A short congratulations on the 9th wedding anniversary. Faience wedding (9 years)

Nine is a special, mystical number, happy and bringing good luck.

And the nine-year wedding anniversary is a special date that falls only once, and has its own rituals, traditions and rules.

This is a faience wedding - nine years of marriage of spouses in love and happiness. However, nine years is not such a serious period, the first “round” date will come only in a year, and the spouses have not yet gained much experience.

There was understanding and harmony in the family, the husband and wife got used to each other and became attached. But 9 years is a dangerous period when crises are possible.

That is why faience was chosen as a symbol of this anniversary - a beautiful, but fragile material that requires careful care and storage. So is a family after 9 years of marriage - it can crack if you do not take care of the relationship.

A faience wedding is also called chamomile, and this is a very beautiful association. It is a lovely flower of pure love, romance and commitment.

In nine years of marriage, love has already been proven, there is no doubt about it, and there is no need to guess on a camomile. But to refresh feelings, to give them new sharpness - this is important on such an anniversary.

Traditions and rules of faience wedding

A faience wedding is an important holiday, a new family year begins on this beautiful day, which means that you can start a lot anew. How to spend this holiday so that the best memories remain from this day, and many years of a happy life together, before the golden wedding, awaited ahead?

1. The main tradition of this day is a bouquet of daisies as a gift to my wife. The husband wakes up at the very beginning of the day, at dawn, and goes to the field to collect daisies.

Well, at least to the nearest flower shop. The wife should wake up and first of all see this lovely bouquet - and hear from her beloved husband warm congratulations on this holiday. Such a congratulation will be symbolic and pleasant, as well as set in the right mood and bring love to the family.

2. All day the spouses should be together and not part. Even if someone needs to go to the store, they go together, because this will symbolize their strong and indestructible union, and for many years of life they will be inseparable. Of course, it’s ideal if the holiday falls on a day off, or if it’s worth taking a day off - don’t go to work with your husband.

3. This anniversary can take place in a large circle - the main thing is that there should be at least nine guests, and married couples must come together, together, and preferably with children. It is better to celebrate a faience wedding in nature, if possible - this is the custom.

On the bank of the river or in the forest, you can light a fire, play interesting games in the fresh air, sing songs and have fun, listen to pleasant congratulations and accept gifts from guests. Let the children have fun and run around, their carefree laughter attracts love and wealth to the family.

4. Women invited to the holiday weave wreaths of daisies - and they should give it to the hostess, so she will definitely always have female happiness and health, and she will be happy with her husband. If the holiday takes place at home, in the cold season, you can buy daisies in the store - and weave a wreath from it.

5. Another tradition associated with the anniversary is the breaking of dishes. First of all, during the day it is necessary to throw out all the dishes that are broken or cracked from the house - they will bring misfortune to the house. And during the holiday, to congratulations and applause, the spouses beat exactly nine old plates - and this ceremony will definitely bring happiness to the family.

6. Spouses should buy something new for the house, and ideally it should be a beautiful faience service. It is better to update all the dishes, if possible, or at least only part of them.

What do they give for a faience wedding?

The name is eloquent - on this anniversary, the spouses will receive a lot of faience dishes as a gift. But congratulations must be original, and it will be good if the owners do not have to receive several completely identical sets as a gift, so it's worth considering.

  • Earthenware dishes are something that can be safely presented, besides, they are beautiful and diverse. How many unusual coffee and tea sets, saucers, teapots you can give - your eyes run wide! Husband and wife can give each other special coffee pairs that will be symbolic for them.
  • You can show your imagination and not give dishes, but give, say, a decorative plate on a stand - this is very beautiful. By the way, on such a plate you can order a portrait of the spouses or a special inscription, then you can give it safely, with confidence that it will be a valuable souvenir.
  • They also give figurines and other home decor. Cool figurines for the home and garden, symbolic decorative ornaments, candlesticks and even caskets are made from faience.
  • Remembering the second name of the anniversary, congratulations may be associated with daisies. For example, you can give bedding in daisies, a tablecloth, rug or curtains.
  • You can safely give a woman accessories with these wild flowers - hairpins, jewelry, a handbag or cosmetic bag, a flowered umbrella or even a dress.
  • Of course, each congratulation should be accompanied by a bouquet of daisies. They can be safely given in any quantity, the more these flowers are in the house, the more love and happiness the spouses will have!

The most valuable thing that spouses can give to each other on this holiday is sincere love and fidelity. It is worth considering your behavior and deciding what needs to be changed.

An important year lies ahead - the last year before the tenth, decisive and turning point anniversary. Surely there are many plans that have not yet been implemented, and much needs to be changed in life and in oneself.

