How to make invisible eye makeup. How to properly make natural face makeup at home. Perfect makeup for brunettes

Correctly done makeup can make any woman more attractive. But if you want decorative cosmetics to really make your face more delicate and youthful, then try not to overdo it with shadows, mascara and powder.

Any good makeup artist will tell you that perfect makeup should be invisible even on close inspection. Therefore, putting yourself in order in the morning, try to achieve maximum naturalness and freshness.

How to prepare your face for makeup?

Preparing the face for natural makeup

Quite a lot of women apply makeup on their face without prior preparation and do not even think about the consequences of this. If you do this all the time, then after a while you may have problems with dermatological integuments, a rash, peeling, and even premature aging of the skin may appear.

Therefore, it will be better if you spend extra time and prepare your dermatological surfaces for applying cosmetics. This is the only way you can apply the perfect natural makeup that will make your face very beautiful and feminine.

Face preparation rules


Start your preparation with cleansing. To do this, take a cotton pad and wipe your skin with a cleanser. It is best for women with dry skin to use milk for these purposes, and gel for women with oily dermis. At the next stage, we come to toning. For this procedure, you must use a tonic. It must be applied strictly along the massage lines. Next, we begin to moisturize the skin.... We take a moisturizer that suits your skin type and apply it in a thin layer on the face and let it sink in. If you have oily skin, then choose moisturizers with lightweight texture. Then we move on to applying the makeup base.... It should also be applied very carefully and preferably in the thinnest possible layer. If you have combination skin, then you can only apply the base to those areas that require it. At the very end, we move on to toning. A thin layer of foundation will make your skin look smoother and fresher. After the tone, you can safely start applying decorative cosmetics.

Cosmetics for natural makeup

If you decide to make yourself a natural make-up, then completely forget about mother-of-pearl and bright colors. In this case, it is best to opt for pale brown shades without excess shine and greasiness. You can also use muted pink, taupe, gray chocolate and soft olive.

But even if you use these calm tones, be sure to consider your hair and eye color. Since natural makeup involves a delicate pattern and soft lines, you need to make sure that the color of the makeup does not contrast with the shade of your curls.

To create natural makeup you may need:

    FoundationConcealerPowderHighlighterBlushMatte ShadowsMascaraLipstick in calm pastel tones

Rules and tips for applying natural makeup to your face

Rules for applying natural makeup

As you probably already understood, natural makeup requires a lot of patience and at least minimal skills in the field of makeup. But still, if you show perseverance, then for sure you will be able to make your face as young as possible. But in order for it to be so, it is imperative to take into account the fact that the same makeup in daylight and room lighting will look different.

The make-up that seems ideal indoors may look slightly vulgar on the street. If you do not want to get into such an unpleasant situation, then be sure to equip a place in which you will be painted with good lighting.

Rules for applying shadows

Tips to help you achieve natural makeup:

When applying cosmetics, always remember that there is only one accent in makeup, so if you made your eyes expressive, then your lips should be as calm as possible. If you need to disguise something, then always remember about one feature of decorative cosmetics. Absolutely all dark shades hide flaws well, but at the same time visually reduce parts of the face, light shades, on the contrary, visually increase and concentrate attention on themselves. It is best not to use an eyebrow pencil to create a natural make-up. If you need to correct them a little, then use a powder for these purposes, which is ideally combined in color with the shadows. Also, never enlarge your lips with a pencil and eyeliner. Such a clear contour will make your face rougher, and the makeup itself will visually be perceived as quite aggressive. Natural makeup is primarily about an even skin tone. Therefore, try to apply the foundation as high as possible. It is best to do this with a soft sponge, as with your fingers you simply drive the makeup into the skin, and it will lie unevenly. How to do natural makeup for blue eyes?

Day makeup without eyeliner

Girls with blue eyes are best suited for light brown, light chocolate colors. But if in the end you want to get the face from the cover, then it would be better if you use two different shades of shadows to create a delicate look, for example, light brown and matte bronze. First, apply a lighter shade to the eyelid, blend it gently, and then move on to applying darker shadows. And remember, that your eyes are as beautiful as possible, the dark color is best applied closer to the edge of the outer eyelid. To add expression to the look, draw a thin line along the growth of eyelashes with a brown or silver pencil or eyeliner. Finally, apply a dark brown or dark gray mascara to your lashes and your blue eye makeup is ready.

