How to make a snowman out of snow. How to make a snowman yourself from different materials (55 photos). More desserts for the New Year


Snow sculpting is one of the favorite children's activities. But the result may not always please. Much depends on the state of the "material". Today we learn about how to make a snowman from loose snow?

Winter walks are valued not only as a fun pastime. Clean frosty air helps to strengthen the immune system, improve well-being. Parents should not miss these days. Going out into nature or simply playing in the yard will perfectly brighten up the winter holidays for children.

This character has another name - Snowman. But few people know the history of this tradition. Who first came up with the idea of ​​sculpting such an interesting character from snow and when? There are no exact answers to this question. But there are historical references.

For example, in European countries, it symbolizes ancient creatures made of snow with supernatural powers with evil intentions. In the history of Russia, the first mentions are found in the Book of Hours of the 14th century, and the first images are found on engravings of the 16th century. Slavic peoples believe that this character is an echo of pagan traditions. It is believed that the ancient pagans worshiped this heroine - the mistress of snow, fog and blizzard. Why heroine? Because the forces of winter were attributed to the female sex. Accordingly, it was the Snowman that was sculpted - and not the snowman.

Another version, relevant today, believes that such modeling is Santa Claus's helpers. The "assistant" even has his own day - January 18th.

Sculpting technology

Winter activities are relevant for children of all ages. To get a good result with which you can show off to friends and take pictures for social networks, you need the help of adults. They help the kids make a beautiful snowman out of snow and provide important details.

Sticky snow is typical for spring when it begins to melt. It is great for sculpting different shapes. And when the soil is fresh and crunchy, it is more difficult to take shape. But children want to play and sculpt figures at this very moment. How to make a snowman correctly from dry snow? There are little secrets in this matter.

In order for the molding to keep its shape, it is recommended to use chintz bags sewn in advance. The volume of the bag depends on what size the character needs to be sculpted. Given the “physiognomy” of our character, where body parts have clear boundaries, the question arises: should the bag be solid or repeat the figure of the character?

On this score, everything is simple: let the bag be the same width along the entire length. The boundaries of the body parts are achieved with an elastic band or a thin rope. After the bag is stuffed with "material", the border lines are marked and tightly bandaged.

"Open your face" or how to make a face?

A piece of felt will help with this. Buttons, mittens and the nose of a fairy-tale character are made from it. To keep these parts firmly in place, the felt pieces should be soaked in warm water and carefully attached to the body. Control reception - splash all parts of the body with water from a spray bottle.

Also, don't forget the limbs. It's very simple. You need to take any shoes that the household does not wear, fill them with snow and attach moldings to the feet.

The ideal soil for modeling is sticky snow in the thaw. But you can't get bored with it either.

When the snowy winter comes, it's the perfect time to build a snowman! All you need to do is prepare three snowballs: one large, one medium and one small. Simply stack the clods on top of each other from largest to smallest; the latter will become the snowman's head. Then let your imagination run wild and decorate the snowman's face, make his hands, dress him up in any clothes and accessories you want!


Part 1

Search for wet snow and level ground

    Check how well the snow clumps. If it's too fluffy and crumbly, you won't be able to make a snowman. Go outside and grab a handful of snow with both hands. Try to crumple the snow into a snowball. If you manage to do this, then you can start sculpting a snowman.

    • If the snow crumbles, then it is not suitable for modeling. However, if you really want to build a snowman, you can try to add a little water to loose snow in the process of preparing snowballs, but this does not always work.
  1. Find a flat, snow-covered area on the lawn. If you build a snowman on a slope, it can tip over. Also, you should not sculpt a snowman on asphalt or cement roads and sidewalks, as they are heated by the sun more, in addition, there a snowman can interfere with cars and passers-by. Make sure the location you choose has enough snow to make a snowman.

    Try to position the snowman in the shade. If you want your snowman to stand for a long time and not melt ahead of time, blind it in a place where there is little direct sunlight. It would be nice to place the snowman near a large coniferous tree that creates enough shade. If you install a snowman next to a building, it will shade it from the sun.

    • The above tips will only help the snowman stand longer. If there is no shady place nearby, there is nothing to worry about.

    Part 2

    snowman modeling
    1. Prepare the snowball to create the bottom snowball. Scoop up a handful of snow with both hands. Form a ball-shaped snowball out of it. Gradually add more snow to it until the ball grows to 30 cm in diameter or becomes too heavy.

