How caucasian guys are dressed. Is there any special "Caucasian love" or how to choose a satellite life

The peoples of the North Caucasus have a special segal code of behavior, which was created in antiquity and is a complex system of norms and rules. They are still found in ordinary life.

Children Gor.

Customs and traditions born in the Caucasus have one common nature - these are mountains, as a natural-climatic phenomenon that has a huge impact on the occurrence of customs. The Russian ethnographer Leonty Lulie noted that due to lack of literacy, all everyday transactions were committed by verbal order. The word has become a law for everyone, and the word of the leader is the more. To break it - meant to become a criminal. All men should have been unquestioned to obey the word of the leader-chapter, whose decisions depended by the welfare clan.

Huge influence also had generic features, closed, few family clans engaged in trade. The Chechens prevail adat - unwritten laws, which they follow and honor above the Qur'an, in Ingushetia - "Ezdez", other nationalities have these rules have other names, but one is one - to create a reputation among the society a decent man who knows how to control their lives and life of their families. Adygetsev, Balkarians, Karachay, Ossetians, the Chechens have developed their own, a whole set of rules that cannot be done by a man.

The criminal was the one who violated the complex spiritual code - yach - having a set of certain rules of behavior in the life equated to legal norms. The whole set of prohibitions, rites and revenge vividly described Mikhail Lermontov in the story "Bal".

Husband did not touch his wife

Husband and wife could not be allowed to allow any touch, and even arms - especially. In general, it is impossible to touch the person during the conversation, it could be regarded as an insult and unacceptable. And if you eat public transport today and inadvertently rolled around the standing person, you need to find out to apologize to avoid public censure.

Month Cuckoo

As a rule, the groom could not look at the bride and even his guests had the right to appear on his eyes. In Chechnya, a man could not be scheduled to schedule the date of the wedding for April, because this month was considered under the auspices of a cuckoo that did not have his nest. And it was bad sign. By the way, in the midst of a marriage feast, a man had the right not to get up at the appearance of a woman, it was an exception to the rules, since the usual life of a man was obliged to get up at the appearance of a beautiful half.

The most severe resentment, perturbing the soul of the Highlander more than the murder of a relative is an insult to the honor of a woman who was washed only to the blood revenge.

"Poor" son-in-law

After the wedding, the son-in-law had no right to join the dispute with his wife's relatives and for a long time to be in the society of his wife. Ingushy, son-in-law and relatives of his wife could not see each other. In the presence of the older generation, the son-in-law did not have the right to call his wife by name, he was forbidden to play with his children, take them on his hands. Before childbirth, the man communicated with his wife as little as possible, and after the incident 40 days after the birth, a couple of words could be changed, considering it during the pregnancy period "unclean."

Husband judge

The man was considered the chapter and judge over his wife, who was obliged to cook lunch, weave cloth, sew clothes for the whole family and to get one more privilege as a special favorable arrangement of her husband - to settle his horse as a reward.

Etiquette on stairs

The man could not interfere in any economic affairs, even give advice to a woman - all this was extremely offensive and could cause ridicule and contempt from other men. The woman's hand can also be served. Yes, and the conversation with a woman could be safe for honor, if the speakers were at about a distance of one and two meters. Talking on the stairs - here there are also the rules of decency: a man must be below one or two steps.

It is impossible to overtake a female woman ahead.

In the category of criminals, those men who committed the rape of a woman were falling, the image of which personified with the world: the white handkerchief abandoned a woman according to legend could stop the war.

Hand identification

A whole set of prohibitions is associated with the handshake. A man could not be served by a man, whose focus is written with bribes or some other crimes. A teenager who did not brave a weapon, a senior man, too, can not stretch your hand too. And also to close relatives, as it was believed that the enmity between them would never arise and reconciliation, therefore, too.

According to Sharia, a man cannot be used, causing clouding consciousness, among them - alcohol and drugs.

Not native homeland

If in terms of circumstances, a man moved to live from his tribal clan, he united with his countrymen and built the relationship with them on the same hierarchical principle as in his homeland. However, the outside world had a serious influence on Caucasian men. And at home, they try to honor this code, but coming to other countries, including Russia, the age-old traditions do not observe. Often, information on the offenses committed by the Caucasian nationality are informed of the police reports.

Often, there are voices that there is no special code, but only small crumbs remained in his place. Over time, the Gorsky etiquette born in ancient times has acquired completely different features in separate regions and has become just a pleasant memories for the elderly, magician elders who say: "But before ...". Of course, the basis of all traditions was the basis of respect not only to their people, but also to other people.

