How to clean silver jewelry: chain, ring, cross, bracelet at home. How to remove tarnish and restore shine to a silver chain

Silver, which at all times was considered a talisman against evil thoughts and desires, a metal that purifies the minds and thoughts of people, is still covered with a mystical halo. The popularity of this "lunar" metal is due not only to its special abilities, but also to its beauty, practicality and very affordable prices for jewelry made from it.

With such undeniable advantages, silver jewelry has one drawback: without proper care, the metal quickly darkens. This is especially true of chains, which are often worn without taking off.

How to clean a silver chain at home and restore its former beauty, we will tell in our article.

One of the reasons that causes darkening of silver is the process of metal oxidation. Since the jewelry is in contact with the skin during wear, the metal interacts with sulfur, which is contained in human sweat, cosmetics, water and air.

Given the individuality of the human body and its state of health, the oxidation process will occur in different ways. For someone, in just two weeks, the silver will turn black and will need cleaning. And someone can wear a product for several years without changing color.

Darkening will begin to appear with the appearance of a thin gray film, which will disappear after a certain period of time, and the chain will darken.

It is interesting!

The degree and rate of darkening of the silver chain depends on the amount of impurities included in its composition. Not a single piece of jewelry contains silver in its pure form, since this metal is very soft, easily deformable. The less the chain contains silver in its composition, the faster and more intense it will darken.

Silver can also darken from the effects of household chemicals, as well as the ingress of particles of certain food products on it. Does not tolerate metal and prolonged interaction with a humid environment.

Jewelry cleaning methods

You can clean the blackened chain yourself or give it to specialists. The latter method is reliable, but expensive. In addition, not all small towns have specialized workshops where they do such cleanings.

There are also special wipes and cleaning products on sale, with which you can clean any metal products from plaque. When choosing them, you need to be careful, since the means, for example, for gold, will not suit your favorite silver little thing at all.

In the event that you do not want to spend extra money on the purchase of special tools, permanent female "helpers" who can be found in every kitchen will help you deal with the problem.

There are some interesting ways to clean your silver chain at home using baking foil. Since the foil contains aluminum, which destroys it when it interacts with sulfur, cleaning is fast and efficient.

Remedy #1

  • We put foil at the bottom of a shallow container;
  • Pour water into it within 3-4 centimeters;
  • Dilute a few tablespoons of soda or citric acid in water;
  • We put the chain in the container;
  • Bring to a boil and let it simmer for a few minutes.

Video: how to clean silver at home on your own?

If it was not possible to achieve the desired result, you can increase the time the product is in boiling water.

Remedy #2

  • On a sheet of foil, laid out on the table, put the chain;
  • In a glass, mix a few tablespoons of salt and a little water;
  • We coat the product with the resulting solution;
  • We turn the foil into an envelope and put it in a pan;
  • We mix in a separate container a small spoonful of any soap and 250 ml of water;
  • Fill the foil envelope with the solution;
  • We wait until the water boils, and turn off the gas;
  • Let the foil cool and unfold the envelope.


Even after the allotted time has elapsed, the chain may still be very hot. Therefore, it is better to get it with a fork, and then let it cool completely. Do not forget to rinse the product under running water, and then dry thoroughly with a flannel or woolen cloth.

regular soda

If your chain has long lost its former luster and beauty and you don’t know how to clean it of dark plaque, use baking soda.

Distinguish dry cleaning with soda and wet.

The first method is simple and does not require much time.

  • Sprinkle a strip of baking soda on any fabric;
  • Place a decoration on it;
  • Wrap the fabric with a tube and rub the decoration inside with your fingers;
  • Pull out the chain;
  • Wipe the decoration with flannel.


This method has one important drawback. Soda undissolved in water can scratch the chain. To avoid such consequences, use the second, wet, method.

  • Dissolve soda in water in a ratio of 3 to 1;
  • Treat the chain with the resulting mixture;
  • Rinse the jewelry under running water and dry it.

Video: how to clean silver?

You can quickly clean the chain from dark plaque by boiling it in water with dissolved soda. Don't forget to put foil on the bottom.

