Marble. Physical properties, mining, application and photo marble. Marble: Properties and Applications

Marble is a crystalline rock, the types of which are formed from limestone or dolomite under the influence of high temperature, pressure and various chemical processes. From Latin language, the word is translated as a "brilliant stone". This name of the breed received due to its ability to reflect the light. The chemical composition of the marble includes a large amount of minerals and organic substances, which makes it easy to cut and polish the material. Such characteristics make it possible to widely use the mineral in various spheres of life, so it is very appreciated.

Marble is a crystalline rock, the types of which are formed from limestone or dolomite under the influence of high temperature, pressure and various chemical processes.

How is marbled formed? The origin of marble can be seen since the appearance of the chalk, which falls into the sediment. Under the influence of pressure and temperature, a new material formed from smaller particles occurs due to the strengthening of crystals. It consists of calcite, contains impurities of various minerals and organic compounds, so the chemical formula of marble coincides with the calcium carbonate formula.

It seems that the breed has been formed specifically for mechanical processing of nature itself.

The mineral composition of the marble contributes to the easy tolerability of turning, sawing and drilling, and its flexibility, frost resistance and variety of species allow you to use a stone in a wide variety of spheres.

Thanks to these qualities, the mineral is used not only for cladding, but also the creation of real masterpieces of art. Such material can be implemented in any designer form, size or view.

In addition, the rock has a dense structure and sufficient hardness, because of which it does not miss moisture. Because of this, the properties of marble on its surface there are no microcracks, and the fireplaces from this material are perfectly retaining heat resistance. The characteristic of the marble includes such a dignity as bactericidality, since in the mineral there are pores that contribute to a good microclimate and a smaller development of bacteria and fungi.

This rock is distributed worldwide, is mined in various corners.

Especially popular stones from Italy, Greece and the United States.

Countries where marble is mined:

  1. Africa.
  2. Ukraine.
  3. Georgia.
  4. Russia.
  5. Armenia.
  6. Uzbekistan.
  7. Kazakhstan.

A significant marble deposit is located in South Africa.

A lot of deposits throughout Russia: in the Urals, Altai, in Western Siberia.

So mining a beautiful white stone (video)

Gallery: Stone Marble (25 photos)

There are different types of marble, which is due to its color and origin The mineral composition of marble contributes to the easy tolerability of turning, sawing and drilling

Mineral varieties

There are different types of marble, which is due to its color and origin. The structure and gamma depend on the impurities of minerals and the organic, which attaches originally white, gray or yellow stone Other shades. Whatever marble is considered, the description of its color scheme and properties is impressive. Due to the uneven distribution of such impurities and the crystal structure, the material often has a variety of drawings.

There are different types of marble, due to its color and origin

Depending on the color, the following options are distinguished:

  1. White marble is a natural color of the stone, if he does not have additional impurities. Such pure mineral is considered the most valuable and expensive.
  2. Color. It is characterized by the presence of residences in the form of cracks filled with natural cement. The choice of shades here is quite wide.
  3. Black marble is not a particularly common volcanic rock. It has a lot of bitumen or graphite. This is a rare color.
  4. Green marble acquires such a shade as a result of the presence of iron silicates in the composition. It happens with the residences of white and brown shades, which makes it possible to have a certain drawing with a mineral.
  5. Red marble becomes such due to the presence of iron oxide. This is a rather original, but valuable variant of the breed.
  6. Gray marble is formed with yellow, white, pink, as well as with black streaks. It happens with large or small grains in the structure.
  7. Beige (cream or Sayansky) marble is so due to the presence of manganese and limonite additives in its structure. As a result, it turns out a warm and pleasant color.
  8. Blue marble, consisting of white and gray shades, such a color has due to the lodging and the degree of tone saturation.
  9. Blue marble becomes so because of the impurity diopsy. The more concentrated streams, the more colorful and the color of the stone is colorful. For blue, the scatter of shades is characteristic.
  10. Brown is manifested due to carbonate iron, manganese and limonitis in the structure of the stone. For brown mineral it is characteristic of a light pattern.

