As the new year is celebrated in central asia. New year in asia

In different Asian countries, New Year is celebrated at different times of the year. Each local tradition has its own flavor and is worth taking part in.

Most people's favorite holiday is New Year. There are countries where it is celebrated in a special way. Perhaps most interesting of all this happens in Asia.

To mark the beginning of the New Year in Myanmar, you need to come to this country in mid-April. The holiday lasts for 5 whole days, and everything begins with the water festival - Tindjiana. People go out and start pouring water on each other. Young people are trying most of all - no one succeeds in staying dry.

This ritual is not accidental, the locals are sure that by pouring water on people, they wish them happiness and prosperity for the whole next year. The role of the traditional New Year tree in Myanmar is played by a palm tree, on the leaves of which sweets are spread. One of the country's peoples, Kaya, is so responsible about the holiday that he does not allow any woman to participate in it.

Celebrate New Year in vietnam you can either in January or in February - it all depends on the lunar calendar. Here, this popular holiday is called Tet Nguyen, and it is celebrated for exactly 4 days. In honor of the New Year, houses are decorated with branches of tangerine and apricot trees, solemn processions take place along the streets, the holiday is celebrated cheerfully and on a grand scale.

At night, bonfires are burned in the streets, they gather around them and treat each other with different delicacies, children are given money. Men traditionally dress in black clothes, while women dress in yellow and red dresses.

Everyone who visits Sri lanka in April, will have the opportunity to take part in the New Year's festivities, which take place here on the 13-14th and are called Avurudu. The main local ritual these days performed by every inhabitant of the island is the expulsion of evil spirits and the consecration of dwellings.

Demons are chased away by loud beating of drums, accompanied by the joyful singing of the islanders. Colorful events are held on the streets, one of the most exotic is the elephant race. The festive table these days is filled with sweets exclusively, even meat is cooked under a sugary viscous sauce.

Thai new year called Songkran, it is celebrated from 13 to 19 April. As in Myanmar, passers-by here shower each other with water, wishing happiness. This tradition is closely related to local climatic conditions.

It's just that at this very time the sun season ends in the country and the rainy season begins, which lasts until about mid-October. Drenched in water, the Thais seem to undergo a ritual of purification and prepare to enter a new life with pure thoughts. The Buddha figures are also washed with water, after which they are showered with rose and jasmine petals.

On Bali New Year is celebrated in March, the exact date depends on the lunar calendar. The holiday lasts 5 days, there is a tradition of a "day of silence", when everything around freezes and the streets of cities become deserted. Everyone is at home, afraid of evil spirits. Then a ritual of purification is performed. The streets are filled with figures of colorful papier-mâché monsters, which are burned in the square at the end of the holiday.

Central Asia is lucky: the region celebrates the New Year twice. First time together with the whole world (except China) on the night of December 31 to January 1. The second new year begins on March 21, when all the republics celebrate the holiday of the spring equinox - Nooruz, Nauryz, Navruz.

Kaktakto will tell the story of the appearance of the usual New Year and how this holiday is celebrated in Central Asia.

The first New Year tree in the region was lit in Bishkek (then still Pishpek) in 1895.

Photo: Open Asia

In other capitals, the trees were lit much later. In Tashkent, the first Christmas tree was lit in the main square of the country in 1955, in Almaty (then Verny) the first Christmas tree was lit in 1913.

New Year in Dushanbe, 1955. Photo: Open Asia

In 1914, in Tsarist Russia, as well as in the regions that obeyed it, a ban was announced on the celebration of the New Year due to the outbreak of the First World War.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the celebration of the New Year was resumed. True, until 1936 in the USSR there was a ban on decorating a Christmas tree, and January 1 was an ordinary working day. In 1947, January 1 was declared a day off, and the tree was decorated with the usual toys and a red star.

Recently, in the countries of Central Asia, there have been more and more statements that the New Year is an alien holiday. So, in Tajikistan, since 2012, the celebration of the New Year has been practically banned. On the main square of the country, the tree was installed only on December 30 and was removed already on January 2. No festivities, fireworks or concerts. Also, New Year's parties were banned in schools and kindergartens.

Photo: Asia-Plus

This year, with the coming to power of the new mayor, Rustam Emommali, the situation has changed. In Dushanbe, in early December, the republic's main tree was already lit.

By the way, a distinctive feature of the Central Asian New Year can be called the color of the costumes of Ayaz Ata (Father Frost) and Ayaz Kyz (Snow Maiden). Whereas Russian Father Frost and Western Santa Claus wear red clothes, their Central Asian counterparts prefer blue.


