Scientific evidence of telepathy: Is it possible to transmit thoughts at a distance? Telepathy is the transfer of thoughts, feelings and desires at a distance. History of phenomenon and development methods

I'll tell you about the technique of telepathy, there is nothing difficult in it. In fact, people unconsciously - or subconsciously - enjoy this technique, but because of its unconsciousness - signals as if blurred, or are poorly perceived by objects (those who are directed).

First you need to enter the modified state of consciousness - so called "alpha", or easily trans, or - easy meditation, or - stop the internal dialogue, "thought thunder". In the head should be empty, not a single thought should slip. How it is done - there are many different techniques, not here.

"In order to pass the thought, you must first feel yourself, listen to yourself. It is necessary to feel what feelings, what words and thoughts can make the person you choose" - to respond to your promise.

"Next, mentally, you must submit this person to submit a place where it is located. You must feel it, mentally overcoming all possible barriers and distances. It should be as if there is a certain relationship between you and those man. Perhaps you are You will feel that this person is now at home and is busy reading a book, and maybe he is in school and writes the control, or just walks on the street ... When you feel the stay of this person, it is nearby, then try to keep these sensations and What is not distracted. "

Next - we convey the thought: clearly and with reinforcement by emotion is a very important remark. The transfer strength - dependent on the strength of thought, and the thought is pumped up - the emotion facing this thought. In other words, this is our mental energy that reinforces the thought, and the thought is prim than, and emotion goes for her.

"Create this thought or feeling in your head and feel how they appear at the person, as he feels, how he reacts."

In some cases, if you want to transfer just a sense to a person, for example, joy, cheer it up - it is enough to generate this emotion itself: your thoughts remain unconscious, or - subconscious, unfinished, but emotion you also successfully report. Actually, the latter is that people are constantly transferred to each other unconsciously. On this - the unconscious energy vampirism between people, a fairly common phenomenon, I still study it for it yet.

How to ask the person you need to answer mentally? All the same thing is just starting a dialogue with him ... Thoughts will be perceived as your own - either it will send vague, in the form of sensations or emotions. The clarity of the transmission depends on the strength of thought (pumping, potential of mental energy) and - the ability to concentrate (for the transfer of words actually and phrases)

Many hypnosis techniques are also based on this technique.

In sensations, I can say: during the transfer / broadcast of your thoughts to another, the feeling of the forehead, warm, as if the soft hoop will go. When receiving, a smooth voltage flush in the occipital part. If one to whom you contact - "closed" and does not want to talk to you, or - put a block from unwanted interference - headaches may occur in very unexpected, "unusual" places.

There are already quite strong telepathic connections between close people today. With strangers - already needed "Snorzka" and experience. But I learned to transfer already and interlocutors in the network - taking as a basis not the physical body for the presentation, but a certain energy phantom, the energy host - or mental body is "feeling" through the nature written by them and the thought generated by him, ideas. Yes, so you can "feel a man!" :-) I have a lot of experience in the development of this ability, and I even noted that sometimes it bothers me: the randomly captured thoughts of those who are not interested in the surrounding people "sound" in the head like "white noise" radio waves. Today I almost coped with this task - cut off the unnecessary, chaotic "gears." Now another question remained - how to "protect" your thoughts - if anyone has something to tell, I will be grateful!

That's all right. Good luck in the development of the "body" of abilities! :-)

Originally Posted By.

Can a person consider other people's thoughts at a distance? Yes! It may even be the one who has no developed gift of clairvoyance! Learn about this technology!

Even innate superpowers!

All in our universe is a wave, and any wave is based on something material. For example, radio stations catch the waves of certain frequencies, they convert them, and people can listen to music and news on the radio.

Any thought is also a wave.

People think, generate thoughts and at the same time they radiate different waves. And if a person knows how to emit, it means that he must be able to take them. So, it is true that every person has innate abilities to telepathy¹!

As an ordinary person to learn to consider other people's thoughts at a distance? Especially if he has no developed gift of clairvoyance or other superpowers?

Thawing technique at a distance

The proposed technique is very simple; The only thing you need is. The principle of it is similar to downloading the file to a computer from the "cloud" (storage of information on the Internet).

1. The practice mentally asks the question that interests him. For example: "What does A. (the name of the desired person) think about me?"

2. Then the practitioner chooses a place around itself, which will be concentrated. For example, a point on the wall. Single condition: The distance to the object must be at least 1 meter.