The most expensive are the varieties of marble, in which there are inclusions or bodies of a golden shade. It is often found to use dark marble as finishing and facing material in construction. In addition, there are also combinations of different colors, such as black and brown, white and gray, and others. In the people, thanks to this stone, an independent "marble" color appeared. Use green marble to create talismans and faces. The formal classification helps to determine the diversity of mineral species.

Career's mining (video)

Use of use

Most often, the use of marble can be seen in construction. This is usually finishing material. In such a hypostasis, they used our ancestors in ancient Rome and Greece. This is a unique material: it has persistence, reliability, easy to process and at the same time looks quite beautiful. It was from him that various temples, palaces, houses, made sculptures, as well as dishes. Used and light marble and dark marble. The rock was considered excellent facing material even for builds such as fountains, since the material is resistant to moisture, and the marble color could be selected from the rich palette of shades.

Today, due to the presence of many shades and structures, hardness and ease of processing, it is often found in the manufacture of various products. From it there are monuments and figurines, countertops, fireplaces and even borders. Use the mineral in the manufacture of decorations such as suspension, beads and bracelets. Some species of this breed are characterized by such a hardness that you can make downtowers for knives and razors.

Such products look beautifully, resistant to temperature differences, reliable in use and rather durable.

In addition, many believe that the stone marble has therapeutic properties. It helps restore the work of the stomach and intestines, well affects the cardiovascular system, respiratory processes, the psychological state of a person, helps to get rid of stresses, nervousness and insomnia. Massage with the help of special balls from this breed helps with radiculitis and joint diseases.

In ancient times it was believed that this stone had a magical strength and protects the dwelling from evil forces and misfortunes. In India, they still believe that each person should have at least 1 subject from marble, since it is a conductor between people and spirits. Astrologers are recommended to wear products from it to all people. It is believed that they have a beneficial effect on the human biofield.

In addition, many believe that the stone marble has therapeutic properties

Such material was used by all layers of society: from emperors to ordinary citizens. Fashion varies quickly, but this stone remains forever beautiful and in demand.

ATTENTION, only today!

The natural stone in the modern world was huge thanks to the excellent properties of rock. A variety of colors, shades and forms of stone is quite diverse. One of the most famous natural stones is marble. Many marble products of century ago and buildings, in the finishing of which this breed was used, perfectly preserved to the present day. The use of marble in any form will give the room of elegance and chic.

Century traditions

Translated from Greek, marble means "shining stone". Since ancient times, people have used marble when erecting and decorating their homes, ritual and cult buildings, entertainment facilities. Marble is an amazingly supple material that it easily obeys man. That is why the ancient world left us a rich "marble heritage".

In those distant times, the stone marble was used everywhere. Marble steps led to majestic temples with skillfully carved columns. Mosaic decorated the floor in the dwellings of wealthy citizens and public buildings. From marble, great antique architects and sculptors created their immortal creations. Parthenon and Acropolis, Samofraki and Venus Milos, Apollo Belvedere and Zeus Olympic, as well as other monuments of ancient culture were built from this natural material.

Marble was widely exploited in ancient Rome. It is only worth remembering the legendary carrarsky marble, which decorated many luxury palaces and mausoleums, and later - medieval monuments. The Master of the Renaissance took over the traditions of antiquity and widespread the natural stone in their work. Everyone knows such buildings as the sculptures of Michelangelo, Capella Medici, Statue Donatello, the tomb of the Spanish kings. In short, the enumeration of the masterpieces will take one line.

Rockophage and baroque portals came to replace the revival, and then strict sculptures and buildings of the classicism era. His immortal sculptures created from Marble Rodn. This natural stone was widely used in European culture and everywhere around the world. It is enough to remember the majestic Indian Mausoleum Taj Mahal. In three of the seven wonders of the world, in Alexandria Lighthouse, Mausoleum in Galicarneas, the temple of Artemis in Ephesus used marble is a good account.