The magical properties of vinegar

Your favorite decoration will again delight you with its attractive appearance if you use vinegar.

This is the easiest and fastest way to save the chain from blackness.

If very slight color changes are visible, you can simply wipe the chain with a cloth that has been dipped in vinegar.

In the case when the darkening is obvious, fill it with vinegar and leave for several hours. After that, be sure to rinse the decoration with water and dry with a cloth.


Under no circumstances should vinegar be used!

ammonia and silver

If you haven't decided how to clean your favorite jewelry yet, try the ammonia option.

Remedy #1

  • Pour some water into a small saucepan;
  • Send a drop of liquid detergent and a small spoonful of ammonia there;
  • Put the chain in the pot with the prepared mixture and close it with a lid;

Depending on the degree of contamination of the product, this cleaning may take several hours. After the jewelry can be taken out, washed, dried and enjoy its returned brilliance.

Remedy #2

  • Mix ammonia, toothpaste and water in equal parts and place a chain in this mixture;
  • The exposure time of the components is half an hour;
  • After the chain is cleaned with an old toothbrush with soft bristles.

Remedy #3

If other methods in the fight against darkening were not very effective, soak the jewelry in undiluted ammonia. Remember, such a radical remedy can be used for no more than 10 minutes.

What else can you use to clean a chain or cross? Let's take a look at a few popular methods.

  1. Rub the chain with olive oil and leave for a while.
  2. Cook for a few minutes in Coca-Cole or Sprite.
  3. Clean with toothpaste using an old soft-bristled toothbrush.
  4. Boil for a few minutes in potato broth;
  5. Soak in a solution of salt and water;
  6. Rub with a stationery eraser.


The “hot” cleaning method, which involves placing the product in hot or boiling water, is only suitable for chains, crosses and pendants that are not decorated with stones.

We care correctly

As you can see, there are many ways to effectively clean your favorite jewelry from darkening. However, in order to resort to cleaning as little as possible, you should follow the basic rules for caring for a silver chain.

  • The first cleaning should be carried out 2 months after the purchase of the product;
  • Remove the chain daily and wipe it with a damp flannel cloth;
  • If you don’t want to spend time every day caring for the jewelry, you can cover it with a colorless varnish;
  • When visiting places where there will be contact with water, be sure to remove jewelry;
  • Do not wear the chain while playing sports;
  • Put on the product only after complete absorption of decorative cosmetics or medical ointment, if they contain sulfur;
  • Do not wait until your favorite little thing is covered with a dark coating. Carry out preventive cleaning every 2 months;
  • Do not store silver with other metals. Prepare a separate box for these decorations, which contains fabric inside.

Care for silver chains correctly, and then they will shine on your neck for a long time, attracting admiring glances.

Video: how to clean the chain from blackness?

A gold chain is a piece of jewelry that needs timely care and cleaning. Over time, the metal tends to blacken, the brilliance of the diamond edge disappears and the product loses its original appearance. Proper cleaning will help restore gold jewelry to its original beauty!

Gold products withstand many chemical influences, but are very sensitive to mechanical damage. Improper cleaning of jewelry can ruin the appearance of the product forever. To avoid unexpected breakdowns, take note of a few rules:

  • To achieve the maximum effect, they resort to using a toothbrush, it is necessary to choose a brush with a softer base. Otherwise, during the cleaning process, micro scratches may appear, which will lead to the loss of luster of the gold jewelry.
  • Before the cleaning process, check the composition and sample of the product. In lower samples, there are various alloy impurities that react negatively to strong chemicals. In this case, it is necessary to use more “gentle” methods, such as a soap solution.
  • If the gold jewelry has gemstone binders, use a simpler cleaning, without boiling or chemicals. The most “gentle” stones are pearls, coral, turquoise.
  • Drying of the cleaned product should be done naturally. To do this, lay the chain on a soft towel and wait until it dries completely.
  • To polish the product, prepare a solution - 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed laundry soap mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed white chalk and add some warm water. Polishing is done with a cotton pad, a soft woolen cloth or a piece of suede.

