What do you need to make soap. How do you turn individual ingredients into a finished product? Essential Ingredients for Soap Making from Scratch

Today, soap making is becoming more and more popular. Of course, ready-made soap can be purchased in stores of various kinds. Souvenir shops present a large number of handicrafts that amaze with their craftsmanship and originality. Homemade soap has a significant advantage. It is made from known and quality ingredients. In addition, the cooking process is very exciting. You can read about how to make handmade soap at home in this article.

There are several techniques for making soap at home. Some of them are suitable for those who are just starting to get acquainted with soap making. You can make soap yourself after a brief introduction or watching a master class.

Soap making is not just the process of making a bar of soap. This is creativity, which implies the creation of a unique composition, color and shape of soap.

Purchased soap may contain not only useful, but also harmful components, which reduces its use to nothing. Soap made at home will have the properties that a soap maker will give it. Natural soap will gently and delicately care for the skin of hands, face and body.

Soap making process:

  • Soap base preparation. The finished base can be bought in a special department of soap making. It is translucent or white in color. If the soap is prepared from scratch, which involves self-preparation of the base, chemical components are purchased separately and combined in the amount corresponding to the recipe.
  • Addition of base oils to the base. Each oil can have its own unique properties. It is chosen independently, taking into account the expected effect of using soap. Oil can be coconut, olive, peach, apricot.
  • Enrichment with essential oils. Its addition gives the soap a unique aroma, and also enriches it with useful substances. Instead of essential oil, you can add flavorings or perfume. But you can't mix them.
  • Adding dyes. You can use special or food coloring. For naturalness, you can color soap with coffee, cocoa or juice.
  • The use of fillers. Add additional cosmetic properties to the soap. As fillers, you can use oatmeal, honey, dried herbs and flowers, coffee, nutshells, grated fruit pits.
  • The finished composition is poured into molds. It can be plastic glasses, ceramic bowls, special molds for soap.

It is necessary to work with a liquid composition in a coordinated and accurate manner. It is better to prepare all the ingredients in advance so that they are at hand at the right time. Before starting work, beginners need to read the tips and recommendations of experienced craftsmen.

The first piece of advice when working with ingredients and soap composition is safety. An increased risk arises when making soap from scratch. To work with different compositions, you need to use dishes that will be intended only for soap making.

You should pay attention to the fact that the heated base can leave thermal burns - you need to work with it very carefully.

Care must also be taken when working with fragrances and essential oils. They need to be bred in a specially designed dish. It is important to understand that chemicals, if ingested, can harm the body.

Nuances to consider:

  • Beginners should carefully consider the phased work process. To do this, all actions must be written in the plan. When working with a heated base, you need to act smoothly and quickly, otherwise the soap may harden prematurely.
  • Do not allow the base to overheat. To warm it up, it is best to use a water bath. To do this, take enameled dishes of larger and smaller sizes.
  • The addition of fillers, dyes and fragrances should be moderate. Otherwise, the quality of the soap may be damaged.
  • When working with a soap base, do not use water. Water is needed when working with baby soap or making soap from scratch.

Interestingly, additives have different effects on the appearance of soap, its density and setting speed. For example, sugar and honey contribute to the rapid melting of soap. But chocolate affects its longer hardening. The use of vanilla gives a yellow tint to the soap, but does not enrich it with a pleasant aroma.

Homemade handmade soap: how to make

Soap can be made faster when using pre-made baby soap or base. You can use a special composition purchased at the store. Oils and fillers can be purchased at a grocery store, pharmacy, or craft store.

The preparation scheme is simple, especially when it comes to using a soap base. In the case of self-preparation of the composition, the technology may differ.

Working with chemicals involves several technologies: hot and cold. When hot, the components undergo heat treatment. When cold - the heating reaction occurs from the interaction of elements.


  • Soap based. The base is melted and base oil, flavors, dyes, fillers are added to it. The liquid is poured into molds for 3-6 hours.
  • From scratch. Working with chemical reactions. Alkali interacts with water, oil, dyes and fillers are added to the finished base.

It is common to make soap from scratch. Alkali must be mixed with water, it must be poured into water, and not poured into it. It is better to prepare the base in a ventilated room or on the street. The mixtures are allowed to cool, preparing solid oils for mixing: they can be melted in the microwave or using the water bath method. After the base mixture is ready, fillers, dyes and flavors are added to it.

What is handmade soap made from?

The number of ingredients for making soap may vary, as the technology for its production may be different. Soap can be made from ready-made baby soap, base or lye and water. Standard ingredients are added to the liquid base, which will vary depending on the personal preferences of the soap maker.

