Horovodny games with children. Material (younger group) on the topic: Entertainment with singing "Who is good?" In the first younger group, who we have a good game

"The program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten" edited by MA Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Comerova, based on the recommendations of Sanpina, in the first youngest group recommends conducting eight lessons per month for the development of speech and the introduction of children to the artistic literature lasting 8-10 minutes. Some classes are to draw fairy tales, observations, didactic and mobile games, accompanied by reading flops or copyright poems, are held with the whole group of children. Classes that are able to cause todders complex speech statements or to raise new skills from them (for example, hear, listen and understand the story without visual support), are held according to subgroups. Children who have more or less than the same level of development are selected into the subgroups. It is known that the speech skill or skill cannot be formed for one occupation, so the software material that was studied at the previous occupation is usually repeated on the subsequent, and the interval between them should be no more than 1-3 days. In the future, the intervals between the classes on which certain speech skills are improved, can be increased. Observations have shown that for the development of some skills to the child of the third year of life, there are enough 1-2 classes, for the development of others - much longer time, for example, for the dramatization of passages from fairy tales, the perception of plot paintings and the transmission in the speech of their impressions. In the first younger group in many classes, in addition to the leading task, several more tasks are solved. For example, in parallel with the decision of the main task of the occupation - to introduce children with fun, the teacher exercises kids in the expressive reading of the poetic lines; Works out a clear and correct pronunciation of sound-speaking words. In the first younger group, a significant place in the educational process is beginning to occupy combined classes consisting of several parts, each of which is devoted to solving some one task. These tasks can be solved on a different software material. The most diverse options are productive: re-told fairy tale and exercises to educate sound culture of speech; viewing paintings and reading poems; Study without display and didactic game. Younger preschoolers love to do, but random attention and their memory is imperfect. A child with difficulty focuses on the fact that he is not interested that he was not surprised, did not bring joy. Therefore, planning a lesson with children, it is necessary to carefully think about what to teach kids and how it is better to do. Emotional installation on the upcoming occupation is extremely important. It helps to "turn on" the baby into active work, with the first minutes increasing its effectiveness. For example: "Today I will read you a very interesting poem about how fled a fox with a bodywork," says the teacher. "Where is she?" Children are interested. "Show!" "I'll certainly show. Now we will play, everything will show, everything will tell you about everything," the teacher answers. You can in advance (3-4 minutes before the classes) put the toys on the table to be demonstrated in the classroom, allowing children to touch, move them. But at the same time, kids should follow the rule: toys prepared for classes can only be played on the tutor's table, you cannot carry them out. Often, a clockwork toy or toy is required to display, especially attractive for kids, "coming" only to classes. The desire to hold this item in children is so great that they pull him each in their side. In such cases, the toy must be put so that everything is well seen, but could not get it (for example, on the piano, on the shelf). The kids quickly get used to the fact that the toy put up to occupation will be used on it. Children view it, exchange impressions, ask the teacher. During the class it is necessary to support the desire of younger preschoolers to learn. Children need to be seated like this (by a semicircle; for tables, standing separately or shifted together, etc.) so that they do not interfere with each other (especially when simulating some actions). It is equally important that the easily excitable kids are next to the calm, balanced peers. Kids should see the educators and items (pictures) that it shows. You should exclude distracting moments (for example, if the cell with a bird falls into the field of view of the child, it must be rearranged). The children of the third year of life are prone to imitation (and the educator, and peers). They are easily "infected" by the mood of comrades and with pleasure imitate both desirable and undesirable actions. It is worth a single child to start to look under the chair, as after 1-2 minutes, if the tutor does not be able to switch the attention of children, half of the group will imitate the baby. In this case, one should not resort to disciplinary comments ("Do not rock, sit quietly!"). It is more expedient to resort to the toy brought to the lesson. For example, to tell her: "Do not scare, the mouse, it's not a cat came. This Vova has been inadvertently stuck." Or refer to the child who began to stitch: "on, Vova, hold the mouse. Yes, sit quietly, do not scare it (do not drop it). "Children of this age bright beautiful items and pictures cause a desire to treat them a little longer, therefore, illustratively demonstrated in the classroom should be in good condition, with tastefully decorated and attractive for kids. Manuals follow Place so that there is no time to be spent on their search. If there are pictures from the flannelhemph or the electric toy battery, it will be unsuitable for use, then the normal course of classes will break, the perception of material by children will be difficult. Of great importance is the teacher's speech, his ability to talk with children. The teacher's speech should be clear, expressive, leisurely. Words and phrases, spoken by children, should not be random. If possible, they should be thought out in advance. This is especially true of those revolutions that the teacher seeks to make the property of their own statements of the child: words denoting the quality of items , syntactic structures, in particular Offers with homogeneous members, etc. Using them in class, approving attempts to reproduce the word or proposal attempting to reproduce the word or proposal, the educator thus enriches the active speech of children. In the first younger group, the teacher teaches children to understand the question and answer it. But if a child, for some reason, silent and pause is delayed, it is more expedient to tell the answer, repeat it with children, and after a while again ask the baby the same question. It is known that the child of the third year of life is very easy to inspire anything. About this feature should be remembered by teaching children. ("Ani will succeed ... Vova will be able to ... Alyosha will think now and will certainly find the right picture (toy) ...", etc.). Any conversation with children should be a business, thorough, and the interest of the educator to what he says and makes a child should be "interest seriously." Children react to the mood of the teacher, his intonation, gestures. And if the tutor is sincerely, with pleasure "blows on the hot pancakes and eats them," shows how the goats are gone, the child is not just infected with the desire to do the same, but seeks to do it very well, with the mood. In turn, a good response, a well-performed action enhances the joy of the baby and his desire to repeatedly reproduce seen, heard. All this ensures the performance of children and their contact with the educator. In addition, there are several more factors that improve learning efficiency. . Alternation of various teaching techniques and, above all, explanations, instructions and impressions (sample, method of action) with game tasks. Let us give an example. The educator says to children: "Av-Av-Av - dogs dogs. - How does she bother?" After the children say a sound resistance, the teacher continues: "Now we will play in the crown dogs. The dog, which I will start the key (makes a simulation movement), should bark: Av-Av-Av". . The combination of choral responses of children with individual. Usually one choral response is combined with 3-4 or more individual answers. This significantly increases the density of classes, helps to engage all children to work, and also find out who of the kids did not make a mastered skill in order to additionally explain something, show (in class). . The use of a variety of demonstration materials (objects, toys, pictures, desktop theater figures, etc.). The viewing of them supports the attention of children, increases speech activity, forms the ability to generalize. . Using assignments to give children the opportunity to change the pose, to move (for example, to approach the tutor, to look at something to him; look at the chairs to find where the kitty-mooring is hid; portraying gods Chickens, etc.). In some cases, these tasks simultaneously pursue the goal to teach children the ability to make an imaginary situation: bake pancakes, catch the snowflake and blow it away. When performing such tasks, children study play actions necessary to deploy independent plot-playing games, the appearance of which in the third year of the child's life testifies to a new stage in its development. We give examples of the abstracts of classes (for more detailed recommendations, see the book: Herbova V.V. Classes for the development of speech in the first youngest group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007). The game "Who we have a good, who we have a priest" this game can be done on both walk and indoors. Purpose. Call sympathy from children to peers, help them remember the names of the comrades (including those uttered by adults in different ways (but without Sysyukanya): Asha - Sasha - Sashulya), overcome shyness. The course of the game The teacher is departing children on chairs. Using the text of Russian folk songs, he sentences: who is good? Who is the priest? (The tutor displays and hugs a child). Vanechka good (Tolera is good), Vanechka Prieuza (Olga fitting). "Vanyusha Blondepy, with dark eyes, beautiful, strong and not plaks," says the teacher. ("Olenka is pretty, cheerful, his doll Masha loves, sings her songs. And do children sleep? I, if necessary, I will help ... "" Dima is good, Dima Prieuza. Strong, he does not stick. It knows how to build a high towers ... ") praising 5-6 children, the teacher invites all the kids to themselves. Requests to take a pair of peer, which a child especially likes. Children who made up a pair, the educator proposes to evade. Pedagogue in turn hugs children who failed (I didn't want) to find a couple. "I have wonderful children, - Completing communication with the kids teacher, - beautiful, smart, good, fun. I love you all. "This game is repeatedly spent during the year. Classes" Reading the story L. N. Tolstoy "was in Petit and Misha horse" Purpose. Improve the ability of children to listen to a story without visual support. The course of class teacher tells children about two brothers - Petya and Misha, who bought a toy horse. "How do you imagine this horse?" - Pedagogue is interested in and hears children's answers. "And once, - the teacher continues the conversation," the children quarreled and began to pull the horse from each other. What do you think, what ended this story? " Pedagogue reads a story 3 times. Then the educator asks: "Mom did right, taking a horse from Drachunov? How can you play one toy together?" Hears and adjusts the answers of children. Lesson "Consider the plot painting" near the big stump "target. Teach children to understand what is shown in the picture; to comprehend the relationships of the characters, responding to the teacher's questions; contribute to the revitalization of speech. The training of the educator invites children to tell that (who) is drawn (drawn) on The painting "near the big stump". The teacher approves the replicas of babies, complements them. Then he briefly, slowly, tells about the picture: "Every day the baby walks to walk to the big punchy. There is a baby waiting for him. He talks to everyone who lives near the big stump. "The educator clarifies:" And who lives near the big stump? "(Tits, squirrel, frog, bee, snail.)" Show, - continues the teacher's conversation, - how the baby raised his hand , Welcoming your little friends and a big stump. - Hello, frog, - shouts baby. And she is in response ... (Kva-kva-kva). - Good morning, birds-cinemas! - And they: "Chiv-Chive, Chiv-Chive! We are waiting for you, waiting for you! "The bee squeezed ... Squelchka roamed ... A big stump was caught. See his good eyes? Only snail continues to sleep, I did not see anything, I did not hear anything. Then, when I invite you to closer to consider the picture, I advise you to wake it up. How do you do it? What do you say snail? What if it's not a snail, but hiding the head of the hedgehog? Then be careful, do not progress! "The teacher, praising children for helping him to consider the picture, suggests to listen to the story about the baby and his friends living near the big stump:" Every day the baby walks to walk to good things. Little friends are waiting there. "It goes, goes, Chiv-Chive, is!" - Birds are rejoiced. "Kva-kva-kva! Good morning, kid! "- Welcomes his green frog. "Zhr, - buzzes a bee. - Today is a wonderful day, baby. " "Good morning! Good morning, my dear favorite big stump! - Screaming the baby. - Good morning, my wonderful little friends. We will play? "" The teacher repeats the story, giving children the opportunity to catch up with the highlighted words. The teacher invites children to come closer to the picture and consider it. He draws the attention of kids on how beautiful around the big stump, like a lot of flowers, berries; listening to the replica and Causes of children. Classes "Didactic exercise" Whose Mom? Whose kid? " Purpose. Teach children correctly call pets and their cubs; Guess the animal by description. The training course The teacher exhibits pictures of an adult animal and a cub on flankegraph (you can take advantage of the visual allowance "Pets" from the world in pictures series (M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005) or Pets page from the working notebook "Development Speech in kids: younger group "(M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006)). Finding out in children who are drawn in the pictures, the teacher is interested in who some young likes. The educator clarifies in children, who from animals have a horns (mane, a thin tail with a tassel on the end, a fluffy tail, who has the longest tail). Asks how the foal calls a horse, a lamb - a sheep, a puppy - a dog. It is wondering who has a fluffy soft wool, and who has a wool smooth. Completing the lesson, the teacher offers children to portray the kitten (or a puppy), which catches its own tail, rejoices, meow (yawkat). Lesson "Consider illustrations to the Fairy Tale" Three Bear ". Didactic game" Whose picture "target. Give children the opportunity to make sure that the drawings in the books are interesting and useful (you can learn a lot of new things); continue to learn to coordinate words in sentences. Preliminary work . During the day before the teacher's classes puts in the book area. Illustrated publications of the "Three Bear" fairy tale (among them there must be books with the drawings of Yu. Vasnetsova). During the day, the teacher attracts children to independently examining the drawings, it is interested in who I especially liked it. The occupation of the teacher shows the children's books (book) and briefly, but brightly and emotionally tells who I liked what drawing. Pravit kids for carefully considered pictures and noticed a lot of interesting things. The teacher then describes the picture that he liked the most of all, or the one that the children walked around their attention. Next, the teacher offers children to play. On the table of the teacher - subject pictures (or a set of small items in the number of children). Among the items there are the same by name, but different in color. Children choose in one picture and call them. Baby closes their eyes, and the teacher takes pictures of 4-5 children. Children open their eyes. The tutor shows a picture and asks whose subject. He gives him only after he gets a complete answer. (This is my red bucket. These are my silver bells.) When children get back their pictures, the teacher offers them to swap cards and repeats the game. At the end of the class, based on the features of a visual material, the educator asks the kids to bring pictures, which depicts "what grows"; Drawn "animals in fur coats", "those who with the beak", etc. Herbova Valentina Viktorovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, the author of methodological benefits for the development of preschoolers and the introduction of them to the artistic literature. Review: V.V. Herb, magazine "Modern Pre-school Education"

Tell me

Game "Who is good we have, who we have a faithful"

This game can be done on both walk and indoors.

Purpose. Call sympathy from children to peers, help them remember the names of the comrades (including those uttered by adults in different ways (but without Sysyukanya): Asha - Sasha - Sashulya), overcome shyness.

Stroke Game

The educator departs children to chairs. Using the text of Russian folk songs, he sentences:
Who is good? Who is the priest?
(The tutor displays and hugs a child).
Vanechka good (Tolera is good), Vanechka Prieuza (Olga fitting).
"Vanyusha Blondepy, with dark eyes, beautiful, strong and not plaks," says the teacher. ("Olenka is pretty, cheerful, his doll Masha loves, sings her songs.
And do children sleep? I, if necessary, I will help ... "" Dima is good, Dima Prieuza. Strong, he does not stick. Knows how to build high towers ... ")
Praiting 5-6 children, the teacher invites all kids to themselves. Requests to take a pair of peers that the child especially likes. Children who made up a couple, the educator proposes to evade.
The teacher in turn hugs children who failed (did not want) to find a pair.
"I have wonderful children," the teacher becomes communicating with the kids, - beautiful, smart, kind, funny. I love you all. "
This game is repeatedly carried out throughout the year.