How to clean a gold chain - simple methods

If your jewelry is slightly tarnished, use simple, gentle solutions that quickly remove dust and dirt.

  • In a small bowl, grate laundry soap and add any cleanser except chlorine. Pour in water and whisk the solution until foamy. Then soak the gold jewelry in a bowl for 3-3.5 hours, rinse and dry after a while.
  • Dilute in 4 tbsp. spoons of natural lemon juice 2 tablespoons of salt with large crystals, citric acid is also suitable for these purposes. Then take the resulting mixture into your hand and place the chain in it. Perform active rubbing of the product for about 3-4 minutes, then rinse with water. The result is there!
  • Dilute a small amount of tooth powder with warm water and clean the product with a toothbrush, carefully treating each link. To obtain the greatest effect, leave the rubbed product for 3-4 hours, then rinse with water. The powder can be completely replaced with toothpaste.
  • Finely grated potatoes and onions perfectly draw out dirt and dust. Place a gold chain in the gruel overnight, then rinse with a fragrance solution to eliminate the smell.
  • If the shine has disappeared, place the product in a concentrated mixture of granulated sugar and water for 5-6 hours, then polish.

How to clean a gold chain with strong means

When the above methods do not help, and the pollution does not want to disappear, apply a powerful effect with proven methods. Dirt and dust will not be able to resist these tips and leave your jewelry for a long time!

  • Ammonia - place a chain in 100 g of alcohol, cover with foil and leave for 3-4 hours. Then rinse the product with saline and dry. If the chain has a composition of pure gold, a 25% solution is suitable, if it has impurities, only a 10% solution of ammonia.
  • Pour 300 g of clean water into a small saucepan, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar and the same amount of soda, then mix thoroughly. Put a handkerchief on the bottom, then you can lay out the chain. Boil the product over medium heat for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the jewelry under running water and dry.
  • Mix an egg yolk and a little barley beer, thoroughly clean the decoration with the mixture, leave for 1 hour. Rinse with water afterwards.
  • Pour 20-25 drops of ammonia and 30-40 drops of hydrogen peroxide into an aluminum container, mix well. Lay out the chain and boil for 8-10 minutes. Then brush with a toothbrush and rinse.

A silver chain is a wonderful gift, a universal accessory and just a beautiful decoration. It was or is in almost every person. Someone does not have the best impressions of silver, they throw away products from it as soon as they have darkened. Others, on the contrary, are delighted with this metal, because they know its value and useful properties, consider it noble, and most importantly, they are familiar with how to clean a silver chain from blackness at home.

The process of silver oxidation is practically unpreventable. This material, like other elements from the chemical table, actively reacts with various substances. The most detrimental effects occur after contact with ozone and sulfur. Where do they meet:

  • In the environment (in the air);
  • In water;
  • in cosmetics;
  • In household chemicals.

In addition, the human body regularly releases fat and sweat on the surface of the skin; they contain various components to which silver reacts very aggressively. The negative influence is enhanced when you take a shower without removing the chain, go in for sports, sweating profusely in it, swim in the sea. Moreover, when taking drugs, some of their components come out with sweating, which is negatively perceived by the silver chain.

Despite this, you can always control the process of darkening and periodically clean, returning the chains to their original brilliance and beauty.

What are the ways

Before we move on to the question of how to clean a silver chain, I would like to note a very important point. Regardless of the method used, after each procedure, silver should be given a little time to recover. The metal is able to independently create a strong protective layer on its surface, but it can do this only under favorable conditions. Therefore, after any cleansing, do not wear such jewelry on the body, it is better to leave them in a dry, dark place for several days or even weeks. This will allow silver to become more resistant to adverse factors.

The safest option to remove blackness from a product is to use a special cleaning liquid that is bought in jewelry stores. It is sold there for good reason, because it is produced by people who specialize in silver better than anyone. They know its behavior under various conditions, and therefore they have made such a tool that will react clearly and aggressively to pollution, but will spare the structure of our noble metal.

If this method does not suit you, then you can resort to folk methods. Silver cleaning at home can be done using the simplest components that are almost always available on the farm. This is soda, salt, ammonia, table vinegar, toothpaste, etc.

