Beads of different forms. Forms beads. What are the beads? The use of rosary in christianity

Good day, needlewomen!

Surely, you know how many materials are activated when creating jewelry and accessories. Rhinestones, cabochons, beads, ribbons, pendants, rings.

In one of the previous articles "Accessories for the manufacture of jewelry. How to stock master?" We looked at what accessories for making jewelry.

Today I want to invite you to the world of Beads.

In the article you will learn:

  1. How can you apply beads for jewelry.
  2. What beads for jewelry are.

What is a bead.

It is difficult to present modern jewelry without beads. Beading for jewelry is one of the elements for creating jewelry having basically a spherical shape with a hole.

But, not always the bead happens round! To date, stores for creativity and needlework offer us, craftsmen, a huge selection of beads.

A variety of forms, materials and sizes.

The form of beads are:

  • round.
  • triangular.
  • square.
  • rectangular.
  • oval.
  • trapezium.
  • spikes.
  • drops.
  • books, etc.

What are beads from?

1. Plastic beads.

Basically, for needlework, in particular when working with beads, popular masters are plastic beads. This is a unique material for creating jewelry.

Sometimes such beads are also called acrylic. The greatest advantage of acrylic beads before others is a small weight, a variety of color scheme and a color solution.

To date, the technology of the share to such a level, which can be done from plastic, to give any shape, paint into any color, etc.

Plastic beads are well suitable for creating summer jewelry, decorations for clothes and bags. With such beads, it is very easy and pleasant to work.

Natural stones were always in price. By themselves, they look attractive, and from the decorations of them are simply not possible to take eye. Jewelry from natural stones and beads looks expensive and rich.

Probably the second most popular beads after plastic. Wooden beads can be naturally or painted.

Such beads are very often used when creating ethnic or eco jewelry. Well look beads from a tree on a male hand in a bracelet or bandage.

Also, we use beads from wood when creating Slingobus.

Such beads look very bright and effectively in jewelry. They sparkle and overflow in the sun.

Applying such beads in their work, you undoubtedly dilute the product and bring some keenness. Metal beads look great in bracelets and coulons.

6. Shambala beads.

Basically such beads are used when creating all known bracelets. But in the necklace, and in earrings they will fit perfectly.

Thus, we reviewed the basic types of beads in needlework.

What can be made from beads.

Since we have the theme of jewelry, it can be said that beads are used to create a variety of jewelry (necklace, bracelets, bandages, hairpins) and accessories (bags, clutches, covers).

In addition, beads can be acceptable when decorating and decorated clothing, interior items and room design.

Beads decorate shoes and even upper clothes.

Where to buy beads for jewelry.

To date, the market for creativity is replete with a variety of beads for jewelry. You can purchase beads to create jewelry both in the stores of your city and in online stores.

I like to buy beads in the stores of my city. I love to consider, touch the material alive. Among the favorite stores "Mont Peal" and "La Beads". Here I can find everything you need to create jewelry.

Well, we will end. I told you, craftsmen, what types of beads to create jewelry are. Buy a variety of beads, do not be afraid of experiments and new ideas. Create with pleasure and be sure to share the results.

Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates and keep up to date with new products. Bye Bye!

P.S. If you know some unusual types of beads, be sure to tell in the comments.

In this article we will talk about beads to create jewelry with their own hands, their main types and methods of application.

Bead is a bulk decorative element having a different shape with a through hole for fastening on a thread. differ in shape, size (from a few millimeters to several centimeters) and by material manufacturing. Beads of various shapes found the wider application in needlework: from the traditional (making decorations) before the design of floristic compositions, embroidery, etc.

Beads are Chinese, Czech, Japanese and American production. As a rule, they differ in manufacturing material, coating resistance and price. The cheapest are Chinese beads, most often they are on sale. Czech beads are more expensive, but also the quality of them is much better. They are also well presented in stores. Japanese and American production beads can be found only in specialized needlework stores.

Material of manufacture

The most inexpensive is plastic (acrylic) beads.

Their biggest plus is an inexpensive price and a small weight. The largest minus is a unstable coating, especially for Chinese opaque beads (for example, imitating pearls or galvanic coating). As a rule, such beads are not used by masters for creating jewelry, since they strongly "reduce the look of the product. However, they can with success can be applied to the manufacture of children's, theater or other stage decorations or suits.

The low weight of beads and a small price in this case is a significant plus, since for embroidery costumes, a huge amount of beads are often required, and the costume will be not very difficult, as well as inexpensive for the price. Frequently used in needlework as an additional decorative element.

