Consequences after DTP immediately or later. What are the complications after vaccinations? The share of parental guilt is present if in regards to vaccination.

No parent can completely protect their children from all kinds of diseases, but all parents can significantly reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. For this, the practice of vaccination has been used for many years. Vaccinations are made, as a rule, only against the most common and dangerous diseases. For example, the DTP vaccine protects against diseases such as whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. These diseases are difficult in children and are dangerous with the possibility of complications. With the DTP vaccine, a weakened virus enters the child’s body, which in most cases the immune system easily copes with and in the future, when the body faces a real danger, it will be able to fight back against the pathogen with which it is already familiar. Many mothers are afraid to do this vaccine, as it often causes complications, and is also the first serious vaccination in the life of a baby.

This list should be incomplete, as symptoms after vaccination can be extremely varied. Diagnosis is based not so much on the actual symptom as on the time of its occurrence. In practice, it must be recognized that each vaccine may be responsible for several of the symptoms mentioned, as well as for additional symptoms not mentioned.

There is also no clear distinction between acute and chronic complaints, since acute conditions are often the beginning of chronic suffering. The fact that someone has not shown a direct or acute reaction to a vaccination does not necessarily rule out the possibility that the vaccine is the cause of chronic complaints. It often happens that problems arise after the second, third or fourth administration of the vaccine. Jurgen is a good example of this.

If the model assumptions are valid, pre-event vaccination of healthcare workers will save lives if the attack probability is greater than 22 for a building attack and 0.002 for an airport high-impact attack. The federal government has indicated that voluntary vaccination of the general public can be approved after health workers and first responders have been vaccinated. An increase in the number of individuals vaccinated will inevitably lead to an increase in morbidity and mortality from vaccination, and the available evidence suggests that a net loss could result if the smallpox vaccine were made available to the general public on a voluntary basis.

DTP vaccination occurs in four stages. The first vaccination is done at two or three months, the second not earlier than a month later, the third one or two months later, and the fourth one year after the third. Domestic DTP vaccines can only be used for children under the age of four. If a child has not completed a course of DPT vaccination at the age of four, use DTP vaccines that are suitable for children under the age of six. Foreign DTP vaccines have no age restrictions.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention are carried out in accordance with the homeopathic method. Therefore, knowledge of basic homeopathies is necessary. Homeopathy was discovered and made public around the world 200 years ago by the German Samuel Hahnemann. The principles of homeopathy are based on the law of analogies, that is, patients should be treated with medicines that produce in healthy people symptoms similar to those present in the patient. A homeopathic remedy acts on a deep-seated energetic disturbance that is the cause of the disorder.

If this comprehensive public health solution is given to individual citizens, some people may not be able to weigh the risks and benefits for reliable informed consent. If actual cases of smallpox ever occur in the United States, an assessment of the risks and benefits of mass vaccination may encourage mass vaccination, and federal and state agencies are preparing for the possibility. The title of this article refers to the good, the bad, and the ugly smallpox vaccine.

We have tried to show that the vaccine is an important tool in the fight against smallpox, despite the relatively high risk of complications in some people. "Ugly" does not refer to a vaccine, but to the potential reintroduction of smallpox 20 years after it was eradicated. We hope that our great-grandchildren will heed this concern after many years without a recovery of this deadly disease.

Special preparation for DPT vaccination is not required, except in cases where the child has a tendency to allergic reactions.

Possible complications and consequences after DPT vaccination

The DTP vaccination, like everyone else, is associated with a restructuring of the immune system and the manifestation of small side symptoms, after its use, is considered normal. Although in many cases, modern vaccinations do not cause side effects and do not bother the child in any way. It is worth noting that there are no absolutely safe vaccinations, so a small chance of complications is possible even with the use of the most modern vaccines.

Smallpox as a biological weapon: medical and public health. Working Group on Civilian Biosecurity. The medical breakthrough myth: smallpox, vaccination and Jenner revisited. Demon in the Freezer House. The human mechanism: its physiology, hygiene and sanitation of its environment.

