R-shaped house. House of letter G.

Order projects of modern chalet houses or buy ready-made projects of houses. Tell the design of the experienced architect.

Designing the house flows in a comfortable environment, at a convenient time for all time.

Prices and deadlines

The development of an individual residential building project lasts 2-3 months. The cost of all design stages is 22 $ / m2.

The construction of the construction accompany consultations, and according to the sent photos - a copyright supervision.

Remote design houses- quality architect services in a comfortable environment.

Modern houses allow you to significantly reduce the cost of heating or conditioning houses, the project of the modern house includes new materials. Order the development of the AR and CR sets construction drawings of the modern home, it will avoid mistakes in the construction of your house chalet, it is architects who will prompt a comfortable planning projects And you will beat the location of the house chalets on your site. Private architect Collect the initial data, compare with the climate of the port of the future at home and create a balanced and modern home, while ready-made projects houses Not able to solve all the tasks set.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the architectural style of the future at home. It can be modern, classicism or chalet project, a private architect will help you in choosing a design. at home In the style of chalet or order a project of a modern country mansion and enjoy the evenings in a comfortable and thoughtful house. Nowadays, energy-efficient or so-called "smart" homes that cannot be typed and selling both ready-made projects are acquired, because each individual customer is demanding of special details, therefore it is important to order a set of AR drawings of an experienced architect. Surely you had to be in the houses that were built without projects and therefore may have diligent the lack of planning or cracks in the walls. These and many other problems happen due to the deviation from modern construction standards, often because Construction sites are coming without projects and author's supervision.

The variety of forms of houses is impressive, but not all of them are dictated by fashion and beauty. There are aimed primarily to rationalize the existing territory, which may not have the most correct geometric forms.

For example, M-shaped houses began to build on corner areas, where the construction of a rectangular house was very difficult due to the fact that such a house would occupy a significant part of the land area. Initially, designers and builders achieved a decrease in area under the house.

Project of the house letter G trunk

And then projects covered with designer solutions that make a house designed and built in the form of the letter r, not only functional, rational and compact, but also stylish and beautiful.

In this article, we will look at the key points to which you should pay attention to, choosing a project of the M-Fashion House. You will acquaint you with the advice of builders and designers to arrange this type of houses. Determine the advantages and disadvantages of M-figurative buildings.

Before starting the construction of the house, it is necessary to determine its location on the site. And here specialists share their advice:

What else should pay attention to the design of a M-shaped house? Of course, on the organization of entrance to the house. In this case, several options are possible.

In the first case, the projects of M-shaped houses are offered to organize one input located in the inner corner of the house. In this case, the entrance to the home will always be protected from bad weather, but this location is not always convenient. Therefore, an alternative to these projects is the organization of entry from one of the frontones of the house. Often it is combined with.

Options for planning and location of premises in the cottage letter G

But this is not always functional, for example, in case the house is intended to stay a few generations or just a large family. Therefore, the most rational is the organization of two independent entrances to the house located with different frontones of the building.

There is one point to which it is worth paying attention to the house design is the width of the frontouts. It may be the same in both wings buildings or different. Often, the fronton is more widely done in length. This reception does not distort the architecture of the structure, making the facade dwelling more attractive and stylish.

Depending on what style is made by your g-shaped housing, or.

Project of a stylish modern house of letter G

The projects of M-shaped houses from a rounded or glue bar are most in demand. , Completed in the form of the letter G, country and. As in the case of P-shaped houses, specialists are not recommended to build multi-storey buildings from a bar in the form of the letter G. It is worth limking to the construction of one floor.

If one-storey house is small for you in the area, then it is better to equip the attic and a high base than a full-fledged second floor.

This is explained by many reasons, but the main one is that it is much easier to redecessing and repair. Drawings of M-shaped houses suggest the arrangement of the built-in garage, terrace or spacious veranda.

Any architectural and construction project consists of three parts: architectural, design and engineering. This is a document without which the developer will not receive permission to begin construction.

The main part of the project is the architectural and design partitions. If the customer is exactly sure that in the construction team there will be explanatory specialists in engineering networks, then from the development of this part of the project in a specialized company you can refuse. But it is necessary to understand that the architect, the designer and engineer work on the project together and such moments, such as, for example, shoes and openings in the walls for laying pipes and wires, are provided in advance.

Engineering part of the project is divided into several parts

  • Water supply and sewage (VC)
  1. water supply scheme
  2. channelization scheme
  3. general view of the system.

Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to determine which communication will be individual or connected to the centralized system.

