Making children's work in kindergarten. Modeling the subject-developing environment of a kindergarten group. Story - role-playing games

Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 130", Voronezh.

This work is intended for preschool teachers, this is the design of the group and the reception.

Organizing the object environment in the group room, in the reception room, we tried to take into account everything that would contribute to the formation of the basic characteristics of the personality of each child.

Kindergarten is a second home for employees and children. And you always want to decorate your house, make it cozy, original, warm, unlike others.

In our group, the hands of educators and parents created a variety of options for the development environment. What makes them useful for the all-round development of children. The model of the developing environment is effectively implemented in the group.

For several years now, my partner and I have been creating coziness in our group. We think over every corner, make out, so that the children feel cozy and comfortable. I really want the kids to enjoy going to kindergarten.

Much was acquired with the help of parents, something was made by hand. Thanks to our parents, we created an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. With children, we try to maintain order, cleanliness, comfort and good mood.

The group is very bright, and the guys are cheerful.

The group is called "The Sun".

The entrance to the group from the reception is designed in this way. The sun and letters were glued onto the door made of self-adhesive paper, a photo of the whole group was placed and the age of the group was written at the top.

A soft toy sun was hung over the door.

A stand was placed on the wall, in which we place interesting and useful information for parents.

Information block menu. Parents always have information about the nutrition of children.

On one of the walls there is a photo wallpaper, we got from the previous group.

A photo of a child was glued onto the lockers, and a decoretto in the form of a sunflower on top, photo ris7.jpg

We also have an algorithm for sequentially dressing children in the reception area. Cut out pictures of clothes and pasted on the board. Very convenient and, as practice has shown, useful information for children.

In the design of the reception room there is always a place for the work of children, their creativity. Thanks to the parents, we purchased a stand "With our own hands" where we place drawings, applications of children.

Stand for crafts made of plasticine.

All group space is divided into centers, zones, corners that are accessible to children.

study area located in such a way that the light falls on the desktops from the left side.

Each table and chair is marked according to the height of the children.

A magnetic board, a flannelograph were placed opposite the tables, here we have everything for the GCD.

It is not only a decoration of the group, but also a place for self-development of children. The main part of the plants is located in this corner.

The central place in the corner of nature is occupied by the calendar of nature.

One of the favorite activities of children is experimentation. For this we have created "Experimentation Corner". Where are objects made of various materials (wood, iron, plastic), as well as sand, salt, stones, magnets, various types of paper. There is equipment for experimentation: a magnifying glass, pipettes, flashlights, etc.

Game Zone. Here are a variety of games for children, taking into account age and gender education.

It contains equipment for individual lessons, for corrective gymnastics, material for mobile.

Helps us to meet the needs of children in self-expression, through theatrical activities, drawing, modeling. A variety of visual materials are presented in the corner.

presented in this way. A photo of the child was pasted on cardboard cut to the size of the pocket, and the name and surname of the child were signed. It is very convenient for children to see who is on duty in the dining room today.

Also in the group is literary and theatrical corner. Activities in this corner are aimed at generating interest in the book and the need for reading.

We use a variety of puppet theaters (finger, table, bibabo).

It's always nice to go where you feel comfortable. How to create a warm, kind and bright atmosphere here, so that you want to come back here? Comfort can be achieved at the expense of little things, which is why you should pay attention to them.

As early childhood educators, we often hear the question parents ask their children, “What did you do in kindergarten today?” or “What did you do today?” To make it more interesting for kids to talk about the work done, it is advisable to hang children's creativity on display. For this purpose, the idea came up to use individual wallpaper frames that can be hung in the dressing room or in the hall, thus organizing a mini-exhibition of children's art. Making them is very simple and cost-free.

Material: thick cardboard, beautiful wallpaper, glue, scissors, newspaper.

Progress(for creative works of ½ A4 sheet size 21.5 × 15 cm). From thick cardboard we cut out the base for the frame (rectangle measuring 19 × 26 cm) and the frame itself (inner rectangle measuring 20.5 × 14.5 cm, external - 24.5 × 18.5 cm). We twist 4 tubes of the desired thickness from the newspaper (approximately half of the newspaper sheet) and stick them around the perimeter of the frame. We glue the base and frame with newspaper tubes with wallpaper. Glue must be spread only on the edges of the wallpaper so that the frame seems more voluminous. We glue the frame to the base so that the upper side remains free of glue (the work of the child will be inserted into it). We put under the press until completely dry.