      • Be sure to wear warm, moisture-resistant gloves, otherwise your hands will be very cold from close contact with the snow.
    2. Roll up a large snowball for the bottom of the snowman. Place the snowball on the ground and start rolling it across the snowy ground. Make sure that the lump does not turn into a cylinder, for which regularly change the direction of movement. Keep working until you get a ball about a meter in diameter.

      • Stop the ball in the place where the snowman should stand. Start work somewhere near this place and gradually move towards it to stop there.
      • It is often convenient to roll snow in a spiral, but be aware that this leaves obvious marks in the snow.
      • Periodically tamp the lump with your hands so that the snow does not crumble from it.
    3. Roll up a medium com. Scoop up a handful of snow with both hands and form it into a dense snowball. Gradually add snow to the snowball until it becomes too heavy to handle. Put it on the ground and start rolling in the snow, as you did with the first lump. This time, stop when the ball is about 60 cm in diameter.

      • Roll the second ball in a spiral around the first or in a straight line from and to it. This way you don't have to carry the middle ball far to place it on the bottom one.
    4. Set the middle ball to the bottom one. Depending on your physical abilities, you may need to call someone for help to lift the heavy snowball. Bend your knees, and when you lift the load, make your legs work, not your back. Lift the middle ball and carefully place it on the bottom ball. Make sure the middle ball is centered on the bottom ball.

      • For stability, it will be useful to create a flat area at the top of the bottom ball, as well as a flat area at the bottom of the middle ball. This will help you more securely install the middle ball on the bottom one.
    5. Roll up a small top ball (about 30 cm in diameter) to make a snowman's head. Scoop up the last handful of snow to make the snowman's head. Blind a ball about 30 cm in diameter. You probably don't even have to roll this ball in the snow, but if you prefer, roll it up. When finished, carefully place a small ball on the previously prepared snowman's body.

      Reinforce where the clods meet with additional snow. Once you have all three parts of the snowman, pick up some more snow and seal the joints between the clods with it. This will give the snowman a coherent look from base to head, and it will no longer look like a stack of balls stacked on top of each other.

    Part 3

    snowman decoration
    1. Make a carrot nose for the snowman. Take a long fresh carrot (you can buy it at the grocery store) to make a snowman's nose. Stick it in the front center of the snowman's head. Make sure to leave enough space above and below the carrot to create the eyes and mouth.

      • Building a snowman is a completely creative process. If you have something else that you think would make a great snowman nose, use that item in place of the carrot.

Well, who among us did not sculpt snowmen in childhood! Children adore this traditional winter fun, and many adults are not averse to participating in it. And since the snow has fallen, it's time to go out of town on the weekend, where there is more "building material". Let's decorate the cottage with funny snowmen! You don’t think it’s enough to confine yourself to the banal “three snowballs, a carrot-nose, coal-eyes and a bucket on your head”? Everything can be much, much more interesting and exciting!

We create an image, or Accessories decide everything

For starters, I suggest rummaging through the cabinets-chests-boxes and bringing to light all sorts of useful items: old scarves and mittens; knitted hats and straw hats; glasses and kitchen aprons ... Paper flowers, beautiful buttons, shreds of bright fabric, New Year's masks, mops and brushes - we collect everything that can come in handy. And then, having meticulously examined our “treasures”, we proceed to creating an image

Necessary conditions for success - a sense of humor and a good mood

The talent of a sculptor or designer in this matter is not at all necessary. But to have a sense of humor and get down to business in a good mood is absolutely necessary. And then even a very simple set of a hat, scarf and gloves (preferably one color and bright ones) will turn ordinary snow globes into a cheerful snowman:

Hat, scarf and gloves set transforms a pair of ordinary snow globes into a fashionable snowman

This winter character is a big mod. Please note: even his eyes, nose and buttons are matched to the color of the outfit. Actually, such a laconic color scheme creates an image: red on white, bright and positive. But maybe use not ordinary hats, but New Year's ones? Santa's cap, deer mask... If you have such little things lying around somewhere, see what use they can find:

You can use not ordinary accessories, but New Year's

Or maybe you found a smoking pipe? This small detail alone can turn an ordinary snowman into a dashing pirate or a thoughtful detective - your choice. By the way, if you like the idea, but, unfortunately, there is no tube in the house, try to make an imitation of it - for example, from a measuring spoon for baby food ...