The ingredients and their properties determine the characteristics of the soap and its effect on human skin.

All preparations must be thought out in advance. The preparation of soap must be coordinated, especially after the base is heated to a liquid state. The ingredients must be chosen correctly, do not oversaturate the soap with them.


  • Soap base;
  • base oil;
  • Fragrances, essential oil;
  • Fillers.

The choice of ingredients depends on whether the soap should be moisturizing, cleansing, bactericidal, etc. There are many recipes for homemade soap. When choosing them, it is important to monitor the ratio of the number of ingredients.

How handmade soap is made (video)

Making homemade soap for beginners is easy. Everyone can learn this, the main thing is to start. It is important to read the advice of professionals and instructions. All actions must be coordinated and fast. The choice of ingredients for cosmetics depends on the properties that the soap maker wants to endow the soap with. There are three technologies for making soap: on a ready-made basis, from scratch or on the basis of baby soap.

Every year, making soap at home is becoming a very popular activity. The reason for the interest in such production is quite understandable: handmade soap is a natural and safe hygiene product.

Store-bought or manufactured: which soap is better?

If you pay attention to store products, then they will definitely contain various compounds and chemical additives, as well as synthetic flavors.

The effect of such a composition on human skin does not always bring a positive result. The consequence of the use of store soap may be the appearance of itching, tightness or peeling.

Handmade using natural ingredients. Such cosmetic products are safe for people prone to allergic reactions, as well as for children.

In addition, handmade soap (photo of which is below) can look very attractive and have a favorite aroma. It can be presented as an exclusive gift or decorate the bathroom with an unusual souvenir.

Handmade soap is available to everyone

Of course, you can not bother with manufacturing, but buy ready-made unique handmade soap from craftsmen who have been engaged in this production for a long time.

That's just the price of such an exclusive, not everyone can afford - the cost of a bar of soap is quite high.

Everyone can make soap with their own hands, as an original gift or for personal use.

The advantages of this production are:

  • selection of the shape of the piece;
  • favorite fragrance;
  • individual selection of components;
  • coloring to taste;
  • unique look or pattern.

In the process of soap production, the manufacturer can feel like a real fantasy creator and show his individuality.

In addition, soap making is such an interesting activity that for many it becomes not only an interesting hobby, but also a way of additional income.

What do you need for exclusive

In order to make soap at home, you need the following:

Soap base

When buying, you should carefully look: on the basis of what it is made. The best option would be natural palm or coconut oil.

Also, ordinary cosmetic or baby soap can act as a base.

But when using them, the result can be unpredictable - an unpleasant odor may appear (due to the presence of its specific aroma).

Various additives and fillers

Preference should be given not only to your tastes, but also to think over the variety of homemade soap assortment.

Opt for oils that don't have a strong, powerful scent, such as peach, jojoba, almond, coconut, olive, and avocado oils.


You can add fragrance with essential oils. Lemon, lavender, orange and many other oils are perfect.

Soap filler can be flowers of medicinal plants, lemon zest (for oily skin), ground coffee beans or oatmeal (for scrub). The presence of glycerin is required. This filler will create the effect of moisturizing and softening the skin.


They are used to give a beautiful shade. After all, colored soap is more pleasing to the eye. You can use both food colors and natural ones.

Among the artificial ones are:

  • dry powder - more concentrated, which allows it to be economically consumed;
  • liquid dye - more convenient to use;
  • pigment - a water-insoluble powder of different colors, the use of which will give unique shades;
  • mother-of-pearl - used together with dyes, giving the soap originality and sophistication.

Natural dyes are no less interesting and beautiful.


Chamomile essential oil will help to get a blue tint, yellow - saffron, pink - beet juice, black - coffee, green - spirulina algae, and brown color will give chocolate.

improvised tools

Molds - the type and size of soap depends on them; two metal containers - creating the effect of a water bath; grater - for grinding the soap base.

Making handmade soap

This interesting lesson will not take much time, and a master class on making soap will help you visualize the entire procedure.

When making soap, it is important to remember that this process should be carried out in a respirator.

When made on the basis of ready-made cosmetic soap, it should be grated and melted. For this, a water bath is used. Don't heat it up too much, just wait until it melts.


The maximum heating temperature must not exceed 60 °C. To determine, it is better to use a thermometer designed for liquids.

You can bring the base into a liquid state using a microwave. In this case, there is a risk of overheating, so it is necessary to check the state of the base every 15-20 seconds.

After obtaining the desired consistency, it is time to add fillers to the soap base. When using various ingredients and essential oils, it is important to remember that too much is a bad helper, and carefully monitor the amount of substances added.

