Kindergarten provides vaccinations. Compulsory vaccinations for children for kindergarten: is it possible to enter kindergarten without vaccinations? What vaccinations are needed for kindergarten

There always comes a time when children who are accustomed from birth to live in the family circle should be sent to kindergarten. There, kids get acquainted not only with their peers, but also with many new viruses and microbes. It is good if a child enters the unfamiliar world of kindergarten fully armed - his immunity is prepared to fight the smallest organisms thanks to vaccination.

A vaccination card is required for admission to a preschool institution, so it is useful for parents to clarify what vaccinations are needed for kindergarten. Indeed, in 2014, by order of the Ministry of Health, changes were made to the vaccination calendar.

Why Kindergarten Vaccines Are Necessary

Your baby is adapted to the infections in which he rotates. Before the child enters kindergarten, he needs to be prepared to meet new microbes and viruses in an unfamiliar team, especially if it includes visitors from disadvantaged countries. In kindergarten, the household way of infection with many infections through toys and equipment is common. In case of infection, the disease proceeds in a severe form and is fraught with serious complications. However, in a vaccinated baby, in case of infection in kindergarten, the disease will proceed in a mild form and without complications. A vaccinated child also protects his family from infection from kindergarten.

In preschool children, the immune system is still imperfect. In preschool groups where the child comes from home, the risk of contracting new infections circulating in the team increases. Vaccinations provide protection against disease.

Most often, it is the causative agent of pneumococcal infection that is responsible for the development of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and otitis in children from kindergarten. For children under two years of age, pneumococcal infection is dangerous because it occurs in a severe form of meningitis or pneumonia. Vaccination against pneumococcal infection greatly reduces the risk of bronchitis and acute respiratory infections.

Chickenpox is so easily transmitted that it can be inflated from the window in a kindergarten and infect most of the children. The chickenpox virus remains in the body for life and, with a decrease in immunity, can be activated under the guise of another disease - shingles. To protect the child from chickenpox in kindergarten, doctors recommend vaccinating against it.

What are the vaccination laws?

When a child enters kindergarten, a vaccination card is required. Immunoprophylaxis for admission to kindergarten is carried out on the basis of the following legislative acts.

List of required vaccinations

What vaccinations are required for kindergarten? According to the national vaccination calendar, children are prevented from the most severe infections. In the individual vaccination card of the child, the dates of vaccination are noted.

Mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten:

Mandatory vaccinations are regulated by the calendar of planned vaccinations. For vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps, it is advisable to use the combined vaccines "Priorix" or MMR II. The hepatitis B vaccine uses an inactivated vaccine that cannot harm children.

List of additional vaccinations

In preschool institutions, children not only expand their social circle with their peers. Their immune system is forced to adapt to unfamiliar microbes and viruses. Usually, the child has already been vaccinated by age before entering kindergarten. For complete protection of babies in an unfamiliar team, additional vaccinations are recommended:

  • from meningococcal infection;
  • against hemophilic infection, vaccination according to the calendar is carried out for children at risk and before entering kindergarten;
  • from hepatitis A;
  • from tick-borne encephalitis.

Vaccinations against hemophilic and meningococcal infections must be completed 2 months before admission to kindergarten.

Why are additional vaccinations needed for kindergarten?

  1. Meningococcal infection has become widespread in Russia over the past decade due to the influx of people from disadvantaged regions. The infection causes inflammation of the meninges and is dangerous for preschool children. Vaccination against infection is done once with inactivated imported vaccines, which are easily tolerated.
  2. Tick-borne encephalitis is dangerous for the development of paralysis, as a result of which a person can remain disabled for life. Children in kindergarten go for walks in parks where there is a risk of being bitten by a tick. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is given to babies from 2 years of age.
  3. Haemophilus influenzae carriers are 40% of preschool children. The causative agent of hemophilic infection is the cause of most cases of acute respiratory infections, otitis media, pneumonia and bronchitis. The disease often occurs in a severe form of purulent meningitis. The Hib bacillus is transmitted not only by talking and sneezing, but also through toys and household items. In addition, susceptibility to the disease is high in children under 5 years of age.
  4. Hepatitis A is considered a disease of dirty hands. In kindergarten, children interact very closely with each other and can easily contract jaundice.