One small detail turns an ordinary snowman into a dashing pirate or brooding detective.

Western fans will surely appreciate the cowboy snowman. A cigar, a hat, a neckerchief - and now you have a conqueror of wild mustangs in front of you. You can make the image militant by handing your cowboy a toy revolver, or you can make it romantic: let him take a scarlet rose and go on a date with a snowy beauty ...

But these two have already met ... Laconically, but very expressively, don't you think? A sweet idea for romantic young ladies and just for those who are in love and ready to share their happiness with the whole world:

Nice idea for romantic young ladies and all lovers

In general, as you probably already noticed, each snowman has his own face. You can get by with very simple means to decorate the sculpted figures, because the main thing here is not luxurious decor, but ...

… mood and character

give your character a personality and convey it in facial expressions or posture. Here, for example, take a look at the proud posture of this dacha resident - you can immediately see who is the boss in the dacha in winter! And yet - nothing complicated, right? A cap with earflaps and a carrot nose turned up to the sky. But the character, as they say, is obvious ...

Character is the main thing! Come up with it for your character and convey it in facial expressions or posture

And the next character, it seems, is either sad, or thinking about something ... Maybe he is cold, despite warm clothes, or lonely in the country without owners? ..

The easiest way, perhaps, is to draw a smile or depict sadness with ordinary paints - at least like the snowmen in the next photo. And everyone understands who is in a good mood here, and who got up on the wrong foot:

And by the way, who said that the snowman should be in the singular? No, if there is still not enough snow, then more may not work ... But if nature has already become generous with materials for sculptures, it is worth thinking about a whole company of funny snow figures.

Sometimes just repeating a good idea is enough to multiply its effect many times over. Take a look, for example, at these “brave fellows” - one snowman in a black hat and scarf would, of course, look cute, but nothing more, and when there is a whole line of them ... Yes, and each one with its own character: one sadly hung his nose , the other has a chest with a wheel, the third dreamily looks somewhere into the distance ...

The effect of a good idea will increase many times over if it is repeated ... and again ... and again ...

Or you can gather a motley company, where there will be snowmen of different “ages” and “genders”, where some scenes will even play out between them ... If you are going to the dacha on New Year's holidays with a big company, take note of this idea: let everyone make a snow figure to your liking, and you will get a whole sculptural composition)) You can even organize a competition for the best snowman - the biggest, funniest or most charming

If there are many guests, then the main thing is that there is enough snow for everyone. Well, it is advisable to think over the place for the "exposition" in advance, so that in a fun bustle you do not trample your favorite perennials wintering under the snow, do not break the beds in the garden. By the way, the lawn is also not the best place for such entertainment: being carried away by sculpture, you can literally roll the snow cover down to the state of asphalt, which is not at all useful for the grass under it. Let the lawn sleep peacefully until spring - for winter fun, you should choose a better place

The main thing is that there is enough snow for everyone

If the "crowd" of snowmen in the country is not included in your plans, you can limit yourself to a cheerful couple. These, for example, clearly have a happy date. Probably, they ran to the rink ...

These snowmen obviously have a happy date...

And these have already settled down - they manage the housework ... In order for your snowmen to turn into a real decoration of the dacha and make up an original composition, it is better to think over the details of its design in advance. Yes, and sculpting figures will be more convenient if you know what exactly you want to portray, because moving a finished snowman to another place in your own height is a very difficult task ...

housekeeping couple

Well, over time, a happy snow couple has a baby. A cheerful family of snowmen is a charming decoration for a winter cottage, don't you agree?

A cheerful family of snowmen is a charming decoration for a winter cottage

And let these sculptures be short-lived - the more space for new creativity. Do not limit your imagination, try to come up with something completely new, unusual, unexpected...

Look at it differently!

For example, why did everyone decide that a snowman must certainly begin with a large snow globe and end with a bucket or some other kind of headdress? And if turn everything upside down?.. See what can come of this:

If you have a bench in your garden, and it is not completely covered with snow yet, plant a snowman there. In fact, why should he spend his whole life standing up?!

He sat, full of great thoughts, and looked into the distance ...