Enlarging eye makeup

Applying natural makeup for green-eyed girls is much easier than others, because their eyes themselves are a pretty bright accent on the face. In this case, you just need to correctly emphasize their catchiness and the perfect make-up will be ready. For those with green eyes, this season's nude makeup is perfect. This technique of applying cosmetics assumes maximum naturalness and naturalness. So, apply milky or coffee eyeshadows to the moving eyelid and blend them thoroughly. After that, take a brown pencil and emphasize the lash line with it. Just keep in mind that this should not be a clear dark brownish line, it will be better if it smoothly dissolves into the rest of the make-up. If necessary, use the corrector to carefully mask the area under the eyes. Do everything as carefully as possible so that there are no signs of fatigue and blue skin. If we talk about mascara, then in this case it is better to focus not on the length of the eyelashes, but on their density. For this reason, it is best to use mascara for a harmonious look.

Secrets of natural makeup

Some ladies consider gray eyes expressionless and try to make them brighter with the help of bright shadows. But, as a rule, a very bright color extinguishes gray eyes even more. In view of this, it is best for the owners of this color to give preference to the most natural makeup in silvery blue, ash gray and muted copper shades. To start applying the make-up, of course, you need to prepare the skin. We described how to do this correctly at the very beginning of our article. As soon as you apply the foundation, you can immediately start painting over the eyes. First, apply an ash gray shadow to the upper eyelid and blend it as well as possible. Then, from the edge of the inner eyelid and about half of the eye, apply a gray-blue shadow. Be sure to blend the transition between the two shades well. At the end, highlight the lash line with a blue-gray pencil and paint over the lashes with mascara with a lengthening effect.

Natural makeup for brown eyes

Although it is believed that absolutely all colors are suitable for brown-eyed ladies, it is best to use soft beige, chocolate or peach colors to create natural makeup. These colors, more than others, will refresh the face of a brown-eyed woman and make it visually younger. In this case, you need to start applying the make-up with light powder or white eyeshadow. Apply a thin layer of powder to the eyelid and blend well. Then take a soft beige eyeshadow and apply it over the base. Be sure to make sure that they lay as evenly as possible. If the layer in some place is thinner or thicker, then from afar it will look like a dirty spot. If you need to lift the lid line a little, then take the lighter shade of the previously used eyeshadow and apply it under the brows.

Makeup with arrows

If you decide to complement your natural makeup with arrows, then use the lightest and most delicate color scheme to create it. Take, for example, a light beige eye shadow and apply it under your eyebrows. Paint over the movable eyelid with peach-pink shadows, and blend everything well. Try to achieve an effect where one color fades into another. Then take a well-sharpened pencil and draw the thinnest possible arrow with it. Pay special attention to the tip of the arrow. If you have bulging eyes, then the tip should be pointing down. If your eyes are very close to each other, then try not to bring the arrow to the inner corner of the eyelid.

A flawless face is the foundation of natural makeup

Smoky make-up is best applied on a special foundation, which makes the eyeshadow shade richer and deeper. If you do not have a special base, you can apply a foundation on the upper eyelid and cover it with a thin layer of powder. Then you can move on to applying shadows. Since we will be creating natural makeup, we will need a dark gray and dark silver shade. First, you will need to draw a line of eyelash growth with a black pencil. Then, using a cotton swab, gently shade it. Next, apply a darker color to the moving lid and a lighter color to the area under the gases. Then again we take a cotton swab and carefully begin to shade the border between two different shadows. In this case, it is imperative to correct the eyebrows as well. They can also be tinted with a dark gray pencil or shadows of the same color.

Eyebrow shaping rules

Natural eyebrow makeup presupposes maximum naturalness, so in this case it is best to abandon the use of a pencil and use shadows. But if you are more accustomed to adjusting the shape of your eyebrows with a pencil, then choose gray and brown colors for this.