From the constant change of the contents of the frames, the group always looks bright and impressive.

Sometimes parents, having come to kindergarten for such a mini-exhibition, are unable to determine what their child has created, especially in younger groups. Then some kind of informant is needed, revealing the topic of modeling, drawing, designing, appliqué or children's design.

There was an idea to make "Home-help".

You can make it out of the box, carefully pasting it and decorating it as you wish. Place a pocket window on each side of the house to indicate the theme of the work.

Order is the key to any comfort. Therefore, the idea arose to maintain it by putting some things in cardboard organizers. They are convenient for arranging literature on sections of the program, children's books, for safe storage of pencils or sheets for children's creativity. Such organizers are obtained from a cardboard box of a suitable size, cutting off the corners, pasting and decorating to your liking.

If there is not enough space in the kindergarten group, you can do portable sand therapy corner, because it is so necessary for children.

With sand, it turns out, you can not only play, but also learn and have fun. Taking a plastic container, divide it into two parts: pour sifted clean sand into one, stones (beans, acorns, chestnuts, large buttons) into the second.

Games that can be played with the sand therapy corner: laying out a certain pattern (flower, geometric shapes, houses, etc.); drawing with a finger (sun, snake), palm (octopus, tree), fist (animal tracks), palm edge (paths); stick drawing; burying and digging up objects (find out by touch what is hidden in the sand); "piling" slides, paths, snowdrifts, etc.; construction of a farm, desert, jungle with appropriate toys; modeling from wet sand (balls, pancakes); free activity of the child. For a variety of games, you need: a sprayer with water, sticks, small plastic or rubber toys.

Often you need to arrange something: be it an invitation to a New Year's party or a postcard for March 8th. And every time I want to be more original than the past.

In such cases, you can make original color cardboard, from which an excellent basis for creativity will come out.

In the store, such cardboard is not cheap, but creating something with your own hands is always interesting.

Material: a large colored napkin, a thick sheet of paper or cardboard, cling film (thin in a roll), an iron.

Progress. Carefully separate the top colored layer of the napkin from the bottom. Place cling film and a napkin on a thick sheet of paper or cardboard as required by the drawing of the future product. Iron everything with an iron at maximum temperature. Work especially well on the edges of the cardboard (the iron should be in one place for at least 10 seconds). Cut off any unnecessary and iron the edges again. If the wrong side of the cardboard turned out to be ugly, decorate it with the bottom layer from the napkin, having done all the work from the beginning.

As you know, children do not always want to clean up their toys. But what if we beat this process? For example, send toys on a trip.

You can make a cardboard train, in the trailers of which children will definitely put toys.

Large boxes need to be glued and give them the image of a train. The process of putting things in order is easy and exciting, because every time the “passengers” can be different, and the route of the trip is limitless.

When organizing any exhibition or demonstration of visual material, for example, “Gifts of Autumn”, a problem often arises: how to lay out or arrange everything beautifully.

Then the idea came up to make a universal a basket of newspaper tubes.

Material: newspaper, 2 identical cardboard sheets, PVA glue, acrylic or enamel paint, braiding box, knitting needles, fabric or napkin for decoration.

Progress. We twist a lot of tubes (about 50-60: divide the newspaper sheet in half, then half again in half and again. Lay the resulting base for the tube (30 × 8 cm) vertically on the table. Put a long knitting needle in the upper right corner by 30 degrees and twist the tube. We fix the remaining tip with glue. Glue the finished tubes around the perimeter of the base - the bottom of the basket (1st cardboard sheet). Glue the 2nd cardboard sheet on top. Let it dry well. Insert the box shape that we will braid. Raise the tubes and fix them on the top of the box with clothespins, rubber band or tape.

We begin to weave: we turn one of the corner tubes and thread it either above or below the vertical tubes. When the working tube is over, the next one is easily inserted into it, you just need to pre-lubricate its thin tip with glue. We continue weaving to the desired height of the basket. We remove the top fasteners and the box shape. We hide the protruding tubes by cutting them and wrapping them under a horizontal row. We coat the finished basket well with PVA glue. After drying, paint with acrylic or enamel paint. To decorate the inside, you can use a cloth or napkin.

Sleep is the quietest and most peaceful time of the day. So, it should be organized thoughtfully. The whole day the children are in motion, so the bedroom should have relaxing accents that help to easily calm the child.

This was well helped by our idea to make suspension modules.

