How to distinguish a fake mink coat - instructions. How to distinguish real mink fur from a fake? How to distinguish a fake mink coat from a real one

Every girl dreams of a natural fur coat, but it is far from always possible to afford such a thing. In this case, an affordable alternative would be a fur coat made of artificial material. A mink fur coat made of such material does not look different from natural if it is made with high quality. Therefore, such outerwear deserves special attention as a budget option.

Mink fur features

To date, a popular basis for the production of mink coats is cotton fabric. Nitron fibers can be diluted with viscose. Placed at different levels, they provide the most natural effect, adding even more resemblance to a natural product.

Knitted base is also becoming more and more popular. The fibers are made with the addition of acrylic and viscose. Thanks to this combination, the fur coat practically does not differ from. This combination is called "eco-mink".

Advantages and disadvantages

Now mink material is especially popular among leading designers from around the world. Eco-mink has earned such love due to its practicality and durability. The main advantages include:

— long term wear of the product;
- the water-repellent material with which the fibers are processed makes the products quite suitable for rainy weather (the product does not get wet completely);
- appearance is no different from natural mink;
- a budget option.

However, the disadvantages are relatively low shelf life proper appearance. Yes, in comparison with natural fur products, artificial ones retain their wear for a much longer period (the pile is not so wiped off and rolled off), but after 2-3 years of regular use, you can often notice that the thing is not natural. Because of this, of course, you can continue to wear an artificial fur coat, but at the same time, alas, it often becomes clear that the thing is not natural.

Price policy

On average, you can pick up the original model and up to 10,000 rubles. We are talking about short fur coats about faux fur. But at the same time, it is difficult to name the maximum price, since mink fur coats are also presented by eminent designers, the cost of which products can reach 100,000 rubles. In this case, the price is no less than the cost of a natural fur coat.

If we talk about budget options, then the price is from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The price of a fur coat, which is made under a mink, is affected by:
- the style of the product (more fashionable novelties are always more expensive);
- the quality of the material used;
- the length of the fur coat (more material is used for a longer fur coat and therefore it is more expensive).

In addition, sometimes natural fur can also be used in the manufacture of a fur coat (for example, for finishing sleeves, inserts). In this case, the product will be more expensive.

Popular colors and models of mink coats

It is generally accepted that the most advantageous mink coat looks gray. This is true, but only if we are talking about a natural product. When mink coats are considered, then much more popular models in black. This is necessary, first of all, from a practical point of view - so minor defects and differences between the villi and natural fur are less noticeable.

Also models in black with a fur gray edging of the hood look advantageous(if natural fur is used for this). By the way, it is customary to use loose-fitting hoods with a decorative hook or button on the collar.

As for the models of fur coats for mink fur, the most popular at the moment are:

- sheepskin coats;
- trapezoid;
- loose fit with a belt.

You should still avoid long styles if they are made of faux fur. This is due to the fact that the hem will rub too quickly. Because of this, the product loses its aesthetics too quickly and becomes unkempt. The artificiality of fur immediately begins to be noticeable.

Features of choice

The choice of any outerwear should be approached with particular seriousness, since such a thing is always bought for more than one year. At the same time, it is worth paying attention, first of all, to how much the thing is suitable not only in terms of quality characteristics, but also how much it corresponds to the type of appearance and the requirements for it. So, When choosing a fur coat, the following parameters should be the main ones:

  1. climate and lifestyle features. If a woman lives in a cold area and does not have her own car, then ideally give preference to a fur coat with a hood about to the knee. It is also better to abandon the trapezium, as in this case it will blow strongly from below;
  2. age. Representatives of the older generation should pay attention to classic models, while flared fur coats with interesting accessories and uneven edges are more suitable for young girls;
  3. figure type. Fat women should not wear wide fur coats, it is better to pay attention to classic styles. But for too thin women, trapezes are better;
  4. a fur coat with a belt that effectively emphasizes her waist, or a short fur coat is perfect for a young girl.

Among colors, everyone can also have their own preferences. But still, young girls can choose not only the classic black color - you can also give preference to light beige fur coats.

At the same time, knee-length fur coats look better in light color, but short fur coats look more spectacular in black.

What to wear with a mink coat

When choosing a mink fur coat, you can also highlight some important tips for choosing a wardrobe that will be most relevant in combination with such outerwear:

- jeans and breeches are ideal with short fur coats;
- with fur coats to the knee, it is better to choose high-heeled boots;
- with a short fur coat it is better to wear fitted dresses to the knee, with longer fur coats - dresses that will not peek out from under the hem;
- you can wear low-heeled shoes with short fur coats, but then it is better with trousers;
- hats and scarves are appropriate only if there is a fur coat with a collar. If you combine such accessories with massive hoods, then it will look ugly;
It is better to avoid bags with a long strap. It is worth giving preference to chests or bags with short handles that are not too large.