Lesson "Reading the story L. N. Tolstoy" was in Petit and Misha horse "

Purpose. Improve the ability of children to listen to a story without visual support.

Structure occupation

The teacher tells children about the two brothers - Petya and Misha, which Mom bought a toy horse. "How do you imagine this horse?" - Pedagogue is interested in and hears children's answers. "And once, - the teacher continues the conversation," the children quarreled and began to pull the horse from each other. What do you think, what ended this story? "
Pedagogue reads a story 3 times. Then the educator asks: "Mom did right, taking a horse from Drachunov? How can you play one toy together?" Hears and adjusts the answers of children.

Lesson "Consider the plot painting" Near Big Stump "

Purpose. Teach children to understand what is shown in the picture; comprehend the relationships of the characters, answering the questions of the educator; Promote speech activation.

Structure occupation

The educator invites children to tell that (who) is drawn (drawn) in the picture "Near Big Stump". The teacher approves the replicas of babies, complements them. Then he briefly, slowly, tells about the picture: "Every day the baby walks to walk to a big punchy. There the baby is waiting for him. He talks to everyone who lives near the big stump."
The teacher specifies: "And who lives near the big stump?" (Bitches, squirrel, frog, bee, snail.)
"Show," teacher continues the conversation, "as the baby raised his hand, welcoming his little friends and a big stump.
- Hello, frog, - shouts baby. And she is in response ... (Kva-kva-kva).
- Good morning, birds-cinemas! - And they: "Chiv-Chive, Chiv-Chive! We are waiting for you, waiting for you! "
The bee squeezed ... Peeping whistles ... Big stump was caught. See his good eyes?
Only snail continues to sleep, I did not see anything, I did not hear anything. Then, when I invite you to closer to consider the picture, I advise you to wake it up. How do you do it? What do you say snail? What if it's not a snail, but hiding the head of the hedgehog? Then be careful, do not hurt! "
Educator, praising children for helping him to consider the picture, suggests to listen to the story about the baby and his friends living near the big stump: "Every day the baby walks to walk to good things. There is little friends there." It goes, goes, Chiv-Chive, goes! "- Birds are rejoiced." Qua-kva-kva! Good morning, baby! "- Welcomes his green frog.
"Zhr, - buzzes a bee. - Today is a wonderful day, baby. "
"Good morning! Good morning, my dear favorite big stump! - Screaming the baby. - Good morning, my wonderful little friends. We will play? ""
The teacher repeats the story, giving children the opportunity to catch up with the allocated words.
The educator invites children to come closer to the picture and consider it. He draws the attention of kids on how beautiful around the big stump, as a lot of flowers, berries; Listens to the replicas and reasoning children.

Case "Didactic Exercise" Whose Mom? Whose kid? "

Purpose. Teach children correctly call pets and their cubs; Guess the animal by description.

Structure occupation

The educator exposes pictures of an adult animal and a cub on flannelhemph (you can take advantage of the visual allowance "Pets" from the World Series in Pictures (M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005) or Pets Pets from the working notebook "Speech Development Kids: Junior Group "(M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006)).
Finding out in children who are drawn in the pictures, the teacher is interested in who some young likes.
The educator clarifies in children, who from animals have a horns (mane, a thin tail with a tassel on the end, a fluffy tail, who has the longest tail). Asks how the foal calls a horse, a lamb - a sheep, a puppy - a dog. It is wondering who has a fluffy soft wool, and who has a wool smooth.

Completing the lesson, the teacher offers children to portray the kitten (or a puppy), which catches its own tail, rejoices, meow (yawkat).

Lesson "Consider illustrations for the Fairy Tale" Three Bear ". Didactic game" Whose picture "

Purpose. Give children the opportunity to make sure that considering drawings in books interesting and useful (you can learn a lot of new things); Continue to learn to coordinate words in sentences.
Preliminary work. The day before the teacher's classes puts in the book corner the illustrated publications of the Fairy Tale "Three Bear" (among them there must be books with the drawings of Y.Vasnetsov). During the day, the teacher attracts children to independently examining the drawings, it is interested in who I especially liked it.

Structure occupation

The tutor shows the children of the book (book) and briefly, but brightly and emotionally tells who I liked what figure. Pravit kids for carefully considered pictures and noticed a lot of interesting things. The teacher then describes the picture that he liked the most of all, or the one that the children walked around their attention. Next, the teacher offers children to play.
On the table of the teacher - subject pictures (or a set of small items in the number of children). Among the items there are the same by name, but different in color. Children choose in one picture and call them.
Baby closes their eyes, and the teacher takes pictures of 4-5 children. Children open their eyes. The tutor shows a picture and asks whose subject. He gives him only after he gets a complete answer. (This is my red bucket. These are my silver bells.)
When children will receive their pictures back, the teacher offers them to change the cards and repeats the game.
At the end of the class, based on the features of a visual material, the educator asks the kids to bring pictures, which depicts "what grows"; Drawn "animals in fur coats", "those who with the beak", etc.





Like on machine name days
We baked loaf:
Here is such an embroider! (children raise hands as above)
Here is such a nizhny! (children lower hands as low as possible)
Here is a width! (children scatter as wide as possible)
Here is such a dinner! (children converge to the center)
Loaf, loaf,
Who do you want, choose!
I love, admit, everyone
And Masha more than anyone.


Inflation quickly the ball, (children diverge, forming a circle.)
He becomes big
That's what! (Show your hands.)
Suddenly the ball burst - the CATSS (we narrow the circle to the center.)
The air came out, (handles up.)
He became thin and thin. (Show the handles which ball became.)
We will not grieve, (swing your head.)
We will inflate again.
Inflation quickly the ball, (diverge, forming a circle.)
He becomes big
Here is what


Zainka, like,
Serious, like.
That's the one like this.
That's the one like this.
Zainka, twink,
Serious, twice.
That's so stacking.
That's so stacking.
Zainka, tricky leg
Serious, Topney with a leg.
That's so stuck with a leg,
That's so stuck with the leg.
Zainka, babies,
Serious, baptize.
That's so babes
That's so babies.
Zainka, worship,
Serious, worship.
That's so so worship,
That's so so worship.
Moves in the text

Three fun brothers

Three fun brothers

walked around the yard
Three fun brothers

started the game
They made the heads of Nick Nick-Nick, (we climb head)
Fingers deft chik chic chick. (I depict my fingers scissors)
Clapped palms

clap clas
Stove the top top top foot.

Walking king

Walked king in the forest, in the forest,
I found myself a princess, princess.
Let's jump with you, we jump,
And knock on the legs, underminate,
And praise praise, praise,
And sweep the legs, sweep.

And the tail fell, felt, felt.

And then I drink, I drink everything!

Big carousel

Barely barely
Completed carousel.
And then, then, then
All run, run, run.
Quieter, quieter, do not rush
Carousel stop.
Once or twice, only two,
That ended the game.


Children together with the Ra-m take hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. Together pronounce: blow, bubble, blow, big, stay so do not be shed. The players depart back and keep hands until the tutor says: "The bubble burst!". Then they let go of their arms and squat, talking at the same time: "Claw!" You can also offer to children after the words "burst the bubble" move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronounce the sound "sh-sh-sh" w - the air comes out. Then the children pour a bubble again - depart back, forming a big circle.


with hoops. Children become a circle with hoops. Each is kept for their hoop and for a neighbor's hoop. It turns out a large closed circle. The signal "went!" All begin to move a step, by the "run!" All run, on the signal "Jumping!" Start a bouncing, making the leg to the leg (Pickle gallop) on the words "quieter, quieter, do not rush, stop the carousel!" Go to a quiet walk and stop. When they say "Relax!" Everyone put hoops to the floor and diverge in different directions. Hearing the signal "The Carousel starts!", All run to hoops, quickly take them. The game is repeated.


The players form a circle, in the middle of which the child becomes - it will be a pear. All walk around the pear in a circle: we will put the sadness - that's it! Let our pear grows, grows! You grow up, pear, here is such an embroidery; You grow up, pear, here is such a width; You grow up, pear, grow in good time! Dance, Marika, twist you for us! And we will pinch this sadness. We will run away from our marine! The saddle in the middle of the circle should depict everything that he comes in the song (dancing, spinning). On the words "here such embroidered" hands up, and on the words "such a width" to the parties. When they sing: "And we will knock out this sadness," everyone is approaching the pear to touch it, and quickly run away, and the pear catches children.


Making a circle playing singing: She walked Peacock the Horior,

All people for me

There is no one (the name of one of the players)

His mammy has

fly stove,

Baked pancakes,

Caparage made

Sort of high

Sort of wide

Single low. Playing raise hands up, bred on the sides, lowered to the floor, compress the circle, showing the embroidery, width, etc.


The players get up in a circle, in the middle of the leading - Arina. She tie his eyes. All sing: Dear Arina, stand up above the ramp, handle lay, whose name is indicated! Arina walks, singing: I go, walk along Karavaj, along the caravan, who I find, I find out! Then, touching one of the players, tries to guess his name. Whose name is giving away, he will be Arina.

Grandma Yellow

In the middle of the circle, a leading - grandma is getting up. In her hands she has "pomelo". They run around the players and tease her: a grandmother, a bone leg with a stove fell, broke the leg, and then he says: "My leg hurts." She went to the street - crushed the chicken. I went to the bazaar - crushed Samovar. A grandmother is jumping on one leg and tries to touch someone "darling." To whom will touch - he freezes.


Children stand in a circle, one child in the middle with a flag. The educator leads children in a circle and says: "The children became in a circle, go out, Olya, in a circle, see the checkbox. Take, Olya, checkbox! Who will give someone to give? Get out, come out, take the flag to raise? Above the flag raise! " The child comes out in the middle and takes the flag from the one who stands in the center, and he goes into a common circle. The game is repeated, the child in the center also walks the checkbox. It is necessary to walk beautifully and rhythmically.

Sun and rain

Children go in a circle and pronounce: "Watching the sun in the window, shines in our room. We scribble in your hands, clap your hands. Very happy sun. Top top top top! Rhythmically pour in place. Floating clast-clap! Rhythmically clap your hands. The "rain comes, soon home", children run to the tutor under an umbrella. The teacher says: "The rain passed. Sun shines. " The game is repeated.

Smooth circle

Children, holding hands, rhythmically go in a circle, saying: "Smooth circle for each other we go over step step, stand in place! Make together together here so! " With the end of the words stop and repeat the movement, which shows the educator, for example, turn, bend down, sit down


Holding hands, children form a circle, one child in the center. Playing go in a circle and say: "We brought all gifts. Who wants, he will take away - here's a doll with a ribbon bright, horse, top and aircraft "with the end of words stop, standing in a circle calls, which of the listed gifts he wants to get. If the horse calls, the children jump if the doll is danced if the top is spinning. Standing in a circle chooses a new lead. The game is repeated.

Cap I.


from the children goes to the center of the circle with a stick in his hands, puts on the head cap so that he goes down to the nose, covering his eyes. The rest of the children hold on arms, forming a circle. Go in a circle, saying: "Once, two, three, four, five - the lead knocking with a stick. There will be a stick to knock, shows a wand on one of the children standing in a circle. - SCOC, SCOC, SCOC. He says the last three words guess, whose voice "say all the children, after that the lead is guessing. If guess, chooses who will go to the middle.

There was a grandmother

Children teach a poem, then together with the lead they repeat it several times, each time accelerated the pace.

There was a grandmother

At the river itself,

Wanted grandmother

Swim in the river.

Grandma smart was -

Bought urine

Our song is good

Start first.


We go and go with you together (pairs in a circle)
We go expensive long
To bunny, bears, bulbs
We go expensive winter
(turn to each other by the face and perform movements on the text)
We are clas-clap
And legs top top
Knocked in the chest in the chest
And on the street frost
Wring up nose kids
Semoramite ears
Brush, like buns (inflate cheeks and "pushing" with fingers)
Not terrible cold and frost,
When with you together we
We are in warm scarf hide nose
And the song will help us.

Hares and Lisa

Children perform movements in the text.

On the forest lawn

Scunned bunnies.

That's what bunks,


(Children-bunnies are easily running around the hall.)

Sat down bunnies in a circle,

Rotate the paw root.

That's what bunks,


("Bunnies" are attached and perform imitation movements in the text.)

Lischik runs -

Redhead sister.

Looking for where bunnies


(Fox runs between kids, with the end of the song catches the kids.)


Purpose: Teach children stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along with a song.

Words: - Children stood in a circle

see the checkbox,

Who give someone to give

To the flag to convey

get out, Sasha in a circle,

Take Sasha flag


children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle lies check box. The educator with children goes in a circle and says Tex. The child comes in the text, raises the checkbox, then, waves them and puts into place. Then the game continues

Walks vanya "

Purpose: Learn to stand in a circle, singing songs, raise a friendly relationship to each other.

walks Vanya. Wanta walks

looking for Vanya, looking for Vanya,

for yourself, friend

Found Vanya. Found Vanya

for yourself, friend

Children and educators become a tutor in the circle, and children walk in a circle and sentence words. One child is in a circle and chooses a friend of his words: I found Vanya, I found a friend for myself. Standing in a circle they dance, and the rest of the children clap your hands. Then the educator changes the lead game continues.


Purpose: Teach children stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along with a song. Exercise in coordination of squats with the words and progress of words - blow a bubble, sound sh-sh-sh.

Inflate bubble

find out big

Stay such

Yes, do not blame

he flew, flew, flew

Yes over the twig

sh-sh-sh. burst bubble

Children and educators become in a circle. The teacher, and the children walk in a circle and sentence words, until they say "burst the bubble." Then they lower their hands and sit down, pronouncing the sound of Sh-sh-sh.


Bunny, bunny, what's wrong with you

you are very sitting everyday

get up jumping, on dances.

your legs are good

Movements: Children and educators become in a circle. The educator and children go in a circle and sentenced, while performing movement in the text.


objective: Teach children to take hands, perform movements, according to the text of the game.