History of Russian marble

No less remarkable history of Russian marble. For a stone carving, which just originated and the Carpathian marble of green and white shades was used for the manufacture of mosaic floors in Russia, as well as a motley marble Taurida. The flourishing of marble art in our country was marked by the development of St. Petersburg.

The best architects worked on the construction of lush country residences and palaces, and an indispensable assistant was marble, which was one of his own species attached to any architectural construct of solemnity. And in modern Russia, together with this, the use of marble has not lost its popularity. It was the marble that exalted the Church of Christ the Savior, it was the current Manezhnaya Square that fits them.

The original color of any marble is a snow-white, but thanks to the complex geological history of the Earth, it turned out that it was white marbles that became very rare. In the process of geological activity, which was not stopped by millennia, a nirious clean rock "fertilized" flows of alloys and solutions with another composition. As a result, the stone is permeated with striped, moar, spotted and housing patterns on gray, pink, yellow, bluish, green, wax, red and iscin-black background.


Many superstitions are associated with marble, in particular architectural and construction. It is the opinion that dark grades have better resistance to the exposure to the factors of the external environment. But, for example, out of stone, which was produced in the south, you should not build houses in the north. However, in fact, everything else. True marbles regardless of the place of production and the color are perfectly transferred to the heat and frost.

An example of this is the massive statues made from white carrarsky marble, which symbolize the Tiber rivers and the Nile, which are now decorated with the Ladder of the municipality in Rome. Sculptures almost two thousand years old, besides, they do not face anything in the next few millennia.

The most famous Italian white marbles. Yellowish marbles from Greece are famous everywhere. Significant strata of this breed lie in South Africa and North Africa, in the east of the United States and in East Kazakhstan, in Armenia and Uzbekistan. In Russia, marbles are mined in the Urals and the Far East, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Karelia.

Physico-chemical characteristics

The decorative and technical properties of marble make it possible to implement any designer ideas. You can build a house for a hundred rooms, each of them is bred by various varieties - and no room will repeat the other. Marble density reaches 2.3 - 2.6 grams for centimeter cubic, hardness on the Moos scale - 2.5 - 5.

Marble can consist of calcium carbonate - calcite, or only from magnesium carbonate and calcium - dolomite, or from these both natural minerals. Marble practically always contains impurities of other organic compounds and minerals. Such impurities determine the quality of the stone, reducing or increasing its decorative properties and acting on the color. For the most part, color marbles have a motley color.

The content of iron impurities determines its red gamut, the presence of highly dispersed iron sulfide - black and blue, the presence of iron-containing silicates - green color, iron and manganese carbonates, iron hydroxides are responsible for brown and yellow color, graphics and bitumens - for bluish, gray and Black tone. The image on the marble depends on the structure and direction of the cut of a stone. The drawing and color appears after polishing. The structure of marble is homogeneous, spotted and layered.

Using marble

Marble is used by plates or whole blocks. A ground, piece (saw) and crushed marble protrudes as a building stone. Humanity is widely used by marble boards, which are made of pure calcite marble. Mostly monophonic marble is used in mosaic compositions, round sculptures and reliefs. Marble crumb and sand is used for the manufacture of decorative plaster and aggregates for concrete.

Marble has excellent properties that allow person to use the breed in different areas - when creating landscapes, in construction and interior interior decoration. The use of marble in construction is possible due to its hardness: any architectural structure is easily erected from marble.

The fine-grainedness that is inherent in the mramora makes when processing marble with a supple breed and allows it to give various forms that are used with success with decorative buildings of buildings outside and inside. The color gamut from white color to black allows you to use it in a variety of compositions and with any other colors.

The beauty and durability of marble makes it the best building materials with which only granite can compete. Modern technologies give me a different view, for example, with a marble pool cladding often used aged marble. Facing marble buildings does not require any specific skills, since this breed is glued to ordinary tile glue. With the help of marble, you can give an exquisite type of interior in any stylist solution.