World Health Organization website, Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response Website. Human infectious diseases: dynamics and control. “Post-Vaccination Syndrome” has become an increasingly common diagnosis in my daily practice over the years.

The first reaction that can be detected after a DPT shot is a bump and redness or rash at the injection site. Redness can reach up to 8 cm in diameter. A slight swelling after DPT vaccination is considered the most common manifestation. Appears immediately after injection and persists for 2-3 days. Also, after DPT, a child may have a fever, both low (37.8 ° C) and high (up to 40 ° C), it all depends on the degree of the body's reaction to the vaccine. In the first three days, pain in the place of swelling is possible, which persist for two days.

The higher the potency, the finer the structure of the remedy. X potencies are also commonly used in the Netherlands. If a vaccine is the cause of a disease, the same vaccine, when diluted homeopathically, is the ideal remedy and can therefore be used both as a remedy and as a diagnostic agent.

How can one claim that homeopathic dilutions of a vaccine can cure a disease that was itself caused by the same vaccine? In fact, the vaccine spreads the disease, and homeopathy has since started to use remedies that cause disease after being diluted and potentized as remedies. Remedies such as tuberculinum, syphilin and medorinin were successfully used in the 19th century and are still often used as homeopathic remedies today.

How to relieve the symptoms of complications after DTP?

It gives me pleasure to dedicate this booklet to all children who have knowingly or otherwise experienced adverse effects caused by vaccination and their parents who are faced with so many uncertainties and unanswered questions. It is hoped that its publication may help reduce much unnecessary suffering and thus play a significant role in the prevention and treatment of post-vaccination syndrome.

The results obtained represent a consolidation of accurate observations over a number of years based on discussions with parents and patients of children and experiences gained from the treatment and prevention of this disorder. Homeopathic methods have been applied, including the use of carefully potentized and diluted vaccines to confirm diagnoses, therapy and prevention. This will become clear from the description of more than 20 case histories.

Possible reactions to DTP vaccination:

  1. Weak reaction. The temperature of the child, in this case, does not exceed 37.5 ˚С and there is a slight deterioration in the general condition.
  2. Average reaction. With such a reaction, the temperature does not exceed 38.5 ° C.
  3. strong reaction. The general condition of the child is markedly worse, the temperature exceeds 38.5 ˚С.

Also, the temperature may be accompanied by such side effects as loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea. In some cases, after DTP vaccination, coughing fits are observed, he, as a rule, it is a manifestation of the whooping cough strain that is part of DPT.

Recommendations. Conclusions. The "Post Vaccination Syndrome" diagnosis has undeniably gained prominence in pediatrics. At the same time, the condition can be successfully treated using potentized vaccines as described in this leaflet. My interest in vaccination and its adverse effects stems from the fact that about 20 years ago my children were young.

Homeopathic practice has recognized that chronic complaints can develop after vaccination since the general introduction of the smallpox vaccine in the 19th century. For many years Tuya has been recognized by homeopaths as a proven remedy for these complaints, the treatment of which with homeopathic remedies, however, has proved less satisfactory to me. The method he described is simple and easy to use for both treatment and prevention. Vaccines appear to have more side effects than have been taken so far.

Basically, all adverse reactions last no more than two to three days, so if a symptom lasts longer, you should look for other causes of its occurrence. To avoid confusion between the reaction to vaccination and to food, it is not recommended to introduce new complementary foods a couple of days before and after vaccination.

It is worth noting that, despite the possibility of side effects, DTP vaccination must be done, since the consequences of whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria are many times worse.

A few days later he fell ill; he was short of breath accompanied by noisy breathing. At the same time, Luuk was visiting his grandparents in another city. Within 24 hours, breathing problems improved markedly. continued to cough and expectorate, and the next week the sputum was completely cleared.

Since then, Luuk has not been ill again. Due to the high degree of reliability and efficiency, this method provides an excellent opportunity to establish the cause of some diseases. You can follow the vaccine, medicine, or disease that caused the complaint step by step. This scheme also allows us to find the cause of the oft-discussed Jungle Syndrome, a syndrome in which so many young soldiers have been victimized and for which conventional medicine has neither an effective diagnostic procedure nor a satisfactory therapy.

