How a woman ceases to be a woman. Women's disadvantages

Indiscriminately accusing all men of being goats, women forget that they themselves are not perfect. Everyone has their own shortcomings, and men, if they wish, can also present a long list of claims to the fair sex. Which female flaws most annoying men?

Female disadvantages: excessive need for attention

Of course, everyone needs attention. But women often forget that even in the most loving couples, each partner needs personal space. At the beginning of a relationship, a couple can feel great, spending almost 24 hours a day together. But after some time, the man begins to feel the need to take a breath of fresh air, while the woman continues to demand attention from him, takes all his free time, to the point that she drags him shopping with her.

It is necessary to give a man personal space - he must have time that he can spend as he wants. If he decides to spend it with you, great. If not, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. It's just that his life does not end with your relationship, and this is absolutely normal. One of the biggest is to limit them all your life. Be self-sufficient and be able to observe the golden mean: if a woman shows love and care, but at the same time does not “strangle” a man with them, this is a great dignity, which more than covers many female shortcomings.

Women's Flaws: Jealousy

Jealousy is normal. As long as you can keep yourself within the bounds of decency. It's one thing when a man clearly and unequivocally gives a reason for jealousy (for example, he comes home from work in a shirt stained with lipstick, smelling of women's perfume, and says that he had business negotiations with suppliers). Another - when a woman is paranoidly jealous of him with or without, reads his SMS, correspondence on social networks and e-mail, calls every five minutes and follows him.

Many women's shortcomings pale before jealousy. Excessive jealousy is not a sign of love at all, it is a manifestation of a sense of possessiveness and self-doubt. Any relationship is built on trust., and what kind of trust can we talk about when trying to control every step of a partner and question everything that he tells you? By the way, jealousy is also associated with the previous drawback - the desire to occupy the entire living space of a partner.

Women's disadvantages: excessive emotionality

Women for the most part are more unrestrained in the manifestation of emotions than men: this is due to physiological, psychological and emotional reasons. But emotions need to be controlled. A woman who sheds a tear while watching a sentimental melodrama evokes emotion. A woman throwing a tantrum over a broken nail is repulsed.

You need to keep your emotions in check: men do not like capricious, hysterical women. And especially no need to use emotions to manipulate a man: few people like to feel like a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer, and sooner or later he will guess that you have prepared for him just such a role. But it’s also not worth going to the other extreme, turning into a callous and emotionless “iron lady”.

Women's disadvantages: what else?

In fact, the list of women's shortcomings can be continued, if not endlessly, then for a very long time, and many of them are a paradox! - contradict each other. Excessive preoccupation with their appearance and complete disregard for it; overprotection and lack of attention to a man; laziness and workaholism; distrust of a man and blind devotion; inability to agree and excessive complaisance; a woman can be too smart and too stupid, too modest and too uninhibited ...

So what does this say? About the inconsistency of men? About their desire to find fault with everything they can? No no and one more time no. First of all, this means that a disadvantage is any quality taken to an extreme A: bad all that too. In addition, all men are different: what seems like a disadvantage to one may be perceived as a virtue by others.

Finally, men still love women, despite all their feminine flaws. Of course, this does not mean that you need to sit on their necks; as far as possible necessary . It just means that not everything is as bad as it might seem.

A is a car. A woman driving is scarier than a monkey with a grenade. This is already so banal that it is unworthy of mention. And yet it is an irrefutable fact.

B - chatting on the phone. Only a woman can chat sweetly on the phone for two hours, and then ask: "Who am I talking to?" - and find out that the person just got the wrong number.

B is extortion. “And Masha’s husband bought a new fur coat,” she will say, and thoughtfully lower her eyes. Half an hour later, he inadvertently drops: "And Svetka's boyfriend gave a ring with a diamond." In another 15 minutes you will find out about Ira, and about Yulia, and about Tanya ... To stop this mockery, you have to rush to the store for the "wonderful boots" that she looked after.

G - lipstick. Some scientist calculated that a man eats at least 3 kilograms of lipstick in his entire life. Women say that they paint their lips in order to please men, but in fact they are simply shamelessly poisoned.