If modeling is not your forte, or the snow is not plastic enough to realize your plan, use accessories and additions to make the image stand out. Blind on the bench a very simple basis for the future figure (or two) and dress it up as you wish, making arms and legs from branches, thick wire or ropes, or other suitable material:

Use accessories and additional materials

Even the simplest snowman will look original if he has an unusual environment. How are we used to? The figurine is in the middle of the "open field". Well, or under a tree, in extreme cases ... And how do you like such a goalkeeper, for example? ..

Finally, you can try to blind a snowy animal of a strange kind. And even if it turns out to be not too similar to what was intended, it does not matter! If only everyone had fun and interesting! Please note: it is better to engage in such creativity in a thaw, when the snow is dense and sticky, otherwise it will be too difficult to sculpt small details.

You can mold a snowy animal of an outlandish look

Snow animals can be large, or they can be completely miniature. Masters and craftsmen create real masterpieces from snow and ice (and we will certainly talk about this some other time), but if you do not feel such talents in yourself, this is not a reason to deny yourself pleasure.

Unknown little animal

In the end, then you can hold a contest "Guess the animal." Who will be able to understand who the sculptor was trying to portray receives a sweet prize. Here in this photo, for example, what kind of animal is this? Deer? Or maybe a lamb? Or is it just a poodle?

Perhaps some of you, friends, are now sighing sadly: “But we don’t even have snow ... And when it will be - it’s unknown ...” It doesn’t matter! Even if the weather is dull gray outside, we are quite capable of creating a small snow miracle. You will find a lot of simple ideas for him in the selection

No snow? No problem! The main thing is that there is a desire and mood!

The main thing is what? That's right - desire and mood! Then even on the sunny southern beach you can make a funny ... sandbox! Well, yes and what? New Year is coming soon!

Instead of a snowman, you can make a sandman. Why not?..

Have you already made snowmen this year? Share your masterpieces in the comments! Or at least tell us about your plans! Winter is just beginning - we have everything ahead of us ...

The New Year is just around the corner. Absolutely everyone is looking forward to this holiday, especially children! We associate the New Year with snow and all the accompanying winter fun: sledding, skiing, skating and, of course, a snowman. As soon as the first snow falls, the children run into the yards to make a snowman.

But what if there is no snow, but the soul needs a snowy friend? Nothing is impossible in the world, especially on the eve of the New Year! You can make a real snowman not only from snow, and in this article we will tell you in detail and even show you how!

paper snowmen

You can make snowmen with your own hands from any materials, even the most unexpected ones, but we will start with a simple one - from paper. Well, firstly, everyone has paper in the house, even those who are completely far from needlework. In any case, there will definitely be a couple of sheets of white paper. And for the snowman, we just need white paper. And secondly, paper crafts are quite simple and straightforward to manufacture.

#1 Draw a snowman

Here is a great craft idea for kindergarten - a snowman in a snow globe. You need to cut out two simple blanks from colored paper, by the way, kids can do it on their own, the elements are large and do not require special care. And then in the ball with your fingers draw a snowman and snowfall. Craft snowman in kindergarten is ready!

And here is another craft idea for the little ones. Snowmen in this case are drawn using corks from plastic bottles. You need two plugs of different sizes (larger and smaller). Smear with white paint and make an imprint. Finish the face, pens and buttons with felt-tip pens when the paint is completely dry. A hat and scarf can be made from colored tape, colored paper or felt, for example.

#2 Applications

Easy-to-make snowman crafts - using the applique technique. You will need white paper, glue and a little imagination. The simplest option is three circles glued to a sheet of colored or painted paper for contrast. You can additionally decorate the craft with glitter, sequins, stickers, etc.

Here is another version of a simple craft using the applique technique. The snowman does not look straight, but up, which adds magic and reality to the craft.

But a slightly more complex version with small decorative elements. You can download the snowman template and decor elements below the picture.

And here is a snowman craft that can be hung on a Christmas tree as a toy or used as a gift tag, indicating to whom the gift is intended and from whom.

And here is a version of a snowman for kindergarten. The kid can quite cope with such a task, and most importantly, he will not have time to lose interest, because almost everything can be done by himself.

Here's a great advent calendar. You can make such a craft with a child, and it will be very convenient for him to count the days until the most important holiday or until the holidays. You can download the template below the photo.