My discussion will show that vaccination may be responsible for both acute and chronic health problems. The symptoms associated with this syndrome come from two sources. On the one hand, a large number of these symptoms are often referred to in the literature as post-vaccination symptoms; other symptoms are my own observations. In this context, it should be emphasized that any symptom that appears after vaccination and disappears only after treatment with a potentized vaccine is caused by the corresponding vaccine.

By carefully studying and recording cases, we come to the following catalog of chronic symptoms after vaccination: colds, amber or green sputum, inflamed eyes, loss of eye contact, strabismus, otitis media, bronchitis, expectoration, cough, asthma, eczema, allergies, inflamed joints , fatigue and lack of energy, excessive thirst, diabetes, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, sleep disturbance with periods of wakefulness and crying, epilepsy, back stiffness, muscle cramps, lack of concentration, memory loss, growth disorders, lack of coordination, impaired development, behavioral problems such as fiddling, aggressiveness, irritation, mood, emotional imbalance, confusion, loss of will, mental numbness.

No parent can completely protect their children from all kinds of diseases, but all parents can significantly reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. For this, the practice of vaccination has been used for many years. Vaccinations are made, as a rule, only against the most common and dangerous diseases. For example, the DTP vaccine protects against diseases such as whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. These diseases are difficult in children and are dangerous with the possibility of complications. With the DTP vaccine, a weakened virus enters the child’s body, which in most cases the immune system easily copes with and in the future, when the body faces a real danger, it will be able to fight back against the pathogen with which it is already familiar. Many mothers are afraid to do this vaccine, as it often causes complications, and is also the first serious vaccination in the life of a baby.

This list should be incomplete, as symptoms after vaccination can be extremely varied. Diagnosis is based not so much on the actual symptom as on the time of its occurrence. In practice, it must be recognized that each vaccine may be responsible for several of the symptoms mentioned, as well as for additional symptoms not mentioned.

There is also no clear distinction between acute and chronic complaints, since acute conditions are often the beginning of chronic suffering. The fact that someone has not shown a direct or acute reaction to a vaccination does not necessarily rule out the possibility that the vaccine is the cause of chronic complaints. It often happens that problems arise after the second, third or fourth administration of the vaccine. Jurgen is a good example of this.

If the model assumptions are valid, pre-event vaccination of healthcare workers will save lives if the attack probability is greater than 22 for a building attack and 0.002 for an airport high-impact attack. The federal government has indicated that voluntary vaccination of the general public can be approved after health workers and first responders have been vaccinated. An increase in the number of individuals vaccinated will inevitably lead to an increase in morbidity and mortality from vaccination, and the available evidence suggests that a net loss could result if the smallpox vaccine were made available to the general public on a voluntary basis.

DTP vaccination occurs in four stages. The first vaccination is done at two or three months, the second not earlier than a month later, the third one or two months later, and the fourth one year after the third. Domestic DTP vaccines can only be used for children under the age of four. If a child has not completed a course of DPT vaccination at the age of four, use DTP vaccines that are suitable for children under the age of six. Foreign DTP vaccines have no age restrictions.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention are carried out in accordance with the homeopathic method. Therefore, knowledge of basic homeopathies is necessary. Homeopathy was discovered and made public around the world 200 years ago by the German Samuel Hahnemann. The principles of homeopathy are based on the law of analogies, that is, patients should be treated with medicines that produce in healthy people symptoms similar to those present in the patient. A homeopathic remedy acts on a deep-seated energetic disturbance that is the cause of the disorder.

If this comprehensive public health solution is given to individual citizens, some people may not be able to weigh the risks and benefits for reliable informed consent. If actual cases of smallpox ever occur in the United States, an assessment of the risks and benefits of mass vaccination may encourage mass vaccination, and federal and state agencies are preparing for the possibility. The title of this article refers to the good, the bad, and the ugly smallpox vaccine.

