Daily massage in 1 3 months. Characteristic and type of massage. Massage for months

Massage and gymnastics for children from 0 to 3 months

From 0 to 3 months, dunned baby

As we have already agreed earlier, the second part of the article is devoted to the complexes of exercises and massage, which Mom will be able to independently perform at home mainly with a preventive purpose or if a pediatrician or another specialist will recommend conducting such classes on their own.

Immediately I want to warn with possible errors - if the child has indications for conducting classes with the medical goal, then it is necessary to contact a specialist. It is imperative that it is necessary to have a job well perceived by the child (see Part1) and he had contact with adults, which conducts procedures, the baby must have a good mood. For a small child with neurological status, it is especially important to conduct such classes in a good arrangement of the Spirit and only a specialist should hold them.

Technical implementation of massage techniques I will not describe - Children's massage requires special skills and at your request you will be able to show a massage therapist in a clinic or a pattering sister, which should be owned by these skills. The same description of all techniques you can find in specialized literature on children's massage widely represented on the book market.

The massage of the first year of life includes basic techniques:

  • stroke
  • trituration
  • sensing
  • vibration

Since the skin of the breast child is very gentle and thin, at first apply gentle techniques of massage (stroking), and then we will gradually enter the remaining techniques (rubbing and light vibration in the form of shocking and shaking limbs), as well as kneading.

Stroke It is performed at the beginning of any massage session and are carried out in order to prepare the massaged area to other elements and methods of massage. Stroking activates blood circulation and thereby improves blood supply to fabrics and organs. Stroking calms the nervous system, causes relaxation of the muscles, helps to relieve pain. When stroking the abdomen should avoid pressure on the liver area. When the back stroke, the reception is performed along the spine, the vertex pillar itself cannot be massaged.

Trituration Promotes muscle relaxation, improving blood circulation and nutritional nutrition. In addition, rubbing affects calming on the child's nervous system. It has a positive effect not only on the skin and subcutaneous fabric, but also on muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Sensing Soothes the nervous system, activates blood and lymph formation, it has a positive effect on joints, ligaments and tendons, as well as on the muscles, and not only on superficial, but also on the located deep enough. Beneficiation and breathing system is beneficial.

Vibration It has a positive effect on the child's nervous system, improves the metabolism in the body and has a slight painkillery effect. In the massage of the first year of life, only such vibration techniques should be used as shocking and shaking, and from 3-4 months it is also easy to use with your fingers.

So that the child was healthy, except for massage, with him you need to do gymnastic exercises every day.

Already in the first months of life, he reflexively performs bleaching types of physical exercises. As the child grows and the development of the back massage and abdomen is recommended to be combined with simple exercise. For each kid, you should choose your individual exercise complex, which will meet the state of its health. To properly pick up the child exercises, you need to consult a doctor.

The basic principles of building a set of exercises that Mom should know:

  1. The exercise complex must be drafted so that exercises for all muscle groups are included in it, among which an important place should be allocated to the secrets.
  2. The exercise complex must be formulated on the principle of simple to complex.
  3. Gradually, it is necessary to increase the physical exertion by repetitions of the same exercise. If the child must repeat each exercise 2-3 times in the first days of classes, then 4-5 exercises can be done with it.
  4. On the time of the duration of classes should be consulted by the doctor. Gradually, classes time can be increased.
  5. In the process of gymnastics, the baby should not be overworked. All exercises should bring joy to the baby.

Gymnastic exercises and massage of children from 1.5 to 3 months.

From the first day of life and up to 2 months, the child sleeps a lot. His sleep can last up to 22 hours a day. Therefore, that the body of the child develops correctly, during his wakefulness it is necessary to make him a massage and the simplest gymnastic exercises.

When the child turns 1 month, he first begins to respond to the voice of the mother. At this age, the child is very weak. He does not know how to keep the head, hands and legs are almost not infrmed, convulsively pressed to the body. Hands are usually compressed in fists. However, in 2 months, he already keeps the head smoothly, and his reaction applies not only to the voice of the mother, but also to other sounds and objects. If someone begins to talk with him, he answers a smile, moves his hands, legs, etc. These positive emotions are very helpful for the child's nervous system. So that his handles and legs move as much as possible, parents should more often contact the baby and talk to him in a tender voice. In 3 months, the baby is already independently turning on its side or even on the stomach. At the same time, all the movements of the child are reflex or unconscious.

Children from the first birthday to 4 months are exposed to hypertonus of hand and leg flexors. When this symptom appears, it is necessary to try to relax the bending muscles with a massage, the main reception of which is stroking.

All exercises associated with flexion and extension of the limbs, the child must perform with the help of adults. Perform all exercises should be gently, without effort and in the absence of the muscle resistance of the child. These exercises must certainly like the child, cause him joy and not to cause pain.

In order not to disturb the motor activity of the child, it is not recommended to trigger it. At least 1 time a day, the child should carry out warm baths. From birth, it is recommended to instill a child the first swimming skills (babies usually adore this occupation if he was not frightened by previous meetings with water).

Gymnastic exercises combined with massage should be carried out no more than 15 minutes a day. In the event that a child for any reason to oppose one or another exercise, it should be abandoned from him or choose those that will bring positive emotions to the child. During procedures, it is constantly affirmed to talk to the child; Then the exercises will bring him joy and the desire to engage in gymnastics again and again.

Exemplary exercise complex:

1. Massage legs.

I.P. - Lying on the back. Feet directed to a massage. To carry out the procedure, you need to take a child's foot in one hand, and the other hand to make soft smooth strokes first rear, and then the side surface of the leg. This procedure should be performed towards the thigh from the foot, without touching the knee cup. It must be repeated 7 times on the right and on the left legs.

In addition to plane strokes, during the foot massage it is recommended to use the receiving strokery. It should be carried out in the same position as ordinary stroking. To carry out the procedure, you need to take a child's foot in your hand, a thumb stroke the side surface of the leg, and the other fingers are the back surface of the leg. The procedure should be repeated 5 times on the left and right legs.

2. Massage Stop.

I.P. - Lying on the back. To fulfill the procedure, it is necessary to keep the child's leg in the field of shin on the left hand. To create for stop support, it should be put on its back of the bottom of the right hand. Massage must be done with the help of circular movements of the thumb with the right hand so that it described the eight.

3.Factor flexion and extension of the stop.

To fulfill the procedure, it follows with a left hand to keep the child's leg, and with a thumb of the right hand slightly press on the foot at the base of the fingers. In this case, the child must be reflexively bending the foot.

Very often in newborns, the thumb stretch up and stand in constant voltage. To remove this tension, you need to slightly pressed on the base of the thumb, while it will bend. After that, it should be carried out with a thumb at the outer edge of the foot in the direction of the maiden to the heel and weakly press the sole. In this position, the child will reflexively blend fingers.

Exercises for flexing and extension of the foot should be repeated 5 times.

4. Flexor exercise "Walking".

I.P. - Standing on the legs. To perform the procedure, you must take a baby under the mouse and turn your back to yourself. This exercise must be carried out on the table or on any solid surface. The kid must lower the leg and touch the heel to the table. When touched with a solid surface, it begins to sort out the legs, like when walking. It is necessary to ensure that the child relies on one one, then another leg.

As a rule, this procedure really like the kids and they fulfill it with joy. In order to do not get injury when holding it, it is necessary that it occurs on the solid surface of the entire feet, and not the tips of the fingers. During the procedure, he must constantly be on the weight.

5. Massage hands.

I.P. - Lying on the back. The child is lying to the masseur. The movement should be carried out from the brush to the shoulder.

To start the procedure, take a child's palm in the hand, put a thumb into it and holding it, gently squeeze it into the cam. With the other hand with soft and smooth movements to stroke the alternately inner and outer part of the hand. This procedure can be repeated 7 times on the right and on your left hand. The same type of massage can be made by clamping strokes. At the same time, it is necessary to massage the hand of the child at once from two sides, and the thumb should be on the inside of the hand, and the rest are on the external one.

6. Drawing hands.

I.P. - Lying on the back. This procedure contributes to the relaxing of the muscles of the child.

To do the exercise, it is necessary to hold your thumb into the baby's cam, and with the other fingers squeezing his hand. On both hands at the same time. After that, it is necessary to smoothly take his hands to the side and shake slightly.

If the child has muscle hypertonus, then he performs this exercise reluctantly. It should be abandoned from this exercise and carrying strokes of the child's hands.

7. Massage back.

I.P. - Lying on the stomach. The head of the child should be slightly raised, and the hands under the breast. This exercise contributes to the strengthening of the muscles of the back and the formation of the correct posture of the child, the activation of circulation and strengthen the muscles of the back. In no case should not affect the spine of the child (!).

Put strokes in the direction of the buttocks to the head you need the back side of the brush, and then the palm surface of the brush to keep your hands from the head to the buttocks. To achieve a better result, the exercise should be carried out 5 times.

In the first months of life, a child lying on his belly feels inconvenience, so when conducting a procedure with one hand, it should be kept behind his legs - between the big and index fingers of the left hand, the right foot is fixed at a level of a little higher than ankle joint, and the right leg of a child - between the index and middle. Massage is performed with the right hand. After some time, you can go to the massation with two hands.