3. Focusing on the selected point (this is "cloud"), the practitioner begins to feel it as something material.

You need to continue to look at the point and bring the concentration to the moment to feel the "density" of this point, as if it is a material object.

4. Concentrating and feeling it, the practice mentally "stretches" the sensations from the point before himself.

It reminds "thread", which stretches from the point on the wall to the head practice.

So the "wave" is built, the channel, according to which the information flows from the point of concentration into the human mind!


At this point, the head must be absolutely empty - no thoughts, no analysis.

5. A practitioner consciously holds this sensual channel from the point (clouds ") consciously. After a certain time, the necessary information will be started to practice: the answer to the question he asked at the very beginning.

So the thought is read at a distance. Thoughts can concern any people and a wide variety of questions.

Cholpon Egiemberdieva

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy - brain ability to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or body at a distance, or take them from it, without the use of any known means of communication or manipulation (

The suggestion of his own thoughts to another person at a distance long worries humanity.

Everyone would like to be able to inspire a close person right Life Institutions.

Is it possible?

What it is?

Transfer of thoughts at a distance wears in psychology to the well-known name - telepathy.

With this technique, you can exchange with another person not only by thoughts, but also feelings, emotions, desires, you can even do some installations.

Information exchange can be mutual, That is, the telepath is capable and take other people's thoughts at a distance. Often it happens without the participation of the consciousness of the receiving.

Telepathy is an object of close to study the specialists of the whole world. There are already certain data on how to learn how to transfer thoughts and discover telepathic abilities.

Is telepathic communication?

Tight passion for telepathy began yet in the middle of the nineteenth century. Then the magical salons began to open, and the magicians appeared now began their march in the country.

In the first half of the twentieth century, scientists were interested in telepathy for the first time. Spouses Riine from America conducted an experiment, which eventually did not prove the existence of telepathy, but marked the beginning of serious studies of this phenomenon.

During the period of the last decade of the twentieth century, Edinburgh scientists concluded that the transfer or obtaining thoughts at a distance perhaps only during the changed mental state. A person stays in such border states, for example, before bedtime or during a bright wrath of anger.

To date, global scientists have already conducted a large number of experiments that led to some conclusions.

It turned out that most often the opportunity to exchange thoughts in people located in close emotional contact.

Russian academician Kobzarev Yu.B. In his own way, explained the phenomenon of telepathy. He argues that during the appearance of thought in space, charged particles are launched, which they gave the name "psychons". Psychons accumulate in clots, which are captured by people with a related or emotional connection.

Technique transmission of thoughts at a distance in this video:

Is it possible to feel a person who is far?

A series of experiments showed that the person of another person. Many of us have experienced similar sensations.When we think about a person and he appears in the room or makes something we just thought about.

Such a link at the telepathic level occurs between close people, which are strongly interconnected at the level of emotional.

This usually happens between parents and children, between spouses and sweethearts. These people spend a lot of time, often communicate and know almost everything about each other.

Mentally, they can talk to each other and consult, representing how a close man did in a certain situation.

Why do I feel at a distance?

If you feel a person at a distance, then he it has great importance for you..

You often think about it, have positive emotions and are in the same wave.

If a person is your relative, then everything is obvious. And if the one you feel at a distance is not a close person, then you have to him special attitude: Reregnating love or affection.

You often mentally talk to him, feel his mood with intuition. Surely, you want to be near a person, but for now you can do it, so the subconscious finds a new way out and you begin to feel a person even at a great distance, trying to fill your emptiness associated with its absence.

Also, such a situation indicates the presence of a strong potential with which you can develop telepathic abilitiesAs you finely feel the world.

Often a person sees signs and feels another at a distance in front of an important event in life that will require a difficult decision.

How to do it?

To feel another person, you need tune in to his wave and cause phantom. There are various ways to implement it:

Before you begin to visualize the image, you need to tune in to work because on ordinary everyday conditions, telepathic communication will be minimal. Immerse yourself in a state of complete relaxation, calm all thoughts and consciousness, do not think about anything.

Control of consciousness

Using telepathy, you can control the consciousness of a person at a distance. He can be impressed by the necessary thoughts that will lead to the necessary consequences, and even give some orders.

With the help of the method of suggestion of thoughts, you can call a sympathy for you, if you constantly send him love signals and thoughts, admitted to love.

With the help of thoughts, you can even cure a person. Huge ability to do this mother. They are associated with children in thick emotional "rope".

If they feel a sense of trouble for a child if they most of all wish the child to recoverAnd they try to inspire thoughts about the soon recovery, a miracle may occur.