To reach the tenth anniversary of a truly mature and the envy of all a happy family, you need to work on relationships and cherish them, starting with this for - a wonderful faience wedding! Author: Vasilina Serova

Congratulations on your faience wedding.

In the calendar of family dates
Faience her outfit.
A whole year before the anniversary:
Without "nine" the account does not go!
Although you do not have an anniversary,
I want to congratulate you soon
Happy ninth anniversary
Not without reason at all.
We congratulate you on this date!
Live happily and richly:
Love, family happiness,
And so - before the golden wedding!

Wedding Anniversary SMS 9 years.

heavenly office
Love keeps score.
She went wild with you
And that means no reckoning.
Made your marriage last
Happy years!
Already nine years have been snapped,
Happy wedding, gentlemen!

Faience is the symbol of the wedding anniversary,
Nine years behind us!
Would you like us to know
What is the secret of happiness and love?
Loving look at each other
Look both of you still
Lovely husband and wife
Do not know insults and quarrels,
You know how to forgive, to hear -
Here is your guarantee of happiness
So let a hundred years under your roof
Lucky light is on!

Although you do not have an anniversary,
I want to congratulate you soon
Happy ninth anniversary
Love you long-strong!

A faience wedding is a reason for a holiday,
Are you celebrating your wedding anniversary today?
In love, you and consent lived for nine years,
There is no family stronger than yours in the whole world!
We wish you health, peace, warmth,
Easy and carefree, so that your life flows,
May happiness live in the house, may joy be in it,
Let your life become more beautiful every day!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 9 years.

Congratulations on your anniversary -
With the fact that for nine years a single family
You lived happily and amicably,
Everything you need to be happy:
House, car, wealth ...
And between you - mutual understanding,
There are wonderful children
In short, the family is the best in the world!
We will give you poems today,
We wish you peace and health,
Protect your love from troubles,
Live happily for many years!

You lived together for nine years
And there is simply no better family.
We congratulate you on your anniversary
And we wish you all the blessings of the earth!

Wife with the 9th wedding anniversary.

I confess to you, dear, in love
On the day of the faience anniversary.
I am very glad that I connected my life with you,
I don't regret a single moment!
I thank you for the well-established life,
For love, affection and care,
You make sure that I am dressed, clean and shaved,
Don't be late for work.
She gave birth to me two crumbs - lovely children -
Grateful for my daughter and son!
You still amaze with your beauty!
I love you like on your wedding day!

Faience wedding SMS.

Feelings do not go out in your family,
No wonder they say
That being one family is an art,
But to nine years in a row!
And you are capable of much more
Love and happiness you can not count!
Problems will be easier
There is a reason to be proud of the family!

Faience wedding anniversary -
Great reason for a holiday.
Today again you are the bride and groom,
Although we have lived together for 9 years!
We wish you well-being
Patience in the family and understanding,
Love let your bright, gentle light
Life illuminates for many, many years!

Congratulations on 9 years what a wedding in prose

Dear, I congratulate you on your 9th anniversary - on faience
wedding. I want your relationship to be as strong as
strong and dense, like a material called earthenware. Be
happy and loved by each other, be successful and healthy. Let your
the family is getting stronger every day, let them reign in your house
understanding, prosperity, fidelity, luck and well-being.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you, dear ones, on your faience wedding,
9 year anniversary of wonderful family life. I wish you many more
great joint victories and joyful events, good luck and
high prosperity, brave goals and undoubted successes, eternal love and
reliable welfare, family health and sincere happiness.

Congratulations to a happy and wonderful family on the 9th anniversary of being together, with
faience wedding. I wish you a painted and bright faience
happiness, eternal love and undoubted good luck, a healthy family and
well-being in the house.

Congratulations on your faience wedding, on your wonderful 9th ​​birthday
family life. I want to wish good health and respect in the family,
eternal good and happy events, mutual understanding and bright hopes,
bright radiance and strong love.

Our dears, we congratulate you on your nine-year anniversary
married life - faience wedding! looking at your happy
eyes, it's safe to say that you are a worthy couple. I want to
wish you to save your relationship, increase your fortune and live
together until old age. So let's break the dishes for happiness,
so that all the troubles shattered into thousands of fragments. live in
harmony, peace, harmony and love!

Congratulations on your faience wedding, with a wonderful 9th ​​anniversary
family life. I want to wish you good and long years of good and love,
success and good luck. May there be no place in your life for storms and thunderstorms,
May the weather in the family always be sunny and warm.

9 years flew by like a year. I couldn't even imagine our
family life, and now I can not imagine life without it. We are so
different people with you, that our union can be safely called something
incredible, because it has existed for so many years. With every day that passes
married to you, I am convinced that I have chosen the right man, with
with which I will meet my old age. You fill my life with happiness and
meaning, being my support and support. Thank you for this mine
cute. And today, on our ninth anniversary, I want to wish you
peace, harmony and patience, as you need it,
because you live with me. May we all be well for a long time,
many years!