Summing up the preparation for kindergarten, we recall that in addition to the mandatory vaccinations by age, additional immunization is also recommended. You can refuse to be vaccinated, but if there is a threat of an outbreak in the city, an unvaccinated child will be suspended from attending kindergarten. In large cities with a huge population migration, the epidemiological situation is unpredictable. In addition, a baby without vaccinations will be constantly at risk of infection from other children. A vaccinated child is a guarantee of peace of mind for the health of their baby.

Is the administration's demand legal? garden on the presence of the child all the necessary vaccinations when admitted to children. garden. ?

Adoption Federal Law of the Russian Federation of September 17, 1998 No. No. 157-FZ "On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" contributed to the introduction of a civilized approach to immunization of the population based on the principle of informed consent. The legislation recognizes the refusal of the state to threaten that part of the population that consciously refuses to be vaccinated. Moreover, according to this law, the state takes responsibility for possible damage in connection with vaccination (since a known healthy person during vaccination is at risk of getting sick, becoming disabled and even dying).

Article 5 of the above law establishes the rights and obligations of citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis, in particular:

The absence of preventive vaccinations entails (clause 2):

  • prohibition for citizens to travel to countries where stay in accordance with international health regulations or international treaties of the Russian Federation requires specific preventive vaccinations;
  • temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational and health-improving institutions in the event of mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics;
  • refusal to hire citizens for work or removal of citizens from work, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases. The list of works, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases and requires mandatory preventive vaccinations, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

When implementing immunoprophylaxis, citizens are obliged (clause 3):

  • comply with the instructions of medical workers;
  • confirm in writing the refusal of preventive vaccinations.

In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 17.09.1998. No. 157-FZ "On Immunization of Infectious Diseases" preventive vaccinations are carried out with the consent of citizens, parents or other legal representatives of minors and citizens recognized as legally incompetent in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The fact of refusing to vaccinate, indicating the consequences of refusing to vaccinate, is documented in the child's developmental history (F. 112-U), the medical record of a child attending a preschool educational institution, a general educational institution (F. 026-U), and signed by a parent or a person, his substitute, as well as the head of the medical institution and the district doctor.

So, if you want to send your child to a day care center in a distant tropical country, then you MUST vaccinate him against some kind of tropical fever and something else equally exotic. But a kindergarten located in your city can only TEMPORARILY refuse to accept your child if NOW there are massive infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics. And this is quite logical: such a measure will PROTECT your unvaccinated child from an unnecessary encounter with the infection. But the presence or threat of an epidemic is determined not by the desire of the kindergarten administration, but by local medical institutions. Therefore, according to paragraph 2 of Article 5, you have the right to send your child to any kindergarten or any school WITHOUT vaccinations.

But at the same time, according to paragraph 3 of Article 5, you are obliged to confirm in writing your refusal of preventive vaccinations. In some cases, you will be asked to write about your refusal directly in the child's medical record. In other cases, you will need to write an application on a separate sheet addressed to the director of the school or kindergarten. The text should be something like this: "I, Ivanova Anna Petrovna, on the basis of the law of the Russian Federation "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases", N 157-F3, dated September 17, 1998, Article 5, p. , student 1 "A" class of school N 12 of the city N.

Just in case, you can play it safe: remind you that WITHOUT your consent, no one has the right to vaccinate your child. So, the following phrase can also be attributed to your statement: "I remind you that on the basis of paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the above-mentioned law, no preventive vaccinations should be carried out without my consent."

To sum up, children aged from 2 months to 7 years old are admitted to the kindergarten. Admission of children to institutions is carried out upon a written application of the parents (legal representatives) in the presence of the child's medical record, a copy of the child's birth certificate, a photocopy of the passport of one of the parents (legal representatives) in which the child is entered. Parents (legal representatives) may be denied admission of the child to the Institution only if there are no vacant places in the Institution. In a preschool educational institution, children of working single parents, student mothers, disabled people of groups I and II are accepted first of all; children from large families; children under guardianship; children whose parents (one of the parents) are in military service; children of the unemployed, refugees and internally displaced persons, students. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On additional measures of state support for the disabled" dated 02.10.1992 No. No. 1157 establishes that "children with disabilities ... are provided with places in preschool, medical and preventive and health institutions as a matter of priority."

Thus, the requirement of the kindergarten administration that the child has all the necessary vaccinations upon admission to kindergarten is illegal.