The main condition is that the color of the toy must be pure. One example of a module is voluminous clouds suspended on a fishing line. Initially, they can be snow-white, and over time, any color can be added. They can accommodate constantly changing "residents", which can be considered. Quiet rocking of the module parts will lull even the most active baby to sleep.

A creative teacher can always turn an unnecessary thing into a very useful one.

So we embodied the following idea: from old invoices we made an excellent educational toy maze capable of solving a wide range of tasks in all age groups.

For the base of the labyrinth, you will need a plank in which 6 holes (3 mm in diameter) should be made to insert the wire into them. Bend 3 different pieces of aluminum wire (3 mm in diameter) - these are the "tracks" for the beads from the bills. Paint the beads and string on the wire, which is inserted into the holes made. Decorate the base.

Opportunities of the labyrinth: gymnastics for the eyes when moving beads along winding paths: development of fine motor skills (picking, scrolling beads with fingers); study of color both in class and in free time; picking up a multi-colored caterpillar and traveling with it along hills, pits, paths; counting training; inventing stories, if plasticine heroes are attached to the beads; the formation of the concepts of "left", "right", "up", "down"; finger grip training and hand strength development; study of animals (as in the proposed case), plants, figures, or whatever you decorate the base of the labyrinth with.

Cognitive practical activity occupies an important place in the daily routine. Here, an ordinary plastic bottle can be widely used.

To organize plant observations, you can make pots using the cut off top and bottom of the bottle, and decorate them with the children.

It is important that the inverted neck rests on the bottom of the bottom of the bottle, then we can watch how the planted plant or cut bouquet drink water. And if you use the upper part as a funnel, you can explore the flowability or density of different materials. And many more possibilities!

As you can see, from very simple materials with the use of imagination, desire and time, you can create a lot of different things that help not only make workplaces cozy, but also develop children and play with them. Be creative and creativity will repay you in full!

Preschool children spend a lot of time in kindergarten. There they eat, play, rest, develop. Therefore, the room in which the children are located should be as cozy and comfortable as possible.

The design of the group's premises in kindergarten is an integral part of the entire pedagogical process. The artistic and aesthetic development of the kids, as well as their psychophysiological state, depends on how the interior is designed.

What should be considered when registering groups in kindergartens?

When creating an interior, age characteristics of children should be taken into account. Each age has its own pedagogical tasks. In addition, you should take into account the size of the room, its features and available inventory.

A good help in the design of the group can be ready-made sets of stands. Templates can be found online or made to order. The stands are very convenient for work - they can contain data on the menu for the day or the daily routine of children, lists of groups, useful information for parents.

The color of the room matters a lot. The original design of the kindergarten group is bright, saturated colors.

In matters of choosing furniture, one should adhere to the following principle: the less, the better. Toddlers prefer to have a large play area.

The room in the group is best conditionally divided into play and work (for educational activities). And starting from this, equip the space.

Age features and interior design of the children's group

When designing a nursery group of a kindergarten, emphasis should be placed on the playing space. It is important that children have shelves with toys and upholstered children's furniture. You can also arrange children's corners with sets of certain tools and toys. For girls, it can be "Shop" or "Kitchen". For boys - "Garage", "Workshop", etc.

Thematic corners based on popular fairy tales or cartoons will also be interesting for kids.

Children of the younger group of the kindergarten will be happy if the design of the room includes the image of their favorite fairy-tale characters in the form of applications or stickers.

A significant increase in working space should be observed in the interior of the middle group. The design of the middle group of the kindergarten is a book and mathematical corner, a calendar of nature. In addition, there may be a music and theater area.

The program for older children is aimed at preparing children for school. Therefore, when arranging the premises of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, emphasis should be placed on the space for educational activities. First of all, these are tables, a board, a cabinet with educational materials, books and materials.

Making a group in kindergarten becomes an exciting activity if, in addition to educators, parents of pupils also take part in it. Such interaction gives rise to creative ideas, and parents create comfort and a fairy tale for their kids with their own hands. Design ideas for a kindergarten group can be very different. You can choose thematic design of marine, space, fairy-tale or forest themes. Both a single design of a kindergarten group and a combination of various options are appropriate. It all depends on the materials available and your imagination.

Kindergarten is the first acquaintance of the child with an educational institution. Therefore, it is so important that the design of the kindergarten group is bright and pleasant. It is worth making only a little effort and imagination - and your baby will be happy. Creativity and imagination work wonders!