Individual water supply gives complete independence from external conditions. But it must be remembered that your own water sources will need, and the drilling of the well will cost a decent amount.

Connecting to a centralized system will require the development of a project in accordance with the specifications of the existing network and obtaining permission to the insert.

When the sewage is connected to the centralized system, the work order is the same as when the water supply is connected: the request for the relevant service, the development of the project, obtaining permission to the insert into the system. If you decide to organize an individual sewer system, then from time to time you have to invite an arbitrary service.

  • Heating and ventilation (s)
  1. heating Scheme: Calculation of the required power capacity, Heat distribution schemes, Location of pipes and radiators
  2. ventilation scheme: binding to power electrical equipment, ventilation communications and mines, passing nodes and, if necessary, placement of furnaces and fireplaces
  3. boiler strapping (if necessary)
  4. general instructions and recommendations on the section.

If the ventilation system is always an individual design, then heating can be both individual (furnace, air, water, electric) and connected to centralized networks.

  • Power supply (ETR)
  1. lighting wiring
  2. wiring of power networks
  3. scheme of hand
  4. system for grounding
  5. detailed description and characteristics of all system elements.

Electrical systems can be divided into mandatory and optional. The obligatory includes internal and outdoor lighting, ventilation, air conditioning and electrical installation systems. Additional systems such as "warm floor" or automated gate control can be attributed.


  • In each of the parts of the engineering section of the project, general and technical descriptions, specifications of materials and the necessary equipment should be included.
  • The drawings of the elements of all systems and the floor electrical layout are performed on a 1: 100 scale.

Price: from 100 rubles. per m.²

Package "Engineering Networks"

Package "Engineering Networks"

The project of engineering networks will allow competently paving the communications and make the house for truly comfortable and modern.

  • Price: from 100 rubles. for m².

Amendments to the project

Often, the customer faces the question: choose a typical project of the house and save, having lost at the same time on the originality of the future housing, or order an individual project, but for big money.

Our company offers a compromise option. You order a typical project, and we make changes to it, considering all your wishes as much as possible. Of course, this implies additional costs, but, in any case, such a project will cost much cheaper than work for a specific order. And so that your home look original, we will take care.

In the project of the house you can make such changes:

transfer wall partitions. But only if they are not carriers. Such an operation will allow you to change the size and purpose of the rooms.

transferring window and doorways will allow you to change the lighting of the rooms and organize convenient access to the premises you need.

changing the type of overlaps and walls will allow you to fully implement our own ideas about economical and rational housing

change the height of the ceilings. Although all of our homes are designed with the optimal height of rooms 2.8 m, some customers believe that high ceilings are extra comfort and comfort.

re-equipment of attic under residential premises will give you the opportunity to expand your own living space

change the angle of inclination of the roof and canopies worth considering the climatic conditions of a particular region

change the type of foundation is necessary, given the engineering and geological parameters of the soil. There is also the opportunity to add or change the basement or the ground floor

add, remove, change the garage or terrace, you can, confirming with your ideas about the functionality of housing

changing the constructive composition, construction and finishing materials will allow you to save our own financial resources.

the project in mirror mapping will allow organically to enter a house to the surrounding landscape.

Changes made should not affect the safety of the house.

Too much changes, as a rule, do not improve the project. If you could not choose a suitable home in the directories, then it may be worth ordering a housing for an individual project from an architect.

Price: from 2000 rubles.

Amendments to the project

Amendments to the project

House built by typical project may look original

  • Price: from 2 000 rub.

Package "Foundation Adaptation"

When a typical project project is being developed, some averaged soil parameters are taken as the basis. But, without having accurate data of geological expertise, it is difficult to consider all the nuances in design. Therefore, often engineering-geological characteristics of the real area differ significantly from the originally stated in the project. And this means that the foundation is the basis of the whole house - it will be necessary to finalize so that it turns out strong and reliable.

To completely eliminate all problems when booking the foundation, the specialists of our company developed a package "Foundation Adaptation". When implementing the package, not only the technical characteristics, but also the wishes of the customer are taken into account.

Such a package includes:

  • choosing a type of foundation
  • calculation of technical parameters:

Depth of the basement of the foundation
- load bearing capacity
- Indicators of soil voltage under the foundation
- area of \u200b\u200bcross section of working fittings, so on.

  • detailed zero cycle drawings
  • the statement of the cost of building materials.