Ayaz Ata and Akshakar bring gifts to Kazakhstani children, Ayaz Ata and Ayaz Kyz to Kyrgyz children. In Uzbekistan, this is done by Korbobo and his companion Korkyz.

Grandfather Frost from Uzbekistan is the only one who does not walk, but rides on a donkey.

Photo: yandex

On New Year's Eve, Boboi Barfi (Father Frost) and Barfak (Snowflake) give gifts to children from Tajikistan. Ayaz Baba and Garpamyk visit the Turkmen children.

New Year in Central Asia is traditionally a family holiday. Almost every country has a Soviet-style New Year's table - Olivier, aspic, tangerines and champagne.


In Kazakhstan, for the coming year to be successful, there must be seven dishes on the table. In Uzbekistan, the New Year's table is not complete without a watermelon. The sweeter it is, the more successful and easier the new year will be.

There is a tradition in Uzbekistan. Before the chimes chime, you need to have time to eat 12 grapes - according to the number of months in a year - then everything planned will certainly come true.

In Tajikistan, the tables will definitely have shorbo - a rich meat broth and damlalma - a stew of meat and vegetables.

Shorbo. Photo: Molbulak

Central Asia is lucky: the region celebrates the New Year twice. First time together with the whole world (except China) on the night of December 31 to January 1. The second new year begins on March 21, when all the republics celebrate the holiday of the spring equinox - Nooruz, Nauryz, Navruz.

Kaktaktowill tell the story of the appearance of the usual New Year and how this holiday is celebrated in Central Asia.

The first New Year tree in the region was lit in Bishkek (then still Pishpek) in 1895.

In other capitals, the trees were lit much later. In Tashkent, the first Christmas tree was lit in the main square of the country in 1955, in Almaty (then Verny) the first Christmas tree was lit in 1913.

New Year in Dushanbe, 1955. Photo: Open Asia

In 1914, in Tsarist Russia, as well as in the regions that obeyed it, a ban was announced on the celebration of the New Year due to the outbreak of the First World War.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the celebration of the New Year was resumed. True, until 1936 in the USSR there was a ban on decorating a Christmas tree, and January 1 was an ordinary working day. In 1947, January 1 was declared a day off, and the tree was decorated with the usual toys and a red star.

Recently, in the countries of Central Asia, there have been more and more statements that the New Year is an alien holiday. So, in Tajikistan, since 2012, the celebration of the New Year has been practically banned. On the main square of the country, the tree was installed only on December 30 and was removed already on January 2. No festivities, fireworks or concerts. Also, New Year's parties were banned in schools and kindergartens.

Photo: Asia-Plus

This year, with the coming to power of the new mayor, Rustam Emommali, the situation has changed. In Dushanbe, in early December, the republic's main tree was already lit.

By the way, a distinctive feature of the Central Asian New Year can be called the color of the costumes of Ayaz Ata (Father Frost) and Ayaz Kyz (Snow Maiden). Whereas Russian Father Frost and Western Santa Claus wear red clothes, their Central Asian counterparts prefer blue.


Ayaz Ata and Akshakar bring gifts to Kazakhstani children, Ayaz Ata and Ayaz Kyz to Kyrgyz children. In Uzbekistan, this is done by Korbobo and his companion Korkyz.

Grandfather Frost from Uzbekistan is the only one who does not walk, but rides on a donkey.

Photo: yandex

On New Year's Eve, Boboi Barfi (Father Frost) and Barfak (Snowflake) give gifts to children from Tajikistan. Ayaz Baba and Garpamyk visit the Turkmen children.

New Year in Central Asia is traditionally a family holiday. Almost every country has a Soviet-style New Year's table - Olivier, aspic, tangerines and champagne.


In Kazakhstan, for the coming year to be successful, there must be seven dishes on the table. In Uzbekistan, the New Year's table is not complete without a watermelon. The sweeter it is, the more successful and easier the new year will be.

There is a tradition in Uzbekistan. Before the chimes chime, you need to have time to eat 12 grapes - according to the number of months in a year - then everything planned will certainly come true.

In Tajikistan, the tables will definitely have shorbo - a rich meat broth and damlalma - a stew of meat and vegetables.

Shorbo. Photo: Molbulak

Lesson summary

This house.