My dear "newlyweds"! Nine years after your marriage, you
eyes so much love and adoration! It's just wonderful, so
Everything went well and everything is in order! I congratulate you on faience
wedding and wish: infinite happiness, eternal health, love
earthly, native country! Obedient children, caring friends,
loving parents, wealthy patrons, heartfelt love, respect
forever, joy without borders, in the hands of tits!

Let's break the old dishes today according to tradition! From this
time you have moved to a new frontier of relationships. They are no longer so fragile.
not so vulnerable. Resentments and disagreements have smoothed out over the years. durable and
stable family days for you, hugs full of love and tenderness,
the joys of being together!

9 years of marriage (what a wedding) congratulations

Nine years is a long time
For a married couple
And today the firing of clay
I will remember and you will remember.
Your faience wedding -
Ceramic Union.
And of course there's no chance
That I won't get drunk today
That I will come home not with cancer,
That I'll fall asleep already inside ...
So congratulations on your new marriage
Those who are three times three!!

Congratulations are flying to you on your 9th wedding anniversary!
You are given to each other by fate,
And this is such happiness for you -
Live with a sincere and devoted soul.
You've seen a lot together in your life
But the main thing is that love
that kept warm for years
Protected your happiness again! Two earthenware vessels
Full of sweet wine.
Look - it's a miracle!
Two hearts - one destiny!
Together you meet the dawns,
Inseparable and faithful.
Grief never know
God bless you spring! Fragile, but beautiful, rich faience,
You did not miss a valuable opportunity -
Suddenly grew numerically, financially
And we got to the wedding, to the faience!
This is the beauty of the world
If they are ruled by love and kindness!
Stay exemplary
Cheerful, beautiful, wonderful! You've been married for nine years
In tenderness, trust, love.
With a faience wedding, dear ones,
Accept my congratulations!
You are young, beautiful and successful.
I wish you long and happy years.
May your union grow stronger and not fade away
Your love mutual gentle light. Newlyweds - our greetings!
Yes, you are still not more beautiful! ..
Just think - now your
The family is nine years old!
You are together. Your cozy home.
What more could we wish for
Are you looking for a faience wedding?
Oh yes! Everywhere you two
Joyfully walk through life
And let the insignificant finances
Do not spoil the charms of faience
Beautiful your nine! We are happy anniversary, not otherwise
We hasten to congratulate you soon
And we wish you good luck.
In the family the ninth anniversary,
Prosperity, peace and harmony
After all, without it, it is impossible
And, in general, wishes of happiness
Let there be a friendly family! The old crockery is broken
And congratulations are not beaten.
We gave you new plates,
Don't forget about your wedding anniversary.
Even if every day you beat the dishes,
But pity your family.
Faience casts a novelty,
Wishing well-being. You have been married for nine years
And this is a long time.
And even imperceptibly
That time has passed.
You are still together
Are still beautiful
And your eyes are shining
Happy smile.
faience wedding -
Solemn date.
Live well
And be rich! Today is your wedding anniversary.
Yes, 9 years is not yet an anniversary,
But it's still a holiday.
And we congratulate you on it.
Let the years pass unnoticed
Without overshadowing the path of life nothing.
And may your union be very strong,
And let the feelings burn like a thousand candles. Happy ninth family
I congratulate you, friends!
May your days be bright
Live joyfully, lovingly.
May God keep you from adversity
Sorrows will disappear without a trace
May you always be lucky in everything
You always be happy! I wish you always good luck
A bunch of roses, love in addition
Beautiful gifts. And dreams
Let them incarnate as if you
In a magical fairyland
Live for nine years. And me
So very happy for you.
Lots of love and happiness! You lived together for nine years!
We wish you on your festive day
Joy, harmony, victories
And good, loyal friends.
You both look great together.
Great, happy family!
We congratulate you on a bright day!
Happy wedding anniversary, friends! Nine years of marriage
It wasn't easy
But I had the courage
You've been together for a long time.
faience wedding -
A strong family.
Evenings of decoration -
Your sons.
Good luck to you,
Many peaceful days.
Get even richer
Be wiser in marriage.
Let the wife of chamomile
Husband will give again.
And break the cups -
Let love grow stronger! You've been together for nine whole years
Again you are the bride and groom!
Again guests at the table,
Just the three of you!
Do you have a baby
This is happiness for us too!
Let more children be born
Children are the best in the world!
May your love live
Blooming bright lilies!
On this festive day
We give you a warm poem! Faience wedding - nine years!
Today we wish you happiness
We give you a bouquet of daisies.
May the angels protect your marriage
And protect you from various troubles.
Let the dishes beat with a ring,
For happiness, it beats somehow.
Congratulations flow like a river
Eyes shine with joy.
All because it's a miracle
That the two of you were firmly bound by fate! Today is our wedding anniversary!
You and I have been together for 9 years.
And the sound of earthenware will tell us
That our light with you is eternal!
Let's remember this date
And keep love in our hearts.
And our world will turn into a fairy tale,
And there will be a miracle again and again! A faience wedding is a deadline!
We have traveled many roads with you -
For 9 years of marital paradise.
Today we celebrate the anniversary.
Our marriage union is still strong.
Do not break our love bonds.
Friends, relatives are happy for us.
Faience wedding is a class! A faience wedding is a sign of love.
And fidelity, consent, in which you
Passed through life boldly, saying
That you love each other. And not in vain!
Let happiness come to you.
Let there be hops of victories.
Faience wedding!
The family is nine years old. Nine years ago you signed
Your bonds have become like a fusion,
You promised to love for centuries

