Classes with children tnr. Working with children with severe speech impairments. Did. game "Help Ira do the cleaning"

Nomination: Logorhythmic classes in the system of correctional and developmental work with children from 4 to 7 years old.

Using the collection "Round Miracle" in correctional and developmental work with children with severe speech impairments

In the 2016-2017 academic year, within the framework of the competition of cognitive collections, held in the municipal state preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 36 of the combined type" Search ", I created a collection of balls" Round Miracle ".

The material of this collection is intended for work with children from 4 to 7 years old. The collection consists of 29 balls, 23 balls, 6 circles, different in size, shape, weight, material, texture. It is accompanied by guidelines for use, materials on the history of the ball, a selection of poetry.

This collection can be used in correctional and developmental work with children 4-7 with TNR on the implementation of the content of the Work program of a speech therapist.



  • expansion of ideas about the world around, about human activities to create objects and materials around him;
  • clarification and expansion of ideas about the qualitative properties of materials and objects that surround a person in everyday life;
  • expanding ideas about comparing and classifying objects according to various criteria through observation and touch;
  • clarification of children's ideas about the concepts of " prickly - smooth - thorny - pimpled - porous - rough - ribbed, hard - soft - elastic, plastic, rubber, rag, leatherette, airy, sports, tennis, wooden, paper, glass, transparent, Christmas tree, New Year's, warm, cold, round, flat, giant - huge - very large - large - small - very small - tiny. "

Correctional and developmental:

  • clarification and enrichment of the passive and active vocabulary of children with THR with qualitative adjectives and comparative adjectives;
  • the formation of ideas about antonyms and synonyms by the example of describing objects through the use of qualitative and relative adjectives;
  • development of practical skills and abilities in the use of simple common sentences with homogeneous definitions when describing objects (balls, balls, circles);
  • correction of successive functions through memorizing the sequence of presentation when describing items in the collection according to the scheme of Vorobyova V.K. (What do I see? What do I feel?)
  • the formation of coherent speech through the compilation of paired descriptive stories, comparative-descriptive stories of balls, balls, circles;
  • stimulation and development of the speech activity of children with TNR through the use of items from the cognitive collection;
  • the development of expressiveness of speech through the competent and accurate use of adjectives when describing the exhibits of the collection;
  • development of sensory sensations through interaction with collection items;
  • development of elementary skills of analysis and synthesis through the classification of balls, balls, circles according to various criteria;
  • developing interest in collecting.


  • upbringing of emotional responsiveness in children with TNR, empathy through interaction with collection items;
  • fostering attention and interest in the word, in its accurate and correct use (in this case, high-quality adjectives), to help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the native language;
  • education and development of aesthetic feelings;
  • fostering patience, attention, discipline (patiently wait for their turn, listen to a friend, observe the agreed rules);

Collection materials can be used as:

demo material during the GCD for the development of speech

  • when working on sentences of various designs, when compiling descriptions, stories, creative retellings;
  • when creating an active game motivation in individual correctional lessons to correct sound pronunciation;
  • literary material - for the automation of the delivered sounds.

practical material for process development

  • touch,
  • fine motor skills of the hands (stroking, groping, squeezing, massage of the hands);

The materials of the collection can be used in didactic games:

Any game starts Funny ball: he comes to visit the children and brings his friends, inviting the children to get to know them.

"Know by touch", "Wonderful bag", "The fourth extra", "Tell me which ones", "Find out by description", "What's wrong?" or “What has changed?”; "Merry count", "Name which one counts", "Toy store"

« That's the way the masters »The game is played with a group of children. With the help of a rhyme, the driver is selected (at the first stage - the teacher), he takes out the collection items in turn and makes a sentence: - This ball has thorns (thorns, specks, stripes, suckers, rough edges, pores) - This ball, a ball made of glass ( plastic, wood, wax, rubber ...). The next child in a clockwise direction concludes: - This is a spiky (spiky, spotted, striped, rough, porous) ball. - This is a glass (wooden, rubber ... ball) The item is deposited in a container. The game is continued by a child who has named a qualitative or relative adjective. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. If he doesn't know the answer, he skips the move. The one with the most chips wins.

D / U "I have a ball in mind"

The exercise is conducted with the aim of consolidating the skill of clarifying the meaning and correct use of high-quality adjectives in speech, the skills of using them when compiling simple common sentences with homogeneous definitions.

