How to use oxytocin to terminate a pregnancy. Late abortion with Oxytocin. Side effects and contraindications

Oxytocin is a hormonal drug. Since it is similar to a natural human hormone, the remedy is relatively safe for the woman in labor.

Today, oxytocin is widely used in gynecology, since the use of this drug is more gentle compared to other methods. Smooth muscle tone is regulated by numerous hormones, including oxytocin. This remedy leads to uterine contractions, is used in various stagnant processes in the mammary glands.

The drug is often used as a solution for parenteral use. The form of the solution for injection is better because the main active ingredient of the tablets is quickly destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract.

This drug in pills for abortion is not effective, there are other drugs for this. As a rule, the doctor recommends this form of medication after childbirth and abortion to women as a stimulation of uterine contractions.


Oxytocin for abortion is popular in obstetrics and gynecology. After entering the body of a woman, the remedy causes contractions and provokes a miscarriage. But this method has a side effect - the risk of opening bleeding. As a rule, doctors prescribe oxytocin only in the early stages of pregnancy, when the embryo is still small and not well attached to the uterus.

This hormonal drug is used in other cases, for example, in 2-3 trimesters with a missed pregnancy. This choice is justified by the fact that surgical abortion would be much more painful and difficult. Doctors sometimes prescribe oxytocin in cases where an incomplete miscarriage has occurred, this helps to better cleanse the uterus of the remnants of the embryo.

There are times when doctors prescribe this hormonal drug at 42 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor resorts to this technique because of the child's overbearing and the baby's torment from hypoxia. Only the need for such stimulation may appear solely at the discretion of the doctor, and not based on the wishes of the woman in labor. The risk may not be worth it. This injection is recommended only in the following cases:

  • The discharge of the amniotic fluid of the woman in labor occurred ahead of time.
  • There is a risk of infection of the fetus.
  • The presence of Rh-conflict of mother and child.
  • Weakness of labor activity.

If there is a need to stimulate an induced miscarriage, then injections can be given immediately after medical devices that stimulate the opening of the uterus.

Often, this method is resorted to due to an undeveloped pregnancy or various malformations of the baby.

Method of application and action

As a rule, injections of oxytocin for medical abortion are given intramuscularly. The medicine can be injected not only intramuscularly, but also intravenously. This method of administration washes to cause an instant reaction. Induced contractions sometimes stop only after 1.5 hours.

After intramuscular injection, spasms can appear within 5 minutes and last 2-3 hours. First, a woman in labor may feel pain in the lower abdomen, and then heaviness, backache in the lower back. Such feelings are considered normal.

The doctor should pay more attention to the condition of the woman, if there is a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in heart rate. If immediately after 1 dose a woman moves more, then the process of medical abortion will be easier, faster. Just do not overdo it, everything should be done in moderation.

The drug acts quickly enough, within 1 hour after the injection, the separation of mucus with blood begins, which is sometimes released for 1-2 days. From now on, the woman will need peace and, of course, the help of a doctor or nurse.


Oxytocin can not be used in case of improper location of the fetus, the presence of scars, placenta previa, narrow pelvis, individual intolerance. The use of the drug can lead to completely unpredictable consequences.

With the wrong location of the fetus, the appointment of oxytocin can lead to the death of the child. With placenta previa, the drug is likely to provoke placental abruption, miscarriage. And if there is a scar, there is a possibility of uterine rupture. The use of oxytocin during childbirth with a narrow pelvis of a woman can lead to injury not only to the child, but also to the mother.

The use of the drug is contraindicated for women in labor who have had a caesarean section or have any stitches in the uterus after surgery. If this contraindication is ignored, severe bleeding or even uterine rupture is possible.

Sometimes injections of oxytocin do not help to completely clean the reproductive organ and there is a need for additional curettage. So everything is very individual and it is possible to use two methods at the same time. medical abortion.