8. Extension of the spine

I.P. - lying on the side. This exercise is designed for the unconditional reflex of the child associated with the irritation of the muscles of the back, as a result of which the work of the muscles-flexors and muscle extensors occurs. The procedure helps to strengthen the muscles of the back. It is recommended to be made 2-3 times a day.

To carry it out, it follows a large and index finger on the back of the child along the spine (right and left of the spinal column, respectively), and hold his legs with free hand. At the same time, the child reflexively bend and blends the spine. Exercise must be repeated 3 times on the right and left side.

9.New on the stomach.

I.P. - Lying on the stomach. This exercise contributes to the strengthening of the muscles of the back and neck. Therefore, it should be conducted 2-3 times a day. With it, it is necessary to take into account the unconditional reflex of the child associated with the ability to change the position of the head, lying on the stomach.

To perform the procedure, you need to put a child on the stomach so that the head is raised upwards. At the same time, his legs should be divorced to the sides, and the hands - to rely on the forearm. Exercise should be carried out within 8 seconds. If a child has no serious diseases, then gradually the time of the procedure can be increased to 15 seconds.

10. Massage abdomen.

I.P. - Lying on the back. This procedure should be carried out in combination with other types of massage, as well as separately from other exercises. It contributes not only to the development of the muscles of the abdomen, but also to improving the intestinal work, helps with constipation and meteorism.

For the procedure it is necessary to stroke the belly of the child with smooth circular motions clockwise. During the massing, it is prohibited to affect the genital organs of the child and the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium. The procedure must be repeated 5 times.

After performing circular motions, you can go to the oncoming stroke of the abdomen. This procedure should be carried out with two hands. To hold it, you need to make smooth opposite movements with your hands, so that the rear side of the fingertips of the left hand was at the bottom of the right half of the abdomen, and the palm of his right hand is in the upper part of the left half of the abdomen. Hands must alternately move up and down.

At the end of the counter-stroke of the abdomen, you should start stroking the abdominal muscles of the child. Hands should be on the sides of a little lower than the lower back. To perform this procedure, you need to smoothly move your hands towards each other. At the end of the exercise, the fingers of the masseur must be connected to a little higher than the waist of the child. The procedure should be repeated 7 times. At the end of the reception, it is necessary to return to circular strokes of the abdomen.

11. Creating, strengthening abdominal muscles.

When performing this exercise, I.P. The child remains the same as at the previous techniques of the abdomen.

the hands of a massage therapist are located under the back of the child up the palms, while the thumbs are armpits, and the remaining fingers support their heads. The child needs to be located so that its feet rest in the stomach massaging. Then you need to slowly raise the child to the vertical (sitting) position and also smoothly lower.

12.Factor crawling.

I.P.- Lying on the stomach. Hands and legs should be bent, and the head is slightly raised. Exercise is based on unconditional reflex. Conducting this procedure should be carried out with extreme caution, because, making sharp movements, the child can fall from the surface of the table and get injured. For the procedure, the knees should be made in such a way that the heels of the child are connected.

I do not release the feet of the child, you need to bring the palm under the back side of the feet so that you can simultaneously carry out thumbs at the same time. During the procedure, the child must try to blend his legs and make attempts to crawl forward. In the process of performing the exercise, the feet of the child should not be released. Otherwise, he will push his hands and will not move. This exercise is recommended 4 times.

13. Massage chest

I.P. - Lying on the back. Exercise contributes to the development of the muscles of the chest.

The procedure must be started with strokes that need to make pads of right and left hands. The left hand should move counterclockwise, right - clockwise. Each hand movement to repeat 5 times.

The next stage of the procedure is the vibration massage of the chest. To perform it, you need to put your palms on the baby's chest. So that the thumbs are in the center of the chest, and the other four are in the region of the ribs. The procedure lies in the light and rhythmic presses of the fingers on the baby's chest. Reception contributes to the development of the child's respiratory system.

All movements in the complex must be performed very gently and gently, without causing a child of unpleasant or pain

All newborn babes come to this world with bent handles and legs and tightly compressed cams. Movement of the limbs of the baby is indiscriminate. This phenomenon is completely normal and is called "physiological tone". The task of the parents is to eliminate this tone and help their crumb to comprehend the science of conscious movements. In this will help you massage.

  • medical;
  • prophylactic;
  • medical and prophylactic.

Therapeutic massage should be conducted by a specialist. It can be prescribed with the following diseases identified at the kid:

  • hypertonus or hypotone;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • congenital disclosure;
  • acquired or congenital closure;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • cNS diseases;
  • flatfoot;
  • foot deformation (X- or O-shaped).

For each disease, their special massages are applied, which, as a rule, differ in each other.

Preventive massage Recommended by all newborn, if there are no contraindications. This massage sessions are capable of improving blood circulation and appetite, normalize metabolism, bring breathing to normal. The kids with increased excitability stabilizes behavior and normalizes sleep. It turns out that massage is able to reduce the content in the body of the cortisol hormone. Cortisol - a hormone of stress, the immune defense of the body is destroyed with its elevated content. Therefore, the influence of the massage improves the child's immunity.

Since preventive massage is carried out in most cases by the parents themselves, its sessions are an additional way to contact the baby with mom or dad. Undoubtedly, it will improve the psychological state of the crumbs.

Medical and preventive massage, like therapeutic, appointed by a doctor and is conducted by specialists. It implies the massage of the whole body with particular attention to the problematic zones. This type of massage is able to normalize blood circulation, improve the work of the cardiovascular system, correct the defective state of bones and muscles, eliminate intestinal colic. It is also recommended for diseases of the respiratory organs, urogen-and-digestive systems. Therapeutic and prophylactic massage has a beneficial effect on toddler motor abilities. The child will learn faster to turn over, sit down and crawl.

Benefit / Massage Pluses

There are many receptors on our skin, which in irritation send signals the brain. This is how the work and development of the entire human nervous system is stimulated, and the massage here occupies a leading position. After all, it is on the massage session that the most nervous receptors annoy.

In case of mass generation, blood circulation is improved, and this positively affects the state of any internal organ. That is why preventive massage sessions are recommended to all children of the first year of life.

Breast kids massage replaces gymnastics. In addition, auditory and visual abilities are not yet sufficiently developed in newborns, the whole world is felt through touches. Therefore, it is the massage that develops the emotional state of the baby and the ability to perceive the world around.

Pediatricians consider massage a reliable means for the prevention of various diseases, since it depends on it the coordinated work of all organs.

We have already mentioned the beneficial effects of massage procedures on the immune system of the newborn. So, as a result of this influence, the child will be less common to "pick up" various infections and colds.

Massage sessions are useful for the digestive system, eliminating intestinal colic and constipation from the kids. They have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, helping to form the right posture and, if necessary, restore the physical form.

In what cases need a massage

Massage newborns are usually prescribed under the following diseases:

  • hypotrophy;
  • rickets;
  • hyperthonus muscles;
  • valgus and Flat Valgus Stop deformation;
  • residual reflexes of the newborn;
  • tremor of various parts of the body;
  • damage to the century;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • displays of hip joints;
  • torticollis;
  • closure, flatfoot, leg deformation;
  • scoliosis;
  • the deformation of the chest.

The massage course can also be appointed as part of bronchial asthma therapy, pneumonia, limb fractures, etc. It is also shown with an increased tone of limbs and constipation.

However, if the baby had no special testimony for massage, they can and need to do on their own at home. Naturally, observing the necessary conditions, and, after consulting the pediatrician.


  • Any type of massage will not bring any benefit if the baby has elevated body temperature. It is contraindicated in various damagers or diseases of the skin (especially a pusty nature), increased fragments of bones, diseases of the circulatory system, ORVI.
  • It is advisable to abandon massage procedures in the midst of an acute stage of any disease.
  • If there is an umbilical hernia, the massage should be conducted under sensitive observation of the doctor, since in this case it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pinching hernia.
  • Cups with heart disease, massage sessions must be controlled by a children's cardiologist.
  • It is not recommended to carry out a massage and with an increased nervousness of the baby, since such a state causes an increased muscle tone.

In any case, the course of the massage must be appointed a doctor, "self-esteem" is unacceptable.

Fundamental rules

You can start making a massage no earlier than the crumble "knocks out" 20 days from the genus. The kids under the age of 3 months can not massage the region of the spring and under the knees, the elbow fold, armpits, the inner of the hips. Also pressing and shock movements, patting, so you will only cause excessive irritation of receptors and the increased nervous infant instance.