D - diet. You come home from work tired, angry and hungry. You open the refrigerator, and there are three carrots in the company with a lettuce leaf. She bats her eyelashes innocently, "Honey, I'm on a diet. Maybe you should try?"

E is food. The inability to cook is the worst female flaw. Compared to him, the seven deadly sins are just childish babble. Everyone knows what the way to a man's heart lies through.

J - pretense. And why are women so fond of breaking down, grimacing, always pretending to be touchy?

Z is a mirror. The most sophisticated torture for a woman: buy her a dozen fashionable dresses and lock her in a room without a mirror.

And hysteria. All women are hysterics, and those who are not hysterical simply skillfully pretend.

K - karma, horoscopes and divination. Only women believe in all this, and then they write ads in the dating newspaper: "A lonely Virgo-Monkey will meet a wealthy Gemini-Rat to create a strong family." And how can a normal man understand this?

L is logic. The wife tells her husband a story. The husband is interested: "Are you confusing anything, dear?" Wife: "I'm confused? So you want to say that I'm telling a lie? I'm telling a lie - it means I'm lying. I'm lying - it means I'm lying. Dogs are lying. Oh, you called me a bitch ?!"

M - soap operas. How can you watch 348 episodes of a film whose events can be fit into one short film?

N - whining. If they asked me what I would agree to endure: a aching tooth or a aching wife, I would agree to the first, and this, as you know, is not a pleasant pleasure.

Oh, resentment. Women will always find a reason to make an elephant out of a fly and be offended.

P - girlfriends. She can complain about the catastrophic lack of time and at the same time chat for hours with a friend in a cafe, on the Internet or on the phone.

R - extravagance. Women are very fond of wasting money, especially strangers.

C - fears. Well, how can a normal, mentally healthy person be afraid of cockroaches, spiders or worms?

T - mother-in-law. It's like in socialist times: good goods were sold only with a load. In addition to a pretty bride, you will definitely get a mother-in-law.

U - accusations. To endlessly reproach a man for anything - that he does not pay attention or pays too much of it, that he is too smart or vice versa - a favorite female pastime.

F - flirting. For some reason, women believe that if you make eyes at everyone, flirt and flirt recklessly, then you will pass for a sociable and pleasant young lady. If only they knew what we call such persons.

C - cellulite. Not every man really knows what it is. But everyone secretly hates this mysterious word, because it is because of him that she goes on a diet, disappears from morning to evening in a fitness club and refuses to wear a short skirt that suits her so well.

H - eccentricities. Women themselves never know what they want, so sometimes their desires look, to put it mildly, unusual.

Sh - shopping. A man who has experienced this at least once in his life is worthy of the order.

E - emancipation. An emancipated woman is not her own mistress, but her own servant. Well, let her serve - we, men, will not interfere with her.

Yu - female humor. Nothing like it exists in nature.

I am venomous.

Once upon a time...

…I heard such expression as “be yourself”. Even at a young age, I did not understand HOW you can not be yourself. Because I know that I am me. Not anyone, but me!

And how does it feel to “not be yourself”? If not by yourself, then by whom? And how to live when you are NOT you? Pretend, right? Deceive? Wear masks? Play roles - strangers, not yours ... How does a woman cease to be a woman, how does this happen?

Then I really didn’t understand how you can NOT be yourself ...
However, life is magical. And, being a woman, throughout my life I had to observe how many women periodically become “not themselves”. Some for short periods of time, others for longer periods. Someone understanding what he is doing, and someone in perfect “forgetfulness”.

Now I have to state with bitterness the fact that many, yes - many women live not their own, not real lives, play roles, wear masks and thus lose themselves.
And, sometimes, these roles and masks get used to life so much that she forgets that she is first and foremost a woman. A goddess woman, a keeper woman, a guardian of the clan and family, a woman giving birth and creating, a real one.

And then, as if on knurled, life begins to flow according to someone else's scenario. A woman begins to PLAY, not to live, and ceases to be a woman.

Often a woman is not aware of the existence of the game itself. And, since she herself is in a state of “playing out” life, she automatically expects the same from those around her. The general game is turned on, the effect of manipulation arises. And their men are the first to get caught in the crossfire.