Oxytocin should be used with caution in multiple pregnancies, because when the baby comes out of the cervix, frequent uterine contractions are likely to cause irreparable damage to the fetus. In cases of poor oxygen supply, the administration of oxytocin can impair the blood supply to the placenta.

Precautionary measures

The use of the drug is possible only on the prescription of an experienced gynecologist. The use of this drug to stimulate labor should occur under the supervision of a physician. The dosage of the agent should not exceed the permissible norm, otherwise uncontrolled reactions are possible.

If you ignore contraindications to oxytocin, too much stimulation of labor, uterine rupture, or heavy bleeding can occur. The dosage of this drug for each patient is selected individually. Improper administration of the drug can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in the frequency of heart contraction. Even a qualified doctor in a hospital never guarantees the absolute safety of the procedure.

Pregnancy is a natural process for any woman, but such a combination of circumstances sometimes leads to the need for medical interruption of the development of the embryo. To exclude abortion, special contraceptives should be used.

To increase the spasmodic activity of the uterus, specialists often use stimulants and drugs. The most famous among them is oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormonal synthetic drug that has a similar structure to a similar human hormone. Oxytocin for abortion is used in early pregnancy.

The action of the drug is reduced to the stimulation of the uterine muscles, which leads to spasmodic contractions of the uterus. In addition to labor, the drug is often used to restore the uterus after curettage, to regulate the menstrual cycle, or with too heavy periods.

If at the end of the last century, natural oxytocin obtained from animals was used in medicine, now only a synthetic version of the hormone is used. By the way, this hormone was the first to be obtained synthetically back in 1956, and the author, V. D. Vino, was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery.

The use of oxytocin during pregnancy is wide and varied: the drug is used to minimize the threat of miscarriage, with bleeding, after curettage, with the threat of spontaneous abortion.

There is in the human body, it is secreted by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and is responsible for reproductive activity, lactation. Blood streams, washing the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, carry oxytocin to the destination organs - the mammary glands and uterine tissues, exerting a stimulating and contractile effect on them. Having achieved its goals, oxytocin stimulates the production of a high concentration of the corresponding sex hormones responsible for reproductive function and lactation.

Despite its specific focus, it has been established that oxytocin is present in the body not only of women, but also of men. What does he do in the male body, if labor pains and feeding are not yet available to men?

It turns out that the hormone has a very strong influence on the mental and emotional sphere of a person, sometimes it is even called the hormone of joy, and massage therapists believe that during a tonic and relaxation massage, the effect is achieved solely by stimulating the release of this particular hormone. In the female body, a large concentration of oxytocin in the postpartum period causes calm, attachment to the child, stimulates the instincts to protect and preserve the fetus.

Unbiased statistics show that childbirth most often occurs at night and this is not an accident, here, too, the ubiquitous hormone oxytocin could not have done without. The fact is that, unlike most hormones, especially sex hormones, the concentration of oxytocin does not change throughout the menstrual cycle, during the entire pregnancy, and only in the very last phase of pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone suddenly begins to increase sharply at night. That is why childbirth in most cases occurs at night.


Except in exceptionally rare cases, forcing the drug to be taken by mouth, oxytocin is injected into a vein or muscle to terminate a pregnancy, less often subcutaneously. This is due to the fact that the enzymes of the gastric juice very quickly destroy the structure of the hormonal preparation. The drug oxytocin after childbirth is administered in the amount of 0.1 c.u. to restore the normal activity of the uterus and stimulate the tissues of the walls of the uterus.

Oxytocin after childbirth is used after curettage, with uterine bleeding or after an abortion. Also in the postpartum period, the drug is used to reduce the cervix in order to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. If the birth took place using a caesarean section, then for the same purpose, to reduce the cervix, the drug is injected into the tissues of the uterus.