Products from marble

Although the history of marble is not one millennium, the breed of fashion will never come out. Marble serves as luxury or just practical material. For example, a staircase from natural stone - out of time and society. It is worth noting that in the construction industry, under the concept of "marble", all metamorphic rocks are considered, which differ in the average hardness - the marble itself and dense dolomite itself, conglomerates, carbonate breccia and conglomerates, as well as marbled limestone.

Marble floors are a magnificent decoration of the bathroom, furnished in the style of ancient Roman term, or simply perform a practical function in the hospital ward, a laboratory or operating room, because marble is a natural antiseptic. Facing a noble marble from time immemorial is a popular way to finish the walls. It is difficult to find another similar material that will look so wonderful in the lobby or hallway.

Natural marble is snow-white, beige, pink, yellow, brown or red, blue or gray, black and green, which makes it a valuable diverse material. Unable to list all shades of marble! In addition, marble can be uniformly painted, contain various inclusions and streaks, have a bizarre texture.

The rich color gamut breed provided it with the widest use of almost all types of finishing of the premises: fountains, sculptures, columns, eaves, bales and so on. From marble slab, plates that have a large area and thickness, produce bar racks, countertops from marble and window sills. All marble products are chic. Careful grinding and finishing marble polishing give sculpture an impeccable look.

You can use marble to lining pools and stairs, ceilings and walls. The marble window sill last longer than the product made of wood or plastic. Marble fireplaces with amazing speed are in fashion, become an integral attribute of an expensive interior and a good taste.

One of the interesting incarnations of marble in the house - shells. Such a luxurious and unusual detail will definitely cause genuine admiration and interest of your guests. And, of course, a marble mosaic looks unrivantly, which is capable of changing any decor beyond recognition. A special place in the house may occupy mosaic paintings, which are considered to be true in real works of art. Indispensable marble and in paving the territories.

How to choose marble

Choosing marble for cladding and finishing should be paid attention to:

1. On the thickness of the formation or tile, which will be used for finishing.

2. Stone density. There is nothing in common in nature, because even natural stone is vulnerable to water. When buying a marble for trimming a bath or outdoor placement, it is necessary to take into account its density and graininess. In places where moisture is present, it is not recommended to use loose marble.

3. On the pattern. Natural graphics affects the mental state of a person. The softness of the drawing, the ease of halftone, the smoothness of the pattern lines positively affect the well-being of a person, so colorful marble is better to apply in the rest rooms. For decoration and cladding marble, representative premises and offices will be well suited for active compositions of various drawings, large patterns, original color inclusion, which creates a special visual effect.

4. Marble color. Color acts as a strong means of influence on people. And choosing a stone for making their interior, it follows that the color has a significant energy impact. He acts as a powerful stimulant activity or vice versa - promotes rest, soothes and relaxes. Similar factors should be considered, making the choice of different stones for the living room or the working office.

Marble care

Marble gives the interior of solidity and is considered a symbol of high owner status. The main minus of this natural material lies in the fact that the marble is porous and soft, as well as it is able to absorb moisture. Therefore, marble requires special care. Marble should be washed with ordinary water, but the use of various cleaning products is undesirable. Marble can be conditionally attributed to limestone, and for this reason, the breed needs a neutral substance with pH 7. Other funds will cause its decomposition.

It is enough difficult to withdraw from marble stains. The liquid that got on it is absorbed in the pores very deeply, and it is impossible to withdraw it from there. Therefore, the marble for additional protection is to apply a special protective coating, which is able to reduce the impact on the breed of natural destructive effects. With the help of special impregnates, marble will not turn longer and collapse.

The coatings made on the basis of polymers are not suitable for marble, because they simply create a film on the stone that does not have a full clutch with a rock and often leaves the surface. The best coating for marble is the wax, which is present in the composition of almost all expensive means, which are intended for marble. The wax is a water-repellent material, it clogs all the pores and gap marble, thereby making it difficult to penetrate the water into marble, giving it a unique shine and keeping color.


