How to make a dog out of origami diagram paper. Origami paper dog in stages. Accordion paper dog: step-by-step instructions

Origami consists of folding various figures out of paper. There are many ways that can be folded out of paper as dogs of different breeds, and their individual parts of the body (for example, the head). Origami is fun and easy to do - just have a sheet of paper and a hard surface to fold it. A medium-sized dog can be made out of paper in 5-12 minutes, depending on your experience.


Part 1

Creating initial folds

    Take a piece of origami paper or fold the square yourself. Origami paper is already square, but if you are using regular paper, you should make a square sheet. To do this, take a regular sheet of paper and fold its top corner to the opposite side, so that the top edge is aligned with the side edge. As a result, you will get a triangle. After that, cut off the bottom edge and unfold the triangle. So from a regular sheet of paper you should get a square.

    • It is necessary to bend the sheet diagonally to form a triangle. Do not fold the sheet parallel to the sides, otherwise you will end up with a rectangle.
    • You can use any color of paper. Choose the color you like.
  1. Fold the sheet to form a triangle. If you haven't folded the sheet of paper yet, you will need to fold it diagonally. Grab the top left corner of the sheet and align it with the bottom right corner. Then flatten the fold diagonally and unfold the paper again. Fold the sheet in the same way along the second diagonal.

    • When you unfold the piece of paper, you will have two folds along the diagonals of the square that intersect at the center.
  2. Fold the bottom edge over the middle crease. Expand the square with one of the corners towards you (while the rest of the corners will be on the left, top and right). Grab the bottom corner and bend it upward so that it aligns with the intersection of the diagonals in the center of the square.

    Unfold the sheet and repeat the same thing twice more. After folding the first corner, turn the sheet to the next corner towards you and also bend it towards the center. Then repeat this with the third corner. As a result, you will have three folded corners, and the fourth will not be folded. Then turn the sheet over to the other side.

    Fold the sides of the sheet inward. After you flip the paper over, place it so that the square area is on the left and the top of the triangle is on the right. Then fold the bottom half of the square so that its edge is aligned with the middle fold of the sheet. Do the same for the other half. Make sure that the folded edges do not overlap.

    • After you fold the sheet, you will have an oblong horizontal shape with two rhombuses - a large one on the left and a much smaller one on the right.
    • You may not get the left rhombus if the edges overlap. When you fold over the half of the square, be careful not to crush the attached triangles. Do not wrap these triangles - they should be left over the fold (this will create two triangles, one on top and one on the bottom).

    Part 2

    Creating a dog's body

    Unfold the paper and fold in small triangles. Unfold the sheet with a small diamond towards you (with the larger diamond on top). On top of the large rhombus, you will see two triangles, one on the left and one on the right. These are right-angled triangles with 90-degree top angles. Open the right triangle at the top so that its top left point is aligned with the edge of the paper.

    • After you open up the triangle, fold it in. In this case, the triangle should be folded so that its upper side, which was the edge of the rhombus, is aligned with the right edge of the sheet. After that, make a fold in this place.
  3. Do the same for the second triangle. Take the top side of the left triangle and unfold it. Fold the top-right corner of the triangle to the edge of the paper and fold. In this case, the upper right side of the triangle should be aligned with the left edge of the sheet. Make a fold in this place.

    • When looking at the resulting shape, you should see a straight top edge with two small protrusions on the sides. Below these protrusions there should be a large rhombus with two more noticeable protrusions on the sides. Even below are two triangles, the bases of which coincide with the edges of the paper. Finally, at the very bottom, you will see a small diamond. If you get something different, try going back a few steps and repeating your steps.
  4. Open up the large diamond and fold it into it. Grasp the right edge of the large diamond and pull up on the outside. The right half of the rhombus is a triangle with two folds, one in the middle and one on the left side. Pull the triangle up so that the left fold is on top of the diamond, not below it. Place this fold exactly where it was before, but now it should be above the sheet, not inside it.

    Do the same for the second side. Grasp the fold on the left side of the diamond and pull it up. You will see the same folds, one in the middle of the triangle and one on the right side. Fold the triangle in the same way so that the right fold is above the diamond, not below it.

    • After completing this step, you will be left with a figure that looks like a large rhombus, but its top will not be sharp, but concave in the form of a Latin letter V. Above the rhombus there will be two small squares, one on the right and one on the left.
  5. Fold over the top edge. Now you need to turn the two small squares, which were mentioned in the previous step, into triangles, or an elongated trapezoid. Grasp the top edge of the sheet and fold it so that the outer edges of the squares line up with each other, resulting in one oblong, inverted trapezoid.