Acrylic beads imitate more expensive glass beads, externally, they are very similar. Glass beads are usually used to create jewelry. They look much more "more expensive" of their acrylic copies. They are appreciated for the ability to refract and skip light, thanks to which the decorations are obtained sparkling.

But it costs to remember that glass is a heavy material, so decorations of them weigh a lot. In addition, they are rather fragile, and it is necessary to handle it very carefully.

Types of coatings Beads for jewelry

Modern manufacturers offer acrylic and glass beads with various types of coatings. Transparent beads, without any additional coating, can be made of colored acrylic or glass. - especially having faces - very beautifully refract the light.

Transparent brilliant coating beads have a thin film, reflective light.

Beads S. gasoline or rainbow coating have a characteristic color transfusion on the surface. Very often such beads are labeled "AB" (from Lat. Aurora Borealis - "Northern Light"). The beads with gasoline coating are shimmer in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow.

Unusually look transparent matte beads. They do not refraart the light, so do not sparkle, but outwardly similar to natural stones and look very noble.

Opaque beads also produced several species. There are quite simple, without any additional coating. You can find beads of various colors and shapes on sale.

Opaque beads can also have a brilliant or rainbow (gasoline) coating.

The rainbow coating looks very beautifully on dark shades beads, reminds the northern lights at the night sky or the starry sky.

Separately, I want to mention electroplating (metallized) coating . Beads can be covered in whole or in part. It can be glossy. This coating is extremely bright and greatly shine. Such beads are beautifully looking in New Year's compositions or decorations.

This type of coating can be matte. It is more suitable for jewelry, as it is externally indistinguishable from the metal.

Probably, this is the most popular kind of beads. They are used to create jewelry, trees, topiaries, bouquets, embroidery, etc. Such beads are of a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

And of course, speaking of glass beads, it is impossible not to mention the famous beads of the Austrian Firm Swarovski (Swarovski). They are distinguished by a resistant coating, an ideal form, as well as unusual colors and textures.

Due to the fact that these beads have an ideal form, of which it is very easy to weave the decorations - they are obtained incredibly beautiful and even. Jewelry with Swarovski beads looks very "expensive", so these beads use the highest level masters.

But the price of such beads is 3-4 times higher than that of similar glass beads of other manufacturers. In addition, many beads in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole can be seen "influx". Sometimes they have to be removed manually with a nail file. From my own experience I can say that they are not inferior to the willing beads. They have good coating resistance, smooth shapes, excellent transparency, they have a rich color palette. Therefore, such beads are perfectly suitable for creating beautiful jewelry.

And if you do not take specific shades of Bead Swarovski, then Czech beads are comparable to them in quality and appearance. Glass beads can be found in stores, and beads with different effects: "broken glass", air bubbles inside, multicolored, rough, etc.

The next material from which beads make are metal. Despite the material of the manufacture, even large metal beads Very easy. But openwork beads are quite easy to damage, it is necessary to stop or completely break, so it is necessary to work with them quite neatly. But, unfortunately, without a special protective coating (for example, Tsaponlak), metal beads quickly darken from skin contact.

Such beads are more like an additional decorative element in jewelry, and are rarely used independently.

No less popular and . They meet a wide variety of forms, sizes, colors - everything is limited to the natural characteristics of the stone.

But you can split all the stone beads to 2 large categories. The first is processed stones most often, they have a clear geometric shape and a smooth polished surface.

From stone beads most often make decorations and trees weave. For embroidery, they are too heavy. Stones appreciate their naturalness. The decorations with them look exquisitely, so they are very often formed.

It costs that modern technologies make it possible to make practically exact copies of stones from synthetic materials, and a non-specialist is very difficult to distinguish the fake from the original. Therefore, natural stones are better to buy from proven sellers.

In addition to stones, beads are made from other natural components. This is primarily a tree. Wood beads different with ease and durability. They can be applied various patterns and colors.

Such beads are most often used to create ethnic decorations. In addition, they are often powered by beads.

Also in natural natural materials include beads from pearls, shells, pearl or coral.

Basically, they make decorations. The cost of such beads is large (especially from high-quality pearls), but also products with them look gorgeous.

The above it was about the beads of factory production. But there are also unique beads, some - in a single copy. it handmade beads. Of course, such beads are created for decorations. Most often they act as the main decorative element. They are made from a variety of materials and in a variety of techniques. Combining them, you can create incredibly beautiful and bizarre beads. The plus undoubtedly is the ability to create exactly such a bead that is necessary in this decoration. But the price of such beads will be significant.