A woman loses her femininity, forgets her destiny, makes mistakes, ceases to feel and create the world, behaves incorrectly with a man - her divine companion.

And, worst of all, she begins not to create, like the Goddess, but to destroy. To destroy oneself, a man, a family, a family, a world...

What accompanies the loss of feminine divinity? What behavior of a woman leads to destruction? How does a woman stop being a woman?

How does a woman stop being a woman?

1. Lack of cleanliness and beauty in clothes

A woman should maintain beauty in appearance, dress cleanly.

Modern fashion is not always generous to women. More and more designers are competing, who will create an outfit more interesting, more unusual, original. Many of the women "trust" them, and dress up, playing along with fashion. Sometimes without caring that some parts of the body become too accessible for the opposite sex.

Thus, women do not acquire beauty, they forget about purity. By dressing too revealingly, they revive impure thoughts in men. A man looks at a woman dressed “openly” only through the prism of the desire of her body. Automatically.

The lustful look hurts energetically, breaking through the self (aura) of a woman. There is destruction.

The look of a loving man caresses, the woman feels admiration, amazement. This fills her with strength, that she is loved, that she is a Goddess and wants to create.

2. The desire to quickly solve the mystery

A woman should have a mystery, a zest. Crazy phrase, right? However, what it means at a deeper level - not everyone can say.

In fact, a woman is like water. You never know which direction it will “flow” now. There are many currents in her soul, directions. It can be calm, like a centuries-old pond, or it can turn into a raging and swift waterfall in an instant.

Agree, sometimes we, women, do not always understand the motives of our behavior. And what can we say about our dear men. They are ready to rush into the pool with their heads, just to comprehend the riddle of their beloved woman. And they will do it again, and again, and again, trying to accomplish a feat - knowing their woman. To infinity.

In an effort to reveal everything secret about herself at the first acquaintance, a woman makes a mistake. After all, if a man comprehends the secret of a woman, he loses interest in her - he has already won! What's the point of fighting on?

How many lives are not arranged due to the fact that girls, fearing to lose a man, quickly allow him to their body, open the veil of secrecy to him. How many families have been destroyed because a woman ceases to keep her secret, kills a riddle in herself: she walks with a man in curlers, cooks ordinary dishes, ceases to interest a man.

Don't be in a hurry to reveal your secret. Let the unraveling happen gradually. Then not only the outer shell will be important, but also the soul.

3. Give in to me. After all, I'm a woman!

One of the great manipulations of women is the excessive use of female power.

What is the strength of a woman? When a woman knows how to be soft, plastic, flexible, she trusts the opportunity to protect and control a man.

The moment a woman begins to use her femininity unfairly, manipulation occurs. With the help of frequent and excessive whims, tears, female flirtatious insults like “well, honey, I’ll be offended,” a woman begins to control. That is, he puts on the role of a man (yes, even in such a veiled way), steps on the male path - on the path of management. And is she at this time?

By becoming a “man”, even if not a real one, a woman destroys herself. Harassing her surroundings with her whims, she destroys relationships. Who wants to be controlled?

Without even realizing what kind of arsenal a woman uses at the moment of whims, a man will intuitively try to escape from the manipulator. That is why relationships cannot be kept on whims and insults for a long time. Everyone wants freedom.

Therefore, even coquettishly and innocently flapping her eyelashes in front of her man, a woman must clearly understand that everyone has their own freedom. And be honest with yourself and the environment, so as not to manage life like a man. And be yourself as a woman.

4. Quarrels and gossip

Quarreling, getting involved in gossip and recha, a woman enters into a state of struggle. The lack of acceptance of someone else's point of view, someone else's opinion plunges a woman into confrontation.

In an effort to prove and impose her point of view, her outlook on life, a woman acts in a masculine way.

Consider the gossip and bickering from the position of a man / woman. When a woman contradicts her man, he, trying to prove his case, automatically takes the position of a warrior. And here there are two scenarios.

Option one, when a man begins to “put pressure” on a woman in response, show irritation and aggression, show his strength.

Option two, when a man, losing respect, as if not wanting to "dirty his hands", goes aside. Because he feels that the “opponent” is weak and there is no point in competing with a woman.