It will be necessary to draw the eyebrows with short strokes, and then shade them. And if you want to get the most natural eyebrows, then take mascara, gently blot its brush with a napkin (it should be almost dry) and comb through the eyebrows. This little trick will help you make them more expressive and give them the right shape.

Natural makeup for every day

Everyday make-up

Everyday makeup should be as calm and discreet as possible. Therefore, it will be better if you use beige, coffee and peach shades to create it. You can do it according to the same principle that we described a little above, except taking into account some of the nuances. The foundation you will use to even out skin tone should be the same shade as your face. The color of the eyeshadow for the make-up should be a few shades darker than the eyes themselves. This will help make them stand out and brighter. In case you want to apply blush, then use nude and beige tones for this. Bronze, light brown and pink are absolutely not suitable for natural makeup. Finally, let's talk about lips. If you want to show others how beautiful they are, then just apply glitter on them. This will be enough for a natural make-up.

Emphasis on lips in makeup

Makeup with an accent on the lips will suit those women who want to look perfect, but do not want to spend a lot of time applying cosmetics. Since in this case the lips will be the highlight of your image, then you can not paint over your eyes too much. If you just do everyday makeup, then you can quite safely draw a neat toned arrow on the upper eyelid and tint the eyelashes with mascara, which adds volume. In this case, maximum attention should be paid to the skin. Since the lips will be very attention-grabbing, your complexion should be flawless. In view of this, first, thoroughly moisturize the skin with the cream, let it soak in, and then mask all the imperfections with concealer. After all traces of fatigue have disappeared, all you have to do is apply a foundation with a shine effect to your face and, of course, make up your lips.

Wedding make-up

Makeup for a wedding celebration should be both natural and bright. In view of this, in order for the bride to look perfect, her skin, lips, eyes and eyebrows must complement each other, as it were. Therefore, you first need to even out the skin tone and only then proceed to applying decorative cosmetics. The color of shadows, lipstick and mascara must be selected taking into account the color type of the bride. This will help create a truly delicate and feminine makeup that will visually rejuvenate the girl. In this case, you can use eyeliner, it will make the look more open and expressive. Pay special attention to lipstick. The lips of the bride should be inviting, but in no case should they draw attention to themselves. Very dark and bright shades are not suitable for a wedding look. If you don't want to spoil the naturalness of your makeup, then paint your lips with peach and pink shades.

Gentle make-up for graduates

To create an image for prom, it is best to use gentle and light colors that can convey how young and fresh a girl is. Natural make-up is primarily a gentle, almost transparent tone. For young girls, it is best to give up dark beige and light brown shades and opt for flesh tones. Also, do not highlight the eyebrows very much. Try to shape them with tweezers and then paint over them with shadows. It is best to paint the eyes with shadows of a creamy, light beige or sandy shade. If you like brighter colors, then try adding terracotta and chocolate shades to them. Lips of coral or caramel color will perfectly complement this image. Natural makeup for brunettes and blondes: tips, tricks

As you probably already understood, there is nothing difficult in natural make-up, if you know how to choose the right color scheme, then absolutely any woman can make a natural make-up. The only thing that you still have to consider is the type of your hair. Brunettes can use darker tones than blondes to create a natural look. So whatever the face should not be lost against the background of dark curls, then they can quite easily afford clearer lines and brown, beige or bronze colors. Blondes also have to remember that their white hair color is also capable of "washing the face", so they need to highlight their eyes with pencils and eyeliners.

  • Also, blondes should not forget that they are advised to emphasize the contour of the face. To do this, they must apply dark powder to their cheekbones.
  • Instructions

    In creating natural makeup, the main tools are no longer eyeliner and shadows, but foundation and blush. In order to create the impression of a fresh, natural complexion, you must first of all use the correct foundation and corrective pencil. There are no universal rules here, but remember that the foundation should be as close to your natural shade as possible, the blush should be chosen in natural pinkish, peach, beige tones, and lipstick should not be dramatically striking.

    Thoroughly cleanse your face and neck before applying makeup, then apply a moisturizer. Do not try to rub the cream with force, the movements should be light, massaging. Be sure to use the base before applying makeup. It will protect your skin from external influences and make your makeup look smoother and more durable.