  6. Flip the paper over and fold the top. Turn the piece of paper over so that the long rectangle with a triangle at the end is facing down. In this case, at the top you will have a downward pointing triangle. Expand it so that it is not facing down, but up.

    • This leaves you with a long rectangle shape with a downward pointing triangle, like a sharpened pencil. In addition, you will see two triangles on the sides of the rectangle that resemble wings. At the top will be the triangle you just folded.
  7. Fold the wings so that you have a rectangle. Take the outer corner of the right wing and fold it down to the base of the left delta wing. At the same time, make sure that the right wing is displaced after its top, and make a fold in the place of the bend. Then fold back the wing.

    • When bending both wings, their edges should touch. As a result, you should have a rectangle.
  8. Bend the second wing. Grab the corner of the left wing and fold it to the right. Align the edges and fold. Then fold the wing back.

    The symbol of the year "Puppy". Master class for children 6-8 years old

    Goncharova Marina Mikhailovna, teacher of the MDOU CRR kindergarten No. 1 "Birch", the city of Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region.
    Appointment: I offer a master class on making paper crafts. The work can become a decoration for the New Year, an excellent gift for loved ones, to participate in an exhibition, as an independent craft. This master class can be used in classes with older preschoolers, younger students, in circle work, as well as in joint activities of children and parents.
    purpose of work: making crafts with your own hands.
    - To acquaint children with the method of making paper dog crafts. Strengthening cutting skills.
    - Develop aesthetic senses, creativity, fine motor skills.
    - To bring up accuracy, independence.

    Wise Chinese many centuries ago divided the years into 60 cycles, attributing to each its own symbol in accordance with the element, animal and color. Here the year of the red fire rooster ends and the year of the dog will come to replace it, and not ordinary, but yellow, and even earthy.

    According to the eastern calendar, time is divided into 12 cycles, each is assigned an animal, the criterion is supplemented by the elements - wood, fire, metal, water and earth. It's amazing why the Chinese called the land yellow! But in those parts it is not black earth or other dark-colored soils that predominate, but loam, clay, which gives the earth a yellow and brown color. So it comes out - according to the elements, 2018 belongs to the yellow earth.
    The dog is inherently a domestic creation, betrayed to death. Dog loyalty and loyalty knows no bounds. That is why these pets are considered man's best friends, infinitely patient, reliable and able to pay with kindness for affection and care. Legends are made about dogs, endowing them with human qualities, such as intelligence and kindness, attention and responsiveness, compassion and the ability to forgive those whom they truly love.

    I have a friend now
    Loyal and loyal.
    Without him, I’m like no hands,
    We walk in the yard
    We play fun
    Soon to school in September
    Let's walk together.
    Any secret to my friend
    I will tell you without fear.
    I bring him cutlets
    Hiding under a shirt.
    Eat my little friend
    What else are you up to?
    You are still a puppy
    And you know how to be friends.
    (Tatiana Agibalova)

    To make crafts, you need to prepare: colored cardboard, colored paper, pencil, scissors, glue, double-sided tape, napkin, hole punch.

    Templates for cardboard (head, legs and strip for the trunk-cylinder).

    Templates for the design of the cardboard base.

    Sequence of work:
    Divide a sheet of brown cardboard in half lengthwise. On one part of the cardboard we outline the stencil of the head and paws, the other part will be the trunk-cylinder.

    Cut out the head and paws.

    Using stencils from white paper, we cut out the details of the face, frontal part, ears, details of the design of the paws. Cut out the eyes, eyebrows, nose from black paper, make several black circles with a hole punch. Cut out the tongue from red paper.

    We decorate the head with white details.

    We glue the eyes, eyebrows, nose, tongue and black circles on the cheeks.

    We glue the details on the paws.

    Glue the cylinder out of cardboard. This will be the torso.

    Using double-sided tape, glue the head at the top of the cylinder so that the seam from the gluing of the body is at the back.

    Place the paws at the bottom of the body and glue them.

    It turned out to be a handsome puppy - a symbol of 2018.

    He has such wonderful friends!

    Let the gifts be waiting for this New Year -
    In his bag, the dog will bring
    Good luck, happiness, interest in life
    And many, many little miracles!
    I wish you all creative success!