And some more ideas:

See more:

#3 Origami

You can also make a snowman out of paper using the origami technique. There is nothing complicated, you just need to clearly follow the instructions, which are detailed in the picture below.

#4 Volumetric snowmen

You can also make voluminous snowmen out of paper. Here, for example, is a three-dimensional geometric snowman, which you can easily make using ready-made templates, which you can download under the picture. How to fold the workpiece is described in detail in the MK in the picture.

And here is the same snowman, only melted. You can also download the scheme under the master class.

And here is a snowman with a voluminous belly. Draw a blank for the snowman's body and additionally cut out a few circles to fit the bottom of the snowman. Bend the circles in half and glue together, and then glue to the workpiece. A do-it-yourself voluminous snowman and a Christmas tree is ready!

And some more ideas:

# Vytynanki

If you have never heard of vytynanka, then it's time to get acquainted with this type of needlework. What are these very vytynanki - these are carved paper patterns. Moreover, you can cut out not only abstract patterns, but also entire concrete compositions. Vytynkami often decorate the windows of schools, kindergartens, shops and office buildings. Winter compositions look especially beautiful. Perhaps that is why it is customary for us to decorate windows with cutters precisely on New Year's holidays. You can find ready-made snowman templates below.

You'll like it:

Snowmen from felt

Felt is rightfully considered an excellent material for needlework. From this seemingly unremarkable material, you can create incredible crafts. In this article, you will find more than 30 DIY snowman craft patterns and patterns.

Patterns and patterns:

See more:


If you are a jack of all trades and are great with thread and needle, then you definitely need to do embroidery with a snowman this New Year. Here you will find more than 40 cutest schemes.


snowman treats

You can also decorate the New Year's table with snowmen. Thematic treats for children's holidays are especially relevant. So if you are planning a big children's party, be sure to pay attention to the snowmen in the form of treats.

An unusual delicacy awaits guests from salty rings and white chocolate. You will need: chewing toffee, rings, chocolate (white and dark). Put the toffee on the parchment and put a little melted chocolate in the center. Then put the rings in this place and secure with chocolate again. Fill the rings themselves with chocolate and decorate with chocolate chips (eyes, nose, mouth, buttons). Wait for the chocolate to harden and wrap the scarf with toffee. The treats peel off the parchment very easily. It remains only to put the snowmen on a plate!

And here are the snowmen on a stick. For cooking, you will need sandwich cookies, white chocolate, chocolate chips and red round sweets. Place cookies on a stick and dip in chocolate. Immediately decorate with chocolate chips and red candy and send to dry. Dry can be put on parchment, the chocolate will not stick and will not be erased.

And to prepare such a treat you will need: chocolate (white and dark), bread sticks, marmalade for the nose. First, dip each stick in white chocolate and place tightly against each other on parchment paper. Wait for complete drying. After this design, dip in dark chocolate (for a hat), draw eyes, a mouth and put a gummies nose. Wait for it to dry and try!

Here is such a delicious gift that you can decorate as a snowman. You will need powdered donuts, a plastic bag, red ribbon, black paper, and a marker. You can buy donuts at the store or make your own. Well, then everything is simple: put it in a bag, tie it with a ribbon (like a scarf), stick a hat and draw a muzzle. Great gift for a work colleague!

But a special treat - melted snowmen. Take a cookie, put chewing marshmallows (marshmallows) on it, cover with foil, send it to the oven for a few minutes. The marshmallow will melt a little. Now put on the second marshmallow on top, draw a muzzle and decorate with marmalade or sweets. Use toothpicks as handles.

More desserts for the New Year:

Snowmen Christmas balls

You can make a snowman with your own hands from Christmas balls. For such a craft, you will need either a special blank or an old Christmas ball. Below are a few master classes on making snowmen from Christmas balls with your own hands.

To make such a snowman, you will need a ball blank, an old sock, acrylic paint (or gouache), and a marker. Cut off the sock and put it on the ball. Pour a little paint inside the ball and twist the workpiece so that the paint evenly covers the walls of the ball from the inside. Tie a sock on top and draw the snowman's eyes, nose and mouth. Christmas tree toy snowman is ready!

And here is another simple option for making a Christmas tree toy in the form of a snowman with your own hands. For manufacturing, you will need a ball blank, foam balls or white beads, a marker. Pour foam or white beads into the blank to the top, close the ball and draw a face. Christmas ball-snowman is ready!