Marble - This is a rock formation of which is calcite, i.e. calcium carbonate.

Under normal conditions, it is a white powder (Fig. 1) decomposing when calcined and melting without decomposition under excess pressure of carbon dioxide. It is practically not dissolved in water, does not react with alkalis. Decomposes with acids, ammonium chloride in solution. Translated into a solution with an excess of carbon dioxide, forming calcium bicarbonate.

Fig.1. Calcium carbonate (marble base). Appearance.

Chemical formula marble

Calcium carbonate chemical formula - Caco 3. It shows that in the composition of the molecules of this complex substance is one calcium atom (Ar \u003d 40 A.M.), one carbon atom (AR \u003d 12 AE.M.) and three oxygen atoms (Ar \u003d 16 A. eat.). By chemical formula, you can calculate the molecular weight of calcium carbonate:

Mr (Caco 3) \u003d Ar (Ca) + Ar (C) + 3 × AR (O);

Mr (Caco 3) \u003d 40 + 12 + 3 × 16 \u003d 52 +48 \u003d 100

More visual is structural (graphic) calcium carbonate formula. It shows how the atoms between themselves are connected inside the molecule. The structural formula of calcium carbonate is:

Calcium carbonate is an average salt of coalic acid, which is able to dissociate into ions in an aqueous solution according to the following equation:

Caco 3 ↔ CA 2+ + CO 3 2-

In this regard, the calcium carbonate can also be specified and ion formula:

Examples of solving problems

Example 1.

The task The sample of phosphorus compound and bromine weighing 81.3 g contains 0.3 mol of phosphorus. Find the empirical formula of the connection.
Decision We calculate the mass of phosphorus in the compound (the relative atomic mass is 31 A.M. and numerically coincides with the values \u200b\u200bof molecular and molar masses):

m (p) \u003d n (p) × m (p);

m (p) \u003d 0.3 × 31 \u003d 9.3 g

We define a lot of bromine in the compound:

m (br) \u003d m substance - m (p);

m (br) \u003d 81.3 - 9.3 \u003d 72 g

Denote the amount of mole of elements included in the compound for "x" (phosphorus) and "y" (bromine). Then, the molar ratio will look as follows (the values \u200b\u200bof the relative atomic masses taken from the periodic table D.I. Mendeleev, rounded to integers):

x: y \u003d m (p) / ar (p): m (br) / ar (br);

x: y \u003d 9.3 / 31: 72/80;

x: Y \u003d 0.3: 0.9 \u003d 1: 3

This means the phosphorus and bromine compound formula will be viewed PBR 3.

Answer PBR 3.

Example 2.

The task When a mass of 1.225 g is heated, 0.745 g of potassium chloride was formed and oxygen was separated with a volume of 0.336 liters (N.U.). Find the compound formula.
Decision On the masses of potassium chloride and molecular oxygen we find the amount of chlorine, potassium and oxygen substance. However, for beginnings, we calculate the molar masses of these substances. As is known, the molar mass of the molecule is equal to the sum of the relative atomic masses of atoms included in the molecule (M \u003d Mr):

M (KCl) \u003d Ar (k) + Ar (Cl) \u003d 39+ 35.5 \u003d 74.5 g / mol;

M (O 2) \u003d 2 × AR (O) \u003d 2 × 16 \u003d 32 g / mol

KCL ↔ K + + Cl -,

so, n (k) \u003d n (CL) and their masses are also equal.

n (k) \u003d n (CL) \u003d M (KCl) / m (KCl);

n (k) \u003d n (CL) \u003d 0.74,5 / 74,5 \u003d 0.01 mole

n (O) \u003d V (O 2) / V M × 2;

n (O) \u003d 0.336 / 22.4 × 2 \u003d 0.03 mol

Denote the amount of mole of elements included in the compound for "x" (potassium), "y" (chlorine) and "z" (oxygen). Then, the molar ratio will look like this:

x: y: z \u003d n (k): n (cl): n (o);

x: Y: Z \u003d 0.01: 0.01: 0.03 \u003d 1: 1: 3

Consequently, the simplest formula for the compound of potassium, chlorine and oxygen has the form KCLO 3. This is Bertolet Salt.