So, mink faux fur coats are a very popular budget option which will be appreciated by any fashionista. At the same time, so that the difference between an artificial and a natural fur coat is really not noticeable, you should carefully approach the choice of a thing.

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Good clothes made of natural fur are always a very profitable purchase. And a good mink coat - even more so. This is a classic of the fur market, always fashionable, in demand and loved all over the world, which will not only warm you in the cold, but also emphasize your beauty and individuality. Such clothes will serve you faithfully for many years, subject to simple rules of care and storage.

To choose a good quality mink coat, you need some skills and knowledge, without which you risk paying a lot of money for a fake - mink models, like no other, are prone to fake. Moreover, not only skillfully dressed fur of other animals, but also artificial fur products are sometimes given out as a natural mink! So, how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers?

How to determine the quality of fur

First of all, when buying a fur coat made of natural fur, you must make sure that the fur is really natural and of high quality. To do this, do not hesitate to take a good look at the fur, feel it and even smell it.

  • First of all, look at the color and texture of the fur. If it is dull, not soft enough, the villi stick together, this should alert you. Natural high-quality mink fur shimmers and shines evenly, easily clenched in a fist and immediately straightened.

  • The country of origin of skins for fur coats can also be determined visually. Russian or differs from high-quality Canadian or Scandinavian in that the Chinese is rarer and almost without down, while the Russian, on the contrary, is very thick, with long villi. has a thick underfur and a not too long pile, while the Scandinavian one is distinguished by both density and a short pile.

  • or poorly and incorrectly colored. Poorly dyed fur can be checked with a light handkerchief. If you run a handkerchief, and traces of paint or lint remain on it, then this fur coat is not good.

  • Gently pull the villi - if they fall out, then in a couple of years you will become the owner of a pretty bald fur coat. In addition, in natural fur, even sheared or plucked, there must be a fairly thick undercoat, which provides the product with durability and warmth.
  • If you blow on the villi of the fur, and they immediately fall into place, it means that this is a natural, solid mink model.

  • Look behind the lining of the model - and self-respecting manufacturers never sew the lining to the fur from below - and pay attention to the reverse side of the fur, the core. If it is, then the fur coat is natural. The quality of the fur itself also depends on it. If the mezdra is thick and hard, then this is definitely not a mink. Good fur should not "rattle", i.e. make some sounds from the inside. Also, the darker the color of the mezdra, the older the fur product.

In conclusion, a few more words on how to distinguish a good mink coat from a fake. If you run your hand against the wool, the hairs of the mink fall into place immediately. If they buckle back or remain disheveled, this is not a mink. A real mink coat should be very light - it is much lighter than a coat made of other fur.

So, we have decided on the quality of the fur in principle. But we want a fur coat from a mink, and not from some other animal. Not all sellers are honest with us. So that you don’t slip a rabbit, marmot or beaver for good money, it’s useful to know some of the differences between mink fur and other animals:

  • A rabbit is often given out as a mink: a real mink has hard hairs, while a rabbit has very soft and heterogeneous hairs. Rabbits also have hairs of different luster, they are matte - in mink they shine the same way. When plucking rabbit fur, a small tuft of undercoat remains in the hands. This is not the case with minks.

  • Marmot is another leader of mink fakes. more prickly, and the hairs are heterogeneous, of different lengths.

  • For a mink coat, sometimes they give out a fake from a beaver or a sheared beaver. Groundhog fur and beaver fur are similar in stiffness, but both of them are definitely harder than mink. When the hand is held against the wool, the hard hairs do not straighten immediately, they are not as plastic and pliable as those of the mink, although they are springy. In addition, the size of the skins of the beaver is larger than that of the mink. Their shape is also different - beaver skins are more square. The thickness of the mezra in a beaver is more than that of a mink, almost twice. And the fur is thicker, denser than even that of large mink males.

It is advisable to buy real mink coats of good quality only in specialized stores, trading floors of fur factories and boutiques. Demand a quality certificate from the seller, from which data on the type of fur and the place of its production can be compared with the label of the product. Following these simple rules, you can always choose a good mink coat and distinguish it from a fake.

