Feeding chihuahua and toy terrier, small decorative dogs. Foods that can not be a toy terrier

When a pet appears in the house, he becomes a full member of the family, which means that you need to take care of him according to all the rules. The maintenance of that terrier is not an easy task, although the dog is small, but caring for it is a great daily work. Raising and caring for a Toy Terrier will require a lot of patience and ingenuity and is a great way for a young couple to test if they are ready to have a baby.

Toy Terrier: care and maintenance

If you want your dog to be healthy and well-groomed, it needs more than just proper nutrition and cleanliness. Daily hygiene should become the same norm for a dog as it is for a person. Now let's take a closer look at how to care for that terrier:

  • Toy Terrier: ear care. Your pet's ears should be cleaned at least once a week. To care for the ears, you can use camphor alcohol or a special ear cleaner. Apply liquid on a cotton swab and penetrate into the ear no deeper than 0.5 cm. You need to drop a little lotion or alcohol into the ear and massage the base of the ear. Then clean out all the dirt. If necessary, repeat the procedure. While bathing, the ears should be covered with a cotton swab, and in case of discharge from the ears, immediately take the dog to the veterinarian.
  • Teeth care for toy terrier. The teeth are the weakest point of the dog. It is a must to brush your teeth. The procedure is carried out with a special toothpaste, you can use a soft children's toothbrush. Brush your teeth at least once a week. Do not forget that a dog's milk teeth should be replaced by permanent ones. If the baby tooth has not fallen out on its own before 12 months, contact a specialist. To take good care of that terrier, do everything as in the case of raising a child. This will save the dog from losing teeth in the future.
  • Toy Terrier: eye care. Train your dog for daily morning washes. Eyes should be washed with boiled water. You can use a weak solution of chamomile for these purposes. Caring for that terrier involves the mandatory removal of all discharge from the eyes. After the procedure, you need to blot your eyes with a dry cloth and comb the hair with a toothbrush. To avoid inflammation of the eyes, they can be dripped with eye drops.
  • Grooming that terrier. You should wash your dog no more than once a month. You need to bathe your pet only with high-quality shampoo and balm for animals. Baby shampoo is allowed. If you are going to take the animal for vaccination, postpone bathing for a couple of weeks after vaccination, it is better to do this two days before vaccination. Grooming a toy terrier requires the use of brushes with natural bristles only. Pay special attention to the area behind the ears, elbows and chest. After combing, the wool is smoothed with a special mitten.
  • Toy Terrier: care and nutrition. Feeding your pet should be treated very responsibly, because its food tract is very small. It is allowed to feed the dog with canned or dry dog ​​food, but you need to choose very carefully and give preference only to proven and expensive brands. Offer your dog raw scalded liver or a piece of beef. You can give kefir or boiled eggs, cottage cheese. If you decide not to bother with cooking and feed only ready-made canned food, be sure to add vitamin supplements to your diet.

Toy Terrier: puppy care

With the advent of this small and fragile creature in your home, you need to make some changes to your usual rhythm of the day. Be sure to buy your puppy a small collar with a bell. Most often, the dog walks on the heels of the owner, it is very easy not to notice and step on the crumbs.

Never take an animal with one hand, only with two. The care and maintenance of a toy terrier very often resembles the care of a baby. Feed by the hour, bathe and clean very carefully and according to all the rules. Never leave your dog alone in the car. When walking, be especially careful that street cats and dogs do not come close to your pet.

Russian toy terrier indoor - decorative, small breed of dog. It looks like a small toy, even the name "toy" in translation means - a toy.

They are:

  • shorthaired
  • longhaired

This breed was bred in the Middle Ages in England, with the aim of exterminating rats and mice. In those days, the dog was larger and more powerful than the current Toy. Do not be afraid when your pet brings you a mouse or a small bird on a walk, because he has the soul of a hunter. Even Peter I did not remain indifferent to these cute creatures, he loved and appreciated this breed.

In the 20s - 50s, the toy terrier was on the verge of extinction. Russian cynologists took up breeding and were able to breed a more graceful and elegant dog.