Answer KCLO 3.


Natural marble is a representative of rocks of crystal structure, which formed in the process of restructuring the internal structure of dolomite or limestone formations.

Natural marble - This is a representative of rocks of crystal structure, which formed in the process of restructuring the internal structure of dolomite or limestone formations.

Natural marble It is also produced in special careers, but there are also methods for producing high-quality samples in deep mines. Stamper machine forms block monoliths. Also in the paper uses a blow-born machinery, a cable saw, and many other special devices.

Characteristics of marble

Marble- This is a carbonate conglomerate, carbonate bracket, dolomite increased density. It is often present in its structure. All additional impurities act differently on the quality of the material, they can, both raise, and significantly lower its decorative and physico-mechanical properties.

Natural marble It has an average hardness, while it is easy to give in polishing work. The stone density is 2650-2900 kg / m3. Resistance to compression is 500-2500 kgf / cm2. The water-absorbing property indicator is expressed by 0.15 - 0.50%. The abrasibility of the mineral varies from 0.40 to 3.20 g / cm2. The porosity of this rock is 0.6-3.3%. Inhomogeneous in their structure have low frost resistance: about 25 cycles of freezing-thawing.

Characteristics of marble It is suggested that the most durable stone with the best polishing properties is a marble of a small-crystal structure having a gear grain grip.

The color of this mineral is determined by impurities in it. The predominant majority of samples are peashedral. The shape of the figure affects both the structure of the stone and the direction that was chosen during the sawing of the monolith.

Application of marble in practice

This natural material is perfect for finishing. It is used in the time of deep antiquity in architectural buildings, its decorative qualities and plastic properties are especially valued. The fine-grained structure makes the material very convenient in the processing. Unique property of marble - The mirror surface arising after polishing makes it indispensable in construction. Thanks to the finishing of the elements of the facade of the building or interior of the premises, you can see the entire palette of the paints, the beauty of the layer and create a rich homogeneous exposure.

Widely used to decorate marble mosaic compositions in a varied style. The wonderful property of this mineral is the ability to take a variety of embossed and round outlines. It is very compliant in this plan a single stone, having a white color, but the monoliths of black and pedestrous colors are also processed. Due to some extent transparency, on the smooth surface of the marble product, the game of sunlight is formed, forming the effect of the mystery and depth of space.

Finishing marble surfaces

Natural marble It is widely used when finishing the metro stations. They are separated by walls, columns, gender, steps, sides, handrails and other elements of the interior. It is also used in landscape design, to a greater extent as material for the manufacture of various sculptures and other decorations of the household site.

When produced interior marble decoration, It is necessary to relate more carefully to such signs of natural material as the thickness of marble formations. First of all, it is relevant when purchasing a tiled coating for the floor and walls, as well as for the tabletop, stair railings and the windowsill.

Evalnamed marble density characteristics. After all, everything is subject to action. The stone reacts to moisture. The loose, fine-grained structure of the stone in the raw room is subjected to faster destruction. If cladding is selected for the pool, the bathroom, then the destructive action of water is required.

Much means a picture available at stone. This natural decoration is very sensitive to the psyche of people.

  • If the mineral has a soft lines, a smooth blurry pattern, not a pronounced color gamut, then this is the perfect option for a place where a person is resting, not engaged in serious affairs.
  • When it comes to the office interior, or the arrangement of a state institution, a concert hall, then a clear natural geometric picture, broken lines, bright saturated color spots, peculiar and unusual natural stone ornaments are perfectly combined with the situation.