  1. The temperature in the room must be from 18 to 23 degrees. The most important is the temperature regime in the room. Do not forget that the kid will be completely distributed completely and can freeze. No need to calm yourself by the fact that in the process of massage the body is heated. This axiom is applicable to an adult person. For crumbling, massaging movements are more stroking than power, and therefore the warming effect is almost zero. The fact that the baby is frozen, you can tell you the beginning of the ICTO and the temperature of the nose of crumbs. We read articles about the optimal temperature indicators in the room for a newborn baby, and it is useful to familiarize yourself with the article on the order procedure, namely on air baths for the child.
  2. To conduct a massage, you should prepare a changing table or any smooth surface. Covered with a thin blanket, oilcloth or diaper. The surface should be wide enough so that you can unlamine the baby freely.
  3. Place for massage is preferably equipped with everything necessary. Provide what can be useful, and ensure that these funds are found in accessible proximity. You should not be distracted and leave the crumb, even Mobile Phone Put there. It is also desirable to raise the absorbent reusable diaper, because the baby cannot control the process of urination.
  4. Special attention should be paid to your hands. Long nails are undesirable not only with massage, they are superfluous and with daily child care. The beauty of the hands and a good manicure is possible and with short nails, so they are squeezed them at the time while Kroch is in gentle age. It is also recommended to remove all decorations from hand. An extra opportunity of injury to you is completely nothing.
  5. Say to choose the right time for the procedure. You can approximately calculate when the child asks to eat and sleep. Massage is better to spend one and a half or two hours after feeding. Even with a slight discomfort from the side of the baby, the process will not give positive results.
  6. During the massage, do not silent, talk to the child. Any children's songs and speakers will be useful. Such simultaneous classes not only adjust the baby to the positive, but also develop his auditory and speaking abilities.
  7. Gradual complication of exercises and an increase in the time of massage procedures.
  8. Direction of massage movements: strictly bottom up, from the periphery to the center.
  9. Movements should be careful and do not deliver discomfort.
  10. Duration of one session 15-20 minutes.

Step-by-step technique

massage for children 1-3 months

Immediately recall that no power movements should not be newborn when performing a massage. Only light stroking movements.

  • We always start with crumbs handles. We massive each finger separately, we spawned the cams and pay attention to the palms. We smoothly go to the wrist massage and gradually rising above. Armpits do not touch.
  • We smoothly go to the legs. First massage the foot, not forgetting to pay attention to every finger. Next, we perform light massaging movements in the direction from the foot to the groin. Necessary with the knees, there should be no effect on the joints. The area under the knees do not touch at all.

Important! During the procedure of massage the handle and the legs of the newborn must be in a semi-bent state!

  • Gradually go to the tummy and stroke it from the navel clockwise. Next, we wash your hands on the midline of the tummy and begin to make sliding movements: one hand moves up, and the second down. At the same time, we try to avoid impact on the genitals.
  • The baby's chest is beginning to massage towards the sternum to the shoulders, then - from the sternum to the sides. Breasts will get around the face.
  • I turn the crumb on the stomach and carefully massive the neck. In those moments, when the baby is trying to raise or turn his head, all movements are recommended to stop.
  • Next, begin the massage of the back. Directions of the movement here are two - from the waist to the shoulders, then from the spine to the sides. The spine does not massage himself. The ass strokes in the direction from the side surface of the hips to the cochter region.
  • We lay out the crumb on the left side and gently spend your hand over the oil-star lines in the direction from the sacrum to the head. At the same time, the child should be slightly bent forward. We do not more than three movements and repeat the same in the position on the right side.
  • We put the child to the original position and massaging the head, avoiding the Rodnik region (probably, should not be explained why). Do not forget about the ears. They also pay a little time and caress.

We end the massage with stroking movements throughout the body.

Massage for children from 1 to 3 months in pictures

Laying on belly

Massage hands

Massage abdomen

Massage legs

Master all these "wisdom" is not so difficult, as it seems at the beginning. We hope with our help you will become a professional masseur for your crumbs.

Exercises for a monthly child are selected taking into account its general condition, as well as individual characteristics.

Major Massage Takes according to V. I. Vasichkin

  • Stroking - manipulation, in which a massage therapist, without shifting the skin into the fold, slides on the skin of the child with a different degree of pressure;
  • Rubbing - a reception at which the hand of a massage therapist produces shifting, stretching the tissues to be supplied;
  • The kneading is a reception in which the massiferous hand performs three stages: fixation, squeezing or compression, rolling. This technique is rarely used in children's massage, preferably by a specialist.
  • Vibration - manipulation, in which the massage therapist conveys various oscillatory movements. At one age, this is usually ashamed.


  1. Stroking hands - 8-10 times.
  2. Stroking legs - 10 times.
  3. Rubbing Stop - 10 times.
  4. Flexion and extension of the toes - 6 times.
  5. Shaking the body to the left and right - up to 8 times.
  6. Stroking belly - 6 - 8 times. This set of exercises must be carried out, starting from monthly age. Then you can add one of the following exercises every week:
  7. Stroking the back - up to 8 times.
  8. The kneading legs is 6 times.
  9. Putting the buttocks - up to 10 times.
  10. Crawling - 2-3 times.

Grauth your hands and apply a pair of oil drops on them. You can use baby oil or olive. Start the massage with a soft massaging of the feet of the feet. Soft, gently, but with confidence, drive your fingers from the heel to your fingers. Then move on the feet of the baby. Moving from the heels to the knees, upwards in stroking movements.

To begin with, place your hands on the crumbs and make gentle strokes gradually moving towards the baby. Now we spend on the handle and bring the movement to the hands of the hands. Now start circular movements to stroke the tummy's tummy. If the tummy is soft, the child just recently attempted, then listen to the actions of the child, because the tummy is very sensitive. If you notice that the baby starts to worry something go to other parts of the body.

Fingers stroke the face of crumbs from the middle of the Lobik to the temples, and then to the cheeks. If, after the whole process, the baby lies relaxed and calm, then turn it onto the tummy and the back of the back of the long movements, smoothly, from the head to stop. If you have noticed that the baby is fussing, he doesn't like something and it does not relax, do not keep making a massage, it is better to stop. Perhaps the baby is bothering something. Read more:

Massage for the child in the first month is the necessary means of regulating the work of muscles of flexors and extensors, activity of the nervous system and the overall harmonious development of a newborn baby.

On massage and hardening:

  • If the child often cut colic, then here is the instruction how to make a massage from colic;
  • In addition to massage, it is very useful to apply hardening newborn children, see the rules and ways of hardening;
  • It is important to hold classes on phytball with a child.

Video Guide: Massage Instructions

One of the most important elements of the care, ensuring the harmonious development of the child performs massage. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this procedure that deserves close attention from the very first day of the life of the kid.

How old can you make a newborn massage?

Many future parents, preparing for their main life role, look for a long list of questions regarding the growth, development and adaptation of a newborn baby.

Not the last place in this list takes information about how much the newborn massage can be done. Pediatricians allow the beginning of such manipulations already in the first month of the life of the baby. The only restriction is the period of the healing of the wound on the baby's soup, the impact on which problems with his health in the future can cause.

Mass holding around the navel needs to be carried out with high caution, exciting the skin near the umbilical ring and thereby stimulating the muscular tone of the abdomen. Such a procedure will further eliminate the baby from the danger in the form of an umbilical hernia.

What massage to make a child in 1 month?

Massage for a child 1 month is necessary to ensure the normal operation of internal organs, muscle relaxation and improvement of metabolism. Therefore, when the first massage newborn is done, then often follow a special step-by-step technique, including work with all parts of the baby's body, starting from the face and ending with the feet. Such consistent stimulation should be smooth and soft.

Unacceptable sharp and strong pressure - especially when massaging the head and face of the baby, - since its bones are still in the formation stage.

As for the technique of conducting, the massage per month newborn is, first of all, light strokes, gradually turning into weak pressure. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the first results will appear immediately in the form of porous children's skin and noticeable kid's revival.

Of course, it all depends on the target to which data is directed by manipulative actions. If the first massage for newborns is relaxing, then the result will be directly opposite to encouraging and toning effect. And the ultimate result will be a strong and healthy sleep of a child.

Massage for newborns 1 month

Laying on the stomach. The first, the easiest, but from a no less important technique, which includes a massage for a newborn 1 month, is the laid out of the baby on the tummy. This manipulation forms the correct form of the spine. At the same time, the baby automatically tries to raise and hold the head, thus developing the neck muscles and exercising them. Adult at this moment can carry out a massage for children's backs and priests. It is performed by the stroking movements of the palm moving in a circle.

When working with the buttocks, the hand moves towards the spine, massaging the back, slides from the vertebral barrel to the kid's sides.

Frequent laid out of the baby is undoubtedly important for its further development. Therefore, this technique should be practiced not only during the massage, but at any convenient case during the stay of the infants in the active condition.

Spine extension. A second no less important technique that includes a massage for newborns 1 month is the extension of the spine. It is based on a galant reflex and includes a reflex bend of a children's back in response to an external stimulation that occurs during massage.

To achieve such actions, it is necessary, fixing the child in the side position, spend along its spinal column, pre-retreating from the middle of the body to the side of one centimeter. Such a movement causes the kid's response in the form of bending the back of the arc.

The main point - the execution of this exercise should not cause discomfort and negative emotions in the child.

Massage tummy. Massage for newborns 1-3 months must necessarily include the stimulation of a baby tummy. During this period, the most common illness in the life of the baby becomes problems:

  • with gastrointestinal tract;
  • including colic;
  • bloating;
  • constipation.

All these problems are associated with the formation of the digestive system and the adaptation of the body to new sources of nutrients.

The following procedure comes to the rescue: the child is placed on the back on a flat surface, and its legs, slightly pressing to the tummy, bend and extension several times.

Then the children's tummy is stimulated by smooth strokes of the hands moving in a circle, repeating the movement of the clock arrow.