Toy Terrier, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, in the category of the smallest weight - 681 grams.
Now she, like most small dogs, has gained the status of “glamorous”, they literally do not let go of their hands, forgetting that terriers like to move a lot.

Russian toy terrier description and standard FCI (FCI)

Russian toy terrier photo of a puppy of black and tan color

  • Shoulders: Moderately long, not too sloping.
  • Shoulders: almost equal to the shoulder blades.
  • Elbows: looking straight back.
  • Forearms : Long, straight.
  • Wrists: dry.
  • Pasterns: almost vertical.
  • Feet: Small, oval, well arched, with well-knit toes. The nails are black, the pads of the paws are elastic, black.
  • Hind limbs: when viewed from behind - straight and parallel, set slightly wider than the front. All articulation angles are well defined.
    • Thighs : Lean and well muscled.
    • Lower legs: Equal in length to the thighs.
    • hocks: with sufficient angles.
    • Hocks : Set vertical to the ground.
    • Feet : Small, arched, slightly narrower than the front feet with firm pads of black or according to the color of the dog. The fingers are gathered into a ball. Nails black or matching color.
  • Movements: light, free, fast.
  • Skin: thin, dry, tight to the body, without folds.
  • Wool cover: There are two types of toy terrier hair:
    • short
    • Long

    In smooth-haired individuals, the coat is short all over the body, close-lying, shiny, without undercoat and bald patches.

    In long-haired toys, the body is covered with long (3 - 5 cm) straight or slightly wavy, close-lying hair, which does not hide the natural contours of the body. The undercoat is weak or absent. On the head, front side of the limbs, the coat is short and tight. There are featherings on the back side of the limbs. On the paws, the hair is elongated, silky, completely hides the claws.

    The ears are covered with thick and long hair, forming a fringe. In dogs older than three years, the fringe should completely cover the outer edges and tips of the ears.

    Russian toy terrier color

    • black and tan
    • Brown - tan
    • Blue - tan
    • lilac and tan
    • The red color is acceptable in any shades from very dark red to very light yellow without any preference for one tone or another.
    • Red with brown tan
    • Red with blue
    • Red with purple
    • Fawn (black or asphalt nose)
    • Cream (brown or lilac nose)

    Highly undesirable, but acceptable by the standard:

    • Black
    • Brown
    • Blue
    • purple
    • Zonar
    • black-backed

    In all colors, more saturated tones are preferred. White markings on the body are highly undesirable.


    Any deviation from the above characteristics is considered as a defect or vice, depending on the degree of severity.

    • Colors are completely black, brown, blue and lilac, black-backed and zonal.
    • Excessive amount of tan marks, blurry or darkened tan marks.
    • Straight bite or alveolar inclination of the incisors.
    • Semi erect ears. If this is caused in the long-haired variety by weighing them down with their coat, then this is permissible but not desirable.
    • Low set tail.
    • The presence of bald patches in short-haired individuals.
    • Excessively long or too short hair on the body in long-haired individuals.
    • Small white marks on chest and toes.
    • Colors black, brown, blue, excessive tan, as well as dark tan.
    • Height at withers over 28 cm
    • Cowardly behaviour.

    Disqualifying vices:

    • Non-standard colors
    • With brindle
    • Piebald
    • Spotted
    • White
    • Marble
    • White spots on the head, belly, above the metacarpus, large white spots on the chest and throat
    • Aggressiveness, cowardice
    • Overshot, pronounced undershot, missing canine or more than two incisors in each jaw
    • hanging ears
    • Short-legged
    • In short-haired individuals - bald patches in large numbers
    • In long-haired individuals - the absence of decorating hair on the ears, curly
    • Height at the withers over 30 cm

    P.S. : Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

    The character of the toy terrier is kind, affectionate, energetic, cheerful, self-confident. This smart and intelligent kid is boundlessly devoted to the owner and adores all members of the family in which he lives.