When a woman truly supports a man and trusts him, even if she thinks that he is making the wrong decision, circumstances will develop successfully in the future, supported by female strength, faith and wisdom.

5. I myself, or let my will be done

A woman is very self-sufficient by nature.

What can't a woman do? She will give birth to a son, plant a tree, build a house. It even flies into space. How many different professions women have mastered - they can do a lot, learn with ease, quickly embody.

However, it is important to remember that a woman cannot fulfill one of her main missions - to continue the race, to give birth to a child - without a man.

Living life in the position “I can do everything myself”, a woman destroys her man. And even their children.

Because children learn from their parents' examples, not words, it's important to remember that when the mother is bossy, the daughter will be bossy too.

A boy, seeing a “strong” mother and a “weak” father, will never learn to make decisions on his own and be responsible for them. And he is unlikely to be able to truly fall in love with a “powerful” woman.

It is important to remember that children most often exhibit the qualities and patterns of behavior that are present in their parents, even if they stubbornly hide them.

It is unnatural when a woman acts without the help of a man. The ability to ask a man for help, to express his request to him is vital for both sexes.

A man, fulfilling the requests of a woman, develops fortitude, moves, constantly finding new solutions, new options for the development of events. A woman learns to trust what is happening, develops a sense, acceptance.

Such interaction in tandem excludes opposition. A woman creates harmony and peace, following her feminine destiny.

Appeal to yourself

Perhaps, reading this article, you, dear woman, remembered the moments when you put on a mask one way or another, played the wrong, not your role. She wasn't herself, a woman.

I will say this: with whom it does not happen! You should not go back to the past now and blame yourself for your actions, for living in accordance with the present.

The real role of a woman, the importance of a woman's way in our time is greatly distorted. Women have new priorities: to become successful, not to depend financially on a man, to achieve freedom, to owe nothing to anyone - and most importantly, to achieve everything by yourself.

Most women have forgotten their purpose - to create like a woman, to create harmony and peace, to unite their own kind and the kind of a man, and lead to well-being. They forgot that they are Goddesses, Beregini, Guardians.

Now the memory of the female soul is being revived more and more. More and more women are becoming themselves, real, without extraneous roles and masks.

It's not always easy. Indeed, in order to learn to live in a new way, to learn to act honestly, a lot of effort is required.

But I believe that we, women, have a unique gift of birth and creation! And we, the Goddesses, only have to want to - and every particle of the universe will help us live like a woman, following her feminine destiny.

I believe in you, dear women! I believe in us!

Every day, waking up in the morning, remind yourself that you are and will be YOURSELF - a woman, a Goddess, a Protector, a Guardian.

May the feminine power be with us!

Every woman has flaws, which ones bother men the most?

As you know, opposites attract. Perhaps that is why we are so fragile, feminine and so attractive to the opposite sex. Of course, there are some points in appearance or in character traits that men would like to change in us. So, let's see what they dislike most about women? Let's alphabetically distribute women's shortcomings.

BUT- aggressive style of clothing (unisex), makeup, hairstyles (too short haircuts), actions ... Women look like the stronger sex in their appearance and behavior. As you know, opposite charges attract, and unipolar ones, alas, repel.

B- stocked closet. And at the same time, men often hear the phrase: “Honey, I have absolutely nothing to wear…”

AT- vulgarity, which can manifest itself in too bright colors of clothes. In addition, red lipstick on the lips, a thick layer of “plaster” on the face, a sharp scent of perfume, shiny “pendant” earrings, etc.

G- bare tummy and no waist. It seems that it is impossible to distinguish where the waist ends and the hips begin.

D- diet. Tell your loved one and everyone around you about the diet, and at night “attack” the refrigerator and empty it clean.

E- food. If a woman does not know how to cook, then this sometimes crosses out an ideal figure, grooming. As they say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

AND- pretense. For some reason, women always like to play hard-to-get out of themselves, to stuff their own worth.

Z- stash. For some reason, stash is spent not on new fishing tackle or parts for cars, but on a dress or new shoes, of which there are already a hundred in the wardrobe.

