How to develop your taste in clothes. Good feeling of taste - what it is and how to develop it

How I remember, I was always fascinated by people of a certain type. I calculated such a very simple - they wanted to consider and imitate, they always had something that distinguished from most. And with them magically be near. The appropriate combination of ugly and beautiful got into one way so harmoniously that you confessed to ourselves "I could not so."

Such individuals always have their own point of view that I wanted to know. And they know how to seek the integrity of the image in which all the details obeyed a single idea.

Over time, it became obvious that we are talking about people who possess a good taste. And life experience confirmed that it was with such a pleasant to cooperate, consult, contact them for help, to conduct common things and simply communicate, getting tremendous pleasure. Because, all this process has always been accompanied by an amazing result, and the concept was accustomed to the bonus - it is easy and logical.

Why so it turns out that it is possible with one people? And others in principle are not capable of this? Personal observations made it possible to explain this fact by the presence or lack of good taste.

When I began to explore the topic of a good taste in various sources, it turned out that this topic exists around art, creativity and design. But it is not mentioned when it comes to daily concerns. If you dial in the search engine the phrase "how to develop good taste", then pages will open, where it is about clothes, elegance lessons, artworks and so on.

And, if a person is directly interested in aesthetics, then this topic will quickly bother. I assume that the concept of good taste was too distinguished from reality, heightened into the cult of art and is perceived as something intactized for daily life. And in vain.

Good taste is selectivity. And what's not the ability to choose for yourself the best, can save from extra spending, empty loss of time and doubt. The feeling of wonderful greatly facilitates the choice and helps to make a decision in any situation - the choice of place of residence, spouse, clothes, car where to go on vacation and how to educate children. No wonder at all times, so much time was devoted to the study of beautiful through music, books, works of art.

Have a good taste not just nice, but also profitable! No matter how strange it sounds. And they should use every day, every minute, exposing him to guard their decisions. And now in order. Good taste is:

Own opinion as preferences

The ability to see features, allocate details and arguing about the subject, formulating your own opinion. Each of us can evaluate - like \\ not like. Subjectively, but evaluate. But not everyone is able to explain its position - what exactly like, why, what can I improve, add, remove? Such an opinion is formed in those who are able to translate the language of lines, shades, textures to words and transfer their vision to others. Argments your point of view and show a different look at the same thing.

When I got acquainted with the laws of forms and textures (stylistics), I liked to perform one wonderful exercise. I ordered myself a cup of coffee in a ledged shopping center and watched those who passed by. One of the tasks set is to explain to yourself, with the help of stylistics tools, why did I like this or that thing on a particular woman? Why does she fit her or not fit? And what exactly can you change? Such a quiet dialogue with yourself.

Ability to wait and choose the best

The things we surround themselves form our quality of life. Surrounding itself only by the fact that he truly pleases, inspires it allows respect to himself and its desires. I think it seems to allow yourself at least one thing "on the grow out." A little better than you can afford at the moment. It can be anything - floor lamp, shoes or travel, but 100% successful! Such single specimens help in the formation of a good taste and are a reminder that ideal things exist and you are worthy of possessing. But such masterpieces almost always have to wait and track down.

An example of quality expectation is the readiness of the client, which plans the selection of a wardrobe with a personal stylist. The most favorable moment for the changes comes when the situation is abandoned and "hurts." Ideally, if she is in a sense, lined up. If you appeal earlier, the effect will not be that without the effect of "wow" and strong relief. In the state of fatigue, the client, more than ever, is ready for new changes. By yourself I know how it refreshes - when you get rid of the load of the old way in time in favor of the best.

The ability to create a holistic and finished

This is the same thing to bring the case to the result. Sign of good taste. One familiar sometimes asks for recommendations on the development of its business destination. Its activity is so multifaceted that many projects it begins with enthusiasm, but physically does not have time to bring them until completion. Always on her way there is a new temptation \\ offer \\ Activities in which she will gladly plunge, without bringing the previous result. Such here are repetitive layers. Every time we meet (and this happens more often for a business lunch in a cafe) - it orders dishes that are either tasteless, or not, or just did not like it.