Mink coats are the dream of any woman, regardless of her age and status. Today there is a wide selection of different models, so choosing a really high-quality option is not so easy. Due to the fact that there are fake mink fur on the market, women can get into a very unpleasant situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to determine the quality of a mink coat.

Possible defects

You can avoid buying a fake if you know the common defects in mink fur. This should include:

  1. Uneven fur color, fading, wear. All these flaws indicate that old and low-quality fur was used for tailoring.
  2. Don't know how to check the quality? Then inspect the fur coat for red spots. If they are true, then this suggests that the animals were kept in iron cages. Be sure that getting rid of such stains is simply impossible.
  3. Fur villi stick together, there is no gloss and gloss. These defects indicate that the technology was not exactly followed in the manufacture.
  4. The villi have an uneven surface. Their appearance is similar to the result of a poor-quality haircut. Most likely, the fur was spoiled by animals. There is also no way to get rid of such a flaw.
  5. How to check the quality of a mink coat? You just need to feel it. If you get the feeling that you are touching parchment paper, then the fur is dry. Such a product will quickly crack and spread.

If at least one of the presented flaws occurs, then it is better to refuse to purchase this product.

Verification methods

There are certain secrets regarding how to check a mink coat. Today, many unscrupulous manufacturers are trying in every possible way to mask the existing flaw. They paint the burnt parts of the villi or cover them with a special varnish, which gives the product gloss and gloss.

How to check the quality of a mink coat? It is enough to use the following recommendations:

  1. Take your palm and hold it against the growth of the pile. If the fur is of high quality, then after such a procedure it will be able to take its previous position. There will be no dents or creases of hairs. And on the hands there should not be fluff or villi.
  2. How to distinguish good from bad? Just push the hairs of the fur and inspect the color of the fur. If the product is of high quality, then it should be light. But the brown color indicates that the villi were painted. The darkened color of the skin indicates incorrect storage of the product. The back of the skin will allow you to determine this.
  3. The joints of the skins of a high-quality fur coat should not be noticeable during external examination. They also need to be highly accurate. And you can check this if you pull them in different directions. The joints of the skins can be seen in the shoulder and collar areas. Seams should be made with strong threads.
  4. How to distinguish high-quality from low-quality? Take a regular needle and insert it from the wrong side. Then pull. The formed hole should not increase in diameter.
  5. The undercoat should have a soft surface and density. If you run your hand over it, you should create a feeling of softness, but not prickly.
  6. How to identify a mink coat? Just rub the skin with a slightly damp cloth. After such actions, various traces of painting should be absent. There are situations when manufacturers subject it to tinting. This gives it an auxiliary and beautiful overflow. But the applied coating should not only be resistant, but also not leave marks.
  7. The top hair should be of equal length. If there are protruding villi on winter clothes, then the fur was subject to a haircut. You can't call a quality product like this.
  8. You can understand how high-quality mink coats are by smell. It should not emit the smell of an animal or chemicals. There may be a slight smell of the cleaning compound.

Useful tips when buying a fur product, details in the video:

Lining quality

When buying outerwear made of mink fur, it is important to pay attention not only to the condition of the fur, but also to the lining. If the product is really of high quality, then you should pay attention to such points:

  1. Made from high quality and durable material. Most often, natural silk is used.
  2. Exactly repeats the cut of outerwear. When worn, the movement is free, and the fur itself does not bulge.
  3. The lower part of the outerwear is loose, not attached to the fur coat. Without much difficulty, you can get to the wrong side of the skins.
  4. Seams are qualitatively processed, differs in equal lines and durability.
  5. On the edge there is a trim in the form of a cord.

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Types of mink

A wide selection of mink allows you to sew a fur coat that will be ideal for wearing it in a certain climatic zone.


This fur has been one of the warmest for many years. It is distinguished by a high awn and underfur, so that its appearance seems a little disheveled. The price is quite affordable and the range is wide.


This type of mink makes up 80% of all fur sold in the world. It is characterized by medium awn and dense underfur. How to identify mink fur? Everything is very simple: you need to examine its surface. Scandinavian fur has a chic sheen, which is why the product is popularly called the “black diamond”.


For those who do not understand how to identify a good mink coat, it is worth remembering one rule: do not purchase Chinese-made products in the markets. High-quality mink is produced in China, but increased demand does not allow it to be exported outside the country. Only budget products of poor quality are sent abroad. In addition, Chinese manufacturers stretch the fur, as a result of which it becomes brittle, the service life decreases and, as a result, it does not warm.