There is simply no more beautiful couple than yours! Today we want to congratulate you.
The solemn moment has come.
You have a faience wedding,
You've been together for 9 years already!
All these golden years
You are tightly entwined.
And, despite all the bad weather,
You were able to save your family.
For you, love is not just a word.
The Lord has given you this feeling.
Blessed is your strong union,
Your spirit and flesh are one. Today is your wedding anniversary.
You lived in harmony for nine years.
I don't know what you wish for?
You have everything: love, peace and light ...
Faience wedding is a joy,
What fills life to us like a vessel...
The whole world is like a table that gives life sweetness,
Warmth, love, peace, comfort!
May your house be forever a full bowl,
Which life is not free to break,
May your wedding anniversary be
A vessel full of tart wine! You have been saving your marriage for nine years,
Happy, joyful moments are full,
You cherish your family as a treasure,
There is no emptiness in your heart!
We wish you great well-being and prosperity,
See each other for a very, very many days,
And happiness to you huge and unearthly,
Your love of all trials is much stronger! 9 years you love each other,
Protect family peace.
Faience is quite fragile,
We won't compare him to you.
During this time, they made a fortune,
Stable, happy family.
There is an imprint of love on your heart,
We would like to wish you the best.
To make your life beautiful
The wife is always beloved, and the husband
In the family authority
The warmth of his wife, warmed in the cold. Nine years is a serious date,
We met with you once
And realized it's fate friend
Brought us together with a friend!
We have a family, mutual feelings,
So fresh and strong!
The Star of Good Luck shines over us
And the aroma of happiness hovers over our heads! Not a joke at all - nine years ...
You made a vow a long time ago
But those words were true
You are together, together, as always!
And if there is resentment in you,
Then take it all out now
You can beat the dishes,
To continue to live peacefully, quietly!
Congratulations dear friends
You are our strong family
And then everything will be fine
The fate of the awards will not forget. Although a faience wedding is not your anniversary,
But since you've been together for nine years, raise your glass quickly!
Let happiness not change you, trouble will not come to your house,
May love and understanding never leave!
Be happy, relatives, let the years not age you,
May hope and faith be with you forever!
"Bitterly! Bitter!”, kiss, pour cognac,
We will drink for your wedding and give you congratulations! Here you are together for nine years,
There will be a festive dinner
There is something to remember and forget
Maybe even hide
Everything happens in life
People understand it
Toast after toast - congratulations:
May your peaceful island
What is called a family
Not lost in the ocean
Live in peace and tranquility
You are married with love! Happy faience wedding day
We came to congratulate everyone
Wish that as in the estate,
Flowers in the souls bloomed.
May you live with love
Your house is filled with laughter
Heart with heart to the beat, let it beat,
And may joy live in it! For a faience wedding
Fulfill any whim -
We will celebrate, we will walk,
We'll bring a service.
May they be pure and blameless
Your relationship will
Saved forever
Causing astonishment.
Live in love for each other -
And it's better not to need a miracle!
This congratulation was written -
Delicious grog poured into mugs. Loves, does not love - what to guess on a camomile,
When is the time to celebrate a faience wedding!
And this stage is more serious than any other -
Here, the strength of your love is put in an occasion!
Look into each other's eyes every time
As if the first - with the same fervor of passion.
Appreciate each other hundreds of times
Stronger than was possible before. Oh tonight in your house
You can see everything, as in the palm of your hand, -
All faience happiness
9 years of love and passion.
Anniversary is called
And we don't have to guess
Why in your family
Understanding this.
You kept your feelings
It's a whole art
Love is a fragile space
Not smashed like faience you are. Nine years have passed since then,
And like a day, no more, has passed,
In the eyes burns, as before, a bright light,
Gathered all relatives to this table.
Keep the happiness of life every moment
Love beautiful bright lights,
As an old man once said,
Save the source of your love. In the teachings of the ancients, the number nine
Considered the end phase...
Stepping into the new, but with zeal!
And we wish you a new
And let the radiance of purple
Love shines brighter! Protect each other, relationships are fragile,
After all, it was not in vain that faience became a symbol for nine years.
It is better to live without conflicts, make concessions.
Let there be resonance in your actions. In this faience wedding
Gathered relatives and friends.
You definitely know the secrets
And we just wanted to wish
So that it lasted a whole century.
After all, there is a close person!