At the initial stage of silver oxidation

Have you started to notice that the silver chain fades and darkens? Don't wait for the process to progress, act now. You can quickly clean silver with baking soda. You'll need:

  • 2 tbsp baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp water;
  • A small piece of soft matter;
  • Small capacity.

In a bowl, combine soda with water, stir the gruel and soak a piece of cloth in it. Polish the entire length of the chain with it. At the end of the procedure, rinse it under running water and dry it.

A darkened chain and a cross can be saved with just one ingredient - toothpaste. It is important to understand that it should not be with a whitening effect, gel-like, colored or with any additives. An exceptionally simple and white paste will do. Squeeze a little cleaning agent onto a cloth and spread it over the surface of the jewelry. If they have recesses, patterns and other hard-to-reach places, then use a non-hard toothbrush.

Efficient and simple

How to clean a silver chain at home - available methods:

  • You will need: salt (2 tablespoons), soda (2 tablespoons), foil, water, metal bowl. Cover the bottom of the dish with foil, put on it a silver chain and other jewelry made of the same material that needs cleaning. Pour loose ingredients and fill it all with water so that it completely covers the silver. Put the bowl on the fire, wait for it to boil and watch for the clarification of the products. Let the silver cool in this water, and then rinse it in cold water and wipe it with a cloth.
  • Take: soda, toothpaste and ammonia (1 tbsp each). Mix everything in a ceramic or glass cup, put a chain in the mixture, and after half an hour, clean it with a soft brush and wash it.
  • Make a slurry of: crushed chalk, water and ammonia. First, wash the silver chain with soap and water, then spread the prepared mixture over it evenly and let it dry directly on the silver. When the solution begins to crumble, take a piece of wool and use it to remove the remaining powder.
  • You can soak silver chains in table vinegar for several hours. After that, they are rinsed in cold water and wiped with a soft cloth.

Non-standard silver cleaning methods

As practice shows, cleaning silver at home is not the most difficult process. It can be performed by different means, combining them or alternating them. The main thing is that they do not contain aggressive components. Unusual methods include the following:

  • Use of Coca-Cola. This drink has long been proven to be an excellent cleaner, so why can't it clean a silver chain? Soak it in sweet soda, and after a couple of hours, rinse under running water. By the way, silver can be boiled in the same liquid.
  • If there is unnecessary lipstick in the cosmetic bag (the shade did not fit or the expiration date has expired), then rub the chain with it, and then walk with a cloth. The procedure is completed by washing the silver jewelry in warm soapy water.
  • Natural olive oil can get rid of stains and add shine to silver. Drop it on a napkin and rub it on the metal.
  • The acid in lemon juice can destroy the traces of oxidation on the silver. Squeeze one lemon and pour the resulting liquid into jewelry. Rinse them in clean water after 30 minutes.
  • Pour boiling water into a glass and add a tablespoon of salt there. Wait for it to dissolve and throw the dirty jewelry into the salt solution. As the liquid cools, the silver will become lighter. Don't forget to rinse off the salt afterwards.
  • If there is tooth powder in the house, then pour a small amount of it on a napkin, drop a little water and rub your chain with this substance to a shine.
  • Ammonia can also be used on its own. If there are not many dark spots, then the product is rubbed with it, otherwise the silver chain is first dipped in alcohol liquid for 15 minutes.

No one knows when people started processing silver. Before the advent of Homo sapiens silver,like gold, it was often found on the earth's surface in the form of nuggets.

The first silver jewelry appeared. Nuggets became less and less, silver acquired value and became the subject of barter. Later, the first money began to be minted from it. And they are still minting.

Collectible coin of the Bank of Russia "Monastery Surb-Khach" with a denomination of 3 rubles of the sample of 2017 - silver. If you have old copper coins and are wondering, tips can be found here.

Jewelry is made from 925 sterling silver, which means that the alloy contains 92.5% silver, the rest is copper. If there is more copper, the alloy will begin to turn red. Base metals will simply rust. Therefore, if your chain turns black, then it is made of silver.

