What hairstyle can be done for the new year. Creating a headband from a braid. Hollywood wave flat iron

New Year is a special holiday. Everyone celebrates it in their own way. For one, it is music, unrestrained dancing, a noisy group of friends. For another, it is a quiet family evening, an opportunity to remind loved ones about their feelings. But no matter how the scenario of the celebration goes, the appearance of the girl plays an important role, because it is the hostess who sets the tone for the whole evening. A beautiful hairstyle for the New Year 2019 is able to show others how the celebration will go.

Hair health is the most important factor influencing the beauty of the chosen hairstyle. Shiny, silky curls are an adornment in themselves, and styling gives the face a special charm. To achieve this effect, you should follow some rules for hair care:

  1. Regular removal of split ends will visually improve the hair, make the New Year's hairstyle more accurate.
  2. Berries, nuts, oily fish and avocados contain vitamin E, which ensures the beauty and rapid growth of hair. A couple of months before the holiday, it is worth reviewing the everyday menu and adding these healthy products to it.
  3. A regular comb can damage your hair. It is better to replace it with a special brush.
  4. After washing, rinse your hair with cold water. This will revive the color and tighten the cuticle.
  5. Maintaining water balance is as important as proper nutrition. Those who drink about two liters of water a day, the hair is never dry and brittle.

Following these simple rules will help prevent hair loss and split ends. But do not forget about the regular use of special products: balms, masks, oils, and so on. The use of all of the above will ensure the health and beauty of the hair, which means irresistibility at the New Year's holiday.

Hairstyles with loose hair

Long flowing hair attract admiring glances. This New Year's hairstyle shows the natural beauty of the girl. It is noteworthy that there are no two identical images with loose hair: the features of the face and the structure of the hair emphasize the individuality of the beauty.

romantic curls

Slightly curly loose hair is reminiscent of a carefree childhood, which is why girls with such a hairstyle seem very petite and cute. Doll curls are quite easy to make. Depending on the method chosen, you may need curlers, a hair iron or curling iron, as well as hairspray to fix your hair. If the hair is curly by nature, you can braid the braids at night, and in the morning enjoy the twisted strands. Additional decorations can add solemnity to curls: flowers, hairpins, headbands, and even tiaras.

Side swept hairstyle

Such a hairstyle for the New Year is capable of adding sparks and emphasizing the girl’s cheerful disposition. Asymmetry adds life to the face. In combination with a light cocktail dress, curls on the side hint at mischief and readiness for a fun evening, and coupled with a long classic version, they create a romantic and very feminine look. Ease of execution also plays a role: it takes very little time to create curls, but the result exceeds all expectations!

Collected hairstyles

A more classic and comfortable hairstyle for the New Year for long hair is collected hair. New Year's Eve can be a real adventure, and not every styling will be able to adequately withstand all the tests. However, collected hairstyles, as a rule, retain their original appearance. The fashion world has long taken this into account and again and again makes collected hairstyles the trend of the season.


There are many types of tails: both horse, and low, and to one side ... Everyone will be able to choose what she likes. And it is not necessary to wind curls or, conversely, straighten curly hair. Tails look equally impressive in any image. Hair combed at the back of the head will emphasize the character of serious girls, and a light bouffant at the roots will add playfulness and romance. There are no restrictions on this matter - any fantasy will be appropriate!


This hairstyle for the New Year is always in fashion. It can be worn by both elegant ladies and reckless teenage girls. There are many options: the size of the beam, its location depend only on the individual preferences of the girl. A romantic bun is perfect for a New Year's party. You can do it in a few steps:

  1. Lightly comb the hair in the forehead area.
  2. Raise the long strands up and twist the tourniquet out of them.
  3. Form a medium-sized bundle, releasing strands.
  4. Secure with hairpins and fix with hairspray.

hair bow

Such an original hairstyle for the New Year for long hair will amuse not only the guests, but also the girl herself. And what could be better than a good mood for the New Year? There are several ways to make a bow. Here is one of them:

  1. Gather your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head. Fasten with a rubber band.
  2. Make a small loop out of the tail so that the ends of the hair are directed towards the face. Secure with a second rubber band.
  3. Divide the loop into two identical parts and separate them in different directions.
  4. Throw the end of the tail between the loops and fix with stealth and hairspray.