Oxytocin during childbirth is administered intravenously or intramuscularly to stimulate the walls of the uterus in order to cause spasmodic contractile reactions that promote childbirth. Oxytocin is also used for uterine bleeding, after curettage, or at risk of abortion or miscarriage. When the drug is administered, only a small, completely harmless dose of the substance reaches the fetus, and the effect on the uterus will begin literally within 10 minutes and last about three hours.

Many experts are inclined to believe that the drug should be used only for therapeutic purposes, for example, to restore and contract the uterus after curettage, and attempts to induce premature birth due to the desire of a pregnant woman are unacceptable.

Oxytocin during breastfeeding is used to stimulate the activity of the mammary glands in case of reduced lactation. When feeding, the drug can be taken orally in order not to have an unnecessary stimulating effect on the uterus.

In most cases, oxytocin is used for its intended purpose - to enhance reproductive activity, for the speedy resolution in cases where the usual course of childbirth is impossible for medical reasons or a delay in resolution may endanger the life of the mother or fetus.

Such cases, for example, include premature withdrawal of amniotic fluid or the absence of contractions, and a period of more than 10 hours endangers the life of the fetus, and the high probability of infection of the uterine walls increases.

There are a number of indications for the use of the drug oxytocin during childbirth:

  • for the prevention of spontaneous abortion;
  • with uterine bleeding;
  • with the threat of miscarriage;
  • rehabilitation of the scraping procedure;
  • tests revealed protein in the urine of a pregnant woman;
  • with a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • with the appearance of significant swelling during pregnancy.

In all these cases, the drug is acceptable for use, since violations can pose a threat to the health of the mother and fetus.

Oxytocin is also used for secondary stimulation of reproductive activity, with the weakening of uterine contractions. Weakened reproductive activity is not uncommon during childbirth and lies in the fact that the intensity and frequency of contractions is insufficient for the release of the fetus.

Also, the drug is indispensable for restoring the walls of the uterus, the field of curettage, abortion, with the threat of miscarriage, uterine bleeding. The dosage of drug exposure, the duration of therapy and the method of administration of the substance will differ in each case.

Precautionary measures

Use is permissible only after consultation and under the supervision of a specialist, and the use of a substance to stimulate labor activity can be carried out exclusively in a stationary medical institution. When stimulating the prenatal activity of the cervix, it is necessary to take into account such a factor that the administration of the drug must correspond to the natural terms of labor, since premature induction of labor activity is dangerous for the health of the mother and fetus.

When using the drug to prevent unwanted abortion and miscarriage, after the curettage procedure and during bleeding, the dosage of the drug should not exceed the permissible norms, since exceeding the dose can terminate the pregnancy or cause uncontrolled spasmodic reactions.

The use of oxytocin is contraindicated:

  • in situations where, after the curettage procedure, the patient's blood pressure rises sharply;
  • the threat of miscarriage with heavy bleeding;
  • you can not use oxytocin earlier than 5 hours after the drug administration of other hormonal drugs;
  • if after the scraping procedure there is dizziness, loss of orientation and consciousness;
  • when the size of the mother's pelvis and the fetal head call into question a favorable resolution;
  • if the fetus is in a transverse position;
  • if there are ruptures of the walls of the uterus;
  • if there are scars on the walls of the uterus;
  • if the cervix is ​​immature.

With great care, the drug is used in the case of multiple pregnancies, since very intense uterine contractions can harm the fetus when it exits the cervix. It is also dangerous to prescribe oxytocin in situations where there is an insufficient supply of oxygen, since the use of the drug significantly worsens the blood supply to the placenta.

About what the hormone oxytocin is, how to use it, what are its side effects, what are its positive and negative sides, we will try to understand our article today.

How is oxytocin used for miscarriage

This drug is used when additional stimulation of labor is needed. When uterine contraction becomes weak, oxytocin is used.
The drug is administered both intramuscularly and in a vein.

Sometimes oxytocin is used to improve uterine contractions after childbirth or after an abortion, in order to prevent bleeding.