Cap, cap

thin legs

red boots

we fed you,

we picked you

on the legs set

dance forced.

Children and educators become in a circle. The educator chooses one of the children, it will be a cap. Educator, and children walk in a circle and sentenced in text. When the words "We fed you, we saw you," the circle narrows, then again the children diverge back the shape of a large circle and clap your hands. A child standing in a circle dancing.

"We Matryoshka"

we are nesting, that's what crumbs.

we are nesting, that's what crumbs.

we are nesting, that's what crumbs.

ran. We ran all along the track.


Objective: Teach children to coordinate the words of poem with actions.
The move: children become a circle. The tutor reads the bunny, it becomes in the center of the circle. The educator and children go in a circle and sentence:

Zainka, in sitting
Walk, take a walk!
Serious, new
Walk, walk!
Nowhere to zaine
Nowhere to jumped in gray.
Zainka, skat -
You go out,
Serious, breathe -
Let's release.

Yasha sits in the middle of the meadow. There is a dance around him, delivering:

"Sidi, Sidi, Yasha,

in Rakitov Kush.

Gryzi, Gryzi, Yasha,

ripe nuts.

Catch yourself, yasha,

who do you need. "

Yasha rushes after anyone. Caught becomes Jasha

Grow Mak.

In the middle of the circle sits "Mac" dance sings:

Ah on Mount Mac, Mac,

Under the pea Bel, Bel!

Oh, you make poppies,

Gold heads!

Get in a row

Ask those about poppy.

Players stop and ask "Poppy":

Did Mac sowed?

Horizhodnik answers:

Only the land plowed

Repeats the chorus Players asked consistently: "Was the poppy sowed? "-" Sowed "-" Lee bloomed? "-" Bloomby "-" Was the poppy? "-" Saw, shake down. " Everyone rushes to the choir and shake him if he did not have time to escape. If the heroland managed to strike three times, he becomes a heroland.


Everyone becomes a circle and sing:

"Who wants to know how to sow oats

My father sowed so ...

Show the movements of the hands forward:

"Then he rested like this ...

Stop folding the hands of the cross - inhibit. Then turn in the dance, delivering:

OVES, OVES, Come on God, so that you grow!

New verse:

Who wants to know how to zoom?

My father lived him so


Then he was resting like this


After the chorus depicts how they knit, as it is hammer

(with throat, each pounding your neighbor).

Large and small legs

Grasp the hands of your arms and go in a circle, slowly, loudly drowning my legs, then speeding up and often turning over your feet.

Big feet

Walked along the road

Top Top Top Top

Little legs

Ran along the track

Top top top then top

Top top top then top

We go through the forest

Help your arms and go in a circle:

We go through the forest

I will find animals.

The hare loudly call:


Nobody responds,

Only echo speaks

Quiet: "AU-AU-AU!"

Instead of a hare, you can substitute other words: "Wolf loudly calling", "We are a bear call", "we are a cognte".

Bunny shelter

Grasp your hands forming a circle. Go in a circle, sentencing words:

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

In the words "sat down" - stop and squat.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

For the entry of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", take the dance of the dance around the tree or next to it, performing movements in the text:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest.

In winter and summer slim,

Green was!

Blizzard She sang a song:

"Sleep, Yelochka, Bai-Bai!"

Claus Snowly wrapped:

"Look, do not freeze!"


Get up in the circle, holding hands. The presenter proposes to repeat it movement:

We first go right

And then go left

And then in the circle we can

And tie to the one-piece

Now back back

And in place are annoying

And praise in your hands.

And now in the circle all together ....

(Repeat the game several times, but at the accelerating pace)

Where was Ivanushka?

Ivanushka is in the center of the circle. Children ask, Ivanushka answers.

Where was Ivanushka?

At the fair.

What did Ivanushka bought?


Seeding chicken (children show how the chicken peel)

The grains are peeling,

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Singles sings.

Where was Ivanushka?

At the fair.

What did Ivanushka bought?

Puddle dodder (children show how duck swims)

Back - forward floats.

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Singles sings.

Where was Ivanushka?

At the fair.

What did Ivanushka bought?

Donkey on the lawn (children show like a donkey pinching grass)

Herbushka chews

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Singles sings.

Where was Ivanushka?

At the fair.

What did Ivanushka bought?

Teter. (Comes out the tetra (adult) and turns the dance.)

The Scarlet Flower.

Scarlet flower, like lights, children go round a pitch

Times, two, three - turn, Alena you

(named child turns his back in a circle)

The game continues until the last child turns.

Scarlet flower, like lights

One two three four. Five - turned everything again!

(All children turn face in a circle)

You can play this game with babies.

Grandfather water.

In the center of the circle there is a child. Children walk around him round a dance, pronouncing words:

We brought you gifts

Who will want, he will take.

Here you have a doll with a ribbon bright,

Horse, top and airplane.

The child chooses one of the named toys. (Doll) Children put a leg on the heel and make a ribbon, uttering words:

Doll, doll babes

Bright ribbon Faise. (2 times)

Then they die on the spot in the pose of dolls and the child chooses the doll liked.

(Horse) children jump in a circle by direct gallop, pronouncing words:

Rides our horse - Tsok yes Coc

Heated base of fast legs. (2 times)

Children get silent in a horse pose. The child chooses a horse. (Wolf) Children are circling on the spot, pronouncing words:

Here's how the top is spinning

Discovered on the floor lay down (2 times)

(At the end of words, they are squatting) the child chooses his own top. (Aircraft) Children arrange hands on the sides, run in a circle, pronouncing words:

The plane flies, flies

A bold pilot in it sits (2 years)

Children stop in a plane pose and the child chooses a plane.


Turn on the music and take round dance with children:

We go, go round

Before all honest people.

(sit down)

Showed yourself. Jammed



In the palm, we patted.


On the River Kamyshi

Grasp your hands and go in a circle:

On the river - the roots.

Slowled out there Yershi.

Circle - older

(Stop and turn your face in the center of the circle)

Circle - shame

(Make a step towards the center)

Circle - very kids!

(Combate the circle).

Water bees dance

Go with children in a circle (it is not necessary for hands), performing the corresponding movements:

Water bees dance -

Broome, Broome.

In the drum hit the cat -

Trum, trum.

Steel mice dance -


So, we started trembling all the earth.

We went to the meadow

Children water dance, inside the circle sits "Bunny"

We went to the meadow, the dance was drove here so on the meadow, the dance was drove.

(go in a circle)

Drawn on a bunny bay in a chill

That's how the bunny in the cold

(sit down and show like a hare hack)

Wake wanted in the twins

Tu-Tu, the ru-Tu-Tu in the twin dodges.

(imitate the game on the drawing)

Bunny we walked in the drums beat

Boom boom, tra-ta to drums beat

(imitate the game on the drum)

Bunny, wake up, well-ka raise.

Like this, do not be lazy and lift

(make charging)

We sleep with you

in our dance

So, we are having fun with you

How on our meadow

How on our meadow

Pleash mustache in a circle,

And we sing a song

and in your hands loudly beam.

Olya, Olya Cheering!

Do not regret your legs

Bow not forget

choose someone.

How on our meadow

I dug everything in a circle.

we all dance and sing

and in your hands loudly beam.

Children stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle there is a child about which comes in the song. The child dances as it can. After the words "worst do not forget" he bowed to someone, and he goes into a circle. 1 Coupling and chorus are repeated several times, the names of children change. In conclusion there are 2 versue. All children dance.


Children stand in a circle, "Cockerel" in a circle.

On the way Petya walked

(Cockerel passes near children, high raising her knees, waving his hands)

He found the pea,

(Stops near the child - he becomes peas)

And the pea fell

Rolled and disappeared

(Cockerel is spinning, the pea hides behind any child, squatting)

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Where will peas grow?

(All children are slowly sitting on, the pea rises, raising his hands up - grown)


Children stand in a circle. "Raven" - in the center.

Oh, guys, Ta-Ra.

Mountain stand on the mountain.

(children go to the center by fractional step)

And on that grief - Dubok,

(also go back)

And on the Dube of the funnel.

(Raven is spinning, bringing hands to the sides)

Raven in red boots

In gilded earrings,

Sits raven on oak

(everyone is dancing, putting the leg on the heel)

He plays a pipe.

(imitate the game on the drawing)

The pipe is accurate


Pipe opaque

folding song

(clap your hands, dance)

With the end, everyone closes his eyes, "Raven" walks in a circle. Going for children, he admits to one child who begins to pursue the "crow". Whether it was caught "Raven", the chosen child becomes in a circle and the game is repeated


Shadow-Shadow - Those

Above the city of woven

Satiest beasts

Boiled all day.

Praise Lisa

I am the beauty around the world!

Boiled bunny

Sawn catch-up!

Hedgehog was praised

We have a fur coat!

Boil fleece

And we are not bad!

Bucked by the Bear

I can sing songs!

Praise Koza

I'll throw your eyes!

Three pigs

Three fun brothers walked around the yard

(Petya together with her mother walked around the carpet),

Three cheerful brothers started the game.

Made heads - nickname nickname (nod head),

Fingers deft - chik-chik-chik (index and middle fingers make "scissors"),

Clapped with palms - clap clas-clap,

Stove with legs - top top top,

And with a penetment jumped - jump-jump-jump,

And the legs of Drygali - Dryg-Dryg-Dryg,

The tail is wieled-wisered-wisered (twist ass)

And loudly squeezed - and-and-and-and-and!


Pillow, sunshine,

my flock.

Oh. Leli, Leli, my fluff. To whom the flowers, to whom Alla.

And I rub the girl,

(and I'm good guy)

Oh, Leli. Leli,

and I rub the girl.

I will put on the knees, I will make it.

Oh. Leli, Leli, kissing.

(The gamecontinues with another leading)


1. By babe of Sweden swims.

Above Berettaya Head carries.

She wing to flick.

On the flowers of the driver shakes.

2. Do not fly, you, clear falcon high.

Nasha yes you wings wide.

White swan is completely close

White swan is completely close

Soloist. You, Sweddy, the best of all, you are a Swedashka, the painful of all. I'll take you for the White Wing, I will lead, so far away. Sweddyka (talking): Before you pick me up I have to catch me.

(Children raise hands as in the "Mousetrap" game, Sweddywas runs away, and Falcon catches her. The dance continues on, the soloists go steam inside the circle).

3. Along the silk travelers,

On green, on the mushushka

Leads falcon winch

Leads a white head.

4. Along the pure in the pitch, straight to the white crust, leads falcon winch, leads a white head.

Saty game "Deader"

We will play the horror strokes,

All now stopping!

The "dead man" is selected, he falls on the bench and performs actions according to the lyrics. Children walk around the "dead man" dance and perform a song. After the words "... He is running for us," they run away, and the "dead man" tries to stain them.

  1. The dead man died, on Wednesday, on Tuesday came to bury, he moves his legs.
  2. The dead man died, on Wednesday, on Tuesday they came to bury, he moves his hands.
  3. The dead man died, on Wednesday, on Tuesday came to bury, he sits on the shop.
  4. The dead man died, on Wednesday, on Tuesday came to bury, he runs for us.

Garden dance

In the garden, in the garden

Fun walked

In the garden, in the garden

We have sunk beds.

In the garden seeds sat down

I lowered in the hole

and then the water warm

Grocery watered

You grow soon, carrots.

We will be rolled down.

Will pour flying rain

On you, on the field.

So autumn came,

Vintage removing

Joyful and fun

The dance is sharpening.

(on the melody "Lie in the garden, in the garden")


On the motive ("like a thin ice")

Potted white snowball

We are going to a circle

(go in a circle)

We will sweep, we will swell.

(kick your feet)

We will dance fun,

we will warm the handles.

(rubbing palms)

We praise, we praise.


We will jump more fun


To become warming.

We jump, we jump.



Bunny white sits

and ears mechanics.

Like this

He is ears Shevelit

(drive your fingers to the head, move them)

Bunny sit coldly

It is necessary to warm the paws.

Like this

It is necessary to warm the paws.

(clap your hands)

Bunny stand cold

Need a bunny jump

Like this

Need a bunny jump

(jump on both legs)

Bunny wolf frightened!

Bunny immediately ran away!

(run away to the place)

Matryoshki and mice

(on the motive "like ours at the gate")

Here Matreashchi Walking

In the forest berries were looking for

(go in a circle)

So, so like this

In the forest berries were looking for

(Collect mushrooms)

Under a tutor sat

Delicious berries filed,

So, so like this

Delicious berries filed.

(sit on the floor and eat berries with palms)

How matrees are tired,

Under the tutorial is treated

So, so like this

Under the tiled tremble.

(Close the eyes and put the palms under the cheek)

And then they danced

Put your legs

(exhibit legs on the heel)

So, so

Put your legs

(spin, drowning feet)

Only hear suddenly girlfriend

Right in the forest edge

Ran along the track

Someone sulfur legs.

Hey, Matryoshka, Beware!

It turned out, it is a mouse!

Mishka came out on the meadow

Mishka came out on the meadow

We gathered everything in a circle

Bear claps in your hands

He is so good

with Misha clap, guys.

Well, together: once, two, three ..

And now - Zamri!

Mishka came out on the meadow,

Collected in a circle.

Bear runs like a wind

He is faster than everyone in the world.

Hey guys catch up!

Well, together: once, two, three ...

And now - Zamri!

Mishka came out on the meadow,

We all gathered in a circle.

Bear crawling promoter

Which of you will catch it up?

Well, children do not robet

Well, together: once, two, three ...

And now - Zamri!

Mishka came out on the meadow,

We all gathered in a circle.

Bear fun laughter

He is so good.

Laugh with Misha, guys,

Well, together: two times, three ...

And now Zamri!

Well, bunny babes!

Well, bunny, babes.

Well, gray, babes.

La-la-la. La-la-la.


(Children with a song go in a circle, in the center, a bunny dances dances, using familiar dance movements)

Well, bunny, bustle.

Well, gray, twinkled.

La-la-la. La-la-la.

Well, gray, twinkled.

(Children clap your hands, bunny spins)


Teddy bear walks

And baskets carries

(Children go in a circle)

Walking a teddy bear

looking for berries Malinka.