If you want to try to heal a person at a distance, mentally send a warm energy ball with a healing force to it.

Imagine how the ball will reach the goal and starts to provide Therapeutic effect on the patient.

Imagine that he gets better that he begins to rejoice and experience positive emotions.

With the help of the strength of the human thoughts, you can combine any action. For example, you quarreled with a close person and want to call you.

Conveniently arrange, Clean consciousness, clearly imagine a person, revive his image and mentally encourage him to action. Imagine that he takes the phone, dials the number and calls you.

Expansion techniques

  1. Before starting work relax, Clean consciousness from excess thoughts and information. Conveniently sit down, try to call the image of a person in my head to which you want to pass the thoughts. Put his photo and carefully look at the image within five minutes. All this time revive the image, imagine how he speaks how smiles or laughs.
  2. Fully focus on another person. If at some point you will feel the presence of someone else in the room, then your actions are correct and you have installed a telepathic connection with the desired object. Now start to mentally reproduce the thoughts that you want to pass it. Individually imagine how thought flows through the energy channel and penetrates its brain.
  3. Imagine that he hears this thought and immersed in it. The person who you convey thoughts will hear a certain voice in her head and it will seem to him that new thoughts were born in his brain on their own. Repeat the exercise every day for thirty minutes.

It is best to repeat the process about five times a day, then the expected effect will be much stronger.

Truzm technique - Practice:

About the strength of thought

Thoughts have a huge force, it is believed that they are Waves configured for a certain frequency.

These waves are capable of transmitting very long distances. The person to whom the inspired thoughts is moving is a kind of "receiver."

A big strength of thoughts is not a secret: how many times do you have there were amazing situationsWhen did you call a person who at the same time gained your number?

Such examples are in the life of everyone. Scientists argue that one informational field was created around our planet, in which all of our thoughts "float".

They are on different waves, so every person calls from the outside world only those thoughts that correspond to his personal wave.

How to inspire thought?

In addition to the above, the practice of suggestion of thought there is another interesting machinery. Free consciousness, do not think about anything, close your eyes and clearly imagine a sunny disk. After an image of the Sun appeared in your imagination in your imagination, switch to a person who wants to send a message.

Recreate its image in the head, imagine its characteristic features, revitalize the phantom. Tuping one wave with a host man, clearly imagine the phrase on the sun disc that you want to inspire.

Be sure to use the first person to overcome the subconscious protection.

Practicing suggestion must repeat the phrase sixteen timesAnd then in a sunny disk to present a person who begins to perform a kind of order.

In this experiment, you will send a message to your friend. Nice concept:

How to attract a man at a distance?

Make a man fall in love with the help of the strength of thought is impossible.

With the help of this technique, you can only make it think about a woman, inspire him to a person's interest and cause positive emotions associated with the image of the ladies.

Ritual must be carried out being full strength and health. If you are sick, it is better not to resort to the suggestion, because the result will not be.

Go to bed around the same time when going to bed lover. Relax, Clean consciousness. You can enable pleasant music or light the essential sticks. Mentally imagine the image of a man, connect with it, penetrate into his consciousness.

After that, start short phrases, for example, "miss", "Think", "Remember", each time adding your own name. If the process is reproduced qualitatively, soon a man will begin to think about you

How to attract a person at a distance. Work with submodalities:

How to return your loved one?

Often, women suffer very much if their beloved leaves. They can't come to terms with what happened and want him. With the help of suggestion, this process can be significantly accelerated. For the beginning of a woman should work on yourself.

She no longer should regret himself and wait for pity from others. It should radiate love and positive emotions so that the man with all the soul wanted to return to the woman filled with harmony.

If you are tired, exhausted and pathetic, you may not even try to resume relationships, because a man will not bind his life with a similar lady.

After careful work on themselves, proceed to the suggestion on the above methods. Daily present the image of a man in thoughtsand inspire him that he thinks about you, he wants to call, come and ultimately return forever.

How to call to yourself?

How to attract a person? If you want to call a person who is at a distance, but you can not enter into an open dialogue with it, use the strength of thought.

Constantly think about a person try to inspire the idea that he must come.

At least five times a day, spend special rites, which are in complete relaxation, a thorough representation of the image of a person and suggesting the necessary thought.

Sincere promisesmust go from a pure heart, it was then that the person accepts your thoughts will definitely respond and will come.

How to influence the photo?

Appearance of photos significantly facilitated the life of various magicianswhich read thoughts at a distance, inspire thoughts and affect a person. The photo perfectly helps the impression of thoughts at a distance, if a person is difficult to reproduce the image in consciousness.