It is advisable to finish the exercise, it is advisable to stimulate the entire intestine, starting from the hypathrod, moving towards the navel and rising again to the stomach.

Massage with hypertonus in newborns

The most common anomaly of the development of a newborn baby is the muscle hypertonus. Its main signs are the restless behavior of the child, the habit of throwing the head and bent when they are crying, the limbs reduced together.

The most effective way to relax muscles is a massage with hypertonus. In order to get a quick visible effect of stimulation of this type, you must carefully comply with the technique of its holding.

How to make a massage newborn with a tone? Before you start directly the massage itself for newborns from the tone of the muscles, it is necessary to carry out a certain preparatory work.

The first stage is the creation of a comfortable atmosphere. The room must be pre-conducted, and the air temperature in it is adjusted to the optimal value - from 21 to 24 degrees. In the absence of a changing table, you can use a regular table, covered with a clean baby diaper.

The second stage is the choice of suitable time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, but the universal rules prohibit the massage immediately after feeding and waking up. Specialists advise to take this procedure a few minutes before night bed.

The third stage is the study of the technique, according to which the massage of the newborn is carried out with hypertonus. General practice provides for the following recommendations: movements light and directed along the blood vessels. For legs, it is the path from the stop in the direction of the groin area, and for the hands - from the palms to the shoulder belt.

You should start with the upper extremities, walking up with smooth massaging movements up each kid handle separately, after which you can safely massage the children's fingers.

Then there is a relaxing massage of the legs, covering the foot, shin and hips. Touch soft, tender and careful. The kid should not feel pain and discomfort. Hips on the reverse side, the groin area and knees are not stimulated.

Massage extension is continuing and flexing the legs in the knees and the hip joint.

The above step-by-step instruction is a partially relaxing massage with an increased tone in newborns. But there are also generally relaxing approaches affecting the entire organism. To implement them, you should put a child on a solid smooth surface, put your arms for the back and, holding the head, rock the baby in different directions. Such a sequence of actions must be repeated 10-15 times.

When is it better to make a massage newborn? In order to find out what time the massage of the newborn is, first of all, it is necessary to determine its purpose. If it is relaxing and is carried out in order to remove the voltage, the most optimal option will be time after bathing and before placing the baby. In this case, the procedure will not only calm down, but also provide a strong healthy sleep.

For the total toning effect, the first half of the day is suitable - with eight in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon. It should be remembered that the feeding of the child is in no way combined with the external stimulation of its body, which occurs during massage. The child takes time to relax and calmly digest food. Therefore, after feeding, it is advisable to make a clock break and then start exercises with a calm rested chad.

How many times a day to make a massage newborn?

How many times do the massage of the newborn? As a rule, at first, experts insist that such events should not be held more than once a day. Massage of children in 1.5 months can be increased to two approaches per day. Also, the number of impacts may vary depending on individual needs, if there are personal recommendations of the specialist.

Another important point: Many dads and moms, convinced that the amount is capable of replacing the quality, make a massage newborns two or more times a day. This is a mistake, since only proper compliance with technique and attentive caring attitude can lead to rapid success.

Thus, if the full harmonious development of the baby is a priority for his parents, then it is necessary to make a massage newborn. It is at this stage that the foundations of a child's well-being are laid, which depends on the timely and proper care for it.

It took quite a bit of time since you first saw your child after his appearance. The main activity is now - food and sleep, only a small gap Baby wakes. The child does not know how to own his body, all movements are chaotic and random, the newborn also has no skill to keep the head in a vertical position. Hands and legs are tightly pressed against the body, while they are bent in the joints, and the palms are in the closed position (compressed in the cam). Such a pose is the result of muscle hypertonus, characteristic of all newborn crumbs.

How soon the kid will learn to control his movements? It will depend on it, and from you. E. Komarovsky claims that the daily massage for newborns will help remove the hypertonus, and elementary gymnastic exercises will strengthen muscles and joints.

The newborn baby muscles are intense, it cannot fully relax. Massage removes hypertonus and stimulates the development of motor skills when you can start a massage?

Often parents ask pediatricians a question - from what age can you start massage a newborn? Professional massage in the clinic is carried out no earlier than in 2-3 months, of course, in the absence of contraindications. Massage a newborn independently at home can already from age 3 weeks or when heals the navel.

The main task of massage is the relaxation of clamped hands and legs. It is possible to straighten the palms and the feet using congenital reflexes. Try to spend your hand along the spine, and you will see how the kid is strifted by the arc. Raising the crumb and giving the opportunity to touch the feet of the support, you will see - the child will begin to make "chambers". Putting a child on the stomach and allowing the foot with the legs, you will notice how it repels and makes trying to crawl. Such congenital reflexes are preserved only to 3-4 months and you can use them as exercises for a newborn massage.

It is difficult to definitely say when it is better to carry out a newborn baby massage. Any physical activity, including massage, is recommended to be carried out in the first half of the day. The load caused by the exercises often causes the desire to sleep, but there are those who begin to show activity.

The outcome of physical exercises is difficult to predict, so it is not recommended to carry out it immediately before bedtime, especially if you notice that the baby sleeps badly at night. Conducting a massage Newborn Komarovsky advises to transfer to the time before the evening bathing.

Preparation for massage

While crumbling from 0 to 3 months, the following areas should be eliminated from the massage: under the knees, in the elbow, spring, the inner part of the hips and armpits. Relaxing massage The baby should be made by smooth movements and is categorically contraindicated with a strongly pressing or hit by the body of a monthly baby - such sharp movements can cause excessive irritation of receptors and increase the nervous excitement of the child.

The main rules do not need to smear with cream or butter in the process of massage, but if the skin's skin is dry, it makes sense to moisten it with baby oil

Store the following rules for the organization of massage:

  1. Komarovsky recommends maintaining a temperature in the room, equal to 18-22 degrees.
  2. For the massage procedure, you will need a changing table or any other smooth solid surface. Top put a thick diaper, a thin blanket and a loaf. Choosing the surface, take into account its width - you should be comfortable to turn the baby.
  3. Take care in advance about the exercise venue. Everything that can come in handy during the massage must be nearby, so that you will not be left from the baby. Mobile phone, too, put on next. Use a disposable diaper to protect the table from involuntary urins.
  4. Prepare yourself: Wash and dry your hands, remove all the decorations, briefly cut your nails. Use baby oil if the hands are too dry, or talc if the hands are too wet.
  5. Conduct physical exercises to the breast child follows half an hour to eat or 45 minutes after it.
  6. Accompany massage with songs, poems or sweetes. Such voicing will create a positive atmosphere and will help develop hearing and future speech.
  7. Complicate exercises and increase the duration of classes need gradually.
  8. Perform all movements you need from the edges and move to the center.
  9. Perform movements carefully not to cause the child harm and discomfort.
  10. Charging duration - about 15 minutes. If the child is tired or expresses discontent, an incomplete complex of exercises should be carried out, and only its part (1 or 2 exercises). At the same time, take into account the sequence of classes proposed below.

Do not forget!

Conducting gymnastics with a newborn baby up to 3 months, try to communicate more with it and cause a response positive reaction. During classes more often lay out the karapuza on the tummy. Combine physical exercises with regular water procedures, swimming, and also do not forget to make the lungs of the stroking movements of the whole body of the baby. Pay special attention to congenital reflexes and how they stimulate the movements and the work of the extensive muscles.


Massage contraindicated:

  • With increasing temperature, it is impossible to make any type of massage. It is also prohibited in the diseases of the skin (especially for purulent forms), fragile bones, diseases of the circulatory system and ORVI.
  • The disease in the aggravation stage also implies a refusal to massage procedures.
  • If the crumbs revealed an umbilical hernia, then the massage should be carried out only by a doctor or under its sensitive supervision due to the danger of pinching hernia (bubble hernia in newborns).
  • Similarly, the situation is with kids with heart disease. Massage in this case is strictly under the supervision of the cardiologist.
  • Increased nervousness of baby does not allow making massage procedures, as the muscle tone can be increased.

Conducting massage actions to agree with the attending physician. Do not self-medicate. The physical activity must be reasonable and timely, otherwise it can lead to negative and severe consequences.

Complex exercise

The exercise complex includes smooth stroking movements that are aimed at reducing muscle hypertonus, and exercises based on congenital reflexes. Do not necessarily perform the whole complex. It is possible to split it into pieces and spend the child's waking hours. Basic techniques:

  • stroking - easy or slightly pressed motion on the skin of the child, not forming skin folds;
  • rubbing - stretching and shift of the skin of the baby;
  • melting - the action is performed in three stages: fixation, squeezing (compression) and rolling (in the home massage this reception is not recommended);
  • vibration - oscillatory movements, transmitted by the child with a massage therapist (at the very initial stage (in 1 month) - these are light patches).