(look around, applying palm to eyes)

Loves bear sweet eat

(smooth palm stomach)

Oh like a lot of berries here

Well-ka, yagodka-Malinka

(Manyate hand)

Fly soon in the basket.

(Berries collected)

Bear years collected

(Show hands and shake right-left)

And happiness buried

R-R-R! Yes Yes Yes!

(Rug and nod head)

Very berry tasty

(spin and bow to the last words)

Horticulture "That's what a Christmas tree"

That's what a Christmas tree about us

in front of our Christmas tree

let's go to dance (go in a circle)

Clap clas

tra la-la-la. (Clap, lanterns)

Resorted to Christmas tree


jump in the Christmas tree

bunny-chalunca (run in a circle)

Skok jumps, jump.

Tra la-la-la. (jump in place, lanterns)

Came to the Christmas tree Lononka Lisa

And tail fluffy

Snow under her chalk

(go in a circle, depicting a fox)

Like this

Tra la la la la. (Show the tail, lanterns)

A bear-begging

Honey bears

All he treats all

Dancing and sings. (go to step)

Top Top Top Top

Tra la-la-la (pour the leg, flashlights)

Here in the forest fun

Kneaded dance.

Under the christmas tree green

we celebrate the New Year.

(Go in a circle holding hands)

Clap clas

tra la-la-la. (clap your hands, lanterns)

Horror-game "With the bias I go"

Children become a circle. One child is a presenter. He has a "binding". Under the singing of the first couplet, the presenter goes "eight" (bypassing every child) and on the last word is put on to whom it stops.


With the bias, I go,

With green I go

I do not know where

Bind put.

(with the beginning of the 2nd couplet for the leading the child who bowed leading)

Put the top view

Put the top view

Put you Vyun.

On the right shoulder.

(On the third might movement)

And with the right,

And with the right,

And with the right

To put on the left.

By the end of the song with the "bias", four, the topics of the "Vinger" put in the center of the circle. Under the fun dance, four children dance, performing any dance movements. With the end of the music de try to take the "top". The most destructive becomes the lead, and the game is repeated.

Horror game "Dance"

On green meadow

Rejanga dances (Masha, Vanechka)

And we sing a song

(children with the song go in a circle, driven by the opposite moving inside it)

And in your hands loudly beam

Olya, fun!

Do not regret your legs

Bow not forget

Choose someone.

(children clap their hands,

walking arbitrarily dancing, the one with a bow invites any child and spins him)

Zarya-charge "

Two are chosen. And leading and playing standing in a circle, holding a ribbon in their hands (ribbons are strengthened by the number of players). Everyone goes round and sing


Red maiden

On the field went,

Keys dropped,

Gold keys,

Ribbons painted.

One, two, three are not rave

And run like fire!

For the last words of the leading side. Who is the first to take the liberated ribbon, the winner, and the next partner who remained himself.

"In the field of Birch stood"

In the birch field stood

In the kudryaya field stood.

Luli, Luli, stood.

Someone birch of breaks

Some kudryavi breakdown.

Luli, Luli, distortion.

I will go, I will go go,

White birch in a break. .

Luli, Luli, Dawn.

I'll smash with a birch of three rods, I will make it three buzz.

Luli, Luli, three buzz.

Fourth balalaica

Fourth balalaica.

Luli, Luli, Balalyca.

I will become in the balalaika, I play,

I will become in the balalaika, I play.

Luli, Luli, I play.

(Moves in the lyrics)

"At the bear in Bor"

Selects the leading - "Bear".

It is at some distance from other participants. Children pronounce the text, approaching the "Bear".

Bear in Bor Mushrooms, Berry I take,

And the bear is not sleeping

Everything grows on us.

With the end of the text, children run out, "Bear" will catch them in the process of the game other words can be used:

At the bear in Bor

Mushrooms - Berries I'm a RW.

And the bear is not sleeping

Everything looks at us,

And then how to burn

And they will run away!

And we take berries

And we do not give the bear

We go to the boron with a battle,

Beat the bear in the back!

How under our gate

How under our gate

water rushes

(children go in a circle, holding hands)

Oh, my calba

Oh, my raspberry

(Go to the center of the circle and go back)

Poured water

Grass climbed.

(Scramble in a step in pairs, holding hands.

Oh, Kalina May!

Oh, my raspberry!

(go to the center of the circle and depart back)

Grass climbed

Silk grass.

(go in a circle)

Oh, my raspberry,

oh, Kalina is my!

(movements the same)

Russian folk game "Frog"

5-6 people are chosen by "frogs". They are part of the circle, which forms the rest of the children. The circle of children leads dance to the right and sings the 1st verse:

Here is a frog along the track

Rides, stretching the legs.

Kwa, kva, kva-kva-kva!

Rides, stretching the legs.

When singing: "Kva, Kwa ..." in all twigs, the frogs join the tact of music. Next, going to the left, children sing:

Here from the puddle on the bump,

Yes, the french frinist.

Kwa, kva, kva-kva-kva!

Yes, the french frinist.

At the end of singing, children constituting the circle are scattered in different directions. Now they are "flies." "Frogs" catch "flies" and remove them aside. Then the caught children get up in the middle of the circle. Now they will be "frogs". The rest of the guys get up again in the circle "and, moving on the right side, sing:

More is reluctant to her

Jump again in your swamp.

Kwa, kva, kva-kva-kva!

Jump again in your swamp.

Then the dance is cast to the left.

In the flush field, it knows

The tongue is enough.

Kwa, kva, kva-kva-kva!

The tongue is enough.

When singing the last rows, children are running out, and the "frogs" catch them.

Russian folk game "Cat and Mice"

Children stand in the circle and name "Cat":

Kitty, in a circle Run,

we play together.

(Raise the connected hands up, through these "Boots" "Cat" runs into a circle, lies and "falling asleep." Guys sing:

Mice water dance. - Go in a circle.

On the laying a dreaming cat.

Quieter, mouse, do not make sure

(Suitable to "Kotu", narrowing circle.)

Cat Vaska will not be.

That wakes up Vaska-cat,

(Expand the circle)

Breaks all rounds!

(They say loudly, standing still. "Cat" catches mice, they try to escape from him on his chairs)

Beeis, cabbage

Weight, followed, my cabbage,

Weight, followed, my white.

Like me, cabbage, not torture,

White Wow do not kick?

Children are taking hands, forming a long strip. The presenter spends all through the "gate" (raised hands) formed by the last pair. When everyone goes, standing at the back turns and begins to "curl cabbage," gives his hand through the left shoulder, continuing to hold onto the hand of the rear. Thus, the dance is moving until all players go through. Then summer stops, and the dance "worsen snail" until "Kochan" will turn out. Then moves repeated in reverse order


"Wanya walks"

Children standing in a circle, go to the right. "Vanya" walks in a circle, children sing:

Walks Vanya, walks Vanya

In the middle of a circle, in the middle of a circle.

"Vanya" walks in a circle, choosing a "friendship". The rest of the children are standing.

Looking for Vanya, looking for Vanya

For myself, a friend, for myself a friend.

"Vanya" by choosing a "friendship",

leads it to the center of the circle.

Found Vanya, found Vanya

For myself a friend, for yourself a friend

At the end of the song "Vanya" and "Friendly" danced under the cotton children. Choose another "Vanya" and the game is repeated

"We went to the meadow"

Children stand in a circle. Rodel - stands "Bunny". The children sing and move to the right in a circle, holding hands:

We went to the meadow, dance drove.

So, in the meadow dance drove (2 times)

Stopping, children point to the "bunny". Putting hands under the cheeks show how the con sleep:

Torn on the bunny bunny in the chill.

This is how the bunny in the coldt (2 times)

Children imitate the game on the twin. "Bunny" sleeps.

Wake up wanted to duffed:

Tu-Tu, Ru-Tu, in Duffa Dudge! (2 times)

Children go to the right in a circle, imitating the game on the drum:

Bunny we walked, beat the drums:

Boom boom, tra-ta, Biil's drums! (2 times)

It is a bunny to themselves, he jumps in the middle of the circle. All clap, and the bunny jumps:

Bunny Wake up, well-ka raise -

Like this, do not be lazy, well-ka raise (2 times)

At the end of the game, a new "bunny" is selected.

The game can be carried out no more than 2-3x times

"Merry Girl Alena"

Children stand in a circle, in the middle of a circle girl, she slightly turns to the right and left, children sing:

Oh, what dress is alena,

Yes, with what Caemo Green!


Heel my tops bolder

Yes, let go to the dance merry!

In the chorus, all the children are digging right, then with his left foot and turn around them, movement is repeated 2 times.

Another girl runs into the circle and turning to the right and left, shows imaginary tapes in pigtails, children sing:

Brought Gannustenka sister

Blue satin ribbons for braids


Boy runs into the circle. He dances, exhibiting alternately, then left leg. Children sing:

Look at Misha on the legs,

Are red boots are good?


Children go to the middle of the circle and back, sing:

Oh, and we guys bearing with you,

We can also heat the heels!

"On the forest clearing"

Children in a circle, with them there are children depicting animals with them. "Hare" pops up for the middle of the circle. Children go in a circle:

In the morning, early on the forest clearing

Ringing, ringing bunny drum


children stop, imitate the game on the drum. Then the "hare" returns to the circle.

Comes out "Bear". Children go in a circle:

From the Berlogs got a bearish

Stupid, stump began

Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top!

"Bear" dances, turning off his legs on the leg. Children repeat these movements. "Bear" returns to the circle. Skump "Flags", children sing:

Flags make charging

Dance, dance fun if you dance!

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva!

Children are danced with "frogs" in the jury. "Flags" returns to the circle.

It became empty immediately on the clearing.

Walkling, ringing rain drums:

Cap-Cap, Cap-Cap-Cap, Cap-Cap!

Stop and clap in your hands, depicting a knock of the rain.

"Merry musicians"

Children stand in a circle - "Musicians"; "Scribes", "Balalatechik", "Drummer" - come out of the circle and sit on the chair; In the center of the circle there are 4-5 "hares." Children are taken by arms and raise them up, through the resulting "knot" includes a "violinist" ("Balalatech", "drummer"), sings:

I play on the violin:

Ti-Lee, Ti-Lee!

Dance bunny on the lawn,

Ti-Lee, Ti-Lee!

For the last words "hares" squatted. Skripach goes to his place. Children, in the "knot" let "Balalatechik" and sing:

Played on a balalaica:

Trendi-Bryng, Trendy Bryng!

"Hares" dance. Children go in a circle, then stop and sing, clapping in your hands:

Take hares on the lawn,

Trendi-Bryng, Trendy Bryng!

"Balalatechik" goes to his place. Children, in the "knot" let the drummer and sing:

And now on the drum:

Boom boom boom, tra-ta-there!

"Hares" having heard the last words, imitate fright, children raise hands up, depicting the "bushes" and sing:

In fear of the hare fed

By bushes, by bushes!

Hares hide, drummer playing

"Who is good we have?"

Children stand in a circle, sing and claw into your hands. "Vanechka" comes out for the middle of the circle:

Who we have a good, who are we setting up?

Vanya is good, Vanechka Prieuza.

"Vanechka" rides a horse, waving a web.

On the horse sits down, the horse will be taken

Weavers will assist - the horse will bother behind it.

"Vanechka" walks for children standing in a circle, raising his legs (as if "rides" on horseback).

Pasting the garden rides, Garden green

Flowers bloom, birds sink

"Vanechka" returns to the circle, comes to "Olekchka". At the end of the song, they dance together under the cotton children.

It approaches the house, gets off the horse

From the horse gets, Olek is encountered.


Children stand in a circle, pre-selected "carrots", "bow", "cabbage", "chauffery". They also stand in a circle.

Children go in a circle and sing:

We have a garden. There is his carrot grows

Here is such a width, here is such an embroidered! (2 times)

Children stop and open their hands in the width, and then raise them up.

It turns out "carrots", dancing and at the end of the crowd returns to the circle; Children standing still:

You, carrots, hurry here. You are a little baptis

Children go in a circle and sing:

We have a garden, there is a green onion growing

The "Onions" dances in a circle, at the end of the crowd returns to the circle, children, standing still, sing:

You are hurrying to go here, you will baptize a little,

And then do not yaw and go to the basket (2 times)

Children go in a circle and sing:

We have a vegetable garden and cabbage there grows

Here is such a width, here is such an embroidery (2 times)

It comes out "Cabbage" and dances in a circle, at the end of the crowd returns to the circle, children sing:

You're cabbage, we hurry to us, that a little baptice,

And then do not yaw and go to the basket (2 times)

Children go in a circle and sing:

We have a truck, it is not small and not great.

Here is such a width, here is such an embroidery (2 times)

The "driver" comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the crowd returns to the circle, children sing:

You, chauffeur, hurry here, you break a little

And then no yawns of our crop.

"Vaska - Cat"

Children stand in a circle. Choose "Cat" and 5-6 "mice". "Mice" go for a circle, and "Cat" - in the middle of the circle and performs movements on the text of the song. Children take hands and go to the right and left in a circle, sing:

Waste the Vaska Serious,

Fluffy white tail.

Waste a Vaska cat.

Sumits, washed,

The paw fats, the song sings.

The house will not honestly

Vaska-cat will be attached, the gray mice is waiting ...

At the end of the song, the children raise hands, forming a "gate". "Cat" begins to catch "mice", running in the "gate". The game ends when all the "mice" will be caught.

Mice, mice, you trouble,

Do not run anywhere! All caught a cat!

"Come out, girlfriend"

Children run in a circle, holding hands. "Soloist" - in the center of the circle. With the beginning of the song, children stop and clap - "soloist" dances. When the song ends, another "soloist" is selected:

Beginning on the track

Slammer in palm,

Topney heels

Dance-ka with us!

Invite us in a circle

And choose me!

"All toys are having fun"

Children stand in a circle and, to the tutor, perform the movements, about which he comes in a song, or invent them with the words "Tanya dolls dance with Vanya" and "Matryoshka went to dance".

Drumat Drums:


Tanya dolls dance with Vanya, -

What beauty!

Dance went dirty

Wider circle, wider circle

Together slaughtered in the palm:

Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, Tuk-Tuk-Tuk!

Behind Preliushki

Ding Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding!