Preliminary work: children get acquainted with the scheme of Vorobyova V.K., learn to select signs for an object based on visual and tactile sensations.

Exercise progress:

The speech therapist demonstrates to the children balls (balls) from the collection (4 - 8 pieces) and offers to determine, after listening to the description of this ball (ball), which ball (ball) she wondered. Children guess, show the ball. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times. Then the speech therapist invites one of the children to "think / conceive a ball", and the rest - to guess what their friend has chosen from the collection. The exercise is performed as long as the children's interest in doing it remains.

You can use the literary material of the collection how pure phrases during game automation of the delivered sounds in individual-subgroup lessons.

Using the cognitive collection "Round Miracle" allows you to:

  • To increase the interest of pupils with TNR to correctional - speech therapy classes;
  • Make corrective lessons on the automation of the sounds set more entertaining (the ball is an active participant in the lesson, the children tell him phrases, tongue twisters, poems);
  • Diversify the elements of surprise in frontal and individual lessons (the appearance of a new unusual exhibit - a ball, a ball, a circle - that cooperates with children, helping them to complete tasks of a speech therapist);
  • The number of exhibits in the collection makes it possible to diversify didactic games and exercises, keeping the pupils' long-term interest in them.
  • To increase the positive emotional mood of the pupils in correctional classes with a speech therapist (children really like that the balls are different, unusual, that they can be touched, stroked, touched, thrown over, they can be played, you can talk about them).

Teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category Sokolova Tatyana Germanovna

municipal state-owned preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 36 of the combined type" Poisk "

Nomination: Program of correctional work with children with OHP.

Position: teacher-speech therapist of the highest category
Place of work: MKDOU Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 36 of the combined type" Search "
Location: the city of Novosibirsk

The reason for this can be developmental pathologies during pregnancy or birth trauma, birth defects, malocclusion, head injuries. Also, the occurrence of violations is influenced by the transferred severe infectious diseases, problems with the formation of the child's psyche. Children have a tendency to imitate the adults around them, so if someone in the family has problems with speech, the child may have them.

For children with severe speech impairments, a warm family environment is important for recovery.

These violations must be identified as early as possible and measures must be taken to get rid of them. For this, the help of psychiatrists, speech therapists, and defectologists is involved.

In the case of severe speech impairments, education in a regular general education school will be difficult and ineffective. Children are very limited in communication, have a minimal vocabulary, and some do not speak at all. There are special kindergartens and schools for children with such defects.

Features of conducting training and development classes

Due to speech disorders, the child may have mental retardation, but this does not mean intellectual retardation. As a consequence of the impossibility of normal interaction with the teacher, problems arise with understanding the curriculum.

Such children are often withdrawn, unsure of themselves, a negative attitude towards reality, a tendency to nervous breakdowns, lethargy and apathy can develop.

In addition to exercising with teachers and doctors, the atmosphere in the family is very important for treatment. It is necessary to find close emotional contact with the child, support for the efforts and praise for the successes made. But you do not need to pamper and pity him, or, on the contrary, scold him for his peculiarity, reproach or set an example for others - this will completely kill his self-esteem.

Program objectives of the lesson: develop verbal and logical thinking, fine motor skills, speech motor coordination;

update and systematize ideas about the characteristics of each season based on clarity; to consolidate the ability to form relative adjectives, to select the words-actions according to the meaning, to coordinate the noun and verb in gender and number, to make sentences with the conjunction “because”, to compose a descriptive story based on symbol cards; foster a cognitive attitude and interest in seasonal changes in nature and human life.

Material and equipment: interactive whiteboard, multimedia presentation, model of the seasons (a circle divided into 4 parts: yellow, blue, green, red) with additional material (autumn leaves, snowflakes, white flowers, green leaves, colorful flowers), easel, symbol cards a descriptive story on the topic "Autumn", plot cards on the topics: "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", subject, mosquito and bee masks, paper chamomile, typesetting canvas "Insects in the meadow", images of insects from paper.

Preliminary work: observing seasonal changes in nature, conversations, viewing paintings: "February Azure" by I. Grabar, "Rye" by I. Shishkin, "Birch Grove" by A. Kuindzhi, "March" by I. Levitan, memorization and dramatization of the poem "There is no time to be bored" G. Ladonshchikova, making riddles on the topic "Seasons".