We have tried to show that the vaccine is an important tool in the fight against smallpox, despite the relatively high risk of complications in some people. "Ugly" does not refer to a vaccine, but to the potential reintroduction of smallpox 20 years after it was eradicated. We hope that our great-grandchildren will heed this concern after many years without a recovery of this deadly disease.

Special preparation for DPT vaccination is not required, except in cases where the child has a tendency to allergic reactions.

Possible complications and consequences after DPT vaccination

The DTP vaccination, like everyone else, is associated with a restructuring of the immune system and the manifestation of small side symptoms, after its use, is considered normal. Although in many cases, modern vaccinations do not cause side effects and do not bother the child in any way. It is worth noting that there are no absolutely safe vaccinations, so a small chance of complications is possible even with the use of the most modern vaccines.

The injected substance is rapidly eliminated from the body and may be the cause of ongoing disorders when the tissue is damaged. The material means of defense are too crudely structured to work directly on energy disturbance. Thus, homeopathic healing methods use highly diluted and potentized remedies. If we repeatedly use the same flask, single-glass method, we will refer to Korsakov or K potency. In order to completely eradicate the disease, it is often necessary to apply remedies with different levels of energy.

The first reaction that can be detected after a DPT shot is a bump and redness or rash at the injection site. Redness can reach up to 8 cm in diameter. A slight swelling after DPT vaccination is considered the most common manifestation. Appears immediately after injection and persists for 2-3 days. Also, after DPT, a child may have a fever, both low (37.8 ° C) and high (up to 40 ° C), it all depends on the degree of the body's reaction to the vaccine. In the first three days, pain in the place of swelling is possible, which persist for two days.

The higher the potency, the finer the structure of the remedy. X potencies are also commonly used in the Netherlands. If a vaccine is the cause of a disease, the same vaccine, when diluted homeopathically, is the ideal remedy and can therefore be used both as a remedy and as a diagnostic agent.

How can one claim that homeopathic dilutions of a vaccine can cure a disease that was itself caused by the same vaccine? In fact, the vaccine spreads the disease, and homeopathy has since started to use remedies that cause disease after being diluted and potentized as remedies. Remedies such as tuberculinum, syphilin and medorinin were successfully used in the 19th century and are still often used as homeopathic remedies today.

How to relieve the symptoms of complications after DTP?

It gives me pleasure to dedicate this booklet to all children who have knowingly or otherwise experienced adverse effects caused by vaccination and their parents who are faced with so many uncertainties and unanswered questions. It is hoped that its publication may help reduce much unnecessary suffering and thus play a significant role in the prevention and treatment of post-vaccination syndrome.

The results obtained represent a consolidation of accurate observations over a number of years based on discussions with parents and patients of children and experiences gained from the treatment and prevention of this disorder. Homeopathic methods have been applied, including the use of carefully potentized and diluted vaccines to confirm diagnoses, therapy and prevention. This will become clear from the description of more than 20 case histories.

Possible reactions to DTP vaccination:

  1. Weak reaction. The temperature of the child, in this case, does not exceed 37.5 ˚С and there is a slight deterioration in the general condition.
  2. Average reaction. With such a reaction, the temperature does not exceed 38.5 ° C.
  3. strong reaction. The general condition of the child is markedly worse, the temperature exceeds 38.5 ˚С.

Also, the temperature may be accompanied by such side effects as loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea. In some cases, coughing fits are observed after DPT vaccination, it is usually a manifestation of the whooping cough strain that is part of DTP.

What parents need to know after having their child vaccinated

Once the complaint has penetrated the energy level - we are talking about chronic ailments - the potentized cause of the complaint can be used to cure the disease. Such diseases are caused not only by vaccines, but also by other drugs. A striking example of this is the course of Peter's illness, case 2, p. 25.

The practitioner should always seriously consider the diagnosis of post-vaccination syndrome whenever complaints started during or after, vaccination and treatment according to the method in this brochure should be implemented as the first line of approach. This should eliminate the endless and ill-fated stream of exams and treatments. Only as a second resort, if the patient will not fully benefit from the treatment provided, should a follow-up diagnosis be made. The following case history shows how tedious this process can be.