All toys are having fun

All day, all day!

What is it for the people?

This is what the people

So funny behaves?

Ears, like sails!

These are miracles!

Children put hands to the ears and run scraping in a circle.

This is what the people

So funny behaves?

Rushing fun frank

Just back forever!

Children continue to move in a circle, turning back.

This is what the people

So funny behaves?

He nods head

On the knees beats yourself!

This is what the people

So funny behaves?

Holded himself for spout

And leads yourself!

This is what the people

So funny behaves?

He saws one hand

And the other nails beats!

That's what miracles!

Wonderful Wonder Miracles:
Fox sits on hemp
Rod waves
Two bear dance.
That's what miracles -
Two bear dance!

Hares took up the sides,
Trepaca dug,
Ducks flew
Played into the twin!
That's what miracles -
Played into the twin!

And birch in dance went,
Horics led.
The sun dashed
All lighter has become.
That's what miracles -
All the lighter has become!

walked in the forest bunny

she walked over the forest bunny in balalaika laptice
He chastushki sow-played on the balalaica.
That's it, that's so walked in the forest bunny
That's the way, like this, played on the balalaica.

And the bear Toptygin through the puddles jumped,
Jumping through the puddles Bear awkward
like this, so jumped through the puddles
like this, so the bear is clumsy

And the fox looked at the tail of the spit,
Songs sang songs and the tail of the spit,
like this, like this - the tail of the spit
like this, like this, a spit

Cinema little bird flies
ate a lot of cereals and wings wave
like this, like this, solash

And mice deftly Dögli Carrot
very much deftly jerked behind the tail
like this, so so so are carrot
That's it, so so it was so far behind the tail

Sun, brighter Gray!

Children stand in a circle, holding hands.
Scrawer, squabble.

/ Circle flies a spear /
Cold winter
Rock! -2 times
Nooter, Scringerchka,

/ plays whistle /
SPOY song
And spring-beauty

/ lift the handles, the sun comes in a circle /
Open the door!
Sun, sunshine.

/ goes in a circle /
Brighter Gray!
We are rays at warm
Heat! /
I sang her in the dance.

The squaw flew in the middle of the circle, waving the wings - he drove the winter. Open the door - brought the sun. Sun swung handles heated babies.

Song-drawing "Babushkin Dvor"
Lada, frets, ladies, we arrived to my grandmother.
To our cute grandmother,
Grandmother - fun, drove \\ 3 times \\ children,

cute \\ 3 times \\ grandchildren. (Children go in a circle).
I have a roasting, bright red scallop.
Red beard, an important gait.
Red \\ 3 times \\ beard, important \\ 3 times \\ gait.
(Children go high raising legs. The case is held straight, head raised. Hands are reserved. During the movement, children are actively "masting wings", lifting and lowering hands).
There is a goat of mischievous, here it is a beard.
He scares children, bodies horn.
Kids he \\ 3 times \\ scares
Horns \\ 3rza \\ Bodies.
(Children jump in place, holding a fist head with raised squeezing fingers, depicting horns).
There is a cat Murka, a nice nasty.
(Children go soft "spring" step).
Walks after the grandmother, washes the face with a paw.
Goes \\ 5 times \\ after the grandmother,
Washes \\ 5 out \\ face with my paw.
(Children show gestures as a cat wash).
Tsok, Coc, Coc, Central Committee, Coc
There is a horse - gray side.
Swirl jumps around the yard, invites everyone to the game!
Swirl jumps \\ 3 times \\ courtyard,
Invites \\ 3 times / all in the game!
(Children bend in the elbows hands with a "bridle", then pressing them to the chest, then pulling out in front of them).
Lada, Lada, ladies, that's how many grandmother have everyone!

Merges of defortion

The fun of the rate begins the game

(Children, holding hands, go in a circle)

Redhead fox on the grass goes

And the tail flush by itself.

(follow each other, cautious stepping, showing the tail of the tail of the tail)

Merities of the defortion.

Game continues

Hedgehogs thoroughly clap your hands,

Sun are rejoiced

the day is so good.

(clap your hands)

The fun of the defortion ends the game

(Holding hands, go in a circle)


Dancing and sings

(spin, roll from foot on foot)

Spins and toops

Joyfully roar

(bow and growl)

Purpose:develop the ability to perform movements on the signal. Children exercise in the subject, in running

Game description:Kids "Mice" are sitting in minks - on chairs or on benches set along the walls of the room or one side of the site. On the opposite side of the site stretched the rope at an altitude of 50-40 cm. This is "pantry". On the side of the playing sits "Cat", the role of which is performed by the educator.

The cat falls asleep, and the mice run into the pantry. Penetrated into the storage room, they bend off not to hurt the rope. There they are sitting on and as if scarce crops or other products. Cat suddenly wakes up, meows and runs behind mice. The mice run away in the mink (the cat does not catch mice, but only pretends that he wants to catch them). Returning to the place, the cat falls asleep, and the game resumes.

You can repeat the game 4-5 times.

Rules of the game:

  1. Mice can run to the pantry only when the cat lights up.
  2. Return to mink mice can only after the cat wakes up and jershoot.

Horovodnaya game - Pestic

The players form a circle, in the middle of which the child becomes - it will be a pear. All go around the skin in a circle:

We will put the sadness - here, here!

Let our pear grows, grows!

You grow up, pear, here is such an embroidery;

You grow up, pear, here is such a width;

You grow up, pear, grow in good time!

Dance, Marika, twist you for us!

And we will pinch this sadness.

We will run away from our marine!

Grushkka in the middle of the circle should depict everything that comes in a song (dancing, spinning). For the words "such embroidery", children raise hands up, and on the words "such a width" bred them on the parties.

When they sing: "And we will knock out this sadness," everyone approaches the pear to touch it, and quickly run away, and the sadness catches children. All game actions should be consistent with the words

Gardener and Sparrow

Separate garden and sparrow. The remaining participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Nuts (apples, plums, etc.) are put on the middle of the circle. Aside, steps in ten, draw the circle - "nest". The dance is slowly moving in a circle, they all sing:

Sparrow small.
Serious, delete,
In the yard scents,
Crumbs collects;
In the garden will spend the night
Berries steals.

Sparrow runs to the circle (guys, lift and lowering hands, let and release it), takes one walnut and tries to carry it into the "nest". The gardener will strike around the circle and, as soon as the sparrow runs out of the circle, begins to catch it. If the sparrow will be able to put a nut in the "nest", he plays again. The caught sparrow changes with a role with one of the participants. But before that, he should pay off from the gardener and to fulfill the desires of the dance, for example, to sing, dust, etc. At the same time he sing

Correct the eyelid
In the garden of berries do not cool
On the oak sticks do not sit down.
And you, grooves, sit on the meadow,
And you, sulfur, sit down in a circle.
Do not you stand up and fly,
In the dance our pay!

At the end of the game, count what a sparrow brought more all nuts to the "nest". He is declared the winner and all nuts give as a reward.


The players choose a flower, and then divided into two groups: watchdogs and bees. Storam, holding hands, walk around the flower and sing:

Bees Torry,
Gold wings,
What are you sitting

Do not fly in the field?
Al you will send you rain
Al you sun bake?
Fly for mountains high
For green forests
On a round meadow
On a laase flower.

The bees are trying to run into the circle, and the guard, then the lift, then lowering the hands, prevent them. As soon as one of the bees can be able to penetrate the circle and touch the flower, the worshi, who failed to protect the flower, scatter. The bees run behind them, trying to "stool" and "wanted" into the ears.

Smooth circle

Malani has an old woman

Malani has an old woman
Lived in a small hut
Seven sons and seven daughters.
With such ears -

(repeat for the lead - what ears)
With such hands -

(repeat for the lead - what hands)
With such a head -

(repeat for the lead - what a head)
With such a beard -

(repeat for the lead - what a beard)
Did not eat anything, the whole day was sitting on him (her) looked,
Done like this. How?

Horror-game "Mice in the meadow"

On green, in the meadow

(Go for each other in a circle.)

Mice cut off

Suddenly the fox ran -

(Do frightened look.)

Mice were frightened.

Mice, mice, beware,

(Fox threatens her finger.)

Me, mice, keep away!

On green, in the meadow,

(Children's mice sit down.)

Slies mouse - neither googie!

Under an aspen leaf

(Covered with a palm head as a leaflet.)

Behind the swampy, behind the bump

Mice hid, sat down,

They struck barely.

Foured away Lisa

(Looking back after the fled fox.)

For affairs in their forests.

And mice without worries

(BCMAM and go in the dance.)

Again water dance!

In cheese borou tropine

In the cheese Bor Tropin - 2 times
Tropine, tropine, tropine, tropine (raise hands up, show how trees are swinging)

On that trail Galka went -2RAZ
Galka, walked, daw went
Galka walked, daw went (the girl goes inside the dance with a handkerchief in his hand)

And for her beds - 2 times
Sokolik, Sokolok, Sokolik, Sokolok (the boy catches the girl and keeps behind her handkerchief)

Wailed by checking no download - 2 times
Do not download nonsense, do not download nonsense (only falcon boy sings, it stands and turns to the girl)
And you do not hold falcon - 2 times
Do not hold, do not hold, do not hold do not hold (sings the girl and waving a handkerchief)

In the cheese Bor Tropin - 2 times
Tropina, tropine, tropine, tropine (children stand in a dance, girl walks in a circle behind her boy holding a handkerchief).

In the village it was, in Olkhovka

1. In the village there was, in Olkhovka,
In the village there was, in Olkhovka.
Chorus: Napti, yes Napti, yes my lapties,
Oh, lapties, yes lapti, yes napty my,
Eh, my lapties, lapties lime,
You do not be afraid, he wants
Tychka new ribble.
Oh, well, pah!
2. There, there was a guy Andreyashka,
There was a guy Andreyashka.
3. Loved Andreyashka Parash,
Loved Andreyashka Parash.
4. He gave her the roads of the gift:
All the Rins, and the Baranians.
5. I did not tell him a reason to marry,
I did not tell him a reason to marry.
6. Our Andreyashka was crying here,
And he was called parash

Braid braid

Braid woven, braid,
Warn the golden pipe,
Combine kuma young
Came out soap with small kids
Breaking the woven, break
Unfolding a golden pipe
Guess the kuma young,
There was a cooler with small kids.

I walked

I went to the street, the alley went
Found a tangle
Thread stretches, distorted
The tangle rolls rolling
Tangle share, share, share
The thread Dalee, Dalle, Dale
I took a lot of thread
Thinking thin thread

I lived at the father, I am a telochka grazing

I lived at the father,
I am an amell gravel.
Oh, I, I am a getter
Oh, I'm on the green meadow,
Oh, I, I did not catch the Tetya,
Oh, I, just pulled the feather.
Oh I, I'm with this aunt
Oh, I, I'll do a Duda,
Oh, I'm already, my twink,
Oh me, my cheerful
Oh me having fun
Oh me on someone else's side
Oh, I, with a big family.
Oh, in my family three sons,
Oh me, one horses grabs,
Oh, I, another lapti weave,
Oh, I, the third sits on the pebble,
Oh, I hold the goat on Vseazuchka,
Oh me!

With the bias I go

With the bias I go

with Zilan I go
I will put a viewer-2p
I will put a bind on

right shoulder-2r
And with the right-2r
I am to Device-2p
I go to Devic I go I go-2
Worship and wreath give
With the bias I go

with Zilan I go
I do not know where to put-2r
I will put a viewer-2p
I will put a view

on the right shoulder-2r
And with the right-2r
And with the right to left Position
I am good-to-2r
I am a meager I go coming Idu-2r
Worship and wreath give.

Vasya, Vasya, Vasilechyuk

Vasya, Vasya, Vasilek, Vasilek
My azurea flower, my flower
An hour I was sad, I sadly
Another hour irrigated, watering
Another hour sidewalls, sidewood
Torvoy Tsvetik, Women's Council, Women's Council,
As a wreath, I will go to the tank, I will go to the tank
In this tank Mo-and cute, my and cute
Mo and Cute Husband Caught, Husband Caught
Its strings silk, silk
On the strings of the hands hooks, hands hooks
He play, and I dance, and I dance

Here we were sowed flax

And we sowed, sowed luna,
And we sowed, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
Chorus: Lyon My, Lon, White Luck,
To the right on the mountain, on the left on the steep,
Lyon my zilan.
And we polol, pololfish,
We pololi, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,
Here we pumped, we pray for Luck,
And we dreamed, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,
And we got shed, we got sobli,
And we got shed, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,
And we urine, uringed luna,
We dried, dried flax,
And we muli, we are malls flax,
And we tremble, Trepali Luck,
And we are Cheschal, Chesled Lon,
And we hurt, we hurt luna,
And we have a fabric, we are flax fabrics,
And we cried, Croili Luck,
And we wore, worn luna,

Cat and mouse

Tasks: Develop the ability to perform a movement on the signal. Exercise in the run in different directions.

Description: Children - "Mice" sit in minks (on the chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the site sits "Cat" - an educator. The cat falls asleep, and the mice are scattered around the hall. The cat wakes up, meowes, begins to catch mice, which run into mink and occupy their places. When all the mice return to the mink, the cat takes place again, then returns to his place and falls asleep.


  1. The tutor follows that all children ran out of mink.
  2. The educator can use in the game - the cat is a toy.

Options: Mouses are jumping over the streams, overcome obstacles, go through the bridge.

Artistic word:

Cat mouse did not find and sleep to him went, only a cat falls asleep, all mice run away!

Catch moser

Tasks: Develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, exercise children in jumps (bouncing on site).

Description: Playing become in a circle, at the distance of the elongated hands, face to the center. The tutor is in the middle of the circle. He holds a rod in her hands - 1-1.2 meters with a cardboard mosquito tied on the cord. The length of the cord is 50 cm. The teacher creates a rod, "a mosquito", slightly above the head of playing. When a mosquito flies above his head, the child jershits, trying to catch him. The one who grabs mosquito says "I caught!". Then the educator again circles the rod circle.


  1. You can only catch a mosquito and bouncing on two legs.
  2. Catch the mosquito need not to go off the place.

Options: You can run ahead, holding a rod with a mosquito in your hands, children run him to catch up.