Braided hairstyles

- one of the most feminine hairstyles, and on long hair, braids look simply luxurious. There are thousands of options for creating hairstyles with weaving, and each one looks very impressive. Moreover, it is convenient: New Year's Eve promises to be long, and the braid will not lose its beauty.

Braid in braid

This unusual braid will emphasize the individuality of the girl. An excellent option would be a hairstyle for the New Year for long hair, decorated with flowers or a diadem. You can braid a double braid like this:

  1. Divide the hair into three strands and start weaving the spikelet "inside out" or.
  2. To the second strand, add one more of the remaining mop of hair. Finish weaving with the strand left on top.
  3. The same happens with the third strand of the first braid. Repeat the algorithm until the end of weaving the main pigtail.
  4. Divide the strand left in paragraph 2 into three parts and braid a reverse braid from it.
  5. To the rest of the additional strands, add another strand and continue weaving.
  6. Stretch and relax the edges of the braid. Fasten the braids and fix them with hairspray.

Spit "Waterfall"

If you want to braid a braid and leave beautiful curls free, then this hairstyle for the New Year will be a real salvation. A careless braid bends around the head, while freeing curled or straightened strands. Falling curls form a beautiful, romantic image. This hairstyle is suitable for any celebration and is guaranteed to delight guests.

"Crown", or "Basket"

If, on the contrary, you want to collect your hair so that it does not interfere with dancing and generally actively celebrating the New Year, then this hairstyle for long hair will fit perfectly. It can be both a classic braid and. Weaving can be fluffed up, and careless curls can also be released. The main thing is to fix the hairstyle with hairspray so that it retains its original appearance.

Hairstyles with bangs

Bangs are always young. Girls look cute and a little mysterious with this haircut. Bangs are different, and each has its own ideal styling. The main advantage of bangs is that with it you can make any hairstyle that will sparkle in a new way. Hairstyles for long hair with bangs suit absolutely everyone.

Hairstyle in the style of the 60s

The bangs will fit perfectly into the image of a girl from the 60s. It is not difficult to make such a hairstyle for the New Year. For this you need:

  1. Using a hairbrush and hairspray, comb the hair at the crown strongly.
  2. Fix the bangs to the side.
  3. Tie your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head.
  4. Tuck the tail in.
  5. Secure the hair with a ribbon, passing it along the bangs. However, you can do without it.

Braid headband

A playful braid headband will hold the main head of hair, so that the curls will not interfere during the celebration of the New Year. The advantages of this hairstyle include ease of execution. You just need to separate the strand at the temple, braid it out of it and throw it to the opposite temple. To fix the hairstyle, you will need invisibility and varnish.

Careless styling with lush bangs

The image of a self-confident woman will be created by a long bang combined with deliberate carelessness of styling. For the best effect, you do not need to try: you can blow-dry your hair in any direction, straightening does not have to be perfect, and curls may well be slightly tangled. This is the idea of ​​a hairstyle: these factors will show others that the girl is serious and determined.

Video hairstyles for the New Year

The New Year holidays are getting closer, and we are increasingly thinking about how it is best to celebrate them. We have already talked about what outfit to choose, what to serve at the table and what makeup will be the most relevant at the New Year's party. Now is the time to figure out what hairstyle to do for the new year 2018.