    A small toy terrier with its sonorous voice resembles a bell or a bell. They have a well-developed sense of smell and hearing, and they will always give a signal about the arrival of a stranger. This active, energetic and very playful dog will be an excellent companion for a responsible and loving person. He gets along well with others, but if he feels danger, he is ready to protect the owner.

    Good for training, although they often show cunning.

    Not suitable for a family with small children, easily exposed to stress, and the baby can harm the dog, stand on its paw or drop it. With children from 6-7 years old, they can safely start a toy, at this age the child already feels responsible and can take care of the pet. They get along well with other pets, love the company and do not want to be alone for a long time.

    Don't let the toy appearance fool you, the toy terrier has the character of a real terrier, serious and temperamental. Some individuals really need training and education, otherwise the character will prevail, and the toychik can grow up as an evil and naughty pet.

    Russian toy terrier care and maintenance

    Caring for the Russian Toy Terrier will not take much time, and will not be difficult and hassle.

    Shedding takes place twice a year, especially noticeable in spring - autumn, with strong excitement. Bitches shed before estrus and after the birth of babies. Living in an apartment where the air is dry and warm, the dog molts all year round.

    Shorthaired and longhaired does not need a haircut, wool is combed with a soft brush made of natural bristles, a special mitten or cloth. This procedure improves blood circulation, removes dead hair and gives a pleasant massage to the pet.

    Bathe as it gets dirty, or at intervals of 1 time in 10 days.

    Examine your eyes regularly, for prevention once a week, wipe with a soft cloth or cotton swab dipped in weak tea leaves.

    Photo of toy terrier with long hair and black and white color

    Ears should be inspected regularly, a lot of wax should not accumulate in the auricle, and there should not be an unpleasant odor. Once a month, wipe the ear with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. You can only clean the visible part of the ear, do not try to clean the depth of the auricle, you can damage the dog's hearing.

    After walking, wipe the paws of that terrier with a damp cloth, wash them especially carefully in winter, when the streets are sprinkled with reagent. Make sure that the dog does not lick its paws, otherwise it will be poisoned by chemistry.

    The nails are trimmed once a month with a nail cutter, the sharp ends are smoothed with a nail file. If your pet does not walk much, the nails do not wear out, and can grow long and curled, which will cause inconvenience to the dog. Always remember about the fifth dewclaw, a large claw on it, more often than others, causes discomfort to the pet.

    Watch closely behind the anal glands. When the toy terrier starts scratching his back on the sofa, carpet, fidgeting on the floor, it means that the glands are full of odorous liquid. You need to clean the anal glands from the accumulated secret. You can do this yourself, for this you need to gently press with your thumb and forefinger from the bottom and sides of the anus. If you have never done such a procedure, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian so as not to harm the baby.

    Twice a year, deworming is carried out (prevention of worms). The drug is sold in different forms:

    • Tablets
    • Suspension
    • Drops

    Easily accustomed to the tray, or diaper. But they still need to walk 2 times a day, however, in the cold season, you can walk at a temperature of minus 10 degrees for only a few minutes.

    1. In winter, when he walks a little on the street, you should ventilate the room well and do wet cleaning regularly.
    2. In the summer, they love walks, like to run and frolic, bring a ball or a small stick.

    Inspect the teeth and once a week, clean with a special paste using a finger nozzle or a small toothbrush.

    A place for that terrier must be prepared in advance. Arrange a sunbed in a cozy corner without drafts with good lighting. Buy toys, balls, lay a diaper, or a special dog toilet (there are two types for boys and girls), put bowls for food and food in a convenient place. The presence of wires or small things easily accessible to the dog is dangerous for his life.

    In no case, no matter how pitifully the puppy looks at you with its big eyes, and howls, do not let him on the sofa in a thin voice.

    1. Firstly, he will immediately get used to it, and will constantly ask to take him to bed.
    2. Secondly, jumping from any height is very dangerous for such a baby, he can simply break his paw.