All noble metals, including silver, react weakly with water and oxygen. For this reason, they are used to make jewelry. But nature is a cycle of substances. Nothing can exist in isolation from the outside world. Including jewelry.

In domestic conditions, there are two reasons for the oxidation of silver:

  1. The reaction with sulfur is the most common;
  2. Ozonation - to a lesser extent;

Hydrogen sulfide and ozone are present in the air as part of the atmosphere.

Under normal conditions, the interaction with silver is very slow, but if the humidity and / or temperature is increased, for example:

  • left an item on a shelf in the bathroom;
  • not filmed in the sauna or swimming pool;
  • sunbathing on the beach;

The reaction rate increases. For reference - when the temperature changes from 20 to 40 degrees, and in the sauna it is much hotter, 25 times!

Taking pleasant and healthy hydrogen sulfide baths at the resort, we also want to “show off”, we don’t take off our jewelry.

But that's not all.

We produce sulfur in the course of life, it is introduced into our body with protein food, this is inevitable and necessary, and, unfortunately, we are forced to take it orally or use it externally sulfur-containing medicines:

  • streptocide;
  • sulfadimezin;
  • sulfamide;
  • Anti fungal drugs.

About 40% of sulfur is excreted from the body through sweat. That's why on the neck.

Plastics and rubber cover silver with a thin sulfide film:

  • store jewelry in a plastic box;
  • a rubber mat was placed on the shelf, as in a car for a telephone, "so that it does not slip."

Ozone is formed when an electric discharge hits oxygen molecules. How many electrical appliances do you have at home? What about at work and in the car?

How, where and how to clean?

The most expensive and not always convenient way is a jewelry workshop, and we will try to clean it with our own hands.

We go to the store or look on the Internet - we are looking for a silver cleaner.

The most common brands:

  1. "Aladdin" and "Kupel"- products of the Sverdlovsk company "RUTA-ISET". Produces wipes and products for cleaning and polishing. Prices from 80 - 100 rubles. up to 300 rubles, depending on the point of sale and the volume of packaging. Range:
    • paste - applied to the surface of silver, then washed off with warm water
    • solution - comes complete with a basket and a brush.

Drop the item on the basket into the jar, wait a couple of minutes. Remove the plaque that has not dissolved with a brush. Rinse with water. It seems to be good, but there are drawbacks. Not suitable for blackened and oxidized silver, enamel, turquoise, amber and pearls.

The size of the basket may be insufficient, and your item simply will not fit. You can use homemade tweezers, but this is chemistry. How will the solution react to the presence of another substance?

  1. - the brainchild of the company "Plant Nevohim", St. Petersburg. Has been producing jewelry cosmetics since 2010. Prices, delivery set, assortment and method of use are similar to Aladdin.

For cutlery, it offers a glass that allows you to process several items at the same time. It has the same restrictions regarding stones and inlays.

  1. TOWN TALK - England. More expensive than Russian analogues by about 50%. The theoretical analysis of the composition suggests that there is no significant difference in the formula.

The package includes a basket or tweezers for lowering into liquid, a brush and a polishing cloth. No inserts can be treated with a solution. There is no paste in the assortment of the official dealer, but there is a polishing spray.

  1. Silbo — Germany. The only suitable name is a solution in a 150 ml jar with a strainer. As with other manufacturers, nothing but silver cannot be cleaned. The price is similar to "TOWN TALK".

Folk remedies for cleaning silver

There is only one general principle - we ourselves prepare and use a solution for cleaning silver.

Ammonia (a white crystalline powder, ammonium chloride) and ammonia (a solution of ammonia in water) are different substances. Jewelers often use blackening and darkening of silver for decorative purposes, you can damage it. It's better not to risk it. Enjoys popularity.

  1. Cleaning silver with soda:
    • mix three teaspoons of soda with one teaspoon of water;
    • carefully rub the product;
    • wait 2-3 minutes;
  2. Silver cleaning with foil- there are several ways.