New Year's hairstyles 2018: trends

To keep up with the times, it is important to know which hairstyles for the new year 2018 will be the most in demand. In the collections of world designers, as well as on the example of the solemn exits of stars, it can be seen that the following trends are now welcome:

  • deliberate negligence, mess on the head;
  • feminine features, romance and pronounced elegance;
  • extravagance;
  • naturalness;
  • the absence of a bang or its elongated version;
  • straight lines;
  • smooth curves;
  • broken strands from the collected bundle;
  • light curl;
  • coloring in several tones (balayage, shatush, ombre, Californian, Venetian highlighting, etc.);
  • styling from the face;
  • high beams (tails);
  • low beams (tails);
  • braids (thin, voluminous, disheveled, different).

It is worth remembering, also, that modern hairstyles for the new year are light styling, in which styling is used in a minimal amount. An excess of varnish, gel, etc. is not allowed.

It is also important to choose the right fashionable hairstyles for the new year, depending on the outfit. So, romantic bunches, weaves, tails, elegant styling go well with evening dresses. And for less solemn outfits (cocktail options, etc.), it is better to choose lighter and even careless solutions.

As for how to make a New Year's hairstyle, a lot depends on the length of the hair.

Hairstyle for the new year long hair


Top, bottom, side and even a few - any bunch will be appropriate on New Year's Eve and at a corporate party. If you are planning to make a hairstyle for the new year using a bun ("muzzle"), do not forget to give it a careless effect, as if it was done in haste. And be sure to pull out a few strands so that they frame the face.


Suitable for those who are looking for simple hairstyles for the new year. It is enough just to twist the bundle from the selected strand, make a beautiful curl, and that's it - you will look fashionable and elegant.

If you are a lover of creative weaving, then braids in different designs are most suitable for you. Thin all over the head, a couple of braided rows on the side, or a large voluminous braid - everything will be appropriate at the New Year's party if you can find the right dress for such a hairstyle. For lovers of the most extraordinary hairstyles, options are suitable when weaving braids of different thicknesses and textures in one styling is used, as well as a braid in front into which bangs are woven.

Buckles, rollers

Such options are suitable for fans of retro style, which is also a trend of the winter season.

An actual option would be to twist the roller when creating a babette. This method can be used both in the form of a hairstyle for the new year with bangs, and without it.


Remains a favorite next year. Want to impress? Collect it in the most unusual way.

Waves, curls

If you don't feel like gathering or braiding the strands, leave them free to fall off your shoulders. The main thing is to lay them so that they look natural and gentle. The option of laying on one side is also welcome.

Straight curls

Do not give up their positions and straight hair. Want to keep up with trends? Then grab the straightener and make your hair as smooth as possible.

Greek style

At the peak of popularity. Here you can use weaving, jewelry, curling and other options. The main thing is to get a hairstyle worthy of a Greek goddess.

Another fashion runway trend. Laying with maximum carelessness is one of the leading trends of this season. Jewelry is allowed in the hair, but it is very important to create an effect on the head, as if you just woke up and forgot to comb your hair.

Neat, perfect lines and curves

In contrast to the mess, there are also suitable options for perfectionists. If neat styling is important to you, in which each hair lies to the hair, you will also have plenty to choose from. Beautiful, smooth and contour lines in the hairstyle look restrained and very elegant.

Hairstyles for the new year 2018 medium hair

To create a hairstyle for the new year, the average length is most suitable. Bunches, braids, tails, fashion styling - everything that was listed above can be created on medium hair.

Hairstyles for the new year 2018 for short hair

To give the right emphasis to short haircuts, the following techniques will help:

  • coloring in actual colors;
  • a spectacular haircut (a bob hairstyle for the new year is especially good);
  • slight disheveledness of the finished styling;
  • perfectly straight lines.

If your hair is not very short (for example, a bob), then for the New Year's party you can decorate it with a pigtail or twist a small tourniquet out of it. Also, curls can be collected on the sides, accentuated with the help of suitable accessories.