    There are hardly any people who would not like dogs, well, or there are very few of them. A dog is a man's best friend, it has been proven that if a pet gets used to its owner, it remains faithful to him for life, if, of course, he feels a good attitude from the owner. Also, dogs come in different breeds, from very small to very large, some are intended for hunting, and others for walks, beautiful outfits and tails, but they all want love, care and affection from their owners. In the origami technique, you can fold any animal, bird, plant, household items and much more. Today we will learn how to fold an origami dog out of paper. Such a craft will serve you for a long time, please your eye and remind you of yourself. It can be used to decorate a homemade postcard, or to complement another craft. You can also teach your child how to make such crafts, and he will gladly give them to relatives and friends. This activity is very useful for children. It develops fine motor skills of hands, imagination, creativity, attention and creativity.

    Simple folding scheme

    If you are not yet very good at this art, then we suggest folding the puppy's face first. The scheme of this craft is very simple and everyone, even a child, can fold such a craft. In the future, this muzzle can serve as a bookmark for him in a book, or by gluing it onto another sheet of paper and drawing the body, we will get a postcard that can be presented to someone. Let's move on to folding the figure.

    1) Take a square piece of paper of any color and fold it in half diagonally.

    2) And now we fold it in half again to outline the center line and unbend it back.

    4) And bend the bottom corner up to make a muzzle.

    5) We finish drawing the eyes, nose, mouth, and our dog is ready.

    And you can do it a little differently, and the muzzle will already turn out to be different.

    At the fourth stage, when we made the muzzle, we bent up the entire lower side of the sheet, or you can only bent the top sheet, and then you get a dog with an open mouth. Let's paint it a little differently and it's a completely different craft in appearance.

    You can fold such a craft from paper.

    You can find the folding instructions in the video:

    Or you can simply make a torso for the same head, also from paper, stick it on another sheet, and now the volumetric applique is ready for you. And the torso is very simple. We take a square sheet of paper, fold it in half diagonally, fold the bottom corner up on one side, so we will make a ponytail. And now the body for the dog is ready for you too.

    We do the craft

    Now let's move on to the scheme a little more complicated, but still, if you follow all the instructions, then you can quickly and easily get just such a dog.

    Let's move on to the diagram:

    1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half diagonally twice and fold it back out, marking the fold lines.
    2. Next, you need to fold two opposite corners to the center so that the tips come together.
    3. Bend the left corner as shown in the diagram.
    4. And in the right corner, bend the tip inward.
    5. We bend our workpiece in half.
    6. Again we bend our future dog along the dotted lines, as indicated in the diagram, only not the entire workpiece, but only its top sheet, the bottom one is left in place.
    7. Next, you need to bend the upper corner of the workpiece as indicated in the diagram.
    8. We turn the workpiece over.
    9. Then we need to bend half of the dog down, this is shown in the diagram.
    10. And it remains to bend down the upper right corner.
    11. Bend down the smallest upper corner to make the dog's ears.

    Well, now it remains only to finish drawing the eyes, nose, mouth, and the craft is ready!

    You can also make another doggy shape yourself by looking at this diagram.

    But this cute little puppy just with one glance asks to be made of paper.

    Modular dog

    If you go to an event and do not know what to give, then make a beautiful craft using the modular origami technique, and your gift will surely be remembered by the person to whom it was intended. You can make one of these dogs, which are shown in the photo below.

    Classic origami crafts are pet figurines. Today we will learn how to make one of them, a dog. There are many options for creating, we will show some of them in easy master classes with diagrams and videos.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Take a square sheet of brown paper and fold it in half.
    2. Fold in half again.
    3. Bend the edges at an angle, as in the assembly diagram.
    4. We smooth the bottom corner up.
    5. Then we bend the second corner. You need to fold carefully so that the paper does not go back.
    6. We paint the face and the origami dog is ready.

    Advice! You can assemble such a dog not from paper, but from thick cardboard, and then glue the nose and eyes from buttons or beads, and also make a tongue out of red paper.

    And another interesting option is to modify the last 2 points of the instructions and it will turn out as in the photo.

    Video: Simple MK for assembling a paper dog

    Folding the biting dog

    An interesting option for how to make origami a dog that will bite and talk whenever you want:

    A detailed description of the craftsmanship scheme:

    1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half, then unfold it.
    2. We repeat the actions on the other side.
    3. We direct both halves to the center. You need to make this fold exactly, the symmetry of the face depends on it.
    4. Then we part the corners to make a house.
    5. We turn it over to the other side.
    6. Fold the sides to the middle.
    7. Fold the bottom right corner in half.
    8. We make a bend, as in the diagram.
    9. We combine the lower half with the upper one.
    10. Carefully straighten the figurine.