On a roving track

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to move rhythmically, coordinate movements with words, finding your place. Exercise walking, jumps, squats, running.

Description: Children are sitting on the chairs, the educator offers them to go walk. They get out of place, are freely grouped or built into the column. The teacher says "on a roving track, our legs are walking, once or twice, only two, in pebbles, in the pebbles, in the pit - booze." With the words "on a roving track .." children go a step. "On the pebbles" jump on two legs slightly moving forward. "In the pit of booze, they are squatting. Run out of the pit - children rise. After 2-3 repeats, the educator says "our legs are tired on a roving track, here our home - we live there."


  1. Movements must match the text.
  2. Get out of root after the words "got out of the pit."
  3. Run home only after the words "we live there."


Tasks: Develop an exposure in children, observation. Exercise in a rapid running with confidence, in building a circle, in fishing.

Description: Playing stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle, the house fox is stolen. The educator offers playing to close his eyes, bypassing a circle behind the backs of the children and says "I am going to search in the forest with a tricky and red fox!", Topping up to one of the players, which becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher offers playing to open his eyes and carefully see which of them is a tricky fox, whether she will give himself something. Playing 3 times asked by a chorus, first quietly, and at the louder "Sunshi Fox, where are you?". At the same time, everyone is looking at each other. The tricky fox quickly comes out on the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, says "I'm here." All players are running around on the site, and the fox catches them. Fox caught home in Noura.


Lisa begins to catch children only after playing by the choir 3 times asked and Fox will say "I am here!" If Lisa gave himself earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox. The player, ranging over the border of the site, is considered caught.

Mousetrap (senior group)

Tasks: Develop an excerpt in children, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running, squatting, building in a circle, walking in a circle. Promote speech development.

Description: Playing are divided into 2 unequal groups. Little, forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice, they are outside the circle. The players depicting the mousetrap are taken by the hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying "Oh like mice are tired, everyone slept, they all trembled. Beware of the chewing, we will get to you, then put the mousetrap - fly all now. " Children stop and raise the lifted hands up forming a gate. Mice run into a mousetrap and run out of it, according to the word "clap" children, children standing in a circle, lower their arms and squat - Mousetrap slammed. Playing who did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice pass into the circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, children change roles.


Lisa can catch chickens, and chickens can climb into a volatile only by the sign of the teacher "Fox!".

Dog and Sparrow


Skok Bakok.
Skok Bakok.
Rides, Rides Sparrow
Clicking young children
Chive, Chive, Chive
Throw crumbs Sparrow
I'll sleep a song
(Imitate the movements of Sparrow: Jumping on two legs, crawling hands.)
Suddenly the dog came running
Vorobukha rage.

We are in kicking

Purpose. Teach children perform movements in accordance with the text.

We are writing legs.
We clap hands
We rush your head.
We raise your hands
We give hands.
We feed hands. (Take each other by hand.)
And run around
And run around.

By the adult signal "Stove!" The baby must stop. The game can be repeated with running on the other side.

Sun and rain

purpose. Learn children to walk and run a swarming, not jumping around at each other, teach them to act across the signaler.

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches. The educator says: "Sun! Go for a walk!" Children walk and run throughout the site. After the words "rain! Early home!" They run to their places. When the educator again says: "Sun! You can go for a walk", the game is repeated.

Guidelines. A small number of children first participate in the game, then 10-12 people can be attracted. Instead of the chairs' houses, you can use a large variegated umbrella, under which children are hiding around the signal "Rain!". During the walk, you can offer children to collect flowers, berries, jump, like couples.

When repetition, the game can be complicated by placing the houses (3-4 stools) in different places of the room. Children must remember their house and run into it.

Bear Kosolapoy

purpose. Teach children perform movements in accordance with the text.
Bear Kosolapoy
In the forest goes
(1. Cheaga's cheagle)
Bumps collects
Singles sings.
(2. Sat - collect cones)
The bump bounced
Straight Mishke in the forehead.
(3. Keep the handles for the forehead)
Bear was angry
And nagu - Top!

(4 bag)

Two merry sheep

Purpose. Teach children perform movements in accordance with the text.
Two merry sheep
Curricated near the river.
Jump, jump-skok!
(1. Jumping fun)
White lambs jump
Early in the morning near the river.
Jump, jump-skok!
Up to the sky, down to the grass.
(2. Ride on the legs, stretch up 3. Sat, Hands are lowered down)
And then spinning
(4. Twisted)
And the river fell

(5. Paday).

/ chr.n.p.zhgalya went on the dumping "/
Objective: Learning to move in the dance, add emotional color and facial expression.
Text speakers metroratmic actions

Galya walked along the saddle, get up in a circle, soloist in a circle, handkerchief in
His handkerchiefs dropped there. "Rhines" handkerchief. Near whom fell a wok
Rises and hides behind the back.
I've got around Galya Sadok, the soloist shrugs and breed
Looking for a blue handkerchief with hands.
Do not burn, girlfriend Galya, children go to the center "To Gale" by arms and
We found your handkerchiefs. Dissate.
Under raspberry under a tutor, a child who has a handkerchief, suitable
Under green under the leaves. To the soloist, and with a bow for a handkerchief.

Have a bear birthday

In the house, a holiday and fun, go in a circle by arms, the bear in the hands is danted.
Miss the birthday of the birthday.
PR.: Holiday We will certify, hanging out, go to the center of the circle.
Tra la la, tra la la,
Bear congratulations, go back, forming a circle.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.

With us, Bear, Bunch, as in 1 ticket.
Sing us a song from the soul.
PR.: The same.

/ R.p.) Seni, my senses "/

Purpose: Display the simplest metrochromic actions in space with the help of the simplest movements - walking one by one, in a pair and in a circle.

Come to my girlfriend, the child comes to his pair and stretching
Hey, get up bolder! Has her hand.
Stretch your friend
Dance fun.
PR.: Once or twice, jump-skok, the second child will give hand. Rash
Dance more fun. / 2Read / clutch hands in tact singing.
We will go with you in a circle, stepping in a circle with a rhythmic step.
Holding hands together
We will dance this dance
We will dance and sing.

"Games with Mishka"
/ Sound from "Fa" to "to" with doubling each sound /
Purpose: Fasten the ability to feel in music in character, the transition from a rapid pace to moderate and vice versa; Repetition of a soft spring step, "lanterns", dance steps.

Bear came to visit us. Children in the dance, in the center - soloist / R-k or toy /
Well. Look,
Like this. So, like this, so, they choose in your hands and swing heads.
Well, look. Bear is worn in a circle.
And on the dance on the cheerful "spring", hands on the belt.
Bear invite.
Like this. So, like this, so. The bear is dancing to the end of the song.
Bear invite.
Our handles trapped, "lanterns".
Bear fears with us.
Like this, so, like this, so
Bear fears with us.
Our legs trapped, "springs".
Bear fears with us.
So, so, like this. So,
Bear fears with us.

"Cat and mice" Russian folk

Game traffic:

Mice water dance. Children, holding hands, go in a circle around

On the laying a dreaming cat. Cat.

Sushch, do not make mice! Fresh finger.

Cat Vaska will not be.

How wars Vaska-cat - Pull hands forward with palms.

Breaks the whole dance. Alternately raise and lowered bent

In the elbows hands, fingers are compressed in fists.

Moved the ears cat - Run away.

And the whole dance disappeared!

Horror "on malina "For raspberries in the garden, let's go, holding hands go in a circle.

Go to the garden, go to the garden


Head, head.

Sunshine on the yard, raise hands up "lanterns"

And in the garden, the path lowers hands and gently water brushes

right left.

Sweet you are, clapped in your hands.


Losses are spinning on the seeds, hands on the belt.

You are Malinka, not in the rotock,

threaten the index finger

Not in the rotock, not in the rotock -

Pour in the body, "Berries collect"

In the body, in the body!

Like raspberries like

We score, score, "Berries collect"

Pies we will arouse, "bake patties"

Let's learn, let's tell.

Pies we will arouse,

Let's lend, let's let down, "bake patties"

All their neighbors call, mounted with their hands, as if when looking for

Cook, call.

"The deer house is big"

The deer house is big - show a deer horns

He looks into his head visor to his forehead

Bunny on the forest runs - earsbunnyand

At the door to him knocks. - Knock Knock! Open the door! Knock the cam of one hand by,palm is different.

There in the forest hunter evil! Cress your hands to the chest and shake by omnounced brushes.

Bunny, bunny, run

Paw to me - Pull hands forward

Fast door deer opened Break hands to the sides.

The hare in the house was let down. Touch palms to the chest.

Hare, friend, do not rub now Threaten with your finger.,

We will close the door. Bred hands on the parties and

then press the palms to each other.

Oh, oh, scary to me Bend hands in elbows in front of the breast and

Somehow I do not care shake with lowered brushes.

Heart in the heels is all gone Press your hands to heart and then shown on the feet

And not departed Negatively swing heads. - Do not tremble, my bunny Fresh fingerI looked in my window palm to eyes.: Evil Hunter ran away - Make a single hand Sit a little! Pull out handsforward Yes, yes, I sit - cotton in your hands I can't shake anymore, I had a fright, You are good friend! Pull hands forward

"Tuben" (on the motive of the Russian folk song "Like ours at the gate")

Game traffic: Children get up in a circle. The presenter - the educator sings, and passes near each child. Near who music ends, the name of the educator calls.

Tambourine, tambourine, get, Presenter walks before children shaking

Guys have fun. tambourine.

Baby play,

Buban hit.

Chlopai - times and clap - two! Holds a tambourine in front of a child.

Interesting game. The baby hits his palm.

Tanya (child name) plays

In the tambourine hits.

snow game - Snowball game

Children get up in a circle.

Snow - snowball, snow - snowball Gradually lowered hands.

The track is steel.

Snow - snowball, snow - snowball,

White Metelitsa.

Snow - snowball, snow - snowball, Smoothly swing their hands

Right and left

Washed tracks.

Snow - snowball, snowy snow, play together

And each other snowballs

Fun rushing. Throw snowballs.

But warm in the yard, Clap your hands.

Do not frozen ears. Rub ears.

We roll snow. Rotate the hands of the handsbefore breasts.

White comarer

Break hands to the sides

White comales.

Dance - the game "On the courtyard of frost and wind"

Game traffic:

In the courtyard frost and wind, Go free

Children walk in the yard.

Handles, handles rubbing, run hands, palm about palm.

Pens, handles warming.

Do not freeze crumb sticks , Clap into your hands.

We praise in the palm.

Here's how we can slap

Here's how the handles we warm.

So as not to challenge our legs,

We sweep a little. Top legs.

Here's how to stall we can

Here's how legs we warm.

In the meadow in the meadow

In the meadow, yes in the meadow children, holding hands, go along

Dancing (name) in a circle circle, in the opposite goes

And we sing a little song.

And in your hands loudly beam.

(Name), fun! Rhythmically clap your hands.

Do not regret your legs! (Name) arbitrarily dancing,

Wonder do not forget, bow and invites any

Choose someone, baby ..

Walk to the forest

In the forest will go walk marching

We will walk fun.

On the path, let's go

go "snake" between

Friend of friendly Guski. "Kochkov".

On the socks stood running on the socks.

And they ran to the forest.

legs above raise, run high increments,

stepping through the "bumps".

We do not advise on the bumps.

And again marching

We are having fun.


Children (sparrows) are located freely around the hall, according to the chosen child (cat) sits in the corner of the hall.

Shadow-shadow, sweepage. Children put hands in front of the breasts "shelf"

Cat sat under the woven.

Sparrows raised, Make the hands of the hands "Wings"

Slap behind them in the palm.

Fly, sparrows! Fresh finger.

Beware of cats!

Children clap in the palm. Sparrows fly away from the cat.

"Dance of Friendship"

Children get up in a big circle, three stand up in the middle, take hands and become a chain. All sing a song.

We will take hands,

children move in one direction,

soloists for the lead go to another.

we will take hands.

smile to each other,

in a circle we will go!

All stop. Soloists turn face to children, near which they stopped, turning his back to the center of the circle, put hands on the belt.

hello guys

bow to children, opposite which are worth

running hands on the sides, palm forward.

our, straighten and put hands on the belt.

hello to the guys to our, repeat. movements.

we sing for you and dust,

all children hang one leg.

merry we are people.

come with us together

soloists take for both hands of children,

come with us together

standing opposite them, and lead them in

let the sound bearing the songs, the center of the circle.

it grows our dance.

soloists and invited children are circling in pairs.

horovoode "Seasons of the Year"

Invented mother Children, holding hands, go alongcircle.

Daughters names:

Here is summer and autumn,

Winter and spring!

Spring comes - Go to the circle, raising hands.

Green forests,

And birds everywhere Depart back, waving his hands,

And the summer came - Raise the hands of I.

Flowers everything under the sun, rotate with brushes.

And ripe berries "We put in the mouth of the berry"with palms.

We ask in the mouth.

We are generous autumn "Collect vegetablesin garbage".

Bring fruit

Give a crop

Both fields and gardens.

Winter falls asleep Smoothly omitt hands, making kisoft movements

Snow fields.

Winter is resting Squat and put hands undercheek, close your eyes.

And sleeping Earth.


Purpose: Learning to move in a circle, clap your hands.

Bunny, bunny, what's wrong with you

you are very sitting everyday

get up jumping, on dances

your legs are good

Movements: Children and educators become in a circle.

The educator and children go in a circle and sentenced, while performing movement in the text.

"We Matryoshka"

The goal of the game. Learning to perform movements on the text, showing palms, boots.

The course of the game. Children become a circle. The educator and children go in a circle and sentence:

we are nesting, that's what crumbs.

and we, as we have clean palms.

we are nesting, that's what crumbs.

and we, as we have new boots.

we are nesting, that's what crumbs.

and we, as we have new handkerchiefs.

we are nesting, that's what crumbs.


we ran all along the track.


The goal of the game. Teach children to coordinate the words of poem with actions.
The course of the game. Children become a circle. The tutor reads the bunny, it becomes in the center of the circle. The educator and children go in a circle and sentence:

Zainka, in sitting
Walk, take a walk!
Serious, new
Walk, walk!
Nowhere to zaine
Nowhere to jumped in gray.
Zainka, skat -
You go out,
Serious, breathe -
Let's release.
The teacher with children sings a melody dance, everyone claps in his hands, and the bunny dances. After that, the bunny is released from the circle and choose a new one.