The next step is dye. Its quantity must also be carefully measured. It is better to add little by little, gradually tracking the resulting shade.

It remains only to pour the soap mixture into prepared molds. They must be lubricated with oil (vegetable) or petroleum jelly. This will help to remove the soap more quickly after solidification.

Soap bottle with dispenser

You can independently make not only bars, but also liquid hand soap. Its preparation differs from the main one only by adding a small amount of water. Pour it in 15 minutes after cooking, and then beat well.

It remains to pour the soap into bottles with a dispenser and enjoy your own product.

Handmade liquid soap is more convenient to use, and it can also be used as a natural shower gel.

The secret of making handmade soap is revealed. Now everyone knows how to please themselves, loved ones and friends with the naturalness and extraordinary beauty of a simple hygiene product.

DIY soap photo

Making soap at home has become very popular in recent years. This is understandable, the process of making soap with your own hands is so interesting, exciting and fun that it quickly draws you in and turns into a hobby. Half an hour of time and the result of labor is visible, and the color, shape and smell of soap depend only on your imagination and desire. And then you can use it yourself or use it as a gift.

So, first you need to properly prepare and collect everything you need.

To make soap at home, we need:

  • Soap base. You can find ready-made soap bases that are sold in specialty stores, or you can buy baby soap. If you want your soap to be transparent, then choose a transparent soap base, if matte, then choose a matte base accordingly. It costs about 200-300 rubles per kilogram. If you decide to get by with baby soap, then when buying it, choose the unscented option: baby soap has a very strong and specific smell, and this smell is almost not interrupted by anything.
  • Glycerol. It is sold in pharmacies and costs literally a penny.
  • The base oil of the future soap. You can choose almond, apricot, peach or olive.
  • Essential oils. You can take, for example, lavender, it relieves headaches, soothes and helps with insomnia. Or jasmine, it improves mood, or tea tree - a very strong antiseptic. Basically, whatever you like.
  • Dyes. Decide what color your soap will be, and then choose the dyes. To make the soap red, you can take red pepper, sandalwood red powder. To make it green - chlorovillipt, which is sold in pharmacies, or dry herbs. If you want to make orange soap, then add turmeric, if brown - chocolate, cinnamon and coffee. You can also add oatmeal, finely crushed nut shells, honey or propolis tincture, cream, milk or cream, small pieces of other soap, dried flowers such as marigold or roses, zest, ground coffee or coffee beans to the soap. There are also professional dyes, which can also be bought at a specialized store. Their colors are more varied and brighter than natural ones.
  • Sugar (for better soap melting).
  • Dishes for a water bath, where you will dissolve the soap base.
  • Forms for future soap. It is better to use ceramic or plastic, for example, children's sandbox molds. But if it is possible to buy ready-made specialized forms, then it will be very good.
  • Warm water or milk to dilute the soap mass (it is better to use milk).
  • Vodka, alcohol or other strong alcohol for spraying the surface of the soap. Spray gun for application.

Proportions for making soap at home

In the preparation of homemade soap, it is very important to maintain proportions. For a bar of soap weighing 100 g, add 3 teaspoons of base oil, 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 3-5 drops of essential oils.

Soap making instructions

So let's make soap. The soap base needs to be cut into small pieces so that it melts faster. If you have baby soap, then it must be grated or chopped in a blender. We put this mass on a steam bath, close it and begin to melt, not forgetting to stir occasionally. Add warmed base oil. When the soap melts, you need to pour water into the mass from time to time, but milk or cream is better. From water, the mass can foam and turn out to be liquid, and with milk it will melt to the creamy, jelly consistency we need.

In addition, if you overdo it with water, then your soap will exfoliate when it cools. Therefore, you should not be greedy by adding milk instead of water. Some experts generally advise not to add liquid, but to replace it with sugar, explaining that this way the mass melts better and faster on a steam bath.

When the mass is ready, you need to add essential oils and dyes. If you use store-bought dyes, then add literally 1-2 drops per 100 grams of soap base. Then stir and get the desired color. And you can also add special fragrances for soap, they are also sold in all specialized stores and cost about 100-200 rubles per jar. Now you can move on to pouring into moulds. If the surface of the mass begins to bubble, then you need to spray it with vodka or alcohol. After this, the molds need to be put to cool completely and “seize”. And then admire the soap you made yourself and brag about the result!

If you want to learn how to make soap yourself, then read the article. Here you will find a detailed description of the process and what ingredients are needed for this.

Now on the shelves of the supermarket you can find a wide variety of soaps. There is a baby, there is a cream soap, there is also an antibacterial soap. However, making a product with your own hands is much more pleasant. Moreover, buying raw materials for it is not a problem. Also, soap making is a kind of hobby, because the product obtained after cooking pleases not only with its pleasant aroma, but also with a beautiful appearance, original shape.

