Inverted nipples and breastfeeding. How to fix flat nipples

Most of the beautiful population of the planet thinks about the appearance of their bust only during pregnancy and lactation, especially if they also have small nipples.

And rightly so, because it is after breastfeeding that the décolleté area needs special care.

Varieties of nipples

The shape of the nipples in size in women, as well as the shape of the breasts, is different: small, large, or, like most, medium. In addition to this parameter, they are also subdivided according to the degree of convexity:

  • flat;
  • normal;
  • convex;
  • retracted;
  • unilateral.

It occurs in only 3% of women.

One-sided nipples are also asymmetry, that is, one is normal, and the other, for example, is retracted, and this is not considered a developmental deviation.

The most common type is by far the normal. Flat nipples are almost indistinguishable from the areola.

The convex outer part of the mammary gland always looks a little swollen; during breastfeeding, mothers increase in size. It is extremely rare to find inverted nipples.

The main sources of the formation of small nipples

In addition to size, such a flaw as small nipples can be of various shapes, for example, flat and short or long, but strongly retracted.

Causes of a small form of breast nipples:

  1. genetic predisposition. Nipples on the chest, like any other feature of the body structure, may well be determined by the set of chromosomes in DNA.
  2. Prolonged wearing of uncomfortable underwear that compresses small breasts. In the case of a frequent deformed state of the nipple, the blood supply to the site will be disturbed, and the structure, in turn, will be changed, and reverse development may occur.
  3. Neoplasms localized in the chest area. The location of tumor cells near the nipple leads to deformation and change in size, and possibly in shape. can also occur if the formation is closely connected with the milk ducts, which directly flow into the common space under the nipple.
  4. Pathological. Under the condition of incomplete or incorrect breast formation during adolescence, the nipples may also be small or even flat.

These are not all the reasons for the occurrence of a flaw. The main reason for the formation of inverted nipples will be improperly developed or shortened milk ducts.

The source of the deviation is a common hormonal disorder of the body during puberty.

Acquired diseases in which a small nipple is possible

Of course, when an inverted nipple occurs, diseases of the mammary glands come first.

The main ailments that can bring with them the problem of small nipples:

  • history of mastitis;
  • the presence of papillomas of the milk ducts;
  • malignant neoplasm in the chest cavity.

Each of the pathologies has certain symptoms and, accordingly, different methods of treatment are used.

Mastitis is a common inflammation of the breast. Most often, pathology occurs during lactation.

The main reason during lactation will be milk stagnation or cracks, through which the causative agent of streptococcus or staphylococcus enters the chest area and causes the same inflammation.

The breast can also fester in the future due to the accumulation of infection and cause breast deformity.

The danger lies in the fact that the change in the shape of the gland may be followed by the retraction of its outer part into the areola.

With mastitis, the following main symptoms are observed:

  • redness;
  • pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • the skin in the area of ​​the affected chest is hot to the touch.

Treatment should be carried out immediately. It is necessary to apply the child more often to the affected gland, but only if pus does not form.

And of course, in the near future, consult with a specialist for further treatment.

The best prevention of mastitis is not to be in rooms with drafts, not to sit next to a fan or convector.


- This is a benign formation associated with the presence of hormonal imbalance.

The appearance of formations on the outside of the nipple is associated with the human papillomavirus. The most important symptom of intraductal inflammation is discharge, which can be light yellow or brown, bloody.

Treatment in this case is only surgical - sectoral resection. Productive prevention includes an annual examination by a mammologist, which is an integral part of monitoring the condition of the mammary glands.


A malignant neoplasm that leads to inverted nipples has acquired the name - Paget's disease. The disease affects the area of ​​the nipple and areola and has an eczematous appearance. Initial symptoms of the disease:

  • slight redness;
  • peeling;
  • irritation of the nipple and areola.

Usually, they do not pay attention to such small signs and, unfortunately, they visit a specialist already at the stage of burning, nodular compaction and small areas of erosion in the peripapillary region.

The danger lies in the fact that the symptoms when using glucocorticosteroid ointments may disappear, but the disease will not go anywhere.

The treatment here is only surgical, the degree of resection is determined by the doctor, the later the patient came to the appointment, the greater part of the gland will be removed.

In addition, distant hormone therapy and chemotherapy are prescribed in order to exclude relapses of the disease.

Features of care during lactation for owners of small nipples

When breastfeeding, the nipple area in particular needs additional protection from external irritating factors in order to avoid various unpleasant consequences.