    Disguise minor imperfections (, dark circles under, bursting blood vessels) with a correcting pencil. Do not forget that the concealer itself should be lighter in tone than your skin. In addition to problem areas, apply corrective strokes also on the folds, above and on the upper part of the cheekbones. This technique will give the face a fresh and rested look.

    Choose a liquid face tone with a light texture. It will be easier for them to even out the skin and create the illusion of "unpainted". Remember that the denser the texture of the foundation, the more artificial the face looks. You don't want to be around, do you?

    Choose eyeshadow and eyeliner in natural shades that match your natural colors. Keep in mind that in adulthood, bright with crisp lines often looks vulgar. It is preferable that the eyeliner and eyeshadow blend in with the skin rather than being striking at first glance. The blush should help shape the contour of the face and give it a fresh look. Therefore, when applying them, make sure that the boundaries of the strokes are not pronounced, and the blush themselves do not stand out on the skin.

    Match lipstick to the color of the blush, but do not overdo it with its saturation. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of shade, imagine your lips, when you are on a strong emotional lift, you are hot, you feel that you are overwhelmed with energy. It is this lip shade that will look the most natural and, emphasizing the youth of your face.

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    Tip 2: How to do natural makeup and not overdo it

    According to some makeup artists, natural makeup is one of the most difficult and at the same time the most demanded. When applied correctly, it should be barely noticeable and highlight the natural beauty of its owner. To do this makeup, you should adhere to some rules.


    First of all, you need to give an even and light skin tone. You can achieve a similar effect with a leveling make-up base and high-quality foundation. In addition, now completely weightless bases for makeup and BB-creams have appeared on the market, so some women prefer to use only them, or apply a layer of powder on top. In order for the powder to lay down invisibly, it is recommended to apply it with a special brush, and not with a sponge. Loose powder is most suitable in this case, not compact.

    If you have oily skin, then it is best to use matting agents, owners of combination skin should pay special attention to the T-zone. And girls with dry skin will need to resort to moisturizer and foundations with "satin" or "silk" prefixes.

    To make the foundation lighten in a thinner layer, you can apply it to your face with a damp sponge. Disguise redness and small pimples with a concealer pencil, and circles under the eyes with a concealer.

    It is recommended to apply a small amount of blush to the cheekbones to give the face a sculptural appearance. In the summer, it is better to replace them with a bronzer or powder a few shades darker. This will create a subtle tan. If you want to give your skin a glow, you can use a shimmery powder. However, owners of problem skin are not recommended to use it, otherwise all skin imperfections will be visible.

    Next, you need to color your eyebrows. To make the makeup look more natural, the eyebrow color should be in harmony with the shade of the hair. You can do eyebrow makeup using a special pencil or dark brown or black shadows.

    To make your look more expressive, you should draw a thin arrow with a dark brown, ash, smoky or black pencil along the lash line. For a wide-eyed effect, the line should only be applied to the upper or lower eyelid. It all depends on the structure of your eye. In this case, you should abandon saturated liners or liquid eyeliner, the pencil looks more natural.

    Next, you should apply matte beige or sand shadows to the eyelids, although you can do without them. At the end, you need to paint your eyelashes with brown or black mascara (one or two layers will be enough), and your lips with a transparent gloss or barely noticeable lipstick.

    Natural makeup, or, as stylists also call it, makeup without makeup, is very relevant, especially in the heat, when you don't want to put a lot of makeup on your face.

    Perfect skin

    For a natural looking make-up, you need to have radiant, healthy skin. For yours, moisturize it twice a day with special creams and tonics, morning and evening. Also, weekly masks will help her stay firm and supple. Refresh your foundation with light strokes with your fingertips before applying foundation.

    A beautiful face is the key to a well-chosen foundation. For daytime makeup, a light sand base, natural beige is suitable, for owners of a light complexion - porcelain tones. Apply foundation with a porous sponge in small, gentle strokes. Also, do not forget to take care of the areas around the eyes, this area needs special care, for example, use concealer.

    The next stage in makeup is the application of a light, subtle layer of powder. Mineral powder is the latest innovation in the fashion world. It fits perfectly on the surface of the face and gives it a shine for up to 12 hours.