The first:

  • line the bottom of the pan with food foil;
  • lay out the chain on the foil;
  • fill with water so that the level is several centimeters higher than the bookmark;
  • add two tablespoons of soda or citric acid;
  • boil five minutes;


  • boil a few peeled potatoes;
  • cover the bottom of non-metallic dishes with foil;
  • lay out objects on the foil;
  • pour the broth for fifteen minutes;


  • lay out the decorations on the foil;
  • sprinkle with salt and soda. On a medium-sized chain, 2 teaspoons;
  • wrap and put in a saucepan with soapy water;
  • bring to a boil and set aside for ten minutes
  • transfer the package to cold water and let cool
  1. Soak the products in vinegar for about two hours.
  1. Cleaning with toothpaste.
  • only regular, non-whitening, non-color and non-gel are suitable;
  • apply the paste on the chain, rub it well with a cloth, use a toothbrush in hard-to-reach places.
  1. Cleansing with lipstick or olive oil.
  • depending on the convenience of work, when applying oil or lipstick on the product or a cloth, carefully coat it. Hold for a few minutes.
  • Clean with a cloth or brush.

Cleansing rules:

Features of cleaning silver jewelry with stones

Jewelry with a stone always looks beautiful and solid.

But it also requires self-care. Especially in places where stones are attached. The stones themselves have a different structure, density and color.

Silver on such products almost always has a patina - a darkening that gives an antique look.

No serial means will work. Those that are for silver cannot be used to clean stones and vice versa.

An enterprising seller may offer to buy two products. It would be interesting to see how he will clean the lace and curls around the stone or the stone inside the openwork pattern.

It remains the choice between the workshop and the hands. If the house has gold jewelry, , can be found here.

If you decide to do it yourself, then:

  1. Be sure to pick up a brush to process the inlays and their fixtures. In the same jewelry stores or pharmacies that sell laboratory supplies.

If you have aquamarine, sapphire or emerald, you can also use a toothbrush. These are high density stones. For turquoise, moonstone, malachite or opal, you need to look softer.

  1. Given the density of the stone, you need to choose the composition of the soap solution. For denser ones, you can use washing powder or hair shampoo; for stones of lower density, take laundry soap;
  • Soak your jewelry for one hour in warm water with your chosen detergent. Add hot water carefully to maintain temperature. Don't boil rocks.
  • Carefully, but without effort, process the product.
  • Rinse abundantly, especially in the places where the inserts are attached.
  • Wipe dry. Blow with a hair dryer if necessary.

Remember, stones look beautiful only when they are well polished. The smallest, invisible to the human eye, damage to the upper layer will deprive the decoration of its main value - beauty.

Precautionary measures

  1. If you decide to work with chemicals:
    1. work in a well-ventilated area, preferably in the yard or on the balcony;
    2. wear rubber gloves;
    3. select a separate dish for this purpose;
    4. if rinsing is required after chemical cleaning - rinse in a separate strainer above the technical container or on the street. Do not flush chemicals down the sink.
  2. If you want to process thin, openwork details or there are inserts and inlays - very carefully clean in weak places and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsetting stones. It is worth bending the metal a little and the appearance will be spoiled, the fastening of the inserts may be loosened. Repairing such damage is not cheap.

How to avoid darkening of silver?

The process of self-cleaning silver, as it turned out, is not so complicated. Moreover, it is inevitable. No matter how you protect, you can't do anything against nature.

But with a little care, you can save yourself from unnecessary labor and the decoration will be more whole. Each cleaning is a mechanical and chemical effect. It cannot remain without consequences.

The main enemy of silver is sulfur. Especially in heat and humidity.

Deal with it like this:

  • do not leave in the bathroom;
  • if dressed in water - wipe dry;
  • if you sweat a lot (gym, went on foot, it just turned out to be a hard day) - wash in warm soapy water, rinse and wipe dry;
  • stores have a huge selection of wooden jewelry boxes - store your jewelry in them. And do not forget to put the treasured box away from electrical appliances and heat sources.

Now your jewelry will retain all its charm and will delight you much longer.