Course of the lesson

Teacher-defectologist (U.-D.). Guys, today we will make an amazing journey. First, let's find out what seasons do you know? (Children's answers.) What time of year is it? (Winter.) What is the name of the season before summer? (Spring.) What time of year is between spring and autumn? (Summer.) What season will come after summer? (Autumn.)

The teacher demonstrates to children the model of the seasons: a circle divided into four parts (yellow, blue, green, red) and additional material for them (autumn leaves, snowflakes, white flowers and green leaves, colorful flowers).

U.-D. Guys, in order to determine what time of the year we will talk to you, we will perform the exercise "From which tree is the leaf?"

Children perform an activity on an interactive whiteboard. The child, looking at the image dropped out on the cube, names the leaf from which tree, then forms a relative adjective. (Oak leaf - oak, linden leaf - linden, maple leaf - maple, aspen leaf - aspen, birch leaf - birch.)

On the interactive whiteboard's screen, an image of a tree falling from leaves.

U.-D. Guys, look, leaves are falling from the tree. When does this happen? (In the fall.) What other signs of autumn do you know? (Children's answers.) Let's talk about autumn with you.

On the easel, cards-symbols of a descriptive story on the theme "Autumn" are displayed. Children make up sentences according to them: Autumn has come. The sun warms less. It's getting colder. There are gray clouds in the sky. It's raining. The wind picks off the leaves from the trees.

The teacher pays attention to additional material for the pores of the year, suggests choosing the one that corresponds to autumn (leaves of red, yellow, orange).

U.-D. Where do you think we will place the autumn leaves on the circle? Why? (Answers of children.)

Children place autumn leaves on the yellow part of the model.

U.-D. Yes, guys, that's why autumn is called "golden". Listen to the riddle.

The cold has come

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared bunny gray

He turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear fell into hibernation.

Who's to say who knows.

When does this happen? (In winter.)

The teacher, together with the children, puts out story cards on the easel on the themes: "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn".

U.-D. Guys, show the card with the winter storyline and tell me why you chose it.

Children make up sentences for a story card using the “because” conjunction.

Say it Right Exercise

Answer the questions: Which one? Which? Which?

Winter, day (what day?) - winter day; winter, walk -…; winter, clothes -…; frost, winter - ...; frost, air - ...; frost, weather - ...; snow, blanket - ...; cold, wind -….

Exercise "Winter clothing"

Children choose cards with images of winter clothing items. The teacher puts on an easel a picture of a boy dressed for a walk on a winter day.

U.-D. Let's give the boy a name. (Denis.) Denis is going for a walk. He put on a fur hat. So what is the hat? (Fur.) Wool scarf -…; leather gloves - ...; drape jacket -….

If clothes are worn in winter, then what are they? (Winter.)

Game "Name the" winter "words"

Children pass the ball to each other and call words on the theme "Winter".

The teacher offers to choose from additional material for the seasons the one that corresponds to winter (snowflakes).

U.-D. Where do you think we will place the snowflakes on the circle? Why? (Children's answers.) Yes, the winter is cold and snowy.

Children place snowflakes on the blue part of the model.

U.-D. Now listen to the sounds of the forest and tell me what time of year will be discussed.

Used by computer game "Learning to Speak Correctly" sections: "Non-speech sounds", "Spring".

Exercise "Make the word"

In the spring, the sun ...

In the spring snow ...

In the spring, birds come to us ...

In the spring, the buds on the trees ...

Leaves from the buds ...

Think and Say Exercise

U.-D. Listen carefully, pick up another word that matches my meaning.

Snow - snowdrift, rain - (puddle).

Winter - fur coat, spring - (jacket).

Woodpecker - hollow, starling - (birdhouse).

Rook - nest, fox - (hole).

Man - nose, bird - (beak).

Logorhythmic exercise

Children stand in a circle.

From icicles - ringing, ringing.

(Clap their hands.)

Wake up, maple, maple.

(Raise their hands, swing from side to side.)

Snow melted, snow.

(Rub palm on palm.)

Streams running, running.

(Perform wavy hand movements.)

Thunder strides: top, top.

The kidneys are heard: clap, clap.

(They unclench their fists.)