"Create a dance"

Tasks:Bring up the feeling of rhythm, fixing the skill of movement in a circle.

Game traffic:

Create dance

In the center of the circle - a child playing

Around the harmonica -

on harmonica

Kids holding hands go around it

Above handles

stop, raise hands up


once clap your hands.

Top - Top, legs!

4 times to keep legs.

Exercises are repeated, another child plays on the harmonica.

Software content:

  • Summarize the idea of \u200b\u200bmusical instruments.
  • Develop auditory perception and attention, encourage to bind the sound toy with her way.
  • Fasten the ability to call parts of the body.
  • Continue to develop a shallow motility of the hands, the ability to walk in a circle holding hands with the progress of text.
  • Educating love for music.

Material: Musical instruments (drum, muses. Hammer, bells, rattles) Cheerful cap, Shirma, Soft toys, Gram.-karaoke.

The musical hall is decorated with bows, balloons, spring sun.

Structure occupation

Sounds chalk. Songs "Sponge Band" Children enter the hall. Pay attention to guests.

Educator. -All, who is here at a party now,

Look at us.

What are we smart

Beautiful, tidy!

Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

"Hello, palms"

Educator. - Look at how easy and beautiful in the hall.

Sun woke up

Kids smiled.

A friendly sun fell.

Hello Sunshine! We will say.

And where are our fingers?

Finger game "Lucches Sunny"

Educator. - Molders, guys, good.

And who we have good?

Who is the prophet?

We stand children in the dance.

Horovodnaya game "Who is good"

At the child, the teacher clothes the magic cap.

Educator. -And now get sort

Someone hurries to us, see!

Puppet performance "Fun Musicians"

Because of the screen, animals appear with musical instruments, before the appearance of characters, children hear the live sound of Hrew-Hrew, meowing, lying, lever. Everyone is represented by the viewer.

The piglet is appeared (and sings a cartoon song)

Educator. - Who is this?

Children. Piggy pigs.

Educator. - What do you have it?

Hryush. -Hrew I don't know what it is?

Educator. -This, Hryush, drum. Guys what is it called?

Children. -Drum.

Educator. - Sly, Khryusha. This is a drum and on it should be knocked out with chopsticks.

Hryush. -And how to play it?

Educator. -And you will now show our guys now.

Performed song "Drum weighs on a tape at the window on the wall"

Children sing and shown with their fingers as you need to play on the drum, two filter index retrain the rhythm.

Hryush. Both what are well done, I will go and I'll teach to play. (Khryusha leaves for a screen)

Lai dogs heard.

Educator. -Ands it barks there?

Children. - Doggy.

Dog. - I'm a dog, loudly lady.

I play a hammer.

My hammer knocks

All the guys are having fun.

(The dog is playing with a hammer, and the children clap their hands).

Educator. - Thank you. Does the dog having fun?

Well, now listen as we sing.

A dog came to us.

Smart dog

It's very loudly

Playing with kids.

Dog. - Thank you guys, I really liked the guys, I really liked, I will tell you about your puys about you.

(The dog leaves, the cat meows the cat).

Educator. -Who is it? Guys.

Children. -Cat.

Cat. - Bells carry all the guys with all guys (serves a basket with bells)

Educator. - (admiring) bells! we're glad!

(Children). What should I tell us a pussy?

Everything. -Thank you!

Educator. - Bells ring children dancing want.

Dance with bells.

Children are dancing.

Educator. -And now go here

Bells carry.

Let us wait for us in a basket

Then we sleep again,

And we will sit down, rest (children sit on chairs)

Music sounds (bear appears)

Bear. - (for shirma) what noise?

What kind of fun?

Sleep hiking do not give.

Loudly sing singing.

Educator. -O, guys, teddy bear,

Let's hide from him

(Children hide, sit behind the stool back)

Educator. - That you are a bear, there are no guys here, there are only kittens.

Bear. Why don't they meow?

Children. -Myu-meow (looks out due to stool back)

Bear. - And in the truth kittens, I will still sleep! (Bear leaves)

Educator. -The teddy bear closure.

Like our guys

Legs loudly knocking

Top top top!

Top top top!

And tired legs,

Quietly clap your hands.

Floating clast!

(Bear appears again)

Bear. -Where guys who interfere with me?

Educator. -What are you a bear, there are no guys here, there are only dogs.

Bear. -And why are they not lit?

Children. -WOF WOF!

Bear. - And in the truth of the dog I'll sleep still sleep. (Bear leaves)

Educator. - Along the clearing Tili-Tili,

Musicians came,

Sang songs and played

So that the beasts are not bored.

The teacher distributes musical instruments to children, fixes the name of the tools. Children together with the music worker play the "Orchestra."


The bear appears sings:

Songs I love and jokes

Love very music

(Pravit children).

You clapped me in your hands,

Here is a gift, you are crumb-bashonok. (Submits to the educator)

Educator. -And barrel is not simple,

Barrel is not empty!

You need to sit down everything -

And let's see what's here?

And in the barrel, kids,

Hid candy!

Guests treat

And Sam-AM will eat.

Thank you all for your attention.

We will visit again to visit,

Sing, play and dance.

Current page: 3 (Total 9 pages) [Available Reading Excerpt: 7 pages]


Lesson 1. Who we have a good one who are faithful. Reading a poem of S. Black "Breakfast"

Purpose. Call sympathy in children with the help of a taper story (games); Help the kids believe that each of them is a wonderful child, and adults love them.

First option
Structure occupation

This option is suitable for a group in which there are many new children or most babies under the age of 3 years 6 months.

The tutor puts the chairs with a semicircle and starts the lesson:

Who is good?
Who is the priest?

The teacher displays the kid to the center.

Petenka (Vassenka, etc.) Good,
Pelenka Prieuza.

The tutor tells about the child, emphasizing his dignity, for example: "Petya is really impoverished. Black-haired, with beautiful dark eyes.

A good child, smart, already under six thinks, does not come down. After all, right? Then count.

And the animals from cubes, he very quickly folds. And the girls are friends, does not offend them.

And already long ago, it is not crying for trifles.

And how he in the morning with mom gently says goodbye! Nice to see! "

The teacher reiterates the rhymed lines again and withdraws another child: "Katenka fitting. Cute, blonde (about girls with blond hair - blondes), with a bright blush on the cheeks.

Katyushka is a wonderful girl. Does not quarrel with anyone. In the doll plays - Ploy! Her daughters are fed. She sings them a song, tender words says.

Katyushka has many poems know. Read the poem "dropped a bear on the floor ...", I really like it very much. "

The teacher is interested in children, who else they want to hear the story. Be sure to tell about the novice, draws the attention of preschoolers to how important is to be friends with this child so that he is getting faster and understood what wonderful children in the group.

The tutor promises that every day will definitely talk about some of the children.

Similar stories children should hear throughout the year. It is advisable to pay special attention to "problematic" children (nervous, dramans, swakes, etc.), emphasizing each time they cope with their problems, as they grow up.

If the educator notes that children begin to get tired of stories about good and coming peers, he invites them to listen to the poem of S. Black "Breakfast."

- Why does mommy
On the cheeks two pits?
- Why does cat
Instead of handles legs?
- Why chocolacks
Do not grow on the crib?
- Why does Nanny
Hair in sour cream?
- Why in birds
No mittens?
- Why Lyakushki
Sleep without pillows? ..

- Because my son
Roth without a lock.

The teacher is interested in whom they are called "shack." Heads the answers of children and proposes to make sure the correctness of the assumptions.

Note. In the following days, especially during the clock, when children dress for a walk and some of them have an increased need for communication (to the detriment of the main household process), it is appropriate to read the poem "Bar".

Second option
Structure occupation

This option is more suitable for groups where most children over 3 years are 6 months old.

Having searched the children and thanking them for the ability to hear the request of the teacher and quickly switch from the games to the lesson, the teacher reports that he will talk about what they are smart, good, funny. For example: "I will tell you about one wonderful boy. Today he is dressed in Blue shorts and a sulfur t-shirt. A t-shirt is drawn a serious gnome, which built a beautiful house. About whom, what do you think, I'm going to tell?

I and many children call this boy affectionately: Sasha, Sasha, Sashulya. So, shorts from Sasha ... blue, and a t-shirt ... Serious, on a T-shirt ... Gnome near his house.

Sasha blonde hair and funny dark eyes. Sasha is our assistant, he is on duty wonderful, and with the kids getting himself, does not offend them. True, the handkerchief often forgets, but promised to correct. I believe him. Sasha loves to draw and sculpt, and sings well. Sleep, Sasha, your favorite song, and we will undermine you.

I'll tell you about the girl who is dressed today in a beautiful checkered dress with lace ruffles. And her name is ... (children call the name of the girl). Olenka recently came to us, not quite mastered. She is a very cute funny man. Yesterday, Olya forgot to hide shoes in the closet, and they were lost, found themselves under the banquette. We comforted Olenka and wipe tears, like this ... Then they found the shoes, they helped put on the shoes.

Olya is wonderful goat horns depicting us scares. Want to see how she does it? And not be afraid? (The girl depicts the goat.)

Now I will tell you about the boy with big dark eyes. This is a wonderful boy, but he does not love, does not know how to sit in a chair calmly. Immediately begins to spin. That's just spoiled, and now there is a quiet. It must be afraid, as if the chair was not angry with him and he did not drop it on the floor.

But then our Vassenka (he learned himself) fastest running. And Zainka - a long ear in a big secret told me that this morning Vasya wanted to take the car from Jura, already stretched out, but then hid behind his back. Did not hurt a buddy. That's what a well done. Will's power brings up at home. Adults becomes. I am a kiss for it. " Etc.

Completing the lesson, you can read the children of the poem of S. Black "Breakfast" or English song "Bravets" (Translation S. Marshak). When reading, the songs should be found in children who are such tailors, relate the growth of an adult man and the size of the snail, from which 25 tailors fled in fear.

Lesson 2. Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Lisa"

Purpose. To acquaint children with a fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Lisa" (Pro. M. Bogolyubskaya).

Structure occupation

The teacher reads a fairy tale so that the children are worried about the sootimy cockerel and rejoiced by the successful end of his adventure. Then it is wondering whether the children were worried about the cock, whom Lisa was deceiving all the time.

"And I am very, very worried about him. After all, Lisa could eat a cockerel on the road. And then it would be a terrible tale. And, probably, she would not like, right? " - completes the teacher's occupation.

Note. At the right moment (in the group, on the plot, at the music lesson), the teacher invites you to play a fairy tale who wants to play foxes, a cockerel and a musician to sing songs and speak simple text (in reducing).

In about with p and t and t e l b (Quickly tells himself). Will go to the hunt, and the cockerel will use everything in the hut, the floor will swee (Cockerel depicts appropriate actions), Singles sings.


Cockerel, Cockerel,
Gold scallop.
Looking in the window -
I'll give you a peas.

Cockerel pretends that he does not hear the fox (the child clams his ears).

Looking in the window -
I'll give you a peas.

P e t u sh about ("Looks out", Lisa His "takes" (drags hands)). Bashes me forests for dark forests. Cat brother, help.

Fox "Causes" a cockerel into his house.

To about T. (It puts on a hat, boots (imaginary situation), comes to a fox house. Plays on the hurs and sings.)

Stretch, Bregin, Gobelka,
Golden lands.
Does Lisa House?
Come out, fox!

A fox (bakes pancakes). Go, Petya, look, who call me, yes, come back!

The rooster comes out, sees the cat, they hug and run away.

Lesson 3. Sound Culture Speech: Sounds a, y. Didactic game "not mistaken"

Purpose. Exercise children in the right and distinct pronunciation of sounds (isolated, in soundness, words). Intensify in the speech of children generalizing words.

Structure occupation

The educator departs children, combining kids with a fuzzy speech, so that it is more often to offer tasks for the pronunciation of individual sounds and sound (UA, AU).

The teacher tells the children a fairy tale about the cheerful language: "I lived in the light of the cheerful tongue. He lived in his house. And this house is the mouth. The house opens and closes. Like this! (Shows.) The tongue will run out of the house (shows), it hides. Again runs away and hiding again. "

Teacher offers children to release a tongue from the house and hide it (3-4 times). Then continues: "And the tongue loves to sing different songs. I especially like the song of a little Alenushka (shows the children a doll in the sliders).

"A-A-A -", - sings the tongue of Alyonushka.

And the baby opens the baby widely, like this, and also begins to sing: "A-A-A". It is rejoicing that they are talking to her. How does Alenushka sing? "

The educator proposes to sing Alenushka's song 3-4 children alternately.

"And now," says the teacher, "we will sing a song and pull the long-long string." Like this…"

Pulling hands forward at the chest level and tightly shine fingers of both hands (as if holding a thread), the teacher says: "A-A-A-A" (2-3 seconds). Exercise is repeated 3-4 times. The tutor follows that, "pulling the string", the children did not lower their heads.

"While we are" threads stretched, "the teacher continues to occupy," Alenka is tired, because she is still small, and I cried: "UA-UA-UA". How do small children cry? (Choral and individual repetitions.)

Let's comfort, calm the baby: "Do not cry, Alenushka! Do not cry, small! "(Choral and individual repetitions. It should be prompted by children that these phrases need to be pronounced quietly and affectionately.) And we sing a lullaby:" Bai-Bay-Bay, a daughter I shake, Bai-Bayu-Bay. " (Children sing together with the teacher.)

Alenushka fell asleep. Long sleep. And we can play with you. We will go to the forest on mushrooms, on berries. But in the forest you can lose, get lost, so I will call you: "Children, AU-U-U, Olya, AU-U-U-y ..." "(kids respond to call.)

Then the teacher calls children to himself, informs them that the occupation is completed, but those who wish can play the ball with him.

Children form a circle. The educator explains the rules of the game: "We must catch the ball and answer the question. The ball drops, skip. Do not answer the question, also pass the move. The game is not easy. Called "not mistaken".