But if your pregnancy is short term, then oxytocin is not used as a means of terminating pregnancy. In these cases, doctors use Misoprostol and Mifepristone.

The effectiveness of the drug is manifested only after the fourteenth week, when an artificial miscarriage is performed. And this procedure is carried out only if there are reasonable medical indications. And it should be administered only after drugs that open the cervix.

The action of oxytocin

Oxytocin resembles a natural human hormone, although in fact it is nothing more than a synthetic, hormonal drug.
The human hormone is secreted in a certain part of the brain, which leads to the fact that it stimulates the muscles, and this in turn leads to uterine contractions.

Oxytocin works the same way. This hormone triggers contractions and uterine contractions. They appear more and more often, and become more intense, which is what doctors are getting.

But in addition to the uterus, the so-called muscles of the milk ducts also react to this drug. After all, it is during lactation that this hormone is secreted in the body of a woman. This happens so that milk is secreted from the mammary glands.

The drug is administered both intramuscularly and into a vein. The latter option is considered the fastest and most effective. To date, hospitals have special devices and devices that introduce the drug into a vein slowly, in doses. This is necessary in order to speed up or slow down the entry of the drug into the body, and thereby control the patient's well-being.

Side effects and contraindications

Unfortunately, there are side effects, but for this, a thorough examination of the woman's body is necessary before starting the procedure. The doctor needs to know the tolerance of the woman's body to this drug. All this must be done in order to facilitate and reduce the risk of negative consequences of such an abortion.

Firstly, uterine hypertonicity occurs, a process is also possible when the uterus does not relax, or the so-called titanium, and uterine rupture is also possible.

In a woman, it is possible to detect tachycardia, high blood pressure.

And precisely because such side effects are possible, doctors use this medicine only in hospitals so that they can monitor the well-being of the patient.

Contraindications: placenta previa, narrow pelvis, severe preeclampsia, problems with cardiovascular dystonia, or incorrect position of the fetus.

When you know for sure that you are pregnant, taking this drug at home is unacceptable. This is considered illegal and may be punishable by law.

This kind of abortion can only be performed in hospitals that have a license to carry out this event.

If you didn't use protection and you had unprotected intercourse or the condom broke, you can use other medications to prevent pregnancy. For example, they include - "Postinor", "Escapel". But these drugs are best taken only after you have been examined by a gynecologist.

So, oxytocin has both side effects and its advantages over, for example, curettage. But in any case, this is a moral trauma for the body when it is in a state of shock, because the woman’s body experiences and goes through so many transformations at the stage of pregnancy that it is negative for him to part with the fetus so abruptly.

Spare your body, love your body, take care of it, and it will repay you handsomely!

If it is necessary for the uterus to increase its contractions, doctors use drugs that promote this activity. One of the most common drugs with similar effects is Oxytocin. This drug is one of the hormonal, which is an analogue of human hormones. Oxytocin is used to terminate early pregnancy.

This medicine promotes the activation of the muscles of the uterus and causes its active contraction.

In addition to this action, Oxytocin is prescribed for the rehabilitation of the uterus after a micro-abortion, for the normalization of menstruation, or with a large loss of blood during the menstrual cycle.
A hundred years ago, doctors used natural Oxytocin, taken from animals, today only an artificial hormone is used.
Oxytocin is actively used in many aspects of gynecology.

The human body has a hormone of the same name to this drug, which is responsible for the reproductive functions of a woman. Thanks to the blood circulation, oxytocin is delivered directly to the necessary organs - the uterus and mammary mammary glands, stimulating them and forcing them to contract. Being at the target, this drug contributes to increased production of sex hormones responsible for the functioning of the mammary glands and reproductive function.

Despite all the above properties of Oxytocin, doctors have found that this hormone is present not only in the female, but also in the male body.