For a nursing mother, flat nipples can cause some inconvenience when breastfeeding, but with proper observance of the technique, even they will not be.

Mom's flat nipples will develop over time when breastfeeding, but for this it will be necessary to stretch the nipple.

Some rules for putting the baby to the breast:

  1. It is necessary to feed the mammary gland to the child in such a way as to facilitate the complete capture of the nipple and part of the areola by the baby.
  2. Immediately before applying the baby, the nipples must be stimulated either by self-massage or by a breast pump.
  3. For feeding, it is worth finding a comfortable position for both mother and child.
  4. In case of failure, it is worth trying again, but not giving up lactation, because after each feeding, the breast, or rather, the shape of the nipples, will change.
  5. Before breastfeeding, the baby needs to express milk a little, thereby facilitating the work of both him and the mammary gland.

Between a nursing mother and her child, tactile contact is necessary during breastfeeding. For babies, this plays a big role in the formation of the search-suck reflex.

To ensure maximum emotional comfort for the baby during breastfeeding: 20 minutes before feeding, carry the baby in your arms, which will help establish tactile contact.

In the formation of nipples with their small size during lactation, it is very important to organize self-massage on time and correctly:

  • a warm shower is required before the procedure;
  • slight stretching of the chest area;
  • stroking techniques;
  • gently squeeze the papilla with your thumb and forefinger;
  • after pull slowly forward.

With a consistent approach to the existing problem, the outer part of the mammary gland will be drawn in much less.

During lactation, it is very important for a woman to provide a calm and comfortable environment around her, because the emotional state occupies one of the important places in the feeding process.

This condition enhances the production of oxytocin, which in turn causes the muscle layer of the mammary gland to contract, as well as to be released from breast milk.

Ways to correct retracted and flat papillae

If you want to feed your baby with breast milk, it is worth developing the breast already during pregnancy, especially for women with a small papilla.

During the bearing of the baby, only the self-massage method is suitable, because silicone shells and nozzles can lead to premature birth.

After the birth of a child, there are many ways to correct at home, including nipple shapers:

  • silicone shells;
  • silicone nozzles;
  • vacuum pumps.

Silicone shells will bring only minimal wear benefit in the presence of a retracted defect. Why then are they so often used?

The answer is very simple: just because experts recommend wearing them every day far before pregnancy, but no more than 2 hours a day.

How to feed the baby if the nipple is not yet developed or cracks have appeared on it? That's what silicone nozzles were invented for.

Today it is the easiest and most popular way of shaping the nipple.

The only drawback of the product is that there is no close direct contact between the mammary gland and the baby's lips, that is, thus, the production of milk will be less, and the sucking reflex is subsequently inhibited in newborns.

Vacuum pumps that help the nipple to stretch are relevant for any type of small papilla.

It is necessary to use the device before each application of the baby to the breast. It can also be used during pregnancy if approved by a medical specialist.


Surgical treatment is resorted to in the most extreme cases, only when other methods do not work, or the degree of retraction is very strong.

Of course, without voluntary consent, the operation will not be carried out, and it is necessary that there are no contraindications to the intervention.

The nature of the operation will depend on the structure and course of the milky ways. There are more than 2 dozen passages in the mammary gland that intersect with each other, are fixed in the depths of the mammary gland, and eventually go to the common space under the nipple.

If their length is less than normal, then the operation will take place more quickly, but if the connecting fibers have retained their length, then the surgical intervention will be more radical, but at the same time all the desired functions are preserved.

After 6 - 7 days after the operation, sensitivity is restored. In the future, within a month after the intervention, it is necessary to adhere to the rules:

  1. Avoid high physical activity.
  2. Wear only comfortable and loose underwear.
  3. Fabrics in contact with the skin should be made from natural fabrics, including bed linen.
  4. At this time, you should not visit the pool, solarium, or sunbathe or swim in nature.

In general, the operation goes without consequences, and the scar will remain almost invisible.

In any case, do not panic if suddenly the outer part of the breast has a visual difference from the normal shape.

There is enough to change the variety of the nipple.

In order to choose the most suitable one, you just need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist with this problem, and after childbirth - and a breastfeeding consultant.

The body is a physical shell that is given to each of us for life. And even the understanding that the beauty of a person is in his soul and inner world does not eliminate the desire for perfection. Let there be no ideal people - but everyone has their own, individual idea of ​​​​the ideal that you want to strive for. Including, about the ideal external, physical. Moreover, life is one, youth is generally fleeting, and I want to enjoy it as much as possible, and at the same time give such an opportunity to close and loved ones. This task is especially exciting for young girls who are not deprived of natural beauty: in working on themselves, they want to get rid of any possible, including imaginary flaws, to make their appearance attractive and in line with the canons of modern fashion.