I read here on the site different stories. And honestly wai draws to himself attention is that the most popular topic is wizards and anyone russian and not Russian de vushrai. Sometimes it is more interesting to read the comments to stories than the stories themselves. And the most interesting thing is more often total A. second comments in ourselves never wagons did not communicate and do not hide it.

GRA vDA funny plants-when ka vkazce in Nazu having evil freaks and from by rotators. In fact, they are with other lacco you and delicate. I mean. The most big lack of them hotlets keep and desire to keep everything's under control. AND this is the last and there is the stone is stupid ways in relations with us-Russian de vushki))). We are also a ban and warning-like a knife to the throat. And for them is a pro caressing. Done and not tired you de gamps to decide all for yourself and for her husband? Drag this cargo from vest venalty for the family?

Who had an unsuccessful experience of communication with eyeboy guys remember why your fold. Yes, rather just with what he asked you do not do something, somewhere not to go, for example, but you did not obey, of course. And he first once again forel S. i ask the request, then again, well, and then I started " rise let me ". and I do not talk about beatings throw it already all before lead to ka write a woman on a woman raised. just he began to be annoyed for any water. If they do not take away, so it is the fact that they all resentments are remembered. I can easily do flies. But at the beginning of the conflict, it is even easily possible all spra vite. Just let him understand that appreciate his opinion and it important for you. This is a fest vividly if a person century this road is needed you.INE, I think, and in everything is not necessary with them with vyazy want. If you do not want to make concessions.

And so they have a lot of positive v.ON. cheerful, Review vSCH you, with them it is always easy and pleasant to communicate. Starty and caring. And whatever worley-women they have vazhah. And the world bOUS, not so difficult clown-for good attitude they always good warnish. Just you need to take them as they are. Where do they keep silent, somewhere to smile. there will always be a real man.

What else is very important-ka wizard is not option for acquaintance va to fun pro news time. Just then he will relate to you soot vest species goby, especially young, don't be afraid to refuse wizard when the thief will hesitate about sex. The turn is not necessary to agree with the pen in the proposal. Afraid, which will throw and leave to another. Will not quit. A man, not necessarily Cocais, by nature with way hunter. And light prey is never appreciated. in the case of ka the wizard is also a moral aspect. We will agree, he w. write to start. And never forgets strength. When you begin intimate relationships to decide only you. Yes, while you think, you will enjoy his yuggie vanya.a Yugazh they know how it does not mean that everything will immediately end after the lane howl in the night. Sostor will already be for cross from relationships in general.

Unity wHAT MED i will do that everything the foregoing of course refers to normal, adek watch men. And freak in everywhere x. watt is a nationality for nothing.

Imagine wly. What a storm of emotions call vet this story but all RA i want to be published put it. Maybe someone will help lower relationships.

Features of Caucasian men.

What are they so beautiful, especially when young people. Not a gift, even sexopathologists write that Caucasian men are most courageous and sexy, due to increased levels of testosterone in the blood.

And which are handsome Armenians, Georgians, Chechens, Ossetians. Not one European will not compare with their beautiful eyes. Of course, the Caucasians have ugly men, but many of them look like real males. They are aggressive only if they are very angry. And so even embarrassed by a beautiful girl, and how beautiful they care !!!

Currently, the situation when the girl meets with a man of Caucasian nationality is not uncommon. However, what do we know about the mountain peoples, about their traditions and worldview? Unfortunately, not every woman can immediately determine even the nationality of a man, what to talk about specific knowledge on the topic. Then, getting married and burning children, many girls face serious problems and the true face of whom they considered their loved ones, without turning due attention to the differences in mentalitet. So who is he, Caucasian man?

In the Caucasus, boys and girls get a completely different education, rather than the average European. They are inspired by certain concepts, they are committed to their national traditions. Undoubtedly, there are many advantages in this, but provided that the custom and the woman follows the customs. Patriarchate and the obedience of the elder, it is, of course perfectly, but as far as it suits our women, accustomed to appreciate their independence and freedom to have a high degree of emancipation? It is in this that the main point of the debate arises, we grew up in a different environment, which means we have different values.

Among the Caucasian men there are Europeanized representatives who live in modern moral laws. However, you should not forget that the hot blood of mountain peoples flows in them. Therefore, entering into relationships with such a man, you need to realize all possible consequences.