    In cold and frosty weather, the toy terrier freezes easily. Having no undercoat, the coat does not warm it. In winter and autumn, toy terriers are best dressed in warm overalls. But some representatives walk well without clothes.

    toy terrier diet

    You need to take into account the nature and preferences of your pet, and do not forget what is best for his health. You can feed it with premium dry food, as well as naturally cooked food. Make sure there is enough clean water in the bowl.

    Your dog's diet should include:

    • Cereals (rice, buckwheat)
    • Meat (veal, chicken)
    • sea ​​fish
    • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
    • Dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir)

    Do not forget that everything should be in moderation, try not to overfeed your pet, otherwise you will get a bun on “matches”.

    Prohibited foods for toy terrier:

    • Smoked meats
    • Sweets
    • Spicy, fatty, fried foods
    • Grape

    Russian toy terrier disease

    • hare lip
    • ponytail crease
    • Allergy
    • pancreatitis
    • Shoulder shoulder dislocation
    • Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head
    • Medial patellar luxation
    • hydrocephalus
    • Dislocation of the patella
    • Cataract
    • Progressive retinal atrophy

    How to take care of someone who needs you!

    So, your family has replenished with a little friend. Now you have a small dog - Russian Toy Terrier. And of course, you are primarily concerned about how to properly care for your beloved toy or toy. Grooming a small dog is not very difficult (with the possible exception of Yorkies), but still requires certain skills and knowledge. Let's look at everything in detail.


    Bathing the Russian Toy Terrier should take place as it gets dirty. There is no need to bathe the baby every day, you can limit yourself to washing the paws after a walk in the fresh air. It should be borne in mind that frequent water procedures can dry out the dog's skin and lead to dandruff. It is better to bathe a toy terrier with the help of special products designed for bathing dogs in warm water. The fact is that the body temperature of the dog is about 1 degree higher than the human one, respectively, in cold water, the toy can freeze. While bathing, it is better to cover the ears of the toy terrier with cotton swabs to avoid water ingress.

    Note: When using flea drops that are applied to the dog's withers, bathing the toy terrier should be postponed for two days from the moment the drops are applied. The fact is that during these days the effect of the drug is gaining strength and reaches the concentration necessary to protect the dog.

    Nail care

    It is necessary to cut the claws of the toy terrier, otherwise the dog will put its paws incorrectly, which is fraught with curvature of the limbs. Nails are trimmed as needed.

    To understand exactly where to cut the claw, you need to take the dog's paw in your hand, look at the claw from the side. In the place where the claw begins to bend down, and you need to cut.

    Practical advice: In order for a small dog to tolerate cutting its claws more calmly, you can encourage it with a treat. The toy terrier, receiving a treat after each cut claw, will quickly realize that an unpleasant procedure is encouraged by something tasty, and it is easier to endure it and get a reward than to growl and break out of the hands of the owner.

    Ear Care

    Of course, the ears of the Russian Toy must be cleaned if sulfur secretions are visible. It is best to use cotton swabs, gently and shallowly cleaning the ears.

    Often the owners of a small dog are worried about the question: “What if the ears of a toy terrier are not standing up?” The answer is simple: massage and ear taping.

    Massage performed every day with two fingers from the base in the center and up. Give the procedure enough attention and time. The problem of weak ear cartilage will also be solved by timely and correct sizing. This procedure can be done at home. You will need:

    • Medical very sticky plaster about 2 cm wide;
    • Scissors;
    • An ear splint, which can be made from any thin, solid, long object (the base of a cotton swab, for example);
    • Lotion for degreasing.

    First you need to wipe the inside of the toy's ear with lotion (so that the patch sticks firmly and does not come off). Any lotion for degreasing the skin will do. Next, we make the basis for gluing. We take a tire (the base of a cotton swab, a piece of a rod from a pen, etc.), cut off two pieces of a patch with rounded ends. We lay a tire between them and glue them together. Next, we cut off a piece of patch along the width and length of the ear of the toy terrier, but wider and longer than the blank with the tire. We glue the blank with the tire using a piece of plaster to the ear of that terrier. This simple procedure will avoid creases on the ears of a small dog, help them to become at the right time.