The result is always one - the food on the plate remains unstilled. There was still no one once so that it makes it all to the end. And this habit applies to everything, including how it dresses - each of her image is unfinished and with reservations - here I wanted to dress another blouse, but it turned out in a dry cleaning. Here I thought to put on a bracelet, but he ran somewhere and there was no time to look for him. Such an eternal pun, which is clearly unfortunate.

Feeling measures or the same Golden Middle

People with a good taste is familiar with the concept of "enough". It is impossible to reconcile, convince discounts, enthusiastically get into the brightness, tag or events, the entrance to which everyone is available without exception. The inner feeling of measures will save them from the quantity, while maintaining the right to have quality. The feeling of the wonderful comes from the internal dialogue with himself, such people are easily concentrated, they find faithful solutions in silence, use internal resources. They are familiar with the principle of "ZRI to the root" and "analyzing it." The ability to concentrate helps focus on the situation and schedule a series of faithful actions.

These are people with exceptional taste.

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The famous saying reads: "There is no limit to excellence."

And he tries to strive for every person. Literally at every step in the network you can find articles that are offered to find out if you have a sense of style.

Turning to the Internet, you can understand that everything is more than trite. Some recommend to completely go through and buy more fashionable glossy magazines.

Others advise to start with their own studies, and then buy some things. Moreover, among them there must be several classic styles and colors.

If you turn to professionals, they will tell you what to pay attention to, and what should not be done at all.

Below are nine steps that send you to the development of accuracy and feeling of taste.

1. Confidence in its beauty is half victory

As it turned out, the feeling of style and taste directly depends on self-esteem and self-confidence. There are, which can help in the "enhancement" feelings of their irresistible.

  • At home you need to dress as if from minute to minute it will take on a girlfriend tea. Not in the stretched leggings and stirable T-shirt to meet it? No, no extra delights do not need. Pure and neat appearance.
  • Put your hands in the proper look. You can make a manicure. So what, what is the lacquer tomorrow? The main thing is that today you will feel beautiful.
  • The head must be clean, and the hairstyle is neat.

    3. Expansion of the horizons

    You can enter the rule: systematically view photos of clothes, shoes, some and images, in general. You can learn new collections of European-level brand clothing. They laid new seasons.

    Walking on the street, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of others. So you can find any interesting combinations or, on the contrary, unsuccessful. Thus, you can take something interesting and useful for your images from someone else's experience.

    Tracking fashion trends with time will be a kind of island of rest. In some bookmarks or folders, you can save options that attracted. When studying photographs, the feeling of taste is developing.

    4. Votes to emphasize the shortcomings to hide

    Each figure has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to decide what you need to hide, and which parts of the body, on the contrary, emphasize.

    If there are doubts - you should try multiple images. It may be in a figure, a fitting skirt with a free riding, tosing a top with a lush skirt.

    So you can definitely decide that it is better to highlight, and what to hide. In the future, picking up clothes, it is worth navigating this. You need to look for what is suitable on the figure and like you.

    Dear clothes can not always be good. Therefore, you do not need to immediately run into boutiques from Couture and buy everything that comes across the eyes. The wardrobe must reflect your character and feature features.

    5. More diversity

    Do not be afraid to experiment with colors, fittings, accessories. If in the wardrobe things are presented in the "fifty shades of gray", what taste can we talk about?

    It is very difficult to submit a fashionista wardrobe, which consists only of basic things. Be sure to be bright and unusual elements that will characterize your individuality.

    6. Change it is gradually

    Every time he understands that it is time to change something in life. And then it is important not to overdo it. It is better to start, pick up one thing for wardrobe in a new style.

    She should be such that it can be put on right now. Choosing a clothing element, it is necessary to mentally scroll through future images.

    Why should it be done? First of all, the development of one's own style can be pampered a little. You will also feel updated and overwhelmed. This will inspire for the future development of taste.