Stroking not only is very nice to the baby, but also useful for its development - it gently enhances blood circulation and stimulates the work of the muscling complex on the back

  • Massage hands. Source position (IP) - on the back. Lock the left hand of the baby, putting the right finger of the right hand into it. Stroke your hand from the bottom-up from all sides. Exercise make 10 times. Hands change and repeat.
  • Foot massage. IP - on the back. Lock the right foot of the child in his right hand, the other hand at the same time strokes the leg from the bottom-up. Do the exercise first on the back surface of the hip and lower legs, and then on the front. Make 10 times. Change your feet and arms, perform the massage of the left leg.
  • Massage Stop. IP - on the back. Right hand Take the toddler's legs in the lower leg. Produce rubbing the backward movement of the left hand to the stop of crumbs from the fingers to the heel and in the opposite direction. Make 10 times.
  • Reflex exercise for stop. IP - on the back. Push the pad of the index finger to the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot under the fingers. Pressing the squeezing of the foot. Spend similar presses throughout the entire outside of the foot, moving from the fingers to the heel. Pressing in this area opposite will cause the reflex "disclosure" of the foot. Make 5 times.
  • Exercise for the body. IP - on the back. Lift the child with two hands, trying not to squeeze the ribs, and smoothly swing from the side to the side. Make 8 times.
  • Massage of the abdomen (belly massage with newborn during colic). IP - on the back. Make synchronous movements with the right and left hand, stroking the tummy from top to bottom. Make 8 times.
  • Breast massage. IP - on the back. Grasp the child behind the chest palms and fingers. Move with smooth movements from the center to the edges of the intercostal gaps, making a small push with thumbs. Make 8 times.
  • Reflex exercise for spine. SP - on the side. Swipe with a slight pressure with two fingers along the spine, moving up-up. Such an action will help to bring the spine. Make 2-4 times on each side.

In the footsteps there is a huge number of acupuncture points, the impact on which has a beneficial effect on the work of the internal organist complex on the abdomen

  • Back massage. IP - on the stomach. Simultaneous stroking movements from above-down palms, and from the bottom-up - the back side. Make 8 times.
  • Foot massage. IP - on the stomach. Take the left foot of the child into the right hand, and the free hand knead the rear and side surface of the hip and the legs. Make 6 times. Change your leg, repeat.
  • Massage buttocks. IP - on the stomach. Easily cover the toddler's buttocks to the back of the fingers. Make 12 times.
  • Reflex crawl. IP - on the stomach. Bend the baby's legs in the knees and substitute your palm under the foot. Some pushing the feet a bit so that the child can pumped up and try to move forward. Make 4 times.

To see how to make massage movements correctly, you can using video tutorials. Experienced doctors will show the correct execution of each exercise.

Each newborn baby has an elevated muscle tone with a careful inspection. This is especially true of premature babies, as well as those who have received severe generic injury. With a favorable development of events, the physiological tone disappears approximately 3 months.

To ensure that the child can successfully develop new skills and improve them in the future, loving and caring parents should help him. If the crumbs do not have congenital diseases, the correct massage for a fairly short time will eliminate the increased tone of the muscles and will allow it to be fully and comprehensively developed.

What is useful for baby massage in 1 month?

Under the influence of massage sessions, which makes his mother's newborn child at the age of about 1 month, the following happens:

  • blood circulation normalizes;
  • improving appetite;
  • stabilizes behavior;
  • immunity crumbs strengthened;
  • psycho-emotional contact of the child with mom is being established;
  • constipation, diarrhea and intestinal colic are eliminated;
  • the correct posture is formed.

In what cases can not do massage to the baby in 1 month?

For massage at home there are certain contraindications, namely:

  • acute stage of any disease;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • runting lesions of the skin;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • increased bone fragility.

In all cases, before conducting a massage, such a small child should be consulted with a doctor.

How to make a massage to a child in 1 month?

During the massage session, be calm and constantly talk with a baby quiet and soft voice. To achieve the highest possible effect, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Start with the handles. Mass each finger separately, unzip the cams and intersect the inner surface of the palm. Make soft stroking movements and gradually rise above, but do not touch the armpits.
  2. Shower your child in the "Embryo" position. One hand sticks the palms and feet, and the other - press the head of the crumbs to the chest.
  3. Make the knee stroking massage.
  4. Slightly massage the feet of your son or daughter and "draw a few times" on them eight.
  5. The next stage is a massage of the tummy. First, I am first with sides, and then drive a palm clockwise.
  6. Several times spend around the navel bent finger.
  7. Bend the legs of the baby in the knees, slightly press to the stomach and spread to the sides. Repeat this movement 5-6 times.
  8. Put the crumb on the stomach and intend his back from the neck to the ass, and then - from the spine to the sides.

Massage for newborns at home is carried out only after the pediatrician inspection, if necessary, a narrow specialist - a neuropathologist and orthop. The doctor must determine the condition of the muscles of the kid and its general development. With serious neurological, orthopedic violations Massage should only do a professional.

Therapeutic or correctional massage is prescribed if the baby has any violations in psychomotor, neurological development. Often deviations from the norm are in premature, male children, with congenital pathologies. Read more about what a child should be able to read from 1 month to a year in a number of our articles. If the crumbs are all in order and it develops according to age standards (although the concept of the norm may also be conditional), it is possible to carry out a wellness, a common massage independently.

About the benefits of the procedure

Why is it useful to make a massage?

  • Tactile contact. Careful touch, warm hands are the "food", in which a breast child needs.
  • Relaxing the nervous system. In infancy at a light massage with strokes, children often fall asleep, calm down, cease to cry.
  • Normalization of muscle tone. With the help of massage, you can relax too tense muscles and, on the contrary, lead to the tone too relaxed. It is important that the muscle condition is determined by the children's specialist - a neurologist, orthopedist, a massage therapist.
  • Normalization of the digestive organs. In the first months of life, many kids suffer from digestion disorders. Spasms, bloating, colic helps to eliminate abdominal massage.

A common massage for infants may learn to make every mom. To do this, it is best to watch video materials and listen to the recommendations of professional children's masseurs. We emphasize once again: therapeutic massage is carried out only by specialists, because it requires impeccable knowledge of anatomy, strict testimony and contraindications, experience with small patients.

Conditions for conducting

  • Rate the condition of the baby. Breasts should be healthy, in a good spirit. The older baby, the greater the emotional inclusion in the process. A child can be distracted on those present, so it is better to carry out a procedure alone with a crumb. If during the massage the child starts crying and worrying, you need to interrupt the procedure. Massage for kids is not recommended immediately after eating, as well as when the child is hungry. The best time is one hour after feeding, in front of the evening bathing, but not on the eve of night sleep.
  • Take into account increased sensitivity of infants. The skin of the infants gentle and supersensitive, so all massage movements are carried out carefully and in gentle mode. There are children with hypersensitive skin, which react poorly to massage and cry all the time. Such kids can only stroke. If there is no testimony to the massage, do not recommend it. Also contraindication to massage can be atopic, diaper dermatitis, various rashes on the skin. At least rubbing and kneading cannot be carried out.
  • Rate your own emotional state. Adult, who makes a child massage, should be in a balanced, calm condition. This may be not only mom, but also dad. Child needs tactile contact with both parents. It is also important during the procedure affectionately to talk with the baby.
  • Massage hand hands. It is necessary to remove the decorations from the fingers and wrists, cut the nails. Hands should be warm and soft, you can lubricate them with baby cream or oil before the procedure. Massage begins with a soft touch, while all the time contact with baby body is supported. Any sharp movement can scare crumb.
  • Session duration. Depends on the age and condition of the crumbs. Massage to the child in the first 2 months recommended to do about 3 minutes. Then the session time gradually increases. After half a year, massage can be done about 10 minutes.
  • Comfortable air temperature. For the massage of the baby undress (definitely remove the diaper). Breast-age children are quickly transferred and overheated, since they do not have the thermoregulation system. You need to check the air temperature in the room, and also make sure there are no drafts.
  • Location. The surface on which the baby lies, should be cozy, smooth and sufficiently solid. A changing table is well suitable for this procedure.

Massage techniques

  • Stroking. The easiest massage movements. Best suitable newborn and infants. Usually, any healing and wellness massage in the baby begins and ends with these movements. Feet and hands stroke the clamping movements.
  • Trituration. Follows after stroking. Movements are denser, well relax muscles, improve blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on the development of bundles and tendons. There are several types of rubbing: sawing movies by the edge of the palms; Round-shaped for legs and hands, pillows of fingers, in parallel and spirals. The trituration limbs are performed in the distance from the bottom: from wrist to shoulder, from foot to the thigh.
  • Melting. Works on deeper tissues, improves lymphotok. Performed with nipper movements of fingers. With the help of kneading, buttocks, legs, longitudinal back muscles are also worked out. It must be remembered that it is impossible to affect the spine. Breasts use the most delicate view of the kneading - felting, when the muscles are sorted by two hands - compress and move. Folding use for kneading legs and hands.
  • Vibration. Kids can make shaking that are used for massage limbs. Also, during a breast massage, a variety of vibration is used - shoe. For this, the baby's chest is wrapped with palms so that four fingers are located below, and the big fingers were on top. In this position, light shakes are performed. It should be remembered that large vibrations soothe the nervous system, and small, on the contrary, excite. Also vibrations contribute to improving metabolism.

It is possible to be extremely careful when performing a massage around the joints (ankle, hip, rascal). If the baby pushes, resists during the massage, you need to stop the procedure for a while. It is impossible to suppress the movement of the child, create a strong resistance, as it can lead to displacement, a joint injury or tendon. Best of all, if the main techniques show a professional massage therapist and indicate on those zones that require the most gentle massage.