A grown child needs not only the love and care of relatives, but also communication with peers. A small person seeks to explore the world, to taste and touch everything. The kindergarten is organized to ensure the full development of the baby in society before moving on to the next educational institution.

Every parent is concerned about the process of preparing a child. You have to learn how to do without parents, independently perform some actions. New children's contacts in the garden bring acquaintances with viruses that the body has not yet encountered. It is possible to reduce the negative impact on the immune system if you make all the necessary vaccinations.

Why should a child be vaccinated before entering kindergarten

In childhood, the immune system is just beginning to strengthen. Adults must understand that they are responsible for the development of mental and physical well-being. An attack of germs in the garden can break children's defenses and bring a lot of negative consequences.

Only vaccination protects against diseases that can lead to disability.

Many parents are afraid that the introduction of a foreign substance will create a great burden on a fragile body. Modern vaccinations are not dangerous and almost do not lead to complications. Preparations contain killed viruses that cannot cause disease.

It is important to evaluate the benefits of vaccination before gardening. Even if the child was sick and missed the next calendar injection, it is permissible to administer the drug during the period of complete recovery in the hospital or in kindergarten. Properly organized preventive measures will exclude the occurrence of complications.

Vaccination helps to effectively develop immunity in childhood. In kindergarten, there is always a risk of catching an infection brought by other children. Toddlers sometimes forget about hygiene when communicating with each other. Viruses are easily transmitted through toys, household items, contact and aerosol. It is a habit of childhood to taste everything.

Vaccination protects against many diseases. The parent has the right to write a refusal, but by doing so he risks the health of the whole family. Before sending a child to a kindergarten for the first time, it is necessary to conduct an examination and make all the vaccinations necessary in childhood.

What the Laws Say About Vaccines

Parents of all children are advised to know the laws in order to protect their rights in case of any misunderstanding. If the child is not taken to a kindergarten or other children's institution without vaccination, you can use the knowledge gained to your advantage. Adults are required to make informed decisions about microinjections of the vaccine, because the benefits of the injected drug are priceless. Kindergarten is designed to make life easier for parents.

The main laws about which you need to familiarize yourself with:

  • In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 43 talks about the rights and guarantees of education. Education is available to all people without exception in preschool and other institutions.
  • The federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" in Article 5 sets out in detail that all residents have the right to receive preschool, secondary, special education. Nationality, gender, place of residence, beliefs do not matter. So if the parents are convinced that the child does not need to be vaccinated, they can safely refer to the legality of the decision.

Federal Russian laws describe any issues that require resolution in the current situation. Article 5 of the legal document "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" talks about the rights that all people have before and after vaccination. Doctors should talk about the purpose for which medical injections are given and what can happen after refusal. for free. During the outbreak of the disease, they may temporarily refuse to accept a child without vaccinations in an educational or health institution until the situation normalizes.

The Convention on Rights considers the rules of medical intervention, when and how to refuse vaccinations, what are the indications and contraindications for the administration of drugs.

Everyone should know the rights and obligations of their children. It is necessary to decide carefully and deliberately, the development and health status of a small child individually. Before getting acquainted with the kindergarten, he must be physically ready.

What are the required vaccinations for children?

Children's susceptibility to disease is dangerous with the risk of complications. It is necessary to properly prepare for the initial school year in advance. Some calendar vaccinations go immediately from birth, others are pricked after a year. It is important to follow the rules of vaccination. The main task is stable immunity to the influence of viruses.

A newborn is given, at will, hepatitis type B. Injections are easily tolerated even by children's immunity. Health workers ask for the mother's consent to administer the vaccine and record the first entry in the child's mandatory vaccination history.

At 3 months, the body is ready to enter DTP, other, tetanus, polio. At the same time, a repeated injection of a substance from hepatitis is given, then at 6 months an injection is injected to produce antibodies. With an interval of 1.5 months, DPT is done twice more.

In the year for the first time they make an injection of the drug from,. It is forbidden to do an injection if you feel unwell, you should first pass tests. Proper preparation will reduce the risk of a negative reaction.

As children grow, revaccination is required to build resistance to new manifestations. At 18 months, DTP is administered, and at 20 months, a drug for polio.

From birth to two years of age, the child receives protection from every most dangerous infection. Before sending the baby to the garden, most protective measures have already been taken. The next step is getting ready for school.