    7. Image should be created

    Is it possible to distinguish a stylish woman from ordinary? Sure. It is important to remember that the style is a holistic image where every detail is thought out.

    As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to represent images and combinations, buying a new thing. In the head there should be at least one option. As an exception, you can purchase this element as the first. Over time, the purchase required.

    The main thing is the image in my head.

    Clothing is a reflection of the soul. Browsing photos, evaluating the styles, picking up coloring, you are looking for the perfect combination. And here it is - perfect!

    Here you can make a big mistake - ask for advice from anyone. Why do it? Allow yourself to be as you like. At every moment you are wearing what I want.

    Different people have different views and tastes that can not radically converge. So, putting on the thing that did not like, for example, the sister, you will remember that this element did not please someone.

    9. Be able to teach yourself

    The concept of "style" includes not only clothes. You need to be able to go beautifully, speak. The head should be proudly raised. No, you do not need to keep it specially.

    It is important to be confident in yourself and its strength. What is worn on you should be comfortable and comfortable. Such an image will give a feeling of charming and ease. And there is?

    Then you can safely forget about clothes and enjoy others.

    Rejoice in what is happening around can be learned from children. Any image looks great on them. And the whole secret in their naturalness. They are not looped on clothing or its assessment. Their attention is drawn to more interesting moments.

    To the listed key moments you can add another one. This is reading worthy blogs. Now the fashion is written anyone who wants, so it is important to be able to sort the information. You can refer to the articles of famous fashion designers, photographers.

    And the last

    It can be noted that the taste and style is reflected not only in the selection of wardrobe. This is a kind of feeling of harmony, equilibrium. You need to develop yourself, your intelligence is more read, communicate, try something new.

    It is worth studying not only fashion trends, but also the directions of art - to visit theaters, operas, go to the exhibition.

    The feeling of the wonderful should develop, and behind him the sense of style will come by itself.

Do you agree that "meet by clothes"? I mean not just rags that are dressed on you, and style, manners, voice, image as a whole. As well as experience and reputation, because it is also "clothes". To create this "clothes" you spend money, time, strength, life ... and do it right! It works - attracts the necessary people, helps to earn good money, makes your life interesting, successful. Presentations are also "clothes". Certificate of your level and professionalism. Of course, you will not be entrusted with an important project and do not embroider money, only watching a couple of slides. There will be negotiations, inspections, analysis, spin by price, final offers, final negotiations. Nerves and revealed years, in one word. And then there is a little trick: in the talks, how you say - 95% of success, what you say is only 5%. It is easy to guess that with the presentations the same topic: the value of the idea you are trying to convey will help you only by 5%. All other 95% - competent structuring of information and visual design.

The most important thing is that you need to create presentations - good taste.

What is a feeling of taste? Congenital abilities? Talent? Is it possible to develop it, or is it as a sense of rhythm - either there is or not lucky?

Can. Need to. Important.

How? There are several exercises.

The feeling of taste is the ability to evaluate the beautiful. To learn to create a wonderful, you need to learn to evaluate the beautiful. This exercise number once.

1. Expert assessment.

You are going through the city or go, pay attention to advertising: Bigboards on the roads, signs at stores, posters in the subway, packaging products in stores - all this visualization of someone's ingenious ideas. As far as she succeeded, judge you. This is the essence of the exercise. Imagine yourself as an expert or demanding customer. Mentally press "LIKE", if you like it, and think about why. Mark successful techniques. Soon, on the subconscious level, you will have a sense of style and understanding of the main canons of design.