Several main techniques for the manufacture of such beads can be distinguished. it glass beads in Lampwork technique, lamp (English Lamp - lamp, burner + work - work). They are all sorts of colors, forms, sizes. But such beads will be severe and fragile, besides, there will be no two completely identical beads, as this is handmade.

Polymer clay beads. It is easier to work with this material than with glass, since beads are not so heavy and fragile. But these beads are not transparent. Color, shape, size - all this depends on the fantasy and masters skills.

Wool beads - Very easy, pleasant to the body, immediately feels warm from them.

But they have one significant disadvantage - they are very afraid of moisture and after wetting badly dry. In addition, due to the porosity of the material, they absorb sweat and retain the smell.

Boujin forms

Czech beads are famous not only by the quality of the material, but also a huge variety of forms. In the Czech Republic, many producers of glass beads and they have to constantly amaze the creators of jewelry. Yes, and in the rest of the world, the beads of the forms are a lot.

Difficulties arise when transferring bead names. Let's try to figure out which beads are in general and how they are called.

Let's start with simple and understandable geometric shapes:

(triangle) pressed triangular beads

(OVAL, OVAL) - flat extruded beads of oval shape. Basically with a longitudinal hole along the symmetry line.

Coins(Coins) - flat round beads with a longitudinal hole. They are also often called pills. Flat beads with hole in the center are called disks(DISC).

(Rectangle) flat rectangular beads. With a longitudinal hole. There are two longitudinal holes, but the name of the form remains.

Trapezium (Trapezoid) - a rare shape of flat beads in the form of a trapezoid.

Go to more complex, but popular and well-known forms of pressed beads

(Heart) - Surround beads in the form of a heart. With a longitudinal hole.

Beads such a form as the picture is called daggers. (daggers) They call them in the Czech Republic jaz.yC.kY.(tongues).Since the translation is ambiguous, there is no standard Russian name. Such beads may call duger, tongue, tear, petal.Sometimes relate to form drops. Also called Spear (spear).

(TRNY, SPIKES) - Beads in the form of a high cone with a transverse hole at the base. From Czech and English is definitely translated.

Drops (dROP, TEARDROP, KAPKA ) – flat beads of a drop-shaped shape with a longitudinal hole can be found name egg(EGG). Also drops Can call pressed volumetric beads in the form of drip-tears with a hole at an acute base. Volumeted faceted beads are more often called pears.

Rice (rice) – a small bead in the shape of rice grapple with a cross hole.

Crisps (chips.) - Flat curved beads with a hole in the center. Volumetric beads of inhomogeneous form call nuggets (nugget) .

Gradually proceed to bulk beads.

Round (Round) - a classic form of bulk beads in the shape of a ball. From simple smooth to sophisticated faceted beads. Due to different types of cuts look completely different.

Cylinder(Cylinder, Round Tube) - Cylindrical beads with a longitudinal hole in the center of the base.

Cubic(Cube) beads in the shape of a cube.

Cone (Cone) - Beads in the form of a cone, slightly truncated from above with a longitudinal hole. Acute conical beads with the transverse hole at the base are called spikes(Spike).

Rondel(Rondelle, Rondelky) - the most common form of beads similar to a flattened ball or a puck with a hole in the center. Rondel (FR. Rondelle - "Round") - a multi-valued term.

Nuggets, moles (nuggets., nugety.) – round beads of an inhomogeneous shape, similar to untreated pebbles.

sausers.) – beads are very similar in shape on Rondel with a pronounced border in the middle.

Donut, Donat (donut ) - basically referred beads in the form of a torus (bagel) without a hole. Do not confuse with O-bead (O-BEAD). It can also be called Czech faceted beads, very similar in shape on Rondel.

Bones (dogbone. ) – beads in the form of stylized flattening bone with a longitudinal hole.

Wings (Wings, Kridla) is an unusual form in the form of stylized wings.

There remained forms that are more often found among faceted polished beads. Many names of the forms of faceted beads and crystals came from the processing of precious stones.

Bikonus.(Bicone) - a shape obtained by the addition of two cones bases with a longitudinal hole and a slightly truncated vertices.

Pear (PEAR) - Beads in the form of pear, respectively. With a longitudinal hole. Due to different types of cuts look different. But pears always have a slightly rounded, sufficiently thickened upper part and a longitudinal hole, if the top is sharp or the hole in the transverse and at the base such beads will be called drops(Drop, Teardrop).

Barrel or Oliva(Barrel, Olive) volumetric oval beads similar to olive. Can be attributed to form oval.

Cathedral(Cathedral) - These beads received their name because their glowing faces and brilliant metallized finish resemble beautiful stained glass windows of old churches. The top and base of beads - corrugated glass with gold or silver coating gives them an elegant and noble appearance. These are quite a variety of Czech beads are very popular in bracelets, necklaces and rosary.