But there are also situations when it is no longer about fantasies and conditional ideals, but about health. And not only his own, but also dependent people: children, other close relatives. Physical defects require correction and are amenable to it if the problem concerns the ability to fully use the body, to realize its natural functions. And modern medicine has achieved considerable success in solving such problems. And not only at the level of large, noticeable solutions (prostheses, implants, auxiliary equipment), but also delicate, often invisible to outsiders. Such tasks, characteristic of the second category, include, in particular, the correction of female nipples. It may consist in increasing, changing the shape and “behavior” of this part of the breast, and has become increasingly popular in recent years.

The structure of the female breast and its individual characteristics
The female breast is a complex, multifunctional organ created by nature primarily to provide vital processes. Like many other parts of the human body, it has long been an object not only physiological, but also aesthetic. But today, let's postpone the discussion of the external attractiveness of the mammary glands for a while and start the conversation with their functional role. It consists in two processes: the formation of milk and the feeding of this milk to the child. The glandular tissue, as well as the fatty, connective tissue and muscles surrounding it, are hidden inside the breast. Together, they create the size and shape of the breasts, which change throughout life depending on the composition of a woman's diet, her physical exertion, hormonal status, and other physiological changes.

The milk formed in the mammary glands enters the milk ducts, the endings of which - the milky pores - are brought out and united in the form of thickened skin protrusions - the breast nipples. As a general rule, the nipple should be tapered in young women who have not yet breastfed. After the birth of a child and lactation, the nipples may remain the same as before, or increase in size and / or acquire a slightly different, more elongated, cylindrical shape. The skin immediately surrounding the nipple differs from the main skin of the breast and the whole body. In a circle of about 3-5 centimeters in diameter, it has a slightly different structure and a darker color. These areas of skin around the nipples are called halos, and in different women (depending on the color type of appearance, age, genetic predisposition, hormonal status and health status) they differ in pigment shade and size.

With normal physiological development, the nipples themselves and the skin around them look like elevations, covered with small folds, wrinkles and cracks. They react to mechanical touch, ambient temperature and can quickly change their size and shape within 0.5-1 cm. But for some women, the nipples look and “behave” differently. Outwardly, they are flatter than most of the fair sex, or generally retracted: as if turned not outward, but inward, under the skin. In everyday life, such individual features of the structure of the nipples may not cause trouble for their owner, and even vice versa, in some cases they can be quite comfortable (for example, they allow wearing tight clothes without underwear). But when breastfeeding, and in some cases during intimate contacts, flat or inverted nipples cause certain difficulties.

Causes and effects of small nipples
Reduced or flattened, relative to the average physiological norm, nipples are a sign of shortened milk ducts. Such nipples almost do not protrude above the areola and do not harden when pressed, but are drawn under the skin. In some rare cases, they are insensitive or do not react at all to changes in temperature and touch. It is impossible to consider such a structure, characteristic of about 10% of women, as an anomaly in the truest sense of the word. It doesn't even interfere with feeding - in most cases. But sometimes, if the nipples are too small for the baby to take them with her lips, they lead to difficulties with breastfeeding. It is in these cases that the correction of the shape of the nipple can be called a necessity. In all the rest, it is rather a psychological problem, the solution of which lies in the field of aesthetic, rather than therapeutic medicine.

Breastfeeding is a natural, biologically correct and natural process formed by nature. It not only provides the newborn with nutrients for growth and development, but also includes a chain of complex physicochemical reactions that affect the health of a woman, the interaction of a mother with a child, and the full fulfillment of the biological tasks of the female body. Therefore, the impossibility of breastfeeding inevitably affects the health of both - the woman and her baby. The World Health Organization recommends that a baby be breastfed immediately after birth and whenever it requires nourishment and maternal attention. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze, assess the condition and prepare the nipples for the future feeding of the child in advance.

As for other inconveniences caused by the "non-standard" shape and size of the nipples, they can be called less significant and not critical for normal life. But at the same time, they are also capable of interfering with a woman's full life, not allowing her to feel attractive, to live in harmony with herself and her male partner. Contrary to popular belief, the initiators of the correction of the shape of the nipples and the female breast as a whole are more often not men, but women who want to please their life partner and give him pleasure. In addition, some women are not averse to correcting the “flaws” of nature in order to get more pleasant sensations from nipple stimulation during intimacy. But, whatever the reason for nipple enlargement in each individual case, the correction methods available today are common to them.