Congratulations on a faience wedding (9 years old)

Today is the solemn day of your life,
May you remember forever
And sadness and separation
May you never have.
On the day of the faience wedding, accept congratulations,
May life bring you only admiration,
Let luck not leave you
May there be many happy days.

What is faience? Dish base,
A familiar guest in the kitchen in every home.
And we will use it forever.
We are so familiar with this material.

Today is the day when special honor
Faience is rewarded without fail.
For this, the reason is important, weighty,
Namely: marriage has a birthday.

Ninth anniversary of any marriage
It is considered a faience wedding.
And therefore they wish you to live all the best
Gathered guests at the estate.

Nine years ago you signed
Your bonds have become like a fusion,
You promised to love for centuries
So keep your promises!

You love each other without looking back,
Give joy for many, many years
And let through the years and decades
There is simply no more beautiful couple than yours!

In the teachings of the ancients, the number nine
Considered the end phase...
To dispel the experience of the past,
Stepping into the new, but with zeal!

And we wish you a new
Get back on the path together.
And let the radiance of purple
Love shines brighter!

The nineth anniversary of marriage is a holiday for you dear,
May the community of souls become a lucky star,
May luck smile at you, may there be a lot of good,
Bathe in love, always in joy.
Congratulations on your wedding day
Let the mood be great
Let the house be a full bowl
May only joy be in him.

We are gathered again today
For a festive dinner
And the reason is four words:
You are now nine years old!
Glare dances on tea cups
Play around the edges...
Yes, you drink life with a full cup!
And happy new anniversary
I congratulate you!
Let, spinning in a magical dance,
Give you years
Shine of pure earthenware
With happiness in half!

In this faience wedding
Gathered relatives and friends.
You definitely know the secrets
How to love more tenderly for nine years!

And we just wanted to wish
So that it lasted a whole century.
Let blizzards sweep outside the window,
After all, there is a close person!

Let faience beat for happiness
Happy anniversary, friends!
May you have fun
The family will be happy!
You with broken dishes
Get rid of adversity
For migraines, for colds
And all sorts of trouble.

Today we have come to celebrate
Nine year anniversary of the family.
And let the years pass without a trace
After all, the main thing is that you are together forever!
Live without sorrow and without quarrels,
Let no vile dispute divide you.
Thank fate for every moment,
Take care of each other in love and loyalty!

Invented by someone in the old days
Names of all anniversaries.
And we are grateful to him
To this day, not without reason.

Anniversary signs are different
Quality, strength, strength.
For example, a faience wedding
Denotes nine years lived in the world.

Faience, like marriage, is beautiful and fragile,
He needs to take care of himself.
So take care, except for jokes,
Your family weather.

I want to congratulate you
With a crystal wedding
Be happy always my
The long-suffering wife!
Do not be discouraged, even though life sometimes
It gets too hard
Let nine years be a long time
But it's still nice to live!

They say 9 years
Boiling point:
There are many stresses and troubles
All for no reason!

I love you my husband
As always loved!
Only one will separate us
A grave for two.

Nine years of marriage
Life in joy, in love,
And with his wife, sometimes capricious,
Lived, you are a beloved husband.

Happy anniversary
And I want to tell you
You are the real man
I can't dream of a better one.

Not much time has passed
From the day we got married.
There is more happiness in the world
The day you signed up.

Anniversary nine years
Celebrate with your family.
We wish you a century
Together to live one destiny!

Congratulations to my wife on 9 years of marriage

Fate gave me a beautiful wife,
I am happy, dear, always with you,
Your love warms like the sun
It burns with a bright guiding star.
The faience wedding imperceptibly came to us,
May there be a lot of joy, warmth in your life,
Let you, my love, always be lucky
Let sadness, sadness forever go away.

Next to me I feel your breath
My friend of life, my wife,
I keep all the good memories in my heart
My soul is full of you, my love.
Congratulations on your faience anniversary,
Peace to you, joy, smiles and kindness,
May the Lord protect you
Let life flow like a full river.

Beloved, tender, glorious,
Mistress of the house, my heart,
Beautiful, kind, main,
I'm incredibly lucky to have you.
Today we celebrate a faience wedding,
I wish you only the best, my love
Let worries and sorrows go away
May your dream always come true.