North American

Determining the quality of fur is very simple. It has a low pile, but the shine is completely absent. Most often, such a product is called velvet. The peculiarity of the North American mink is that it is great for harsh Russian winters.


How to check for quality? Do not think that the more expensive it is, the better. This type of fur is considered rare. It is characterized by a long pile, almost the same as that of a sable. Its color is dark grey-brown. It also has a light undercoat. Wild fur has a lot of flaws, because a large number of skins are required to get a fur coat. Therefore, the price of such products is high.

Italian and Greek

In Italy, they do not grow mink. But this does not prevent local craftsmen from creating excellent samples with original designs. At present, the quality of such fur coats pleases all fashionistas both in Russia and abroad. If you do not understand how to correctly determine the quality of a mink coat, then you should buy such clothes in stores at fur factories.

Mink fur is very much in demand today when sewing winter clothes. But due to the high competition in the market, some manufacturers resort to certain tricks. They reduce the cost of the product, as they themselves acquire a low-quality product. In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers, you need to learn how to identify high-quality fur. This is not difficult, but it will protect you from forgery and financial waste.

How to choose a quality product, details in the video:

The main suppliers of high-quality outerwear made of natural furs are Greece and Italy. Chinese inexpensive fur coats are also not of poor quality, but they must be checked very carefully. It is best to buy an expensive mink coat made from natural raw materials in an elite specialized market, which is the exclusive distributor of a well-known enterprise for the production of fur outerwear. A wide range of stylish models of fur coats, which surprise with their sophistication, sparkling brilliance, amaze with boldness of forms and brightness of shades, are made at the Diana Furs brand's own fur factory in Moscow. The illustrated catalog contains photos of diverse outfits made of mink fur of the following styles: "poncho", "cross", "herringbone", "bat" and other fashionable models. A short description and technological parameters are placed under the photographs of women's outerwear. The entire technological cycle of manufacturing high-quality fur clothing from natural raw materials purchased at fur auctions in Northern Canada and Denmark is made on modern equipment using innovative technology and laser systems.

Natural fur

In severe, forty-degree frosts, which are typical for most of the vast territory of the country from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, women choose outerwear made of natural fur. The best material for making clothes from natural furs are the skins of the North American mink, which, unlike high-quality fakes, have a long, even pile of a rich dark color with a high, soft undercoat of a noble black-brown hue. A high-quality fur product made from natural raw materials perfectly retains heat and does not create a greenhouse effect. Hygroscopic natural fur, with good breathability and antiseptic properties, normalizes blood circulation. The same cannot be said for women's clothing, which also looks great, but is made of faux fur. Attractive women's fur coats made from natural raw materials have a beautiful appearance and, unlike high-quality Chinese fakes, excellent consumer parameters of wear resistance and hydrophobicity.

Artificial fur

High-quality fur of artificial origin is visually very similar to natural, therefore it is often used when sewing outerwear for women. It is a textile that imitates natural fur fabric. World fashion experts predict a great future for synthetics, although it can be said with confidence that in Russia, especially in regions with a harsh climate, outerwear made from non-natural raw materials is not in high demand. Winter outfits made of artificial fur cannot warm well in severe frost, especially in the harsh regions of the Urals, Western Siberia and the Far East, since the fake fur pile poorly retains heat and is blown through in a strong, piercing wind. The rather low frost resistance of such a material, which is absolutely not suitable for extreme weather conditions, is the main drawback of winter clothes made of faux fur.

How to distinguish a fake mink coat

Quite expensive fur outfits made from natural valuable Scandinavian mink fur are not bought very often, so its choice should be treated carefully. When buying a fashionable fur coat, for which you have carefully prepared, you need to check the quality of its workmanship. Please read the specific advice of experienced experts so that the purchase is not only beautiful, wearable, but also not fake. The pile of fur fabric, from which a real mink coat is assembled, should quickly return to its original position after light stroking from the bottom up and in the opposite direction. Sufficiently thick real mink down, and the same length of hair characterize the pile of genuine fur on the outside.

The main differences between high-quality Chinese-made mink coats are the dark leathery base of the fur (mezdra) and the glassy sheen of the pile, which does not shimmer smoothly over the entire surface, like a Scandinavian mink, but remains motionless. In addition, the pile of a Chinese fur coat, in which a high awn stands out sharply, visually seems prickly.