For owners of shorter haircuts, there are also suitable options. For example, you can create a slightly tousled effect or comb your hair smoothly back. And if you choose a suitable decoration for your hair, then you will be simply irresistible on New Year's Eve.

Hairstyles for curly hair

To fashionably style the hair of the owners of curls by nature, it is enough just to collect them in a ponytail. Then decorate the finished hairstyle with a beautiful hairpin, headband and more. Bold natures can comb the resulting tail well and fix it with varnish. But for those who prefer romanticism in the image, you can take out a few strands from the collected bundle and create a fashionable negligence effect.

DIY hairstyles - step by step

If you don’t have time to visit a hairdresser or just want to create a unique look on New Year’s Eve yourself, we offer you some ideas on how to make a New Year’s hairstyle with your own hands. But remember that the use of styling is necessary, because without them, styling will not last long. The main thing is to apply styling products so that they are not noticeable, and the hairstyle itself looks “alive”.

Actual jewelry

Trying to pick up a New Year's hairstyle, it is worth considering that the Yellow Earth Dog will be the patron of the next year. And to appease her, decorate the strands with flowers (live, artificial), or simply dye your hair in a natural shade.

Fashion jewelry is also:

rims (wide and thin, with colored ornaments);

Greek style in accessories;

scattering of sequins on the hair;

vegetable decor.

Of course, all of these trends are not the main condition for creating hairstyles. If you want to create something of your own, unique - go for it. After all, the most important rule of the New Year holiday is to feel as comfortable and confident as possible. So experiment, create and be irresistible in such a special time!

Time flies very quickly, and we will not have time to notice how soon the most long-awaited holiday for all of us will come - this, of course, is the New Year.

If you want to look excellent, you should definitely think over the whole image, taking into account all the smallest details - from the New Year's outfit, New Year's manicure and New Year's hairstyle.

The topic of hairstyles for the New Year 2020 will be the main one for you and me today. What hairstyle to perform on the length of hair of different types - from short to long? Trendy New Year's hairstyles 2020 - what should they be?

We will learn about this, as well as much more, from this review, in which we will reveal hairstyle trends, as well as show photo examples of the best hairstyles for the New Year 2020 for every taste.

New Year's image must certainly be bright and memorable, delighting and bewitching. After all, it is with the New Year celebrations that we associate all our best expectations and new beginnings.

Therefore, think over your New Year's bow to the smallest detail, and be sure to look for yourself today the top hairstyles for the New Year 2020, which would suit your appearance and hair type.

Mega trendy New Year's hairstyles that you will find in our collection, you can try to do on your hair and see how well this look suits you for the New Year 2020.

First, let's look at the fashion trends of the season, which determine what your image will be like. Hairstyles for the New Year with slight negligence, disheveledness and naturalness will be relevant.

Loose curls and strands, released and not strongly fixed, naughty and so spectacular, will help to achieve fashionable New Year's hairstyles in their best performance.

Beautiful New Year's hairstyles 2020 can be any voluminous styling - from buns, Hollywood curls, braids and plaits.

Do not forget about spectacular hair clips and various hair decor elements, which are demonstrated in abundance today. Even the most ordinary invisibility, with proper use, will create a wonderful New Year's hairstyle.

Large pebbles and rhinestones in hairpins, delicate ribbons, headbands, flowers, as well as many other devices will turn even a simple styling into an exquisite and attractive hairstyle for the New Year 2020.

Among the variety of hairstyle styles for the New Year 2020, I would like to highlight a couple of the top ones:

  • bundles - free and voluminous;
  • weaving hair in different styles;
  • loose and disheveled strands;
  • retrowaves;
  • Hollywood curls;
  • ribbons and decor in the hair.

Or maybe you decide in the new year for a radical change of image? Would you like to create a hairstyle with or that will be so fashionable in 2020? Then what are you waiting for?

If you want something new and a radical change of image, a new self in the New Year 2020 with an amazing New Year's hairstyle, then be sure to check out our previous reviews on the topic.