Basically, all adverse reactions last no more than two to three days, so if a symptom lasts longer, you should look for other causes of its occurrence. To avoid confusion between the reaction to vaccination and to food, it is not recommended to introduce new complementary foods a couple of days before and after vaccination.

It is worth noting that, despite the possibility of side effects, DTP vaccination must be done, since the consequences of whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria are many times worse.

A few days later he fell ill; he was short of breath accompanied by noisy breathing. At the same time, Luuk was visiting his grandparents in another city. Within 24 hours, breathing problems improved markedly. continued to cough and expectorate, and the next week the sputum was completely cleared.

Since then, Luuk has not been ill again. Due to the high degree of reliability and efficiency, this method provides an excellent opportunity to establish the cause of some diseases. You can follow the vaccine, medicine, or disease that caused the complaint step by step. This scheme also allows us to find the cause of the oft-discussed Jungle Syndrome, a syndrome in which so many young soldiers have been victimized and for which conventional medicine has neither an effective diagnostic procedure nor a satisfactory therapy.

My discussion will show that vaccination may be responsible for both acute and chronic health problems. The symptoms associated with this syndrome come from two sources. On the one hand, a large number of these symptoms are often referred to in the literature as post-vaccination symptoms; other symptoms are my own observations. In this context, it should be emphasized that any symptom that appears after vaccination and disappears only after treatment with a potentized vaccine is caused by the corresponding vaccine.

By carefully studying and recording cases, we come to the following catalog of chronic symptoms after vaccination: colds, amber or green sputum, inflamed eyes, loss of eye contact, strabismus, otitis media, bronchitis, expectoration, cough, asthma, eczema, allergies, inflamed joints , fatigue and lack of energy, excessive thirst, diabetes, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, sleep disturbance with periods of wakefulness and crying, epilepsy, back stiffness, muscle cramps, lack of concentration, memory loss, growth disorders, lack of coordination, impaired development, behavioral problems such as fiddling, aggressiveness, irritation, mood, emotional imbalance, confusion, loss of will, mental numbness.

Consequences of DTP vaccination

What you need to know about DTP

The DPT vaccine should not be given if:

The child had seizures, which are not the result of high temperatures;
- he is in a state of neurological progressive process.

Vaccination can be carried out after the end of the exacerbation of nervous or allergic diseases. Children who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver should be vaccinated in the first place, since refusal can lead to dire consequences. Before each vaccination, and there are three of them, you need to prepare the child. A few days before the procedure, you can give him antiallergic drugs and take immunological tests. Also, it will not be superfluous to visit a neurologist.

Benefits of DTP vaccination

All of these diseases are very dangerous. Even if intensive treatment helps to overcome the disease itself, there is no guarantee that the disease will not affect the further development of the fragile organism. Unfortunately, it is impossible to exclude the probability of these diseases by 100%. But the disease will pass without complications and, most importantly, without consequences.

Consequences of DTP vaccination

Redness may appear at the vaccination site, which in no case should be warmed up. It is also not recommended to touch the seal. Don't worry if the redness resolves within a month. A pea-sized seal is considered normal.

Another side effect is fever, which is considered a normal reaction to this vaccine. But the allowable rate is 37 ° C. The concern should be caused by a temperature above this, here you will need the help of a doctor. Some mistakenly believe that coughing is also a side effect after vaccination. Most likely, the child simply has a reduced immune system.

How to avoid consequences after DPT vaccination

All complications after DTP are divided into general and local. Regardless of how the child's body tolerates the vaccine, you can give an antipyretic two hours after the procedure. If the child is breastfed, then it is better not to change the mother's diet. Be sure to limit the contact of the child with strangers for several days. It is advisable to spend more time in the fresh air and give the child plenty of fluids.

If, nevertheless, the child has a fever and redness appears at the injection site, an antihistamine can be given. Some of the side effects are associated with the presence of a whooping cough component in DTP. You need to call a doctor if the temperature reaches +40 C, the redness of the skin is increased, and the child has convulsions. Summing up, it should be noted that specialists consider mild reactions to vaccination to be quite acceptable. In the absence of DPT vaccination, the consequences can be very serious.