: to broaden the horizons of pupils about the New Year traditions of different countries of the world
: to acquaint pupils with a variety of New Year mythical characters
On New Year's Eve
in Japanese temples
the bells beat off 108 times. It is believed that a person can have six vices: greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision and greed. As the bell strikes, vices are purified. With the last blow, it is supposed to go outside and meet the New Year with the first rays of the sun. People pouring out into the street begin to congratulate each other and exchange gifts. All day the streets are crowded with people, laughter and funny songs sound, and only with the onset of dusk do people disperse. It is customary to spend the evening with your family. In
Vietnam New
the year is met at night, with the onset of dusk. The Vietnamese light bonfires in parks, gardens or just on the streets, at which several families gather; special rice treats are cooked on charcoal. On this night, all quarrels are forgotten, offenses are forgiven. New Year is a celebration of friendship. IN
modern China New
the year is a holiday of lanterns. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the lunar New Year. The New Year itself begins in January-February, so it is associated with the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Lanterns are given various shapes: animals, vegetables, fruits. Red, green, yellow, blue, orange lights of such lamps color the houses and streets filled with a cheerful noisy crowd. The traditional number of the festive program is the "dragon dance", which is most often performed by men. They carry a writhing body made of paper or silk on long poles. From the inside, it is lit by many lamps and candles. The dragon has a huge head, fire-breathing mouth, sparkling eyes. In the evening hours he seems alive ... Celebration
New Years in Myanmar
, until recently called Burma, also falls in mid-April. The holiday is timed to April for the reason that it is a kind of boundary between the local seasons: the heat ends and the rainy season begins. How they celebrate
New Year in Myanmar
The holiday lasts for 5 days, and it opens with the water festival - Tindjian. Residents of villages and cities pour water on each other from various dishes, and young people are especially zealous, who does not allow even completely unfamiliar people to get out of the water. True, no one is offended by this, because such a ritual is a kind of wish for happiness in the new year. So that everyone has plenty of liquid, colorfully decorated cars and carts with containers filled with water drive around the country's roads. The Myanmar people replace the New Year tree with a palm tree, and its leaves are also used as trays for holiday treats and vessels of rice wine. Such an interesting fact cannot be ignored. Kaya, one of
of the peoples inhabiting Myanmar, he considers the New Year's ceremony so important and responsible that women are not allowed to participate in it. Perhaps you will not find this anywhere else in the world ... The inhabitants of this country use the lunar calendar, but the New Year is celebrated at a certain time - April 12-13, when the seasons change. And they celebrate the holiday not at night, as we do, but during the day. On New Year's Day, people pour water on each other to wash away the diseases and misfortunes that the outgoing year brought. But water not only symbolizes purification, it also heralds the arrival of the long-awaited rainy season. New Year comes to Laos on days when the thermometer invariably reads more than 30 C and people are literally exhausted by the prolonged heat. Until the next morning, the celebrants walk along the streets decorated with electric bulbs and garlands of live champa flowers - white, red and yellow. The New Year song "Champa", dedicated to the beauty of spring, is named in honor of this plant. It is sung by the whole family at the festive table. The main dish on the table is paws; it consists of meat, rice, cabbage and a lot of spices. How they celebrate
New Year in Vietnam
In another eastern country, Vietnam, New Year is celebrated at night. At dusk, Vietnamese people light bonfires in parks, gardens or on the streets. Several families gather around them and cook special rice delicacies on the coals. On this night, all quarrels are forgotten, all insults are forgiven, because the New Year is a holiday of friendship! The Vietnamese spend the next day with their families. Vietnamese believe that the first person who enters their house in the New Year will bring them good luck, or vice versa - grief and misfortune. Therefore, advice - these days, meet only with trusted people, just in case. How New Year is celebrated in Mongolia New Year in Asia. In Mongolia, the New Year coincides with the holiday of cattle breeding, so sports, tests of dexterity and courage are characteristic of it. Even Santa Claus comes to them in the clothes of a cattle breeder. How they celebrate
New Year in Burma
In Burma, New Year begins at the hottest time of the year, so its arrival is celebrated with the so-called "water festival", when people pour water on each other when they meet. The tradition of pouring water is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year. How they celebrate
New Year in Iran
In Iran, the New Year, celebrated as the Novruz holiday, falls on March 21 (sometimes 22). Bonfires are made in the squares, over which the mummers jump. According to legend, the Persian king Jamashid, who established this holiday, himself lit the first fire in his country. Since then, Iranians believe that the flame of a fire can cleanse their lives of evil spirits and adversity. In the first minutes of the new year, shots from guns are heard everywhere. All adult Iranians are holding silver coins in their hands: according to popular belief, this serves as a guarantee of a permanent stay in their native places throughout the coming year. According to another custom, old earthenware dishes are beaten in houses, and new ones are bought in return. Tradition dictates that on festive tables there must be seven dishes, the names of which begin with the letter "s", for example, "sib" is an apple, "sabzi" is a green, "serke" is vinegar. Otherwise, according to legend, there will be no happiness in the new year.
How they celebrate
New Year in Korea
Once upon a time, Koreans celebrated the New Year, or the holiday of Solmadi, according to the lunar calendar. Now in both parts of Korea, the New Year holiday is celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar, on the night of January 1, only the years are counted there in their own way. Having adjusted to the Europeans in terms of time parameters, Koreans have preserved some ancient traditions and customs. The most important of them is the expression of respect for the senior members of the family, giving them gifts or money. Koreans stay awake all New Year's Eve. They even have a proverb on this score: "If you sleep on New Year's Eve, your eyebrows will turn gray." Rice plays the main role on the festive table. Long before the New Year, part of the grains is soaked and pounded until a doughy mass is obtained, from which dumplings are made for a holiday soup made from chicken, beef or pheasant meat. How they celebrate
New Year in Cambodia
For three whole days - from 13 to 15 April - Cambodians celebrate their New Year. They are looking forward to the coming of the holiday, they hope that it will bring peace and happiness to their families. Households together cleanse their home of dirt and unnecessary things, decorate it with flowers and multi-colored bulbs. A few days before the holiday, countless small mounds of sand appear in cities and villages. According to legend, every grain of sand that makes up a mound means forgiveness for one bad deed. Cambodians certainly put the New Year's table near the window. On the table are the most favorite sweets in the family, intended not only for those who gathered in the house, but first of all for Father Zhara, the brother of our Father Frost. It is believed that if he is satisfied with the treat, he will bring happiness and health to the owners.