It is worth remembering that no matter what New Year's hairstyle you prefer, it must certainly fit into the overall image and best complement the dress, accessories and.

And right now, let's take a look at the top hairstyle variations for the New Year 2020 for long, medium and short hair, which you can recreate if you wish for your New Year's bow.

New Year's hairstyles 2020 for long hair

When choosing a hairstyle for the New Year, first of all, it is worth considering the appropriateness of a particular New Year's hairstyle. For example, if this is a New Year's corporate party, then the hairstyle should be stylish and concise without frills.

It is the length of the hair that determines the type of hairstyle for the New Year 2020 that you can choose for yourself. And the greatest variety of New Year's hairstyles is shown for a long length, which practically does not limit its owners in anything.

Fashionable hairstyles for the New Year 2020 with loose hair will be elegant. Hollywood curls will make you look luxurious in any outfit, especially with bare shoulders and a deep neckline, ultra mini and slits.

Braids have become favorites, which is not the first season in the trend, and can be performed as the main element or complement the hairstyle for the New Year 2020 and with other types of styling.

Try voluminous braids that are woven with tails (high and low) and with bunches of various types. Traditional weaving, “on the contrary”, in the center of the head, on the side, around the head and many, many more variations that you can see in the photo tips in the gallery and apply when doing a fashionable New Year's hairstyle 2020.

Another hairstyle trend for the New Year 2020 will be retro motifs that look very extravagant and unusual. Incredible waves, imitation bangs, babettes, curls and nasty buns will add a special charm and chic to your New Year's look in retro style.

New Year's hairstyles with long strands and a ponytail will look beautiful - with fleece, curled strands or smoothly styled hair.

A playful version of the hairstyle for the New Year 2020 is two buns, a Malvinka hairstyle, especially if they are complemented by multi-colored sparkles, pigtails or super-coloring in an unusual tone.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for a New Year's hairstyle 2020 for a long length. And the main thing here is to turn on your imagination and, if you wish, you can perform amazing, unique and wonderful hairstyles for the New Year 2020, which will make you the queen of the New Year's celebration.

Trendy New Year's hairstyles 2020 for medium length

Wanting to look stylish and spectacular, many of the ladies choose this particular length option, which does not require so much care, and at the same time allows you to do all sorts of experiments.

Airy and light hairstyles for the New Year with volume are your thing! Relaxed curls and casual curls will allow you to create natural and so charming New Year's hairstyles 2020.

For the most part, shoulder-length or slightly lower hair allows you to create almost the same New Year's hairstyles as long ones, with the exception of voluminous braids with complex weaving.

The easiest option for a New Year's medium hairstyle is tousled hair and careless curls, which is very simple to do, but they look great.

If your hair is devoid of volume, you can do a few braids at night, and in the morning you will get light waves on your strands with volume.

If you want to look irresistible, then do not rush to do intricate hairstyles for the New Year 2020 with medium length.

Simple styling with volume and a couple of flagella, or gathered front strands back, complemented by mega-style decorations, and your charming New Year's hairstyle 2020 is ready!

Top hairstyles for the New Year 2020 with short hair

Owners of short hair to a greater extent should only perform a good styling, because there are very few variations of hairstyles, as such, in this length.

Here the main role will be played by the effectiveness and success of the haircut itself, as well as the color of the hair. After all, it is the tone that will make it possible to give expressiveness and favorably highlight facial features and appearance.

You can make small pigtails and flagella, securing it all with stylish hairpins. Use spectacular headbands, chains, flowers and other decorative tools to create amazing New Year's hairstyles in short lengths.

Corrugation is returning to fashion, the elements of which can be safely used to create a trendy New Year's hairstyle 2020.

Beautiful waves in retro performance will be an unusual addition to short hairstyles for the New Year 2020, which make the look of ladies mysterious and memorable.