Massage for months

Some experts believe that massage can only be done after 2 months. Others adhere to the opinions that gentle strokes are simply needed by croching from the first days of life.


How to make a massage newborn? The main massage reception at this age is stroking. Around 3 weeks of life, the baby can disturb colic, so the abdomen massage is most often done in the form of light circular movements. By this time, the umbilical wound may not be late, so it should be extremely careful when holding a massage on the stomach. Massage movements are held clockwise. You can iron the back of the palm. It is important when the abdominal massage does not affect and not press the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium - the liver. The massage of the child in 3 weeks is made with one hand, the other at this time you need to carefully hold the body of the kid. Massage a child in 1 month, as well as newborn, is performed with extreme caution. At this age, stroking remains the main and safest massage reception.

In 2 months

Massage for infants for 2 months includes all those procedures that have been performed earlier, but you can also make new types of movements. Often, the kids of this age are preserved Hyperthonus, so massage movements are aimed at relaxing muscles.

  • Chest. It is performed with circular strokes clockwise, the shave is also applied.
  • Hands. A strokes of one palm or covering strokes with two palms are used.
  • Shake hands. To perform this movement, you need to take a baby by hands, divorce them to the sides and shake slightly.
  • Legs. A strokes of one palm or covering strokes with two palms are used.
  • Back. Masseurs warn: You can never massage the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine in infants. The child of this age is suitable such a gentle technique as stroking. The baby is in the stomach position. One hand must be put on the buttocks and do not tear it off, and the other slowly drive from the nape down to the buttocks and back. You need to perform 5-10 such movements. You can also stroke from the buttocks to the head of the back of the palm, and from the head to the priest - the inside. According to the observations of the masseurs of kids, the back massage is most soothing, children cease to cry and often fall asleep during the procedure.

In 3 months

Massage a child in 3 months can be diversified with new technicians. The strokes are joined by more rubbing and shaking.

  • Palms and feet. In addition to the hands and legs, you can massage the palms and feet, as well as fingers on your hands and legs. It is known that there are many biologically active points in these places that have a beneficial effect on the development of the body as a whole.
  • Stomach. It is carried out by the same scheme as in previous months. Made for the prevention of the umbilical hernia. Gaziki at this age babe worried less.
  • Back. You can start with strokes with the back side of the palms in the bottom upward, then in the opposite side of the palms. You can rub back on the sides along the spine.
  • Reflex flexion and spinal extension. To perform this technique, the child needs to lay the side and stroke the back along the spine, holding the baby behind the legs. The kid reflectively will bend and blend. These movements well strengthen the back muscles. Then the infants turn over the other side and repeat massage movements.
  • Chest. Breast massage for 3 month old child is complicated by new elements. It is possible to iron the breast from the center to the parties, diagonally from the chest to the shoulder, from the clavicle to the lower chest department alternately in each direction.

In 4 months

The massage of the child in 4 months already includes such techniques as pinching, harvesting, felting.

  • Legs. It begins with strokes, then the felting technique is performed with careful muscle displacement clockwise. Then large and index fingers are performed with nipper movements. Also, after rubbing, you can make a fit of the index finger on the foot. Massage ends with gentle strokes.
  • Hands. It also begins stroking, then goes into ring-shaped rubbing from the brush to the shoulder. After that, you can make shaking and finish the procedure with soft strokes.
  • Back. In addition to vertical strokes and rubbing along the spine, can be carried out transverse massage movements. At this age, you can apply the admission of lung plugging by large and index fingers, moving towards the buttocks to the nape. You can slightly lift the baby behind your feet with one hand, and the other tightly stroke the body from the nape to the stop and then in the opposite direction.
  • Stomach. It is done on the same principle as in the first months of life. During the massage, the area from the diaphragm to the pubis is captured. You need to perform circular movements in the direction from top to bottom. You can iron one palm or alternately two. You can also try to massage the area around the navel with a large finger in a circle, increasing its diameter. It is also recommended to lift the baby's legs with one hand, so that the belly is a little fed.
  • Chest. It is done on the same principle as before, with the technique of shocking.

In 5 months

The massage of the child in 5 months in the complex with gymnastics stimulates motor activity, strengthens the muscular system, improves blood supply. At this age, all previous massage techniques are repeated, the procedure can last for a few minutes longer.

  • Arms and legs. As usual, it begins and ends with strokes. You can actively apply the rubbing of the pillows of the fingers along the spiral or straightly, as well as the ring-shaped, capturing both palms with hand or leg. Massage is done intensively, but without a strong push. Also at this age are allowed nipple massage movements. Flawing is performed by both hands: one palm places under the shin or forearm, and the other is top.
  • Stomach. Rubbing of oblique and straight muscles of the abdomen on the spirals are added. You can apply the sawing technique and pinching muscles around the navel.
  • Spin and buttocks. Actively applies the nipple-shaped kneading muscles of the back and buttocks. The technique is performed with three fingers - large, index and middle, and the index and average should be located in parallel and large. Baby's skin shift should be energetic, but careful, pass from the wax to the neck. Buttocks can be kneaded on a spiral or in a circle. On the buttocks you can use the techniques of the tender and sawing. It is important to know that the tendering cannot be used in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and kidneys.

At 6 months

Massage to a child in 6 months can begin with a chest, hands or, on the contrary, legs. Masseurs say that it is not so important which area begins massage at this age. It is important that the Kroch was in the mood and enjoy communication with a close person so that the massage was not perceived by the painful procedure.

  • Feet. At this age, the foot massage is perceived with pleasure. Masseling is needed towards the heel to the fingers. Movements can be straight or spiralized, performed by thumb. Separately, you can massage each finger. Masseurs open a little secret: to improve digestion, it is necessary to massage the right foot towards the center to the edge, and the left - from the edge of the foot to the center.
  • Palm. This technique is shown to everyone without exception to the kids. Helps relieve tension in the whole body, and also contributes to the development of shallow motility. Masseling need the inner and the back of the palm from the base to the fingertips. You can also massage every finger.
  • Screw technique. Applied during foot and hand massage. It looks like a delicate skin rotation along the entire length of the arms or legs, necessarily alternates stroking.
  • Vibration techniques. Fingering is joined to shaking and shook, which increases muscle tone. By this age, the physiological hyperton is already passed, so the tenderness will not harm. But if for some reason, a half-year-old kid remains hypertonus, a specialist consultation and professional correctional massage are needed. Poaming is performed by the back of the brush, the fingers should be placed. Technique is carried out rhythmic, but gently. Pooling can be vertical, horizontal, spiral, zigzag.

Features of the procedure after half a year

From half a year before the year, massage procedures may be more complicated by the fact that the crumb will become a real fidget. Children of this age strive to actively learn the world, try to rise, sit down, crawl, get up, master the motorcy as far as development. Passively lie and relax during massage it is difficult for them. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct gymnastics with massage for babies to take an active part in the process. You can also use rhythmic music, fun. Emotional contact, verbal communication with the kid during massage and gymnastics during this period are especially important. After half a year, all these types of stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibrations can be applied. About gymnastics for infants Read more read in another article.

The newborn massage must be performed only with the help of stroking techniques. From 2 months you can use rubbing, kneading. After 4 months, vibration techniques are allowed in the form of light-tendering. It is important that the movements are confident, rhythmic, but at the same time soft and careful. It is even more important that the baby is configured to the procedure and receive pleasure from it.


All newborn babes come to this world with bent handles and legs and tightly compressed cams. Movement of the limbs of the baby is indiscriminate. This phenomenon is completely normal and is called "physiological tone". The task of the parents is to eliminate this tone and help their crumb to comprehend the science of conscious movements. In this will help you massage.

Types of massage

Depending on the purpose pursued, the massage is divided into the following types:

  • medical;
  • prophylactic;
  • medical and prophylactic.

Therapeutic massage should be conducted by a specialist. It can be prescribed with the following diseases identified at the kid:

  • hypertonus or hypotone;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • congenital disclosure;
  • acquired or congenital closure;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • cNS diseases;
  • flatfoot;
  • foot deformation (X- or O-shaped).

For each disease, their special massages are applied, which, as a rule, differ in each other.

Preventive massage Recommended by all newborn, if there are no contraindications. This massage sessions are capable of improving blood circulation and appetite, normalize metabolism, bring breathing to normal. The kids with increased excitability stabilizes behavior and normalizes sleep. It turns out that massage is able to reduce the content in the body of the cortisol hormone. Cortisol - a hormone of stress, the immune defense of the body is destroyed with its elevated content. Therefore, the influence of the massage improves the child's immunity.

Since preventive massage is carried out in most cases by the parents themselves, its sessions are an additional way to contact the baby with mom or dad. Undoubtedly, it will improve the psychological state of the crumbs.

Medical and preventive massage , like therapeutic, appointed by a doctor and is conducted by specialists. It implies the massage of the whole body with particular attention to the problematic zones. This type of massage is able to normalize the ending, improve the work of the cardiovascular system, correct the defective state of the bones and muscles, eliminate intestinal colic. It is also recommended for diseases of the respiratory organs, urogen-and-digestive systems. Therapeutic and prophylactic massage has a beneficial effect on toddler motor abilities. The child will learn faster to turn over, sit down and crawl.