G. Lagzdyn

The teacher pays attention to additional material for the seasons, suggests choosing the one that corresponds to spring (white flowers and green leaves).

U.-D. Where do you think we will place the white flowers and green leaves on the circle? Why? (Answers of children.)

Children place white flowers and green leaves on the green part of the model.

U.-D. Yes, guys, nature comes to life in spring, and therefore there is a lot of green.

Children in masks of a mosquito and a bee come out, on a carpet of paper chamomile. The previously learned poem "There is no time to be bored" by G. Ladonshchikov is being performed.

The bee sat down on a flower, lowered its proboscis.

A mosquito flies up to her:

What are you looking for there?

Aren't you bored, bored looking?

No, to the one who is busy with business,

There is simply no time to be bored!

U.-D. Guys, why do those who are busy with business have no time to get bored? (Answers of children.) Have you guessed what time of year we are going to talk about? (About summer.)

The teacher exhibits the typesetting canvas "Insects in the meadow".

U.-D. In summer, many insects can be seen in the flower meadow. Guys, how do they move? (Crawl, fly, jump.) Show how insects fly, jump. Let's help them meet in our meadow.

Children take pictures of insects, put them in a clearing and make up phrases.

Ladybugs crawled.

The beetles flew in (crawled).

The grasshoppers galloped up.

The bees have arrived.

The ant crawled.

The caterpillar crawled.

The dragonflies have arrived.

The butterflies have arrived.

The teacher pays attention to additional material for the seasons of the year, suggests choosing the one that corresponds to the summer (multi-colored flowers).

U.-D. Where do you think we will place the colorful flowers on the circle? Why? (Answers of children.)

Children place colorful flowers on the red part of the model.

U.-D. Summer is often called "red" because the sun is shining brightly and flowers are blooming.

U.-D.(draws the attention of children to the assembled model of the year). You and I have remembered all the seasons. What time of year do we have on the blue (yellow, green, red) model? (Children's answers.) Why is it indicated in this color? (Children's answers.) What time of year do you like the most? Why? (Children's answers.) What did you like most about our trip? (Answers of children.) Maybe something upset someone today? (Answers of children.)

Our journey is over. I really enjoyed traveling with you. With your help, the seasons have become brighter, more noticeable, more interesting. Until next time!

S. Dukhovnik,
teacher-defectologist of the first category

Education(it is necessary to form ideas about the set of numbers, quantities, shape, space and time)

Development(development of understanding of speech, expansion of passive and active vocabulary, lexical and grammatical structures, sensory and intellectual potential, verbal and logical thinking).

Upbringing(the formation of moral and volitional personality traits (accuracy, responsibility, organization) in the process of analyzing life situations).

The methodology of teaching mathematical knowledge is based on general didactic principles: systematic, consistent, gradual, individual approach, scientific approach, accessibility, corrective focus, continuous repetition of the material.

The selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of presentation of material for the mathematical development of children with speech impairments is based on the principle of focusing on the general development of the child, which includes his sensory, motor and intellectual readiness.

- arithmetic(digit and number from 0 to 10, the main properties of the natural series, etc.);

- geometric(prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, arrangement of figures on a plane, in space, making their models from paper, etc.);

The main methods used in mathematics classes are: the method of didactic games and the method of modeling, which are presented in various combinations with each other. In this case, the leader is practical method allowing children to recognize and comprehend practical material (performing actions with objects, modeling geometric shapes, sketching, coloring, etc.).

Most children with speech underdevelopment have violations of fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination. Therefore, physical education and finger gymnastics are very important. The phylogenetic connection of movements with the pronunciation of sounds provides a number of advantages for the development of children of speech groups. Their speech is rhythmized by movements, becomes louder, clearer and more emotional, and the presence of a rhythm has a positive effect on the development of children's auditory perception.
The prospective physical education minutes and finger exercises in math classes will allow children to master not only speech skills, but also develop math skills while consolidating counting, orientation in space, time, etc. correction of mental processes in children.
This approach will allow solving the following tasks:
- stimulation of the action of the speech zones of the child's cerebral cortex;
- development of attention and memory - mental processes associated with the child's speech;
- promoting the mathematical development of children with speech disorders.