The teacher calls items for example: "Apple, plum, lemon? ..", and the child, catching the ball, calls a generalizing word: "Fruits", etc.

It is advisable to play for a walk with a subgroup of children (3-5 people).

Note. Out of occupation for fixing sound but In the words, the educator invites children "Panchushka oven":

Ladushka, ladies,
Bake pancakes.

Children treat the pieces of the teacher and each other. Report with the better there are pancakes: with sour cream, with butter, honey, jam, fish, caviar.

Children who were near, the teacher asks:

Ladushka, ladies,
Where were you?
By Grandma!
What ate?
What drank?

Russian folk song

Lesson 4. Sound Culture Speech: Sound w.

Purpose. Exercise children in a clear sound articulation (isolated, in sound vessels); to work out a smooth exhalation; Improve the spell in different tone with different volume (imitation).

Structure occupation

The teacher reminds how the tongue loves to look out of his house and hide: "Show how he does it? Looks out and hidden ... again looked and hidden ... he dried a lot ... and hid.

One day, the tongue heard the steam locomotive (train): "U-y-y". How is the steam locomotive buzzing?

This song has really liked this song. And he decided to learn it. At first, the tongue was dug in Negrko: "U-U-y". How did he sing? Then I got lost louder ...

So that you have the song of the locomotive, you need to pull the lips with a tube (shows) and pronounce it stand:, U-U-U ". (Choral and several individual repetitions.)

"You must have seen a real steam locomotive, which pulls cars with passengers or composition with cargoes, continues the educator. - Such a locomotive buzzes loudly and long. Approximately like this: "y, y, y,". How is the steam locomotive buzzing? And the toy clockwork is buzzing quieter, his voice is thin: "Y-U-U-y". I will now ask someone from you to walk, and you will define the real steam locomotive rides or toy. Let's start with Andrew ... Listen to Olya ... "(5-6 replies)

The tutor shows a toy duck (duckling). Explains that if the duck call: "Uta-duck," she will respond to the call and comes closer. Then you have to feed the bird scribbling. Call duck? (5-6 replies)

The teacher is then reading Children Chuvash Song "Talk" (Per. L. Yakhnin).

Cuckoo dug:
- Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Dove welcome:
Rooster grows:
- ka-ka-re-ku!
Filin Krcchit
In the night:
- Yeah!
And the fish is silent -
Neither gu-gu.

Before re-reading the songs, the teacher finds out in children:

- Cuckoo dug, and a pigeon? .. (Worship.)

- Rooster grows. When he sings: in the afternoon, at night, in the morning dawn? (Zarka - Dawn - Mills.)

The teacher reads the song again and invites children to pronounce sound-handed words.

Note. In this lesson or later, the exercise of children in expressive reading of the dialogues, the educator introduces them with the poem "bull" V. Berestov.

Little bull
Yellow barrels,
Feet steps
Head winds.
- Where is the flock? Mu-y!
Bored one-y!

October November

IN october It is advisable to remember with children (out of class) a fairy tale "like a goat hut built" (arr. M. Bulatova), and in the next 2-3 days to introduce a fairy tale "Wolf and Kozat" (arr. A. N. Tolstoy). It is advisable to find out in children who liked what a fairy tale and why.

Music executive can be asked to sing the children's "lullaby song" by A. Mikova and let it listen to it.

IN november Out of occupations should be read by children Russian folk fairy tale "Teremok" (arr. M. Bulatov, repetition of material), and a few days later - the Ukrainian folk fairy tale "Mitten" (arr. E. Blaginina). Then you can ask the kids as the beast, which is in the "mitten", is not in the fairy tale "Teremok"; The end of what fairy tale they liked more. (In the "mitten", the beasts were left without a house, and in the fairy tale "Teremok" they are teremok "better built".)

In November, you need to continue to read the children already familiar verses of K. Chukovsky, and also introduce the work of the "Stolen Sun"; English fairy tale "Badge of the raccoon, and the one who sits in the pond" (L. Moore, Per. O. O. O. Sodetskaya) and a fairy tale A. Milna "Three foxes" (per. from English N. Slepakova).

Windy weather - the most suitable time to remind the kids poem A. Koltsov "blows the winds, the winds of the buoy ...". This poem is easily remembered, and children willingly help the teacher read it.

In the group, the game should be continued "not mistaken" (see September, lesson 3); On the site to play the game "Play in the Word" (or "Tell the Lream") (see October, lesson 2).

Lesson 1. Didactic game "Whose thing?". Viewing plot paintings

(on choosing a teacher)

Purpose. Exercise in coordination of attracted pronouns with nouns and adjectives. Help the children understand the plot of paintings, characterize the relationship between characters.

First option
Structure occupation

Part I. Before starting the classroom, the teacher lays pictures or minor toys on the tables (one for each child), among them buckets, molds and symotions. Gives children the opportunity to consider objects and exchange impressions.

The tutor requests children to climb himself (should not allow children to close their eyes with their hands) and takes 5-6 items (or pictures). Then he asks to open his eyes and asks: "Whose thing? If a draw, myself will leave. " The teacher suggests how to answer the question: "This is my red bucket. This is my yellow scoop. "

The educator invites children to exchange objects. Then finds out who who changed with whom. Signs how it is more correct to tell about it.

Children again cover their eyes, and the game is repeated.

Part II. The teacher asks for children to take chairs and, not pursuing, put them near Easel.

The educator offers the attention of children a story picture "Do not leave us, cat."

"As you think, dolls and animals are upset if children stop playing with them," the teacher starts to occupy. "I know the cat, who was offended by children and decided to leave them to other kids." Want to see this bold, decisive fluffy

The teacher offers the picture to the attention of children. It makes it possible to consider it and exchange impressions. Then continues the conversation: "Do you like a cat? Describe it. It… (Very pretty, kneesky, striped, similar to Tiger ...). Cat has turned away from children, he does not want to look at them. But they do not want fluffy to leave them to other children. Kids challenge to him. Who does it do? Girl in a red dress standing in front of the fluffy on his knees, going to him stroke, climb. She says something to him. What do you think, what?

Boy in a blue jumpsuit ... (Bow on the rope holds). He knows that kittens love to play with pieces. He also says something cat.

Boy in a green jumpsuit ... (brought the sausage). He asks the cat ... (Do not be angry with us. Eat sausages. She is delicious ...)

Do you think why boys in overalls, and one even in a cap? (Gathered for a walk.) Why did they prepare the ball and the plane?

I wonder if the children will persuade the fluffy to stay?

I advise you and immediately after classes to look at our dolls and animals, to climb them".

In this case, the sample description of the picture is not required, since the kids are sent to the game corner and demonstrate the teacher as they "communicate" with toys.

Second option
Structure occupation

Part I. The same as in the first classes.

Part II. The teacher offers children to consider the picture "The Ball flew" and asks them to think what happened in the picture, and what, according to kids, the story shown by the artist will end.

Children occupy their places (behind the tables or searge on the chairs placed by semicircle, in a checker order, etc.).

"Considered the picture? - Begins the occupation of the teacher. - They guessed what happened? (A blue ball flew in an elegant dress.)

And boys ... what do you say about them?

How did you guessed that the boy is in shorts. and village will give your ball a girl? He gives yellow Or Blue Ball? (Heads and clarifies children's responses.)

You approve deed of this cute baby?

Do not condemn Boy in a cap, whose three ball. He will still learn to be kind and help others.

Look at the dog. What do you think, whose is she? And what is she?

Where do children walk, beautifully? Probably, this is the corner of the park.

Do you like a picture called "Ball flew away"? "

This can be completed. And you can finish it by the tale of the teacher: "There was a holiday. The children walked in the park. It is beautiful there: pure sandy tracks elegant house For games.

Children received balloons as a gift, who is one who are two, and who and three.

In the girl in a beautiful red dressWalking S. charming little Dog, Ball breed out From the hands and flew away. But the baby in short pants hurried her to the rescue. Now he will suit the girl and say: " Take my ball. Want to take yellow. And you want, take the blue "".

Lesson 2. Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Kolobok". Didactic exercise "Play words"

Purpose. To acquaint a fairy tale "Kolobok" (process. K. Ushinsky). Exercise children in the formation of words by analogy.

Structure occupation

Part I. To many children, a fairy tale read at home, many watched the cartoon based on fairy tales. Therefore, at the beginning of the classes, the teacher finds out them who is such a bun. He listens to the answers and read the passage, summarizing the statements of children: "kneading the dough on sour cream, rolled the bun (children show how you can roll a bun), fried it in oil."

The teacher reads the fairy tale so that the children be happy when the bunker flew safely from the animals, and they were upset, realizing that Fox would rejurit him.

The educator gives children time to exchange impressions. Specifies that a bunker told a bang, a wolf and a bear, who matured him. ("Kolobok, Kolobok! I eat you!")

"What did the tricky fox told, seeing a kolobka? - Pedagogue is interested. - "Hello, Kolobok! What kind of fitting, rumbling! "- praised Lisa Kolobka, he was delighted, and Foxed tricks did not feel. Sad ended his journey. How did it end? " ("And his fox - am!and ate! ")

Part II. "Let's play in words," the teacher offers. - I will call words denoting large items, and you will pronounce the words that denote the items less or very small. For example, house - House, Pot - Pot, Book - Book ... »

Approximate words: scoop, bucket, ribbon, flower, button, dress, wheel, branch, bush, etc.

Completing the lesson, the teacher reports to children that many famous artists did drawings to the Kolobok fairy tale (Yu. Vasnetsov, E. Rachev, A. Savchenko, L. Tokmakov, V. Guildyev, A. Eliseev, etc.). Shows children a book about Kolobka, asks carefully to consider them, show the drawing that I liked most and tell why.

Purpose. Call sympathy in children with the help of a taper story (games); Help the kids believe that each of them is a wonderful child, and adults love them.

First option Structure occupation

This option is suitable for a group in which there are many new children or most babies under the age of 3 years 6 months.

The tutor puts the chairs with a semicircle and starts the lesson:

Who is good?
Who is the priest?

The teacher displays the kid to the center.

Petenka (Vassenka, etc.) Good,
Pelenka Prieuza.

The tutor tells about the child, emphasizing his dignity, for example: "Petya is really impoverished. Black-haired, with beautiful dark eyes.

A good child, smart, already under six thinks, does not come down. After all, right? Then count.

And the animals from cubes, he very quickly folds. And the girls are friends, does not offend them.

And already long ago, it is not crying for trifles.

And how he in the morning with mom gently says goodbye! Nice to see! "

The teacher reiterates the rhymed lines again and withdraws another child: "Katenka fitting. Cute, blonde (about girls with blond hair - blondes), with a bright blush on the cheeks.

Katyushka is a wonderful girl. Does not quarrel with anyone. In the doll plays - Ploy! Her daughters are fed. She sings them a song, tender words says.

Katyushka has many poems know. Read the poem "dropped a bear on the floor ...", I really like it very much. "

The teacher is interested in children, who else they want to hear the story. Be sure to tell about the novice, draws the attention of preschoolers to how important is to be friends with this child so that he is getting faster and understood what wonderful children in the group.

The tutor promises that every day will definitely talk about some of the children.

Similar stories children should hear throughout the year. It is advisable to pay special attention to "problematic" children (nervous, dramans, swakes, etc.), emphasizing each time they cope with their problems, as they grow up.

If the educator notes that children begin to get tired of stories about good and coming peers, he invites them to listen to the poem of S. Black "Breakfast."

- Why does mommy
On the cheeks two pits?
- Why does cat
Instead of handles legs?
- Why chocolacks
Do not grow on the crib?
- Why does Nanny
Hair in sour cream?
- Why in birds
No mittens?
- Why Lyakushki
Sleep without pillows? ..

- Because my son
Roth without a lock.

The teacher is interested in whom they are called "shack." Heads the answers of children and proposes to make sure the correctness of the assumptions.

Note. In the following days, especially during the clock, when children dress for a walk and some of them have an increased need for communication (to the detriment of the main household process), it is appropriate to read the poem "Bar".

Second option Structure occupation

This option is more suitable for groups where most children over 3 years are 6 months old.

Having searched the children and thanking them for the ability to hear the request of the teacher and quickly switch from the games to the lesson, the teacher reports that he will talk about what they are smart, good, funny. For example: "I will tell you about one wonderful boy. Today he is dressed in Blue shorts and a sulfur t-shirt. A t-shirt is drawn a serious gnome, which built a beautiful house. About whom, what do you think, I'm going to tell?

I and many children call this boy affectionately: Sasha, Sasha, Sashulya. So, shorts from Sasha ... blue, and a t-shirt ... Serious, on a T-shirt ... Gnome near his house.

Sasha blonde hair and funny dark eyes. Sasha is our assistant, he is on duty wonderful, and with the kids getting himself, does not offend them. True, the handkerchief often forgets, but promised to correct. I believe him. Sasha loves to draw and sculpt, and sings well. Sleep, Sasha, your favorite song, and we will undermine you.

I'll tell you about the girl who is dressed today in a beautiful checkered dress with lace ruffles. And her name is ... (children call the name of the girl). Olenka recently came to us, not quite mastered. She is a very cute funny man. Yesterday, Olya forgot to hide shoes in the closet, and they were lost, found themselves under the banquette. We comforted Olenka and wipe tears, like this ... Then they found the shoes, they helped put on the shoes.

Olya is wonderful goat horns depicting us scares. Want to see how she does it? And not be afraid? (The girl depicts the goat.)

Now I will tell you about the boy with big dark eyes. This is a wonderful boy, but he does not love, does not know how to sit in a chair calmly. Immediately begins to spin. That's just spoiled, and now there is a quiet. It must be afraid, as if the chair was not angry with him and he did not drop it on the floor.

But then our Vassenka (he learned himself) fastest running. And Zainka - a long ear in a big secret told me that this morning Vasya wanted to take the car from Jura, already stretched out, but then hid behind his back. Did not hurt a buddy. That's what a well done. Will's power brings up at home. Adults becomes. I am a kiss for it. " Etc.

Completing the lesson, you can read the children of the poem of S. Black "Breakfast" or English song "Bravets" (Translation S. Marshak). When reading, the songs should be found in children who are such tailors, relate the growth of an adult man and the size of the snail, from which 25 tailors fled in fear.