    Dental care

    Grooming Russian Toy Terrier includes mandatory systematic dental care. Teeth of a toy terrier should be cleaned periodically or special biscuits should be used to prevent the appearance of tartar. The frequency of brushing your teeth depends on the composition of the saliva and the diet of the small dog. If tartar has nevertheless overtaken your pet's teeth, you should contact an experienced veterinarian who will save your dog from this problem.

    Another important point in caring for the teeth of a small dog is the removal of milk teeth. Unlike the teeth of large dogs, toy terrier fangs do not fall out on their own, because their roots do not dissolve. This caused the need to remove the teeth of the toy terrier.

    Many owners of small dogs entrust the solution to this problem of caring for that terrier to veterinary clinics. However, often in these institutions, when removing milk teeth, dogs use unacceptably large doses of anesthesia, which leads to health problems in animals. It is possible to remove the milk teeth of the Russian Toy at home. For this you will need:

    • Any mounting side cutters that can be bought at the store with sharp short jaws;
    • Gauze swabs;
    • Lidocaine or novocaine 2%;
    • A firm hand and courage.

    Conduct process:

    1. The milk teeth of that terrier are removed only when there are hints of molars - white bumps on the gums, which indicate that several days will pass, and molars will appear in these places. If you remove the milk teeth before the tubercles of the molars appear, you can spoil the dog's bite.

      Practical advice: The lower fangs of toy terriers erupt from the inside of the lower dentition, therefore, in order not to miss their eruption, it is necessary to look under the dog's tongue more often during the change of teeth.

    2. When using side cutters, make sure that the handles are insulated and do not slip in your hands.
    3. Before removing a tooth, soak a gauze swab in lidocaine or novocaine and apply it to the dog's gum for several minutes. This will numb the area where the tooth was removed.
    4. You need to break off the tooth with a sharp, precise movement under the very gum so that nothing protrudes from under the gum. If the first time it was not possible to completely break the canine, repeat the manipulation. Try not to hurt your gum, but if it does happen and you see some blood, don't panic. Apply a gauze sterile swab and stop the bleeding.

    The advantage of home removal of fangs is the absence of anesthesia, which has a harmful effect on the body of the toy terrier, as well as the avoidance of removal of the canine with the root, which causes profuse bleeding.

    In addition to the advice that we have already given, let me make a few additions that are undoubtedly important:

    • Do not take your dog for a walk on a harness. This causes improper formation of the toy terrier's joints.
    • Never leave your dog alone near a store or in a car.
    • If you have any doubts about your dog's health, contact your veterinarian immediately. Better to be safe than to bite your elbows because of lost time.

    Reading the above recommendations, it may seem that caring for a Russian Toy Terrier is complex and requires special skills and knowledge. We assure you, this is absolutely not true! Of course, certain knowledge and skills are needed, but they are simply acquired through experience. Believe me, after a couple of weeks, caring for a toy will give you great pleasure.

    It's so nice to take care of someone who needs you, and in return is ready to give love and selfless devotion!

    This article is for those who are already or are just planning to become the owner of a toy terrier dog. Caring for and maintaining such a mini-dog is a lot of work, and at the same time an interesting and exciting activity.

    The appearance of a four-legged comrade in the house can be compared with the appearance of a new family member.

    Breeders compare caring for a dog of this breed to caring for a child. These tender babies need a reverent attitude.

    Despite some difficulties in care, this breed has its advantages:

    • Toy Terriers and Toy Mini Terriers are decorative dogs that are suitable for keeping even in tiny apartments.
    • Dogs of this breed can be trained to walk on a cat tray or on a special diaper.
    • Toy terriers are called "pocket" dogs, because their weight is a maximum of three kilograms, their height does not exceed 28 centimeters.
    • Their fur is not an allergen for humans.
    • Toy Terriers eat very little, which means that you do not have to spend a lot of money on keeping a pet.


    These tiny dogs require a well-formulated and balanced diet.

    You can feed your dog special food. You should choose specialized high quality feeds, and not those sold in all supermarkets. But they are quite expensive.