Why does the stronger sex need it, if they are not threatened with knowing all the “charms” of pregnancy?
How does this hormone work?
As it turned out, Oxytocin has an active effect on the psychological as well as the emotional area of ​​human feelings. Also, this hormone was nicknamed the “hormone of joy” and many doctors believe that it is very actively released during a relaxing massage;

After childbirth, the maximum amount of this hormone accumulates in the body of a young mother, which contributes to her appeasement, as well as an outbreak of maternal feelings;
The results of numerous studies have shown that the birth of a child, in most cases, occurs at night, which is directly related to the hormone oxytocin. This happens because the amount of this hormone, unlike other sex hormones, is unchanged throughout the entire cycle of menstruation, throughout the duration of pregnancy, and increases only at the very end of the period, and it is at night. In this regard, most babies are born at this time of day.
In connection with the foregoing, we conclude that the hormone Oxytocin plays an important role in human life.

Indications for the use of oxytocin

This drug is available in the form of tablets, as well as in liquid form. In tablets, it is prescribed extremely rarely, since, getting into the stomach, its juice "eats" all its active components. In most cases, to terminate a pregnancy, oxytocin is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
After the birth of a child, the young mother is also prescribed this medicine, as it helps to reduce the rehabilitation period of the uterus.

Indications for the use of oxytocin:

If after childbirth the place did not come out completely, then after scraping, Oxytocin is prescribed. Also, this drug is not replaceable with severe bleeding of the uterus and subsequently abortion. After childbirth, oxytocin is prescribed to increase contractions of the uterine muscles and to avoid large blood loss. After a caesarean section, this drug is injected into the uterus itself for the same purposes.

During childbirth, oxytocin is used to force the contraction of the uterus, which helps speed up the process. During the entry of this medicine into the body of a woman, a small dose reaches the child, which will not cause him absolutely no harm, at the same time the strongest activity of the uterus will be caused, which will last for a long time.

Most often, the drug is prescribed to speed up the process of childbirth, when delay can cost the life of the mother and child.
Doctors note some more situations in which Oxytocin is needed:
To prevent spontaneous miscarriage;
In case of bleeding from the uterus;
After scraping;
The presence of protein in the analyzes of the expectant mother;
With a sudden jump in pressure;
The drug is not replaceable for all of the above diagnoses, since they pose a threat to the life of a pregnant woman and her child.

The amount and frequency of use of the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor, after tests and a thorough examination of a pregnant woman.

Is oxytocin used to terminate a pregnancy?

If there is a need to terminate a pregnancy at the very beginning, gynecologists do not recommend the use of Oxytocin. They tend to think that it is better to use Mifeproston or Mizoprostol.
Oxytocin is recommended already after the fourteenth week of pregnancy, when it is possible to induce premature birth with it.

However, it is by no means possible to make such decisions on your own, such a drug should be prescribed only as directed by a doctor. This may be due to the fact that the fetus showed various defects, or the pregnancy stopped in development.

Before using Oxytocin for spontaneous miscarriage, medications must first be administered to prepare the cervix for opening. These drugs are selected by the doctor for each individual case.
Do not under any circumstances use this drug on yourself, as you can cause irreversible consequences and not have children at all in the future.

Contraindications to the use of oxytocin

The use of Oxytocin is possible only after examination by a gynecologist. In the event that it is necessary to stimulate labor, the use of this drug is carried out only in a medical institution under the strict supervision of doctors.

There are a number of diagnoses in which the use of oxytocin is contraindicated:
In the case when, after scraping, the woman's pressure rapidly jumped, and there were also fainting and dizziness;
Severe bleeding with the threat of premature birth;
In no case should oxytocin be used if other hormonal medications have been administered to a woman within five hours;
If there is a suspicion that it will be necessary to carry out a caesarean section due to the too large size of the child;
If the child is not lying correctly;
In the case when the previous birth ended in a caesarean section;
Oxytocin is prescribed with extreme caution in multiple pregnancies, due to the fact that strong uterine contractions can harm children.

