tattoos to increase color intensity and durability. Often at resorts and summer festivals, such tattoos are also offered to children, sometimes those who are under four years old. At the same time, many consider this chemical product to be a natural dye that cannot harm. However, a beautiful pattern on the skin can turn into dangerous skin problems, doctors from the American Academy of Dermatology and the University of California warn.

Doctors have found that a chemical in black henna primarily develops various forms of skin allergies, including signs of bloating, redness, itching and blistering, and contributes to dermatitis and eczema. Some people can develop lifelong sensitivity to the chemical from just one use of henna, along with a high risk of skin allergies to other compounds. Each skin exposure to para-phenylenediamine repeatedly challenges the immune system, potentially worsening allergies.

To do or not to get a tattoo? - such a question was asked, probably, by many. Indeed: today's emotional decision tomorrow may be a painful reminder of the past. Moreover, one wrong move of the master - and you will forever be left with a damaged pattern on your body. Therefore, before getting a tattoo, weigh this decision very well.

Before you get tattooed, look into the future. Will it not happen that a symbol that is significant today will lose its relevance tomorrow? The situation will become even more unpleasant if you radically change your point of view. Mostly it concerns fan hobbies. Music band logos and sports symbols immediately attribute a person to a certain group of people, but are you sure that you want to stay with these people forever? The question of the relevance of a tattoo is especially acute regarding the names of lovers: while passions are burning, you want to write the name of your loved one everywhere and everywhere, but, unfortunately, not everyone has such feelings that remain unchanged for many years.

Time goes and takes its toll. Over the years, age affects the velvety of the skin, and the shape of the body, and the color of the hair ... It is enough to imagine a tattoo burnt out over time on wrinkled skin over flabby muscles, so that many will no longer even think about visiting a tattoo parlor. So if you care about the distant future, then tattoos are not for you.

A factor such as fashion can also play an important role. There is nothing more changeable than fashion. And if today tattoos are considered relevant, then after a while it can become a sign of backwardness from life.

Now there are different ways to remove a tattoo: surgery (cutting out), laser removal (burning out), abrasive removal (grinding the skin with a metal brush to remove the epidermis and dermis), removal with salt (impregnation of the tattooed skin with a special saline solution), scarification (removal with using an acid solution and creating a scar in its place). Scars remain for life. Therefore, before making a picture on your skin, you need to carefully consider your decision.

Before you go to a tattoo parlor, you should first find out what troubles can lie in wait for you there, what is the harm of tattoos for health, and can you get rid of annoying permanent drawings in the future without any problems? Only by clarifying all these points, you can make the final decision - to apply a tattoo on the skin or not.

Tattoo, permanent makeup: what is it?

What is a tattoo anyway? This is a drawing on human skin, made using various devices (stabbing, cutting tools - needles, special machines). In this case, the integrity of the skin is violated, and various dyes are introduced, which ensure the stable preservation of a certain pattern for many years. The depth of skin puncture when applying a tattoo is 1-2 millimeters.

Permanent make-up is a more superficial, sparing procedure (natural dyes are introduced to a depth of 0.5-1 mm). This method is used mainly in cosmetology to visually enlarge the lips and correct their shape, change the contours of the eyebrows and eyelids. With the help of permanent makeup, you can “paint over” age spots, scars and moles.

Tattoos: the main health risks

1. Risk of contracting infectious diseases. If the skin is damaged and poor-quality sterilized instruments are used during tattooing, various pathogenic microorganisms can enter the human body: viruses B and C, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), pathogens of bacterial and fungal infections. According to studies by American scientists, the process of applying a tattoo to the skin many times increases the risk of viral hepatitis, which often eventually leads to the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer. According to Dr. Paul Fischer (USA), 22% of people who had tattoos on their bodies were found to be infected with the hepatitis C virus (for comparison, in people who did not have a tattoo, infection with this virus did not exceed 3.5%).