    For a more subtle look, apply some rosy blush. In the winter season, when the complexion is not so bright, a highlighter is useful for you - this is a cream of a pearlescent shade, applied in a small amount all over the face, especially highlighting the cheekbones area.


    To give your eyes a nudelook, you need to choose only gentle, light shades of shadows, it is easier to say, pastel colors (for example, ivory, pistachio, moss green, lavender, mustard, vanilla, orchid). Creamy shadows are better and softer on the eyelid area. Combinations of two colors are also relevant for natural eye makeup, from a lighter, almost transparent shade to a deeper one. We do not recommend eyeliner and eyeliner. Also, for daytime makeup, you cannot use the "cat's eye" technology.

    Groom and take care of your eyebrows every day. Makeup artists will help you find the right shape. You should have a special small eyebrow brush. For natural make-up, you cannot use pencils, it is only possible to apply eye shadows in brown tones.


    Protect your lips from sunlight, wind or frost at any time of the year. Lips should always be your trump card. Fullness can be achieved with pink mother-of-pearl shades. Matte gloss or lipstick is more suitable for girls whose upper lip is much thinner than the lower one. If you prefer gloss or colored balms, then before applying them, stylists recommend a little line of lip contour.

    For lovers of lilac, peach, beige lipstick tones, stylists recommend "diluting" them with a colorless plumper.
    Holders of plump lips, just use honey shades of gloss.

    Natural makeup seems simple only at first glance. In order for your face to be perfect and attractive, you need to work on your makeup properly.

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    Natural makeup will never go out of style. It will be relevant always and at all times, as it is a kind of classic in the art of visage. To fulfill it, you need: a minimum of cosmetics and your ability and talent to apply these funds.

    The success of any makeup lies in well-prepared skin. Natural makeup is no exception. There are a number of simple rules, adhering to which you can perform makeup of any complexity. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin every night. Exfoliate once every three weeks or a month. At least 1-2 times a week, give your skin a "fasting day", letting it breathe and rest from decorative cosmetics. Pay close attention to the shape and condition of your eyebrows. Actually, these are all the rules. Next - the very algorithm for performing makeup in a natural style.

    The most important thing is an even and light skin tone. Aerobatics - to achieve the effect of its complete absence on the face. If your skin is less than ideal, you will need a foundation and a make-up base to smooth the skin surface before applying it. Many brands, having studied the demand, release very light and weightless makeup bases. Makeup lovers liked them so much that many girls and women prefer to apply only this light makeup base. Then everything is individual - someone is limited only to the base, and someone applies a light layer of foundation on top of it, and someone only powders the face.

    For oily skin, mattifying foundations and foundations are best. For combination skin, a balancing foundation that mattes the T-zone and moisturizes the cheeks, cheekbones and temples is the right choice. For owners of dry skin, it is better to use a good moisturizer before applying makeup, as well as a foundation with hint words - "satin", "silk", "creamy" (satin, silk, cream).

    It is recommended to use a shimmery makeup base to give the skin a glow. True, owners of oily skin should apply it only to the cheekbones and temples, avoiding the T-zone. All products must be applied evenly in a very thin layer, after applying the moisturizer. Many makeup artists recommend using a wet sponge to apply foundation and foundations.

    To correct local imperfections - bruises and circles under the eyes, disguise pimples, use masking pencils, correctors, concealers. It is also recommended to apply them in a light layer, with gentle application movements, slightly melting the funds on the fingertips.

    Then, if desired, you can apply a light loose powder or fixing powder. It is recommended to do this with a large brush. The powder will keep your make-up lasting and you will need to touch up less often throughout the day. Do not forget that you should not choose powders with a bronze effect and a pearlescent shine for a natural make-up.

    Using eyeliner, draw a thin line along the growth of your lashes. The shade of a pencil can be any, the main thing is a calm and soft pastel scale. Brown, dark gray, dark blue, smoky ash, graphite, quartz, chocolate, dark green - any shade will do. To achieve the effect of "open eyes", the pencil line should be drawn either on the upper eyelid or on the lower. It all depends on the structural features of your face.