Here is another variation on the theme of foam balls or beads. The only difference between this MK and the previous one is the decor of the ball itself, i.e. snowman. In this craft, the Snowman is additionally decorated with warm headphones. As an option, you can put on a hat, cap, or a more traditional option for us - a bucket.

And here is about the same snowman from a Christmas ball, only artificial snow is poured inside the blank.

Here is a great craft for kids. Kids still don’t know how to draw properly, but they will definitely be able to decorate a Christmas ball with snowmen from fingerprints. Detailed MK look at the photo below.

And this option is suitable for those who do not have a blank, but have an ordinary Christmas ball that is not decorated with anything.

And some more ideas for inspiration:

More Christmas balls:

Snowmen from improvised materials

It often happens that you want to do creativity, but there is nothing at hand. Someone gets upset and leaves this venture until better times, while someone is looking for other opportunities. And rightly so, you can do crafts with your own hands from a variety of and sometimes unexpected materials that are sure to be found in every home. Now we will talk about such crafts.

#1 Snowmen from cotton pads

It is difficult to find a woman or a girl who does not have cotton pads. And they make wonderful New Year's crafts, especially when it comes to snowmen. The cotton pad already initially has the correct round shape, so you don’t need to cut anything out.

To create a volume of crafts, you can put a little ordinary cotton wool between the disks. Then the craft will resemble a miniature soft toy.

With kids, you can make applications from cotton pads by framing them like a picture or making, for example, a postcard for grandma or dad.

More crafts from cotton pads:

If there were no cotton pads, cotton balls are also suitable for crafts. In extreme cases, just tear small pieces of ordinary cotton wool and glue. That will make it even more interesting.

Well, how exactly to stick cotton wool is up to you. Turn on your imagination, and the ice cream snowman is not the limit!

#2 Snowmen from paper plates

Cool crafts can be made from ordinary paper plates. You will find a step-by-step master class on making a snowman-skier below. The craft will appeal to both kids and older children.

And here is a simpler option: a triangle snowman. Ideal for kindergarten.

Or, for example, another simple do-it-yourself snowman, which can be made with kindergarten-age children. Simple, fast, cute!

And of course, a shiny snowman. We have all seen how snow shimmers in the sun. So that our snowman also shimmers like that, we will cover it with coarse salt. A couple of buttons for the eye, a couple for the blush - and the snowman is ready!

#3 Snowmen from paper cups

From improvised materials for making a snowman, paper cups are also suitable. Additionally, for decor, you will need a few strips of felt, a pom-pom and fluffy wire. See step by step photo instructions below.

#4 Snowmen from plastic cups

You can also make a snowman with your own hands from plastic cups. The statue turns out to be huge and is better suited for street decor. So if there is no snow, gather the kids from the yard and make a snowman without snow for the whole yard! Snow-snow, and the festive mood should be no matter what!

#5 Snowman from plastic bottles

By the way, healthy snowmen are obtained from ordinary plastic bottles. So if you collect garbage separately, it's finally time for plastic bottles. Forward decor! By the way, plastic bottle snowmen can be used as skittles for New Year's bowling! Sign the number of points on each snowman and the whole family will enjoy the New Year holidays!

More ideas:

#7 Snowmen from salt dough

If you haven’t found anything suitable for crafts, then it’s time to do crafts from salt dough. Real sculptors definitely have a place to roam here. Well, kids can do crafts using fingerprints.

#8 Snowmen from old light bulbs

As an improvised material for making New Year's snowman crafts, you can use old burnt out light bulbs. A little glue, glitter and an old unnecessary light bulb turns into an original snowman!

A snowman is an essential attribute of the long-awaited winter and everyone's favorite New Year holidays. Cheerful and active fun unites people of different ages, interests and views and leaves only pleasant emotions. How to make a snowman? It would seem that the matter is small - a little snow, plus a drop of effort, diligence, and the trick is in the bag. Not at all! It turns out that you also need to be able to sculpt a snowman.

Of course, no matter how the snowman turns out, whether he is a solid handsome man or a little freak with a sluggish carrot, this does not take away positive emotions and fun. However, the positive result of collective work is a huge plus. In addition, a large and beautiful snowman will surely become a decoration of the yard and a source of pride for its creators. So, let's reveal some secrets.