Often, after manipulations in the tattoo parlor, pustular skin diseases occur - impetigo, furunculosis due to the penetration of staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogens into the surface and deep layers of the skin.

2.allergic reactions. Quite often, when applying a tattoo, harm to health is associated with increased sensitivity to the introduction of coloring pigments into the skin. Moreover, an allergic reaction may not appear immediately, but only after the second or third tattoo. Such an allergy usually manifests itself in the form of a local reaction with redness, swelling of the skin, the appearance of blisters, vesicles and other pathological manifestations on it. Often, such symptoms first occur when visiting the beach or solarium, when ultraviolet rays begin to interact with the pigments of paints in the skin. Sometimes a tattoo can also cause a general allergic reaction with damage to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, bronchi, the development of Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock.

3. The toxic effect of coloring pigments on the body. Not everyone knows that the composition of paints used for tattoos includes substances such as iron oxide, magnetite crystals, soot, cadmium, iron sulfide, chromium oxide, lead chromate, cobalt oxide, manganese pyrophosphate, compounds of copper, zinc, barium and even mercury. Such chemical elements, and mainly metal oxides, being absorbed into the blood and getting into the bone marrow, liver and kidneys, brain, can have a pronounced toxic effect on the body, especially if a person has chronic diseases of these and other organs.

4.Carcinogenic effect of dyes injected into the skin. According to foreign researchers, about 20-30% of the substances used in tattoo parlors have a carcinogenic effect, that is, they can provoke the development of malignant diseases in the human body. At the same time, the harm to health of a tattoo can be aggravated by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

5. Problems can also arise if the owner of the tattoos is sent for (MRI). In this case, skin burns may occur at the location of the tattoo.

6. Recently, such a phenomenon as addiction to tattoos when a person tattoos himself again and again, filling almost all free areas of the body with drawings. This already applies to mental disorders and requires intervention or a psychiatrist.

7. It is not always possible to perform the removal of a tattoo without consequences if its owner nevertheless decided to get rid of the annoying drawings. The very removal of a tattoo (with the help of surgery, the use of a laser) can cause infectious complications and allergic reactions, and the quality of such removal is not always satisfactory (often scars or traces of paint remain on the skin).

Tattoos without harm to health

So is it possible to get tattoos without harming your health? Of course, only for this, certain conditions must be met.

  • Contact a well-known, well-established tattoo parlor in the market for such services, which has all the permissions and licenses
  • High-quality sterilization and the use of disposable instruments are the foundation of such an institution. At the slightest doubt - go away!
  • Use of certified safe coloring pigments. There are modern safe synthetic pigments for the tattoo procedure that do not cause allergic reactions and do not have a toxic effect on the human body. Ask for certificates for the inks used in the tattoo parlor and make sure that there are no harmful compounds of mercury, cobalt, lead, etc. substances (see above).
  • Be aware that so-called natural dyes such as red-brown, blue or black henna are not safe for tattooing, as they often cause allergic reactions. Henna should be used for its intended purpose - for coloring hair.
  • Do not make a tattoo for life, ask that the coloring pigments be injected shallowly (no more than 0.5-1 mm).
  • Do not turn your body into an art gallery, it is beautiful just because of its naturalness.

By following these simple tips, the harm from tattoos to health and beauty will be minimal.

It would be rather hypocritical of me to convince you that tattoos will harm your health, infect or kill, since I myself have more than one on my body, and I understand how harmless this process is, if done correctly. A tattoo is a cross between a cosmetic procedure and a medical operation: a pigment is injected under the skin with a needle, which remains there forever. Therefore, due attention should be paid to the risks associated with this process.

If I managed to scare or alert you, then I will make a reservation right away: most of the risks that will be discussed in this article are reduced to zero if you choose an experienced master or a good tattoo parlor to do the job. But let's talk about everything in order.