Benefit / Massage Pluses

There are many receptors on our skin, which in irritation send signals the brain. This is how the work and development of the entire human nervous system is stimulated, and the massage here occupies a leading position. After all, it is on the massage session that the most nervous receptors annoy.

In case of mass generation, blood circulation is improved, and this positively affects the state of any internal organ. That is why preventive massage sessions are recommended to all children of the first year of life.

Breast kids massage replaces gymnastics. In addition, auditory and visual abilities are not yet sufficiently developed in newborns, the whole world is felt through touches. Therefore, it is the massage that develops the emotional state of the baby and the ability to perceive the world around.

Pediatricians consider massage a reliable means for the prevention of various diseases, since it depends on it the coordinated work of all organs.

We have already mentioned the beneficial effects of massage procedures on the immune system of the newborn. So, as a result of this influence, the child will be less common to "pick up" various infections and colds.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

Massage sessions are useful for the digestive system, eliminating intestinal colic and constipation from the kids. They have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, helping to form the right posture and, if necessary, restore the physical form.

In what cases need a massage

Massage newborns are usually prescribed under the following diseases:

  • hypotrophy;
  • valgus and Flat Valgus Stop deformation;
  • tremor of various parts of the body;
  • damage to the century;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • displays of hip joints;
  • closure, flatfoot, leg deformation;
  • scoliosis;
  • the deformation of the chest.

The massage course can also be appointed as part of bronchial asthma therapy, pneumonia, limb fractures, etc. It is also shown with an increased tone of limbs and constipation.

However, if the baby had no special testimony for massage, they can and need to do on their own at home. Naturally, observing the necessary conditions, and previously consulting with the pediatrician.


  • Any type of massage will not bring any benefit if the baby has elevated body temperature. It is contraindicated in various damagers or diseases of the skin (especially a pusty nature), increased fragments of bones, diseases of the circulatory system, ORVI.
  • It is advisable to abandon massage procedures in the midst of an acute stage of any disease.
  • If there is an umbilical hernia, the massage should be conducted under sensitive observation of the doctor, since in this case it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pinching hernia.
  • Cups with heart disease, massage sessions must be controlled by a children's cardiologist.
  • It is not recommended to carry out a massage and with an increased nervousness of the baby, since such a state causes an increased muscle tone.

In any case, the course of the massage must be appointed a doctor, "self-esteem" is unacceptable.

Fundamental rules

You can start making a massage no earlier than the crumble "knocks out" 20 days from the genus. The kids under the age of 3 months can not massage the region of the spring and under the knees, the elbow fold, armpits, the inner of the hips. Also pressing and shock movements, patting, so you will only cause excessive irritation of receptors and the increased nervous infant instance.

  1. The temperature in the room must be from 18 to 23 degrees. The most important is the temperature regime in the room. Do not forget that the kid will be completely distributed completely and can freeze. No need to calm yourself by the fact that in the process of massage the body is heated. This axiom is applicable to an adult person. For crumbling, massaging movements are more stroking than power, and therefore the warming effect is almost zero. The fact that the baby is frozen, you can tell you the beginning of the ICTO and the temperature of the nose of crumbs. We read articles about, and useful to familiarize yourself with the article on the order procedure, namely.
  2. To conduct a massage, you should prepare a changing table or any smooth surface. Covered with a thin blanket, oilcloth or diaper. The surface should be wide enough so that you can unlamine the baby freely.
  3. Place for massage is preferably equipped with everything necessary. Provide what can be useful, and ensure that these funds are found in accessible proximity. You should not be distracted and leave the crumb, even Mobile Phone Put there. It is also desirable to raise the absorbent reusable diaper, because the baby cannot control the process of urination.
  4. Special attention should be paid to your hands. Long nails are undesirable not only with massage, they are superfluous and. The beauty of the hands and a good manicure is possible and with short nails, so they are squeezed them at the time while Kroch is in gentle age. It is also recommended to remove all decorations from hand. An extra opportunity of injury to you is completely nothing.
  5. Say to choose the right time for the procedure. You can approximately calculate when the child asks to eat and sleep. Massage is better to spend one and a half or two hours after feeding. Even with a slight discomfort from the side of the baby, the process will not give positive results.
  6. During the massage, do not silent, talk to the child. Any children's songs and speakers will be useful. Such simultaneous classes not only adjust the baby to the positive, but also develop his auditory and speaking abilities.
  7. Gradual complication of exercises and an increase in the time of massage procedures.
  8. Direction of massage movements: strictly bottom up, from the periphery to the center.
  9. Movements should be careful and do not deliver discomfort.
  10. Duration of one session 15-20 minutes.

Step-by-step technique

Immediately recall that no power movements should not be newborn when performing a massage. Only light stroking movements.

  • We always start with crumbs handles. We massive each finger separately, we spawned the cams and pay attention to the palms. We smoothly go to the wrist massage and gradually rising above. Armpits do not touch.
  • We smoothly go to the legs. First massage the foot, not forgetting to pay attention to every finger. Next, we perform light massaging movements in the direction from the foot to the groin. Necessary with the knees, there should be no effect on the joints. The area under the knees do not touch at all.

Important! During the procedure of massage the handle and the legs of the newborn must be in a semi-bent state!

  • Gradually go to the tummy and stroke it from the navel clockwise. Next, we wash your hands on the midline of the tummy and begin to make sliding movements: one hand moves up, and the second down. At the same time, we try to avoid impact on the genitals.
  • The baby's chest is beginning to massage towards the sternum to the shoulders, then - from the sternum to the sides. Breasts will get around the face.
  • I turn the crumb on the stomach and carefully massive the neck. In those moments, when the baby is trying to raise or turn his head, all movements are recommended to stop.
  • Next, begin the massage of the back. Directions of the movement here are two - from the waist to the shoulders, then from the spine to the sides. The spine does not massage himself. The ass strokes in the direction from the side surface of the hips to the cochter region.
  • We lay out the crumb on the left side and gently spend your hand over the oil-star lines in the direction from the sacrum to the head. At the same time, the child should be slightly bent forward. We do not more than three movements and repeat the same in the position on the right side.
  • We put the child to the original position and massaging the head, avoiding the Rodnik region (probably, should not be explained why). Do not forget about the ears. They also pay a little time and caress.

We end the massage with stroking movements throughout the body.

Massage for children from 1 to 3 months in pictures

Master all these "wisdom" is not so difficult, as it seems at the beginning. We hope with our help you will become a professional masseur for your crumbs.

Exercises for a monthly child are selected taking into account its general condition, as well as individual characteristics.

Major Massage Takes according to V. I. Vasichkin

  • Stroke - manipulation, in which a massage therapist, without shifting the skin into the fold, slides on the skin of the child with a different degree of pressure;
  • Trituration - reception at which the hand of the massage therapist produces shifting, stretching the tissues to be supplied;
  • Sensing - Reception in which the massiferous hand performs three stages: fixation, squeezing or compression, rolling. This technique is rarely used in children's massage, preferably by a specialist.
  • Vibration- Manipulation, at which the massage therapist conveys various oscillatory movements to the child. At one age, this is usually ashamed.


Fingers stroke the face of crumbs from the middle of the Lobik to the temples, and then to the cheeks. If, after the whole process, the baby lies relaxed and calm, then turn it onto the tummy and the back of the back of the long movements, smoothly, from the head to stop. If you have noticed that the baby is fussing, he doesn't like something and it does not relax, do not keep making a massage, it is better to stop. Perhaps the baby is bothering something.

Massage for the child in the first month is the necessary means of regulating the work of muscles of flexors and extensors, activity of the nervous system and the overall harmonious development of a newborn baby.

Mama on a notic!

Girls hello! Today I will tell you how I managed to come into shape, lose weight by 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of complete people. I hope the information will be useful for you!

Child massage from the first days

Massage value for infants

Everyone knows that after the birth of the bodies and systems of the kid still need growth and development. This is especially true of the brain and the central nervous system. It is proved that the conducting pathways of the skin analyzer ripen earlier and the auditory, and by the time the appearance of the light is fully developed.

Since from the first week after birth, the child is most susceptible to exposure through the skin, we can stimulate the development of all organs and kid systems, and largely the central nervous system.

The newborn baby, as a rule, is observed physiological hypertonus - the handles and legs bent, the cams are compressed, the movements are messy, chaotic. Our task is to help the crumb to balance the tone of the muscles, quickly begin to make meaningful movements, on time to go through all the stages of development.

First of all, you need to choose a place for child massage. It should be a solid, wide enough surface. The perfect option is a changing table. Ship it with a bike blanket, put the oilcloth on top and any clean or disposable diaper. The room should be well ventilated. The optimal temperature in the room is 18-22c.

Your hands should be clean, warm, with briefly marked nails. Clock, rings and other decorations need to be removed. The time of classes (morning, day or evening) is selected individually for each child. The basic condition - the baby should sleep, because if he wants to sleep, harm harm is successful.

It is not forbidden to feed the baby if he did not fall asleep. Wait 10-15 minutes. Let the kid break up the air, a little rest after meals, and can safely begin to massage. Nothing terrible if the child is a little after that he swallows - after massage you feed it yet.