My love, I fall in love with you every time
When I see the radiance of your radiant eyes,
You fill my life with tenderness and affection,
Beautiful love warms the heart.
I congratulate you on a faience wedding,
I wish you good luck, joy, good health,
All earthly blessings, family warmth,
Let your dream come true.

Dear dove, my tender,
There is no greater happiness in life than loving you,
Nine years we've been together, this is a short time,
I'm ready to be at your feet forever.
You are loved by all heart, body and soul,
I am ready forever, to be always with you.
I congratulate you and thank you
My dear wife, my faithful one!

Those eyes are blue
That thoughtful look
Woven in my heart
Delicate love pattern.
Faience wedding was called
I'll call it golden
And no matter what they say
I'm captivated by you forever!

My beloved half
Walked by the hand with you
Faience wedding boundary,
Walked side by side with you.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
With this date I want
And be sure to add
That I love you so much.

Not everyone is lucky in life
Find your soul mate
But I'm lucky to know
I managed to find you.
Today we celebrate the date
They call it a faience wedding,
May good come to the house as a reward,
And the troubles and pains will go away.

Today is our family holiday
And you are her soul
You keep our warm hearth
And I'm at your feet.
You covered with earthly heat,
And me and family and home,
You save our world from trouble
I love you - you are the best!

You are my desired and beloved,
Affectionate, gentle and beautiful,
I live and admire you
Every year I fall in love more and more.
We are celebrating a faience wedding today,
I congratulate you, my love, with all my heart,
Let worries pass you by
I wish you a bright, sunny road.

My beloved wife, beautiful wife,
Only you in the world I always need,
Our life is beautiful, like a dream,
We breathe and love in unison.
Smile, dear, more fun,
After all, today is our wedding anniversary,
I wish you, dear, health, beauty,
May all your dreams come true.

My wife has been living with you for 9 years,
And we can't imagine life without each other
You are caring, beautiful and gentle,
Kind, always kind.
Today is the wedding anniversary, congratulations,
I wish you to be in a good mood
Let there be only warm words for you in life,
May good, reliable friends surround you.

Everything that is connected with happiness in life,
All this is connected, my love, with you,
I call you the most tender
The most affectionate, beautiful wife.
A faience wedding is knocking at our door,
We meet her with an open mind,
Let the bird of happiness fly to you
May hope, faith and love be with you.

No one argues about the strength of the family anymore. She is stronger than ever. The best gift for spouses on this day is faience dishes. Traditionally, on this festive day, spouses beat their old faience dishes. At the same time, with each broken object, past quarrels, discords and troubles are broken. It is believed that this ancient rite helps to renew the marriage and make it more durable. The process of destroying dishes is very interesting and fun, so you can connect your friends-guests to this action. Another name for the anniversary - chamomile - reminds of a chamomile flower associated with love (fortune-telling on “loves or dislikes”), summer, warmth, sun, and the name chamomile wedding suggests that the flowering of married life is coming. It is better to celebrate the ninth anniversary in nature with close friends and children. On this day, guests can give daisies to spouses.

In the calendar of family dates
Faience her outfit.
A whole year before the anniversary:
Without "nine" the account does not go!
Although you do not have an anniversary,
I want to congratulate you soon
Happy ninth anniversary
Not without reason at all.
We congratulate you on this date!
Live friendly and rich
Love, happiness and family,
And so - before the golden wedding!

You've been together for nine whole years
Again you are the bride and groom!
Again guests at the table,
Just the three of you!
Do you have a baby
This is happiness for us too!
Let more children be born
The best kids in the world!

Faience wedding - nine years!
Chamomile white simple bouquet!
Love - chamomile - a symbol of summer,
Warmth and sun, wedding light!
Guess on daisies again
Let the petal remain - love!
Let faience a little bit not porcelain.
We will not focus on this!
Faience - when it is easy and life is adjusted,
After all, the symbol of constancy is very important!
Let your family be all right,
And the cup is filled with love and in abundance!

The longer the marriage, the deeper the feelings
The people speak the truth.
But being one family is an art,
So that for nine whole years in a row!
And you are capable of much more
Spend time with each other!
With experience, everything is easier.
There is a reason to be proud of yourself!

Congratulations on your faience wedding,
You've been together for nine years now.
We wish you only happiness
And pour glasses full of wine.
Happiness and kindness, success in everything,
Long, joyful family days,
A lot of children's noise and laughter,
Real sincere friends!
Be patient, take care
Your hearth is family. And love
Carry through the years together
Boiled so that the blood from happiness!