Whatever strands you have, remember that you can find a fashionable version of the New Year's hairstyle in different designs, which you will certainly like.

We offer you top hairstyle ideas for the New Year 2020, by completing which you will be irresistible and excellent at the celebration of the New Year.

Beautiful New Year's hairstyles 2020 for every taste and in different styles are shown in the photo below ...

In this article you will find a selection of the best hairstyles for the New Year. Choose what suits you and be irresistible on the main night of this year.

The best hairstyles for long hair for the New Year

There is less and less time left until the most magical and fabulous holiday. It's time to start thinking through your image to the smallest detail. And one of the main components of your bow is, of course, a hairstyle. A celebration with the family, a party with friends, corporate parties, noisy parties - we do not know what you prefer, but we will be happy to help you be the most charming at any festival.

Graceful beam

Beams have always been popular because they contain chic and restraint at the same time. This beam can be done both on the back of the head and on the side.

  • Wash your hair with shampoo and dry thoroughly using a round brush to add volume.
  • We create light waves with a curling iron.
  • We give an extra at the roots.
  • We lift individual curls up, lay them in the form of loops and fix them with invisibility.
  • The final version is abundantly sprayed with varnish.

With this hairstyle you will feel like a super diva, and who knows, maybe this is the night you will meet your Brad Pete.

  1. Comb all of your hair gently.
  2. Make a parting on one side.
  3. We start styling from the bottom strands, then the curl will suffer less.
  4. Take a small section of hair and grab it with a flat iron, closer to the roots. Next, turn the flat iron down so that the hair has been around it and pull it down.
  5. Secure the resulting curl with a clip.
  6. When you have laid all the curls, loosen the hair and walk through it with a comb.
  7. Give your hair the desired shape.
  8. Fix everything with varnish.


It would seem that the most everyday hairstyle, but no - those who choose it will get a perfectly styled look until the morning.

  • Use straightening milk and go over the entire length with an iron.
  • Having created perfectly even strands. Gather curls at the back of your head.
  • Add a stylish decoration, such as a decorative hat, for a festive touch.

Greek style

This styling will undoubtedly add mystery to your image.

  • We need a decorative bandage.
  • Go through the entire length of your hair with a comb.
  • Put the tape on the back of the head.
  • Starting from the back, carefully tuck the curls under the elastic.
  • Next, remove the side curls.
  • For reliability, we will use the arrears, and go over the top with varnish.

You've definitely never seen anything like this.

  • Leave a strand from ear to temple, remove the remaining hair in a low ponytail.
  • Take a small strand from the tail and circle it around the base.
  • Lightly spray with varnish and secure with a hairpin.
  • First we lay the curls in one direction, then in the other.
  • Thus, we have rolled the whole tail.
  • We comb the strand near the face and divide it into two (bigger and smaller).
  • We wrap a larger curl around the beam and fix it with a hairpin.
  • We draw the second strand on the other side and fasten it with an invisibility.


This look will never go out of style.

  1. Using an iron, we create curly strands of different thicknesses.
  2. For long-haired ladies, stylists advise to stab only some curls at the back of the head - this will give you the desired volume.

romantic braid

If you are a gentle nature, then this sensual hairstyle is just for you.

  • We comb the hair and divide it into 2 identical parts.
  • From each half weave a light braid.
  • We throw the left pigtail to the right side and fix the tip with a hairpin.
  • We transfer the right one to the left side and fasten it with invisibility.


What girl doesn't dream of being a princess?

  • Create straightened hair with a flat iron.
  • We select a straight parting.
  • Slightly above the ears, we separate 2 strands and weave light braids.
  • We lead the right strand to the left ear, and the left to the right. We fix the ends with invisibility.

Side laying

This image will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

  1. We curl the strands with tongs. Curls need to be made natural, so straighten them a little.
  2. On the one hand, comb the hair at the very roots and fix it with varnish.
  3. On the opposite side, separate the strands and lay them on the other side and fasten with invisibility. Strengthen the finished image with mousse.