When is the best time to build a snowman?

First of all, you should know when to sculpt a snowman is possible and when not. For example, the idea will not succeed in the cold, and the reason for this is very commonplace - the snow simply does not mold. The ideal temperature for making a snowman is between plus one and minus one degree. It is then that the snow is malleable to the formation of lumps of various shapes from it, and the weather is entirely on your side!

Ideal Shapes

If the mercury column of the thermometer is in the right position, we sculpt a small ball of the correct shape with our hands and begin to roll it in the snow in different directions. Who has grown to the right size? Then it remains to install it where it was planned, and a third of the work is done. However, the first time it is rarely possible to make the ball perfectly even and smooth. Unnecessary bulges are best removed with gloved hands. So the contours and shapes will be neat and clear.

By the way, in addition to the traditional three balls of a snowman, you can also make additional clods that will serve as a snow figure with their feet.

snowman support

So, all three balls are ready and placed one on top of the other in the right order. It would seem that this is the end of the matter. But no. In order for the snowman to be as stable as possible, not to roll over, and even more so not to fall after a couple of hours, a small, even stick should be driven into the upper ball. Ideally, it should pass through all three balls, enter the ground and at the same time not stick out of the “head” of the snowman. If the tip of the stick is still visible from above, this drawback can be eliminated with the help of additional accessories, for example, by putting a hat on the snowman.


"Meet by clothes"

Building a snowman is not enough. To make it beautiful and look believable, and not resemble a faceless block of snow, it must be decorated. And this should not be done tritely, because traditional snowmen with carrots instead of a nose and buckets on their heads have long ceased to amaze passers-by.

So, five sure ways to dress up a snowman:

  • The first step is the face. Carrot for the nose is an essential attribute. However, her choice should be approached responsibly: she should be beautiful, even and in no case lethargic. Eyes, nose and mouth can be made using small twigs, pebbles, coals or even buttons.
  • In order to make hands for the snowman, two branches can be inserted on the sides. The main thing is that they be of the same length and more or less the same shape.
  • The snowman also needs to be dressed. The traditional bucket on the head can be replaced with an unnecessary old hat or hat, a scarf can be tied around the neck, and a number of bright buttons must be stuck to the two lower balls.
  • If there are old things in the house that lie on the shelves simply because it is a pity to throw them away, they are ideal for diversifying the snowman. For example, you can make a figure legs by placing old sandals next to it.
  • Additional accessories can be used as decorations, for example, a broom, a broom or a shovel.

More colors!

In addition to the usual accessories, the snowman can also be decorated. This is absolutely not difficult and is done using ordinary gouache, but it is best to use spray paint .. How to paint a snowy friend? Here you should give free rein to your imagination: draw a snowman with a wide smile, a charming blush, decorate his “fur coat” with patterns, or simply give each of the balls a different color.

How to make a themed snowman

If you are building a snowman with your children, you can invite them to choose her desired image for themselves. Armed with paints and all the necessary accessories, you can make not only a classic-looking woman, but even a princess, a ballerina or a pirate out of a snow figure! The main thing is a little imagination and, of course, the presence of appropriate attributes (for example, a princess will need a crown, a ballerina will need a tutu, and a pirate will be recognizable thanks to an eye patch).

Tamara and I go together

If time and desire allow, you can make not one snowman, but a couple. So one of them can be a respectable man with a butterfly around his neck, and the second - a beauty with red beads. If the technique of sculpting a snowman has already been thoroughly mastered, in addition to it, you can invite children to build more complex figures from snow, for example, a bunny or a bear.

To serve longer

If the snowman turned out neat and beautiful, I want it to stand longer. In order to achieve this, the figure must be made ice.

Spray the snowman lightly with cold water using a spray bottle or broom. When the droplets on it harden, the procedure can be repeated several more times. Thus, the snow creation will be protected by a thin ice crust. If such protection does not seem reliable enough, early in the morning, after a frosty night, a snowman can be doused with cold water from a bottle. In the cold, it will harden in just a few minutes, and will stand for a long time!

And finally, it is worth remembering that a snowman is made of snow, which, like water, is able to remember information. Thus, the energy of the hands of its creator will definitely affect the finished figure. So in addition to warm clothes and mittens, as well as gouache and accessories that you may need for decoration, you should arm yourself with the best mood and positive emotions.