    Now you need to paint the face, decorate it with a paper tongue and eyes, and the animal is ready to bark and bite. Design options in the photo.

    Video: Origami Cutter Dog

    We form a voluminous human friend

    Head making:

    We take on the torso:

    We glue both halves and the craft is ready to please us.

    Video: Origami Puppy

    Doberman origami

    This model is for real masters, but if desired, beginners can also add this dog to their collection.

    Video: Instructions for making an origami Doberman

    Origami herding dog

    Consider a master class in framing another breed of dog - a shepherd.

    Detailed video instructions for making:

    Diagrams for assembling origami dogs of different breeds from paper modules

    There are hardly any people who would not like dogs, well, or there are very few of them. A dog is a man's best friend, it has been proven that if a pet gets used to its owner, it remains faithful to him for life, if, of course, he feels a good attitude from the owner. Also, dogs come in different breeds, from very small to very large, some are intended for hunting, and others for walks, beautiful outfits and tails, but they all want love, care and affection from their owners. In the origami technique, you can fold any animal, bird, plant, household items and much more. Today we will learn how to fold an origami dog out of paper. Such a craft will serve you for a long time, please your eye and remind you of yourself. It can be used to decorate a homemade postcard, or to complement another craft. You can also teach your child how to make such crafts, and he will gladly give them to relatives and friends. This activity is very useful for children. It develops fine motor skills of hands, imagination, creativity, attention and creativity.

    Simple folding scheme

    If you are not yet very good at this art, then we suggest folding the puppy's face first. The scheme of this craft is very simple and everyone, even a child, can fold such a craft. In the future, this muzzle can serve as a bookmark for him in a book, or by gluing it onto another sheet of paper and drawing the body, we will get a postcard that can be presented to someone. Let's move on to folding the figure.

    1) Take a square piece of paper of any color and fold it in half diagonally.

    2) And now we fold it in half again to outline the center line and unbend it back.

    4) And bend the bottom corner up to make a muzzle.

    5) We finish drawing the eyes, nose, mouth, and our dog is ready.

    And you can do it a little differently, and the muzzle will already turn out to be different.

    At the fourth stage, when we made the muzzle, we bent up the entire lower side of the sheet, or you can only bent the top sheet, and then you get a dog with an open mouth. Let's paint it a little differently and it's a completely different craft in appearance.

    You can fold such a craft from paper.

    You can find the folding instructions in the video:

    Or you can simply make a torso for the same head, also from paper, stick it on another sheet, and now the volumetric applique is ready for you. And the torso is very simple. We take a square sheet of paper, fold it in half diagonally, fold the bottom corner up on one side, so we will make a ponytail. And now the body for the dog is ready for you too.

    We do the craft

    Now let's move on to the scheme a little more complicated, but still, if you follow all the instructions, then you can quickly and easily get just such a dog.

    Let's move on to the diagram:

    1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half diagonally twice and fold it back out, marking the fold lines.
    2. Next, you need to fold two opposite corners to the center so that the tips come together.
    3. Bend the left corner as shown in the diagram.
    4. And in the right corner, bend the tip inward.
    5. We bend our workpiece in half.
    6. Again we bend our future dog along the dotted lines, as indicated in the diagram, only not the entire workpiece, but only its top sheet, the bottom one is left in place.
    7. Next, you need to bend the upper corner of the workpiece as indicated in the diagram.
    8. We turn the workpiece over.
    9. Then we need to bend half of the dog down, this is shown in the diagram.
    10. And it remains to bend down the upper right corner.
    11. Bend down the smallest upper corner to make the dog's ears.

    Well, now it remains only to finish drawing the eyes, nose, mouth, and the craft is ready!

    You can also make another doggy shape yourself by looking at this diagram.

    But this cute little puppy just with one glance asks to be made of paper.

    Modular dog

    If you go to an event and do not know what to give, then make a beautiful craft using the modular origami technique, and your gift will surely be remembered by the person to whom it was intended. You can make one of these dogs, which are shown in the photo below.

    And if you want to make this particular dog, then you will need a little time first to make the modules of white and black colors, cut out the eyes, nose and tongue from paper, and then to fold it all.

    After watching the video, you will learn how to make such a wonderful pet with your own hands.

    And here is another video instruction on how you can make a dog from modules.

    Related videos

    We also suggest watching a video that tells you how to make a dog out of paper.