The foundation adaptation gives a complete guarantee of its strength, which means the reliability of the whole building. You are guaranteed to get rid of problems such as shrinkage and cracks during the operation of a ready-made home. Moreover, often the adapted foundation is cheaper than the option originally laid down in the project. And this will help save materials and financial resources.

Price: 14 000 rubles.

Package "Foundation Adaptation"

Package "Foundation Adaptation"

Carefully prepared foundation project - strong and reliable house

  • Price 14,000 rubles.

Individual design

If you decide to build a house, then you have your own idea of \u200b\u200bhow your dream dwelling should be. And if none of the typical projects are suitable for you, it makes sense to think about an individual project. In addition, all your wishes will be asked as much as possible: the level of comfort, the composition of the family, even the view from the window. It is clear that such a project will no longer. But you will know exactly that there is no such thing.
Sometimes, however, you have to resort to individual design forced. For example, it got to the developer of the land plot of non-standard configuration, and no type project simply fits into it. And it happens that the number of changes made by the customer is that it is easier and cheaper to design a house with a clean sheet.

Stages of work on an individual project:

  • development of technical task for home design
  • project work agreement
  • preparation of a draft design: binding of the building to the terrain, external and inner species, planning, cuts
  • detailed study of project sections.

In addition, you can also order:

  • projects of additional buildings - garage, workshop, bath, etc.
  • visualization of the project in 3D format.

Ultimately, the customer receives a project documentation package consisting of architectural and constructive sections.

The project presents:

  • The general plan of the house with reference to it to the borders of the site.
  • Foot plans in which the thickness of the walls, jumpers and partitions, the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, the specification of windows and doorways are indicated.
  • Facade plans indicating finishing materials and color solutions.
  • Cuts of buildings and main nodes.
  • Drawings and cuts of the foundation, the statement of the consumption of materials.
  • Calculation of overlapping, rafter system of roofing, insulation nodes and waterproofing of the roof.

You can decide on the style of the future home in the "Individual Design" directory.

Price: from 450 rubles. /

Individual design

Individual design

Implement your individuality!

  • Price: from 450 rubles. / m²

Package "Tender Offer"

For any developer, a question from a funny children's poem "What should we build a house ...?" Far not idle. Especially since the cost of building the house depends on the set of factors. Therefore, you should not estimate the costs of "peephole". Without possessing full information, it will not work out everything to the smallest detail and, ultimately, it will be more expensive. And, moreover, the careful miscalculation of the value of materials and works does not affect your finance, but also on the time of construction of the house.

It is possible to accurately calculate the cost of construction. You will be able to use the "Tender Offer" service developed by our specialists. In essence, this is a document that provides a complete list of all building materials and works indicating their volumes.

The presence of the tender offer allows:

  • get a real picture of the cost of the upcoming construction
  • attract a construction company that is able to offer the most favorable conditions for the performance of work.
  • not only to understand the essence of the building process, but also with knowledge of the case to control the consumption of building materials, independently adjusting prices for each item
  • competently control the actions of contractors at all stages of construction

the tender proposal, supported by information on the cost of materials and construction work, is a serious argument to receive credit funds.

Package "Tender Offer"

Tender offer:

Order a detailed estimate. Build with benefits for yourself!

  • Price 10 500 rubles.

Package "Anail"

Summer and ice in winter on the roof of your home deliver a lot of trouble. You can, of course, climb on the roof and wave a shovel in frost 2-3 hours - business. But the effective systems of snowy and anti-change have long been invented and widely applied. Their base is heating cables. The system is organized by the same principle as "warm floor". Only a more powerful and cable laying step is less.

The "Anail" package is developed taking into account the characteristics of the energy supply of the house:

for roofs and drains: snowstown in the chutes, on the edge of the roof in order to prevent the formation of icicles and flooding in the pipes

for the entrance group: heated steps, tracks and open areas

for the entrance to the garage: heated access roads

in addition, sometimes the "antiy" system is used to heal the soil in greenhouses, and for landscape heating of flower, lawns and lungs, as well as for heating sports facilities.

In the process of design, the minimum power consumption is calculated and fire safety is ensured. When creating an "Anail" system, it is recommended to use only certified self-heating elements that do not support combustion. In addition, the system is equipped with a disconnection device when overheating or a differential machine for automatically disconnecting the system when energy travelery is detected. If the system turns out too big, it is broken into smaller sections. It is easier to manage her work.


for a multi-sighted roof, the "Anail" system of our company will descend by individual order.

Price: 4500 rub.

Package "Anail"

Package "Anail"

Your comfort and safety in winter

  • Price 4 500 rub.