The main corrective task is to form in children with developmental disabilities, search methods of orientation when completing a task in mathematics. A child with developmental disabilities requires multiple repetitions based on the principle of functional training. It is also good to offer speech material to consolidate knowledge gained in teaching mathematics outside of math classes. These are poems, fairy tales, stories, in which numbers are always present.

Development objectives:

1. Analysis and synthesis of objects (from the general to the particular: "What is in common?"; For example, objects that are different in color, but the same in shape).

2. Classification of objects (combining objects according to 1 or several criteria into groups; for example, 3 mice, and there is cheese in the box. "Choose the shape of the cheese"). Reference symbols, reference pictures are introduced.

3. Generalization (games are selected with the operation for generalization: “4th extra”, “Expand according to form”, “Collect according to color”, etc.).

4. Serialization (selection by size, by 1 attribute, by size and color, by 2 attributes, etc.).

5. Abstraction - a high level of analysis and synthesis.

6. Conclusion building (in the development of simultaneous gnosis in children, work on the formation of children's understanding of the real situation). For example, the instruction is given: “I will start the story, and you finish. "If cows flew through the air ...".

Features of classes in mathematics for children with TNR:

An adult needs to think carefully and clearly formulate questions, to exclude the possibility of children's answers on defective speech material.

The conclusions must be made and voiced by the adult himself, showing a sample of competent speech;

It is necessary to pay attention to the correct use of lexical forms when coordinating numerals with nouns; you should require the naming of each number when counting (one knight, two knights, five knights ...);

Static activity should be combined with small forms of active rest: physical education, physical. pauses, eye gymnastics, finger games;

For the development of the elements of verbal-logical thinking, it is advisable to use modern pedagogical tools: H. Kuisener's sticks, Dienesh blocks.

When a child sees, feels, touches an object, it is much easier to teach him mathematics. Therefore, one of the basic principles of teaching children the basics of mathematics is clarity.

A set of methods and techniques in the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts:

1 - Practical methods.

Exercises - repeated repetition of mental practical actions by children of a given content.

A-Exercises of an imitative-executive character - a specific educational and cognitive task is set for children, a sequence of actions is shown. For example: make a shape of 3 sticks. A sample is given, then the child lays out the figure.

B-Exercises of a constructive nature - the transfer of the learned method of action to a new content. At the same time, children construct an appropriate method of solution from the actions and operations known to them.

B-Exercises of a creative nature - involve the use of learned methods in new conditions, as well as the use of new actions and operations that children have not learned. In the classroom, it is useful and expedient to use logical problems, poems, riddles of mathematical content.

2 - Verbal methods.

Verbal methods are part of any visual and practical method.
In the classroom in mathematics, explanations, explanations, instructions, questions, pedagogical assessment are used. Explanation and explanation are widely used in the course of counting exercises with the participation of various analyzers.
Directions effective when the child pronounces the actions when completing tasks: "I shade the tree with a green felt-tip pen." Pedagogical Assessment is considered one of the most important verbal techniques. She helps the child, to establish herself in achieving positive results, to understand the mistakes made. It is especially important for children who are insecure, withdrawn, and have a low level of knowledge.
At first, the very desire of children to complete the educational task is positively assessed. Then, with an overall positive assessment, mistakes are correctly noted, specific ways of correcting them are indicated, and they instill confidence in the child. Finally, the quality of the result is analyzed, interaction skills are assessed, and the assessment given by the children themselves is used.

3 - Visual methods.

In the classroom in mathematics, the following are successfully used:

Demonstration of pictures like "What has changed?", "What is it like?", "Where is the object?";

Illustrations depicting the time of day;

Situations for drawing up tasks;

Watch dial;

Show of transparencies, filmstrips, video films;

Demonstration of methods for measuring bulk and liquid substances.

4 - Game methods.

Game methods are also effective in the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical representations. They involve the use of various components of play activity in combination with other techniques: questions, explanations, instructions, etc. Various actions are used with toys, play materials, imitation of actions and movements, elements of competition, hiding and searching for objects. All this creates a positive emotional mood in children, increases their activity and interest in the lesson.

5 - In recent years, in preschool didactics, such a kind of visual search method has appeared, such as modeling. The availability of this method is reflected in the works of A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, D.B. Elkonin. Modeling is based on the principle of replacing a real object with another object depicted by a sign. In the lesson in mathematics are used: different plans; chips; models of seasons, months; models in the form of clocks, divided into sectors, etc.
Modeling is introduced very carefully, as children develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, inference).