    An alternative would be to feed specially prepared food. Such a diet should include a sufficient amount of proteins, trace elements, fats and vitamins.

    In no case should you feed your tiny pet food from your table.

    The body of this dog does not digest fresh milk either. Toy Terriers should not be given minced meat (fish, beef, chicken). In the same way, too spicy, fatty, salty, smoked foods, sweets are prohibited.

    In feeding toy terriers and mini toy terriers, it is important to observe the frequency.

    Babies up to 2 months need to be fed six times a day, older dogs - 4 times a day. Starting from 10 months, the toy terrier can be transferred to two meals a day.

    Do not spoil your dog with snacks and do not overfeed him to avoid unwanted consequences in the form of extra pounds.

    Toy terrier puppies can eat raw carrots.

    Thicker toy terriers look cute, but live much less than their slender counterparts.

    And remember, despite the fact that the toy terrier belongs to the decorative breeds of dogs, he has a wolfish appetite. Therefore, most of his diet should be meat.

    Puppy toilet

    In a sense, keeping a toy terrier can be compared to keeping a cat. This lap dog can easily be trained to go to the toilet on a tray.

    This must be done from an early age. Fortunately, representatives of this breed are perfectly amenable to training.

    But do not wait for the result of your work to appear immediately. This will take some time and patience. On average, you can achieve what you want in 10-20 days.

    To train your toddler to go to the toilet in the same place on a diaper or litter box, you can use the least stressful method for your dog.

    You need to cover the entire floor in the apartment with oilcloth or newspapers. Every day you need to remove one sheet until only one newspaper remains.

    The puppy will understand that from now on he will have to go to the toilet in this place. Later, you can replace the newspaper with a diaper or tray.

    How to equip a place for that terrier?

    Dogs of this breed do not tolerate drafts and cold, they are constantly cold.

    It is advisable to choose a place for that terrier away from windows, doors and cool rooms. Not the best option and the kitchen, where the window is constantly opened.

    Therefore, the dog must have a place in the owners' rooms. The best option would be to make several sunbeds (one for each room), so your baby can choose where to sleep.

    The toy terrier will not sleep on the floor, so it is better to buy a special house for him or equip a sunbed yourself.

    Grooming and cutting

    As for wool, moderate care is important here. When caring for her, use only natural brushes. Particular attention should be paid to the area behind the ears, chest and elbows.

    Haircut may be required for long-haired representatives of this breed. They not only need to be carefully combed, but also periodically cut.

    You should not be self-employed. It is better to entrust the haircut of that terrier to a professional - a groomer.

    Bathing, brushing teeth, trimming nails

    Don't bathe your dog more than once a month.

    For bathing, you can use specialized shampoos and even balms. You can wash the toy terrier with baby shampoo.

    After vaccination, the dog should not be bathed for two weeks.

    Teeth are one of the weak points of that terrier, so they must be taken care of without fail. You can do this with a special or mint children's toothpaste.

    By one year, your pet's milk teeth should be replaced by permanent ones. If this does not happen, contact a specialist. Toy terrier teeth should be brushed at least once a week.

    If you do not cut your dog's nails in time, they will begin to break on their own, leading to bleeding and pain.

    For these purposes, you need to use a special nail cutter (you can buy it at a pet supply store).

    You need to cut only the edge of the claw, so as not to hurt or injure the animal. If you accidentally touch the skin with a nail clipper, you need to disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide (3%).

    In order for the “operation” to be successful, try to distract the dog with affectionate conversations. At the same time, you need to hold the paw firmly so as not to injure the toy terrier.

    If you are afraid to carry out this procedure yourself, contact the nearest veterinary clinic. The cost of this procedure does not exceed 150 rubles.

    Ear and eye care

    Your terrier's ears should be cleaned at least once a week. This can be done with a special tool designed for cleaning the ears, or with camphor alcohol.

    It is necessary to apply the product on a cotton swab and clean the surface of the ears from dirt. You can penetrate no more than half a centimeter inside.

    If any discharge appears from the ears, contact your veterinarian.