Many people prefer to wear silver jewelry, the healing properties of which have been known since ancient times, but not everyone knows how to clean a silver chain at home correctly. Thanks to the era in which we all live, for its innovations and discoveries. In any jewelry store, when buying silver jewelry, you will be selected the most suitable means for caring for them: special compositions and sets of napkins. These products not only clean silver products, but also create a special protective layer on their surface that protects silver from subsequent oxidation.

There are many ways to refine silver, gold and platinum. Our great-grandmothers did well without expensive means, using folk methods for cleaning, and their chains always looked neat and sparkled. You can safely use the old recipes for the care of jewelry, time-tested.

According to researchers, pure silver items that appeared in Egypt in 5000 - 3400 BC were valued more than gold, because they had a special magical power and the ability to heal. Products look great and stylish, but they have one drawback - they need to be periodically cleaned of oxidation, under the influence of which black spots appear on the products or they completely fade and darken.

In every home today you can find silver jewelry and tableware and appliances, interior items with silver. Unfortunately, all the original beauty of silver is overshadowed by the periodically formed plaque of black, bluish or green.

Reasons for the darkening of silver

This noble metal is susceptible to hydrogen sulfide. It is this element contained in the air that causes fading and darkening of silver during prolonged interaction with it. It is believed that silver chains and crosses darken when worn more often in people with poor health. For this reason, superstitious people turn to magicians and sorcerers for help.

However, scientists have revealed an interesting fact that the change in the shade of the precious metal when worn can be influenced by the individual composition of human sweat. If there are a lot of nitrogen-containing elements in the human body, silver almost does not darken. Excess sulfur in the body causes dullness and blackness of silver jewelry. Sulfur is also included in many cosmetics, this can also affect the change in the appearance of products.

To determine how to clean a silver chain at home, you need to consider the composition of the alloy from which it is made. There are the following types of silver alloys:

  • sterling (more than 92% pure silver);
  • nielloed;
  • filigree;
  • matte, or coin.

Products with inserts of semi-precious stones - amber, pearls, coral, it is better to give to specialized salons for cleaning, because without experience and special knowledge, you can hopelessly spoil the product.

If the silver has only become soiled from sweat, dust or cosmetics, you can simply wash the items in hot water with soap or dish detergent. This can be done by holding them for several minutes in a soapy solution, and then rinsing them with clean water. You can use a soft toothbrush, the surface of which contains a detergent, to clean the links of the chain. Such a simple procedure will not give the product shine, it is more suitable for simple hygiene.

You can lighten silver jewelry without inserts and stones by placing them in a solution of citric acid (10%) or ammonia, for best effectiveness, the solution should be slightly warm.

Before you clean a silver chain, you need to know the reason why it darkens. As mentioned earlier, silver products have a different composition, they contain a certain percentage of copper, which tends to oxidize when interacting with sweat. Also, the chain may turn black if it is often placed in a room with high humidity.

It has not been scientifically proven that body jewelry turns black from the soreness of the internal organs of a person, but superstitious people are sure of this. A silver chain can change color even due to an uneven touch on the body or clothing, as a result of which some parts of it will be darker or lighter than the rest of the surface. It is noticed that silver darkens more often when it comes into contact with a sweaty and greasy body.

Folk remedies

There are many proven ways to clean silver at home, all of them are not particularly difficult.

An excellent cleaning agent can be prepared from ordinary raw potatoes: grate the vegetable on a fine grater and pour cold water, then dip silver into this mixture for several minutes. Wet products should be polished with a woolen cloth to a shine without rinsing with running water. You can dip the silver jewelry into a warm decoction of potato husks, then rinse in water.

The piggy bank of folk recipes is full of advice: in the old days they often cleaned silver with tobacco ash, adding a few drops of fresh lemon juice to it, and boiled silver in this composition.

If the procedure for cleaning the silver chain is not urgent for you, you can use the following method: pour 2 tsp of soap solution into a mug, the same amount of vodka and lemon juice (these components are considered the most effective in cleaning silver), mix everything. Then put a silver chain into the resulting mixture and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the product and rinse properly under the tap.

There are many other ways to prevent darkening of a silver item, using home remedies that are used in the kitchen almost daily. For example, ordinary soda dissolved in water. Boil jewelry in this solution for about half an hour.