At 6 years old, revaccination and DTP are needed. At the age of 13 they are injected, as well as from hepatitis. At the age of 14-16 years, all previous vaccinations are injected.

It is impossible to foresee the infection of the child from all viruses. Children's soreness in the garden is due to the close contacts of the kids. Shared toys are often vehicles for disease transmission. Often children come to kindergarten who are carriers of rather unpleasant viruses.

Preventive vaccinations can protect against seasonal diseases. When the seasons change in the garden, coughs and runny noses often occur among babies. Viruses cause irritation in the bronchi, lungs, and mucous membranes, which will create a complication.

Additionally, it is better to use drugs against some complications:

  • dangerous with a destructive effect on the brain, leads to disability and death;
  • meningococcal infection causes damage to the child's brain, leads to serious consequences;
  • multiplies rapidly, causes pneumonia, meningitis, inflammation in the ear, is not treated with antibiotics;
  • destroys the liver, is transmitted by children through objects.

Immunization increases the body's resistance and guarantees parents peace of mind for the healthy state of the child. Cannot be excluded from visiting the garden during seasonal outbreaks of ailments. For a mother, such a decision by a medical representative in the organization will come as a surprise. It turns out that there will be no one to leave the little man at home with.

Signing a refusal to use drugs is not forbidden, but this will undermine the health of a son or daughter. Before making any decision, you should carefully consider and familiarize yourself with the medical and legal literature. Immunity is under enormous stress, it is necessary to take care and strengthen immunity with the help of injections to reduce the incidence of children.

The issue of vaccination is acute for parents of babies. Everyone decides for himself what will be best for the child and takes responsibility. And if earlier refusal of vaccinations was only for medical reasons, now more and more parents use the right of citizens to refuse preventive vaccinations.

The lowest threshold for the number of vaccinated children under one year old (according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) occurred in Russia at the end of the 80s - beginning of the 90s. However, after 1990 it increased, and by 2000 it had reached the level of 96%-99%. Now the level of vaccination in the Russian Federation is still at a high level, however, there are countries - neighbors of Russia, in which the vaccination threshold is extremely low. For example, in Ukraine in 2016, only 45% of babies were vaccinated against measles, and this is critically low. (

You can read more about the measles outbreak in Ukraine and other territories.

According to studies by Russian scientists, the vaccine protects the child from the disease by 97%. This is not 100%, but the figures are high. I really want parents to take this issue responsibly and make the right choice.

What are the contraindications for vaccination

If a child starts attending kindergarten, then it is worth providing protection from various diseases. And many parents are concerned about the need for vaccinations for children who start going to kindergarten.

There are a number of temporary and permanent contraindications.

Do not get vaccinated or test mantoux if

  • The child does not feel well or is sick - these are the rules. In this case, the disease may be asymptomatic. Therefore, before vaccination, an examination by a pediatrician is mandatory, and, if necessary, tests are prescribed.
  • The kid is capricious, restless, behaves in an unusual way.
  • For a day or more he had no stool.

After these contraindications are removed, and the pediatrician gives the go-ahead, you can continue to vaccinate the child according to the vaccination schedule.

Permanent contraindications include HIV, immunodeficiency, malignant tumors.

Whether to get vaccinated in a kindergarten or in a clinic

In large kindergartens, after written consent for vaccination or a mantoux test is received from parents, vaccination is organized in a medical office. First, the pediatrician examines the children, and then the procedural nurse (they are most often invited from the children's clinic) vaccinates the kids.

It would seem that this is very convenient for parents. No need to stand in lines, take time off from work, take the child to the clinic. However, there are also disadvantages. Before vaccination, parents do not see the baby, they cannot notice changes in behavior, which may be a sign of an onset of the disease. There is no single solution here, it is necessary to consider each case separately.

How to behave on the day of vaccination

If parents still decide to get vaccinated at the clinic, it is important to follow a number of simple rules:

  • having taken a turn, do not sit in a crowded corridor, go out for a walk with your child on the street;
  • avoid overheating, dress the child according to the season;
  • observe the drinking regimen, the baby should receive fluid in sufficient quantities;
  • do not overfeed the little one;
  • if possible, avoid large crowds, reschedule the visit to entertainment events for another day.

In conclusion, I would like to wish parents and kids health!