    When bathing, you should cover the ears of that terrier with cotton swabs.

    It is important to accustom your pet to daily washing - this is the main principle of caring for the eyes of a dog.

    You can wash your eyes with boiled water or a decoction of chamomile. It is necessary to remove all discharge from the eyes.

    After the procedure, you should blot your eyes with a dry cloth.

    Dog clothes and walking

    The fact that a toy terrier can be trained to go to the toilet on a tray does not mean at all that it does not need to be walked. Dogs need fresh air.

    Walk your pet at least twice a day. Also representatives of this breed are shown physical activity. On a walk, you can play, train your pet.

    Owners of toy terriers love to dress up their wards. In winter, this is especially true. Dogs are very sensitive to cold, so you need to take care of the "equipment".

    For winter walks with that terrier, one cannot do without overalls with synthetic winterizer, a warm hat or hood, and warm boots with non-slip soles.

    In summer, you can get by with a light outfit in order to make your pet stand out from the crowd.

    How do you take care of your toy terrier? How do you pamper him? Be sure to share in the comments, it's always interesting and useful for beginners!!

    For information on how to care for that terrier, watch the video:

    Toy Terriers are one of the smallest dog breeds, and owners should be especially responsible in all aspects and maintenance, in particular, feeding. A small organism is very fragile and it is easy to cause irreparable harm to an animal if you do not approach the diet wisely. Today we will tell you how to feed a toy terrier, starting from puppyhood. Below are options for natural diets and ready-made dry industrial feeds that are suitable for this particular mini-breed.

    Dogs are not able to independently generate many micro- and macroelements and vitamins that are indispensable for life, therefore they must fully receive them from food. The toy menu will depend on its age, activity level and weight, but the general recommendations will be the same for all dogs of this breed.

    The dog needs to be fed on a schedule, every day at the same time. You can not leave the half-eaten portion in the free access for the animal, as well as constantly treat the dog in the middle of the day. An adult toy terrier should receive food twice a day - after a morning walk and after an evening walk. The only thing that should always be in sight of the dog is a bowl full of clean, cool water.

    If the pet regularly does not eat up, leaving part of the serving in the bowl, you need to reduce its size next time. If the dog greedily pounces on food, destroying it in a matter of minutes, and continues to lick the bowl, it is worth considering increasing the portion size.

    The nutrition of a toy terrier, even if the owner considers him a full member of the family, cannot be identical to that of a human. You can not give the dog dishes prepared for the owner, even if the dog eats natural products, the diet is prepared separately. Products must be fresh, you can not add seasonings to them, it is also harmful to feed the terrier with complex culinary delights - the dog's stomach is tuned to mono-food.

    The owner of the toy terrier must decide for himself what type of feeding to follow: cook from natural products, or purchase ready-made dry food for the pet. The appearance of the dog is an indicator of whether the owner has chosen the right diet for him. If the animal pleases the owner with activity, shiny coat, has no problems with stool, then the food is chosen correctly.

    Do not forget that not only the composition of the portion is important, but also the frequency of feeding. Different schemes are suitable for toy terriers of different ages.

    Table 1. Toy Terrier nutrition scheme?

    Important point! Unlike many other breeds, toy terriers are not allowed to be fed less than twice a day. The fact is that these miniature dogs can experience an acute shortage of glucose against the background of starvation. This is a difficult process that can end in hypoglycemic coma and death of the animal.

    Natural nutrition of the toy terrier

    The basis of the dog's diet, like any other predatory animal, should be protein products (lean meat and offal, sea fish, poultry). Meat products must be present at each feeding and occupy at least 60 percent of the entire serving. It is not necessary to subject the meat to heat treatment, it is enough to scald the pieces with boiling water before offering to the dog.