Marquis(MARQUISE) not only title, but also a form of beads in the form of an oval with acute ends. There are with a longitudinal and transverse hole.
The name came from the shape of the cut diamond.

Drop and Breast(Teardrop, Briolette) - Crystal cut shapes, similar to a pear, but at the brick (right), the sharp top end, and the drop (left) is more elongated and rounded only at the base. However, this applies only to precious stones. Practical beads are never called briolets, only drops or pears.

Passenger to the stakeholders, such as taxividects, like a taxivide. Beads are chief immociation, avnekoty cases by their choice of luxury. The threads of the various components of theLipologenic stones, pearls, small rounded items - beads, slightly burst your neck, emphasize the stirrehime.

Typically, this willow-degenerate on the neck, however, the beads for legs and for hands. Snowbooks are used as Christmas decorations.


Beads are one of the most ancient jewelry. In 2007, 23 kilometers from the city of Berkan, which is located in the east of Morocco, separate perforated and decorated sinks were discovered, from which vintage beads consisted. According to 82 thousand years of consumersectalists.

Bones, fangs, claws, jaws of a friendly, attack Human skulls since ancient times walked wildlife neck as trophies victories. Land is still distributed among the wilderness.

In the detected monuments of the Paleolithic, the archaeological teeth, bones, sinks and other things, which were served for the manufacture of necklace or bible in primitively. There were a few of the various kinds of stones that have a properly rounded hole. It is largely alabaster, amber, pearls and others. In the iron and bronze eyelid necklaces and beadeds in the form of a metal rings, made of ametableness from the Golden-Paper.

Necklaces, beads, drilled, differentform, more or less brilliant beads, make up a favorite decoration of all nations. Resolved grains of various plants, amber pieces, shells, bones and other natural daryvulzhilibysami primitive dymeluts, which are memoglote the cooler.

Beadowinglasting were well known to the ancient Egyptians, and very highly respected by the Romans. They are produced in our days in Venice, in Bavaria and in Bohemia. In these countries, the Dried, thin-walled beads are produced. They are made of glass tubes, on a special soldering table.

Blown out of thin white glass beads and covered with an inner side with a special mixture of fishing clays and mounted scales guokey, referred to as artificial pearls. At least aimality, beads deliberately give not quite a spherical shape, such as a real sea-makeup. Beads of imalifunction in ancient times. They were luxurious jewelry, which have purchased hare and wealth. Lecarishetics were treated with beads of sacrificely, with their help, they wondered and predicted the Bewish fate, the attack was used as a guard and even a monetary unit.


Device the beads have become already familiar to the decoration. Usually they are in the form of all sorts of different in shape, sizes and material beads. Trendy beeps are made of precious and semi-precious metals, as well as an isolated and diverse stones, coral, pearls, amber, glasses, bones, porcelain, wood, dressing plastics. They are easy to purchase in the store, or can be made to order. However, the attachment of the factory will be supposed to be expelled by the wave of the oscillate, select the thair.

An ordinary material from which are made by, defines the name, as well as beads, and methods for their preparation. For example, glass beads are made of colored smooth and faceted beads in the form of an orinyl rings. PearlsMostomostsis of beads pearls of one form and often on the size. Amber beads, available, oval or multifaceted form with polished smooth-surfaces are used to create amber beads.

Beads, coral beads produce coral beads, are usually round and oval forms, but most often they are in the form of different lengths of different lengths. Metal bead beads are hollow, openwork, various sizes and forms, with or without decorative finish. Wooden and bone beads beads are pulled out on special machinage threads. The shape of the beacon beacon is the most varying, usually material for nichriver ivory and firing bone, sewage, ebony.


Surveiling time beads in therapeutic purposes. Beadiezagats symbolized strong health and normal psyche to a deep old age age. The worldwide in the east carnelian has been using medical purposes, both in the medicine and powdered form. It was believed that the carnelian necklace or beads on the neck, the strong anger will calm down, cure heart disease, and in combination with pearls, they will strengthen the healthyness, they will stop the buoying of the gums.

The turquoise of Vaduchi was considered a reliable mascot from bruises, bruises, fractures, and the primary sickness of eye diseases. The Gagat, which was widowed with the use of wax, allegedly treated Zolotokha. Scattered, forgetful and hysterical people, recommended the emeraldeumous neck. Coral beads were protected by paralysis, while the opposite sex ensured. Beads on the neck from the bed shot the nasal and any other bleeding, as it was believed that it was formed from the spilled blood.