DIY soap making kit. Handmade soap ingredients

You can make your own soap three options:

  • out of the ordinary children's, just grate it, melt it, then add dye, oils and other ingredients, pour into molds
  • from soap base- the principle of preparation is the same as from baby soap
  • product preparation from alkalis and fatty acids- a time-consuming process that requires compliance with safety regulations
Necessary components and utensils for making soap

Soap making ingredients

  • the foundation(soap) or baby soap - the base is found as a white solid and transparent, which allows you to make beautiful soaps of various tones
  • base oil- you can use both ordinary vegetable and olive, etc.
  • essential aroma oils- choose what you like, the range of such products is diverse
  • dye special or food
  • additives- you can use various ingredients that improve skin conditions (honey, glycerin, clay)
  • alcohol in a spray bottle
  • herbal decoction, water
  • molds for pouring tableware for kindling the base, grater, knife for cutting the finished product

Ingredients for making soap at home

Templates and molds for handmade soap

If you decide to take soap making seriously and make a profit from the sale, then you will need templates that will indicate the composition of the products, the name, etc. Such templates can be downloaded on special portals. In addition to labels, various forms will also come in handy. Such containers are made of plastic, rubber or silicone. It is impossible to use molds made of glass, metal, because it is problematic to get the product out of solid containers, the metal corrodes.

Handmade soap molds

Heat resistant plastic molds are made taking into account the fact that the soap base will be poured into them hot, and the molds, in turn, will not be deformed. Their great advantage is that there are a lot of such products - there are both small figures and large ones - for the preparation of several bars of homemade soap at the same time.

Plastic molds for soap

Silicone forms are also convenient to use. They do not need special care and besides they are soft, which makes it much easier to “release” the soap when it is ready. The service life of such a container is longer than that of plastic ones.

Silicone molds for making soap

IMPORTANT: Before pouring the base, grease the molds with oil, then the soap will be easier to come out of the molds. If this does not help, then put the container of soap in the freezer, after a while pull it out by pressing on the mold.

DIY soap flowers

If you are a creative person, like to do DIY crafts, then you can make flowers from soap on your own. Some doubt creeps in - is this possible, because the soap base is not plastic? To make the material softer, you need to apply a little trick when preparing the base.

To prepare it you will need:

  • base (soap), or baby soap - 230 grams
  • regular gelatin, which is sold in supermarkets - one large spoon
  • water or decoction of herbs - 8-9 large spoons
  • dyes, aroma oils - optional
  • regular knife, potato peeler

soap base roses


  1. Pour gelatin with water (cold), leave for 43-56 minutes to swell
  2. Prepare the base - grate it, melt it, add a teaspoon of water there
  3. Then pour aroma oil, dye, etc. into the base, mix the resulting mass with ready-made gelatin
  4. Pour the mixture into round molds
  5. When it hardens, pull out the resulting cylinders
  6. Now it remains only to cut the rose petals with a vegetable knife and mold a flower, as if from plasticine

DIY soap rose

You can also make flowers simply in special molds. It is enough to fill the container and a few minutes after solidification, remove the finished flower from it. Any flight of fancy is welcome. You can come up with different shades for the flower and leaves.

Soap "Rose", made in a special silicone mold

If you have artistic talents, you have the skills of a sculptor, then carving (carving shapes) will be easy for you. Below you can watch a video tutorial for beginner soap makers.

Carving - carved flower

Video. Soap rose

Handmade soap. How to make soap? Recipes

There are many recipes for handmade soap. Above, we talked about the fact that you can cook a product from a base and baby soap. Now let's take a closer look at their subtleties of manufacture.

Puff soap - from a transparent, white base

base soap recipe


  • one hundred grams of transparent base
  • half a teaspoon of honey
  • some yellow dye
  • two drops of lemon essential oil

Melt the base, in no case boil it, pour in liquid honey, drip dye, essential oil. Pour the finished composition into the mold. When dry, pull out the soap.

Baby soap recipe


  • 100 grams of baby soap
  • half a cup of milk or herbal tea
  • ½ teaspoon (large) olive oil
  • a little aroma oil, dye
  • a teaspoon of an oil solution of vitamin A, E

In the bath (water), dissolve the soap, add milk. When removed from the oven, add the rest of the ingredients. Mix, pour into molds.

Original handmade soap

DIY coffee soap

Most often, soap with black, ground coffee is used as a natural skin scrub. Ground, black coffee is suitable for adding to the base, and coffee beans as a decoration. Drinking coffee grounds for soap making should not be used, because there are no longer any useful components for the structure of the skin.