Package "Lightning protection"

Often, developers do not attach great importance to protect their own houses from lightning: someone saves someone, someone hopes for "maybe". But after 3-4 years after the construction of the house, many remember the protection against lightning. Toli at the neighbor in a thunderstorms were grown by all appliances, stats on how many fires occurred for the year during the year.

We propose to solve the issue at once: to provide protection already at the design stage of the house. It is worth thinking about this at least from purely aesthetic considerations - it will not be necessary to immediately break the walls of the house and pull the current in the facade, which disrupt the thoughtful appearance of the building.

Protection of the house from lightning is a system of devices located both outside the house and indoors. External lightning protection warns lightning in the house, internal - ensures the protection of the power grid from sharp voltage jumps. And special devices protect electrical engineers from sharp changes in the electromagnetic field in a radius of lightning strike.

In the package "Lightning protection" includes

  • plan-scheme of the location of lightning parameters that make up straight blows of lightning
  • claiming scheme, reducing current from lightning memory to grounding
  • scheme of the grounding circuit that distributes lightning energy in the soil, providing full safety
  • averaged resistance calculations
  • detailed list of essential materials
  • recommendations for project implementation.

The DOM4M lighting protection package guarantees you to save at home even in the most severe thunderstorm.

Package "Lightning protection"

Package "Lightning protection"

Lightning protection: Think about safety in advance

  • Price 3 100 rub.

Package "Central Vacuum Cleaner"

"Central Vacuum Cleaner" is a kind of aspiration system(Removing small particles by sucking them with air flow).

The system consists of:

  • a vacuum cleaner (installed in the technical room);
  • air duct systemwhich moves the dust-air mass (more often the hidden installation is carried out in the preparation of the floor or in space behind the tail ceiling);
  • pneummators and Pneumoshovka (The first flexible hose with a telescopic barbell and nozzle is connected, as in the usual vacuum cleaner, the second is designed for express cleaning, as a rule, in the kitchen).


  • removed dusty air does not fall back room, and "throws out" after the unit to the street;
  • No noise In the removed premises.
  • Easy cleaning Without the "tightening" of the vacuum cleaner from the room to the room, without the use of extension cords.
  • Hidden mounting Systems, there is nothing in the room except pneumators.

Project price: from 3100 rubles.

Package "Central Vacuum Cleaner"

Package "Central Vacuum Cleaner"

"An integral part of the modern house - Comfort, Cleanliness and Fresh Air"

  • Project price: from 3 100 rubles.

Package "Comfortable House"

Intelligent dictionaries argue that comfort is a totality of household amenities, without which life is unthinkable.
modern man in a modern house. Most of such amenities are laid at the design stage. But we are ready to expand their list and help customers make their own accommodation as comfortable as possible.

M-shaped houses, projects which are also presented in the catalog of our company, many potential owners of private houses are perceived as a certain atavism and as a symbol of the long-lasting architectural era. And completely in vain. To date, due to a number of technological solutions and modern building materials (not only wall, but first of all roofing) homes g-figurative forms Survive a real Renaissance of its popularity.

Let's figure out what caused the growing demand for such housing in the Russian market of low-rise real estate? How relevant to solve the needs of the customer are the projects of M-shaped houses?

Order Srub

Want a wooden house?

Project of the corner house: rationality or forced need?

Corner houses M-shaped form appeared in low-rise construction for a long time. Projects of corner housesyou can track in a wide variety of world cultures. But for fairness it should be noted that earlier the similar form of housing in the overwhelming majority of cases was dictated primarily by external factors, and only occasionally - the desires of their customers. Such external factors primarily applies a specific form or an area of \u200b\u200ban existing land plot. That is, earlier projects of houses of the M-shaped form were embodied on triangular, trapezoidal and other nodes of an indirectant configuration, intersection of two streets or in cases where the customer certainly had to have two parade facades at once.

However, a little later, in the process of direct exploitation of such housing, his identified merits were so numerous that such cottages began to be built in various land plots. Not least contributed to the diverse design M-shaped houses and carefully thought-out layouts that take into account the individual requirements of the buyer.