"In the bag"

Any image can be embellished with a little accent. What will it be? - you decide!

  • We comb the hair and lightly curl the ends.
  • Separate 2 strands near the ears.
  • We twist these curls into tight bundles and fasten the strands with a bright hairpin or brooch.

By creating such a style, the hair will remain in a light sloppy state, which will undoubtedly embellish you. Be careful and think carefully about your image:

  1. If you have straight hair, then lightly curl it giving attention to naturalness.
  2. Use any ribbon that suits your look. Dress her up. Add some volume to your hair.

double basket

This styling will emphasize your sophisticated look.

  • We comb and divide the hair with a side parting.
  • Do not curl the ends with an iron.
  • Divide the hair horizontally into two halves. We fasten the upper part with a clamp.
  • We tie the lower one into a tail.
  • We lower the rubber band slightly below the middle of the tail.
  • Comb the end with a comb.
  • We twist the bouffant in and attach it with hairpins with hairpins.
  • We dissolve the hair in the upper part and repeat the procedure (6.7).
  • Spray your hair with a styler.

Elementary styling that will make you stand out from the crowd.

  1. Comb your hair lightly.
  2. Make a high ponytail. With the decisive passage through the elastic, make sure that the tip of the tail remains in front under the hairpin.
  3. Divide the resulting bundle into halves. Slide the remaining free end of the tail back and attach with hairpins.

Like a Disney princess

This image will keep your aesthetic appearance until the evening.

  • It is necessary to curl the tip of the hair with tongs.
  • Next, twist light bundles from parallel sides and stab them from behind with stealths.
  • Then take the strand a little lower and repeat the previous paragraph.
  • After doing 3-4 repetitions, sprinkle the final hairstyle with varnish.

It is not necessary to run to the hairdresser to impress everyone with your hair. Having performed at least one of the presented hairstyles, it will be impossible to take your eyes off you.

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We have no doubt that you are already waiting for the most important night of the year, as well as fun parties dedicated to this event.

Corporate events, receptions, balls and night parties, feasts and dinners in the family circle - all this awaits you, dear women, soon.

On the eve of such long-awaited New Year and Christmas miracles, we cannot but pamper our loved ones, and properly prepare for the celebration, observing all the rules for creating the perfect image.

New Year's TOP IDEAS have already pleased you with a stylish make-up, the best manicure ideas, chic New Year's dresses, and now we want to draw your attention, our dear stylish beauties, to flawless New Year's hairstyles 2019.

The current trends in hairdressing demonstrate all the trends in hairstyles that exist in the modern world.

This is not strange, because New Year's hairstyles 2019 are the same evening hairstyles and their original interpretations for a special occasion, which are especially relevant for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

We are ready to present the best New Year's hairstyles for the New Year 2019 in the exclusive TOP OF IDEAS and examples for different hair lengths, reflecting the trends of New Year's looks 2019.

Hairstyles for the New Year 2019: an overview of hairdressing trends, trends, offers

And so, what fashionable New Year's hairstyles 2019 will decorate the heads of cute girls and spectacular ladies on New Year's Eve and at holiday parties?

It is noteworthy that each hairstyle that you look for yourself should match the atmosphere of the evening, because for a masquerade ball you can choose a more spectacular and unexpected hairstyle, allowing yourself the most desperate metamorphoses with your hair.

And for a business corporate party and a dinner party, where you have to look flawless, impeccable, officially, it is best to stop at a more concise version, smoothly combed hair, light and unobtrusive curls.

Depending on the length of your hair, you can try stylish New Year's hairstyles with styling products, resulting in light beach, Hollywood, retro curls, as well as experiment with more complex hairstyles for the New Year 2019.

The best New Year's hairstyles 2019 will be presented with feminine buns and shells, traditional braids and complex hairstyles from several braids.