Large glass, decorated with eye pattern, beads used from the evil eye. Pendants from such beads, sometimes, attached to the clothes and head leaking of a small child, or thread beads put on the handle in the form of a bracelet.

Tairy The function of the Oberega Italisman was played by the beads of Rachin-Kauri. Any decoration that consisted of shells attracted people with their unusual shape, glossy. Kauri's sinks are especially highly expensive in India. In it, they were treated as the potent champs from the evil eye.

It was also believed to protect against the decoration of coins. Different animals depicted on coins, such as Kok, bull, horse, goat, Baran Iderugie, fantastic or real, also kept their own owner from all sorts of trouble.

Most scientists believe that the function of the TalismanovOnegovubus was primary but Compared to decorative. Previously, they were worn on her neck, despite the age and floor. It is necessary to protect the entrance holes in the vision of the beads that are able to scare the misfortunes, protect against the evil eye and attract good luck and success in all matters. Therefore, the people of the abrasion, defended themselves beads. From the 16th century, beads acquired the status of a female decoration. And from the 18th century, beads dressed not only for the holidays, but also had them imposed to each dress. For some time, the beads came out of fashion in the 19th century, but at the beginning of the 20th, they again became fashioned firmly.

Today, the sharpkeys like beads are the most expressive part of the clothing of the wealthy-sung.

Almost every woman at least once in his life dressed beads. This is undoubtedly beautiful and gives some highlight image. After all, the beads will help create a completed image.

But here few people wondered that beads beads Maine. It turns out that there are several types of beads, and they differ among themselves at their length. So.

Types of beads on their length

« Collar"It has a length of 30-35 cm. Dress up directly on the neck, and, as a rule, it fits it tightly. " Choker"- a more free option of beads, its length is 35-40 cm, it is usually located above the clavicle. " Princess"- a purely classic option bead, their length is 43-48 cm." Mother"- (" Matinee "in translation means morning) the length of these boas 50-60 cm." Opera"- Their length is usually 66-91 cm." ROPE"(" Rope "- Rope, harness) and" lariat."(" Lariat "- Arcan) differ only what "Lariat" is beads with unconnected ends. Embers of such beads, as a rule, decorated with brushes. Length "ROPE" and "Lariat" 120-180 cm.

Short beads consisting of several Nisok Beads and in the middle of the neck, are called necklace-Khomutom . The length of the necklace-clamp usually in the range of 30 - 33 cm. It is usually from 2-3 threads and is located in the middle of the neck.

Collar From the English "Collar", "Collar", "Short Necklace", 12-13 ".The necklace can be called a characteristic feature of the Victorian style. Such beads will be perfectly looked with a "boating" cutout or a smooth neckline. Also excellent necklace looks with open shoulders and neckline.

Short beads, short necklace ( choker Chokeer - "Under the throat" ) 35 - 40 cm long, consisting of one threads of stones, are called 14-16" . Suitable for any cutouts and to almost any style of clothing. Beads of such a length are rightfully considered the most common single-way beads. If you pick up beads for the girl, then the necklace of this length will become the perfect decoration for the child.

A longer necklace whose length reaches 42 - 48 cm, received a romantic name Princess . Necklace "Princess" will ideally look with dresses with a "boating" or with a deep-neck dress. In addition to the princess necklace, you can use suspensions.

Beads "Casual" Matin Length 50 - 60 cm. Beads of such an average length will be perfectly combined with dresses with a deep neckline and with a "boating" cut-out, as well as with closed clothing. However, it is better to give preference to a little care, preferably one-photon clothes. Matinee. that from the English "Matinee", "Day Performance", 20-24 ".

Elegance and romance will give your image long beads , about jerele "Evening" length 70-93 cm.We look at two rows as a variant of a short necklace 28-34. " Such a boob length is considered royal . Previously, such beads could only be applied to official events. That is why the model beads of this length call more " opera " Beads up to 90 cm descend slightly below the chest line. Similar models visually lengthen the silhouette. Such beads, put on one row, will look great with closed with a dress or with a "boat" neckline. Beads folded in two rows can replace necklace. You can also do one of the rows longer, and the second on the neck. If you want to dress such beads in the afternoon, then it is better to spin them into several rows.

Very long beads hut or lariat. have a length of more than 90 cm and even More than 112 cm. Such beads are also called harness, rope. Such beads introduced Coco Chanel to fashion, the diva loved the beads from the pearl of such a length. Very sexy, sensual and luxurious beads allow experimenting with a length.If you add clashes in the right places, then the harness can be transformed into the necklace and bracelet. Beads of such a length are simply necessary for the perfect wardrobe.