Advantages and disadvantages of projects of M-shaped houses

To the number of advantages that modern corner houses of the M-shaped form can boast:

  • Exceptional possibilities for the organization on the site of the internal space of any destination closed from prying eyes. Inside such a configuration of the sector with a cottage, you can arrange a cozy patio with a brazier or swimming pool, a playground, a gazebo for gatherings with friends or other options;
  • Ensuring good protection of the space of the courtyard from the wind exposure;
  • The device of two entrances in different wings of the cottage, which is advantageous in a number of cases (a house into two families, a flaggel device for servants or zone for guests at home in one of the wings, etc.);
  • Single-storey M-shaped houses due to lack of stairs are a good accommodation option for the elderly, families with young children and people with disabilities;
  • IN private Mr.-shaped house Regardless of its floors at the junction of two parts of the house, the closed or outdoor terrace will be perfectly fitted. Such a solution is particularly relevant for corner houses from a log or bar;
  • The corner configuration of the cottage allows you to perform a very successful zoning of the premises. For example, households of different generations, guests and owners, owners and servants can live in different wings of a single-storey house (if the area of \u200b\u200bthe house allows). Two-storeyangle either Mr. houses with an attichave even greater zoning potential. Most often, with such an architectural design, the first floor is discharged under the premises designed to visit outsiders (living room, dining room, kitchen and others) and technical zones (garage, boiler room, workshop). The attic or the second floor is usually assigned to personal rooms - bedrooms for family members, office, gym, and the like.
  • With competent zoning and use of glazing a decent area, the angular houses allow you to save decent means on the illumination.

Of course, with all its numerous advantages, such a kind of cottages is not ideal. The difficulties faced by the developers of projects of corner houses or living households living in them include:

  • the complexity of the implementation of M-shaped stairs in the event of an attic solution of such housing;
  • the roof is high cost in comparison with the roofing system of traditional housing similar area;
  • problem of the roof operation at the place of the junction at snowfall or other precipitation.

Projects of M-shaped houses: styles and materials

Corner houses are most often performed from various rocks, bricks and logs. The choice of material is most often dictated by the desires and financial capabilities of the buyer, as well as its stylistic combination with other planned structures on the site. The use of wooden building materials - logs or timber - in comparison with stone or brick allows you to significantly reduce the estimate on the construction of the cottage, regardless of its area and stores.

If we talk about the style, then the most often projects of M-shaped houses from wood are performed in the form of chalets, country cottage, modern or buildings in the traditions of Russian wooden architecture. Corner cottages, to the number of bright representatives of which include D-201 and D-204 projects from Marimagat, for the most part have one-story execution. This is due to the leveling of some shortcomings of housing such configuration. If you analyze the projects of corner houses implemented in Russia and cottages, Only a percent of 30% of their diversity refers to the attic or two-storey houses.

If you are interested in the opportunity to order a log M-shaped cottage"Turnkey", the full potential and experience of our company's specialists at your service. We can offer the fulfillment of individual projects of such housing for your requirements and their construction in any region of the Russian Federation. The order of the entire spectrum of work is from designing to the construction of a private house - one performer represented by Marimagat will allow you to save considerable funds and at the same time to ensure the most compressed terms of its incarnation.

The priority task with which the owners face even before the construction of the house - the choice of place for him in the site. There is a basic rule: the angle of the house must be located in the northern part, then a cozy courtyard will be organized, protected from wind.
In the courtyard, you can build a terrace that visually "completes" a house to a rectangular or square form.
The project houses of the M-shaped form of their wings can be both the same in size and length and different. By the way, if 2 families live in the house or several generations of one family, then there will be 2 independent entrances.
Project home letter G Allows you to maximally harmoniously build a garage having a general wall with it and, accordingly, input. Imagine how comfortable to unload the purchases or just come home, bypassing the weather on the street. The garage can be connected to the general heating system, and this will reduce the costs compared to the fact that you had to give a separate garage.
The project of the house can be created in such a way as to remove the noisy zone, such as a game or children's room, from quiet, such as a library or an office. Thus, everyone will be able to get along peacefully, and no one will interfere with anyone and annoy.
As a rule, the project of the house of the letter G does not provide for the construction of the second floor, so it does not require an impressive foundation. So you can save on it. However, if desired, it is possible to design and attic, and a two-story building - on this page you will find such projects.

Competent layout in the houses of the letter

In addition to the branch of noisy and quiet zones, it should be remembered that technical premises should be provided in a private house, for example, for boiler room or pantry. And the wet zones where the bathroom or sauna is located, should be isolated. The boiler room should be located on the basement, so hot water and heat will be evenly distributed throughout the house. If your home is made of wood or wood materials, the boiler should be treated with antgirls.
If you have a two-storey house, then the bath with the toilet can be located on the first and on the second floor. This moment should also be taken into account when ordering a typical or individual project of a M-shaped house.