For child massage It is recommended to use baby oil. Lubricate them your hands, just not very plentiful. During the class, turn on the music, or please yourself, or just talk to the child during the massage. Learn various merry rhymes, comment on their actions. The baby will follow the movement of your lips and remember everything, and when it starts to go, utter the first sounds, it will be very useful for him.

Prerequisite for good lesson - your great mood! After all, the child persistently reacts to the inner state of the mother. You must be sure that massage for an infant It is very useful - then the crouch will be perceived positively. So that the child gets pleasure from massage, you must teach it to such activities. Massage for an infant - This is very big work. Therefore, it is necessary to study every day, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of classes.

The child must be naked - do not be afraid of cold handles, legs, nose. This is not an indication that the kid frozen. Check the heads: if it is warm, then everything is in order. And the handles and legs are very soon adapting and will be warm for the whole time until the child is spread. The very first classes should be no more than 5-10 minutes. By 1.5-2 months, the duration of occupations increases to 30 minutes.

Gift massage techniques

There are several rules that cannot be disturbed:

  • with a massage of stop and brushes, you can use intakes of kneading and rubbing;
  • with massage of legs, pens, backs, buttons, chest up to 2-3 months use stroking, light vibration and light tapping. All these techniques reduce muscle tone, relax, stimulate blood and lymph circulation.
  • movements during massage legs are made from foot to inguinal lymph nodes;
  • with a massage of the handles - from the brush to the axillary lymph nodes;
  • with a backrest massage - from the lumbar region to the shoulder and from the spine to the sides;
  • when massage the berries - from the hip joints to the anus;
  • with a tummy massage - clockwise;
  • with a breast massage - from the sternum to the shoulders and from the sternum to the side surface.

For massage of the child's feet Shoulders should be avoided in the knee joints, bypass the knee cup, not affect the inner surface of the hip. When massage your breasts, come around the breasts, and try not to cover the genitals during the abdomen massage. You can not make pattering in the field of kidneys. Typically, massage starts with handles or legs. The child lies horizontally. With massage, the handles and legs should be kept in the state of the lightweight.

Massage Children Contraindicated:

  • with all feverish states;
  • with purulent and acute inflammatory lesions of the skin, lymph nodes, muscles and bones;
  • for diseases accompanied by the fragility of vessels or bones;
  • for diseases accompanied by hyperesthesia (increased skin sensitivity);
  • in sharp stages of various diseases (jade, hepatitis, tuberculosis
  • etc.);
  • with hernias with a tendency to infringement.
  • In addition to the child's massage

    These simple actions you must produce daily several times a day.

    • If the kid's handles are compressed in cams, every day, regardless of massage, put your finger into the palm of the crumbs. Thus, you will stimulate the opening of the palm. Separate your fingers, draw on the palm of the circle, output the thumb. The more often you will do it, the faster your baby will rise to a new step in development - he will be ready to take a toy into the handle.
    • Rustly, knead the feet of a child, fingers on the legs. Thus, you stimulate a lot of active points on the foot, and, therefore, intensify the work of various organs and systems.
    • Severe Crocha's ear shells for 30 seconds each, gently and gently pull the urchie to the ears down 10-15 times. All these actions are aimed at increasing overall immunity.
    • Take the knobs and legs of the baby to the surfaces of different textures. Tapping, stroke the handle and the leg along the solid surface, touch the warm, cool, wet, dry surface, commenting on your actions. The kid at the same time receives a colossal amount of information for development.
    • Make smooth movements up-down with the child, back-forward, in a circle. Movements should not be sharp and fast! Such a worship is very useful, as it takes a soft vestibular stimulation, which is beneficial affecting the development of the brain.
    • Wear a baby throughout the house, telling what colors surround it, what odds, what subjects.

    Massage Stop

    Take your left hand to the left leg of the child in the field of the shin. The index and middle fingers of the right hand put on the back side of the foot, creating a support. Big finger right hand start rubing the sole - from the heel to fingers and back. Draw a few times on the eight, seven.

    Click on the midst of the foot under my fingers - your fingers will bend; Without taking off the finger, spend on the outer edge of the foot to the heel and click on the middle of the heel - the fingers will disperse. This is a kind of gym for fingers.

    Press the outer edge of the foot, kneading (draw a spiral) there, then do it on the inner edge of the foot. Drink every finger. Try and knead the stop of foot and Achillovo tendon. Be sure to slightly knock on the table surface - this leads to a decrease in the tone in the leg. Next, go to the massage of the whole limb.

    Foot massage

    Stroke the leg from the foot to the groin area on the front, side and rear surface 6-8 times. At the same time, go around the knee cup. Now put a relaxed palm on the front surface of the leg and make a light vibration. Then two or three fingers of the right hand do easy-to-pin on the outer surface of the leg, while promoting the hand from the foot to the hip joint.

    Repeat such a movement 3-4 times. After that, repeat several times stroking and vibration. Foot massage Always end in stroke. Do the same on the right leg, while trying to keep the right leg to keep your right hand, and massaging the left.

    Then take the kid for the left handle and the leg and carefully roll on the tummy. Do not be afraid, even a baby of several days from the family will never suffocate in the stomach position. The child will definitely turn the head on the bar, to breathe freely.

    Pust the right legs from the heel to the buttons several times. Possess from the heel to the axillary area on the side surface of the body to the right and left several times. Take the right handle of the baby in the wrist area and the right foot and pull the river a bit up, and the leg is slightly down, that is, stretch the crumb. Do the same on the other hand.

    Repeat this stretching several times. This exercise is very useful to the kids in the first weeks of life. Then go to the massage of the buttocks.

    Massage Yagodicek

    Master the right hand several times, first one butter, then the second from the hip joint towards the anus. Lightly pinch the butt. Once again, in the right and left. Paint the lightweight of the berry. Complete everything with strokes. If the baby does not refuse to lie on the tummy, go to the backrest massage.

    Back massage

    Make the right palm right half of the back from the lumbar area to the shoulder. Do the same left palm. Alternating movement, right and left, repeat strokes several times. Then, push the back of the child from the buttocks to the head of the back of the brush, and in the opposite direction, from the head to the buttocks, is palm. Repeat such a move several times.

    Put the palm from the spine to the side surface of the body to the right and left at the same time. Complete all strokes from the loin to the shoulder. Now the baby can be turned back to the back, and proceed to the massage of the abdomen.

    Massage abdomen

    We start with stroking clockwise 5-6 times. Then make counter-stroking. We put your hands on the stomach of the child as follows: the palm of his right hand from above the left half of the abdomen, the rear side of the fingertips of the left hand - downstairs the right half of the belly. And at the same time stroke the palm down, and the back of the fingers is up. We repeat 5-6 times, these movement improves intestinal peristalsis.

    You can make stroking for the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Put the fingers of both hands under the lumbar area and direct your hands towards each other, top down and the shock, the fingers are connected above the navel. Repeat 5-6 times.

    For the prevention of the umbilical hernia after two weeks (after the full healing of the umbilical wound), several times a day, discharge the skin around the navel several times a day, collect navels into a fold with two fingers (the navels must be labored) and be sure to twist the skin sumps. To do this, put a strip of thumb on the navel of the nail down, slightly press your finger to the navel and, without tearing, turn your finger to the finger. Movement takes place for 1 second and so 10-15 times in a row.

    Massage breast

    Install the two fingers of both hands on the middle of the sternum. Make stroking movements at the same time with two hands towards the right and left shoulder (paint the "tick" on the chest). Also in two fingers, perform circular movements around the chest glands (draw circles). Then swipe with three fingers in the intercostal gaps from the end of the sternum to the side of the body on the right and on the left (combing the chest). Repeat movement several times.

    Massage handles

    Insert the thumb of the left hand into the left brush of the child, the rest of your fingers grab the forearm, turn the baby on the barrel. To the handle relaxed, make a right hand easy-to-pin or vibration. When the handle relates, try to straighten it. Grasp the left handle with all your fingers and stroke several times from the brush to the axillary area. Pooling and vibration repeat several times. Stroking the main outdoor surface of the handle. Then proceed to the brush massage.

    Massage of brushes

    Massay each finger, take the thumb of the bed, knead the thumb twist, draw a few times on the palm of the circle. Shake the brush, spend it on the surface, tapping with a brush along different surfaces.

    If you can't do the whole massage immediately, do not be discouraged! Start with separate parts of the body. First massage those of them that like the baby - as a rule, it is legs and buttings. Then, in a few days, start doing zones massage that are not very pleasant to the child (back, breast, tummy).

    Especially do not like children Massage Handles. But it is extremely important to do it, since usually the tone of the handles is more, and to two months, the crumb should pull the cam in the mouth, hold the toy embedded in the handle. These are all the steps of development and they must be passed on time.

    Very gradually, but take a day every day child to massage. You can first break the occupation for several parts (and perform them during the day). But by the month of one and a half try to make the whole massage, without any "crushing". During classes, they actively communicate with the son or daughter, praise the child, teachingly talking, maintain a joyful mood.

    Be sure to combine with gymnastics, with classes on a large gymnastic ball and swimming in a large bath from the first week of life. Only such a complex will give your crumble a powerful healthy basis for life. Good luck and health to you and your children!