It must be put in front of him and examine for a long time, trying to "revive" the image shown in the snapshot.

Here lies a certain danger to a personwho does not think about the strength of the photo and distributes it to everyone in a row. Never give your images to unfamiliar people who may want to harm you.

Is hypnosis possible?

Everyone knows about when the subject is directly in front of the hypnotist.

Is it possible to carry out hypnosis at a distance without a person's knowledge? This impact on a person is called telekinis.

This concept has no restrictions, no spatial nor temporary. The instrument of telekinez is the thought that can be inspired by a person who is even on another continent.

Almost each of us has telepathic abilities, they only manifest themselves to varying degrees. Develop the ability to be able to pay a lot of time and approach them with all seriousness.

Remember that suggestion can be used only in good intentionsIf in this way you try to revive evil, soon it will definitely return to you back.

How do concealment techniques work? Find out of the video:

Telepathy (from Greek Tele - "Distance" and Pathos - "Feeling") - a parapsychological phenomenon of the transfer of thoughts and feelings at a distance and in addition, the impact on living and non-residential objects, without the use of any technical means ...

Description of telepathy

With the help of telepathy, it is possible to read the thoughts and intentions of other people. It is possible to inspire a telepathic path of his thoughts or emotions to other people or animals. Moreover, they will take your thoughts and emotions for their own.
Telepathy is two forms: sensory and mental. Sensory telepathy (empathy, sympathy, condolences, unanimity, sensual telepathy) - telepathy, in which the feelings and / or sensations of another person are recreated in the nervous system of telepathy. The highest degree of such telepathy is the emergence of sensory sensations. Such telepathy is rarely conscious at the initial stage, but in the event of sensory sensations, it is inevitably realized as a phenomenon coming from outside.
Mental telepathy (creating, uniformity) - telepathy, in which processes leading to the formation of sound and visual sensations are recreated in the nervous system of the object. Telepaths are usually called people who are assumed to have exactly this skill.
This article will present three practical methods for the development of telepathy. Benefit from this ability for sure to understand every person. Another thing is that many do not believe in it and the mention of the words "telepathy" causes a smile on his face or a grin.

1.Technics of reception - transmission of thought at a distance

In the first stages of teaching telepathic communication, practicing techniques for the transfer of thoughts at minor distances. The most favorable time of telepathic sessions is evening, when all the extraneous vibrations of the day fuss have already subsided.
- Sign up with your friends so that he gives himself a setting on the reception of your thoughts and focused on your image, in a predetermined time.
- Let him sit in a dark room, will take a comfortable posture, relaxes all the muscles of the body and closes the eyes.
- Please send your telepathic message to a strictly appointed time.
- Concentrate on the thoughts that you want to pass it.
- Be decisive and continue to concentrate on the transmitted thoughts and the image of your friend.
- I will leave your brain and penetrate your acquaintance brain.
- In principle there may be some errors. Do not be discouraged if the first time the experience failed.
"With a regular practice of telepathic communication techniques, you will master the art of departure and obtaining mental messages perfectly.
- Time You will learn to send mental messages to various areas of the planet and space.
- Wavy varied in intensity and strength.
- Eater and recipient of thoughts, must train a deep, increased concentration on each other, mentally representing that through the third eye, in exhalation, they transmit messages directly from the brain to the brain and thus communicate.
-Then in telepathic messages will be enclosed energy and power, and in the received messages will be high accuracy.
-The starting practices try to telepathy, between adjacent rooms in the same house.
- This technique is very fascinating and exciting. But it implies regular training and persistent practice.

2. How to learn to understand the language of plants and animals, communicating with them telepathy?

Any plant is suitable for a telepathic experiment, it is desirable that we care personally and for a long time.
Execution technique:
- Turn a pleasant soothing music.
-Can be lit aromatic sticks or aroma lamp.
- Opposite the plants or animal and relax all the muscles of the body.
- cover your eyes and log in to the state of light trance.
-The apply your plant or animal, as real as possible.
- Over the eyes and look at it again.
- cover your eyes and try to restore his image in your mind.
-Open eyes and deposit the imaginable picture with a real visual image of a plant or an animal, so you install a thin telepathic connection with your smaller friend.
-Contently form a telepathic message that you want to convey a plant or an animal.
- Again a deep breath, thinking about the text of the message.
- Along exhale, imagine that your message leaves the brain, through interburs and reaches a plant or an animal.
- Concentrate on the scalp - the highest center of the brain.
- Turn your own thoughts.
- Expect a mental response of a plant or an animal.
"The answer will come in the form of a sensation or sudden thought. Your subconscious will translate the message of a plant or an animal to the familiar language for you.
-After receipt of the answer, continue your dialogue.
- Make the course of the exercise thanking your plant or animal.
About the benefits of this practice
This technique will help accelerate the growth of plants, tame an animal or heal their pets from various diseases. After all, the good thought impregnated with love is better than any fertilizer.