    Vegetables, berries, fruits and greens are another mandatory and indispensable part of the diet. In a bowl of an adult toy, these products should be present daily without heat treatment (you can finely chop them, it is better to grate or pass through a blender). The following vegetables and fruits are suitable for dogs:

    • zucchini, zucchini;
    • pumpkin;
    • carrot;
    • Bulgarian red pepper
    • apples;
    • pears;

    Also, finely chopped fresh greens should be included in the food of toy terriers, you can give dogs blueberries, strawberries, watermelons and melons grown on your site (you can’t give purchased ones, there is a risk of poisoning a small dog with nitrates or pesticides).

    Also, the owner should make sure that the pet regularly receives fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir), raw eggs (quail or chicken), and vegetable oils. You can give a small amount of cereals, the best option would be rice or buckwheat.

    Vitamin supplements

    No matter how fresh and high-quality natural food is, the dog will not be able to get all the necessary substances from it. Therefore, the toy terrier will need to pick up special vitamin or mineral supplements. To make a competent choice, it is better to visit a veterinarian and pick up drugs with him. Supplements for dogs are divided into the following:

    • for growing puppies;
    • for pregnant bitches and lactating dogs;
    • for juniors;
    • for adult dogs;
    • strengthening bones and joints;
    • for hair growth;
    • for older animals.

    It should be understood that uncontrolled, and especially long-term intake of vitamins without a prescription from a veterinarian, can negatively affect the body of a toy terrier. Since this is a small dog, an excess of a substance can be no less dangerous than a deficiency. Before purchasing a vitamin complex, it is worth passing a biochemical blood test.

    Dry food for toy terriers

    If the owner does not want to cook daily for the pet or does not have such an opportunity, or is simply afraid that he will not be able to balance the diet of the toy terrier, industrial dry food is the best option. For a toy terrier of any gender and age, you need to choose high-quality diets (only "holistic" and "super-premium" classes).

    Today, on the counter of any pet store, you can find at least ten options for high-quality dry food suitable for miniature breed dogs. When choosing dry food, the owner should be guided by the inscriptions "Mini" or "Small" on the package. Also, close attention should be paid to the composition of the feed. In the first place in the list of ingredients should be the protein source (meat component), and it should be at least 40-50%. Well, if it is turkey, salmon, venison, lamb or duck - most dogs do not have an allergic reaction to these types of meat.

    Further, the composition should contain fruits and vegetables, or a source of fiber (grain, potatoes, rice). Also, good food should contain an extensive list of vitamins (groups B, C, A), minerals, micro- and macro-elements. Such a composition includes everything that a dog needs, additional vitamins or other supplements do not need to be purchased.

    When reading the composition of dry food, the owner must understand which components are in question. High-quality feeds contain a minimum of ingredients, they are based on meat and cereals (either vegetables or fruits). If the feed contains yeast, flavors, dyes, corn or bone meal, cellulose is a poor quality feed.

    According to the owners of toy terriers, the list of the best dry food for representatives of this breed looks like this:

    • "Akana";
    • "Orijen";
    • "Grandorf";
    • Farmina;
    • "Go";
    • "Belcando";
    • "Eagle Pack";
    • "Innova".

    Important point! Dry food is selected for the animal individually. It is not necessary that a food that is suitable for one toy terrier will also be good for another. For the first time, you need to take the smallest package in order to monitor the pet's stool, his mood, and possible allergic reactions.

    How to transfer a dog from one type of food to another?

    Like all miniature breeds, toy terriers have a very delicate digestion, so "leaps" from one type of food to another are unacceptable. Also, you can not abruptly change the brand of dry food. The transfer should be carried out gradually, within a week.

    When a puppy moves from a breeder to an owner, the owner must follow the same type of feeding. Before six to eight months, it is undesirable to transfer the pet to another food without much need, for example, due to health problems. If the owner wishes to switch from natural to industrial food or vice versa, he must proceed as follows:

    1. Day One - Nine parts of the usual food and one part of the new food are placed in the dog's bowl.
    2. The second day - in a bowl there are eight parts of the old food and two parts of the new one.
    3. The third day is a combination of 70% of the old food and 30% and then similarly.

    The same scheme applies if the owner changes one brand of dry food to another. An exception is veterinary diet food, you can transfer the dog to them in one day.

    Video - What not to feed a toy terrier