The main thing to be wary of before getting a tattoo is an allergic reaction to the pigment. I will say from myself - I am an allergic person with experience, but my body is extremely predisposed to tattoos. As a rule, if you have an allergy, it will be clear almost at the very beginning of the process. Modern paint, which is used in good tattoo parlors, as a rule, is absolutely harmless and hypoallergenic. Therefore, it is worth worrying about this only to those who are tattooed by a drunken friend with a self-made machine for a bottle of beer.


The entry of unwanted particles into an open wound causes infection and infection. The needle, of course, does some damage to the skin, as a result of which dirt or dust can really get on the surface, which will lead to unpleasant consequences. This risk is completely eliminated if:

  1. Needles, pigment containers and all equipment used in the process are completely sterile;
  2. Objects located near the tattoo area (corners of furniture, an armchair, etc.) are wrapped with cling film;
  3. The room is properly serviced: wet cleaning, sanitary standards, insect prevention, air conditioning;
  4. The tattoo artist observes hygiene: gloves, tied hair, clothes that do not get dirty.

Improper healing

This problem is perhaps the most common in modern practice. There are extremely rare cases when a tattoo in the healing process, albeit as a result of violation of the necessary rules, brings something other than discomfort to its owner. However, proper care of damaged skin as a result of tattoos is extremely important.

Now let's list the possible consequences:

  • Infection due to premature contact with clothing and bacteria on inflamed skin.
  • Inflammation as a result of rubbing with a synthetic or woolen cloth until the skin is completely restored.
  • Scars and scars as a result of scratching and picking the crust that forms at the site of the tattoo.
  • Mechanical damage, scratches on the tattoo area.
  • Fading of paint as a result of significant exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Slow or painful healing due to weakened immune system (illness, alcohol, poor diet).

All this can be easily avoided by following the simple recommendations, which we wrote about in the next article. From myself I will add that the most important and The most dangerous risk for any tattoo owner is poor quality work.. It is the bad choice of the master or the ill-conceived idea of ​​a tattoo picture that often serves as the main reasons for disappointment.

For you to understand what we are talking about, below are the works that are difficult to be proud of both the owners of the authors of the ideas and the artists who had a hand in their implementation. Responsibly approach the choice of a tattoo master, follow simple rules, and enjoy the excellent result of your work!

American experts assessed tattoo harm and advise girls to refuse to apply tattoos on the body.

According to the latest statistics, one in five Americans has at least one tattoo on their body, including women and even young girls. Such crazy tattooing made me seriously think about the effect tattoos have on health.

Why are tattoos dangerous?

The most common problem associated with tattoos is the risk of infection with such serious and yet incurable ailments as Hepatitis C And HIV. These diseases are most often found in those who decide to decorate their body with intricate patterns. Moreover, even expensive salons cannot guarantee complete safety. However, there is another serious danger associated with tattoos, which few people know about. It concerns only women.

For every girl there comes a moment when she decides to end her carefree life, settle down and become a mother. And here a problem may arise that she did not even suspect. The fact is that as an anesthetic during childbirth, a procedure such as epidural anesthesia. This is a rather specific method of anesthesia, which consists in injecting an anesthetic directly into the spinal cord, through a puncture in the spine. This is dangerous in itself, as it is fraught with damage to the tissues of the spinal cord, so this procedure is performed only by the most experienced anesthesiologists. With epidural anesthesia, the woman in labor is conscious, but does not feel any pain below the waist.

This type of anesthesia is most effective during childbirth and carries minimal risk for the baby, but not for the mother. If the girl's lower back, in the place where the anesthesiologist makes a puncture, the risk of complications increases, since there is a possibility of ink particles or bacteria introduced under the skin during tattooing into the spinal cord. Many, even the most experienced anesthesiologists, refuse to deal with such patients, not daring to take responsibility. Meanwhile, as statistics show, tattoos on the lower back are the most popular among girls these days. The vast majority of fashionistas who want to look more beautiful and spectacular simply do not know what danger such tattoos carry.

If you decide to get a lower back tattoo, be aware of this danger and try to choose a design that does not entail the problems described above.