Ways to increase nipples
Future and young mothers, young girls - they are united by the desire to correct the shape of their own nipples, to increase them. Demand, as you know, creates supply, so various methods of nipple correction exist and have been used for a long time. This branch of medicine is constantly evolving, improving and offering new, more effective and, most importantly, safe technologies. What are the possibilities for nipple enlargement today? Let's take a look at each of them together:

  1. Surgery. It is performed under anesthesia (general or local), requires highly qualified doctors and entails a rather difficult postoperative recovery period. In fact, surgical intervention consists in cutting all or several (depending on the degree and type of anomaly) of the milk ducts that hold the nipple close to the epidermis or under it. The disadvantages of such a procedure are too great: although it provides the desired cosmetic effect, it forever deprives a woman of the opportunity to breastfeed. In addition, like any delicate operation, the surgical "release" of the nipples is very expensive for the patient.
  2. Massage. Harmless (subject to basic safety precautions), multifunctional and even pleasant procedure. In addition, having trained under the supervision of a medical specialist, it can be performed at home at any convenient time and in unlimited quantities. The most noticeable effect is achieved if you start using this technique as early as possible - at puberty, when the breasts are still growing and susceptible to various kinds of manipulations. For the same reason, massage should be performed carefully and carefully, avoiding the slightest discomfort.
    Gently squeeze the nipples between the thumb and forefinger, massage, gradually increasing the pressure. Achieve a slight tingling and enlargement of the nipples under the fingers. You can rotate the nipples or stretch them, observing the gradual increase in load. Finish the massage with circular movements starting from the top of the chest and spiraling towards the areolas of the chest. The main condition for the effectiveness of massage is regularity. Give it 10-15 minutes twice a day and do not interrupt the frequency of sessions for more than a couple of days. According to reviews, the result can be noticeable in a couple of months. Among the additional effects of such a massage can be called an increase in the sensitivity of the breast to caresses, an improvement in skin tone, smoothness and fullness of the breast.
  3. Cap-corrector. A relatively new invention that needs to be tested by time. So far, it is possible to analyze only its device and the technology of influencing the nipple associated with it. Outwardly, it looks like a small "thimble" with a hole. The cap itself should be put on the nipple, and a syringe should be attached to the hole to suck air. After creating a vacuum (or simply rarefied air) inside the cap, the nipple, according to the laws of physics, is extended above the skin. The device itself is quite small and, according to the inventors, does not cause discomfort either during attachment to the nipples or during prolonged wear under linen and clothing. Moreover, it is over time that a stable effect is achieved.
    Such a corrector is recommended to be worn on the nipples for at least 8 hours a day for two to three months. You can use it at night so as not to mess around during the day. Even the first six months of pregnancy are not a contraindication to the use of a nipple enlargement cap. However, while the studies were carried out clinically in Western countries, and our compatriots are still little familiar with the novelty. In any case, if you want to experiment with such a device, you should exercise healthy caution and use common sense. And this means: do not wear the corrector longer than the time specified in the instructions and immediately abandon it in case of pain. And, of course, before using it, consult a mammologist or an experienced gynecologist on this matter.
  4. Tattoo. It can be attributed to purely cosmetic methods of solving the problem, suitable for those who are not concerned about the technical, but the visual side of the situation. Permanent coloring of the skin around the nipple can be compared with a similar procedure for correcting the shape of the eyebrows, lips and applying artificial "moles". This technology has no contraindications as such, but it causes a lot of ironic comments from the general public. But, on the other hand, performed neatly and efficiently, it will not arouse suspicion that the areola is enlarged by the hands of a cosmetologist-make-up artist. The width and shade of the pigment are selected to the taste of the customer. The procedure is quite painful, because the skin on the chest is sensitive. But for the sake of the desired result, people are ready to endure tattooing, ear piercing, and nipple tattooing.
If you are worried about the size of your own nipples and you are worried that you are not enough for breastfeeding, consider this point as well. For many women, the body changes significantly with the onset of pregnancy and the field of childbirth: not only internally, but also externally. There are cases when, after giving birth to a child, the blonde became a brown-haired woman, and the curly one received absolutely straight strands. Along with a change in the level and composition of hormones in the body, the shape of the body also changes. The size of the nipples is also able to increase when the need arises. Therefore, it is possible that the nipples, which throughout the woman's youth were not expressive and small, will increase and begin to protrude above the skin after the birth of a child. In any case, take care of your health and always carefully consider any intervention in the subtle organization of the female body. Be healthy and beautiful!