Vaccinations required for kindergarten - a list of vaccines that must be administered to a child by the age of two. Is vaccination mandatory, what laws regulate it, and what if the "unvaccinated" baby is not taken to kindergarten?

Mandatory vaccinations: pros and cons

Parents have different attitudes to whether to make mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten.

Your baby from a limited home circle ends up in a team where the possibility of catching the virus is an order of magnitude higher. His immune system is still imperfect, and infections, including very dangerous ones, spread easily in the kindergarten group. The only reliable modern protection against such diseases is vaccination.

The most common arguments against vaccinations are the numerous complications that the Internet is full of stories about. But, firstly, such cases are rare, and people with negative experience write about them. For those who are fine and have nothing to write about. And secondly, in most cases, severe consequences are not associated with vaccination as such, but with the lack of professionalism of physicians during vaccination - they did not take into account the condition of the child or contraindications, the drugs were stored incorrectly, etc. Decide whether you are afraid of the vaccine or do not trust the local pediatrician .

It is important to remember: no one has the right to force you to vaccinate your child.

Legal grounds

Upon admission to a preschool institution, you will be asked for a passport (certificate) - a list of mandatory kindergarten vaccinations given to your child. If there are no vaccinations, this is not a reason to refuse admission.

The main document on vaccination is Federal Law No. 157 "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases". It says that citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to refuse preventive vaccinations, for minor children, the decision is made by parents (legal representatives).

Therefore, an “unvaccinated” child must be admitted to kindergarten. Denying admission or suspending a visit is allowed only temporarily, in the event of the occurrence or threat of epidemics, confirmed by the order of the chief sanitary doctor in your city or district.

If your documents were not accepted due to the lack of vaccinations, complain to the local administration or the prosecutor's office. If they don't help you, go to court. Take a written refusal from management, it is the basis for filing a complaint. You can’t sew a word to the case; when considering your claim, the manager will say: “I didn’t refuse.” The proof of your words will be the recording on an analog voice recorder (digital media in such cases is not believed).

What vaccinations are required for kindergarten in 2020

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the national calendar of preventive vaccinations with the optimal timing of vaccination. It indicates which vaccinations are required for kindergarten, that is, by approximately two years of age:

  • DTP - for whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus;
  • tuberculosis vaccine BCG;
  • from poliomyelitis;
  • from measles, mumps (mumps) and rubella;
  • from hepatitis B;
  • from pneumococcal infection.

In 2020, it is planned to add two more vaccinations to the calendar - against rotavirus infection and chicken pox.

In addition to the main ones, there are additional vaccinations recommended before entering kindergarten:

  • from hepatitis A;
  • from meningococcal infection;
  • from hemophilic infection;
  • from tick-borne encephalitis.

Hepatitis A (jaundice) is a disease of dirty hands. In the kindergarten, children grab onto the same objects, toys, etc., and you cannot disinfect each palm.

The spread of meningococcal infection is a problem of recent decades associated with migration to Russia from disadvantaged regions. Meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) is very serious, and getting vaccinated will help keep your baby safe.

Haemophilus influenzae is the causative agent of acute respiratory infections, otitis, pneumonia, meningitis.

No one is safe from tick bites. Even if the garden site is being processed, this is not a guarantee. Tick-borne encephalitis is fraught with paralysis and disability for life.

Vaccinations in kindergarten

The national calendar contains approximate dates for vaccination and revaccination, in particular, what vaccinations are given in kindergarten (by age):

  • at 6 years of age, revaccination against measles, mumps and rubella is carried out;
  • at 6-7 years old - the first revaccination against tuberculosis;
  • seasonal flu vaccination.

Like all other medical manipulations, vaccinations in kindergarten are done only with the written consent of the parents or legal representatives of the child. You can opt out of all vaccinations "wholesale" or only seasonal (flu), and calendar to do on schedule.

You must be informed when the vaccination is carried out. How are vaccinations done in kindergarten:

  • vaccinations are carried out after obtaining the written consent of the parents;
  • on the day of vaccination, children must be examined by a pediatrician;
  • the medical worker is obliged to warn the parents how to behave to the child after vaccination (for example, not to wet the injection site), about possible reactions to the vaccine and actions in this case;
  • the name of the vaccination, date of administration, series number and dose of the drug are recorded in the child's medical record, preventive vaccination card, vaccination certificate.