2. Experience comparisons.

Everything is known in comparison, is it not true? At my time, the site on this site was very helpful, by categories, the sites of almost all world brands were broken. After I lived on this site a couple of nights, I still could not explain what "feshn-design" is, but felt. Exactly in front of acquaintance with this site, my presentation was called a "clumsy attempt to a diligent eighth grader." After - decided to sell my presentations as a separate product. I did not add skills, I worked only in Power Point and Microsoft Publisher, but the feeling of taste appeared. For the sake of justice, I note that the sites of many mega-corporations presented on TBWE are morally outdated, though on their development and tens of thousands of dollars were spent. But this is also a plus - luxurious these sites, you will notice the general trends of beauty and functionality in design, understand what is obsolete, and what is a classic. For example, a fashion for the design of sites in the style of "Windows 8" pretty quickly passed and now looks even went. At least trite. Especially after the site of a single center of administrative services for 447 thousand s., By the way. What to do, where to go?! Yes, at least at there, mostly magazines. But the magazines are mainly foreign. Design, respectively, too. And the West, no matter how cool, still ahead. Consider, you will see a lot of elegant solutions. You can enter a "presentation" search line in different languages, and see examples of people from different parts of the world.

3. Nature as art.

Training taste, look at nature. I fired in the soul of the words of Alexander Vasilyeva (art historian, fashion historian, the leading program "Fashion sentence"): "What does the taste develop? Two things - nature and art. Nature does not create a beamless - there is no tasteless fish or bird. There is not a single tasteless flower, leaflet, furny animal, mountains or lakes. An excellent example can give sculpture, music, poetry, cinema, theater. Therefore, trying to develop your taste, look at the nature and on the best works of art. It will give harmony, and without harmony it is impossible to develop a feeling of taste. "

We all really want to be stylish and fashionably dressed. But sometimes our sense of measure and taste summarize us, and instead of hitting everyone with their impeccable way, we achieve the opposite result.

I think our comes from the desire to stand out from the crowd and hit everyone at any cost, dress up so that your girlfriends are my favorite to dry steel. Remember your adolescent age: green Iroquois, blue shadows with red lipstick and stunning outfits, at the sight of which your math was covered with red spots and began to silently fishing the air. Remember, in what delighted you were when your neighbor from the bottom floor took you in the entrance for alien? Everyone will have photographs where you are in completely incredible clothes and with such makeup that your children are better to be shown. But we grew up, and the teenage habits remained in the past. Therefore, the time has come when it is time to figure out how to develop your taste and always look stunning!

Give yourself in order.
Start not from clothes, start with yourself. Go to a good hairdresser, which will pick you up a stylish hairstyle. Make a manicure and pedicure, but do not get drunk, choose something classic. Rhinestones, acid colors and long extensive nails leave for others. We need a stylish image! Pick up the makeup, there are many tutorials on this topic. But the most important thing is to change yourself internally, love yourself and your body, and then you want this very body to wear beautifully and stylish!

Determine your type of shape. This is a very important point! He will help you effectively hide your shortcomings and emphasize the merits, because there is nothing worse than clothing is not on the figure. There is: apple, pear, hourglass, triangle and rectangle. Each type has its pros and cons. And on the basis of this, you can dislike your shape clothes, and make it incredibly attractive.

Disassemble your wardrobe. Get rid of everything worn, from things that you do not like or are not suitable and those that you have become small or, on the contrary, are great. There is no sense to cherish the hopes that you will lose up to the size of those jeans that wearing in grade 9, or that little holes on the old T-shirt are noticeable only to you. And try to prevent vulgar things into your wardrobe - they will never allow you to hear the compliment to your impeccable taste.

Decide what style is closer to you. You should not be limited to one or two styles, because the beauty of women is in their ability to change. Of course, do not forget about the classics, it will always be present and everywhere. Think what style you not only like, but also reflects your inner "I" and looks at you. Of the most popular: romantic, casual, ethnic, derby, militaries, safaris, etc. The sporty style is better to leave for situations in which it is appropriate and not to choose it basic. Do not blindly copy fashion magazine or girlfriend style. You have noticed more than once that one and the same thing looks completely different in different people?

Decide with flowers. Identify your color, then you will be much easier to decide which colors will benefit from emphasizing your beauty, and what should be avoided. Do not forget about such colors as black, white and gray. These are classic colors, and they will never come out of fashion. At the same time, they all go! Remember - the taste of silent, screaming screams.