Happy Anniversary
You have become even wiser
In a year we will celebrate together
tenth anniversary,
The wedding turned out to be linen,
Symbol of fidelity and feelings,
Let love be endless
Let sadness go forever
We heartily congratulate you,
You are spouses anywhere,
Your feelings will be eternal
Your couple forever!

Days go by, years go by
But only together you always!
Live soul to soul, together!
Family is all you need in life!
Marriage is nine years old today!
He is flourishing!
I want you to keep your family
Love each other passionately!

You were born for each other
We met by the will of fate!
Faithful you became spouses,
Members of a wonderful family!
Nine years already going on
Marriage of two perfect people!
Congratulations! Let them be fulfilled
All wishes for your anniversary!

The faience period has passed,
Life learned a lesson
So your marriage has become strong,
It's a wonderful sign!
So happiness is in the blood
You shine inside!
There is love and affection in the family -
Life will be a wonderful fairy tale!
So live for a hundred years
What are these years to count?
I drink for your happiness -
Bitter, dear friends!

In the heavenly office
Love is counting.
She went wild with you
And that means no calculation
Made your marriage last
Happy years!
Already nine years have been snapped,
Happy wedding, gentlemen!

I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,
You have been together for exactly nine years!
So enjoy every moment
And let the whole world know about it
Give each other impressions
And you will be happy forever
Be able to throw away doubts,
Joy to you for years to come!

A faience wedding is our holiday with you.
Nine years together day and night
My beloved, my wonderful, dear
I want to congratulate you very, very much!
My only beautiful husband
You are the best and you are my support.
I am proud and admire you
And I won't get tired of repeating it all over again.
I'm proud of you, I love you, and I know:
With you, we will overcome all adversity.
With you, I just melt with happiness.
And let the years flow freely.

Ninth anniversary family
We're here to congratulate you!
And we love for a reason.
Dear spouses, you!
We congratulate you on this date!
May all bad weather bypass you!
Live happily and richly
Dishes beat only for happiness!
Be proud: life has given you
Love, loyalty, family,
And sentenced to live in happiness,
And so - before the golden wedding!

I want to tell my wife
We've been with you for a long time!
And nine years, do not lose
We managed our happiness!
I want to wish you
To be happy
Believe me, don't be discouraged
Love is always alone!

Chamomile wedding is called
Nine year anniversary.
We sincerely wish you good luck
And purity, and loyal friends.
Family - it is known by deeds!
Decent children need to be raised,
So that the sun always shines in the soul,
And never, ever lose heart!

Nine years is not a short time
You were able to survive
Though sometimes stubbornly quarreled,
Managed to keep the feelings
You were able to fight back a divorce,
To your envious, enemies,
Although you often spoiled your nerves
Love grew beyond the clock
Leave all doubt behind
Let there be no more grievances
Take your luck with you
May fate favor you!

I want to congratulate you
With a crystal wedding
Be happy always my
The long-suffering wife!
Do not be discouraged, even though life sometimes
It gets too hard
Let nine years be a long time
But it's still nice to live!

Nine years is a long time
But this is only just the beginning.
You have created a rich economy for the future,
We wish it expanded.
To expand the house, so that the family grows,
So that only happiness shines in your house.
Although eight years have passed since the wedding,
We remember the original celebration.
On that day, you solemnly entered the registry office,
They put rings on each other's fingers,
And to this day you are in love with each other,
So let love be endless.

Chamomile is a symbol of the sun, summer,
Love, smiles and warmth.
There is a lot of light in family life
I wish you today.
Happy nine year anniversary
I hasten to congratulate you soon.
Let life be full of fun
On your chamomile anniversary!

Nine years is an important date
Anniversary, well done!
I want you to live richly
So that love warms in the chest.

Today is your wedding anniversary.
You lived in harmony for nine years.
I don't know what you wish for?
You have everything: love, peace and light...

Faience wedding is a joy,
What fills life to us like a vessel.
And the world is like a table that gives life sweetness,
Warmth, love, peace, comfort!

May your house be forever a full bowl,
Which life is not free to break.
May your wedding anniversary be
A vessel full of tart wine!

Congratulations on a faience wedding, on the 9th anniversary of happiness and love. I wish you a colorful, bright, cheerful and wonderful life, sweet desires and pleasant moments in every day spent together. May your family be protected by nine shields from troubles and adversities, may music of joy sound in your house and complete harmony reign.

Congratulations on your faience wedding,
May your union be unbreakable,
May the days be with affection, nights with passion,
Let the dishes beat only for happiness.

Love, like faience, will be tender, airy,
Let her give you obedient children.
We wish you to pass the storms,
At the faience wedding "Bitter!" shouted.