You should not ignore these contraindications, since you can cause irreparable harm to the woman herself and the unborn baby.

Side effects of Oxytocin

Like any other drug, in addition to positive properties, it also has a number of side effects:
Nausea, strong urge to vomit;
The manifestation of allergies;
Rapid or too slow heartbeat;
Jump in blood pressure;
Stopping the urge to urinate;

Too much labor activity, which contributes to placental abruption and can damage the uterus;
Circulatory disorders in the brain;
Jaundice in a newborn baby.
These side effects are not uncommon, since Oxytocin is a strong hormonal drug and has a rather large effect on the body.

Most women have heard of this drug at least once. For decades, obstetric science has used Oxytocin in the art of childbirth in a variety of situations, whether it is weakness of labor, artificial termination of pregnancy, or postpartum hemorrhage.

Oxytocin (Oxytocinum) is produced in 1 ml ampoules as a clear solution for injection. 1 ml of solution contains 5 IU of the drug. You can buy Oxytocin tablets.

In the pharmacy network, Oxytocin can be sold under the names:

  • Ipopamine;
  • Syntocinon;
  • Pitocin;
  • Utedrin and others.

Oxytocin is a synthetically produced hormonal drug. In the body, this hormone is produced in the brain and is responsible for the processes associated with labor and lactation.

Together with the bloodstream, the hormone acts on target organs in the form of the uterus and mammary glands. In the uterine muscles, it is caught by special endogenous receptors.

Depending on the form of administration, Oxytocin causes uterine contractions of varying strength and speed. Uterine contractions occur due to an increase in the concentration of intracellular potassium. In various obstetric situations, Oxytocinum is able to increase uterine contractions.

The rate of action of this drug depends on the way it is administered. With the intravenous method, Oxytocin instantly affects the uterus, maintaining this effect for about an hour. With intramuscular administration, the myotonic effect of the drug appears after 3-7 minutes and lasts about 2-3 hours.

As pregnancy progresses, the sensitivity of receptors to Oxytocin also increases, reaching a maximum by the end of the term. In its natural state, Oxytocin is produced more at night and decreases during the day. Therefore, most births begin at night.

Additional effect of Oxytocin

Oxytocin accumulates in the liver and kidneys, excreted mainly in the urine.

An additional effect of Oxytocin is the contraction of the cells of the alveoli of the mammary glands and the release of milk. Also, this hormone acts on smooth cell muscles, increasing blood flow to the brain, heart and kidneys.

The hormone plays a major role in the formation of postpartum maternal attachment to the child.


Assign to speed up childbirth with a high risk of complications for the mother or child.

Obstetric situations for the use of Oxytocin are associated with:

  1. premature discharge of amniotic fluid in the absence of contractions for more than 12 hours (due to the high risk of infection in the uterus);
  2. severe preeclampsia (with edema, high blood pressure and protein in the urine test);
  3. a pronounced state of Rh-conflict (with and destruction of erythrocytes in the fetus);
  4. caesarean section;
  5. uterine atony (or low tone) and atonic bleeding;
  6. weakening of labor activity (primary or secondary, which threatens the formation of internal fistulas of the mother or impaired cerebral circulation of the fetus);
  7. termination of pregnancy for serious medical reasons;
  8. poor uterine contraction after childbirth and delayed postpartum discharge from the uterus (due to its sharp narrowing);
  9. post-term pregnancy (over 42 weeks);
  10. intrauterine death of the fetus for its speedy expulsion (with deformities, underdevelopment, frozen fetus);
  11. prevention of postpartum uterine bleeding;
  12. prevention or elimination of lactostasis after childbirth (with normal milk production).

There is one “but” in the use of Oxytocin: it can be used only if the cervix is ​​​​ready (with signs in the form of its shortening, softening and open cervical canal). If there is no such readiness, drugs are used instead of Oxytocin to accelerate the maturation of the cervix.