New Year in Asia is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, which is based on the changes in the phases of the moon. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, in the lunar calendar, the dates move depending on the phase changes of the moon. New Year in Asia has a slightly different meaning. If in Europe and in Russia this is the change of the old year to the new, then the Chinese New Year is a holiday of spring, therefore, in the East, special importance is attached to table setting, the richer and more varied the table, the more successful the year will be, it is also customary to honor ancestors and parents these days , pray, attend the temple.

South Korea

The New Year celebrations in South Korea begin with Catholic Christmas - December 25th. On this day, in houses and on the streets, you can see brightly decorated Christmas trees, illuminated buildings and trees, people rush to give presents to friends and family, attend church. The New Year on the Gregorian calendar is practically not celebrated, since the Eastern New Year is considered more important. On this day, all family members try to visit the parental home.

From the very early morning of the first day, women prepare traditional Korean dishes - usually soup with rice cakes, rice bread, fried fish, and various hot snacks. On the same day, all family members honor their parents - dressing in national clothes, parents accept obeisances from their children and grandchildren. Adults, in turn, give children various gifts and money. In the following days, everyone tries to visit relatives in order to congratulate and present traditional gifts.


Since ancient times in China, on New Year's Eve, they tried to get rid of evil spirits, for this the Chinese dressed in red clothes and made noise. Later, to ward off evil spirits, people began to burn firecrackers and fireworks. By tradition, the holiday is considered a family one, on this day the whole family gathers at one table, having previously prepared many traditional dishes. Usually dumplings, noodles, snacks are served at the table. Noodles are a symbol of a long and happy life, which is why this dish is so popular in China. Also on this day, adults give children money wrapped in red envelopes. New Year's Eve in China lasts about 3 weeks. Before the holiday, the Chinese are trying to clean up their homes, clearing the house of unnecessary old things.

Two tangerines sounding in Chinese also means gold, so a gift of two tangerines means a wish for wealth and prosperity.


In Vietnam, preparations are being made to celebrate the New Year in advance. The fact is that you cannot sweep the floor on New Year's, so shortly before the holiday begins, the Vietnamese clean up their homes and put flowers and reed trees decorated with origami and amulets. On holidays, the whole family gathers and prepares traditional dishes. Children greet adults and receive red envelopes with money as gifts. On the first day of the new year, the first guest is of great importance, it is believed that the first visitor determines the luck for the whole year, so the first guest is invited in advance. Usually these are respected people who can bring good luck. Before the holidays, the Vietnamese try to visit the graves of their ancestors; the house also has special places for honoring the spirits of their ancestors. During the New Year holidays, people visit churches, pray, visit relatives and friends.

Not sure what to present for the new year? Do you want to show originality and individuality? For example, engraving a thermo mug will be a great way to present the right thing for the cold season, and words will warm your heart.