3. How to help a friend located for 1000 miles from you with the help of positive telepathy?

You can help your friend or a close person who has fallen into trouble, telepathically conveying positive thoughts to him, regardless of distance. To do this, use the method described below. This method is called positive telepathy.
Description of the methodology of positive telepathy:
- Powered comfortable.
- Positive thoughts in the mental atmosphere.
- Summage your love and positive idea to another person.
-Rend how it leaves the brain and goes directly to this person.
- The idea, penetrating into the consciousness of man, generates such a thought, filled with love, health and well-being.
"Imagine imagine that this thought returns to you with a double strength."
About the laws of thinking and smile
Observe the laws of thinking, let your consciousness are generated only by positive thoughts. Be always happy, because it's so easy. Smile more often! When you are sad, just start smiling, even artificially and your mood will improve after a minute. Our facial expansion is closely related to the work of certain sections of the brain. The smile contributes to the development of endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy.
Telepatic promise of thoughts
When you send a useful thought to help the other, it must have a clear positive purpose and purpose. Only then will lead to the desired effect. Only then this idea will fulfill the specific task you have.
And do not forget that developed figurative thinking is already half of the success. Good luck.

In our time, the distribution of interests in the area of \u200b\u200bthe unknown can not not discharge such a phenomenon as reading thoughts. Surely, you can hardly be among the people who periodically do not want to become the owner of this ability. In fact, the person who reads the thoughts of people is always insured against deceivers at home and at work, from various kinds of fraudsters, can always give the right answers to questions, stupid into the lottery and so on. But, unfortunately, most people are deprived of this ability. At the same time, there are those who claim that such a useful skill, like reading thoughts, can be developed using a different kind of exercise and techniques. So people?


The transfer of thoughts is not just an eastern fairy tale, this is a phenomenon studied by scientific and parapatic organizations, parapsihologists, physiologists, physicists and other enthusiasts. There were experiments and research initiated by even government authorities and held in the most modern laboratories. Accordingly, there is also a special, specially designed terminology of this phenomenon. The very phenomenon of the transfer of thinking, according to it, is called telepathy, and a person who reads thoughts is called telepath. This is a narrow concept. In a broader sense, telepath is the one who can not only read someone's thoughts at a distance, but also to put their own in someone else's head. Therefore, it is necessary to learn two more terms - inductor and percenter. Inductor is a person who is a source of thought. He can actively inspire it to others or simply scroll in his head - does not matter. The main thing is that the inductor is the one whose thinking are perceived. The person who reads people's thoughts is called, respectively, perception is perceived.

For this article, these three terms will be quite enough.

The existence of telepathy

Many people doubt the existence of such a phenomenon as telepathy, and similar phenomena with him. Moreover, they deny the opportunity to learn how to read the thoughts of other people. Man has the right to choose what to believe. This article does not aim to convince the skeptics in the reality of the phenomenon, and therefore there will be no different arguments regarding the question of whether people can be read. A priori assume that it is possible, and dedicate further research to find a response to the question like. This is the most productive approach to solving the problem: Try - and find out.

Nature of telepathy

First, it is necessary to deeply learn that simple truth that today it is practically proven by experiments therefore we will be leaving the truth if we imagine a thinking like a series of waves emanating from a person's head from a radio transmitter. Of course, the statement that thoughts literally twist in space, technically somewhat simplified, but, in fact, quite right.

Secondly, if not from natural alicate, then at least for the use of the case, the existence of a shared information field should be stated. Some scientists, for example, Nikola Tesla, took this role to Efira, presumably fill in the invisibly for a person the whole universe. Others offered even more fantastic hypotheses. Most preferred, to silence. Anyway, the general information field keeps in itself and displays, as in the mirror, the entire amount of information that is present in the world. Among other things, the thoughts of each person fall into this great universal archive. I wonder if it is not true? Go ahead.