Ways to use Oxytocin

The dose of Oxytocin is selected taking into account the individual sensitivity of the body of the expectant mother and her fetus to it.

To stimulate labor activity, the drug is administered only intravenously by drip at a certain rate of administration. For this, an infusion pump with monitoring of the main vital parameters (fetal heart activity and the frequency of uterine contractions of the woman in labor) is often used today.

With excessive contractions of the uterus, the infusion is immediately stopped.

Within 6 hours after the use of vaginal prostaglandins in childbirth, the introduction of Oxytocin is not performed.

Principles, doses and regimens for the use of Oxytocin:

  1. Preliminary administration of physiological saline.
  2. Preparation of a solution for drip administration at the rate of: 1 ampoule (1 ml or 5 IU of Oxytocin) per 1000 ml of solvent (glucose or 0.9% sodium chloride solution). The solution is prepared under sterile conditions and mixed.
  3. The initial dose of the drug is not more than 0.5-4 mIU / min. Then the dose is increased by 1-2 mIU per minute every 20-40 minutes until the desired concentration is reached.
  4. A slow decrease in the rate of administration of the drug after obtaining the desired degree of uterine contractions and opening the uterine os by 4-6 cm.
  5. Very cautious increase in the infusion rate in late pregnancy, in exceptional cases, bringing it up to 8-9 mIU per minute. Accelerated administration (20 mIU per minute or more) is sometimes used in preterm labor.

Side effect

In addition to the positive, the drug can also have side effects in the form of:

  • hypertonicity and hyperactivity of the uterus, up to its rupture (if the dose of the drug is high or the sensitivity of the uterus is excessive);
  • uterine spasms;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • allergic phenomena (up to anaphylaxis with worsening of breathing and shock);
  • cardiac arrhythmias and ischemia (arrhythmias, bradycardia) up to fetal asphyxia or death in both;
  • intoxication with symptoms of pulmonary edema, convulsions, hyponatremia and coma, up to death (with the parallel administration of large volumes of solutions);
  • acute hypotension (lowering pressure) with reflex tachycardia, reddening of the face, with rapid administration of the drug;
  • severe hypertension (increased pressure) with subarachnoid hemorrhage and death;
  • severe postpartum hemorrhage;
  • depressive phenomena (with increasing doses);
  • complications in newborns in the form of jaundice or hemorrhages in the retina.


In some cases, Oxytocinum can lead to serious complications. Medical contraindications for which it is forbidden to administer oxytocin:

  • increased sensitivity to the drug;
  • inertness (insensitivity) of the uterus to Oxytocin;
  • immature cervix;
  • severe cardiac pathologies of the mother;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • obstacles to natural childbirth (fusions, cicatricial changes or tumors of the cervix);
  • hypertonic uterine contractions;
  • inconsistencies in the size of the fetus and the maternal pelvis or borderline narrow pelvis;
  • incorrect position of the fetus (transverse or oblique position, frontal presentation, etc.), when natural childbirth is impossible;
  • placenta previa or umbilical cord or its prolapse in the fetus;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • preeclampsia;
  • situations of risk of uterine rupture (especially with a large number of pregnancies or scars on the uterus);
  • premature birth;
  • polyhydramnios;

special instructions

Oxytocinum can also be a threat to the health and even the life of the father and mother. It is impossible to let childbirth go by itself with the use of this stimulant. Control of uterine contractions and the condition of the mother and fetus with the introduction of oxytocin is mandatory.

It is also important to know about the maximum caution in using the drug when:

  1. any degree of discrepancy between the size of the pelvis and the size of the fetus (up to its cancellation);
  2. pregnancy after 35 years;
  3. hypertension against the background of heart disease in the mother;
  4. the presence of scars on the uterus (for example, after a caesarean section);
  5. intrauterine death of the fetus or the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid (due to the risk of embolism);
  6. with the parallel administration of a large number of other solutions - a ban on the introduction of large doses of the drug;
  7. with the simultaneous use of prostaglandins or epidural anesthesia - taking into account the increased effect of the drug (often hypertensive);
  8. with the parallel use of a glucose solution - taking into account the risk of water intoxication.