The issue of lactation worries every expectant mother. Many pregnant women have to listen to a lot of advice and comments about this, including regarding flat nipples. It is believed that this feature makes it difficult to breastfeed. How true is this statement, and how can the situation be corrected?


First, we note that we should distinguish between flat and inverted nipples. In the first case, they do not rise above the areola and do not respond to stimulation. Inverted nipples at first glance may resemble flat ones, but when touched they go deeper. Try it yourself to lightly press on the areola on both sides with your fingers to test the reaction. In addition, flat nipples may straighten slightly during feeding, while inverted nipples only deepen inward.

How to stretch nipples

Preparation of the breast for feeding can begin during the gestation period. Just keep in mind that nipple stimulation leads to uterine contractions, which can cause premature birth. Therefore, any of the listed actions can be carried out only after 38 weeks, after consulting with your doctor.

Manual nipple stimulation

Squeeze the nipple at the base with your index and thumb fingers and pull gently. To change its shape, it is enough to carry out a similar procedure in the morning and evening for several minutes. Also, try twisting the nipple to one side and the other. It is important to be careful not to overdo it, because this area is very sensitive. Any pain is unacceptable. Also keep your hands clean or use sterile gauze pads. Another way of stimulation is a cold massage. Take an ice cube and move it along the nipple to make it swell and stretch.

Nipple pads

There are two types of these devices on the market. The former are silicone imitation nipples and are designed to prevent the occurrence of cracks during feeding. Among doctors there is no consensus on the need for their use, but they really save many women by helping to stretch the nipple. The main disadvantage is the obstruction of air access to the skin, so they cannot be worn for a long time.

The second format of the overlays has the form of a hemisphere with small holes. Their main purpose is to collect dripping milk during lactation. They are considered safer, because they do not interfere with the free circulation of air, and the chest does not sweat in them. These pads can be used during pregnancy or between feedings, putting in a bra. They are made of soft silicone, so discomfort is minimal. But, unfortunately, their effectiveness is somewhat lower.

Nipple pullers

For these purposes, a special device with a piston is designed. You can make it yourself from a syringe of the desired diameter by cutting off the front part from it. With the help of a piston, a vacuum is created, and the nipple is forced forward. A breast pump can also help. It is great for women with flat nipples, as it helps to correct their shape due to the vacuum mentioned above. In addition, it is possible to store milk for the future by freezing it in sterile containers.

Feeding with flat nipples

Surely there will be advisers who will assure that the child will not be able to physically grasp the nipples of an unusual shape. However, remember that the success of breastfeeding primarily depends on the mood and confidence of the mother. If there is some doubt, then you can contact a breastfeeding consultant who will tell you how best to organize this process.

First feeding

Breastfeeding immediately after delivery is very important, as it helps to establish emotional connection with the baby and make sure that flat nipples are not a hindrance to successful lactation. The nipple itself only serves as a kind of "beacon" for the crumbs, and it sucks not him, but the areola. To make it easier for your baby to latch onto the breast, apply a little pressure from below with your thumb near the pigmented area. Make sure that the nose and upper lip of the child are in line with the nipple, and the mouth captures most of the areola.

If for some reason the first feeding experience was unsuccessful, do not despair. Express the milk and give the baby from a spoon. In case of a problem with nipples, bottles and nipples should not be used. Their shape is somewhat different from the female breast, and the sucking process requires less effort. As a result, a baby who has tasted milk from a bottle even once may refuse to breastfeed.

Emotional mood

Emotional mood during breastfeeding is very important, because the production and excretion of milk is controlled by hormones, the action of which directly depends on mood. Any stress, including those caused by worries about the shape of the nipples, blocks the production of oxytocin, which is responsible for the release of milk from the breast. As a result, it will be doubly difficult for the baby to suckle.

Before feeding, try to relax: listen to pleasant music or sit in silence. Stroke your breasts or ask your spouse to give you a back massage. In addition, warm shower jets increase milk production. Any stimulation of the nipples will help them straighten up, and also trigger the production of oxytocin, which will make sucking easier. If the room is not cold, then undress the baby and attach it to your bare chest or stomach, this will allow you to establish a bodily connection and tune in to lactation.