Faience wedding - nine years!
Today we wish you happiness
We give you a bouquet of daisies.
May the angels protect your marriage
And protect you from various troubles.
Let the dishes beat with a ring,
For happiness, it beats somehow.
Congratulations flow like a river
Eyes shine with joy.
All because it's a miracle
That the two of you were firmly bound by fate!

Today is our wedding anniversary!
You and I have been together for 9 years.
And the sound of earthenware will tell us
That our light with you is eternal!

Let's remember this date
And keep love in our hearts.
And our world will turn into a fairy tale,
And there will be a miracle again and again!

With a faience wedding cordially
I congratulate you! Let it be
Life is still flawless
So that she is not overshadowed by sadness.

Let good, mutual understanding
They will always help you overcome everything.
Let suffering not touch you
And let the hearts continue to sing in unison.

Although a faience wedding is not your anniversary,
But since you've been together for nine years, raise your glass quickly!
Let happiness not change you, trouble will not come to your house,
May love and understanding never leave!

Be happy, relatives, let the years not age you,
May hope and faith be with you forever!
"Bitter! Bitter!”, kiss, pour cognac,
We will drink for your wedding and give you congratulations!

With the Faience wedding,
With such a wonderful date!
financial stability
We wish you guys

Walk you in the direction
Huge success
Live in a good mood
Make friends with a cheerful laugh!

Let the faience wedding
Bestows its magic on:
Although a fragile name -
Your couple will fix everything!

And let it only grow stronger
This fiery union
There will be peace, hope, loyalty,
And love is a huge burden!

Congratulations on your faience wedding!
Faience is so beautiful! - We all know that.
Exquisite, pleasant to the touch, in appearance.
It attracts the eye, fervently shines.

All qualities together, like your family!
May she be strong forever.
Over time, it will become - diamond or granite.
May the Lord always protect you from adversity.

The ninth anniversary of a joint married life is called chamomile. Over the years, the couple has gone through a difficult period of grinding in characters, but it is the ninth that is considered the most critical for spouses, when love begins to be dominated by a sense of habit and relationships must be handled very carefully. Almost every home has dishes and various interior decoration items made of this easily breakable material, they are beautiful, easy to use, but few people think about its unique energy properties. Anniversary of 9 years has one more symbolism - it is a camomile, a flower of the sun and love. From time immemorial, its petals have answered the trembling question for lovers. But for so many years, no one will ask this question to a flower, because it is already clear - he loves!

A faience wedding does not have to be celebrated on a grand scale; a husband and wife can arrange a pleasant romantic evening together. You can make a small party with relatives and friends, it is especially good to arrange a holiday in nature in the summer, among flowering daisies. Tradition is credited that on such a date the couple must break 9 faience plates. Knowing that for close people, congratulations on a faience wedding and gifts should be prepared in advance and thoughtfully - although it is supposed to give faience on this day, spouses are unlikely to be happy if they are presented with only sets of dishes. It is advisable for all those invited to arrange a surprise in advance and look for interesting figurines, candlesticks, designer tea or coffee sets, and exclusive clock-plates for the kitchen. And it is not necessary that the gift be made of porcelain; you can also attach poems of your own composition to it.

Poems 9 years of marriage

Chamomile wedding is called
Nine year anniversary.
We sincerely wish you good luck
And purity, and loyal friends.

Family - it is known by deeds!
Decent children need to be raised,
So that the sun always shines in the soul,
And never, ever lose heart!

You were born for each other
We met by the will of fate!
Faithful you became spouses,
Members of a wonderful family!

Nine years already going on
Marriage of two perfect people!
Congratulations! Let them be fulfilled
All wishes for your anniversary!

Days go by, years go by
But only together you always!
Live soul to soul, together!
Family is all you need in life!

Marriage is nine years old today!
He is flourishing!
I want you to keep your family
Love each other passionately!

You've been married for nine years
In tenderness, trust, love.
With a faience wedding, dear ones,
Accept my congratulations!
You are young, beautiful and successful.
I wish you long and happy years.
May your union grow stronger and not fade away
Your love mutual gentle light.

I want to tell my wife
We've been with you for a long time!
And nine years, do not lose
We managed our happiness!

I want to wish you
To be happy
Believe me, don't be discouraged
Love is always alone!

Nine years your husband is with you!
I am a friend with all my heart
I want to wish you a holiday
Gently kiss your husband

You always be cheerful
Forget about all the bad
Happiness overflows -
You don't let him go!

Happy faience wedding day
We came to congratulate everyone
Wish that as in the estate,
Flowers in the souls bloomed.

May you live with love
Your house is filled with laughter
Heart with heart to the beat, let it beat,
And may joy live in it!

I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,
You have been together for exactly nine years!
So enjoy every moment
And let the whole world know about it

Give each other impressions
And you will be happy forever
Be able to throw away doubts,
Joy to you for years to come!