Make up your basic wardrobe. - This is the basis of the basics, and each self-respecting girl should be. It is possible to include all things that are not subject to modes of fashion: straight jeans, turtlenecks, t-shirts without prints and other jewelry, classic boats ... You can find a selection of basic things, but in no case follow blindly these recommendations! This tips are common, and if anyone is not at all to the face - boldly replace her other.

Pay special attention to accessories.It is they are the very "highlight", which gives a special chic and the completeness of the wardrobe. All girls know that an elegant scarf can give a simple office suit completely new sound. But do not forget that the inappropriate accessory can also spoil the whole look.

Think over when and where your stylish image is appropriate. The absence of taste is, first of all, the inability to determine the line between situations when and where your outfit is appropriate. Agree, stylish image for a nightclub and an impeccable suit in which you will be represented by the English Queen are completely different things. Therefore, always consider where you will have a wardrobe to your wardrobe.

Filter all fashion trends. Not all that is fashionable - stylish. A completely tasteless thing can be switched in fashion, so rely solely on your style and your own preferences. Learn fashionable logs and form the most perfect image in your head.

Classic, classic and classic once again.
It is impossible not to say a single bad word about her. It is the classic that always saves us from mistakes, it is she who helps in difficult situations when we don't know what to wear, so special attention should be paid to classic clothes. Moreover, it is worth investing in the classics, but on fashionable novelties - you can save.

"Fashion passes, the style remains," this is how the famous Coco Chanel said. And she was in this case a real pro, and I think there is no one who would be ready to argue with her. Train, develop your taste! It is not as difficult as it seems. Believe me, a girl who a few years ago wearing superclash pants and painted with green shadows.

A well-developed artistic taste allows you to be a self-sufficient person under any circumstances. The ability to live in harmony with him and with the outside world helps to withstand the blows of fate, stand out when everything is collapsed around and rejoice in the most common things.

This ability is absolutely independent of the material situation. Simply, one person sees a rainbow in drops of rain, and the other is sad weather and slush under his feet. Is it possible to develop a taste or this is the wing of your favorites and how to do it - read, learn and acquire your inner rod.

Natural data or acquired ability

It is believed that a good taste is given to a person from nature, as an eye color, face outlines, growth and other features of appearance. He is either there, or makes it want to desire better and cannot be done about it. But with the overwhelming majority in accordance with that the nature is largely dependent on education. That is, good manners and habits can be instilled, but there is no taste.

In fact, this opinion is deeply mistaken. The taste, especially artistic, can and need to develop. And start it, like everything in life, never late. Well, did not come together at the beginning, from the very childhood you were surrounded by a dull situation, concerned in unwriting people, any desire to change the usual course of things perceived in the bayonets.

What prevents you now take a step towards a happy, harmonious life - laziness, habit, concern about tomorrow? So he will not be better if you yourself do not take care of it. What does good taste here? Despite the fact that this thin thing will help take a look at all with different eyes, and see completely new horizons.

Methods for the development of artistic taste

The notorious effect of salt cucumber has long been known. He says that the usual green vegetable with a bed, placed in a jar with brine, he wants it or not, will turn into a salty. How to apply in ordinary life? Very simple.
Try to focus not on gray ordinaryness, but on things of beautiful, sophisticated, decent imitation. The feeling of harmony will begin to emerge gradually. Go to museums, at the exhibition, in theaters.

At first, just consider paintings, scenery, think not only about how much paint is spent. Try to evaluate the composition, the accuracy of the image of small parts. To better understand this, ask the basics of painting or the rules of the combination of colors and shades.

No money or time on museums - admire natural landscapes. This beauty is not inferior to the strength and expression of the canvas of great masters. Read, but not boulevard novels, a secular chronicle and news about the next disasters, and old, good classics.

Pay attention to decent, self-confident people, adopt their gestures, dress up, move, talk. Look stylish - does not mean expensive, and age to beauty has nothing to do. An intelligent old woman looks much more attractive than a slopful young person.
Develop your taste with all available ways. It is a permanent, daily, hard work on itself, requiring a lot of effort and perseverance. But believe me, the result is worth it.