Intelligent men always monitor, well-groomed and neat. Decent men will not hurt and humiliate a woman, regardless of nationality. They will be beautifully careful, give beautiful gifts and respect the mother of their children. But at the same time, they do not retreat from their values \u200b\u200band the principles of subordination of a woman's will of the Men, it is also worth remembering. There should be a distinction for nationalities, because in every culture and religion there are nuances. Nationality professing Islam differ from those that serve as Christianity. In relations with women, everyone behave in different ways. Yes, a woman for any Caucasian - property. None of them will fail insults, betraying or sharp disobedience. But not everyone raise the hand, take children and make Slavic women live on the eastern customs.

Why are our women so a pant in Caucasian men? There are several reasons for that.

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Clearance care.

Romantic, which is not twice, but like girls, with an excess one is present in such guys. They are just trained to care for. Be able to please, surprise, seduce beautifully. Even with an obvious minus, when these guys whistling after a walking girl, they shade in public, get out and are imposed on what many infuriates and annoying, actually like and hurt girls. Because, as it were, the girl did not swear, she feels pleasure that she was noticed that she was stuck.


Hot Caucasian guy or a sultry Turkish, Arabic man is already cliché. All this know.

Healthy lifestyle.

Many Caucasian men, and many Muslims do not smoke, do not drink, and follow their body, health, appearance, so accepted in their society, in their culture and many people know. Almost you will not meet a drunk or badly smelling Caucasian and here the subconscious girl puts the plus, because when choosing a man, the girl loves to try on everything in advance for 20 years ahead, when such a husband will most likely not become an alcoholic and with his health and with children everything will be fine.

Who will protect, and where does the strong and independent girl come and will take? Who can she feel weak with? Only with those who show power does not mean physical, who can say strictly and who dominates the family. The stereotype is triggered here that in Muslim families all responsibility on a man. It was and it remains to this day, unlike democratic families of the West.

I do not want to work, I want to sit at home.

Again, if in being married to the Caucasian woman and will work, then it is clearly not recycled and even more so to drag everything on yourself. Caucasian man punishes his family always. This is the law. A woman always remains a woman.

I want emotions!

It is no secret that express emotions are actively and brightly besides women only representatives of southern latitudes. Again, if you like the girl when she can answer and show emotions and show who is the main house, and the choice will subconsciously fall on the Eastern man.


No matter how paradoxically, but speaking of loyalty, it is worth noting that Caucasians are mostly faithful to their wives. Although in the Quran it is allowed to have several wives and many Russians believe that all Muslims have several wives, but not mistresses! It is important. Since your subconscious mind knows that Muslims do not change wives.


Many of our girls attracts the color of eyes, skin, hair of southern peoples. Being with a bright touch of the skin, often many girls seek to learn the color of the tan, solarium. But the matte skin color that turns out in children of methives is also a big plus towards the southern man.

Challenge society.

This item also triggers a smaller amount of women, but is triggered. When parents raise the girl in rigorous canons, she just wants to break something.

And finally, I will say that the trend is the popularity of Muslims and the guys of Caucasian nationality will most likely not only continue, but also increase in the future. Since men in the West becomes less with the spread of homosexuality, which begins to appear and from us. But for men from the Caucasus or Muslims, this is definitely not threatened.

The burning eyes of the Eastern men, their tenderness and temperament rarely leave someone from the Slavs indifferent. Often in the southern country, where you relax or travel, the oven begins the oven hot sun, beats a light dope, and there are some feelings and emotions in the soul. And even more so with such colossal male attention .... well, what can you say ...

In southern countries, any girl (woman) feels like a queen, catching admiring views of men. And many single girls who were disappointed in men of the "domestic producer", and women who long come with solitude, tightly holding hands, risk and fall into the pool of beautiful phrases and promises of eastern men.

"All to your legs, dear! Stars from the sky, stones from the bottom of the marine, be mine! ", - Bat yourself in the chest of men. And fights women deprived of love wave of arrogant and syndic male attention: they feel that beautiful, desirable more than ever. A real oriental man knows how to love! Ready for actions!