The work on the formation of mathematical knowledge and skills should be carried out in close cooperation with other specialists. In music lessons, songs about numbers and tasks can be performed. In physical education classes, it is recommended to work to improve the coordination of movements, orientation in space. The knowledge gained in the classroom is well fixed in riddles, proverbs and sayings. It is necessary to make various didactic games that would contain a great motivational potential for the development of an active cognitive attitude in preschoolers to the world around them.
It is advisable to arrange a corner of cognitive mathematics, in which you can place various didactic games, counting sticks, numbers, geometric shapes and bodies, various children's literature and other materials.

Lesson summary for children with severe speech impairments

(1-2 grades)


Komazenkova Anna Alexandrovna

2016 Nov.

Lesson summary for children with severe speech impairments (grades 1-2)

Purpose: development of thinking in younger students.Tasks:1. Development of verbal and logical thinking.2. Development of creative thinking.3. Development of such mental operations as generalization and classification.4. Development of skills to work in a team of schoolchildren.5. Development of skills to comply with the rules of conduct in the classroom.

The universal educational actions formed within the framework of the lesson:1. Regulatory: the development of the ability to control their behavior;2. Communicative: the development of constructive interaction skills, teaching the rules of interaction in a group: speak in turn, do not interrupt, listen;3. Cognitive: the development of verbal-logical and creative thinking, mental operations.

Target group: these tasks and exercises can be used when conducting classes with children of primary school age (1-2 grades).

    Organizing time

1 Greetings

Hello, right hand - we stretch it forward,

Hello, left hand - we stretch it forward,

Hello Friend-

we take one hand with a neighbor,

Hello Friend-

we take it with the other hand,

Hello, hello friendly circle-

shake hands.

We stand hand in hand, together we are a big ribbon,

We can be small, we squat,

Can we be big, get up

But no one will be alone

    The main part of the lesson

    Game "Me and My Name" Children stand in a circle.

The teacher-psychologist throws the ball to the child, and he, having caught the ball, calls his name. After all the children have named their names, one of the children throws the ball, trying to come up with variants of the name of the child to whom the ball was thrown (full name, diminutive).

    Game "Fruits - vegetables" Purpose: development of concentration and distribution of attention.

A poster with a picture of fruits and vegetables weighs on the board. Children "name fruits in a chain, but as soon as the psychologist points to the vegetable, the children clap their hands - once" (After completion, you can change the actions)

    Exercise "Word on the topic"

The psychologist names the topic (animals, birds, season, school supplies), and children as many words as possible to this topic.

    Analytical exercise.

In front of each child there are 4 identical squares (4: 4). The psychologist suggests finding as many ways as possible to divide the square into 4 parts. (The separator can be a thread, a pencil, a strip of paper, etc.)

    Exercise "Reverse".


The psychologist says the word, and the children say the opposite. (Cold - warm; dark - light; smart - stupid; sharp - dull; high - low; good - bad ; kind - evil; brave - timid, cowardly; sweet - sour ; beginning - end; thin - thick).It is important to pay attention to the ending. a) It is possible to accompany with pictures; b) Showing words-opposites.


The psychologist hangs out a set of cards on the blackboard and gives each child a card. Children take turns going to the board and make up pairs of opposites. (Annex 1.)

    Exercise "Definition"

Purpose: orientation in space.The psychologist shows a picture on which an object is drawn, and then a second. The challenge is for the children to be able to come up with a word that is between these two words and which would serve as a “bridge between them. (For example, to the pictures "sparrow" and "tree" "on", "above", "behind", "under" - "A sparrow flew up a tree", "A sparrow hid behind a tree"). The psychologist moves the image of the sparrow. (Appendix 2.)

    The final part (reflection).

    Exercise "Sunbeam" (relaxation exercise).

The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further over his face, stroked it gently with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, not on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke him gently so as not to scare him away. Lightly stroke your head, neck, arms, legs ... He climbed onto his tummy, stroke his tummy.

The sun bunny is not a mischievous person, he loves and caresses you. And you stroke him and make friends with him.


Let's join hands.

Let's remember what we did today, what we liked, and what we would like to repeat in the next lesson

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.