Perceived Figure marble in the form of "fireworks".

Natural types of marble

Depending on the color and decorative properties marble Usually divided into:

White variety of marble Almost does not contain impurities, most often has a homogeneous fine-grained structure. It is best to handle, so it is often used in sculpture. The sculptural white marble is the most expensive. White marble material is very arrogant to external conditions, so it is used mainly at home. Such a stone is poorly protected from the yellowing and formation of stains, under the influence of devastating natural processes, pretty quickly loses its beauty and shine. When facing facades of buildings such a mineral should be applied with extreme caution.

Gray marble It is rarely found with a homogeneous color, most often it has a layered color distribution. For a gray variety, a snow-landscape or "cloud" drawing is characteristic. Like white, this kind of marble is easily polished and processed. It is used both for interior decoration and for outdoor cladding.

Color marble It has a wide color spectrum: from pink and yellow to green and black tones. The most rare copies are the blue-blue breeds.

Marble polishing on video:

Marble - rock, which is formed from calcite or dolomite as a result of metamorphism. The usual limestone consisting of calcium carbonate (the same calcite) of the usual carbonate (calcium and magnesium compounds with CO3) or both minerals, after exposure to high temperatures and pressure changes its crystalline grille. So it turns out marble.

The starting material may contain impurities - for example, quartz, chalcedony, pyrite, kaolin. These impurities affect the quality of marble, determine its color.

Characteristics and types of marble

In nature, there is a huge amount of marble species. They are classified in color, according to the characteristics of the structure, on the grip between the grains, at the place of production.

By color: Conditionally sharing the breed on a purely white marble and color. The color depends on which impurities are contained in the source material. So, in red (or rusty) marble color stains iron oxide, yellow color is obtained due to the presence in the composition of limonite or carbonate manganese. Iron sulfite stains marble in blue-black color. And the impurities of graphite or bitumen paint marble into all shades of gray, blue and black colors.

In size of grains, fine-grained marble, marble with medium and large grains. The processing is easiest to be fine-grained, for which he is valued above its "fellow".

The difference in marble species at the place of production is purely conditional. It is difficult to say which marble is better - Turkish, Italian or, for example, Greek. It all depends on the quality of processing, on the price, from the production method and even from the direction of the breakdown of the breed. It is cutting that it helps to reveal the marble pattern, and the color is shown after grinding.

Marble value for the fact that this breed is easy to grind, as marble plastic. After grinding, a wonderful gloss appears, which is valued in the construction and decoration of interiors.

Also marble is very durable, racks to wear. And its high thermal resistance rate makes marble an indispensable material during construction, for example, fireplaces.

Marble and mining deposits

Marble is mined in all countries. Most often use an open way. Although there is often a closed mining method.

In Russia, the first began to apply marble from Karelia. It is a tender fawl color with a unique pattern. Karelian marble decorates the walls of the Winter Palace, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

In the Urals, over 20 deposits have been developed. The most famous - Oktyabrskoe, Painsky, Pereshchenskoye, Coalog Deposit.

In Siberia and the Altai, over 50 deposits are known, but only three are actively being developed: Pushtulimskoye (there is a white marble with beautiful red-green streaks), Gramatushinsky (blue-pink marble) and Perenevsky (gray-pink and cream stone).

Abroad, the Italian marble mined in Carrara is especially valued. With deep antiquity, the deposits in Greece are known: Pandelikonsky and Paros deposits.

Rich marble of the Republic of Central Asia. In the US, most of the marble deposits is located in the Apalachian mountains. In Africa - in the northern and eastern regions.

Application marble

Marble has long been used in construction: for cladding buildings, fireplaces, creating tabletops, facing of floors and walls, creating mosaic compositions and decorative interior decorations.

Another long tradition is to use marble for trimming gardens and parks. The fountains, stairs railing, gazebos are lined with this stone.

Marble boards are widely used in electrical engineering - they create dashboards. Marble flour is used in agriculture.