And- hysteria. This hurricane of feelings, which can appear unexpectedly, men cannot control or predict, so they most often do not like notorious "tantrums".

To- careerism. Some women prioritize climbing the corporate ladder over personal relationships.

L- curiosity. How often it is this quality of character that provokes us, women, to look for compromising evidence in a notebook or mobile phone of a loved one.

M- makeup, on which women spend a lot of time, and men have to patiently wait for their beloved to finish putting on a “marafet”. Besides, a layer of plaster does not allow kissing.

H- extended long nails, which, it seems, ladies do not for aesthetic beauty, but for self-defense.

O- resentment. Women will always find a reason to be offended, they may not talk for hours, cherishing a feeling of resentment in their hearts. And men have to puzzle over how to “appease” their beloved.

P- lipstick. Can you imagine how a man feels when he kisses a girl who has made up lips. But scientists have proven that when a man kisses, he eats lipstick, and in decent quantities, at least 2-3 kilograms.

R- jealousy that goes beyond all boundaries and turns the weaker sex into Sherlock Holmes and Colombo lieutenants.

FROM- fees. They are so long that the man is already packed and is waiting for his beloved to get ready, and she flutters in a negligee and decides which underwear will fit under this dress.

T- television. Ladies watch their favorite TV shows or talk shows instead of watching boxing or football.

At- accusations. Women know how to reproach a man to feel that he is far from perfect.

F- flirt. The representatives of the weaker sex flirt with her lover, which gives rise to the patience of the chosen one into an atomic bomb that is about to explode.

X- thinness. The woman looks like a teenager, and moreover, they often repeat that they need to lose a little more weight.

C- cellulitis. Not all men understand what it is. They cannot understand why their beloved is on a diet, works hard in a fitness club and does not want to wear short dresses that suit her very well.

H- swagger. The beloved shows off her outfits and jewelry, spends a lot of time in a beauty salon, so that later she can tell her friends about her “good” life.

W- shopping is long and exhausting, measured by dozens of boutiques. A man who has experienced something like this at least once will never again agree to go with his soulmate for a new dress. In addition, one purchase smoothly flows into another: under the dress you need to buy new shoes and a handbag.

E- emancipation. Women have understood well the meaning of this word, they demand equality, although in a cafe or in a jewelry store they do not mind if their beloved pays.

YU- skirts. The attitude of men to this item of women's wardrobe is very ambivalent. Some do not like long skirts, they believe that such outfits are appropriate in a convent. And others are not happy when their beloved wears miniskirts, they believe that only they have the right to admire the charms of their beloved.

I- causticity. Hearing phrases like: “Look what a cow she is and what she put on herself. What a terrible hair color ”, women falls in the eyes of a man, he considers her primitive and narrow-minded.

Absolutely everything without exception has shortcomings. After all, as you know, ideal people do not exist. Some deficiencies can be easily fixed, others not. Now we will talk about women's shortcomings, which are both quite real and invented by the woman herself. First of all, representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to women's shortcomings, because they fully appreciate any woman who claims to take a certain place in a man's heart. Disadvantages can be divided into physical, behavioral and character deficiencies. Let's talk about all kinds of women's shortcomings.

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Photo gallery: Women's flaws

Physical handicaps

Any, even the most beautiful woman, always looks for and finds various shortcomings in herself. The flaws in appearance excite a woman even more than the flaws in her character as a whole. But the flaws of the figure are still easier to fix or at least hide. And the character needs to be changed, but this is a long process.

A woman usually considers small breasts, too wide hips, a long nose or chin as a disadvantage of her appearance. For a man, all these "flaws" are not so important. After all, how many people, so many tastes. Maybe your man is a lover of women with small breasts and a proudly raised nose. In this regard, it is better to find a man who will love and appreciate you with exactly the figure that you have.

Another thing is when a woman does not take care of herself, acquires excess fat and generally forgot her way to the gym. A woman in the eyes of a man may not have quite ideal forms, but she must have a toned figure. The disadvantage in this case for men will be the general "neglect" of the woman: extra fat at the waist, on the arms, lack of muscle mass and extra centimeters where they should not be.