Before you enroll your child in a preschool, all parents carefully study it. Therefore, the design of the group in the kindergarten, its appearance, cleanliness, neatness and comfort of the premises play a decisive role in their final choice.

Kindergarten group design project

The main task in developing the interior of a kindergarten is to create a favorable atmosphere for the psychological development of kids. The environment should be such that the child wants to come back here every day.

When developing a design project for a kindergarten, pay close attention to its lighting, it is desirable that the windows be located on both sides. It is not recommended to use fluorescent lamps in rooms, use natural light as much as possible.

Game Zone

Play areas in senior and preparatory groups should be spacious enough, so we recommend placing furniture around the perimeter. A mandatory element is indoor plants, their choice and placement should be in harmony with the overall design.

The basis for the design of children's rooms is the creation of a special microcosm that would arouse interest in the kids.

This is achieved through the arrangement of functional areas:

  • game;
  • workplace;
  • dining room;
  • bedrooms.
  1. The interior of the kindergarten should not resemble an official institution. Large soft toys, light bright curtains, sofa cushions can help make the rooms cozy.
  2. Children's furniture must be strong enough, as it is subject to particularly rapid wear. Interior items and furniture must have the correct size and height, selected in accordance with the growth of children in the group.
  3. Furniture should be placed so that there is enough space for games and exercise.
  4. In the premises it is necessary to provide play islands with toys, craft materials, pencils, albums and light mobile furniture. In such areas, a bright design is needed.
  5. Another important component of interior design is a variety of pictures hanging on the walls and depicting cartoon characters and animals. They will create a fun, comfortable environment.
  6. Provide a corner in the project in which children's drawings and crafts will be placed. At the same time, parents should have access to them, they should see what their baby creates with his own hands. Position the display corner at a height where children can easily pick up and put back the work.

Features of the design of different zones in the group

Bedroom in kindergarten

The interior of the kindergarten premises should be moderately saturated with different tones so that there is no clearly manifested contrast.

Color solution

This will help visually erase the spatial boundaries and create harmony in the interior of the group.

Note! Child psychologists do not recommend actively using the color red, because its excess leads to aggression and nervous excitement. But all shades of green soothe, cheer up and have a good effect on the psyche of the child.

Game Zone

The playing area should be decorated brightly - in blue, yellow, orange and green colors, this will increase the gaming activity. In younger groups, the interior should resemble a fairy tale, this will create a joyful mood in children and help develop their imagination.

The dining area should be designed depending on whether it is combined with a study or playroom. Furniture should be comfortable and made of durable and environmentally friendly materials.


The most important aspect is the organization of a place for daytime sleep. Features of physical development are such that children get tired quickly enough. Based on this, their activity is dependent on the quality of rest.

The beds should be appropriate for the growth of the kids, the mattresses should be comfortable and not very soft. It is strictly forbidden to use spring products, as they can provoke a curvature of the spine.

Bright and exciting colors in the bedroom are not allowed, the best solution in this case is to decorate the area in pastel colors.

About facing materials and equipment

Kindergarten walls should not be covered with wallpaper. All surfaces must be well cleaned and washed. In the games area, you can plan a wall painting that will depict cartoon characters or funny animals.

Plastic panels are quite suitable for the bedroom. in kindergarten it can be done with decorative plaster, which has a mild texture. The study area can be painted in bright colors, while it is necessary to place accents with decor.

The floor covering must be used as safe and tactilely pleasant as possible. It can be a light-colored laminate covered with a medium-pile carpet.

All furniture in the kindergarten should be adapted to the growth and needs of the kids. In addition, its objects should be bright and interesting, attracting attention. It is best if it is made of natural wood.

If the beds in the bedroom are bunk beds, the second tier must be equipped with a rim. In addition, the area must be equipped with lockers for storing clothes.

Play areas are equipped in different ways, the best option is to use soft ottomans in them, as well as racks and shelves with toys.

In the study part of the groups, as a rule, there are open cabinets for books, notebooks and other study supplies, small desks with chairs. Do not forget to provide for the workplace of the educator.

Textiles play an important role in the design of the kindergarten, it gives the premises a homely look. Curtains use light and bright, complement them with cozy napkins, tablecloths, towels.

Decor elements in the rooms need safe and unbreakable. Toys are the best for this, but they should not be placed in the study part of the groups, otherwise the children will be distracted all the time.

Living plants that are placed in flowerpots at the height at which the kids cannot reach them will help to decorate the design of the premises of the kindergarten.

Summing up

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