Our newborn daughter does not suckle her mother's breast, because she cannot grasp the nipple, as it is so flat. She tries, but only gasps for air and, disappointed, begins to act up. Despite the fact that the mother has enough milk, the child has to be fed expressed from a bottle. This worries me, because I would very much like to establish normal breastfeeding, but, alas, we have not yet found another way out. Please advise what can be done in this situation. I would be grateful for any helpful advice.

Answer: Flat or inverted nipple. How can I help my baby latch on?

The nipple can be formed immediately before feeding using a breast pump or special silicone pads. When the breast pump starts to work, it draws out not only trickles of milk, but also the nipple itself. The overlay does have the shape of an “ideal nipple”, and the girl can easily wrap her mouth around it and suck on her breast, but through the overlay. After a few minutes, you can try to quickly remove the pad and put the already elongated nipple of the mother's breast into the child's mouth.

In addition, you definitely need to exclude a bottle with a nipple from use. Even if it is not immediately possible to achieve the formation of a nipple, and for some time you will use expressed milk, feed your daughter with it from a spoon. You must firmly adhere to the rule: “Baby can only suck on the breast!” Not a pacifier, not a pacifier on a bottle, but only breasts, even if they are not quite comfortable for this.

Some women find their nipples too short for breastfeeding. However, the length of the nipple does not matter. The baby sucks at the breast, not the nipple. Think of the nipple as just a "guideline" showing your baby where to take the breast. The ability of the areola and breast tissue located above to stretch in the shape of the nipple is important (see subsection 2.6).

There are many cases when, with flat and short nipples, the breast tissue stretches well, which does not cause any problems.

Sometimes the nipples look unsuitable for stretching, but during pregnancy they develop. After childbirth, when the baby stretches them in the process of sucking, they become even more adapted to feeding.

Figure 16..

It happens that the nipple is really badly stretched. If you try to pull it out, it will go even deeper into the chest. This is a depressed nipple.

Figure 17..

The extensibility of the nipple is more important than its length.

Nipple examination

Before giving birth, on one of the woman's visits to the doctor, examine her nipples and check for distensibility. This will give you the opportunity to help her if she is concerned.

Look at the nipple and determine its shape.

Press on the areola on both sides of the nipple. This usually makes the nipple elongate and look longer.

Try to carefully draw out the nipple and areola in the shape of the nipple (see Figure 176).

If the nipple is pulled out easily, it is stretchable.

If the nipple does not stretch well, it is poorly extensible.

If the nipple does not stretch out, but goes deeper, it is depressed.

How to help a woman with inverted nipples

If her nipples stretch easily:

Reassure her that she has good nipples, even if they look flat.

If one or both nipples are poorly stretched:

Reassure the woman that she can breastfeed.

Explain to her that the baby does not suckle the nipple, but the breast, and that he will be able to suckle with a flat or poorly distensible nipple if he takes enough of the breast into his mouth. A woman may need some extra help getting her into the right feeding position at first. She must be patient and persistent, and then she will succeed, and you will help her in this.

Explain to her that her nipples will "fix" during pregnancy and when the baby starts suckling. They may not become longer, but they should become more stretchable.

After the baby is born, give the mother special care and support as soon as possible. Try to get your baby to breastfeed in the correct position from day one. Teach your baby to breastfeed easier earlier, before the breast is full of milk.

In case of breast engorgement, the mother should express milk so that the breast becomes soft. It will be easier for the baby to take the breast after this.

If the baby is initially unable to latch on, reassure the mother that he will eventually succeed. Make sure she understands what she needs to do and that she can train her baby to latch on herself.

Until the baby learns to suck, the mother can express milk and bottle feed the baby.

If it is acceptable for a married couple, a woman's husband may suck milk from her breasts to relieve engorgement and make the nipple more stretchable, before or after the baby is born.

Nipple exercises and nipple pads

Some mothers feel like they have to "fix" their nipples somehow.

In the past, health workers taught mothers various "pulling exercises." However, one cannot be sure that exercise can actually make a difference. They can damage the skin and also promote uterine contractions (if oxytocin is released).

Doctors sometimes advise mothers to wear nipple shields, which are glass or plastic rings that are worn under clothing and press on the areola. The nipple is pushed out through the hole in the ring.

In some countries, mothers make nipple shields from coconut shells, grass or cardboard rings. It is not known for sure whether nipple shields can actually change their shape in any way, but if a mother wants to wear them, they will give her confidence that she will be able to breastfeed.

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