Character flaws

The vision of women's character flaws from a male and female point of view is also completely different. A woman can consider gullibility, excessive kindness towards those who do not deserve it, sacrifice and others as her main drawback. Men, on the other hand, find completely different feminine flaws: excessive talkativeness, laziness, lack of at least minimal logic, low level of culture, shopaholism, obsession, lack of femininity in habits and behavior, hysteria or simply excessive emotionality, arrogance, inability to behave in a male society, too defiant behavior in public and much more.

Men look at women's shortcomings from a slightly different angle. What women consider minor flaws are major ones for men and vice versa. There are such shortcomings that many men even like, touch them. Among them are:

  1. Excess weight. Many men like women and girls "in the body", despite the media's deep imposition of a very different type of woman. Of course, we are not talking about overweight, lack of sports in a woman's life and flabby muscles. Nobody will like this.
  2. Petty feminine whims of weakness. These "shortcomings" are also liked by most men, unless, of course, the boundaries of reason are not exceeded. Any female weakness makes a man feel like a real hero - strong and self-confident, as well as prove himself.
  3. A little lazy. If a woman is lazy in full, then this, of course, is unacceptable. But there is a little laziness, because a woman who, even on weekends, is engaged in cleaning, cooking, shopping is a real punishment for men.
  4. Manifestation of frank sexual fantasies. Many women believe that sexual desire is too much, that a man may not understand this, and that sexual liberation is a disadvantage. But in fact, many men like it when his woman shows initiative in bed and resourcefulness. For them, this is a real gift.
  5. The presence of a small tummy. Many women try to get rid of even a minimal hint of a stomach, but as it turns out, in vain. Many men like small women's tummies, they absolutely do not like flat women. Moreover, the presence of such a tummy is natural, and everything that is natural cannot be ugly or ugly.

Disadvantages of wives

Very often, men, having already chosen this or that woman as their wife and agreeing to put up with her female shortcomings, still find something that, although it seems like a trifle, can significantly spoil family relationships. Such minor shortcomings of wives include the following:

  • the habit of constantly reminding yourself or controlling a man through phone calls (those who simply require additional attention remind of themselves, and control more often by powerful women who have the habit of keeping their finger on the pulse);
  • long telephone conversations with friends, sisters, mother (and it doesn’t matter that in these minutes a woman can do housework);
  • long gatherings with friends, especially at night with unmarried friends;
  • the habit of pulling on her husband and making various remarks to him in front of strangers (this is humiliating for any man);
  • the desire to take your husband with you for shopping, and then make him wait;
  • do not take into account the opinion of the husband on this or that issue, and also do not listen to his valuable advice, thereby proving that it is she who is right and will be the way she wants it;
  • too strong emotionality and hysteria, especially in small things and in public, for example, due to a broken nail;
  • unwillingness to speak directly about what a woman would like, constant hints are very disliked by men and are one of the most “unloved” shortcomings.

In general, a woman who has received the status of a wife should try to look at herself from her husband's side, through his eyes, and then she will be able to say exactly what her shortcomings are. All that remains is to eliminate them.

Psychological aspects

It is very important for a woman to understand herself, to determine her real strengths and weaknesses. The main thing is to separate what the woman herself considers a disadvantage, and what the man considers her disadvantage.

Conduct a simple experiment. Ask your male acquaintances (married and single by comparison) to think and honestly tell you what looks like a flaw in your character and appearance to them. You can bet that your opinions will differ. For example, a woman believes that it is very good when she works, moves up the career ladder, receives a good salary and can provide for herself, but for many men, such financial independence is the first step to suppressing his own male ego. This is simply a denial of him as a strong male and earner. So it can be with all the other "flaws", because what you consider a virtue, a man may not like at all. And vice versa. For example, a woman is sure that she has a long nose that spoils her appearance, she is shy about it, secretly thinking about plastic surgery, but it is this nose that makes her who she is. And it is this nose that a man likes so much.

There should be no barriers in the relationship between a man and a woman, especially in the form of shortcomings. If they exist, then you should try to eradicate them, because if a woman fights with her shortcomings (especially those that really exist and prevent her from living, and not invented by someone - or), then her man will be able to change himself for the better.