You can also clean the silver chain in the following way: prepare ordinary salt, soda, dishwashing liquid and ordinary foil. We put foil on the bottom of the container or any other suitable container, fix it on the walls of the dishes so that the foil completely covers the inner surface of the container, put all contaminated silver jewelry in one layer: chains, rings without stones, earrings, bracelets so that they evenly distributed on the inner surface. Pour, also evenly, salt and soda into the container, add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and pour boiling water over everything. Nothing bad will happen to the products. After 10 minutes, the jewelry should be washed in cold running water - they will shine like new. If the chain is almost completely blackened, this method can be strengthened by adding more soda and salt. And instead of soaking in boiling water, you need to boil the product over low heat until it begins to acquire its former shine before your eyes.

A simple and effective way - we take a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter, pour two-thirds of water into it, add 100 grams of citric acid and a piece of copper wire. In this solution, boil the silver chain for 15 minutes, then rinse as usual.

Very often, according to the fashion trend, silver products are artificially darkened in order to create the effect of antiquity. Such products do not need cleaning, except for normal care. Unfortunately, this does not apply to chains, and their owners periodically have the question of how to clean a silver chain from blackness.

So that silver does not darken too quickly, silver products should not be left in the bathroom or shower room and wet rooms, as instant oxidation occurs. If the product is not in use, it is better to store it in a dry, dark box.

Choice of cleaning method

So, the cleaning method depends on the degree of contamination and the sample, or the composition of the product. You should know that base products are best cleaned immediately with special products. Poor-quality silver, with a high content of copper, often turns green, rather than blackens. In this case, to remove the top layer of contamination, you need to purchase a 10% solution of Trilon B. After removing the green plaque, you can use the usual home cleaning methods (soda, toothpaste, ammonia) on the silver.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Such cleaning of silver is considered the most effective, but also quite aggressive. As a cleaning agent, lipsticks, foundation, toothpastes and powders are used. Such types of cleaning should be treated very carefully, as they can cause serious damage to silver jewelry in the form of scratches and microcracks.

As another effective solution for mechanical cleaning, a chalk solution is used: dissolve the chalk in water and add a few drops of ammonia there. With this solution, thickly smear a silver chain washed in warm water with soap and wait for the mixture to harden. Then gently wipe the product with a woolen rag.

You can only use ammonia if the product is not very dark and needs to be “updated”. To do this, the silver chain must be lowered into a 10% solution of ammonia for ten to fifteen minutes. In this way, even silver items with stones can be cleaned, only the concentration of ammonia in water should be minimal - only 5 drops per 200 grams of water.

In general, silver jewelry has always been popular due to its affordable price and the noble appearance of the metal. Silver can be worn with any outfit. It is not difficult to take care of their silver products if you follow the storage conditions and know how to clean the silver chain at home.

You can use almost everything that is at hand, and among young people even the Coca-Cola or Sprite cleaning method is used. The chain is dipped in carbonated liquid overnight. If heavily soiled, silver items are boiled in Coca-Cola, and then rubbed with foil.

Tips for cleaning slightly tarnished silver with small dark spots:

  • just wipe the silver with a dry cloth;
  • place silver jewelry in a container with soapy water, wait a while, shake the product in a glass, drain the water, remove the product and wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • dip the chain in squeezed lemon juice or citric acid concentrate for half an hour;
  • a silver chain is lowered into a salty vinegar solution (for 100 g of water - 50 g of 9% vinegar and a tablespoon of salt) for 25-30 minutes, then it is gently cleaned under running water with gentle movements with a brush;
  • apply a layer of toothpaste, foundation or lipstick on the product and rub until the blackness disappears and the chain becomes shiny, then rinse in water;
  • hot concentrated salt solution with pieces of foil cleans and shines silver jewelry well (products must be kept in the solution until it cools completely).

In addition to home remedies, there are special formulations sold in jewelry stores. But, unfortunately, most often their advantages over conventional home cleaning methods are exaggerated and are just a publicity stunt, but it’s worth trying them to choose the best option. Only by trial and error can the best result be achieved.