Usually in a woman, first of all, according to its appearance (clothing, cosmetics) and in behavior, it is immediately clear that it is worthy and the men are already deciding how to behave with it! The girl himself has the right to dispose of her body.
Unfortunately, girls forget that Eastern men are worsens, in their vocation. And also, they forget that the period of beautiful cavities and stormy nights end up just as quickly as everything began. Often, Eastern love end with tears, broken hearts, and sometimes even fate. Fabulous Mirage, scattered as a card house. It brings a very strong bitterness, and after time, already at home, the girl understands the banal truth that after a stormy resort novel it hurts her, and not to the one who remained in a distant eastern country.
East man with gifts and caressing to ecstasy woman. She is ready for everything! But the basic rule of Eastern Sex - the desire must be mutual and equally strong. No one should be baptized. In bed, everything is done only for mutual pleasure and joy of partners. All on equal! So, for mutual pleasure, diversity and improving the quality of sexual life - the secrets of Eastern love.

So the fairy tale begins under the name "Eastern Love".
Looking at the eastern men, it seems that in the head they have, instead of thoughts, the ignition music is constantly sounding, and in the veins flows the mongrel wine. They dope, drink with their beautiful phrases, compliments we have never heard in life, they give us the fairy tale about which we dreamed, they know how to beautifully present the story about the meaning of life and fabulous love they saw in our eyes. We are fascinated on them and sincerely believe that it is true. They give the fact that it was unlikely to give a European man.

We enjoy every minute of this false love that burst into our heart so sharply and briefed. Hot Arabs or Horny Azerbaijanis, Gentle Dagestanis and Romantic Turkmen seem to bring happiness to our lives.

We are confident that there is no reason to part, others did not appreciate you, and now everything will be fine! You just have to say the word and will be wearing forever on your arms, loved. You love you! Does it really matters that friends and relatives scare "dirty aules" and scored saclas, or they say that all his life will have to obstore. And what is humanly? Is this household amenities, comfort, shops?

And soul? If the soul stretches for a specific person, then you will donate all the benefits of civilization. After all, to meet in our life the soul of the native - a big rarity and great happiness. Which will not be exchanged for household comfort. And run to keep your happiness. Next to this man.

But, loving the man of the East, it is necessary to take into account the features of culture. This is what has developed for centuries. The mentality of an Eastern man: he should have one wife, and the mistresses at least 100. And how many mistresses have it, it's not your business, you will find out have a chance or be a bat, or listen to the tons of "noodles" that anyone besides you. But it is always worth remembering that the eastern man will never leave the family for the sake of mistress, even if you have an unearthly passion.

Caucasians also o-very negatively relate to any hints for contacts with other men, and contacts are not physical property, but just stood nearby, looked, God forbid, the anecdote told. Therefore, 100%, in the event of close relationships, will try to control, arrange the scene of jealousy. Mortulate to explain that when you said "hello" neighbor, then you did not mean anything.

Girls who are more soberly looking to life and eastern fairy tales regarding fairy tales, believe that for the sake of self-preservation, do not take his proposals for a trip to his homeland. You do not know him. May can have uncontrolled seizures of anger, and there will be no place to escape. If you want to go somewhere with him, then spin it on a joint trip to a neutral place, anything, but not his native fenats).

It is clear that you should not flick with Caucasian men. Even light flirt is perceived by them as a specific appeal. Therefore, it is necessary to behave with them very carefully and immediately bring concretps in relationships.

But the most interesting thing is that the attitude of local men to our tourists is non-serious. They often, for the eyes, call the Slavic girls "Charmuts", i.e. prostitutes. They believe that our girls come to the resort not only for new impressions, but also for new love.

Those who survived love with oriental men say that we will not be able to normally understand each other. For Muslims, we will always remain Russian "natasami" with which you can only enjoy. Even a businessman, always in a suit, the intellectual rare can preach the values \u200b\u200bof the bazaar vendor of the mandarin oranges.

But what awaits a girl who agreed to tie his life with a foreign one? Will the strong resort oriental love be able to survive in someone else's country, where the traditions are too strong and the influence of public opinion is too strong? It is very difficult to decide to take faith, they will obey all these traditions, prayers (and in the post of prayer in the mosque occur 5 times a day), readiness to wear hijab (and no deep neckline, short shorts and dresses!), Sit at home.

In general, theft of the bride is not the most worthy custom in the North Caucasus. Ackless echo of ancient wildness. If the girl agrees, it still did not go. But when they act according to the principle "I saw, I liked, stole" it is not good. The bride rapes young jigitis, suits the pirushka. Since then, the bride lives in the house of her husband, to go to the parents - it is shameful, so live the eyelid with the unloved.

In the east, men love submissive wives, and it is worth being ready, to the fact that your place will be in the kitchen. Not everyone can sit at home, give birth to children, cook Arabic dishes, and subordinate not only to her husband who lives according to the law of Sharia, but also his mother.