Coffee scrub soap
  • RECIPE: Melt the white base (100 grams) in the microwave. Add two large spoons of ground coffee. Then pour in a small spoonful of cocoa butter. Drip brown dye there. Pour into molds
  • RECIPE: Two pieces of baby soap, rub. Pour water (150 grams) into a bowl, melt the mass. Add three teaspoons of olive oil, and the same amount of sugar. At the end, add a teaspoon of cream, dye. Pour into moulds, let dry

Homemade soap made from baby soap and coffee

To get a honey, healthy soap, you need to take eighty grams of a white base. Cut it into small cubes, melt in the microwave. Do not overheat the mixture above 64 degrees, otherwise the soap will not lather. Add 45 grams of non-candied honey.

Mix thoroughly with a wooden stick. Then drop 4 (citrus) drops into the aroma oil mixture. Pour in two tablespoons of carrier oil (olive or rosehip oil). Stir again, spray the soap with alcohol and pour into a pre-prepared mold. Sprinkle a little alcohol on top too so that there are no bubbles. The cream soap will be ready in about one hour.

DIY clay soap

RECIPE: Take one hundred grams of white base, chop and melt in the microwave. For this soap, it is advisable to take the mold in the pattern above. Fill the drawing with the prepared mass. Add clay (pink) to the rest of the mixture - two small spoons, grape seed oil, wheat germ oil one teaspoon each, D-panthenol (12 drops), aroma oil (3 drops). We mix the mass well. We wait until it begins to harden slightly, only then pour it into a mold. This will prevent the clay from settling.

Clay soap

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to spray the soap with alcohol before pouring it into the container. This helps the layers stick together and eliminates bubbles.

Handmade glycerin soap


  • pure water - 706 grams
  • base oil (palm) - 1131 grams
  • oil (coconut) - 451 grams
  • castor oil - 708 grams
  • 96% alcohol - 792 grams
  • glycerin - 226 grams
  • solution of chilled water, sugar - respectively: 423 grams, 566 grams

Glycerin soap


  1. We heat the oils in the bath
  2. We take 33 percent (of the amount of oils) of chilled water, dissolve the alkali. We begin to gradually heat it in the bath (water)
  3. Then mix both heated mixtures. Their temperature should be 40-42 degrees
  4. It is advisable to pour alkaline water into oils through a strainer, suddenly not all the alkali has yet dissolved
  5. Put a pot of water on a slow gas so that the mixture does not overheat, keep the temperature at 60-62 degrees (minutes: 35-42)
  6. The mass thickens at first, and then a beautiful translucent gel is obtained. When this happens, add extra fat (olive oil) so that the soap does not further dry out the skin tissue.
  7. Then you can slowly pour in warm alcohol, just do not rush (soap can foam)
  8. We leave the mixture to languish further, and in the meantime we prepare sweet syrup
  9. Then pour it into the soap, mix again, a transparent mass is obtained.
  10. After five minutes, add glycerin. After two hours of the total languishing time of glycerin soap, remove the mixture from heat
  11. It remains to drip the dye, sprinkle with alcohol and pour the mass into the molds
  12. You need to take out the finished soap already in a day, and use it in a week

Handmade soap with glycerin

IMPORTANT: The dishes that you used for alkali should be treated with vinegar, and then washed.

Do-it-yourself liquid soap from remnants

The crisis forces us to save on everything. But this process sometimes turns into a very pleasant, useful experience. After all, you can make useful liquid soap from the remnants of soap.


  1. Grate soap residue finely
  2. Boil the water
  3. In a glass jar, mix soap, boiling water
  4. Then add citrus juice (for flavor), glycerin - one spoon
  5. Stir the solution again, pour into a container with a dispenser
  6. Leave to infuse for two to three days (do not forget to periodically shake the gel), after which you can use it

Oils for handmade soap. What oils are used in handmade soap?

For cooking soap at home, base oils or the so-called base oils and aromatic oils are used. Their choice must be approached more than responsibly. After all, quality products will not be cheap. The manufacturer most often reduces prices if there are chemical components available. What oil to add - decide for yourself. The main thing to keep in mind is that you or your family members are allergic to a particular type of product. And we talked about the proportions in the paragraph - Handmade Glycerin Soap.

Oil selection table by skin type

It is best for beginner soap makers to start making a product from baby soap, base soap. Making soap from scratch is harder. Experienced soap makers apply their technologies. They advise adding decoctions of chamomile and calendula herbs to the product instead of water. Then the finished soap has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Soap made by yourself

Video: How to make soap at home yourself?