And how do you like the ideas of freshly laid curls that will undoubtedly emphasize your sexuality and femininity.

Options with a beautiful New Year's decor will also be very appropriate for a midi-length cocktail dress, dresses with sequins and fringe, lace models of dresses, etc.

Each hairstyle for the New Year is special, because it must not only suit you, but be in perfect harmony with the atmosphere of the holiday, as well as the outfit that women often choose for a very long time.

Hairstyle trends for the New Year 2019 are thick bangs, the effect of disheveledness and naturalness in the presence of light volume, a combination of light wavy curls and high hairstyles with styled curls, beautiful New Year's hairstyles with fluffy curls, buns, asymmetry.

New Year's hairstyles 2019 with wreaths, beautiful jewelry, hairpins - trends

New Year's hairstyles 2019 using the bun, shell, weaving technique are win-win options for owners of medium and long strands.

To make the New Year's hairstyles 2019 more festive, add a little luxury by decorating your hair with beautiful wreaths, shimmering silver and gold barrettes, giving your hair a unique gloss.

With wonderful accessories, you can add not only high and low hairstyles for the New Year, but also loose options.

If you have an asymmetrical haircut, be sure to fix this moment in your hairstyle by releasing a few curls in front.

New Year's hairstyles can also be decorated with decorative small hats, hairpins with a veil, as well as hair ornaments with bows and crowns. Decorative accessories are the perfect solution for carnival looks in tandem with special make-up and other details.

New Year's hairstyles 2019 with tails and ponytails - trends

Ponytails are those New Year's hairstyles that are considered universal for any festive look, because they are easy to combine with an evening dress, trouser suit, cocktail outfit, jumpsuit.

A high or low ponytail can be made with a spectacular fleece, bangs, decorate the ponytail with French weaving, put rings and strands around the loose ponytail, etc.

New Year's ponytail hairstyles can also be done on loose hair, fixing only a few strands in the ponytail in the center or on the side, forming the upper part of the hairstyle.

New Year's hairstyles for the New Year 2019 with pigtails of different execution techniques

If nature gave you luxurious hair, why not try New Year's hairstyles 2019 with braids and braids.

New Year's hairstyles with weaving on long hair in one form or another of dyeing or coloring look especially impressive.

New Year's hairstyles with voluminous braids, bouffant, slight disheveledness, several pigtails gathered in a bun are in trend.

Especially popular hairstyles for the New Year 2019 are fishtail, weaving in French and Greek techniques, as well as New Year's hairstyles with weaving turning into a feminine flower from hair.

Charming pigtails and spikelets will be able to create a gentle and reverent image if you braid them from the side, asymmetrically, stretching the strands in the original design.

Trendy New Year's hairstyles for the New Year 2019 with all sorts of ideas for curls, buns, laid out in different ways

Traditional and innovative at the same time - this is how you can call New Year's hairstyles 2019 with curls and buns.

You can easily make such hairstyles for the New Year 2019 even with your own hands, because perfectly combed hair is not necessary.

Both a bunch and curls of different thicknesses and volumes can be supplemented with weaving, plaits, make a light pile, release a few strands to complete the look.

Stylish New Year's hairstyles for lovely ladies 2019 with elegant styling - trends

Short-haired beauties will undoubtedly like New Year's hairstyles for different hair lengths 2019 with styling.

They will help you create an image of an obstinate coquette, achieve a romantic look with the help of retro styling and feminine curls, as well as choose for yourself outrageous and extraordinary styling with staling tools.

Having chosen such styling, you must take care of the appropriate outfit that would be in perfect harmony with the style of your hair.

In addition to all the above options, be sure to take on board Greek hairstyles for loose hair, high styling, as well as strict, but very appropriate for business corporate parties, smooth styling.

TOP IDEAS for the perfect New Year's look 2019: the best new hairstyles from the masters of hairdressing