Absolute patriarchate reigns in Caucasian marriages. Men can all - nothing women. "Wah, Malchi, Zhanshchina, Kagda Mushrooms are planning, right?"
Men with the opening of the holiday season are stuck in all serious, but if, God forbid, the woman will at least look at the other side - all - the secretion of the ball.

Yes, women in the Caucasus are a separate conversation. There are no such patient, silent and submissive anywhere else! Another long ago would give a rolling on her forehead with her husband, and these were not silent, silent, silent.
For children in the East, the truth is bitter truth: a woman is cared for children, but in case of a divorce, children raises his father.

All this is depressing ... how is love? He is so unique! Do you believe in love?
Yes, Below to love! It is only necessary to figure out (with a concrete man) - love with him or so - call of the flesh. But since it is not possible to solve this issue in accurate during the average vacation, it is better to spend time on something else.

"Who is such a Caucasian man, and does he have a heart? Answer to this question, you are the ladies you know! But you are worried about another question: how to take possession of his heart forever! You are not a simple article! This is your key to heart! Yes, do not be surprised if you are strictly acting at my recommendations, you will certainly become its only owner, once and forever! "

Recommendation First: Talk to the desired wave! "A cute girl, you should always remember that the Caucasian man is proud and impregnable and draws his gaze to the girl as proud and impregnable. Are you not so? Well, it's easy to fix: buy yourself a machine or a bazooka, let him see that you are not It is so available, the main thing is not to hide it, forget about my purses! It will not only attract his attention, but also will cause his interest, since the Caucasian man does not understand Chanel and Prada, but in a state to distinguish MMG AK 103 from MMG AK 105

Recommendation Second: Spectacular appearance! "This is a very responsible moment to which you have to prepare in advance. Here it is necessary not to just attract his attention, but to take possession of them! Therefore, I propose a spectacular appearance on a tank, and, elegant parking in front of his car! Believe me, he will be fighting. But in order To fulfill it, you need to really practice, better in the countryside, in order not to restore all the bruises, pillars, and so on - at your own expense! Well, after parking, you need elegantly, it is, elegant! Slip out of a tank with a shining smile and a question: "I hope I didn't stop you?" As a rule, at this stage the heart of the Caucasian man almost belongs to you. "

Recommendation Third: Tasty cook! "Well, here, I think everything is clear! You must remember that the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach, especially for the heart of the Caucasian man. Here either - you are already good and, most importantly, you cook tasty, or - you have to learn Do it! But remember! Caucasian men have a lot of friends, so you get used to cook at once for 7! But I will give you one advice, since I feel sorry for your time you will spend cooking: Cute, remember! What do you have Tank and automatic ... Therefore, just choose a restaurant with delicious food, but remember, home, so that the catch is not detected, and "make them a proposal from which they will not be able to refuse!"

Recommendation Fourth: Give him to protect yourself! "Caucasian man is the defender in nature and therefore you have to be able to show this quality when you ask:" How to do it? "Well! Walking in the park in the park, be careful, and, more often, look around! Maybe you will be lucky and somewhere in the proximity there will be a fight ... Your goal, as if by chance, change the trajectory of your movement towards disassembly, and then , not noticeable, you hear, not noticeable! Slise into the epicenter of events. Once there, you should not get your machine, go like a "weak woman": I have been wrapped up: "Help!" Believe me, a Caucasian man without thinking to save you, but here You should be on a check and while crawling towards meter 2, so - as you understand that the fight is a fight, and a Caucasian man feeling blood, maybe simply forget: "Why he actually got involved in her! "Well, after your salvation, you must unremblely reminding him that he is your defender!"

Recommendation Five: Makeup! "Cute girl, I advise you to choose the shadows of purple, blue and purple shades! You do not go to you and you refuse to apply them? Well, to decide of course you, but in this case, you should understand that a Caucasian man will not delay you with you on For a long time! You ask: why? I will answer: he will simply won't see "native" in you, since these colors, especially on the face they are perceived by them, like cute and relatives associated with a bunch of funny and expensive memories heart! You are still Do you think that you do not go? "

Six Recommendation: If the Five Previous does not work! "Yes, it can also be! You should not despair! Believe me, you didn't have in vain on your" cute, female things "- a tank, a machine gun and a bazook. You can always" gently "convince him that you are the only one, about Which he dreamed of! Well, now it's time to act! Good luck to you! "