From here, theories are born, how can you read the thoughts of people - if you connect to this universal information field or you need to directly fix and handle the flow of thought devices, emanating from the inductor's head, or somehow. Arguments and confirmation facts are for each of these versions. But let the psychics, parapsychologists, esoterics and others argue about it. Most likely, truth is closest to approval that in parallel there are several ways to carry out telepathic contact, as in the case of any other option of communication.

Unintentional telepathy

Most of us more than once had to unintentionally enter telepathic contact. Most likely, we simply did not notice most of this kind of episodes in our life, because they had no opportunity to recognize the phenomenon. Remember the cases when you are with your friend or spouse or maybe someone with someone you are in good close relationships, suddenly simultaneously pronounced the same words and even whole phrases. Or as a question, you came to mind exactly the same answers. Or suddenly any thought appeared in your head out of nowhere, and after a moment it was voiced by a number of people. All this refers to cases of unintentional telepathy, when the consciousness of two people are connected, vibrations and subtle mental rhythms are fitted with each other and the process of partial synchronization of two people, two minds occurs.

Attentive attitude towards such manifestations of the psyche and a detailed, scrupulous study of them is the key to success if you caught fire to learn how to learn how to read the thoughts of people consciously, intentionally and at the right time.

Preparation for telepathy

It is worth saying to immediately say that there is no magic stick or pills, which would allow overnight to turn from an ordinary person in telepath. Wishing to acquire the skills of reading thoughts to seriously work on themselves - above the body, above the mind, over the speech. At this stage, it is important to assimilate the fact that all mental processes in a person (like all processes of vital activity at all) are provided by a thin energy, called, in accordance with the eastern terminology, prana, and in the national psychic environment of bioenergy. The person who reads the thoughts of people is not an exception. And the more prana accumulates in the body, the easier and faster will be the process of mastering by paranormal abilities, such as telepathy. And on the contrary, than prana less, the process of this process will go slower, if it is moving at all from the dead point. Therefore, the first thing to be done is to learn how to spend as little Prana as possible and collect it as much as possible in the surrounding space.

Rules of accumulation of vital energy

What does this mean - to accumulate prana? Everything is simple. This means smaller to do what it consumes, and more of what contributes to its accumulation. To be more specific, it means that it is necessary to conduct a healthy lifestyle, avoid unnecessary sexual impressions and contacts, it is necessary to eat (preferably on the vegetarian menu, as the meat poisons and aghesive a person, an accelerated vitality of vitality), more often to be in nature, Do not give in to negative emotions, breathe deeply, smallerly talk, refrain from emotional bursts, exercise physical exercises, etc., in all observing the principle of moderation.

Order in the head

The next step is to attract thoughts. Since the thinking process also takes Prana, then meaningless muttering of the inner voice and the dialogue with it you need to learn to turn off. This will help us regular practices of meditation and relaxation, as well as exercises for the development of concentration and concentration, for example, watching one-point or flame candle for a long time.

Affirmations and faith in yourself

Belief in yourself, in its own strength - a condition that helps to achieve success is necessary. If you sincerely not convince yourself that you are a person who reads thoughts at a distance, then your brain simply will not be able to remove the unit and allow yourself to consciously perceive information from someone else's head. Therefore, every day, as often as possible, imagine that you have already achieved success, already know how to perceive and inspire the thinking. Imagine it figuratively, as clearly as possible, and necessarily pronounce any formula, like this: "I telepath. I read the thoughts of people. " Words can choose yourself. The main thing is that the phrase sounds from the first person, in the present time and without negative consoles, i.e. without any "not", since the subconsciousness does not catch them.

Telepathy Development Exercise

Here is an exercise that allows you to understand how to read the thoughts of other people. Choose a partner who will react with all seriousness. Select the room where no one hits you. Better, if there is dark (so that attention is not scattered). Next, take a comfortable position, straightening your back, and relax. Take deeply breathe deeply and exhale. All this should make your partner. Then Clean consciousness from thoughts, stop the internal dialogue. Focus only on the partner, give your brain the installation to perceive his thoughts. And let the assistant, in turn, intensively think about anything. And then just wait. Over time, subject to regular persistent workouts, you will learn to exchange bioflays with your partner and perceive his thoughts. No need to guess them - a clear vision will come by itself when you will be ready for it.


There are other techniques how to learn to read the thoughts of people. They were developed in antiquity and continue to work on this issue now. No need to jump from one method to another if the first attempts did not bring visible success. Regularity of classes, impenetrable will and confidence will ensure ultimately victory. Therefore, once finding his own method, be persistent and persistent in his practice. How to know, maybe in the near future you will realize that you are also a person who reads the thoughts of people.