The front surface of a mink coat made of natural fur

A real mink coat looks fashionable, prestigious and provides comfort in cold winters due to a dense and thick undercoat. At first glance, it is quite difficult to distinguish a natural fur coat from a fake, since they all seem equally beautiful and attractive. Therefore, experts advise that in order to recognize the type and quality of fur, it needs to be patted, felt, and slightly wrinkled. It must maintain and quickly restore its volume after such fairly simple procedures. To the touch, real fur, unlike fake, is dense, smooth, shiny and a little prickly. Its smooth, long hairs do not fall out or break if you run your hand against the direction of their growth. The same height of the fur cover of the front surface of a mink coat made of natural raw materials is visually absolutely even, and the villi quickly return to their original position. When shaking, the fur coat should not make a dry, rustling sound.

Real mink coat inside

The unlined lining of the fur coat makes it possible to examine the reverse side of the mink skins and evaluate the quality of the tanning. All European manufacturers who value their brand leave the lining unlined. Mezdra - the back side of a natural mink skin should be light in color, elastic and soft to the touch. From the inside, on each skin, from which a real fur coat is assembled, there is an imprint of the manufacturer's company seal. The imprint shows the size of the skin and the name of the natural raw material used. Fur fabric, sewn "in dissolution", is obtained by stitching strips of skin, cut on a laser device, so the mezra will look like a "Christmas tree". In any case, carefully check the junctions of the fur strips. The seams should be even, thin, visually almost invisible.

Now you know exactly how to distinguish a real mink coat from a fake, and you can choose a great winter outfit made from real natural mink!

In view of the existing variety of furs similar to mink, skins of other fur-bearing animals are very often mistaken for it. Indeed, at first glance, it can be difficult to distinguish expensive mink fur from cheaper alternatives, even if they look no less attractive.

In this regard, it will not be superfluous for you to review the types of furs below, the appearance of which resembles a luxurious mink. You need to be able to defend yourself against those manufacturers who want to capitalize on the ignorance of gullible buyers.

The fur of this mink-related animal from the marten family is also soft to the touch, resistant to moisture and frost. Thanks to this, products from the column provide comfort to their owners even in severe frosts.

The pile of the column has a light and bright red natural color with a slightly pronounced awn. Compared to mink, this fur is more fluffy, which is why it visually makes women look fat. The average period of wearing products from the column is two years.

Among all other types of fur, this one is distinguished by its light weight, due to the special arrangement of the villi. However, at the same time they tend to shag and break. As for the warming abilities, groundhog fur clothing is designed for temperatures not lower than -10 ° C.

To the touch, groundhog fur cannot be compared with mink: it is more elastic and not so plastic. An attempt to disguise a groundhog as a mink by dyeing will tell you a bluish or purple tint of fur. And the last thing: a product made of groundhog fur will last you half as long as a similar model made of mink.

Nutria fur is several times cheaper than mink, which makes it a profitable option for “disguise” as a more noble material. Most often this is done by shearing, as a result of which the fur becomes velvety, while the wear of the product deteriorates (maximum 5 seasons).

In the process of stroking the nutria, a sharpness is felt, which is absent when touching a soft mink. Another nutria can be calculated by weight: its fur is heavier than mink, so the body will get tired faster from wearing clothes from nutria. It is also advisable to smell the product: nutria sometimes has a bad smell and has a greasy sheen.

Soft and shiny in appearance, this fur has the same thick and dense undercoat as mink. Therefore, in terms of warmth, the muskrat is not inferior to the mink. In this case, long guard hairs exceed the height of the pile. But if the awn is trimmed, the resemblance to a sheared mink will only increase.

The natural color of the muskrat fur is represented by shades from dark brown to black. The summer fur of the muskrat has a grayish tint, and the winter fur is reddish.

In terms of wearing time, the muskrat definitely loses to the mink: four seasons or a little longer, subject to proper operation and care of the product, against ten winters at least. And if the muskrat fur is also dyed, then the product made from it will serve you even less.

When viewed, rabbit fur has a more lush volume, and when stroked, it is more delicate and soft compared to mink. While mink is plastic, when squeezed in a fist, a rabbit skin leaves a mark.

Since the color of a natural rabbit is not very similar to a mink, the fur has to be dyed. You can check the product for staining by running a damp cloth over the fur surface: if traces of paint are visible, it’s definitely not a mink in front of you. Plus, the rabbit pile easily begins to crumble when the product is shaken. Accordingly, the wear of a rabbit is much lower than that of a mink.

In order not to miss the purchase, but to purchase a product made of high-quality natural mink the first time, go in search of winter clothes to specialized fur stores or online fur stores. So, on the EtnaFurs website you will see a full range of mink coats, vests and other stylish items that you can add to your wardrobe if you wish.