    Apply a transparent blush to the cheekbones, opting for a natural shade. Do not forget - do not overuse blush. Take them to a minimum, each time adding intensity with light, sweeping movements, carefully blending them along the cheekbone line. Blush is an important part of any makeup. They are like "sculptors" of your face contour - they make the lines correct and smooth.

    Always remember the golden rule of makeup - focus on either the eyes or the lips. This rule is violated only in some techniques of evening, event, creative and other types of bright makeup. Natural makeup involves harmonious emphasis on the eyes and lips.

    The final touches are: the application of mascara (usually brown, gray or black, but without the volumizing and lengthening effects of theatrical lashes); transparent and light shadows; weightless and delicate shades of lipstick and lip gloss. Everything is very individual and depends on what kind of event you are facing.

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    “Should I paint my eyes with shadows or not? And what lipstick to take: red or pink? You can't go to work with bright makeup, maybe just apply mascara to your eyelashes? " - these and hundreds of other questions are asked by almost every woman in the morning, getting ready for work. How to do natural makeup to look perfect, will tell website.

    Perfect tone

    To perfect your complexion, use foundation, powder and concealer. Remember! Avoid using a foundation that is too dark, even if you want a more tanned look. When choosing a concealer for your face, make sure that it is no more than one tone lighter than the base.

    Bushy eyebrows

    Tidy up your eyebrows by filling in any possible voids with shadows, pencil or mascara. Remember to match your eyebrow color with your hair color. So, blondes are advised to use a light brown pencil, while brunettes can use darker shades of the palette.

    Focus on the eyes

    Bring the eyes with a light brown pencil or brown shadows, blend the lines with a brush. Apply eyeshadow as neutral as possible to the eyelids. On eyelashes - brown or black mascara.

    Delicate blush

    The perfect blush shade for natural makeup is beige pink. It is better to apply them with a large soft brush, which you can use to lightly touch the side of the neck. Remember to apply blush to the areas that stick out when you smile.

    Bright lips

    Despite the fact that we have natural makeup, we must definitely emphasize the beauty of the lips. Choose warm shades of lipstick or gloss and apply it to the lips with your fingers, so the makeup will look more natural.

    Perfect makeup for brunettes

    For a natural look, girls with darker hair can use black eyeliner. A translucent cherry shade of lipstick will look great on the lips.

    This is the perfect option for everyday make-up, which, by the way, can be easily turned into an evening one, simply by adding bright lipstick or accentuating the eyes with smoky eyes. The technique of the most natural makeup depends on the features of the appearance. Someone needs to concentrate on hiding skin imperfections: redness, acne marks, pimples. Someone needs to highlight the cheekbones, making the face visually slimmer (this is not about aggressive contouring, but about easy correction!). Others just want to make their skin more radiant and fresh by adding a little blush. We offer basic instructions for creating beautiful natural makeup. It can be modified depending on your tasks.

    How to do natural makeup

    Tonal basis

    The main task of this type of make-up is to make the skin even and smooth, while not overloading it with a huge amount of tonal means. The minimum required set of products for natural makeup is a concealer and foundation. With concealer, you can quickly cover up dark circles under the eyes and correct redness, while the foundation will help you achieve an even, beautiful complexion. Use products with creamy textures and apply them with your fingers or a damp sponge with light, fluttering movements. This will allow you to achieve high-quality shading, and the skin will look natural. If necessary, fix the result with mineral powder, especially if you suffer from oily sheen.


    A light, natural blush instantly refreshes and energizes your look. The main thing is to choose the right shade and not overlay too much color so that the blush does not look like separate bright spots on your face. Give preference to neutral peach or soft pink shades. In summer, bronzer can be used for tanned skin.


    As you could see for a long time, eyebrows immediately transform the face, therefore, for the correct natural make-up, they need to be given no less attention than the foundation. Wide eyebrows (only without tattooing!) Can be the main accent of a natural everyday make-up. Use an eyebrow shadow kit or a regular pencil.


    Basically, there will be enough mascara - black or brown. Don't put it in 3 layers, keep the doll lashes style for parties. It is not necessary to use eyeshadow for natural makeup. If you really want to, choose a palette in pastel natural colors - beige or pale pink.


    Complete your look with a calm, neutral lipstick or lip gloss. You can limit yourself only to a balm with a slight tinting effect.