When using Oxytocin, it is important for all patients to limit the amount of liquid in the diet.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women use Oxytocin with extreme caution due to the possible risk of complications.

With lactation, the use of the drug is possible, since it enters breast milk in minimal doses without any complications for the baby.

It is not uncommon for women to ask if Oxytocin is suitable for abortion and how to use it for this purpose. In this case, the drug is most effectively administered by injection into the cervix.

In accordance with the instructions, this medicine can be used only from the 20th week of pregnancy (!), And only strictly according to indications. That is, pregnancy should be pathological, complicated by adverse factors.

In some cases, this medicine is used for a missed pregnancy in the 2nd or 3rd trimesters, when it is difficult to surgically terminate a missed pregnancy.

Also, this medicine is used for incomplete miscarriage to cleanse the uterus of fetal residues and pieces of the endometrium.

It is dangerous to use Oxytocinum to terminate a pregnancy on your own. Such manipulations should be carried out in specialized clinics, with constant medical supervision.

Doses of the drug for abortion

Most often, Oxytocin injections are used to terminate a pregnancy. Tablets of a similar drug (called Desaminooxytocin), despite their possible use, may not be effective.

The dose of Oxytocin for termination of pregnancy is calculated by the doctor. At the same time, the duration of pregnancy and its features are taken into account.

To terminate a pregnancy, Oxytocin can be used as an injection:

  • into the cervix (as close as possible to the vagina) or injected into the uterine wall by a gynecologist;
  • intramuscularly (usually at a dose of 0.5-1 IU per hour);
  • intravenously (in solution with the calculation of 1-3 IU in 300-500 ml of glucose or saline for the entire period, with a frequency of 1 drop per minute);
  • nasal;
  • in the form of tablets (per cheek alternately on each side until completely dissolved) 1 tablet every half an hour, with a maximum dose of about 10 tablets.

Oxytocin for abortion

Oxytocinum provokes contractions of the pregnant uterus. When injected into a vein, the drug acts instantly, causing the uterus to respond to its introduction with increased spasms. These contractions stop only after an hour and a half.

When injected into a muscle, Oxytocin begins to act after 5 minutes with a duration of about 2-3 hours.

Before using Oxytocin, it is important for a woman to study the instructions herself. The fact that the effect of the drug has begun is indicated by pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature and sharp pains in the lower back. This indicates the reaction of the body to the onset of labor. At the same time, it is important to control the pressure, heartbeat and general well-being of a woman.

After the administration of the drug, a woman is usually recommended to move more actively: for example, to walk around the ward. When severe pain occurs, the patient reduces activity. Such measures are necessary to strengthen uterine contractions and effective abortion.

Discharge is also an indicator of the progress of an abortion. At the same time, an hour after the injection, bloody mucous discharge from the woman's genitals appears. Further bleeding indicates the normal course of the abortion and the beginning of the expulsion of the fetus.

Usually spotting lasts from one hour to a day. The entire process of abortion is usually accompanied by injections of maintenance doses of Oxytocin, which the doctor calculates individually. The prescribed doses of drugs depend on the woman's well-being and the course of the abortion. Most often, Oxytocin in a maintenance dose is used once a day.

Side effects

Side effects:

  • attacks of hypertension;
  • increased uterine bleeding;
  • allergic reactions (up to anaphylaxis);
  • bronchospasm.

The downside of Oxytocin during abortion is the fact that this drug does not always effectively disrupt pregnancy. Often, after Oxytocin, the remains of the fetus remain in the uterus, which forces the woman to undergo a curettage procedure.

Therefore, modern obstetricians often use more effective drugs for this purpose (Mifepristone, Misoprostol, etc.).